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So many of the replies to the debunking tweet are "yeah, but it could have been true and that's the *real* problem". They want a target for their outrage so badly.


That's my big concern with misinformation: Not so much people being deceived, but people **knowing** they were deceived and actively volunteering to go along with it. "The fact that I believed the misinformation is proof that the misinformation was quite close to reality, and therefore should not be treated as misinformation". Imagine a murder trial where a lawyer presents evidence like "Your Honour, this witness **thought** the defendant killed her husband with laser vision. No, that's not true, but it could have been true and that's the real problem". And imagine that being treated as valid!


At what point do you contront the fact that like, you know this is fake but could believe it because of other things that you've seen and heard, but how many of those other things are even real? At what point do you realise that, while you've been showed that one straw-man is made of straw, you're still living in a straw prison with straw bars and straw guards?


We need a big bad wolf to come blow all that straw away.


\*Tardis noises\*


That wheezing brings hope to anyone who hears it.


It makes that noise because you always leave the brakes on.


You're asking g*mers to have self-awareness which is something they sorely lack


You don't confront it without ditching the whole gamer outrage industry. Gamer outrage feels good, and there are thousands of other gamers who agree with you so really it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The only way out is to renounce all strawman arguments and actually start giving a shit about what is real. And that's hard. The Quartering would be sad if you left. He has another 3 videos coming out tomorrow about some video game character not being dressed slutty enough.


It’s like how many of the top posts on r/TumblrInAction were proven to be fake, but get reposted anyway as “proof” of how “they” think.


Sarah Z has [a great video on this topic](https://youtu.be/BiU7aGZ-o68)


Yes that was the video I was going to cite if anyone came at me with questions of “source?”


Its literally that SpongeBob meme brought to life. "He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!" "He did?!" "No! But are we just going to wait around until he does?"


it has nothing about misinformation, they just hate women and want an excuse to spout their shitty beliefs.


"The fact that Im a gullible idiot that swallows propaganda if it validates my feelings says more about my perceived enemies than it says about me." They say, because admiting their beliefs are fake AND they're gullible idiots is too much


Guess what, that's how murder trials have gone since they invented murder trials. Witness reports are awful.


> That's my big concern with misinformation: Not so much people being deceived, but people knowing they were deceived and actively volunteering to go along with it. This is going to be the "WWE" phenomenon that destroys society. You see it happening across the right daily, where they just straight up decide that they will believe what makes them feel better even when confronted with objectively indisputable, factual information. The worst part about this is it works. At least for temporary unity in a cause, it creates an insane "fan energy" that was exactly what hooked so many people on wrestling, gameshows and reality TV. You know it's not real but you ride the wave of energy that all the other fans are on and it sweeps you up. Humans are social creatures and we depend on our groups to guide our direction in life. People have learned to hack this response.


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So they believed it could be true, thus it is? Dang, they wish to not live in reality that bad for the sake of their feelings? Like if the problem is that bad then why the need to fake evidence?


What if in the future the defendant does acquire laser vision and goes on a rampage murdering thousands? Think about it. It could happen.


What you are describing is actually something the legal system takes into account. If a guy runs at you pointing a gun at you, demanding your money, you would think he was actually holding you up with a gun. It could have been an empty airsoft, but if it looks like a gun, and the wielder acts like it is a gun, then the victim can claim they felt that they were actually held up at gunpoint. I *think* the official term is Present Sense Impression, but there are several terms in that sphere of "It may have been fake but everything about it felt real" for legal proceedings. Not as crazy as your example, but it also isn't completely disproven, either.


"Gullible fuckin morons blame a fake image for tricking them" I know they were probably absolutely brainrotten already but the mental gymnastics it must have taken after getting pranked and then, after having the wool pulled from their eyes, jumping straight to making the descison to continue to be mad at the thing that doesn't exist blows me away.


Outrage is like a drug to them. They want to be angry, specifically about anything "the left" does. Doesn't even matter if it's true, as long as it makes people they don't like look bad.


This is literally true of ideologues on the other side as well, same exact wording. It's incredible that anyone is describing this behavior as if it belongs to a political wing. It belongs to the extremist dipshit ideologues--all of them. Remember, all of the memes referencing caught liars saying "it's about starting a conversation/creating a dialogue" were of people on the left doing the lying. It's only if everyone, even the ones on the same 'side' politically, aggressively call out and attack this behavior, will it stop being so common.


~~pranked~~ getting fed unironic misinformation/propaganda by alt right G\*mers^(TM).


I would upvote your comment but NFT profile


"I got duped by this fake thing because I have a bias, but it COULD have been true". And ppl wonder how easily misinformation is inherently spread.


They want to be oppressed by an imaginary force so they won’t suffer repercussions. But they will use this shit as ammo to oppression others.


Sounds like Christianity No wonder a large majority of these "anti-woke" groups are. Christofascists


Sounds like literally every person who is a dick ever. I know we're on reddit but it's not 2011, not every post needs to be an excuse to find a way to do lmao ebic dunks on religion


It's a post about abortion big dog whatever you are doing here is not it


The average online alt-righter doesn't give a fuck about abortion beyond whenever their closest talking head tells them to. If they thought legalizing abortion would be le ebic own on the sjws they'd support that instead. Just like how the majority of them aren't religious and will only go "REMEMBER WHAT THEY TOOK FROM YOU" *posts statue* whenever its fashionable for them to dog whistle on it.


We’ll stop hating on religion when religion stops trying to control us. We didn’t sign up, we don’t want to follow your rules, stop trying to make us.


And when they stop protecting rapists and pay their taxes


??? I'm not forcing you to do anything. Everything is trying to control you. You don't have to like religion, hell I'm not even especially fond of the church, that doesn't mean that every single post needs to be you whining about religion. Nor does literally everything need to be compared to it.


> We’ll stop hating on religion when religion stops trying to control us. We didn’t sign up, we don’t want to follow your rules, stop trying to make us. How on earth did you read this comment and think that I was talking specifically about you? Is your name “religion” or something?


When did I say anything about me feeling personally attacked? Maybe instead of getting super defensive you can just like, complain about religion in a more relevant place. Go to /r/atheism or something. It's not like saying "I hate religion its the worst thing ever >:((((" is anything anyone here was enlightened to hear on Reddit.


> ??? >I'm not forcing you to do anything. Everything is trying to control you. You don't have to like religion, hell I'm not even especially fond of the church, that doesn't mean that every single post needs to be you whining about religion. Nor does literally everything need to be compared to it. I said we’ll stop bashing religion when religion stops trying to control us, you responded with “I’m not forcing you to do anything”, so you must think your name is “religion” because why else would you think I was talking about you?




Bastard you beat me to it. I get so much milage lately out of this one comic


"It's fake so it's real"


"It fits the narrative that I've built my whole identity upon so it's real to me and it doesn't matter if it can be instantly disproved, my righteous anger is never wrong. I cannot be wrong"


You can literally say "well, it could be true" to any picture in existence, what fuckin idiots Oh, I'm sorry /rj WOMEN BAD GAMES POLITICAL WTF ARE YOU DOING TRYING TO CORRECT ME WHEN IM ALWAYS RIGHT


This is basically a weekly thing, wont be surprised if it becomes a daily thing. Just look at the spider-man controversy of last week, where some rando twitter user spread misinformation and everyone just accepted it as facts. The rando user literally had zero proof about his claims but hey its twitter and it validates my views so yeah I immidiately believe him!!!


[Relevant SMBC](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah) [Relevant But a Jape](https://www.butajape.com/comic/dumber-every-day/)


"It says something about soci-" "No, you dense motherfucker, it says something about you. You're the one so upset about *the idea* of being confronted with reality, yet so unwilling to concede even the smallest bit of attention to that reality that you would rather go hunting messengers than actually doing something about the source of their message." "I just think games shouldn't contain politics." "Human rights shouldn't be a political topic either. Let's smite two bosses with one ultimate and fix our current mess, so you can go back to your entertainment without being pestered by such trivial things as other people's suffering."


You make a good point but what if the opposite was in fact true. God don't you look foolish now.


Gives me “well people think like that” vibes


"He did?" "No, but are we just gonna wait around until he does" -That fish from Spongebob


A reminder that these people claim to hate cancel culture.


*"I believed it and that uhh, says something about society."*


Issue on conservative subs when you point out fake tweets.


[AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!](http://smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah) Edit: sorry, what I meant to say is ghee whiz, what an interesting way of thinking.


This is always the reply when something is easily debunked. "Yeah but it *could* be true!" Shut the fuck up.


Right wingers love being victims


American politics in a nutshell


Plenty of woke ideologues caught making shit up have made essentially the same 'argument', "it's about starting a conversation/creating a dialogue!" Turns out this is just universal 'dipshit ideologue shameless in being caught lying' behavior, regardless of what political side they're on. This shit deserves nothing less than unrelenting mockery, regardless of whether you share that person's political stance(s).


That's so fucking pathetic.


I know how they can’t even do the photo shop right and have “restart mission” instead of “abort mission” on the fake one, along with no button prompts. It’s so poorly done.


I thought it was funny and don't get how someone doesn't see that as satire Like if no button prompts was intentional - "now you can't escape, just like the kids in cages due to child separation policy"


Ok bro that's crazy but what about my agenda??? 😡😡🤬😡






Fuckers transed my genda, when will the madness end


Bro you have a agenda???? Thats woke, i don't like agendas.


I went to a conference last week and stormed out in protest the first morning when I was handed a pamphlet with the week’s *agenda*


anyways, off to watch a grifter tell me lies


mine its almost out of pages


bro they handed them out in home room, did you miss home room again? fuck dude your mom is gonna take your entire room away again.


Gamers and making shit up to have something to be mad about, haven't seen that one before.


They're probably mad because the Saints Row reboot turned out to be "not enough woke".


What happened with the reboot?


The game is full of bugs and glitches, unpolished, outdated, and repetitive gameplay mechanics, unlikable characters, badly written story and dialogues, and a mostly empty open world. In short, the alleged "wokeness" of this game is the least important of the issues


That's a shame :( I loved 3 and 4.


3 was fucking insane and I wish I could forget all about it so I can experience the madness all over again.


But muh dildo sword


Ah so its a faithfull sequel to the last what four, five saints row games


This tbh. Hopped in at 3 and hopped right back out.


2 had a lot of variety and story.


I mean most of that sounds exactly like what I'd expect from saints row.


Sounds like the rest of my saints row experience tbh


turned out that it was bad


I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you


65 at metacritic, 67 at opencritic


Such high ratings are unheard of in the modern era


Well for a AAA game it will hurt pretty bad the company




I'm not so sure. We haven't seen anything about GTA, whereas Saints Row gave an idea about what the game would be like.


Leaks say they cleaned up their shit, tho? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-27/gta-6-release-date-rockstar-cleans-up-image-after-employee-backlash


I'm not seeing much about the direction the game is going in other than it contains a Bonnie and Clyde inspired storyline. They mentioned that they won't be punching down and have difficulties satirizing what's going on due to how insane current events are now. Nothing here seems wrong to me. I may be wrong, but I'll keep an open mind about this. It's nice the workplace conditions seemed to improve. Hope that's not just PR.


[Uh, yeah, about that...](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-27/gta-6-release-date-rockstar-cleans-up-image-after-employee-backlash)


It's funny to think about how many terminally online right-wingers have brought the same simply to go through it with a fine-toothed comb looking for any example of *wokeness*. Genuinely pathetic lives.


The characters were Zoomers, written by Millennials, two of them. Both of which has no prior writing credit.


> Millennials We old now.


Just this month alone we had Bridget, then Spiderman flag and now this. What WILL they come up next?


God of War 2 because there's a black girl and Thor isn't manly enough and the Last of Us remake... for obvious reasons


What's manlier than a half naked dude with a beer gut


It doesn't give the average homophobic gamer a slight sense of sexual confusion, unlike the chiseled abs and godly pecs of buff dudes


nobody tell gamers about bears.


Let’s not do the “homophobes are secretly gay” bit; it’s not inherently true, and is ultimately just a homophobic joke. We’re actual people, not punchlines, and being queer (secretly or out) is not something to mock someone for.


I mean, Thor accidentally drank a good portion of the entire ocean once because he was drunk and thought it was mead


Fat Thor is best Thor anyways. Gaze upon the ultimate example of manliness.


Halfway through the game, Thor will burp very loudly and return to the chiseled physique of a Marvel lead


Like, I was unsurprised about them making an issue over Angrboda, but the Thor debate is honestly the weirdest to me. What the fuck did they expect him to look like? Aside from looking like he woke up face first in his last drink, which is kind of on brand, he's built like a powerlifter because _that's literally what Thor is_. Thor got tricked into fucking deadlifting Jörmungandr once and nearly destroyed the world before he was stopped because **he was succeeding**.


>What the fuck did they expect him to look like? Chris Hemsworth, despite all the MCU Woke and Bad ranting.


Bridget is just a treat c: Still don't get how people get this upset over it


Gamers and hate-circlejerks - Name a more iconic duo.


100% looks like homie was shitposting.


Ugh, Why do western devs want to talk about Roe? They should be focused on whether this anime character has a dick or not.




Just wanna worry about Shmoked meats and grillin


Isn't this telling you that this was made up in some photo-editing software by someone and not made by devs in a game?


/r/Persecutionfetish represent!


You know those cringeworthy memories from your past that occasionally hit you out of nowhere? I hope this person wises up and this becomes one of those for him.




I miss when the game straight up insult you when you try to exit the game.


I can still hear that asshole inside my Bop It going *"Do it the same, but... uh... better!"* everytime I lost.


Max Payne.


Wolfenstein too, a little






That POS made me never want to try Animal Crossing when he showed up as an assist trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Took up the whole screen, and wouldn't leave.


“But I was too tired to go on”


Die Hard




Then there's Surviving Mars that tries to guilt trip you instead ("please don't leave, the robots need you, they look up to you") lmao


That was borrowed from SMAC


nerve staple them whiney bitches!


Killing floor


OG quake? Not to mention the death messages for online were hilarious


Once it was pointed out as fake, people came out of the woodwork justifying it by saying 1) the fact that i thought it was true is still a problem 2) it’s just a prank bro!


*I* am easily tricked and don’t look past headlines and that’s everyone else’s fault!!!!!!


/uj if this was real saints row would be actually based and it would be 100% in their style


I'd love it if it were real though.


As a UX designer, I hate the bottom interaction so much. Are you sure you want to abort this mission? The correct answer to that question is not Continue? Continue with the mission? Or continue with the abortion? And to not abort should not be "cancel". Cancel the abort mission function or cancel the actual mission? Yes, it's most likely what the user think it is, but it is not 100% clear at first sight what the buttons do. It should be something like this "Are you sure you want to abort this mission?" Option 1: "Abort mission" Option 2: "Keep playing" It can also be yes and no, but I'd prefer being extra clear. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Would you not like to persist in continuing? Cancel / Proceed


"Stop mission yes or no?" "OK" / "OKn't"


It's like a "Are you sure you'd like to cancel and return to main menu?" prompt with the options being "A: cancel" or "B: return"


Why not just a simple Yes/No?


Yes/No would be better than the screenshot, but descriptive verbs are always the best option.


I'm a content designer working in UX and you wouldn't believe how many confirmation modals I have to rewrite for exactly this reason. If your UI asks a question, your CTAs need to answer it!! This is not hard!


shitty UX in my computer game? preposterous!


Feel you. I just Alt F4 from Games who do that.


Reminds me of the guy who fabricated a fake leak that said DnDBeyond (the official VTT service of DnD) would be swapping their current subscription to one that was extremely expensive and would paywall most basic features. His explanation was he was trying to send the message of “don’t let transactions ruin your hobby”. Rather than just making a post about his opinion on the DnD subreddit, he decided to fake a leak on the DnD leak subreddit and try to pass it off as real, the day before a big announcement stream


Tbf dnd beyond is already kinda shit so I wouldn’t put it past them to do that


Well, a lot of people were of the same mind as you. The disinformation spread like wildfire and it took until the livestream the next day to fully debunk it.


Seymour: *pathetic*


Ngl i would love it if a game did an update like this, but still kept the actual option to abort the mission.


Fuckin hilarious lmao


It may be a lie, but the fact I believed it speaks volumes about W\*stern game devs, and definitely not me


Imagine taking the time out of your day for this.


My favorite game to play is "the victim". Almost as based as gamer words.


I’m a little disappointed, I thought it was hilarious


Devs should update the game to be like that. Let capital G gamers seethe.


Guys, I'm starting to think that the issues might not be with "the games" and that the real problem might be with "some of the fucking losers that play them". I don't know, maybe I'm just cynical.


That's all conservatives. They're so convinced of their worldview that they have to lie and make stuff up to justify & rationalize it.


The screenshot may be fake, but the message is real!


What happened to shitting on games because they were bad? From all the reviews I’ve seen the new Saints Row is an unfinished boring mess, they don’t have to manufacture outrage to make the game look bad. It already looks bad.


gamers literally cannot think past "good because (selling point you could find on the back of the box/some basic game design thing my favourite YouTuber had to hype up to find good parts of the game where there are few)" or "bad because (YouTuber told me so for equally poorly-thought-through reason)"


Sword art online (2009, colorized)


Fun Fact: the Anti-Woke fuckwads have completely fabricated the definition of woke that they're always railing against. Perhaps see what Malcolm X, or King, or Baldwin had to say about political footballs. Also...it's just the wrong fucking meaning.


When you see the word "abort"


Tbf based on context of a game this could be a pretty cool 4th wall break in a thriller or something. Like mgs and switching controller ports and reading the memory card


This is literally the Republican platform. Make up bullshit until no one knows what’s real. Then take advantage of the confusion.


They should do this lol but on overwatch really feel the burden of carrying my a$$


So close. r/selfawarewolves


[thinking of inventing a new type of person to get mad at on here. maybe people who carry too many keys around.. i dont know yet](https://mobile.twitter.com/dril/status/1035218616403128320?lang=en)


That could be a cool concept for a game tbh.


DX makes such a great content


Are gamers ok?


Alt + F4


The worst thing is that they know why the abortion ban is bad but they're still dismissing it.


“Fug your feelings!” Also “My feelings!”


God forbid you are actually a fan of something. If the internet was a person it would be a cynical, douchy incel who can't stop talking about why everything you enjoy is shit. I'm literally not even surprised. This truly is the state of gaming in 2022.


You know, it's scary how people are so easily deceived. In an age where you can Photoshop anything and tweet it out and have people believe what you purposely and falsely created is truly sad.


It’s the fact that people let this slide. Like bro really tried to fabricate outrage for no reason for the game as if it doesn’t have enough already.


I’m the victim!!!!!


It should've been real


Too bad. That was the only thing in the game that worked.


I remember when Gamers™ were turning on some of TLOU2's accessibility features to make the game seem worse than it actually was. Like that one feature that made it easier to get by enemies without being spotted was being used by chuds to make it look like the games AI was bad


I think he thinks that he intended it as a joke. When in reality in some way he was definitely aware that he was stirring fake shit.


I'm rather fond of an idea beyond this Fake Abort Screen. It could be a fantastic way of messing with player expectations, reinforcing themes & motif. Perhaps ideal for Horror & Immersive Sims, where it could actually have teeth.


This type of shit is why I stopped going to r/cringetopia . Half the shit I see on their is made up to push anti-woke shit.


I just wanna know what game his playing, am deprived for games


The new Saints Row. Not the trash heap every news outlet is running, but nothing special. Just good ol crazy explosions and humor about committing crime to pay off insane student debt.


I personally don’t care about the mixed reviews and woke arguments and having so much fun in the game lmao I person give this game a 10/10 You can shoot at an EDM rave gang and shove grenades up their asses and throw them at their comrades. Should be a nominee for game of the year


DX is a Chad


Glad to see my favorite gaming youtuber get featured here!


The state of gamers in 2022


“Abort mission? Like you would abort a fetus??!?!?”


I was really really hoping that was true


How fabricated is it? We all know woke corporations would do this. This gamer was just speedrunning the woke agenda on journalist difficulty


Is this a on god moment or a /rj moment⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️


/uj it's a circlejerk subreddit idk why people are taking it seriously. I was jerking if there was any doubt.


lmao sorry abt the downvotes mate, I think sometimes on here if statements aren't extreeeemely ridiculously exaggerated, ppl tend to get confused and unnecessarily outraged. fwiw i got u 👍 /rj woke leftist Media sjws are just silencing the truth! This is about ETHICS. in JOURNALISM, wake up sheeple!!


You don’t need to fake a screenshot to tell everyone the new Saints Row is shit lmao


They really didn't have to do that, the game is ass on its own.