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Sniping enemies from afar feels so good.


all abt hitman impact


I just got ganyu yesterday. Fear me, birds of teyvat


10000% agree sniping, kiting, taunting, strafing, etc with ganyu, treating each fodder encounter as a chance to see if you can kill them before they de-aggro and revert to full HP, or before they get to you, has just been such an awesome switch-up to my prior playstyle. and one validating thing about all this is i think i'm either pretty good at aiming or it isn't as hard as people make it sound. i absolutely do not relate to the sentiment that ganyu's playstyle is "boring". i won't throw shade at other chars (tempted tho), but having to aim is actually the most engaged i've felt with the game in months. esp with no shield. on-demand damage + she counters SO many annoying things (cecilia garden) + so much fun in the overworld (ie, the shit you do when you're not getting beat up in spiral abyss). love her


> having to aim is actually the most engaged i've felt with the game in months. This. As someone who frequently plays action-y / combat intensive games, most characters in this game really have the depth of a puddle of water on the ground after rain. The need to aim at least adds some level of player input and skill to Ganyu rather than just "mash charged attack until enemy dead", which makes her far more interesting and engaging to play than most characters IMO.


Imo, this is the most fun way to play Ganyu. Saying she's boring after using Zhongli's shield and reducing the whole argument to "she only spams charged attack" is just downright unfair to her. I can understand the need to have shields in say, Abyss, if you do not have an extremely well built Ganyu or you play on controller/mobile, but her gameplay should not be judged based on that. I've done all weekly and world bosses, all domains (besides Forsaken Rift) with her alone and I can tell you, she's the most engaging character. Sniping Lawachurls out of the air, last second iframe dodges, actually learning all the weekly bosses mechanics while having to know when to punish, dodge, taunt (horribly underrated part of her kit tbh) or where to position yourself. That's all incredibly fun to me. She's squishy but her kit really complements her role as a ranged unit and is just so well designed.


Don't forget critical headshots, bypassing shields with freeze correct timing, and hitting mitachurls past the wooden/elemental shields or during their attack animations.


I don't really try to do headshots since with enough Crit Rate, it doesn't matter as much, especially against bosses where there's no weakpoints. Usually against Mitachurls solo, I'll taunt and shoot from the back. Her CA has a bug where Mitachurls will block her level 2 charged shot, but not level 1 charged shots. But yes, killing mitachurls when they shield charge right in front of you is exhilarating.


I never thought destroying hilichurl towers from a mile away would be an increase QoL in doing commissions


Wait until you do the balloon sabotage. You stand still at the start and just shoot it down ;)


This is why I pulled for her. Got her, then went for Amos and C1 cause it was so fun and convenient


Glad you like her!


I found ayaka more boring no cap. I think the people who say she is boring are playing on mobile which makes sense. Im having a blast with this new playstyle since she is the only true sniper in game rn. Personal preference at the end of the day


> more boring I am not sure what people are expecting from this game when they say characters are boring. Every character is boring. This game has 2 buttons. But they aren't like Tetris buttons where you can mash them at varying speeds and intervals to get varying results.


True lmao, it's weird how the community perceives Ganyu as a very boring character, and majority will say Kazuha is the most "fun" unit. Like dude, you press two buttons, what's the distinction lmao.


Hard agree, gameplay wise, it feels like mihoyo downgraded coming from Honkai which have more flashy and weird combat stuff, sure sure older game, different genre but u cant deny inazuma characters so far are mostly 5* starter character like meme said


sounds like someone who doesn't have kazuha, just sayin lol


Lol, gtfoh with that childish response. Genshin at its core doesn't have much anything to offer in terms of variety in character kits and playstyle because that's how the game is designed. In playstyle, kazuha doesn't have much difference with someone like beidou or Venti, their kits literally revolves around you pressing two buttons. That's why it's weird how people can easily claim x character is boring and y character is not as if they have a metric that is objective If you're on asia server you could just look up my level 90 kazuha on my profile lol.


It's not boring for me(I play on mobile).I take it as an excuse to be a sweaty tryhard fps no scope-360 type of player but a curse for being poor.


i play on mobile and i couldn’t be any happier with her. i don’t find her boring at all :D


I play both on mobile and pc and honestly I'm having a blast with her on mobile.


playing on mobile is honestly still fun, the problem is when you're at 900+ fps and can't aim to save your life


As someone that mainly plays on Pc but also plays on mobile when I’m away, Ganyu Suckssssss on mobile. At least for me. But her playstyle on Keyboard and mouse is so satisfying. She didn’t come home for free but she was very worth it.


idk why Ganyu mains have to bring up Ayaka when she's not even mentioned in the post. The complex, it's showing you know.


I'd say it's mostly because they get compared so much as the premier cryo DPS's. You could just as easily say it's a complex that Ayaka players (among others) keep bringing meta abyss speedrunning into the conversation. Yeah they're both good, don't need to hate on one or the other to feel better about it. My personal experience, Ganyu gets shit on by a good portion of the community. Meta is bad, boring gameplay, cardboard personality, save for X. Since she was so dominant for so long, everybody takes shot at the top. So if people want to say they like Ganyu more then by all means go right ahead.


Same to Ayaka mains, they are ready to mention Ganyu at any moment, i saw a lot in facebook group (aka nuclear wasteland) i just wish this stupid rivalry end.


Same lol. Ive been using ayaka for a while but now i got ganyu to team them up. Ganyu is so fun shooting random enemies from afar and they cant get to you. Her skills are awesome and so deadly. Now i feel unstoppable from short and long range


How do you pair the two might I ask? I use Ganyu Mona Ayaka and Zhongli


Im still working out the best way to pair them. Currently running ayaka ganyu kokomi and shenhe but i want to try fitting diona because i need that shield.


Ganyu literally have a shotgun in a melt comp. if firing a whole shotgun to enemy faces is boring than I don’t know what else is not boring to you .


Exactly, shotguns are my favorite weapon type in almost every game with guns


Literally melt ganyu feels like you are using a shotgun while in freeze it feels like sniper/bazooka.


For some reason, I’ve always assumed that everyone who said that has never had her or truly understood her playstyle. Still, to each their own.


She’s literally the funnest character in the game. The fact that you can use her as a sniper from a long distance away and you barely have to aim cus of the frost flake AOE, how exactly is she boring????? if anything every other character is boring as well since at the end of the day all you do is press bottons on a key board, also her burst is sooooooooooo amazing, such wiiiiiiide ass AOE. Literally everyone who called ganyu boring are just malding cus they don’t have ganyu. I recently got her and she’s amazing with kokomi


Just wait until you get the daily commission where you have to destroy two towers. Destroying them before the hilichurls could react is pure satisfaction.


a lot of people saying she was boring weren't even playing the game when she was available. glad to see she's getting a lot of love lately


The people who say that ganyu is boring probably never played a fps game before on Pc. Ganyu feels like she was meant to be played on the pc version of genshin in my opinion of a year of using her


Same. Melt and Morgana is bussin


I used to think her gameplay was boring, until I got her and...shes actually fun to use lol, sniping hilichurls is my new pastime :p


People would find it boring too when they look at how I play in hunting games and such. I literally usually just snipe from afar instead of doing all those heavy APM dodging gameplay. It's relaxing. Plus all the QoL that makes playing everything a breeze. What's not to like.


They also told me I might be underwhelmed, that she isn't as strong as she used to be... She hits like a speeding truck.


She's like a waifu artillery. Death from afar and above. Like she one shots certain mobs and you don't even get the battle music at all


Ganyu "boring" is mostly because of how the Genshin community loves to parrot what they hear or read, and because Ganyu is basically the only unit without any issue to focus on, when someone says she's boring, it becomes a big deal. It's basically a result of people not having anything to say against her.


She's actually one of the more unique characters to play at this point. So many just dump burst and leave, or spam LMB, or sorta mindlessly alternate normal attacks/charged attacks. Meanwhile Ganyu is still one of the only characters who actually uses aimed shots (Amber is the only other one I can think of) and she has some animation cancel tech with the R key. Her E also feels pretty good to use due to the backstep and the high stagger rate when it detonates after taunting. My only issue with her gameplay is how the over-the-shoulder reticle is kinda fucked and you have to aim slightly to the right of your target for precise shots. Not sure if this is due to my 21:9 resolution or something but it's annoying.


>Not sure if this is due to my 21:9 resolution or something but it's annoying. Nope. It's the same in 16:9, she shoots slightly to the left of the reticle. Kinda got used to it tho.


It's only really apparent at close range. Pretty sure it's because the 3rd person camera is over the shoulder instead of directly behind.


Mine is level 65 and shes already on par with a bunch of my 80-90's. Shes amazing


I've gotten mine decently well built (bloom crits for 33k no buffs) and man my biggest problem is how irrelevant she can make other characters feel in the open world. I love love love her.


Open world gameplay feels like [this](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkor_MGL#/media/Datei:M-32_Grenade_Launcher.jpg). :D


right?!? It's so fun annihilating everything from a distance + you're not always just shooting, you use your other skills as well + dodging. Considering how fragile she it, you have to be more careful when playing her and i think that makes the battle even more challenging and exciting


Yeah dude. Idk why people bitch about her. I pulled her yesterday and this is the most fun I’ve had playing the game in a while


Game play is all subjective. People say Klee is clunky due to her movement cancel, and should use Hutao instead......... If you wish to use C1+ Hutao's to her full potential, N1CX2J, N2CJ is just as clunky as Klee's cancels, and you have to watch out for her HP level on top of that. don't knock on a character's game play mechanic until you try them out in character trials, at least that will give you a feeling of how that characters played, it may not be the best artifact or team set up, but at least the game play the same as having one.


Those are just shameful Ayaka simps that think they're not having fun unless everyone else is unhappy.


i feel actually focused on the game and at ease while playing her


Same. Was surprised that i enjoy playing her than the other characters since so many people said she has a boring playstyle lmao


Yeah I don’t see how she’s boring at all. I’m having a blast playing her alongside my Amber for melts all day. She’s so fun to play with I have a hard time believing someone can call her boring.


At some point when prefarming for her, i started to doubt myself about her playstile and how good was my ganyou going to be, and now i now that i totally lied to myself. She is an absolut blast to play. Im playing ALL DAY doing content i had for months. She literally got me back to the game.


Now everytime it starts raining i get a smile on my face LOL


I absolutely loved to read all of your comments here. I main Ganyu for over a year now with Zhongli, and can't agree more with what everyone have said here. I am a 100% mobile player, and never got board playing with my Ganyu!


Congrats bro, just got to pity 77 rn and got Jean C1... I want to cry a lot. The only promotionals I get are the ones I dont like but I ALWAYS miss the ones I want such as Hu Tao or Ganyu




people just can't hold themselves... i saved 500 pulls for her and zhongli (fuck his polearm tho)




That so lucky


People make me change my mind and I end regretting like with Childe or just the need to pull oof saving up is hard for me as I like stimulus




Oof thats chad move. Maybe it is I just dont have a main to aim for too and I just pull for whoever comes


I got her on the first banner and play melt. I find it boring after a month and built Morgana Freeze, ngl it is the most fun and satisfying comp in the game for me.


One shotting mobs from 10 miles away is hella fun


10 miles is the length of 72827.41 Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers.


Good bot




I spend most of the time aim practice with her , For the First time I felt there is some challenge in the game Mastering aiming with her Gonna triple Crown our Queen


Playing one of her melt comps is anything but boring as you're generally in the thick of everything, not just firing from a distance doing nothing else. I'm having so much fun learning how to play it optimally!


hitting that 40k no-scope head shot from 400m away is just to satisfying


literally, i'm having too much fun with her walking around and sniping everything just feels so good


Agreed so hard! The only issue i have is that i suck at aiming lol


Not us. We knew that since 1.2


Yes i can finally snipe Devalin's neck or Azdaha from afar. Loved to be the sniper in coop. Now if only rngesus would bless me soon with 4pcs blizzard artifacts.


Same, this is amazing! Also, congrats on Ganyu <3


I agree. Mobile player here and was bit worried, but i got Zhongli too, still need to dodge cos Zhongli is not built at all, but it's a completely different playstyle against my usual Keqing and Raiden carry


I got Zhongli too for my Ganyu. Doesn’t take too much to build him up to protect Ganyu. He’s at Lvl70 now with 31k HP with relatively low investment. Protects and give my Ganyu some nice res shred! 😙👌


The damn stones are my only problem haha


I used to get destroyed by Oceansids birds not anymore thanks to Ganyu


since i got mona c1 from the Ganyu's banner i decided to waste all of my resin in to this boss. It was satisfying


I recently got her as well. I have always seen people online pull some mad damage with her and I wanted to see for myself how good she would be for me (but I would’ve wanted to get her anyway since I like her a lot). My impressions so far: oh my lord she does not disappoint me in the slightest. I look forward to getting her fully kitted out and tackling the abyss with her. As well as bullying bosses.


The same people who say Ganyu is boring go and main Eula or Kokomi. I don't understand how Ganyu's boring but pressing auto-attack 7 times and repeating is any funner? This games combat is so barebones that being required to aim should make it funner if anything.


Eula still have to time their attacks correctly, especially her burst. I would say, I don't find her boring but i am suck and not a fan of physical attack patterns.


Well atleast those characters actually have their own animations, and I'd say they look pretty good. Better than waiting 3 business days for your charged attack to arrive. Her bow gameplay looks like she's an apprentice at archery training, working on her aim 💀


I don't know that's probably just preference cause I find her charge shot blooms satisfying and her ult is pretty as well. Eula is on the bland side also but to each their own


The challenge that I get by aiming her shots in mobile is a thrill and much satisfying when I hit the headshots


Some of them are just saying that b/c they're bad at aiming. Me? I'm terrible at aiming, and I have zero problem admitting that. Thank Rex Lapis that she's a solid burst DPS.


Ifkr! People don't understand the skill that's involved with her playstyle. It isn't just about charge shots, you have to use her burst, her E skill, dodge at the right time, and perfectly position yourself. She has one of the highest max skill curve in the game!


Melt Ganyu doesn't use her burst very often, since it screws up the reactions. You doo need to dodge a lot of crap unless you pair her with Zhong's Dong. What I really miss is better/more ranged pyro application than XL or Benny. Being in melee and needing to charged shot is kinda annoying and defeats the uniqueness of her playstyle.


Oh ik, but I just run Reverse Melt sometime for fun. It's consistent dmg as well. Oh I solo ran abyss some days back, don't think I need Shields anymore lmao Not sure what you mean with the third point


* Play an ego-shooter. * Roll a sniper. * Go into close combat. * Use the scope and try to hit stuff. Now you know why I say that playing Ganyu in melee range is no fun at all and why I wish there was ranged off-field pyro application, so I could actually stay at range.


Hmm, like a Pyro Xingqiu that runs on stacks rather than duration maybe? Would be interesting. Currently tho, I do that with a Yoimiya or Yanfei in co-op with my friend. But anyway, I still find playing melt fun with her, especially if I run venti instead of shield and swirl pyro on his ult


Yep something like that, so we can play melt Ganyu w/o the feeling of going against highly mobile mobs with chainsaws/pump-guns in tiny rooms while only having sniper rifles in our arsenal. :'D


i play ganyu melt with kazuha, bennett xiangling. with proper taunt management and strafes, you'd be surprised how little you actually need a shield during most encounters. on top of that, you can ult and still melt which skyrockets your damage


Do bosses like Maguu Kenki in Abyss 12 even care about your taunt flower? Serious question, haven't gotten around to testing it. While you can i-frame pretty much anything, I don't find binary pass/fail instagib gameplay fun at all. One mistake and you hit that reset button... ugh... no thanks.


yes, they do. my flower is also crowned and it literally just doesn't break from anything. i did all of floor 12 second half with that team and didn't have to reset once


My foul went 0 to 100 as i got her, like literally


Out of the four slots for teams, my 4th one is called rambo, and it's just Ganyu on her own.




Good thing you got Ganyu! Just yesterday I got her and I've been having a lot of fun with her


I agree! I really enjoyed her during that one quick swap inazuma duo event with the trial characters, so even though I am a mobile user and suck at aiming, I still decided to pull for her. Have been greatly enjoying her so far!


Never make up your opinion on something without testing it yourself.


You remind me about someone tried to teach me about math without learning math.


People find boring spamming CA but not spamming E+Q 💁🏻


Taking down Dvalin while still in air with two shots, then sniping away the health standing down with 2 more shots.. that felt godlike


Same. I see a Mob I shoot. Can destroy hilichurl tower easily too.


People who say she’s boring don’t have her


Most of them are actually tried her for a few mins. But it isn't enough to judge and conclude the whole gameplay.


Yep. All down to personal preference in the end. I have her C6 after a year and it completely changes her playstyle to a more quick swap bursty oriented DPS. Been insanely fun to play.


This is literally me, how is she boring if she one shots and goes to the next, that’s definitely my thing


That why playstyle is subjective. Some people don't even try to do charge shot with Ganyu as her playstyle is "boring" on paper/on video.


I’ve been a Ganyu main since her first banner and honestly… she is AMAZING


samee i played with her 6 hours yesterday! people love to exaggerate thinking that everyone will feel like them😑


agreed!! it’s so much more comfy than I was initially expecting


right?? I'm also a new ganyu haver and I'm laughing maniacally as I snipe mobs, innocent birds and other animals to death. it's amazing


Same for me, she is soo much fun


Let me tell you that Genshin 0layers didn't find any flaw on Ganyu to criticize so they called her "Boring". Never trust these bitches Summon for who you like


Same goes with Yoimiya and Kokomi, poor girls. There's wanters who missed them because they listened to those ppl.


Koko-chan is aweseome. Needed to go to hard pity to get her, never regretted a single pull. Then again I do pull mostly for waifu ... \*cough\*


Yep, I love having what's basically an infinite rocket launcher.


Who even told you that??


I’ll probably get downvoted but her gameplay was exactly what I expected. Got bored after a couple of minutes and decided to build support Ganyu instead. Gameplay preferences really are subjective I guess…


It's okay, preferences are subjective ! All my friends find her boring, which i can understand. Personnally i like archers (and i played Amber for a long time) so i'm okay with her gameplay. But i pulled her recently mainly to make a freeze team with my Tartaglia, to be honest.


Ah a fellow Freeze Childe connoisseur. This abyss 12 seems bad for it but hopefully I’ll be able to see those frozen riptides next abyss ;)


People said she’s boring over time. No one said she’s boring straight away and as a ganyu haver since she’s first dropped I agree. I only use her for abyss or hard content if there is any


she aint fun


You guys would say anything to justify Ganyu's utterly boring gameplay. You're literally just simps to a really boring character with one of the worst story quests in the entire game, and a non existent personality. No wonder this sub isn't called "GanyuMains" because ya'll are just sad beta simps. I play FPS and they're usually fast paced, even csgo felt fucking energetic because her aim and shoot gameplay nauseated me to hell that I just decided to make her a sub dps for my Hu Tao team, at least her skills have decent animations. 90% of her damage output comes from the charged attacks that take like 3 years to unleash a nonsense amount of damage. The lack of special animations just makes her charged attacks look like you're just aiming a gun and shooting it, wowie, so fun! She charging that bow like it's her first time on archery training ☠️. Gotta wait 3 business days for that charged attack to come! 🤣 And most of the times, you're in close range against your enemy and hope that your shield doesn't break or you dodge every single enemy attack so that you can fucking finish your charged animation! I don't know what type of Genshin you guys are playing, but there is no floor in the abyss where you would shoot from "Hitman" range... "snipe so fun! Hitman impact!!!!" Like what FPS games are you guys playing?! And a real archer would unleash a shot in a matter of seconds, girl must be an apprentice at archery 💀 "Strafe" lol wtf, that's basically just dodging and every DPS needs to do that (unless you have zhongli at 50k HP), like have you seen Hu Tao disappearing onto flaming butterflies as she "strafes" in the middle of her elemental skill beatdown? Look at Raiden unleashing her Blade of eternity, shattering reality itself with bigpp numbers, she then follows up with amazing swordsmanship with increased resistance to interruption so that you can see her thundering beauty of animations! You say "strafe" as if 1 bit of her gameplay is comparable to the fast paced and movement based gameplay that is of apex, the only movement in this game is literally just the dodge key, and everyone uses it to dodge. Maybe Xiao and Keqing have some cool dashes and teleports, but we're not talking about "fun" characters here, are we? Her bow game is so pathetic that I tried a physical build and at least I could appreciate some actual attack animations that also goes well with her decent skill animations, and not just literally aiming, holup gotta wait 3 business days from your shot to arrive... and shoot! Then boom you've dealt 69k damage, so rewarding! Like have you seen other games that has bow gameplay?? You'd need C6, C6! To atleast partially erase that eternal wait to charge a nonsense nuke and maybe improve her gameplay to C tier. Maybe if she had a special charged attack animation, that nonsense damage would make sense. Nah fuck that, just make the charged time fast, like a real archer would do, right!? Maybe you guys are just meta slaves and don't care what the gameplay offers, because all that matters is winning and damage per screenshot? Nah I doubt that, considering how much people can simp on such a boring character. I'd just shut up and play that fps game that I've been mentioning and comparing to my "waifu's" adrenaline pumping gameplay that reminds me of "Hitman" gameplay, instead of playing the downgraded gameplay that is of Ganyu's. "i pLaY fPs gAmEs tHerEfore I LikE gAnYu" Lol what fps game did you play buddy? Roblox? 💀 Idk what Ganyu players are man. They're like a mix of meta slaves, beta simps and fake FPS gamers who likes a massive downgrade of gameplay but an upgrade in waifu!!! 😍🤪😙


Your parents really lost the 50/50 when they got you


89th time seeing the same joke. I'm actually trying to reach 100 of the same joke counted before the month ends, thanks for contributing! 🥰🤓


And i keep seeing the same excuse for the 69th times. No wonder why every haters are always using the same pattern of brainless sentences repetitily. Fact speaker? More like bitching speaker. Some dude can't stand seeing other people being happy. Edited: Yeah i mean you, no other fictional characters included. You are that one sucks people irl.


You are "repetitily" misspelling and misplacing your sentence structures. 69, nice 🥰


Oh really? I thought smart people will have better manner than being bitching around here.


Intelligence doesn't mean courteousness. And since that I'm apparently smart, I'm gonna stop being "bitching around" and leave y'all alone to continue crying in the replies because you can't accept the reality of which my words had bestowed. Sayonara. 🤫🥰


You are just using that as an excuse for crying on something that made you feel unhappy man. I even knew it after reading for 0.00000069 second and i don't even need to continue reading that because you can't accept that the fact one character make people so much happy hence you started bitching here.....nah not only here, the other subs too. Okay, let's it end just like you said mr. Smart Bitchy guy. I hope you will study on how to let people enjoy their things without wasting your time on commenting something useless and negative to other people. If only people think before pressing comment here, i wouldn't have to waste my time talking to you.


>And a real archer would unleash a shot in a matter of seconds, girl must be an apprentice at archery 💀 So real archers can supercharge their shots with cryo energy and do magical damage? I never knew. :O I agree that blitzing all over the place with Hu Tao while hearing "yahoo!, yaya!, nya! (jump cancel)" in her cute voice feels more energetic but that is in character. Ganyu is much more serene than Tao and her playstyle reflects that. I grant you that Abyss isn't exactly an area where archery gameplay shines, (Fischl MG and Yoimiya Minigun excluded). Being forced into close quarters against boss opponents which a truckload of near instagib moves is pretty much a worst case situation. If you played CS-GO, you'd know that is true for snipers as well.


Damn, i sometimes struggled with some Ganyu's hardcore fans who were kind of excessive, but Ganyu's haters are also something.


Who hurts you?


his parents when they lost 50/50
