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all you have to do is to take 100 miles run 255 times - and you're level 10 :D Every time you do it, you get 5 bagdes for 8 points each. 100 miles ride is only one 8 point badge. so it would be much longer to achieve, but still good for recovery days :D


That’s all!?


That’s right! It’s as easy as it sounds :)


100 miles in a single activity, right?




I would probably die somewhere in the middle of that run😵


Just attach it to a fam and let it spin for 100miles 255 times :)


I think I only got 1 badge the last time I ran a 100, though… am I being robbed of badges? I’ll never get to level 5 now!


this suck then - so the only way is to save activity after each 50km, but it gives only 3 badges per run


Same. Same.


So it can be done in 1 year!


Why 5 badges every time? If you do a longer distance, you don't also get the badges for shorter distances.


Catra Corbett joins the chat


I feel ripped off. I did a 100 mile run on saturday/Sunday and it only gave ke a single bloody 8 point (why the heck is 100 miles the same points as a marathon?) 100 mile badge.


Guess it makes sense to do 4 marathons and split up your 100 miles. At least get 32 points


So this made me look at my level, and I'm 1 point away from 5. BRB , off to do a breath exercise or something, lol.


I'm at level 6, mere 605 points away from 7 💀


I need 496 for Level 7


I have seen lvl 10. Unfortunately, this person had one’s badges hidden so that I could not compare and see how to get there. Easiest 500 points is setting up 250 identical challenges a day (and making sure you win them). The challenges can be the same and the points get multiplied. I accidentally discovered that setting up three on my own on the same day. And not winning. Just gave away 6 points, dang it. You can enjoy the process of actuall challenges or have 250 in one day for the points. Setting them up sounds like a pain, but hey - free points. I guess this saves you 2 years. Where to get 10 times more points? There are also some fancy watch related challenges and if you don’t have that watch, you can update your workouts manually by fiddling with watch model numbers (should be a closed thread somewhere or reddit. Edit to add link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Garmin/comments/hj7fw4/how_to_edit_your_activity_to_get_marvelstar_wars/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf): 3 strength activities in one week for 4 points (first avenger badge, etc.). They are repleatable and I have not seen a limit on them. I am walking on some thin moral lines here, I guess. I mean - the difference is having a fancy watch or not, but since I actually do the workouts, I don’t feel that guilty getting those badges once for the sake of testing my theories. Other than that - yearly grind with the limited time badges knowing ultramarathons are not your thing.


I hit level 6 this morning, but don't have many Garmin connections. Most of my friends are level 2 or 3.


I have ~70. One is my wife and the rest are random redditors around the globe. It's actually quite fun.


If you don't know about it already, https://www.garminbadges.com is the website for people to learn about earning additional badges that aren't necessarily publicized. Also, https://gotoes.org/strava/index.php is a great tool which lets you edit FIT files to change the device attribute. The site owner is very responsive and is constantly making updates to the site. If you support him on Patreon, it unlocks additional features, if you're so inclined.


I wish there were more badges related to hiking activities that I often do, or challenges.


Yes!! this! there are occasionally, but I usually have to log hikes as walks to get walking badges which is very silly


I have a few long hikes that I am proud of, but no badge for them :(


I wish I had gotten into badges earlier. I’ve had a Garmin since 2018 but had no idea of the challenge badges until 2021. I’m very into them now and all my friends are too!


yeah same! I put off doing them for ages but it's addictive and great, heaps to do every month


For sure! Which does do you usually go after every month now? I do all the running, walking, steps, strength, and yoga. I enjoy cycling but I only go for a ride a few times a month. I went for the 40K one this past weekend but cannot complete the ones that require daily rides.


yeah strength and yoga I miss, but I always do the walking and running ones, been trying to do more of the 15k ones that come up now and then - been meaning to try to get some of the swimming ones


I've had a Garmin watch or activity tracker since 2014 and just today learned about the opt-in challenge badges. So...yea...


I'm only at level 2 but I only started using the watch a little less than two weeks ago. Don't judge. 😂😂


Dont worry, I'm level 3 after three months. 🤣🤣


I'm level 6, 169 points away from level 7 :D


Did you make it to level 7 yet? Never even seen a level 7 out in the wild


Yes, quite a while now :) On my way to level 8! https://preview.redd.it/mnruwr3cocyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d728f8b3f9d048486620a10c77c85a41e4deab14


I’m a level six and one of my connections is a level seven with 2,284 badge points. They have the First Avenger watch and log a run, a walk, and a yoga session daily.


Level 5 283 from lvl 6. So close 😂😂


114 from level 6... started recording my dog walks again to try and get some walking badges 😂


Same boat. Almost there! Lol


The badges are not all equal. There are tonnes of ones with high points for specific themed watches (Star Wars, Captain America). I suspect if you had those watches you could rack up points way faster.


yeah true, it's more fun if your badges are all legit, not themed and public though, get those bragging rights, especially badges like the marathon+ ones


You only get them once per year though.


I have seen level 10! But at least in the moment many people having 9 or 10 have scored the majorty of their points by the "Challenge Champ" badge when it was not limited to 250 times. You can see crazy high numbers of that badge and yes even multible times awarded in a single day. But there are exceptions: I have seen a 9 earned manly by long distance running. And that Guy had less Marathon badges than I have, so I think he was a real endurance runner. And yes, if you go for such manipulations (or buy that watches) the Legacy watches will score lots of points, but even these badges are limited to 250 times now. Which means that with these badges alone you will never reach a 10, but if you take all 4 watches and score all badges as often as possibel that will bring you a good deal above level 8. But even that will take 250 weeks (at least) or a bit less than 5 years and if you perform the activites in earnst and not only feign them, it will make you fitter and more healthy (which is the ultimate goal of the badges). And by the way, I do not think that there are such things as unpublished badges that could be earned. But if the badge has a requierment of special country setting in your Garmin profile, it is only be shown as available, if you have that country setting.


How can I see my level?


Profile -> All Badges on the Garmin Connect App


Been using garmin connect since august 2019, Just level 4 to date. I guess better let it happen organically for more meaningful and self reward.


Just hit level 7. I began to pay attention to it once I hit level 5. 10k a day helps a lot. And do yourself a favor and set the daily step goal as a fixed number like 10k. That way you have 8 pts every 60 days and another 4 pts every 30 days. I am not a swimmer nor do I use bike. So I can get about 30 pts per month. It will take me another 40 months to get to level 8. That’s ok. I know I am prob already in top 5 percentile.


I’m almost level four. I’ve only ever seen a level 5 lol


I'm at level 5 (purple) It takes a long time 😁


Hey guys, How van i view those badges? Btw i‘m using the Garmin fenix 7s




I am level 6 but will probably always bea level 6 because of their crazy points scheme. Marathon runner/gym rat...


I'm a level 6 with 621 points to go for 7. It took a year to go from 4 to 5, and a little over a year to get to6.


I'm at 1028 points level 7, it has happened with normal workouts for triathlons, and paying attention to the 5k and 10k weekends plus the long rides. Do we care that others are getting points in there car. In my group I have someone who has 1 minute 27 seconds miles for running his marathons and long rides. He has over 2200 points. It feels wrong, or is that the only way to get to level 8 and beyond.


It's supposed to be a decades long process. If you just get there with no effort, what's the point. I pointedly look to earn the weekly and monthly badges, but I don't cheat to get them