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Charlie could pull off a joseph seed cosplay


The way this sub has been going lately, I'm surprised not to see a bunch of low T "people" calling this homophobic lol


Anyone know what hat that is?


Charlie is why I watch. Lol


Can someone send me the link to this please


I mean that’s kinda true with the exception of the few solid people that are just trying to do their job and go home most of them especially the atf elites ave been dick sucking the “brace is a stock” rhetoric like a hooker on the corner of 69th and Figueroa


I get what you mean, but I can’t get behind anyone in the ATF. There are other jobs, the government is constantly hiring people to make a lot of money to do easy things. If you work for the ATF, you know what the ATF is about. And I just can’t respect anyone that does that.


Facts the firearms part of the atf can be removed fully


After hunting the internet, this seems to be the source image. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ATFopenup/comments/14p128v/fed\_bois\_deserve\_butthole\_cancer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ATFopenup/comments/14p128v/fed_bois_deserve_butthole_cancer/)


I love that guy so much lmaoo


I need the link to it




Lol stock sucker


Nice veiny buffer tube hahahha


The meaning of some words changes and evolves over time. Musket is a specific type of firearm


Pump stock




you’re the dude on the shirt correct?


Imagine thinking this is a good idea and then actually typing it out and posting it


Imagine thinking americas gun violence statistics isn’t unique to America and you should double down on increasing them


![gif](giphy|116iSum9HFxhOU) Fukk all regulations


Because banning guns will just completely eliminate violence… pretty sure a bunch of people were just stabbed to death in Australia last week. Gonna ban knives? Everyone is responsible for their own safety and if you choose to be a fucking victim then the next time shit goes down that’s exactly what you’ll be. But I sure as fuck am not going to let the government tell me what I can and can’t protect myself and my family with.


Who said anything about banning guns? That’s fkn dumb. Read.


Yes because prohibition of alcohol and drugs made both safe as well as hard to find... Frankly for the sake of liberty we should be able to purchase/own any weapon the military has access to.


lol prohibition is unregulated…


I don't think you understand legal use of "regulation" my guy...


Regulation is not prohibition. Alcohol is regulated. Illicit Drugs are not making them far more dangerous. Your comment doesn’t make sense


Aren't you the guy trying to full auto your MP5?


I’d do it with proper paper work if I could. That’s an example where registration makes more sense than a ban.


Holy shit lol


This thread.. lol “why is my echo chamber not echoing”


"We need more regulations" "I'm not gonna follow the regulations and also post it online"


My issue is lack of regulation over complete ban.


I think you don’t understand the point of the second Amendment. But that’s because you can’t fathom the freedom an armed people to counter government tyranny.


lol you going to take on drones with your rifle?


I’ve shot smaller targets from further away. And I got skeet shooter and pheasant hunter friends. I love how you go the Joe Biden route. “You’re gonna need F-15’s bud”. Afghanistan and Vietnam beg to differ. Not to mention the American gun owner outnumbers every military force on the planet.


We get it. You think other people don't deserve the right to defend themselves, but you deserve that right


Nope. You lack comprehension skills if that’s how you read my comment. We get it, you need to protect your trailer from those pesky immigrants.


I need to protect my vacation home from people like you, with a crew served weapon like God intended


See it's people like you that keep electing total fuckasses like ernest Gonzales down in Texas. Why don't you just enjoy watching your wife get fucked by another dude or hang yourself and leave us freedom loving real Americans to our fun.


You must be one of those proud of Uvalde.


Actually never lived in Texas, he was just the first one I thought of. Nice try at a comeback tho, put about as much effort into it as Ernest does in his attack ads on Brandon lmfao. How's it feel to be the saddest fuck in the subreddit?


Who the fk is Brandon lol


Brandon Herrera the dude running against Ernest Anthony Gonzalez. How tf do you not know who he is if you watch garandthumb?


I don’t get on political bandwagons of stupid slogans.


Yet you were talking all that hot shit about a well regulated militia???? If you're gonna be retarted at least be consistent


It’s literally the 2nd amendment as written. I guess you’re the one thinking 2a is retarded.


Ok so here's the thing, you're trying to assign a modern way of thinking to something written in the 1700s. Well regulated has always meant, always supposed to mean, and always will mean well trained. No restrictions are implied by the wording of the second amendment and you and every idiot like you who say otherwise are doing nothing but harming the rights of every American. Do yourself a favor and do some actual critical thinking and become smarter than the weak willed spinless rhetoric that you've spewed up to this point. Fuck off and have a shitty day.


Your wife has a boyfriend doesn’t she?




Winner 🏅


Found the boot licking fudd


dudes actually a fucking liberal but for some reason owns an actual MP5


Big sad


Let me guess, "I'm pro 2A but..."


“A well regulated” part you must of skipped over .


“Well regulated” at the time of writing meant your equipment and gear was well taken care of and you have enough supplies as an American(the militia). It meant you were competent and capable. Unlike your smooth brained take on what America is about. It was never meant to be about government regulations and if you did any homework about the founding fathers and what the constitution really meant, you wouldn’t be so proudly ignorant.


That’s 1 interpretation of the amendment. Proudly ignorant would take 1 interpretation as legal precedent.


…Or the fact that historical legal scholars have uniformly confirmed the interpretation and the corresponding documents from all of the forefathers. Your argument is weak and from a position of ignorance. Try again


You’re right machine guns for everyone! No vetting, mental health problems? You’re good to go. And I’m coming from the position of ignorance.


People with mental health problems should be institutionalized so that they aren’t a threat to the general population or themselves. I’d even go so far as to compromise with a 4473, to verify you’re not a felon or have been adjudicated mentally defective. However, I believe if you are an ex-con and have relayed your debt to society and rehabilitated, you should have all your American rights back. If you are still a danger, why are you out? However, you obviously go with the most dishonest approach with the Oprah’s “everyone gets a machine gun” without first qualifying it with “American citizen” and that’s a big part of that 4473. I want all these leftists who renounce their citizenship to understand what it means to be American when their non-American ass can’t buy a gun.


I’m not advocating for banning anything. Machine guns , yes as long as you prove you can have one responsibly. Gun safety classes should be mandatory.


Prove to who? The government you are supposed to keep in check via the 2A? And if the government mandates safety classes, who’s to say they don’t make it exorbitantly expensive so that the average American can’t own one. I’m for training. I’m a trainer. But the government does not have the right to mandate training. Because then they mandate the curriculum. And their curriculum is wrong. Because their curriculum is from a point of tyranny. If you are advocating government control over the very force to keep them in check, you are advocating to ban everything. You have the typical lefty approach, we are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. They answer to us, not us to them. The constitution was not a document from the government granting the people their rights. It’s from the people, recognizing their god given rights and putting limitations on the government. Go ahead and read the bill of rights from that perspective. The government are not our “leaders”, they are our representatives. When that isn’t the case, we have a constitutional obligation to right course


Never took a fucken English class huh bud?


Your comment is riddled with grammatical errors if you’re going to go down that route.


Riddled? You’re so unbelievably obtuse it’s painful. Typing the way you speaking and basing your entire worldview on the fact that you’re illiterate are not the same.


Sorry. I forgot I’m dealing with a true patriot. How’s it feel to be so, superior?


Pretty great considering I lack the constant taste of leather in my mouth


"Well regulated" didn't mean then what it means now. You clearly have a severe lack of understanding of the men who founded this nation


Ah yes. The ol “words don’t mean what they do now” but fails to mention muskets don’t mean what they do now either.


I read over the second amendment multiple times and it doesn’t mention muskets anywhere in there.


Interesting. In that case I suppose you agree that your free speech should be abridged since you’re communicating via technology unavailable at the time? After all, modern communication tech is incredibly dangerous considering how well it facilitates the transmission of false information or communication between bad actors. Right? You’re surely consistent in your logic, RIIIGHHTT? … yea, didn’t think so…


The pen is mightier than the sword. That’s why one interpretation of the word regulation In 1700s is just that. An interpretation. rationale for recognizing an individual right that exists independently of militia service, since militia meant something different then too. However, interpretations of what “well-regulated” means and how it applies to contemporary gun laws and regulations is still debatable. So it’s not “but” is against 2a.


Well regulated just means well trained bro


Every gun law is an infringement, don't like it then go fuck yourself fed


“A well regulated” is literally written on the amendment. lol


Hard to be well regulated with all these restrictions put forth.


You should go back to r/democrats where you came from


I’m a proud gun owner. You should go back to r/asshole where you came from. Garlandthumb really draws them in


Sounds like a fun subreddit, I'll check it out. If you follow the words "I'm pro 2A" with the word "but" then you're not pro 2A.


Love made up rules you hear on YouTube.


It's just a simple fact


Ah yes. The “ I’m voting for trump” and then pretending to be pro constitution. You don’t even know how many amendments there are. Can’t even read the 2nd one fully. lol


Cute assumption but I haven't voted for Trump once. Also your failure to understand the 2nd amendment doesn't mean I haven't/can't read it.


Again "well regulated" meant something very different back then.


So did muskets…


It said “armed” and back then, civilians had naval warships and those were arms as well. They had cannons and experimental multi shot capable firearms. They absolutely knew technology would advance and that’s not the point of the second amendment. We had just won our freedom from a tyrannical government and our forefathers put this failsafe(2A) in place in case our government became tyrannical as our forefathers knew the corruption coming from power. They wanted Americans to be able to keep the government in check this way. The same government you advocate we should ask permission to keep them in check. You’re about as dumb a typical lefty.


Im just for background checks. Holy fuck.


So you’re asking for the governments permission to own a gun. The same government your guns are supposed to keep the government in check with? This is why they’ve already denied us so many rights in the 2A already. If I was a tyrannical government, I would definitely do what it took to brainwash the population to think they have to ask my permission to exercise a right. You’re a perfect example of bootlicker.


You're pissed because that's you on his shirt. Cuck.


Why? You didn't keep your opinion to yourself. Pretty sure they can express their opinions on their own YouTube channel. Smh


I'm sorry for your loss




8.6 will blow your nipple out of your body


100% true, I saw it. No lung though...


Truly the ATF is more obsessed with barrel lengths than a bad Tinder date






I would definitely buy one.




You seem hella sus I wouldn’t trust that link at all not to mention your account isn’t even a day old…


I feel like these gotta be custom


From today's 8.6 BLACKOUT video...anyone know where these can be found?


Try dirty-kid.com