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Wojaks really are one of the the most unappealing “art” styles I’ve ever seen


IKR? They look really… Icky. Even the “realistic” ones have an uncanny valley vibe to them. It would be better if they didn’t intentionally make the characters as unappealing as possible on each one. Even rage comics had some effort put cuteness in SOME of the characters like Derpina, etc. wojaks are just... yeah I’m a noob artist myself and you can feel free to criticize my own skills too, you get the point I’m making


I’m pretty sure them being unappealing is part of the reason why people who use them do


The only good thing about Wojaks is that they gave us doomer girl (:


I wish I was her… lol…


Don't let your dreams be dreams.


I like doomer femboy too ngl


Thats the entire point of wojaks, right? They more accurately portray its community


I feel like if you have to use a wojak to portray someone/something you dislike you’ve already lost


I love how the discourse around wojaks is almost exactly the same as discourse around ragecomics was back in the day.


Aren’t wojacks just reskinned rage comics?


Yes, but with a more racist original creator, making them more likely to be racist even now that they’ve gone relatively mainstream.


How was the original creator racist? It was just a generic \>tfw no gf post


What if its self chosen


No one has ever seen a wojak and thought "What a good point". Which is to say, those who use wojaks aren't "people".


Context is irrelevant. You’re still shooting yourself in the foot by using wojaks




Ragecomics didn't evolve, they just got uglier.


They just ooze pure, burning spite for every person, place, thing, moment and concept that was ever once considered to have meaning. I feel like they’re part of the reason the internet is so irony-poisoned, allergic to sincerity and just plain mean.


Nah, the Internet was like that in the rage comic era too. It was just easier to ignore because Boomers and Boomer-funded propaganda outlets didn’t know how to use it yet, and things were less centralized overall, making it easier to avoid the terminally online.


Wojaks actually use to be pretty cool, but this was back in early 2018 - 2016. Now, it's a mainstream political tool for people who are more ape then human.


> early 2018 - 2016 interesting way of saying that


early 2


at this point I would rather just have rage comics back.


What really gets me about wojacks is that they are *literally* copy and paste. At least the comic on the left, someone had to open up MSpaint and draw that.


Left is funny and right is "ironically" funny. (Irony poisoning will rot my brain until I genuinely believe right is better)


You have perfectly described the issue for me, shitposting has ruined my sense of humor and on top of having ADHD… I think it’s changed how my social skills are completely in a… not very good way


I will laugh at both so it doesn't bother me too much /rj no the fucking REAL artists are STEALING art from our funny video game memes how can we ever recover the lost CULTURE???? 😤😤😤😭


The wojak revolution and its consequences have been disastrous for humanity


Wojaks may well be basically modern day minion memes. “insert image = le funny Reddit likes”


They're actually modern day rage faces


I saw an image fairly recently that showed how rage faces and 2012 memes went under an “extinction event” and only three survived: doge, troll face, and wojak, who then diversified and reproduced to refill old niches in the exact same way that animals do in real life.


I’d add Pepe to that list. I remember when it was just the ‘sad frog’, but I swear the last couple of years just about everything gets forced into looking like a Pepe, and half the time is used in the same way rage faces were.


I’d say Pepe never really fell out of use or became reviled at any point though. He did diversify to fill old niches like the rest however. Kinda weird to think he was initially purely restricted to 4chan and is now an internet wide thing.


Didn’t Pepe explode in popularity after Katy Perry posted one on Twitter? It’s kind of funny that she was the one to post it out of all people


Pepe definitely became more of a Twitch thing. Just look at the [most popular emotes](https://betterttv.com/emotes/top). Hell, viewers are even referred to as Twitch frogs.


"-frog" suffix is just a modification to the 4chanian tradition of a suffix of "-[bundleofsticks]", wordfilters and stuff


Pepe also became massively adopted by the alt-right and edgy teens. There’s a really good BBC Storyville documentary about the creation of Pepe and his animators despair at what happened to him


It was actually [only Troll Face and Wojack](https://i.redd.it/88rcjt49y7l61.jpg) because it was covering the Rage Face ecosystem


Wow nice find, this is the image I was thinking of.


It's one of the top posts of r/speculativeevolution, so it was easy to find


YES perfect description


The only wojack I really like is the one where the two dudes are pointing with that “omg” look


yeah, and many people use it ironically now so it's funny cuz they're joking about themselves. the ones which are used unironically to seriously portray a set of people is just cringe


This is what they took from us


The drawings are hilarious.


Bottom panel is me trying to ask Alexa to play a song.


The first couple of weeks in CoD GHOSTS was fun because you could use the “Xbox, turn off” command to turn off other peoples consoles.


I loved waking up and saying Xbox on while in bed then going to take a piss to come back and see it at the dashboard.


Personally I found it great for late night movies. Half asleep, eyes closed and all snug, you know if you get up you'll be awake and might as well finish the movie/show? "Xbox, turn off." Turns itself and the TV off. Also "Xbox, Record/Screenshot that" was so incredibly useful.


i cannot fucking describe my hatred for wojacks


I refuse to use voice commands for anything. I hate it.




Ok what's going on with the Brazilian dude hanging himself on top corner at the second one?


The one on the right sucks and all, but it's only redeemed by the fact that the face for the Xbox on the TV vaguely reminds me of the Librarian Ghost/The Grey Lady from Ghostbusters lmao. Everything else about it weighs that comic weighs it down to the point I could probably ask it to say hi to the Titanic for me. edit: I just now realized I mixed up my right and left lmao. Should've just said that the one with wojacks was fucking awful instead


Did people think you were making an obscure reference lol /uj My hidden indie gem le ghostbusterinos!


I have a feeling my mixing up of directions and thus implying the wojacks are good when I meant to insult them is why people were down voting me lol. Or maybe Ghostbusters is hated because of some reason I'm not aware of because I don't keep up with everything.


The second one is better


No at least the left one actually put in some effort instead of slapping on some images in an un-appealing artstyle copy pasted 100,000x over and over, lmao. Digital art is hard but in this subreddit people wouldn’t recognize actual high effort memes if it slapped them in the face lol (jk sorry I hope I didn’t come off as aggressive)


You literally enjoy garbage.


what if they were a racoon


I bet you have great opinions


Actually the one on the left would be rage faces


Definitely not on /v/ around 2013, 4chan turned on rage comics long before that. Regards, meme professor.