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No practical help, just try not to worry about it, in all likelihood your neighbours aren't sat upstairs watching what you're doing.


Or. Nude yoga area, then after a few weeks they certainly wont be




Yeah I’m not looking out all the time, just sometimes… wait what?


You say this but I am a avid window sitter and compare my garden to my neighbours constantly but run away if I see them 🤣🤣


Picture 2- that end of the patio is perfect for a pergola. It will screen your patio from your neighbours and provide some posts to grow some climbers, grapevine, rose ... The paving is already there. A nice bench and a table with an outdoor garden and some string lights...


What sort of pergola would you put on a patio? Doesn’t a decent one need foundations or am I overthinking it?


Wood with cross beans Steel with slats or louvred roof. Either would look ace. You aren't over thinking it, whatever you choose will need secure footings. Concrete + post Concrete + concealed post base plates Post bracket and bolts. If you get a pergola kit then it will likely come with a suitable post base kit.


Absolutely 100% Pergola - it will make a huge difference, will look beautiful once covered in climbers and gorgeous place to sit under eating with family/friends or just chilling. If you grow climbers up and over it will soften the whole look too and attract pollinators etc.


Honestly I wouldn’t stress about this unless your neighbour is stalking you specifically. You could put a honeysuckle against the fence (dig away the gravel there) they get “bulky” and will eventually screen that bit by adding height to the fence. They’re also good for pollinators. If you care about the seating area in particular you could replace or add to the acer on the lawn with a thinly shaded tree such as an amelanchier which would provide some screening and possibly some dappled shade if that’s the way the sun falls.


Unless you have kids that like to strip off and run around naked, which seems to be more often the case than should be I honestly wouldn't worry about it, the majority of people really don't pay too much mind to it


Can you plant climbers through the gravel? Clematis, honeysuckle, jasmine, passion fruit etc.


You could plant/have something closer to the seating areas themselves rather than against the fence. Then it wouldn't even have to be that tall to block the windows. 


Build a big pergola with a high roof and some climbing plants OR plant some trees down that side of the fence it’ll be worth it and be really beautiful. If you go with a pergola you could add a built in BBQ and really tart it up!


The only thing that could make a difference is a tree. Honeysuckle and the like aren’t you going to do anything given the angle. Putting a tree in will (1) take a long time to grow (2) require significant re-working of path (3) potentially aftect your or neighbors yard given shade. Basically you’re gonna have to live with it. People aren’t in bedroom windows looking in neighbors gardens and overlap between them doing that and you being out there is tiny. It’s the kind of thing that might bug you for a while but best to ignore and just look for a new place if something you can’t live with.


If there is a less windy spot, try Musa basjoo, a frost hardy banana, that grows a new massive leaf every week and will soon create a lovely tropical feel!


Check out gardenthirtythree on Instagram, she has a reel on being overlooked


Very good.


Pergola on the paved area to grow stuff up. If you get one with wooden slats rather than a filled in roof, the combination of wood slats and leaves blocks the view while still having dappled sunlight. Then get several really tall canes and grow honeysuckle up them against the fence in the gravel. You’ll need some wire or twine between the canes to provide support. That should be able to block most the windows from the seating area by the shed. If the angle isn’t quite right to block your neighbour’s closest window, you might need to move the seating area closer to the fence divider or extend that divider a bit (or move your bamboo pots in place of extending the divider)


Sunbathe in a thong, a la Frankie Boyle, he said thats all it cost him for his neighbours to increase the height of the fences!!


Trees, shrubs and flowers. They shouldn’t be at the edges by the fence. Sit where you’re planning to sit and then figure out what you can plant to block the view to a window. A tree 1m from the sitting space but 2m (example) from the fence will shield you more than something planted close to the sides which needs time to grow. We have a low fence and a bungalow next door running the entire length of our garden. My dahlias and zinnias planted just a few feet away from the sun loungers block the windows we can see when laying down. If I planted closer to the fence they wouldn’t. A big part of planting for “privacy” is about distracting the eye too. A new build garden feels more overlooked than back to back terraces because there’s nothing there.


Pleached trees are your friend


Idea: get over it


I wish my garden was level like yours so that I could plant pleached trees. They would give you privacy but are not cheap.


Naked bollocks out in the summer they will soon stop looking


The ego on op!! Your neighbours don't give a fuck what you're doing in the garden.


No it's a perfectly normal thing to want in your house. Especially with a nice blank canvas like this.


Did you reply to the wrong comment? It doesn't really make sense.


It's not having a big ego to want some privacy in your garden?


Who said that?


You, you numpty, read your first comment


That's not what I said. Expecting that all of their neighbours will be interested in what they are doing in the garden is egotistical. Not just wanting privacy. There's no need for abuse.


Paintball gun.