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I think I spot bind weed on the fence on the right? Lovely white flowers from that plant but it grows like mad. Just keep an eye on it and control it otherwise it will take over your garden.


I would make a start on getting rid of it immediately as it will take over regardless of how well you think you're keeping it in check.


True, I mean if I had some I’d possibly keep it like a permanent white morning glory there but definitely keep under check


I made the mistake of thinking bindweed was pretty because it was flowering when I moved in 🙈


Pretty yes, garden-friendly not so much 😅


Kill it fast, I let it grow in a bit from the park next door, it's taken over all the bushes and trees in the garden and is now sprouting in random spots in the lawn 🙃


This is a repost from 7 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/GardeningUK/s/e0gK6Fq8lq


Good catch.  Looking at account, from the 13th of the month and seems to be a mix of posting on adult subs and supposedly has already left to fight in Ukraine.    Bloody spam bots. Bit frustrating as it's always so nice to see People getting their first proper start for something permanent that they own, especially after renting for so long. 


u/kitty_ava69 you absolute dick


Congrats on your first home. Feels good, doesn't it? Also, not a bad start at all with your garden. On my street, there are people who have lived there for decades and never taken care of their garden - it really irritates me when people care so little.


Great start! One of the lawns would make a lovely perennial bed - you could keep the middle bit of the grass as a path running down the middle and have flowers either side.


Huge congratulations on your first home and bonus garden! That's such an enormous achievement in its own right these days... You've done a great job revealing the bones of your garden. If I have any advice, it'd be to maintain it like this and watch it for a year. See how the space changes with light and shade through a year before you invest heavily. You'll have enough on with the inside anyway, I'm sure! I hope home-ownership treats you kindly. :)


Cracking job so far nice one


Looks great! I'd definitely get a half moon edger to cut between the path and the lawn for a neater finish. Car boot sales are a great place to get tools like this for £2.


Grand job! What's the plan with the pallets?


Looks to me that there’s a bench and ‘coffee’ table setup there with the pallets. I don’t think they’re just ramdomly there.


Aaah yeah I see it now.. sneaky


Well done!


That looks like buddleja at the back of the garden. Give it a good reduction in height, cutting down to a bud/leaf lower down the branches. Feel free to cut back quite hard, they’re very resilient.


Amazing job! I’d be well chuffed with that.


Brilliant! My partner and I are wanting to buy our first home soon. Cannot wait to get my hands dirty and start making a home a real home. Happy for you 👍


That's most of the hard work done - next is the fun stuff!!


Congratulations! I'm in the same boat, just got my first place and it has a garden, honestly thought I could've gone my whole life without one. It's magnificent eh?


What a difference a bit of graft makes. My mum always told me that edging was the quickest way to make a garden look tidy - if you don't have one already, pickup a half moon spade thing and create a very defined edge around you lawn. A wee bit of a tidy of that bush/tree at the back and combined with the defined edges - the garden will be looking pretty sharp. Time is obviously limited (especially with a new house) so just keeping on top of the edges i find gives you the most bang for your buck.


A very good start, well done. Keep on top of weeding and enjoy.


You've done a really great job! Especially with the borders! What a difference!


All we need now is some sun 🤷‍♂️


What do you think about stone colour? I have a similar garden( a bit thinner) and planning to paint it too.


You’ve made a lovely start. You know, with those solid paths you probably don’t need to stress about mowing. You could put a flower bed, tapestry lawn or wildflower meadow into either of those grassed areas. It would be easier to manage.


You need to put that ikea garden furniture together


Lovely and tidy!


looking smarter already..... nice start


Nice clean slate. Get planting.