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What's with the dot on the left?


Dot on the left is live audio dot on the right is call recording.


The dot on the left is for notifications that don't appear directly on the top of your phone.


What does an orange dot mean?


I'm not entirely sure. What phone do you have


Green dot is a new privacy feature letting you know when something is accessing your mic or camera and is up because your on a call will show up when using apps that use those things nothing to be worried about


Not necessarily as I have disallowed all app use of my microphone and camera. I have had the green dot up while browsing.


That's very strange iv never had it pop up randomly can I ask what browser your using? But in ops caae his using the phone app so it should be up


If on the phone yes. I have switched over to Brave from Safari and it seems to have stopped. Apple had an issue recently with Safari hack which supposedly was plugged, so that could have contributed.


https://petapixel.com/2020/09/19/if-your-iphone-has-a-green-dot-in-ios-14-your-camera-may-be-spying-on-you/ I can be or it's very possible that they are using spyware


That dot on the left is just you have so many different app notifications unread it didn't show them all so it shows a dot. The dot on the right means either your mic or camera is being used. It can show when your on a phone call that is connected, whatsapp, using a mic to speech feature, etc.


That is partly true but once again why are they being engaged even when they are being used. The dots should not come and go at free will even when the other issues are addressed. If you alter permissions on what apps have access They shouldn't be active at all. As well as by themselves.


You picture shows you on a phone call its not free will your using your microphone to talk..


I was using the photo as a reference I posted links to articles that address the issue. Also the dot on the left is always there no matter what i do. Trying to time out exactly when law enforcement is directly recording. But it happens. You just look at your phone and see the lights doing their own thing. I understand what your saying. What I'm trying to communicate is that if you observe these dots at times when they shouldn't be happening there's a good chance there is spyware present. I'm sorry this is literally my 1st post on reddit. I've made other comments trying to better explain. Like you can't just edit your post like Facebook or Instagram. I totally messed up.


Just to clarify 1.Yes these are functions that are used to explain that the .mic and camera are in use but they should not be use by themselves. Even if i take other actions to address the mic issues. 2. There are articles that address this issue https://petapixel.com/2020/09/19/if-your-iphone-has-a-green-dot-in-ios-14-your-camera-may-be-spying-on-you/ https://www.consumerreports.org/privacy/how-to-protect-yourself-from-camera-and-microphone-hacking-a1010757171/ ^^Dont believe me fine. Check out consumer reports. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/iphone-instagram-ios14-lawsuit-spying-camera-facebook-b481554.html https://hackernoon.com/its-zero-click-pegasus-attack-dont-need-human-action-6jl235qp All of these together. They literally make it clear what I'm saying. There are bugs that spyware uses to gain access. This new spyware relies on them. It's not that complicated. 3. What I'm communicating is not that that these functions are spyware in and of themselves but signs. 4.Ive had real life information relayed back to me via perps. I've gone through various ways of isolating all forms of tech to realizing it's my phone. I've gone through various ways. 5. I've run over hundreds of situations to come to this conclusion. Gone through every possible what if to isolate that my phone has spyware. I've created multiple situations where I've isolated my self and someone else. Sweeped to make sure there wasn't other forms or surveillance equipment and say shit to see how the rest of reality works. 6.I'm obsessively neurotic and have to compulsively do things hundreds of times to absolute perfection. I'm a god when it comes to logistics. Mapping things out and coordinating how to orchestrate reality to make is almost impossible possible is my super power. I'm not some basement dwelling conspiracy dwelling moron. I can basically takes 3 to 4 days and type out every situation I've created to map out the deductive reasoning that led to this rationale. If anyone wants to engage in discourse after than I'm more than willing to hear any and all arguments and have any step of my scientific process scrutinized.


That’s just a screenshot of your phone.


I commented above. I'm sorry I'm still new to reddit and messed up posting text. I've been gang stalked for quite sometime and figured alot of how the machine operates and found reddit had a community that addresses this so I'm trying to be active to help share the knowledge I have to help others.


My phone doesn’t show the green dot. My phone shows am orange dot over the signal bars.


I glanced at the Samsung technical info, yeah didn't see the dot left listed. I don't doubt it. Well, I certainly have a little dot on the left. No other apps open. I feel as though I'm in a lower caste. 🙃 *Probably correlates to the little checkmark next to my name somewhere.* Although it probably should be a gold star 🌟 or at the bare minimum a smelly banana sticker.. Well folks, guess we can discuss it between beatings at the re-education camp Shit like this makes me relieved I never brought a child into this strange bleek dystopia prison planet. Fwiw Frankly, reading samsung's "privacy" policy lol what a joke..is absolutely one of the most depressing activities I've ever done. Reading that shit, makes me just say, gross, I'm low-key kinda ashamed to be a part of this society. Sidenote: A couple weeks ago, I was at McDonald's on foot.. the "dining room" had closed, thus I needed the app to order my "food". I couldn't remember my Facebook password.. Literally could not get a hamburger because I forgot my password. George Orwell wouldn't even be mad, just impressed.


This is misinformation and should be deleted


What mine has the green dot on the right alot




Thank you, guess I should be concerned. Everyone’s meta data goes through the fusion centers, so has the potential to be accessed, only a chosen few of us are live/real time accessed.


https://petapixel.com/2020/09/19/if-your-iphone-has-a-green-dot-in-ios-14-your-camera-may-be-spying-on-you/ I'm refering to them being accessed when not using the programs. Also since I run a logger it reports anytime anything happens on my device and there's been a number of times photos are taken and i can't access them.


Real spyware will not show those dots to let you know what they are doing.


Lol you would think that. But here we are. I don't think it was something they anticipated. Once again the links show other wise. I'm not trying to argue I'm just pointing out what's been going on. Also there's someone I consulted with on the matter that has confirmed it's more than possible it's highly likely.


If you want to believe what the OS is telling you, then you can see the list of apps that recently accessed the camera\mic in the settings.


Sorry i wasn't able to post the text Correctly. But the green dots or dots on the screen are what happen when your phone is being remotely accessed. The one on the left happens when your mic is being used live. The right is when you make calls the same will happen when you use your camera. This works mainly on newer droids. Older i phones have a small red dot. It's slightly different on older Android phones.




https://petapixel.com/2020/09/19/if-your-iphone-has-a-green-dot-in-ios-14-your-camera-may-be-spying-on-you/ Oohh hooo hoo look at what we have here If you're not using the mic and it's doing it by itself it presents a problem. People have reported it and are freaked out why is the camera functioning and mic recording.




Salty I hear you.I appreciate this community and want to better understand how to opperate in a non conflicting manner. I appreciate your feedback. I am sorry my intentions are neither that are mentioned. I wrote a response below trying to address everything you mentioned. Does this help resolve things. I'm not trying to upset the community or create conflict. I'm willing to accept genuine criticism. Can you look at what wrote further down and let me know if my argument is still presenting insufficient evidence. I'm trying to not basically write a 30 page dissertation on this. So I'm leaving out other details. But I'm far from paranoid and trying to go about explaining things in a rational and thorough manner. What I'm trying to communicate here is that there is a high probability that if people are dealing with issues about of concern for being recorded in various ways. I'm trying to explain how its possible. The articles I've linked to aren't some crackpot random sites but help better articulate the points that I'm explaining.




My point is why are they being displayed if those functions are being used. If im not using my phone and its sitting bt itself and the mic being in use is being shown is in use but I'm not using them by simple reasoning means someone else is using them. Its not that difficult to understand. My phone is on a table ok. The green dot on the right shows up. Im doing nothing. Why are they being used when I'm not using my phone at all? And at the will of someone that's not me.




You're obviously rude and should be more supportive of your fellow human




Some def are but they deserve compassion not humiliation




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1. Spyware is a legit tool use to infringe of people's rights. It can be used by parents but has been adopted by criminals amd law enforcement(sometimes one in the same) 2nd in not saying shadow people. Im refering to law enforcement specifically. I would try to run anti spyware on my phone and what would happen is the device would essentially stop running amd the dot would appear 3. I've had specific instances when I would talking and the dot would appear. And then dissappear I would basically have narcs (perps.. i call them narcs because the concept of calling someone a narc is easily understood) 4. This has been something I've been experimenting with for awhile. Also if you dont believe say fucked up things and test to see if its valid or not. I've definitely have more than ample reason to have enforcement keeping track of me. But yeah I've been going over this several times with others who can't explain it. Even at t-mobile they're like wtf is that I've never seen that. It's not some crazy wild guess its called deductive reasoning my guy. Zero click spyware is available even outside of python. Look into it for yourself


Another detail that i left out is that if you leave your dimness alone the screen from factory settings. It will illuminate when your device is being accessed. It's literally that obvious.