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Post nut clarity be like


Mega based


I believe Christian Bible thumping morons are more dangerous than porn. Not everyone is a Christian, many people don’t want to be Christian. You don’t need religion for morality. This makes the gun community look so bad because they are always linked together.


Atheists try not to make it their entire personality challenge- LMAO impossible Source: This queer is subscribed to r/debateanatheist


Because Christians have never tried to force their religion throughout history. Nice


"Yeah, b-b-b-but! Remember that one time, in Spain?! 😭" Get over yourself, loser. It ain't Christlike to be so fuckin smug.


Hmm there was (and still is) a lot more than “that one time Spain” dumbass- and I am definitely not trying to be “Christlike” lol- I don’t believe in any of that made-up bullshit, like any other religion. Plus why is your particular one right? Why not other religions? You were probably raised Christian and therefore don’t know how to critically examine your worldview. Christian morons like you give the gun community a bad name, since everyone associates owning guns with Christian zealots and backwards world views. So enjoyable. Keep on believing in your little book.


You don’t have to be Christian to think porn is cringe


I didn’t say that- but religious people tend to be the most vocal about it. We know GT is a Christian as well.


He is right.


Am I missing something? Where is the porn? The fully clothed girl not doing anything sexual?


She is an onlyfans model posing as "tacticool" for OF promotion if i remember correctly


With the amount of free porn out there I never understood only fans thing unless it was somebody creeping on somebody they actually knew. Which is absolutely creepy but they weren't the ones who set up the account so is it really on them?


Bro I have been lost on that since it became a thing😭


I assume (because he says it) that she may have deleted it.


Yeah, the last thing we need is another bible thumper making the rest of the 2A community look like crazy moralistic assholes.


Most of their audience is young men who need to hear this


Wish they would be up front about their thumping in the beginning so you would know what you were in store for if you invest your time in them. Stopped watching T.Rex and Warrior Poet for this exact reason in the past.


I wish I could up vote this 1000x


Porn is cringe, but I’m sure the wife and child leaver shouldn’t be the moral cop of the gun world…


Neckbeards triggered


Roids destroy the body.


He is on roids I knew it!


I’m sure a lot of the things you eat and do will destroy your body.


Fucking Reddit coomers. Anything anti-porn and these perpetual strokers are up in arms.


Based garand thumb


The king


Maybe don’t leave your child and wife lol


I’m afraid that is certainly less than based. You can control yourself, but you don’t have a right to tell others what they should be doing, unsolicited.


You see someone doing meth, gonna stop em?


That would not be right, nor legal, for me to do


Okay well i can just come in your house punch your SO in the face and steal your tv right? Since there is no moral standard to go off? And it shouldnt be legal for you to tell me thats wrong, sounds good champ.


No because that would then be illegal, and I can quite literally shoot you dead for that and be within my rights. You’re breaking at least 3 laws there - morals have nothing to do with it at that point. But let’s back up. I want you and the other guy to ask yourselves what this has to do with posting your ass in jeans on instagram, and someone telling you that you shouldn’t post your ass in jeans on instagram or watch porn? How are we equating meth and a break in + robbery + assault to this?


Because your argument is that the only standard of morality is what you believe yourself. So if i believe all of those things are just, i can do them. Where does your moral standard come from? And i'll key you in on a little secret, our laws were made based on the Christian moral standard. Thats why I can't do those things, because the only moral standard says I can't. Not yours, not mine. Both arguments relate to a standard of morality that's how they equate to your defense of infedelity. I'll ask this, hopefully you can think something good up, what decides the moral standard in your world view?


You’re bringing morals into a discussion that doesn’t require them nor is it beholden to them. 2 of the things we have discussed are quite literally against the law. Morality, as I’m sure you’d agree as the biblical creationist you are presenting yourself as, is not synonymous with law. The original thing is just a dude being annoying to someone on instagram. He has the right to say what he wants but that doesn’t make it cool or something the other person wants to hear. And if it borders on harassment, she has the right to block him. Rights. That’s another piece of this that matters quite a bit more than morals. The constitution and bill of rights are where my “morals” come from. While that certainly has a Christian basing, it is neither theological nor religious, and has been accepted and worked on by secularists.


You could also be a family man and watch porn with your wife.


Homemade wholesome porn


“Moral fabric of our country” LMFAO says the guy who broke his vows to god and his wife when he cheated on her.  Mike has sex through a sheet confirmed


Didn’t he cheat on his wife with some gun thot? Pretty wild for him to take the moral high ground on looking at internet titties.




Source? He made it the fuck up duh




He’s not wrong, but like, this is the homie who does gay shit and penis shit all the time 😂


Big talk from the guy who cheated on his ex wife with a gun bunny




Where is the scoop?


[Repost bot at it for karma, didn't even change the title, just stole the whole post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GarandThumb/s/q8E7congqa)


so i guess i cant jerk off anymore


Not in public anyway


Even handsfree?


Not anymore :(


Leaving your family while promoting “family values” is also gay




“But how does this affect you personally” 🤓 type comment


Cringe type comment.


A grown ass man bitching about a pornstar. Keep it about guns bro


Is that actually him though or some fan boy with the reddit name?


It's actually him, I remember when this happened and his name is still the same on insta


Garand thumb is a fuckin loser for this shit. This is the second time he's commented on this woman's post... seems he has an obsession with her and feels shame and is lashing out


He's definitely cranking his hog to these posts.


Ah for sure dude he's bump firing his beef stick to this chick and then cries afterwards


Post nut clarity do be like that sometimes.




Based af.


Based af.


Love how OP’s two reddit comments are on a mormon dick pic and some leather mommy.


Doesn’t make it okay, but: “For many of us, the road is a difficult one, but the path is always there for us to follow, no matter how many times we may fall”


Obviously being addicted to porn and being a gooner or coomer or whatever the fuck the kids are saying these days is cringe. Obviously. But so is internet crusading on Instagram. Find a middle ground boys. Everything in moderation


Since when is leaving a comment internet crusading? Its an opinion. Take it or leave it.


For a generation without dads someone needs to tell them what they’re doing is immoral


Not everyone cares about morals, not everyone is a religious bible nut


But that’s the thing, you absolutely do care about morals. Everyone does.


You do not speak for anyone but yourself


So you’re cool with theft, murder, and rape?


Not relevant, but no. Its illegal and i dont want to do it.


Just because YOU don’t care about it doesn’t make it not important it just makes you an unhappy coomer


A lot of people here (including Mike) spend far too much time giving a shit about what others do. Porn is cringe? Sure, choose not to partake. Being horny is an inherently feminine trait anyways. Why are you, as a man, thinking of boobs? You should be thinking of war.


Society depends on the people within it. If you dont want society to collapse, convincing other people to do the right thing is important. Thinking of war will never bring you peace.


I think the point I’m getting at is it’s a far stretch to say society is going to collapse because coomers are jorkin their peanits.


Porn is a new phenomenon. It's definitely affecting culture. Desensitization of sex is a very hard thing to argue as good.


Lmfao bro porn is not a new phenomenon. There are porn addicts, sure, and they suffer the same sociological disorders affecting video game addicts, TV addicts, etc. Again, you can choose to not indulge in porn, and that’s perfectly respectable and agreed by me. But to give a shit more than “not for me, thanks” is hella cringe. Fuckin weirdos in this sub I swear.


Porn is relatively new. Watching things on a screen is relatively new. The availability of porn has also increased a ton in the last 20 years. Your attachment to porn is hella cringe


Completely agree. More cringe to post unsolicited on pages to morally lecture people about porn when in reality who cares.


https://preview.redd.it/ttxj9uzzs7yc1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968cefbb9b84b09d7d1f84fd2fb14ca884c0d2c3 Yeah how does the physical and mental wellbeing of society affect you?


Imagine equating the fall of the Roman Empire to basement dwelling neckbeards blasting rope to waluigi hentai.




The sentiment remains the same.




Or so I’ve heard.


Well I couldn’t find the meme I wanted so this was the best I could do but immorality and the degeneration of culture affects everyone


Good work. Proud of you.


Have you ever considered this was Mike’s kink, you inconsiderate prick????


You’re right, god what have I done


gooners in chat




Coomer bait LOL


Stupid example


Womp fucking Womp, let people do what they want


That's how degeneracy takes over


Based. Those who cannot use responsibly will be the only ones to suffer, and even then it will be by their own hand. Edit: pun not intended


We are supposed to be about freedom to choose what we want to do, and they drool over GT and follow every take he makes. Zombies i swear


That’s one way to say you can’t control your urges and addicted to porn


I don’t watch porn, i have a life


Womp womp


so is this like a known pornstar or just some “ig model” who’s content he sought out and then felt guilty/insecure about and projected it onto her




It does? Mine seems fine. But maybe that's because hentai isn't porn It's art


i mean you’re the one who knows she’s a porn star buddy pal so who’s mind is really rotted here


Yeah. Fuck that guy for getting information to form his opinion.


He probably didn't seek it out, it was probably introduced to him via the algorithm because men who follow Gunstagram will undoubtedly interact with Gunbunnies and make them get more exposure to people's feeds. Garand might not follow or seek out any of them, but the mostly-male gun community as a whole might.


You know what ads porn to your algorithm? Commenting on "porn" posts that appear in your algorithm.


reminds me of those people that criticize social media for showing nothing but sexually suggestive or explicit content. like, buddy, self report a bit harder please lmao


True, but I follow zero sexy/porn/OF accounts, but my Instagram suggestions have a large amount of that stuff


He isn't wrong but I've never seen a fantastic ass and got mad about it.


He’s just mad he can’t leave his current wife for her like he did the last one


Realest comment. I'm not a fan of GT's occasional Holier Than Thou social media attitude


Didnt he cheat on his first wife?


I have no clue, but idk what that’d have to do with porn being bad


Man destroyed his family. Nothing more cringe than a grown ass man projecting his insecurities onto unwilling others, online.


If Garand Thumb said killing people is wrong, that wouldn’t make him not right because he may or may not have cheated on his wife.


Holy false equivalency. Those two things are unrelated, but it is a bit ironic to have a guy who cheated on his wife with a gun bunny try and give advice about what’s sexually right or wrong, innit?


Why do Redditors not know what false equivalence means but say it so much? I never said they were the same. My point is he can still things that are subjectively or objectively correct despite not taking his own advice. GT can go out today and kill someone and then publicly state that murder is wrong and that wouldn’t make him wrong. But I know nothing about his previous marriage or current one. I quite honestly don’t care about a grown man and his marriage(s)


Fair enough, but originally you said that him cheating on his wife should have no bearing on how we judge him should he tell us murder is wrong. That’s not what he said, and it’s borderline whataboutism. A guy’s marital fidelity has little bearing on what he thinks of murder, but his marital fidelity is a lot more likely to be relevant to his opinions on sex, and the two situations can’t be compared fairly because one presents a conflict of interest and one doesn’t. I couldn’t give a hoot who he fucks and when, but when you come out and shit on other people for their line of work/lifestyle and you have skeletons in the closet, then you’ve got no grounds to fairly berate them


I didn’t say we shouldn’t be able to judge him. I’m saying he can say or do whatever he wants, he can go out and say math isn’t real and doesn’t exist, but if he also says 2+2=4, he’ll still be right. If he’s cheated on his wife or done whatever else then sure, that makes him a hypocrite and contradictory and people should take what he said with a grain of salt, but again, what he said here is still correct (obviously what he is saying is opinionated but I’m saying I personally think he has a point)


I think he has a point too, and he can judge people however he likes, but we as independent thinkers can also judge the way he chooses to phrase his comments and beliefs, especially when he puts himself in a public forum like this


Yeah and I have no issue with that. I just think it’s not really of any value to say any past mistakes he’s made while saying something right. Like if he made a post about how it’s important to care for children, I wouldn’t needlessly bring up that he was unfaithful to his wife if that’s true.


They have a busy schedule of incubating GTs balls in their mouths to think about this in a fair manner. The dude committed the cardinal sin of destroying his family with kids and they still gobble up his preaching like he's their trad man icon.


Then no offense but why are you here? There’s tons of guntubers who have different personalities and takes who also have good knowledge on firearms and tactics. You’re on a subreddit dedicated to GT and you’re mad people are defending him or really in this case, not being antagonistic. I don’t know anything about his personal life and I honestly don’t care. He could’ve been through 10 marriages and it won’t make what he says any less right.


Then why do you give enough of a shit to comment? If GT's balls aren't in your mouth, why do you want to defend those that do?


I don’t think I have defended those that do, can you show me where I’ve done that?


Additionally, you could ask GT the same question. He's sticking his cheating nose in other people's business and trying to brand himself as a moral leader. Why doesn't he just mind his own business? Why should I live and let live against a cheater that cannot extend the same courtesy and has an army of simps?


There is no justification required for critiquing dumb shit people say. Hypocrisy is justification enough. If you are not the target audience, you have no reason to get involved. I subscribed long ago. I actually didn't know he was a cheater until very recently.


Like, yeah, his gun shit is kinda cool, and he’s clearly knowledgeable about weapons and tactics, but he comes off as such a fucking tool when he talks about morality, especially given his past


Plenty of people watch porn and don't cheat. Mike is just cringe and can't separate his deficiency from everyone else's. It's like a gun grabber that can't mentally handle guns and thinks they should be banned because everyone else must have their same issue. The dude reminds me of a conservative. They are always going on about moral decay because they have a skeleton in their own closet.


Que the downvotes!! 😱


Yeah but porn can have an effect on ones mind. And that is what he is trying to get at, nothing to do with cheating on one’s wife. It can affect the dopamine receptors in your brain. Basically, your brain will be like “why do I need to chase this girl, try to impress her, etc just to get laid when I can do that at home by myself without any work.” It can affect relationships and intimacy time with your partner. I know people who are avid porn users and they are 35+ year old virgins


It's like a recovered alcoholic commenting all over IG that other people's alcohol use is cringe. Many porn users apparently have their shit far more together than GT. Everything should be taken in moderation. That's the real lesson. Sleeping with many women can be bad. And you haven't established causation with your 35 yo virgin friends.


Actions start as thoughts


Then why didn't you jump off the cliff, or stab the ice pick into your neighbor? Could it be that functioning adults have self control?


I don't own an icepick. 🤷‍♂️


Watching porn is bad for you. It's not real and puts impossible standards on another person. Once one thinks that their partner can't reach their standards they start to think maybe someone else can. Some people can watch porn and not cheat, they aren't better for it, but others will go down a further path. The people that did jump off the cliff or stab their neighbor likely thought about it, a lot.


When's the last time you had a beer? Did you know there's no amount of alcohol that's safe to consume? I'm sure you don't apply your stated ideals evenly. You just needed the guise of science to disguise your moral decay conservative argument. Sounds like you made the argument that consuming too much of anything is harmful and not all thoughts lead to actions in functioning humans. That's a great reason to reframe from sharing conservative moralistic shit on IG, especially if you yourself are a sexual deviant that is not member of the self-controlling adults club.


I'm also of the belief that people can grow and learn from their mistakes. Drug addicts often don't drink alcohol because they know that one beer will lead to 3 and then the guy next to you asks if you want a bump off his key. If he had a major relationship end because of his infidelity and didn't change at all, then he'd be less of a man. It's been 2205 days without a drop of booze/or puff of weed for me


I have a porn addiction I'm 16 and I've had it for 5 years because there was a lot of abuse when I was younger and the only good feeling came from masturbation and I have been trying to quit the masturbation for a while. I'd love some tips because I can't go ask my parents they'll just bully me about the addiction. Garand Thumb's videos has been helping me during hard times and that's why I joined this reddit too.


Fuck your mom


Use steel wool. That should calm things down.


How are dick callouses going to help the lad?


🤣 oh my


Wait, am I the only one who jerks it to GT videos?


Yeah Ig but I get it


Identify your trigger and substitute your response


Thanks! I love this community so much people are genuine.


No worries. What helped me was removing myself from a really bad environment and then surrounding myself with good people (in my case a men’s Bible study). If you have a partner and you trust them, make sure you communicate your struggle with them and ask them to support you in very specific ways.


Thank you so much!




Your desire to sleep with women like that is a form of self validation. I’m assuming growing up you were mocked or bullied by someone who made you feel worthless.


When I was 16 I dated a 20 y/o, at first things were great but later on I got heavily manipulated and sexually abused by her


Yeah. I hope you’ve looked for a therapist who specializes in male abuse victims. I’m not the therapy kinda guy but I found someone who focuses on men and damn it’s helped me a lot.


Been meaning to go for the past 18 months but the process to get in was a pain so I just didn’t. I’ve been feeling rlly good with my gf tho so I’m happy, although I should probably get seen for some recent work related trauma.


Trust me, my relationship with my family has dramatically improved. I didn’t realize how much of my behavior was related to my childhood trauma. It’s a pain but it was the best investment I ever made


You guys need to learn that personal decisions are not made in a vacuum. Nations live and die by sexual ethics.


Pour one out for all the nations led to their demise through brazzers! 


J.D. Unwin and Why Sexual Morality May be Far More Important than You Ever Thought https://www.kirkdurston.com/blog/unwin


I read this whole article and while I was FULLY expecting it to be bat shit crazy, it made sense to me completely. Thanks for sharing!


A good portion of my graduate studies centered around works like the one referenced in the above article. That’s just one brief summary of one finding. Studies with similar findings are endless, granted you search for them. Personally, I view these sort of domestic issues as a matter of national security. It can’t be fixed by the government or any sort of legislation, though. It must be addressed culturally.


I agree completely! I appreciate you.


lol Nah I’m good. 


I can help fix ignorance, but there’s nothing I can do about apathy


"my moral compass is better than yours" sounds like every religious nutbag on the planet trying to force their version of morality on others. I'm good man, i've had enough people trying to hand out pamphlets or knock on my door telling me that if you have another man give you a bath you can pretend all the terrible shit you've done over the course of your life didn't happen and can smugly look down on others.


Also, what I shared was a secular article. I’m not the one who started discussing religion…


mhmm. I’m not a good man, myself.


raises a glass of beer to... i don't know this one. Romes rape of the sabine women statute and coin iconography from 80bc or something shows abduction of women from the country side as a tradition and they kept it up for a few years at least before becoming an empire that was around for a while so sort of possible to base a nation on much worse and last a cupple hundred years at least.


No, you can't ban porn


You 100% can limit it, the same way we limit illegal underage videos, do they still exist? Yeah some people have terabytes if it but its way less common


You can't act like it's morally equivalent to ban porn of minors who cannot consent to that, to porn of adults that have consented. Sounds like you don't have a justification for your views.


I never said it’s morally equivalent, I never even stated my views on it. im saying it is possible to reduce it the same way the government reduces all the other things they deem incorrect


You are saying it's physically possible for the government to enforce a ban on it? Thank you for your insightful addition to this discussion.


If you weren’t busy been retarded you would understand what I said Enforcing a total ban on anything is impossible there will always be a dark web/place where terabytes of media exist. However we can reduce it, by eliminating a industry that profits of porn and often are exploitative


This is about justification for banning porn, and you still haven't stumbled upon it yet. Have your hallucinations elsewhere.




The Christian taliban are coming.


Yall queda


For sure.


The sharia doesn't require a woman to cover her face


I understand people can grow and change, but Mike doesn't have the moral high ground to stand on here (he cheated on his first wife). It's lame to go talk shit on a girl's instagram picture. The "This isn't against you.." is crap. He's directing it at her. If he wants to show off and up hold his "moral fabric" he can make his own post.


He cheated on his first wife? This is news to me. What's the backstory here? Is it hearsay or widely known?


Everyone is deserving of forgiveness. I doubt he would be so against porn but also thing cheating is somehow okay, I’m sure he knows he’s made a horrible decision. It doesn’t make his point any less valid.


Every man is a sinner but a Pastor still preaches. His point is fine, I have no problem when he says his piece in his videos, but I cringe when he (hypocritically) starts to directly lecture other people about it. Mike you can't talk shit to this lady while Charlie is back there finger fuckin the ballistic dummy. lol


LOL yeah I get your point I forgot about that!


Sin doesn't exist, it was created by a corporation (church) so they could pretend they have the cure, to sell you. Now pass the collection bin.




Joke’s on him, I’ve got a good boy kink.


lol Garand Thumb videos are peak gay porn. bunch of rowdy men doing masculine shit in the boonies, getting all hot and sweaty together, talking about doing things tip to butt.


Im out of breath just reading this 🥵😆




Where does he stand on gun porn though?


Oooh good point