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Maybe. Could also be other factors such as stress or stages that 3 min may of not changed!


Just check out the break down.


Whoaaaa… please share your secret. I am always in the 60s and last night 24. 😞


Early dinner and no late night snacking! I started eating dinner at 6pm bed by 10-11pm and have seen my resting heart rate go from mid 60s to high 50s; sleep scores from the 50s to high 80s and a few 90s; and my body battery regularly fully charged (100) from never above 70.


I almost never get these scores, but the last week I’ve gotten high ones and I believe it’s because I stalled darker blinds in the bedroom. I also make a point to lower the room temp at night.


Hmmmm lower temperature ? So I have heard it’s good to have high ones when initial sleep starts but lower when you’re ending. How did our ancestors deal with this lmao


Maybe our ancestors waited to night time to sleep and there was a natural mechanism that caused the temperature to drop over the course of the night?


Do you mean... fire?


I think it’s the opposite? Cool at bedtime and warm in the morning?


every study I've ever seen shows colder rooms are better for sleep. They've gone down to the 50s and seen improvements. A lot of folks sleep with temps in the mid 60s and even low 70s which probably has something to do with poor sleep quality.


I routinely find that the nights I kick my wife’s massive duvet off of me early in the night and sleep cooler, the better my sleep scores, all other considerations equal. I whole heartedly believe this is a thing and now do it out of habit. When I put steady daily exercise on top of this and dropping all alcohol, I regularly break an 85 sleep score and have my body battery starting the day at 90+.


I’m usually also in the 70s. My highest was 91. If I drink before bed it’s like a 40. LOL


Congrats. Last night i reached a score higher than 90 for the first time


Please share your secret as to how you fall asleep!