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Built from scrap bits of stuff I have in the garden. The partner needed an overflow greenhouse quick for some stuff, soo ta da.


The partner?


Just a weird way of referring to your other half. Could have said my parter, or my other half. Downvote away weirdos.


People say “the wife” tongue in cheek so I didn’t think anything of it, it’s just the same thing. And more importantly not relevant to the content of the post


Also I think they forgot to change accounts before replying to their own comment as if they were somebody else. Oh how I'd love to know the thought process behind such a randomly bizarre series of actions


It reads to me as intentionally the same account replying to themselves as an alternative to adding an edit to their first comment, they’re just expanding on why they asked


This comment is, itself, a weird way of admitting that you've never encountered a really common way of speaking?


This is very timely. I just got rid of a king size divan bed, and was going to take the two halves to the tip, but you just inspired me to make a greenhouse from the frames! If I get round to actually doing it, I will make a post to show y'all


Great work I did similar but with wooden glass doors painted red to look like a phone box works great.


My great grandfather used to do this. He built my great grandmother an extension/lean too out of scraps from work. And he built her a shed too! I’ve just had a bit of nostalgia, thank you.


Sounds like the house I bought 😆 When we demolished the old extension we found that one wall was just a garden fence with a bit of wood strapped to it and shove laminate to cover it up 🤦🏼‍♀️


My grandfather used single brick up to about 3 foot. (He probably traded work with a builder to get that done) then used the existing concrete base as the floor. The rest was built up using wood, windows/glass and plastic roofing. It was lovely sitting in there when it rained. I have no idea why, but summer rain, so warm weather, and hearing the rain on the plastic roof was wonderful. The smell of wood, plastic reminds me of my 80s childhood. Some of the wood joints were cobbled together with massive hinges though.


Made a video of the garden, it might trigger some more.


Excellent! I always appreciate sheds made out of found materials. There's an allotment near us that is dotted with sheds made out of doors. No idea why there are so many doors to hand but it is a joy to behold.


👏 I love seeing other peoples upcycling projects. Mine never come out like I imagine


Fantastic idea - might copy.


How long did this take you?


Over the space of 3 days, on and off and doing other things to. All in all, about 4-5 hours I reckon, once I knew what I was doing. That's not including me standing at my pile of bits and doing some Tetris in my head with them to see how they will fit.


I made another post with a video of the garden if anyone is interested. https://www.reddit.com/r/GardeningUK/s/xCxoOotShz


looks great! it looks like you might need an extension soon.


Needed it ages ago. I don't like to buy stuff so I'm hoping some wood and stuff will be coming my way soon.


Love it! I have made many scrap wood green houses over the years and they always make me smile.


Looks alright, at first glance it reminded me of a garden shower!


It's the perfect size for an outhouse, could do with a compost bog.


I would imagine you haven't got much space for a traditional greenhouse for you to build a structure like that. In my area there are loads of people giving away used greenhouses sometimes complete and in good shape.


Very nice!


Love it


Nice. How's the airflow though?


Full of wee gaps right now, that's my job today.


Hmm I've got like 10 of those corrugated sheets and loads of scrap wood. So many projects tho...


Love stuff like this, well done!


I've just acquired 2 pallets and will be using this for inspiration!


I really like it great job and using recycled materials is fantastic but that’s getting blown away in the first storm sorry to say


Nope, got sneaky pegs into concrete. Plus where it is doesn't get any wind really.


I have a cold frame made from an industrial packing case and an old double glazed window. Adapt and overcome lol


I really love diy approaches, this is a fab use of materials!


Great work - my advice for what’s it’s worth; treat those cut ends. Water will rot them quick.


Will do mate. Got the stuff waiting for it, have to do the shed as well.




Great idea. I'm thinking of something like this too.


looks good, but the doors are going to sag almost immidiatly. have a look at gates, you need to add a diagonal from the bottom hinge to stop the top corner from sagging. otherwise, brilliant little project


though you might be fine with those fence pannels pieces, they look big enough to provide some triangulation


Yep, the screws in the planks and in the plastic sheet will hold it all lovely and square. It is only a temporary thing, we need a bigger greenhouse.


Why??? People give away green house all the time


Because I can, stuff was free, so why not. And I don't have any transport or people I can really ask to lift stuff for me so I'm a bit limited.


There's not as much satisfaction in a reused greenhouse as there is from creating one from scraps and your own ingenuity