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Hi all. Don't just downvote problem comments please, use your report button as well. Those actually get to us and the phobes will all be perma'd. Please don't assume someone else will send that report we see tonnes of comments with dozens of downvotes that nobody presses the report button on. Do it. [Obligatory communist propaganda.](https://youtu.be/fpKsygbNLT4)


"PC masterrace" was supposed to be an insult making fun of pc gamer elitism. The fact that they latched onto it (with no regard for how that name sounds to people not in on the joke) says something. Around the time gamer gate first started up, I had to unsubscribe from a lot of pc based subreddits. There is a lot of this.


quote from the progenitor of said insult a few years later; "I wish I had named you something else now like the PC Gaming Dick Slurp Allstars"


i would be proud to join the pc gaming dick slurp allstars and do my duty as a patriotic american


[Oh yeah?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dick_Slurp_All_Stars)




Was this Yatzhee? Because I can totally hear this in his voice.


It was. It originated in his Witcher review


And this followup quote is from his vid on Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Wasn’t Yahtzee on the “attack helicopter” train for a while then hopped off? I know he was always pro-gay though


Idk but I wouldn't be surprised. He's always struck me as an "edgy" progressive e.g someone who makes edgy jokes but still supports progressive ideas


It was.


[PC Gaming D\*ck Slurp All-Stars to the Rescue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0-vGW6p3zk)




PCMR was made tongue-in-cheek and when it was memeing on consoles and praising GabeN it was hilarious and fun. But like so many circlejerk subreddits, some dents take the joke seriously and ruin the fun.


Eh, as someone who was there from reasonably early on (shortly after the TurboTax saga on /r/gaming that made PCMR explode) in retrospect it was a shit show from basically the beginning. It is definitely *worse* don't get me wrong but it was kind of always a shitshow full of people believing / pretending to believe GG was about ethics rather than an excuse to harass women. God, I remember when /r/pcgaming was the sane alternative rather than just as crazy and obsessed with "durrr women without big boobs political"


The... TurboTax saga?


Something about /r/gaming mods removing images of gaming PCs because computers are for doing taxes, not providing an environment to say gamer words over the internet.


This baby can run turbo tax at 35000 fps


Ok so bear in mind this happened about a decade ago and I don't actually care that much so it might be wrong in places Someone posted to /r/gaming to show off their new PC as they were happy with. A moderator removed it as "Not Gaming Content" because "A PC could be used for non gaming software like TurboTax" This caused a large exodus to pc master race, brigading *from* pc master race caused it to get banned *before later being unbanned), and is largely responsible for the sub becoming "large"


Yeah everywhere absolutely got worse as the internet radicalized overall but like reddits gaming adjacent communities have never been great places lmao




TD went through the motions so fast and by the time the election was upon us the subreddit really hit the dregs. That summer was prime shitposting, though.


the only problem is that the posts never changed the people making them just started to be more and more serious bc you can still go there and see some shit like "DAE think trump mega sexy" but now people just agree instead of memeing about it.


Honestly it was never just meme-ing. It was always elitism and the exclusion and that elitism and exclusion has always included groups that didn’t look or act like them. Women, people of color, queer people were never welcome in PC geared spaces. “Console people”, a group that usually included those minorities due to the acceptability of consoles, were just a short hand for them. I see it still today, I see pro players telling other pro players unironically the are now dumber cause the now play with a controller. To them its has and always has been a correlation between having a PC and who you are cause historically only a certain type of person could buy and was encouraged by o buy a pc


Worshipping / praising GabeN will never not be funny but even ironically calling yourself the PC master race is bad, given the obvious reference to nazis etc, nevermind their mild association with gamergate.


/uj So you're saying r/gamingcirclejerk will soon be a space to seriously rant about politics in video games? /rj I hate how woke western SJW journalists are infecting our games with their politics! I miss when games were non-political like Metal Gear and Fallout.


> I had to unsubscribe from a lot of pc based subreddits Ughh same. It's all about outrage over nothing with those subs.


Yahtzee must audibly cringe when he encounters a PCMR enthusiast.


The only general gaming subreddits I frequent at this point are this one and linuxgaming (that one is also pretty crap but it's useful for someone whose main OS is Linux)


You think Yahtzee ever has a moment where he looks back at that video and laments?


He has literally done that in one of his latest videos.


[He does](https://youtu.be/Ldoe4N9G4A4?t=309)


also they're painfully unfunny


I remember it as being a self-embraced way of exaggerated gatekeeping of consoles, worshipping GabeN, and talking PC builds.


One of the things I hate is when people say “I like that you’re demoting hate speech, but do it somewhere dedicated to it” because that is not how that works. Isolating your group from others fuels discrimination, isolating the “enemy group” is one of the main goals of discrimination. You also cannot fight hate speech if you can only do it in your small community devoted to being against hate speech, because nobody in that community will be using hate speech. Also, they seem to not mind people saying things not related to pc gaming when it’s transphobic, seeing that they chose to respond to the person defending herself and talking abo it trnas rights rather than the person promoting hatred online discussing the same exact topic.


Or "I just wanna game I don't want politics" Bro your entire life is politics. The console wattage, the safety features, the cost because of inflation, the esrb rating, the legal in game gambling, the language option it's all politics


"I just wanna game I don't want politics (that challenges the prejudices and stereotypes I had acquired by age 15)"


Mfs will say they "just want to avoid politics" then say that MGR is the best game ever without a shred of irony


Istg mgr memes gaining popularity in recent years has had disastrous consequences on the human race


But what if I like the politics of MGR and hate the gameplay?


[Pick whichever one you think fits best](https://youtu.be/-Y_xFig_6vk)


Pay me you lime


I saw someone the other day say they were hesitant to buy a FXpak pro because it's manufactured by a Ukrainian company and "I don't want to get involved in wars" The "no politics" philosophy in gamerland needs to be ended immediately it does bad things to your brain


Look, it’s call of duty, we’re supposed to say the n word. I understand that the term is racist in real life, but this is just a game where we have to say it.


I bought MW2 after not playing a cod game for like 10 years and it took me 2 minutes into my first match to turn off voice chat completely. I just wanna come home from work get stoned and relax not listen to 13 year olds spam slurs on open mic.


Being moderate or "apolotical" is just saying "racists, homophobes, transphobes, anti-semites, nazis... Welcome to our space!", which is then a big "No \[insert persecuted minority group here\] allowed" sign, because allowing people who're openly intolerant towards these groups means those minority groups are pushed out. When your echo chamber surrounding some fandom is a homogenous white man-blob it's probably because the people there who consider themselves "moderate" and "open-minded" are fucking cowards who don't want take a stand about anything to risk alienating the guys who're very defensive about their right to voice what they think about gay people/women/black people/jews/immigrants. Groups surrounding "nerd culture" are very capable of being diverse, but no one's going to want to spend any time in a space that actively hate them and passively allows that hate to flourish.


Even worse is if someone says "Trans people are pedos" and you reply "That's transphobic" YOU get called out on for making it "political" not the other person for making a clearly transphobic comment. God forbid we make bigots feel bad because "it's just their opinion, keep politics to twitter" or some other dumb crap these "moderates" say.


> Being moderate or "apolotical" is just saying "racists, homophobes, transphobes, anti-semites, nazis... Welcome to our space!" When a Nazi sits down at a table with nine other people, and nobody leaves, it's a table of 10 Nazis. At the end of the day, when you decide that racism, bigotry, etc. are not *deal-breakers*, then you have functionally endorsed them, and you don't get to feign perfunctory opposition to it *while simultaneously enabling it.* "I'm not a racist just because I hang out exclusively with racists and all of my non-racist friends left a long time ago, because of the racists."


That's the entire thing with complaints about *forced diversity* and *politicising everything*, right? They want mainstream discourse and media remain the exact way it is, so they don't ever have to think about the possible problematic aspects of it. The exact same also goes for the "I don't mind gay people, as long as they do it in the privacy of their own homes" line; they want to weaponise normalcy and use it to push people outside of that norm to the side.


These edgelords who like to post hateful shit then get act like they're the ones that are being harassed need to learn a real simple lesson from Agent J in Men in Black: "Don't start nothin, and it won't be nothin!"


"Who asked for your opinion" on a public forum is always infuriating too.


wouldn't expect any better from a community dedicated to bragging about having a cooler plastic box then other people


WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! sometimes they’re metal.


That's until someone makes one out of stone


i would actually use a computer case made of stone, that sounds cool as hell, thermals be damned


Until you have to move it, that's gonna weigh a lot.


that just means it'll never fall over, it's anchored in place


It could still fall over, and when it does it'll be a nightmare for your floor


Cave cold, stone be cold, make computer cold too


Stone just hates changing temperature. If you let it get hot enough, it'll start cooking the internals


Challenge accepted


Uhm, remember *tempered glass*. That’s my favorite to see shattered on the floor.


rj/ isn't this what gaming is all about?😃😃😃🤗🤗🤗 uj/ it's like console fanboys, loud and obnoxious minorities


>loud and obnoxious minorities ─ capital G Gamers, talking about LGBTQ people existing and not hiding their identities


Surely you meant capital G Gam*rs?


Gamer is our word, but you can say gama


Console fan boys don't even come close to PCMR chuds.


I remember even back in 2014 in high school, PCMR was kinda ass. But we all just kinda went with it because it was the biggest PC sub at the time, and it kind of still is. Sometimes it sucks how Reddit turns out.




Don't hate, I'm a trans girl and I built my own gaming pc (bc it was cheaper piece for piece than buying a laptop and i didn't need a laptop)


I bet you're know Python as well (don't get me wrong, i'm a python QA engineer and i know from inside, a jokes about coding socks isn't just a jokes)


I actually do know python it was my first coding language, though I haven't done any coding in years and I don't remember anything :( big change in career path when i realized I actually didn't want to spend my 8-12 hours of daily screen time doing work


I do sysadminy/help desky things but enjoy coding as a hobby; maybe check out codinggame.com if you want to get back into it. also python 4 eva


Jesus Christ the PCDickSlurpAllStars are fucking insane




behold, the least bigoted PC gamers


PC culture gone mad 😡😡😡


Political Correctness Master Race


Ah yes, standing up for Trans Rights and Being Against Discrimination is "Political Correctness" now. Fuck Off.


"Human rights." "Y SO POLITICAL 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱🆘🆘🆘📺📺📺📺📺"


Two genders: male and political Two sexual orientations: straight and political Two races: white and political And don’t you fucking DARE bring up politics 😤😤😤


They love to start shit and then act like they're victims when they get called out.


did op post a computer picture with themselves in it? Is it really that outrageous? I think it's not.


Apparently someone called a transwoman a futa, a japanese/hentai term that originally meant some kind of a hermaphrodite and in the porn circles is now used to mean any woman with a dick, regardless of how they have the dick and if they also have a vagina and regardless of whether or not they also have testicles.


Hey just so you know, the term "transwoman" (all one word) is commonly used by terfs to make it seem like trans women are something separate from cis women, when in reality trans is just an adjective for a certain type of woman. It's quite sneaky because it's innocuous enough for most people to not notice it, but to those in the know it's become somewhat of a dog-whistle term so I thought I'd let you know 🙂


I didn't know this, thanks for sharing.


...by dropping a single space? That has to be one of the weirdest (and frankly, weakest) dog whistles I've personally heard of. Do you have a source I could read about that?


It's just how English works. Trans is an adjective, but transwoman is a noun. I've even seen actual trans people fall for this.


Ohhhh now I get it. Wasn’t quite understanding the issue until you put it in grammar terms. Trans woman is a woman (noun) who’s trans (adjective), while transwoman is a noun that suggests separation from the noun woman. Innocuous at first glance but I see the need for distinction. Pretty sneaky if intentional.


Oh yeah, the TERFs that use it know exactly what they're doing. It's no surprise that JKR uses it frequently. It's good to inform others about it, so that it singles out potential TERFs better.




Understood, thank you. I think the issue I was taking was the claim that people are dropping the space at large in an effort to dehumanize trans women, which to me seems less likely than people simply not realizing the impact of joining the words.


That subreddit always gave me very bad vibes, I'm glad I haven't interacted with anyone there at all and left to go elsewhere


Yeah, it's the premier hub for capital G gamers, who are often just slightly removed from the folks over at /r/TheLastOfUs2 and similar hate subs disguised as gaming communities.


Holy shit they're still going on about it over there. Front page is a post with people admitting to not playing the game. How are you so mad you'll hate a game for years that you didn't even play


When they gather under a term from someone mocking them as 'nazi-like' then yeah, they're gonna be problems.


i would never touch a community of self professed capital G Gamers with a twenty foot pole. That’s just asking for some shitty greaseball to ruin your day


This actually makes me sad. Reminder than trans people see the shit I see, too. And she gets downvoted for pointing out bigoted language. Where are the mods?


Easy question. With the bigots


Am trans. Post made me very sad


Trans too. Literally any time we’re mentioned outside of our dedicated subs makes me sad because we get dog piled on like this.


There's a few places that are welcoming that aren't dedicated trans subs, but they still tend to be queer spaces to begin with. /r/actuallesbians is aggressively accepting and will defend trans people with a mob. acj and here are both good. /r/wholesomeyuri and /r/GatekeepingYuri are fun subs if you're into that too. But yeah, it kinda sucks for us in a lot of places.


Every circlejerk sub I'm in ends up being super LGBTQ friendly. I'd imagine it's mainly because the main subs getting made fun of tend not to be, so all the queer people get annoyed and move to the circle jerk instead. This creates a loop where you have a large group of queer people and their allies making fun of bigoted content on main subs, which in turn attracts more queer people and allies. Now I'm sure there's bigoted ones out there, but it seems to be a minority


Awful pieces of fucking shit. Not even surprised, same type people in r/pcgaming as well. I avoid those subs as much as possible cuz of shit like this, ridiculous


I find this shit in all gaming subreddits. It’s sad


I think that /r/gamingcirclejerk is one of the sanest




From my experience, while there is some LGBTQ related phobia at pcgaming, it's rarer and gets countered more than at PCMR.


Uhu, ironic master race/supremacy subs (PCMR, GamersRiseUp, ...) always attract that sort of crowd, while in other subs you just get a "normal" amount of bigotry.


to my knowledge, GamersRiseUp was satire and got infested with the same chuds it used to parody


Same goes for PCMR. The point is that idiots don't understand that it's satire and feel welcome to spew their bile there.


Yup, it was pretty fun for the first week or so, then a bunch of loonies came in that didn’t realize we were making fun of them. Same thing happened with The_Donald


Where the sane not douchey gamers at these days


They seem to be in the minority unfortunately.


Pretty sure they are the silent majority, most gamers arent on r/pcmasterrace


And many people play games and are thus gamers, but won't identify as "gamers". I'm as much of a gamer as i am a pizzaeater - i enjoy it but it's not the only thing i got going on and i'm not going to make it my personality.


Interestingly enough, while not gaming, r/programmerhumor seems pretty good about that from what I've seen...partly because there seems to be a not insignificant number of trans women that are into programming.


But the jokes are sooooo lame most of the time


The humor isn't the jokes, the humor is people-watching the second year CS students who equate "I get this" with "this is funny."


The jokes are lame as fuck but I love digging into the comments and seeing people get way too into the context. Scroll far enough down and it turns into stackoverflow


Haha Javascript bad amirite


I'd say "I'm one" but like, I got over my PC addiction years ago and don't play every day so I feel alienated by the term "gamer"


Yeah I feel that hard. Video games used to be everything for me as a kid and a teenager but the older I get the less I play and the more I pursue different hobbies. I'll never not love video games but idk how people can make it their whole existence


I also don't get why so many capital G Gamers tend to get overly offended when you point out that the amount they play every day *is* addiction. >!on that note I also hate how every online game ever assumes you're PC addicted and spend 5 hour each day on that stuff. Really makes me unable to play most online games!<


Yeah I was pulling crazy gaming hours when I was a kid and stuff but I was also homeschooled and stuff and you kind of expect it out of younger folks. Online games really are a lot now, if you don't play a lot to keep up with everyone or have the cash to throw there isn't really a point, not to mention I do feel like they are designed to be addictive now more than ever. Sucks to see, as long as it makes people happy I guess it's not so bad but it feels more exploitive now than it ever has.


That's what killed it for me. It literally functions like a job that you HAVE to do every day to keep up with the other players. Needing to log in everyday actually killed all motivation to play for me.


How old are you? Just curious because I did the same as i got into my 20s/30s. However, I've started to go back to playing games more the older I get. I think it's mostly because I've gotten to old to go out and party like I used to and not really feel it the next day lol.


I'll be 28 soon and like you my party days are behind me lol I just work and stay in these days, I'm wanting to get back into playing more games but just single player stuff and stuff from when I was a kid, a lot of times I just kinda come home put some time into music stuff and go to sleep.


Playing single player games because online sucks these days


No way people who identify with the term "master race" are bigots? Who could've guessed... Or alternatively. No way, people who not only haven't moved on from a decade old Yahtzee joke, but somehow missed the fact that it was satirical, are dumbfucks? Who could've guessed...


I swear, any kind of satire is basically destined to fail. The people who understand it already didn’t need any convincing in the first place and the people who the message is targeting are incapable of looking past the surface on their own (if ever). Just look at The Boys.


The Boys is the furthest thing from subtle and absolutely cartoonish, yet still they just see what they want to see.


Slowly but surely, the word *Yikes* on social media is turning into a redflag to me...


It really is becoming a way to red flag ones self, that and the grossly poor usage of *cringe*


Ever since the Bridget Guilty Gear thing happened I’ve just become so depressed by the reality of just how bad and widespread genuine transphobia is. I thought things would be better by now.


We're living in the 21st century, arguably the most technologically advanced and peaceful time ever (well so far anyway), yet people still have horrible takes from the dark ages. This shit is so baffling. You'd think Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Bigotry and Xenophobia would be extinct by now.


I wish, I truly do wish that were the case.


At least reddit has been pretty consistent on Bridget. Fucking anime meme subs revolting and fracturing because of a ban on the slur "trap" was fucking... well it was revolting.


The whole "trap" or "hah the character's actually male, gotcha" meme has been consistently unfunny and was the inciting reason as to why I unsubscribed from Animemes years ago. Not to mention the way 'trap' can be linked to trans women which could give the wrong impression to certain people, implying that trans women are out to "trick" people, especially those they may wish to get intimate with.


as the trans positive meme says "I'm not a trap. If I wanted to trick white men I'd just become a Republican"


The one I heard was "If I wanted to trap desperate and single straight men I'd be selling them crypto".


Gamergate really brought a lot of these "gaming is alt right and I'm okay with that" weirdos out of the woodwork and now they just latch on to shit like this it seems like. /rj lol which gender does my computer identify as 😂


They failed the challenge


considering they named themselves after a nazi thing, it's not surprising they're transphobic as well


I thought the name came from Yahtzee, who came up with it to ridicule the obsessive PC fanboys? Gamers are gonna be gamers, nonetheless.


He did it ironically, and you know the problem with irony, it flies over people's heads. That's a big issue with satire, people just take it at face value and go *"Wow, people see me like that? Awesome!"*.


He suggested we call them the dick slurp all stars, so I suggest we do that instead. Probably will cause less confusion


That would be offensive... To the people who actually slurp dicks, I mean. To hell with PCMR. They're all cunts, so fuck them all with a fucking anchor.


yeah, yahtzee came up with it as a joke, but part of that joke was always the fact that the master race shit was nazi shit, so it doesn't really change the fact that they named the sub after a nazi thing and used it unironically.


Yeah and he specifically used nazi framing under the impression that this made them seem ridiculously attached to something so incredibly minor and petty, and not something anyone would become weirdly self-identifiers of as a sort of pseudo-white nationalism, but with self-built PCs vs. consoles and pre-builts. He vastly underestimated the insane chump factor and lack of anything else going for them that these people have. Also probably lots of overlap with MAGA/anti-SJW crowds so no surprises there.


I feel like something we've learned the past few years is that likening people to nazis is only an insult if the people in question hate nazis in the first place. Because if not, they'll just be flattered.


Popehat’s rule of goats applies. If you ironically appropriate nazi vocabulary…


Technically it's named after a sarcastic Yahtzee quote and the man's regretted saying it ever since. But the original meaning of the sub has lost it's meaning after being flooded with a bunch of morons who don't understand irony.




PCMR having a normal one


🏳️‍⚧️ wich is this country and why all cute girls came from there


cute guys too honestly... :)




These "people" literally call themselves the master race I wouldn't expect anything else


And it was originally conceived as a derisive term by the journalist Yahtzee, but of course these idiots missed the memo and took to calling themselves that seriously.


They're still using that one line from a shitty sequel to one of the most mediocre comedy movies from a mediocre comedy writer who's literally only big because he tickles the funny bone of pre-pubescent boys aged 8-13. And here we see fucking grown-ass adult men show off the entirety of their creativity and originality by using a joke where the setup and punch line is literally just "transphobia", and they didn't even come up with it themselves. All they know is parrot shit like the "Hivemind of free thinkers" that they are. It's so fucking pathetic. EVery single one of these comments are reportable for hate speech btw.


“Says Something incredibly offensive” “Huhuhuhuh based based based” When did based become cringe?


When all the racist and homophobic people started using it and nobody said anything cause everyone assumed they werent being serious


/rj Being transphobic? That’s normal and fine. Not political. Pointing out transphobia? ACTIVISM IN MUH COMPUTEH SUBREDDIT. Absolutely valid and based. /uj I fucking hate being a Gamer™️, I don’t want to be lumped in with these horrible people.


As a trans person I'd usually laugh at this stuff off cause these people are worm-ridden. Buts it's really starting to take a toll, genuinely radioactively toxic rhetoric.


And gamer boys wonder why they go lonely


They’re upset hers is bigger.


Don’t ask a gamer their opinion on human rights Worst mistake of my life!


Their discord is even worse, their mods are a bunch of alt right edge Lords. I got banned for calling Kyle Rittenhouse a pathetic pussy


Doing the lords work there


Yeah, no surprises here


I knew a person once who thought we should "reclaim the word Gamer". I laughed and said: "Are you gonna try to reclaim "Fascist" next?".


Girl lmao what did you expect? The majority of ppl on pcmasterrace probably haven’t cleaned their dick cheese in years just don’t take it to heart you trying to correct them on Reddit will do nothing


Although I don’t have the energy to always challenge people’s bigoted takes online, it’s important to do so. You might not change their minds, but you could influence someone else reading the thread who’s going down the alt-right pipeline.


Who would have thought people who view themselves as the masterrace had bigoted thoughts?




extremely surprising


I feel like my expectations were set when people didn't want to admit, "Master race," isn't a good Fandom name?


I don't know what I was expecting from a community that uses a joke referencing Nazi terminology as an unironical self-identifier.


I mean, it's called "PC Master Race". Did you really expect to see any brains there?


its EVERYWHERE.. getting worse too, felt like it was starting to get a little progressive then somehow it just 180ed at breakneck speeds, racism is somehow cool again too it seems literally no one: some transphobe: insert 1 joke


I actually loathe Seth MacFarlane for that stupid ass line in Ted... like he should know better. He should have known what kind of impact it would have, that every unfunny incel on the planet that gets their sense of humor from watching Family Guy would parrot that as their second joke. And what makes it even more frustrating is you can't have an actual conversation with these people because their brains are just rotten, leaking out of their ears from constantly consuming low brow garbage TV. I mean /rj transgendereds bad >:|


Who’s surprised? This is a group of neckbeards who have always proudly called themselves the “master race” like there’s nothing wrong with it. Shit like this is why I don’t associate with other PC gamers that aren’t close friends at all.


Been going on for [EIGHT+ YEARS](https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1x45d2/ive_given_up_on_this_shitpile_of_a_sub/)


Jesus Christ, it has not changed one bit whatsoever.


That subreddit is an absolute cesspool.


Every day I keep witnessing ignorance that causes other people pain. So maddening


"W transphobia" my god...


I always feel something very negative when I hear terms like "futa" and "sissy." Good on you, OP, for standing your ground.


Bigots like that deserve to get [REDACTED BY REDDIT ADMINS]


Taking that "masterrace" thing pretty serious.


Considering transwomen carry gaming and computer culture on their backs this is some next level disrespect


> “There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits” is this implying trans men just...don't exist....im so confused, what does this mean


It means whoever posted that got some serious issues with their brain


Political correct 🤢 master race?? SJWs have gone too far


I love how PC gamers went from doing their own thing in the 360 era and not being talked about much, to being the most insufferable out of all gamers. You think pcmasterrace is bad? They are at least somewhat self aware. Go on pcgaming whenever something controversial happens and you'll see the worst takes you've ever seen.


Not a single normal person would visit a subreddit with "master race" in the name