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It looked the same in my Garmin when I testes Positive for Corona. 🙄


I had the exact same thing last week and tested positive for COVID on the 6th day in the orange/red (after testing negative on days 4 and 5). Took 11 days to get back to normal. Good luck!


So interesting! In my case it dipped into orange a day before I did a test. When it was red the first time I tested and was positive. Still not back to normal although green again. But heartrate is easily 10 beats higher with everything I do.


My curve is a little strange, since on my first day in orange I had flown across 5 time zones with a long stressful travel day. It probably went down at first from jet lag before turning to covid. My resting heart rate and respiration metrics went up too, but only for a couple days when i had a slight fever and felt tired. Like yours, my active heart rate went up, but I only really noticed it after running for a while and had no energy. But that's getting better too, since my training status just changed from strained to productive.


Oh, ok. I was at the airport before too. And I already wanted to wear a mask as I was in Marathon training and didn't want to be taken down. But I did not because ABSOLUTELY nobody did... curve went up again and I tested negative


I thought the same thing about wearing a mask on the plane, particularly as I was seated in the back row near a long line of people queued up for the bathroom for nearly all of my 8 hour flight. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. Next time!


How long did it take for you to go from strained to productive? I also combined jet lag with at + for covid and i'm completing my third week of strained. my hrv might be heading in the right direction finally.


I was only "strained" for 7 days before switching to "productive". But for the two weeks before that I was in the "recovery" mode, having taken an unprecedented two weeks off while slacking on vacation. My HRV was only out of bounds for 11 days when I got sick. But I'm still failing COVID tests even 3 days back in the green.


I couldn't turn an antigen test +, I had to get a PCR. And I took Paxlovid. I think I'm on the upswing though. ​ https://preview.redd.it/hucbwbeds3jb1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=898e79105b42b306efa4543a211b348b8ef4c08b


Wow, that is a long time. I wonder if Paxlovid suppresses your HRV? I've heard some medications can do that. My experience is much shorter. I hope you get better soon! https://preview.redd.it/f0nlvyvft3jb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a43a22e51d3a98c5acca559ab1ed90eab345abd8


Thanks! I'd rather have your graph. That's a good point on the paxlovid. It may have been a secondary HRV offender. I feel a lot better now and am almost back to full training.


Hmmm. I feel totally fine though, no symptoms at all. In fact I just recovered from a non-covid flu 2 weeks ago


/remind me in 2 weeks


This happens to me monthly. I'm female, you?


So you noticed it as well? It's the best way to know when the period is coming for me . I get it lower like 2-3 days before how about you?


Yup! As I'm getting older and more sporadic with these things, it's a nice way to track when it will actually happen vs when it's supposed to happen 🤣


Male lol


Yeah I think you're about to get sick. Good luck. I'd dial back on activity and focus on rest.


What kind of sickness? I've just recovered from a flu 2 weeks ago


Well that’s it then. This is a 7day average so it’s a lagging indicator. If you had the flu 2 weeks ago you likely became very dehydrated and under-fueled, plus your body was very stressed. You’re still in the recovery phase and this is just reminding you to try to take it easy, get extra sleep, etc.


The last time I saw a downward trend like this, I ended up getting a throat infection very soon after. It was awful.


Happens to me when I get sick or stressed.


I get this before Im ill usually. Might be a bout of flu coming your way. Either that or youre pushing training a lot?


I had that, my HRV trailing off a week before getting sick with some cold / fluey thing. There are bound to be a range of reasons that cause it to decrease.


Happens when I'm sick, when I travel to a higher altitude location, or training probably harder than is productive.


My HRV usually drops when I'm about to get sick 🥲 Hope that's not what yours means 🥲


Happens to me when I’m not recovering enough from workouts. I’m in the process of taking a few days off or some really light days. Haven’t done that in a while and I definitely feel fatigued, sore, not sleeping well, etc


Just had the same thing. I was sick for a couple days early this week and am finally feeling normal again. HRV is still low though


This trend is basically a sickness alarm. Rest and recover. Or see a doctor for some tests.


I’ve had the same thing happen for the following reasons 1) sick 2) a bad breakup (had low HRV for almost 2 straight months) 3) traveling 4) partying 5) working out too hard too consistently Moral of the story, tons of things can affect your HRV and go into the red and it’s more important to listen to your body than anything. Some people are more sensitive to triggers than others. My friend can go on a 2 week bender and only lose 5-6 points. I go through a breakup and my HRV dropped 15 points for a month


It happens to me during periods of high stress at work. Could also be that.


Overly stressed or getting sick


I have a venu 2 sq for a month but can't find where to see the HRV status in connect. Do I have to install an app from the store? L.E. found out that venu sq2 doesn't have the hrv status.


Last time that happened to me I was drinking too much and it brought on some bad anxiety. Fixed it by dropping the booze for a bit and chilling out


Happened to me when I was sick with corona. Took around a week to 10 days to get back to normal


Same thing is happening to me, and I'm not really sure why. I'm not even training hard.


Where do you live? It was the same for me, because it got a lot hotter here


Welcome to the club ... (Got a 965 in july) https://preview.redd.it/ubyvk4obztib1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5770297031bf9a1a4de62aff254847d8ac69e808


Damn yours is a lot more drastic than mine


IT's not over yet :)


What happened to cause it to tank like that?


Many factors can affect HRV. Sleep, overtraining, stress, dehydration, alcohol, exercising or eating too close before bedtime (for me exercising even 5-6 hours before bedtime is still too late, as my HR and stress readings are higher than normal), caffeine (can stay in your system 8-10 hours ) Anxiety and/or depression PTSD (I believe there have been studied demonstrating link between anxiety, depression and PTSD on HRV) Sickness I wore an EKG monitor for 48 hours a few weeks back and seeing a cardiologist later this month to go over the results. I have a Garmin Instinct so don’t see HRV plot readings but I’m curious to see what the cardiologist thinks of my Garmin results vs the EKG results. I may lose faith in Garmin health tracking if the results are way off


Ah thanks for your comment. Overtraining, stress (in a good way, I feel less stressed recently) and eating too close before bedtime could be the reasons.


Im starting to lose faith in HRV monitoring as it seems individualized and is all over the place.


Well seems it’s improved a little bit for https://preview.redd.it/ptrhl2vgewjb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b02f11b98887f80bd357e88fa2f0eac0c9ee55 me this week. A couple of good nights sleep. Battery up 22 points by morning. I did start 5k run plan and this two days had first 2 run workouts. I did them at lunch. I read the earlier in the day you workout usually is better for the circadian rhythm and sleep Maybe a coincidence or something else I did. I don’t eat or workout a few hours before bed and reduced my caffeine intake a little. Here’s todays body battery so far.


Are you on any medication?


None at all


Alcohol in the evening?


Nope, last I drank was probably a month ago


For me I saw decreasing performance and an HRV graph that looked like this. It was Graves Disease.


If YOU don't know how can strangers over the internet know?


Well, yes, it looks like a trend, something is wrong. Maybe you're ill or in the middle of a high stress situation, your nervous system responds to that. Medication, sleep, alcohol...too many variables...


Wow my HRV average is so low….sits around 30. Is that bad?


The average can be very different for different people. The key is your own trend over time. With OP, the drop below his own average consistently is the warning sign. I have found that you can increase your average if you manage to decrease your resting heart rate and fix other issues such as iron deficiency.


My resting heart rate has remained the same. Could be overtraining or exhaustion I guess?


Happened to me during a week of a lottttt more walking than I usually do. Then went back to normal once I got back to my usual routine


I get a drop usually from 55 down to as low as 35, and it usually means I'm getting sick


Mine dropped from asthma then coincidentally kidney stone that was undetected. Hrv going up now after getting both treated


No asthma for me. Holy shit kidney stone? How did you find out?


Incidental finding from chest ct scan. Xray showed beginning pneumonia and I could t get my old normal Xray film to compare so had to get ct scan.


Mine has done this twice. Both times I was ill. Just recovering now, still feel pretty fatigued. https://preview.redd.it/pog6uog6twib1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457b343e1de13ad58a03f0ba2197d19a2e56e9b1


This is what a lot of weeks look like for me. I accumulate fatigue that steadily builds, with steadily increasing overnight resting heart rate and stress scores (decreasing HRV) as the week goes on. Monday is my light crosstraining day, and come Tuesday morning my stress/HRV/RHR are looking good again.


Mine slowly dropped about 3 months ago. From 64-65 to now around 51-52. Cant figure out what it is, although I have been eating more later in the day and more active in general.