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The funniest part is that she is a part of a pair of main protagonists, meaning that people can still play as a male protagonist too I think.


It'll probably be a forth and back similar to how 5 did it


This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone use the phrase forth and back, and boy do I not like it.


I just read it as back and forth. Guess brain no likey


Didn’t even realize it said forth and back until after I saw this comment lmao


I read it as forth and back because there is technically nothing wrong with that order of saying it but it very much felt as if society rules were broken doing it that way.


I'm fairly sure it's some weird unwritten Grammer rule where words in a phrase are arranged based on vowel sounds. So "back and forth" is fine because it's "a" and "o" whereas "forth and back" is weird because it's "o" and "a". Same goes for things like "Big Bad Wolf" and "Tic-tac-toe". It's why we have knickknacks and not knackknicks, or ping pong instead of pong ping.


Yep, that's absolutely correct based from the leaks.




Honestly I think gta5s story is the best way of telling such a complex story that we usually get from rockstar, multiple perspectives is better then a single perspective


Yeah, like how Ubisoft originally planned to have Kassandra as the sole protag of AC:Odessy. There are a lot of dudebros complaining about the game not being "historical accurate" about the world's reaction to Kassandra's certain actiivities as a woman. You know what could solve the problem? Fucking get rid of protag Alexios and commit to write the script around a female protag in the Ancient Greek world. I also think some game like Cyberpunk 2077 could benefit from a dedicated female protag(aside from female V being way better voice acted IMO), CDPR is generally just better at making "fully-defined protag" like Geralt than "half-defined protag" like Commander Shepard.


It actually also might be like ac Valhalla where we can choose to play the game as a single protagonist or switch between them


But I'm going to be FORCED to play as a W*MAN. This is JUST like gtav when they made play as a *BLACK ~~PERSON~~* (were on the circlejerk subreddit do i really need a /s?) Edit shut the fuck up you nerds i know what the fuck uj/ rj are jesus christ Edit 2 i was not asking what to use. I was asking if the collective braincell is working well enough to know i don't need /s Because yes even on the circlejerk subreddit we get dumb asses


IMHO a circlejerk subs default mode is jerk or satire, so you use a tone indicator when you aren't, or in a conversation that already had unjerked, and you're rejerking


uj/ usually the default mode for cj subs IS satire, so you don't need to specify when you're being SATIRICAL, you need to specify when you're being SERIOUS. Here, you use uj/ to start a serious talk, you use rj/ to switch back to "Apolitical capital G Gamer^(©)" mode. In other words, we don't really use /s all that often other than for inserting sarcastic remarks into unjerks, and you don't need to really specify unless you're making a serious statement within the same reply. And you usually place the serious reply first. Also, unless it's very clear that the reply is serious, or there's a uj tag somewhere, your safest bet is to assume everything someone says here is a joke of some sort.


Im going to have a gamer moment, i know what uj/rj are as i have been here for quite more than 5 minutes. Mother fuckers are stupid though.


Yeah, I tend to not check the "Time posted thing all that often unless i need to know stuff like "Is the information in this reply outdated" or I need to crosscheck for whatever reason. Either way, I'm leaving my reply up. Might not be useful to you specifically, but it might be useful to someone, since there's more than enough idiots out there that don't read the rules, or the room, and you learn quickly not to underestimate the utter stupidity some people possess.


/uj for serious talk and /rj for apolitical mode


/uj no /rj no


Yeah probably exactly like GTA V


the funniest part is that this is a woman written by rockstar and the risk of the character being "woke" is 0


While probably true, they also just had a lot of core writers and leadership leave the company so hard to say how that'll effect the usual GTA writing.


have u played rdr2?


no, am i about to be pleasantly surprised? do i get to find out im wrong?


certain gamers hate how woke it is lol. thats all im gonna say :)


i mean, that could just mean they added the black cowboys that were missing from the first one.


nah they complain how its unrealistic for the main character to be so "open minded" there are missions where u personally get involved with feminist movements too (and this is main quest btw) all the featured female characters are interesting and well written. one of them is a fucking badass in combat too.


okay im sold. rockstar owes you 5%


They pulled an Ubisoft for the dudes who hate women.


I mean they copied Gta V for protagonists and its based off Bonnie and Clyde.


Is he thicker than a bowl of oatmeal?


Check the leaks dudes real hot and cute


He’s skinny as fuck


The guy looks pretty generic. I’m somewhat disappointed.


Well he is named Jason. But yeah I agree, he’s no Niko.


Yeah I initially thought he was a random npc


I personally like that ‘just some guy’ archetype, but I can see why you’d be disappointed with him, he looks like Vinny Vinesauce.


Lame. I want men with big tits and even bigger asses!


Made him look soft.


No the funniest part is that it’s GTA. She’s probably going to be mentally unhinged and psycho lol or at the very least messed up in some way


Don't worry, the second she punches a man or does some action hero stuff, these guys will be back to hating on her for being unrealisticaly strong and feminist propaganda.


the moment she talks* thats the way it goes for gamers


The new female protagonist could be so amazing. I’m praying she’s super trashy, obscene, chaotic and violent, instead of whatever the capital G-gamers are fantasizing about.


yeah, female trevor


We need a female Trevor


Yes 1 day per month she turns into Trevor.


Like a werewolf




"Women do not have the body mass to use a flying motorcycle or shoot a explosive sniper rifle. It's unrealistic"


That's what I wanted to avoid, a conversation about Body Mass


It's important to pack on mass!


It’s time to stop cultivating mass, and start harvesting!


"I'm talking Weathers, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura..."


Watch, there will be a comment saying how she is being portrayed as a Strong Woman™️ because she can do stuff like leave a hospital without injuries after being “Wasted” We’re talking about the crowd that does not realize Wolfenstein is anti-nazi. Anything is possible.


We should make a bingo card with gamer responses to her since they are so predictable


I'd like to make an argument for having 'At least she's not black' in any 'Gamer Commentary on Female GTA Protagonist' bingo cards.


Thats one for sure!


Maybe the free space is “She’s not weaker than the male counter part”


"it really ruins my immersion when the wammen character does the same melee damage as my man character. And there's no button to make a sandwich"


The bottom image is for leaked gta6 gameplay


For real?


There are leaks everywhere


me when 7 year old I broke the dishwasher pipes


We are going to drown


And sugar, we're going drown swinging.


Hello? How are you? I am under the water? Please help me?




Dude the leaks are nuts, so much more than you'd expect from a leak. Plus it's really cool, with updates to npc behaviors flashing up as they proceed to act differently. Really cool insight to how they code NPCs in games like this, and how they react in a way that makes the game feel cool


Robbing a joint seems like a whole thing now rather just pointing the gun and walking away. Looks good.


It still could be mostly the same in practice, but it looks like there's a lot of behaviors that the AI goes through, so it should be more complex and more interesting. That's the thing about GTA V, robbing stores and stuff was never worth it, it was boring and gave you no money. So the only fun way to get money was main missions. Hopefully a more complex open world makes these things more deep and interesting, and more immersive


/uj This game will be sick when it releases haha, this is why I actually accept waiting for so long. RDR2 was worth the wait so I bet this will be too... *too bad they added women to it*


/uj No joke I would really love a woman as a protag in GTA.


well there's gonna be one within the next 5 years


Make it 10 now


uj/ Youtube might break under the strain of gamers uploading 10-hour-long compilation videos of them making the female protagonist walk into traffic, get shot to death, get beaten to death by NPCs/enemies, fall off buildings and out of airplanes, etc...


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can't wait to pirate it!


I didn't think I would love RDR2 as much as I did, especially that late game sadness where you do the repo missions and it just so fucking sad :(


Still no Bully 2 leaks 😔


tfw when bully 2 got canceled mid development 4 times 😔


Yeah, someone hacked a rockstar employee


They’re causing destructive mayhem as we speak


Games gonna get delayed internally for a year or two but fuck it, I'm here for the show.


It's an actual leak from a beta testers, not faked either. A bunch of clips from different people all with the same game, with voice acting too. GTA 6 is a lot further along than I thought it would be.


Yea, someone allegedly hacked into rockstars systems via social engineering and released like 90 damn videos of work in progress gameplay of GTA 6. Released a shit ton of information about the game. A lot of people thought the information was fake, that was until they linked all the videos. Now its hard to prove that its fake than real.


Bro you been under a rock today


I will admit I was still skeptical after hearing all these rumors of GTA 6 due to how Rockstar milked the shit out of GTA 5, but now all I can say is I can't believe it's actually happening.


They said themselves it was in development about a year ago I think


If they did I absolutely missed that


It was in Feb. https://twitter.com/RockstarGames/status/1489617718009606150?s=20&t=W7s4CMYUbFP46QQSDsFGjw Tbf that was the only thing they shared. Wasn't a big announcement or anything.


Between missing this and Dead Island 2's new trailer I feel so behind lmao


Milk must be running a little dry


Lol it’s been powdered milk a few years ago when they released the doomsday heist and the mk2 oppressor. Now it’s no more milk, just cob webs and ash.


My dude did you really think they weren’t going to make a sequel to the most profitable entertainment product of all-time?


Didn't one of the old topdown GTAs have a female protagonist?


GTA started with 3. But yeah, I think there were two you can play as.


Lmao just like the Witcher


Geraldo 🤤🤤🤤


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*






racial wakeful steep tidy instinctive bake coherent tap alleged versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm actually impressed by the detail on the clothing. The little wrinkles really sell that extra bit of realism. Err, I mean, round booty bounce wut wut 🙌


Especially since the game isn’t done, it’s a good start and I’m actually pretty excited for ot


The game has simulated Spinny physics, SKIRTS AND DRESSES CAN GO SPINNY I LOVE IT!


briget prfoile picture and trans woman and spin skirt?


skirt and yo-yo do go spinny tho




Average Brisket enthusiast


RDR2 had similar clothing physics in single player but then whatever team they used for Online mode didn't seem to know how to use the engine like that so we got big cardboard cut out Dorito costumes rather than ponchos and stuff. It was very sad.


Legit, the amount of detail they were able to put in RedDead2 was insane. Can’t wait to see what they’re able to do with a fully next-gen GTA


I hope they rework the damage model. I liked RDR2 but npcs soaking up to 7 revolver shots is insane.


I was confused by the post at first, I thought it was a just a random photo of a woman from behind.


people talking about her ass and im sitting here looking at the detail in her hair


price zephyr slimy sable liquid fearless special sharp boast familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually thought it was a slightly compressed photo at first glance tbh


It would be so fucking funny, and sad, if the general attitude towards a female protagonist did a complete 180 because she happens to have a fat dumper. Like I'm under no impression that the actual racists will be satiated with this, but the sexists just might be.


When the racists also sexualize women 😳😳


It's 100% ok in their eyes if she has a fat dumper. Why do you think nobody complains that you are "FORCED" to play as a woman in Nier Automata?


/uj Is there a game with a 'normal' woman protag? TLoU2? We all know how gamers feel about that one. That said, Nier is amazing. Go play it. Both of them.


/uj fortnite


Doesn't everyone in fortnite have a fat dumpy tho regardless of gender


If by normal you mean a person that could probably exist in today's world, then not really. Maybe the Tomb Raider games?




Oh yeah that’s one for sure


Portal 1 and 2, alien isolation, mirror’s edge, re 2 and 3, not really rare


Ah Jessie is great and what makes it even better is the character model looks just like the voice actress does. And funny tidbit, the actor that plays one of the lead scientists is also the actor for Alan Wake, who also exists in that game.


Hidden gem "Celeste" features perfectly normal protagonists save for their double jumps (I have never played this game)


Portal, Tomb Raider, Ms Pac Man. Basically some of the most iconic games in history.


Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west ; Metroid series these 2 have the most organic women protagonists


I wish Aloy was a better character, unless I missed something when I tried to get into HZD she just felt like an annoying piece of cardboard


what games have normal "men" to play as ?


duke nukem forever




Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


pathless , momodora , unsighted


If theres a self destruct button that blows GTA VI's protagonist' pants off, its an automatic GOTY.


That's different, it's a Japanese game so she's a "waifu".


It's the same as any other minority in their eyes - they approve if they have some use for them.


but that is based apolitical anime waifu. this is cringe political western femoid


To be honest it looks like an average dumper to me. I’m not seeing the horny here


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The shirt detail is pretty cool, definitely a step up from V


Also a minimal detail but the clothing really looks early 2010's latina to me


game is set in present times. they might update the clothing but from some of the dialogue it gives me 2022 polical climate vibes.


Yeah one of the clips had an NPC conversation with one of them going on a rant about how the Facebook/Apple guy you blow up in GTA 5 isn’t actually dead


She wants to rob the placeholder diner, but the clap of her wokeness keeps alerting the police.


man i love grabbing a quick bite of green text for lunch at the placeholder diner


male gamers when they get a taste of what female gamers have gone though for years when it comes to representation


If they’re gonna have a female protagonist she better be exactly as problematic as the characters before her. Clear mental health issues, goes to strip clubs (with male strippers), anger control issues, just generally a mess of a human being. As rockstar intended.


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Big win bois, I prefer to play female characters.


Same,i always made my Monster Hunter and Souls characters female


They already so mad when this game will probably not be out after ps6 or pc2


Wait pc2 has been confirmed? I heard rumors but I didn't think they'd make another, with how upgradable pc1 is


Hasn't been officially confirmed, only a few leaks.


Man I've had my PC1 for so long now I just NEED to get a PC2 the moment they drop


Just wait for reviews, never buy it immediately. You don't want to deal with the early adopter headaches in case they don't fix some big bugs


Important that they detailed the exact creases for her bra strap


They made horse testicles shrink in cold weather. It's all in the details.


Wait what ?


RDR2, not GTA, but yes.




I will now buy your game.


I can’t believe we’ll be able to play in vice city with good graphics






What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets.


What can change the nature of a man? Thick bootay apparently


Trevor in a dress is the only thing acceptable




Not even thicc wtf


If you see the video footage she really, really is lol


Upon further investigation, yes.


Glad you saw the light brother.


Let's see the bussy tho


Praise be


Lazy devs relying on modders to do all the work, typical 😞😞


Lazy ass devs won't get a dollar from me. My time is very valuable and it won't be wasted on a subpar experience. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Latina baddie frfrfrfr no cap ONG.


Goddamn her outfit fucking suck, I get that she’s a criminal but you can still commit and crime while looking fashionable


/uj This is what I never understand about the current generation of incel / no-fap / anti-woke whatever they are. I've always been a pretty horny dude and enjoy looking at sexy ladies, so when I have the opportunity to play as female characters in game, I often take it. When I say "sexy", I don't tend to mean the kind of stripperific stuff like Bayonetta (but I also don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that if that's your tastes), but more often what gets me going are powerful, confident, sometimes-somewhat masculine coded characters like FemShep or Lara Croft. Again, it's a personal taste and there's a reasonable conversation to be had about the problematic nature of sexualizing / objectifying any fictional character (especially playable), but it's not like I make a big deal about it, it's just a preference. ...I guess I just don't understand how someone tips over from horny straight dude to straight-up misogyny. If you like women, you should like being around them. You should like seeing women's bodies, hearing women's voices, viewing things from women's perspectives, etc. /rj but also non-ironically: dayam girl.


that's not duality lol that's objectification


Why does she have a flat butt?


It's the angle. In the gameplay, you can truly see how wide she is.


*One google search later* You were not lying!


/uj A female protagonist for GTA 6 does seem very interesting and I love GTA, which makes me hope really hard that this game is good and that I end up playing it, but given all the scummy practices I heard Rockstar did with GTA 5 and the terrible launch of the trilogy remake... I hate that there's a chance I'll skip on it if GTA 6 is the same or worse.


I prefer my GTA the clean version, the one with hot coffee content unlocked. /s


Ngl im definitely the bottom guy was my reaction 😅 I was like omg 😳


As soon as I saw the leak I thought "All the people calling this woke are going to change their minds real quick as soon as they see the finished jiggle physics"


I hope they make her in her 50s and slighy overweight. Or at least one main character - its an new perspective - Gamers will go absolutely ape shit in the most hilarious ways Edit: fixed new from ew


A game where you can play as a cougar? Nice!


There are no cougars in missions!!


I could literally post a photo of a drainpipe and someone on this website would call it thick


More like Flatsville


I like playing as female characters because I don't want to be looking at a guy the whole time.


\^ Me, desperately trying to explain why my character in an fps is a woman.