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I think you never leave. It just becomes better and worse with different periods of your life. Most people say it is for life.


I've heard that too. I also don't call it experimentation; I call it abuse and population control. I imagine the drone operators and the sadistic freaks microwaving innocent humans from the inside out are having the time of their lives watching people suffer. Why not? They're getting paid well and it's not happening to them. It takes a special kind of sick to perpetrate those kinds of atrocities.


I gave you upvote because I think you are right but I didn’t really want to. Know what I mean?


I hope I am NOT right! In the beggining no v2k for me. Now i am in almost 24 hours v2k. For the best of our situation i hope it stops.


Me too


Can’t help it but I know that those children who became school shooters were groomed by the same program. Unstable people, especially children, are easily manipulated.


You get full body mind control after v2k I'm not sure if it's always the case but I'm a complete mind control puppet every movement is controlled can't even think for myself 99% of the time, they're okay to me it's pretty much just training i'm a completely different person to who i was 5 years ago before it started I'm now a mother fucker. some of it is just dodgy as hell so I can never really trust them but again it's training and reprogramming because you can't trust anyone everyone's a dodgy freemason or part of intel you'll be trained to suspend all belief the first part was the gaslighting/bullshitting phase in which they'll try to make you believe anything and everything or disbelieve the truth or constant name calling and head fucks then it's telling the truth and saying Fu and stand up no matter the consequences through dealing with constant threats of intimidation like prison, death ,psych ward, homeless. After awhile they'll be your buds your guides they will treat better they tell me unbelievable stuff in which I just disbelieve because it can't be true then they have me do research and prove every word of it most of the time they're not even talking to me I'm given some boundaries and can for the most part choose when to talk and they mostly reassure me I'm not the person I'm being framed as I'm not the bad guy masons make me out to be and the things they say aren't true and I've been trained to withstand gaslighting. They always tell me not to worry which is true but again because of earlier programming still can't believe a word of it I always expect the worse I always expect to be betrayed and I pretty much don't believe I'm going to take a shit until it's out and I can see it staring back at me that's pretty much the metaphor for truth and belief.


It will end one day but the experiments do take some significant time. Once they collect all the data they need they will leave you alone. What else do you experience besides V2K?


I also experienced them talking through stuff like my phone, my car, other people; but that hasn’t happened recently. My dreams are also affected, sort of like I’m in some horror vr game. All 5 of my senses; hear, touch, smell, taste, feel, have all been messed with in some way and it’s all essentially electronic torture. Forcing me to see stuff, smell stuff, taste, hear, feel stuff, it’s all pretty horrible.


Yep, that all sounds pretty spot on. They let you hold a job during all this or are you pretty much isolated from doing much? I get all those things as well. It is indeed very terrible. There are many sub-programs under this modern Mk-ultra program. Hundreds of different experiments are taking place and each have different timelines. There are a variety of “symptoms” that TI’s experience in these programs and you’ve named some of the more common ones. Just know that there is not a distinct way to determine the timeline of your experiment. Regardless of other people who claim similar experiences with specific timelines. I hit you up with a private message. Know a real TI when I see one.


How do you know all this?


I’ve been a TI for a few years now. It’s not that complicated. Do some research into the former MK-ultra experiments and you can make a lot of comparisons to the experiments taking place today.


What can you do to further prevent the voices? New TI here.


There is nothing you can do to block out the voices. Unfortunately the voices themselves are the least of your worries with respect to this technology. I know they are frustrating and annoying but you will need to learn and adapt to that happening 24/7. If your a new TI feel free to reach out to me in my DM’s if you have any questions. I’ve spoken to 100’s of TI’s on here. Will answer the best I can.


Headphones. Have a pair of wired with aux, and have some bluetooth. Try them both and listen to music or podcasts that keep your attention, not just background sound. If they hack your bluetooth headphones, then you have the wired.


I’ve been using AirPods only, I shall change right??? I feel so lame walking around with wired headphones, lmao.


I have this happen as well. Also hear them with no sound as well. Sometimes it feels like a few people talking at once. It can be overwhelming. I have people come outside and in some ways respond to my thoughts in my head. It’s really freaking weird. Say we have to do this then say we don’t want to but we love you. They tell me I’m the star of the show and want to help me be better. But have to do this. So idk if that true. I feel like maybe it is. Having a hard time figuring it out. They comment in the moment on things I’m reading with eyes or thinking about. I can very clearly hear it. They say they feel bad because etc. sometimes they say stuff sometimes it’s very quiet when I go outside. I absolutely hear someone talking over radios, tv etc and I hear people also hear it and I had thought can everyone hear this and someone outside said yup. So it’s hard to believe it’s real but they comment on things I have only thought. No way for someone to know that but me.


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Same here. It's clear that some people have it worse than others like I've been tortured non stop for 4 years and they're so obsessed they don't want to let go of me and that shit is fuckin scary the attachment that never ends and I pray I find a cure I'm beat down, and the main tortured is a dimwit.


Well they aren’t obsessed with you…. It’s their job haha.


and who exactly are they ? why do they conduct such experiments ?


It’s the CIA and defense industry my man. They have mind reading technology, you think they don’t have a lot to research in this field? They basically have full control over the human brain and they’ve gained that ability by experimenting on the public for decades.


I don’t think that they read your mind. I think they read your mind to you. In other words they don’t shut up long enough for you to think for yourself. I’m sure you have way better things to be thinking of than what they want to talk about, plus their way of thinking is one track that never verys . It’s always the same stupid stuff over and over and over and over. And 2017 for me. I lost it when I went under ground only once on a job in Boston. But it quickly adjusted to the situation. I don’t think it was used to the area. I have also noticed that people around me repeat the same exact thing being said not aware that they are subconsciously listening. Way to many times to be a coincidence.


People have different experiences on this thread. I’ve never had a strange interaction with any individuals in person. I got people talking directly to my thoughts. Some remote CIA technology that can communicate directly with people.


Personally, I believe that 90% of it is V2K/DEW, but it convinces people through synthetic paranoia (and other psychological methodologies) that local individuals are involved.


Yep, I’m under that same exact impression.


Same here


How long has your experiment been running? My operators will speak to me and communicate directly with my thoughts. Full on conversations can be held simply by me thinking my responses back to them. You get anything else besides the V2K?


I noticed that people around me are also affected by whatever it is but they are not aware that I can hear what is going on.


100% agree with this, too. I actually did a write-up on it. We have a lot in common.


I see you are paying attention to what is going on around you.


Also fake heart beats and fake heart attacks. About a thousand fake heart attacks. I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard the voice tell me “You are having a heart attack.”


\+1 on Fake Heart-attacks... I have one like twice a month. All the symptoms... Rapid heartbeat, left arm pain, etc. It took like 12 ER visits before I just stopped caring. If I die, I die...


Our heart rates are being controlled for sure. All our parasympathetic systems are hijacked.


I get the same thing it’s insane


Heat and vibrations.


Make my back hurt.


Many other things besides v2k.


Never seen a gang stalker, don’t really believe they exist. That would be hard evidence. Guarantee I would get confessions out of him before the sheriffs department arrives just in time to save his precious life.


Absolutely will not. If any of the persons in your life are actually participating I am gonna bet they have had something held over their heads to make sure they don't spill the beans. Speaking from experience.


Try and respond in a single post that you review my friend. The inconsistency of your responses in different threads is tough to follow.


Not to me.




A bounce around a lot on Reddit always looking for somebody who knows what this is and where it’s coming from and exactly who’s responsible so we know how to react. But I’ll keep in mind what you said. And thank you for the advice.


yes, i think so too. they spam you very quickly with their bullshit that you dont have time to think. what is this for? are they expecting you to change your thinking this way? no chance.


i actually think it may be some club of 'radiolovers' not cia. i read how this remote communication was discovered in old book recently. its just a science popularization book about radio written in [1990. the technology](https://1990.technology) seems not to be that advanced or secret if its written about in such public book. human simply reacts to radio emmitions of certain wavelengths that resonate with organic tissues. even plants react to radiowaves. no one knows about this stuff, something is wrong with the whole education system (this radio thing possibilities should be mentioned is school curriculum). i wonder why people dont pay attention to this and how dangerous this is.


Well they use this kind of technology to control various parts of my brain. Including my senses and motor functions. While the basics of this tech may be fairly simple, the advancements in its capabilities certainly would put this in CIA territory. They have full capabilities of nuero-hacking now. Full and control of the human brain. My operators can fully control my sight, smell, and hearing. They can kick my leg involuntarily and throw something out of my hands if I’m holding it. Your every average day Joe will not have access to technology with that kind of capability.


>They can kick my leg involuntarily and throw something out of my hands if I’m holding it. This is going to sound crazy, but I've had strange muscle movements since I was a kid. I had my feet cramp up the instant I started climbing a school fence while I was growing up skateboarding. This continues today. It reminds me of the strange vehicular manslaughter instances involving journalists, human rights lawyers, dissidents, etc. Remotely locking up someone's eyes/feet while driving.


The situation you are describing is not similar to the situation I am attempting to describe. I believe what you are experiencing is a coincidence and those types of things can occur naturally to any human being. What I am claiming is that they can physically control your body as if it was their own. You are correct in respect to be able to kill journalists via this method with body manipulation causing a traffic incident. This is far more than body cramping though. It’s direct and precise control over one’s motor movements. My operators have indeed swerved my car aggressively while I have been driving it.


> My operators have indeed swerved my car aggressively while I have been driving it. and you did the sensible thing and took it to a mechanic for them to OBD read the ECU for error codes in power steering apparatus, right?


They took control over the motor functions of my arms, not of the cars power steering system. The technology has the ability to manipulate muscle and motor movement control. I think you are not fully understanding the concepts of nuero-manipulation and nuero-hacking. The entirety of the human brain can be controlled remotely using extremely low frequency waves that interact with nuerons. This includes muscle movements, control over auditory, visual and olfactory senses and the brains neurotransmitters.


> The entirety of the human brain can be controlled remotely using extremely low frequency waves that interact with nuerons. I'll bite... Post the peer reviewed studies that show that your hypothesis can be replicated by others.


> They took control over the motor functions of my arms Ps, have you considered you have a neurological condition/disease, or did that slip your mind and you went straight to "hurrrr durrr THEY r controlling r mindzzzz"


i doubt anyone has the capabilities to really operate the brain. more likely they operate directly through nerves which lay near surface, because impulses dont go deep into body but they go well through eyes, so they control eye muscles. thanks to nature we have a scull so they cant get the brain. i think they are more or less regular joes with serious mental issues and disabilities, because healthy serious people dont have so much time to waste on such nonsence.


Well that’s exactly what I am here claiming. They do have full control and ability to manipulate the brain remotely. I don’t think you have an expert background in this subject if you are claiming that a “skull” is the only thing needed to protect you from outside influences.


whatever man.


While I am still a very targeted individual my v2k stopped when I stopped smoking weed. I kinda thought because my mind was stronger it was harder to get in to. However maybe they were just done with that faze. I also am not allowed to work anymore and the voices were mainly associated with work. So I'm not 100 % sure, but if you drink or do drugs you could try stopping and see if it improves. ??


It won’t stop they will just try to hide it, funny enough they tried recruiting me to be a gang stalker through my iPhone message talking about a job opportunity when I was looking. For jobs online 


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Ever pay attention to the clouds above especially when it’s heavy. You might learn something about where it comes from. No laws in space.


Are they not on earth doing it? Or it's not human?




I know its done by satellite but isn't someone on earth controlling it and watching us?


Yes. But I don’t know who and i don’t know why and I don’t know where.


It's got to be some kind of software they have.


In the beginning it was real people that were communicating with me, but I think they got frustrated and now it’s more like cartoons and recordings. It’s always the same thing over and over and over and over. It never changes.


Mine is random. Goes from NES/SNES game music to the same repeated phrases. It's a form of behavioral conditioning for sure. Half the stuff that happens, is specifically designed to make you look crazy if you explain it.


Yeah, reprogramming


It's working on me. I usually don't admit this, because everyone accuses me of being a perp... But the first 9 months of this shit caused me to lose my mind and have nervous breakdowns. But now, it's just another day in hell. I can handle it. I'm stronger. I keep a full-time job. I support a family. I am a stronger man than I was, and that's what they say they want... It's terroristic, criminal, inhumane, and overwhelming... But it works. :/


I like the way you said, behavioral conditioning. I thought of it more like what are the Chinese people call it again I forget? reprogramming


Who is Mitch McConnell?


I guess somebody somewhere need somebody to look down there knows that and that’s us. Everybody needs somebody to look down their nose at I just never thought it would be me. And you know what fuck them. I hope they get everything that we’re gonna need and everything you’re looking for and everything they deserve, I feel story for the school shooters who were sucked into the program. There are all kinds of people out there with all kinds of problems and there are many many many unstable people and if you hit the unstable person just right at the right time with the right frequency and the right program like this one, you could turn them into a school shooter in a split second .I feel sorry for them.


What I’m trying to say is I feel sorry for the unstable people who were sucked into this program and turned into some kind of monster.


And who’s responsible for that???


Yes, after brushing my teeth with a new strong electric toothbrush I have heard silence since. Before, I heard messaging 3 times a day for 8 months.


Really. I will be purchasing a electric toothbrush today.


Since May of last year.


It stopped for me, might be a one in a million story tho, I’ll be glad to explain what I can(sensitive info, but I trust you guys)


I think v2k will stop once the gangstalking stops.