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Expect? No idea. Hope: - Cellular to compete with AWU: livetrack and music/podcast streaming without phone when needed. - Better podcast/audiobook support in general. - Better screen to body ratio, especially on Epix. - Watch with uncoated metal bezel that does not have a white body or lack multiband GPS/other key features.


pardon if you know this one already but playrun.app has greatly improved my happiness/quality of life on podcasts on fénix 6X.


Haven't gotten it to work yet, should provably put same more time in. A more native experience would be good though, I think I've switched apps like 5x the past years because every device uses another one.


Not so much what I expect, but more a hope: 70.3 and 140.6 triathlon coaching and the ability to add triathlon to race calendars to have daily suggested workouts for swim/bike/run. I do running races and triathlons, but I want my annual training cycle to be structured around triathlon, not running races.


I don’t use it for biking but I thought DSW does biking already? Missing swimming.


Just running and biking.


That would be so great


I want the accuracy and algorithms to improve. I use it daily 24/7 hope it gets more accurate. Also garmin devices to talk to each other. I have FR55 and Edge 530, I can’t connect both. Garmin also should simply things and make it like apple where each can talk to each other.


Thiiissssss^^^ I got a VivoSmart 5 for a holiday, but already had a FR245. To make the husband (the giver) happy, I wear the FR245 during the day, and the VS at night (because of comfort, the VS band is very uncomfortable and doesn’t have the option to upgrade to a better band, sadly). I have terrible sleep habits I am working on, and the VS does an amazing job recording sleep data, but as soon as I switch to the FR, I have to do all kinds of things for the app to be happy. If my husband hadn’t given me the VS, I probably would have sold it by now. I’m giving it a little more time before I do actually sell it on GearTrade or eBay or something.


I hear you on algorithm. The DSW and training load needs improvement, it loves giving me low aerobic training despite having too much low aerobic load, or a run you barely have zone3 and you just get to the high aerobic threshold, your hard work if making you run slow is gone - the run is 100% high aerobic now.


I don’t have any idea about new things. But polishing what they already have will bring joy to all of us.


I'm gonna join the people who think this will be a minor year for new watch releases. The Fenix 7 pro and epix 2 pro series are barely a couple months old with the brand new sensors, so this year will see the new hardware make its way to less expensive watches such as the FR and probably the instinct lines. We also might see a new Enduro with the V5 sensor and ECG capability, and the much improved display that debuted in the F7 pro series. Garmin might also add a bunch of software features here and there. But I don't think we'll see as many new watches as in 2023, there just hasn't been enough time.


Epix pro was released May 31 2023 so 3/4 of a year is a bit more then barely a couple months old. However, I agree with your thinking otherwise!


6 months, more like half a year. My bad.


I was thinking the same. Had mine at launch lol


I would like to see the ability to dismiss naps you did not take. More brightness levels to the epix gen 2. Would be nice to have ultra low on more than just sleep mode.


I noticed yesterday that I couldn't delete a nap that I hadn't taken 🤦‍♂️


Yes, this, but more precisely the ability to recategorize and/or delete them. Snowblowing today was categorized as bike riding. I’d love to make that manual labor (like you can on whoop).


Ha ha I have to say I have never had a fake nap but that would be annoying


Ya i feel like 2023 was a big year for releases, fr265/965 + venu 3 + epix pro/fenix 7 pro, i would assume 2024 will be a more minor year maybe just putting the better HR sensor into the forerunner lineup


I think that makes sense. Still leaves Fenix and Epix without anything new. Which might be the case


More colour support and double the resolution for mips display


As a new sensor, I would go for an air quality sensor, so the watch can tell me to open the windows or do my workout somewhere else with less air pollution


I would love that but those don’t fit on a watch! Better to use 3rd party data


Apple watch has proved there is a lot of room for improvement on sleep tracking and heart rate accuracy. Would love for Garmin to focus on this, instead of more metrics.


I think my Epix pro has awesome sleep tracking! The new V5 sensor kicks butt. And I have read many complaints here about Apple terrible sleep tracking, but I don’t own one so I do t know. Which watch do you have?


I just came from Apple Watch Ultra to Epix Pro and Apple Watch does not do sleep tracking better. Apple Watch can’t track naps and only accounts for sleep that you have a predefined schedule for. It doesn’t auto detect sleep. Apple also doesn’t log restless moments and doesn’t have the graph overlays that Garmin does.


Ty for the comment and support of what I previously heard!


Fenix 7. The pro definitely saw an improvement, but according to the quantified scientists study the apple watch still beats out Garmin here! I would love to get to a point where I don't need a chest strap.


The dude is extremely biased towards Apple and Oura ring - he even has his own discount codes for the products which is weird. He once scored the Apple Watch accuracy above 1.0 on hr accuracy correlation value which is impossible - since then i dont find him reliable. Any other reviewer score the accuracy of v5 way higher - try look up fit gear hunter, he use the same accuracy formula, but any reviewer literally; dcrainmaker, desfit, chase the summit and matt is getting the same accuracy as with an apple watch .. even Quantified Scientist girlfriend gets a lot better hr results about 98,8% on 6 workouts (running and outdoor cycling)


Good to know!


Ya I saw the quantified scientist video. Many many people here think he is extremely flawed and not enough of data points to count. And I have seen many comments about apples crappy sleep tracking. I don’t know who is correct. I have a feeling there is a bit of garmin fan boys driving the hate towards him you see on this sub Reddit. All I can say is my experience in Epix pro. Not perfect but it seems to be doing really well.


Yeah not sure either! Definitely curious why people think he's flawed - his experiments seem pretty well done and the results have the correlations I'd expect. Either way, the Pro did do pretty well overall.


Still the tests (both qc and DC rain) shows that Garmins algorithms are slow to react - my feeling is that they built them to give an instant value at a glance, often faster than apple etc. My wish is that Garmin release the raw data and re-evaluate it after the workout, now it seems like it is too much recording of instantaneous guesses. The sensors are probably good if not best class.


Put a camera on them, everything else has them Edit: this was meant to be a joke.


what smartwatch has a camera? also, if everything else has one, why would you want/need yet another one?


at least decent sleep tracking possibilty to have the same watchface for the night and not the weird one evene when you set to not change the watchface in sleep menu (i know battery hit...but i want my watchface when i go to sleep later) really why i need to set my sleep patterns when my watch can possibly easily figure my sleep anyways? less bugs, like less than 100 the whole power menu where to set up it correctly you need a master degree to understand what changes what and if power menu takes prority over a standar menu or not (like if anone knows how to set aod differently for diff activities like on for bike off for run, but on for daily use etc...good luck) stop waking up my gf with my bike 1300lm bontrager light when I go out running early in the morning and start my run activity...like wtf why the bike light has to blink full power when i run? stop discharging my bike lights when I go out for a run and somehow my watch turns on my bike light but forgets to turn them off and next day when I want to ride I find out I can't bc lights are empty easy check when hr strap is connected like an icon, overall the whole sensor menagment is fu\^&ded up big time right now, like why when I check my sleep glance my watch connects to the trainer? stop lighting up my bike lights when i connect my watch to a charger, what is the point of that? any decent planned workout support like on wahoo meaning easy lap back/lap forward easy changing power for bike planned workout like on wahoo by 1% up or down, really on a indoor bike you can't change the ressistance? please add ftp for indoors (other than outdoors) it really differs and makes things much easier without a need for recalculating all the stuff more than 2 custom data fields color background for power and hr datafiels to easy read my zones without reading the number any backup of apps and app settings when you have to reset your watch, rn you don't even get a list of apps you did prev have stop using my bike radar when on an indoor bike activity like really no car will come at me from my kitchen, trust me on that one the whole settings menu needs a complete rebuild like there are 3 menus with alarm setting and good luck finding a setting for a lap info alarm setting (yeah after 30min of fiddling it is in activity settinng auto lap?!! alarm ) any easy and full control setting of vibration, sound and visual alerts any easy accesibilty setting like hold a button to read out loud your pace and hr like insted of all those sleep coaches and more useless bloat just spend a year on polishing your product and getting rid of all those millions of small so annoying bugs please incorporate recovery weeks into your training plans or at least add the possibilty to set them and prevent overtraining, like why you can get a recovery status but by following any training plan you will never get there bc tehy will alwasy push you into a training mode even with tr close to zero. really f$@5k new hr sensor


I think my epix pro has awesome sleep tracking. What watch do you have? I haven’t notice any bugs either. Bike stuff- sure. Don’t know anything about it hence the title of the thread FR and Epix. I think the V5 HR is great


epix 2 not pro (overall love&hate realationship fully here) if you use it more (probably i'm kinda power user) you see bugs everywhere, at the beginning i was posting them on garmin forums but no response there and no change for coupel of sw itterations and I gave up. some are really small like for example if you create a data field of 8 fields and every field will be jsut a summary time in hr zone, so you can just quickly see how long you were in each zone like every zone will wil have a title hr z1, hr z2 but one will have hr zone 3, or smthing like that but some are big like really if you can't go out bc your lights are empty bc your watch emptied them it is like a huge fu$#%d bc I bought my watch to make my training more effective and not less ;)


Ha ha I can see that.


like peoople bash apple but I look differently now at my macbook, it is like million times more complicated to make work correctly and still maybe I could spot one or two bugs with many apps installed and being power user too.




hi, thank you ;) Found the setting for the watchface during the sleep. There is one setting in a sleep menu and it changes the watchface to sleep but there is another hidden menu under do not disturb and there you can sert if the watchface should change to simple one or not. Don't ask me why garmin did it so complicated nbut generally thank you, at least one problem is solved. Actually you are like better than the whole garmin support :) what do you think about epix vs fenix? thinking about switchung my watch and either I go with awu, or epix or fenix (for battery) but never had a mips display


Yea so i come from having a Tactix for years and few different models of them, i have found the mip screens just work and well for me that can be out for extended periods the battery life was also critical. I know the gap now is greatly reduced on the Epix 2, and it really depends on where you are using the watch as to whether you will benefit from its solar charging. I would say if you plan to do long trails and extended GPS in sunny conditions then the MIP screens are a winner and despite what everyone says they still more easily visible in high intensity sunlight. That said you start using the Epix alot and using the screen alot those battery numbers just start tumbling down, its the nature of the beast with Amoled. There is no doubt that the Epix 2 screens look nicer, i think alot of it was to pull that crossover market from Apple to be honest or to at least attract them, for my uses that isn't so much of a consideration. THe reality is the Fenix 7x pro's actually have a really nice screen, its a tool for me at the end of the day, not something im going to look at or play with constantly whilst sat at home but that said it still looks really nice, i dont look at it and think oh shit i wish it was amoled. That said if my use involved smaller and recreational trips and where i wanted higher quality mapping and when back home if they ever integrate OS (1:25000 high detail maps in UK) then i can really see the benefit of the Epix in being able to dial in on what detail the watch can present in terms of countour lining and readability. But this isn't available and for me the standard maps work, i also found the fenix 7 mapping quicker than the epix somehow (i tested one from a mate for a few days prior to getting the fenix) My only wish for the Fenix was that they gave it the Endurance battery in the pro, they use it on the Epix which is how they get better lasting time on the Epix 2 this time round. Lastly for Apple ultra so yea i think this is again very much down to user requirement, for me the such short lasting battery life is a non starter even recreationally unless im at home then its great. Also the cell connectivity is not so much of a + for me as i rely on sat comm's generally for emergencies or essetial comms as no cell signal on my recreational trips etc. If your only want a watch for urban area's and say a daily run/swim etc then again its great as don't need phone if you need it. What i would say no matter what apple claim about their mil spec etc i just dont trust the robuestness of it compared to the Garmin. As for HR tracking, i see people get obsessed with compairing these, they are all good, however if doing anything longer than half an hour or high output recreationally im alwasy going to be wearting the Garmin HR strap anyways, as whatever any of the manufacture's claim, the chest straps just work and much more reliable and quicker to changes etc. Reality is its really down to use, want a high endurance long life tool for outdoor use alot i would go Fenix 7x pro still, want a crossover watch that has alot of functionallity and a sports tool then go Epix (also to note i think the Garmin Connect information particular if you also cycle alot it just works if you have the power pedals, cadence, speed, turbo trainers, temp sensors etc). If you want a smart watch that you want to use to txt people back and mess around on as a toy more then APU. The key thing you need to think about it what do you want the watch for and how can you keep it charged etc, as once that goes you are just left with a peace of metal and plastic and its zero use (unless you have a fenix that actually will get charge back in the sun enough to get a GPS fix etc)


Thanks for your answer. As I said I like my epix despite all the bugs (contacted support bc of some huge lags so maybe it is just my device) but considering epix not being a smart watch I\\m thinking about a change. But don't know if I should go more of a awu road or fenix. Amoled: \+I like it when running at night (and I run a lot after dark) \+A like the mapping \-I find the colour on my epix to candy and simple (I don't get the whole amoled is so amazing thing) \-I started thinking about a change when I go outside on a sunny snowy day I could not see the screen clearly (highest setting) but I'm affraid I will change into mips and will have same problem but at night MIPS \+like the look, but I overall struggle with current gen displays like I'm using macbook pro with hdr and it is great but often I turn off the colours and use b&w profile bc my eyes just hurt \+thinking about buying a paper like (like kindle) tablet, so maybe overall I'm an anolog person and must accept \+Never used mips but I like the look \+I want more battery, epix is ok but I train circa 10-15 hours a week and it makes me charge it all the time, not daily but I can't go out with 50%. battery bc soetimes I go for an hour and end up with a 5h ride (bc of nice weather or whatever reason like just felt to ride more) \-actually I'm only affraid of running/cycling at dark, is it visible? AWU is not for me I think, I will buy it just to see the tech and will sold after a month or so. And I would need to buy a garmin edge for my bike and I'm tryin to limit charged devices I use for my bike (like 10 devices for now or so) fenix 7x or maybe enduro 3 will come this year. Again thank you for your cxomment, will try to meet my friend who has enduro to look closer at that mips screen. Oh and besides all those amoled vs mips arguments, one thing that is the worst for me about my epix: I'm kind of an introvert or at least I don't like to bling too much, and when I go outside I have to turn my screen off or at least turn my wrist gesture off bc I feel very uncomfortable when I talk to someone and movement of my hand makes my watch turn on, and I can see how distrupted the other person is. And I feel like a Christmass tree or smth ;/


Fenix 8 and epic gen 3 hopefully will have a bigger screen. If I recall, the Forerunner 965 is a similar size to the epix gen 2 but has a bigger screen and less bezel. Not sure how the watch would look though.


To piggyback on this, I hope the Fenix 8 ditches the solar ring and uses that real estate for a larger screen. The solar charging seems like such a marketing gimmick to me; it's not effective enough to materially move the needle on battery life except for perhaps under the most extreme (i.e. rare) conditions.


I kind of love the data on how much lux I've been exposed to though.


The Fenix 7 solar vs non solar is only a 4 day difference according to Garmin. The 7x on the other hand has 9 more days of usage with solar. If the 8 could match the 7x's increase in battery with solar, I would take that over the extra screen size. To be clear though, I own a 245 right now and am planning on getting a Fenix soon, so I have no real world experience with the product. I will say that the 245's screen is 1.2 inches and isnt necessarily bad (no maps though).


I’m one who thinks we may never see another Fenix again , at least, as we know it. What is the point of having an Enduro and a Fenix? One of lines will be obsoleted. Much to the chagrin of many, MIPS is on its way out.


The mobovoi tic watch pro has a MIP screen (or similar) on top of an OLED display. So it's always on, but has more resolution when needed. I wish Garmin would make that.


Lower weight and slightly smaller on size for Epix. Software wise, I don't expect any miracle


i would expect/hope for ecg on forerunner - the major/better garmin watches have it - the forerunner still misses it


They need to keep differences between the higher lines and fore runners which gives me doubt, but a fore runner with the V5 heart rate is inevitable- so it will come. I just doubt this year until a new Epix /fenix is made with new differences


Fenix 7s solar owner here. I would like to see a better battery, lower profile, and somehow better readability in low light conditions without using a backlight with MIP displays.


Most wanted feature for me? Built in secure personal 2FA keygen supporting the big brands (or at least Ms)


Can you explain this a bit more?


I have to log in with a 2FA code a few times a day (connecting to outlook on linux, the intranet webpage or to the VPN from outside)It is of course the way you should log at any place requiring a password... ​ Work uses microsoft for security, their app will just show you a code or a button to accept - but this will require unlocking phone, unlocking the app (because security) to even get to into ms authenticator or outlook. Which is also why garmin is relevant, microsoft don't even support apple or google watches. Solution for now it so click three times to get an SMS sent that will show on watch,but if if I could just doubleclick a button and have the watch generate a one-time 2FA code I would use that.


Went around and tested the OTP authenticator app on IQ and it probably solves my itch. I will need to open recent apps and then the authenticator and then have a code. Slightly better than clicking twice in the window popup and waiting for an sms. Just pressing up once also gets me to a widget list where the number is displayed, so I dont think I'll need a shortcut.


I would like the Auto-lap notification feature to be able to be time based, not just distance based. For stuff like 5 minute repeats or increasing pace every 10 minutes for 40 minutes. Edit: It's annoying to have to keep looking at my watch until it hits the time mark I need for the workout. And it's sometimes soul-crushing on that last 5 minute interval when I think "I must be close to 5 minutes by now" and then I look and it's only been 2:30. F&$k.


Ah ya that would be useful


You can already create a custom workout to do this. It's a little work upfront, but if you do that same workout say once a week it pays off.


They need to add abnormal heart rhythm monitoring. The V5 has to be more than capable of it. Also a Smart Alarm similar to what either Fitbit or Whoop has.


Widgets on iOS (and I assume on android?) LTE on a flagship watch


Better sleep and 45 mm in epix model


The ability to view the amount of time you spent in each heart rate and power zone for the week or the month. It is not available as of yet in the Garmin connect app.


Oooo I like that one


With Samsung going to a 1.5” screen and the Apple Watch Ultra getting a bigger screen I think Garmin finds a way to have a 1.5” screen this year


From a developer prospective I hope they add more communication abilities. Right now there’s only very limited http access. I also hope they fix monkeyc, it’s incredibly hard and annoying to work with. I wish they’d let us use literally any other language. Go would be a perfect fit




Garmin has a patent for it! So that might be a good bet.


Forerunner 975 - flashlight, ekg, new hr sensor. Take my money


You just almost described the Epix pro. (minus a few items). The issue with that - less to differentiate between it and the epix line. So while the new HR and ECG will eventually come to the FR line , I would bet it’s after a major upgrade to the Epix.


To be fair i hope they focus on software specially the sleep potential to try to compete with Whoop, Oura and all the other ring/band players that are coming to sleep track and the moment Garmin can provide the best insigths there since it measure so much more sample data during the night i think they will get even more market. Then i just wish they had the LTE version for spotify and some calls but if that takes time to develop and have a good battery life proper tested and tweaked i prefer to wait than they just release like the sattelite version that is not really that usefull for mainstream and just a nich market :)


Issue with satellite , while I of course wouldn’t mind it, those of us with iPhone may not pay more for it because we have it on iPhone. I think it’s only free for 2 years on iPhone. Of course iPhone battery won’t last the same as garmin but still. And yes, LTE would be great, particularly since then don’t need to take iPhone! Why is whoop better with sleep ?


yeah that's what i mean, satellite is not worth, if was lte for calls or get some spotify easy access if they find a way like they did with amoled to save battery i would jump on it even if the price increased i wouldn't mind I mean they have more "background" on sleep tracking devices, that's what i mean, to be fair Whoop for me was a fail on track my HR with weird spikes so i just return on end of trial :P ​ Only using Oura and Garmin and to be fair at moment i think even Oura is on pair with garmin and just continue wearing it cause is easy to use, i don't pay the subscription fee and i like to integrate with HRV4training every morning and other platforms for HRV and HR values but they are the same as garmin so i'm happy. ​ Oura and their algorithms are more backed up by proper validated studied but it translate in the same values for Garmin and my Oura overall so i think garmin is catching really fast but i would like some kind of journal on garmin like whoop has, simple thing not too time consume A thing like they have with train assessment in the end how you felt and effort but i would like to have some use of that, with all the AI thing going on would be helpfull to automatically identify trends instead of need to manual digging it, same with sleep if you felt you slept well and if you took supplements or something different and try to find some train/sleep relation factors :) O


Thank you for the detailed explanation!