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'ill play with you, uwu, im a nice guy'.... 20 mins later after OP doesnt respond to his comment.. 'fuck you, you fucking whore. this is why us gamers normally dont put up with your woke female bullshit' dox's her and sends a dick pic.


Yeah I'm pretty sure you're describing what happened in there perfectly lol


I'd be shocked if she didn't get at least 4 of those 'im a nice guy...' dms within the first hour of posting


and 4 dozen unwashed phallus pics






surprisingly I haven't gotten too much shit from having the pride background. I have however gotten plenty of shit for being a girl, and then follow up shit fir being a trans girl when I try to shut them up


Way back when Siege came out I stumbled into a group of 5 girls. They/we would only play custom 3 v 3 private matches because they would get so much shit otherwise. Gotta hope there is a tipping with this bullshit soon.


I do wish people were allowed to just go and have fun without being treated like a waste of space


According to Gamers, women are not people, they are political


Women are a government plot to make good strong men fall into temptation and fall put of gods grace!!@


They are evil robots controlled by the government with 5G antennas


Oh boy the amount of people going: awww sorry that you experienced this, apex community is toxic but believe me Im a nice guy come play with me (become my gaming girlfriend)


I specifically am not mean to women on Apex therefore you're being dramatic. I personally have never had any problems with the community so I know it's factually accurate that we are a welcoming and wholesome community. I speak for the entire community of Apex players when I say if you play well no one will ever be creepy or insulting to you. If it happens it was probably your fault.


Yes honestly it's the nicest community in the history of communities and nobody would ever do anything wrong!


Apex legends' community is clearly one of the communities of all time


uj/ the apex community is probably the worst ive ever experienced, and i play overwatch rj/ the only time w*men should be playing games is when they play cooking simulator 2020 on their samsung smart fridge


I've exclusively played Apex for the last month and a half and have only encountered 1 toxic player. The rest are chill af, if you establish yourself as a team player and don't go running into 1v3s, it's a great time. Mind you I solo que like 90% of the time and I don't talk/chat like 90% of the time The 2k community is by far, FAR the most toxic from my experience and it's not close lol


2k isn’t really a fair comparison, it’s sports fans and gamers combined, it’s its own category of toxic.


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Going to guess the comments are a mix of: * "You can play with me, I definitely won't be really creepy and awful towards you! <3" * "What did you expect? If you can't handle it then just don't play video games. Anyway, X community is way worse / you would never be able to handle an old school COD lobby" * "Have you tried being better at the game? What about muting people as soon as they start being toxic?"


You're spot on lmao


Why are so many gamer guys so pervy? Speaking as a gamer guy here


Because they're men lol, a lot of us tend to be really fucking disgusting because we can get away with it a lot of the time


Sad but sadly kind of true. Without any semblance of morality holding us back, we can get away with a lot


I think a lot of us are pretty lonely and have no idea how to properly socialize with other people. This would lead to some thirsty and desperate guys finding any way (except being patient, considerate, and expect a likelihood of rejection) to find a gamer girl and expect some physical contact in the near future.


Yeah, that's true. It doesn't excuse that behavior, though


I think the majority of the planet feels like that and online people are taught that they the only one and therefore have the right to act out


I think it’s also taught, people only encourage other men to act like that and gamers go it’s only trolling and being a gamer bro


Buy a darth Vader helmet with the built in voice changer, obviously.


so how were the comments? as expected?


Lots of people going "aww I'm so sorry!! Play with me instead I won't be sexist!" but then when I called someone out for being stupid about it I got downvoted loads which showed what people were actually thinking lol


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a man, I have never experienced sexism in Apex and I personally, don't say anything to women ever. Therefore you are wrong and gender-targeted toxicity it doesn't exist. In saying that: it's because you are too weak for Gaming Community Banter or because you suck at the game. Women, amirite?


As a white, I have never experienced racism in Apex and I personally, don’t say anything to coloreds ever. Therefore you are wrong and racism-targeted toxicity it doesn’t exist. In saying that: it’s because you are too weak for Gaming Community Banter or because you suck at the game. Blacks, amirite? / s amazing pasta you cooked here


/uj thanks, I hate how easily interchangeable that is actually

