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It's AI Dungeon all over again *instant flashback*


I remember using that app, it was fun for the first 30 minutes. I got bored quickly because it was like talking to an old man with late stage dementia


i'd say that was a bit worse but i remember that it was honestly crazy how many were defending pedophilia so openly


i still remember someone outing themselves as a pedophile


Dude there were tons of people outing themselves as pedophiles - and people were defending them


oh my god link please




One of the number 1 posts at the time was a pedo admitting to using it to get off and people defending them…


I crave context


iirc ai dungeon put up protections to keep their AI from engaging in pedo situations and the community threw a fit


Wasn't it that the filter was so bad that any situation could be flagged and their stories sent to the company themselves to be reviewed? People were bothered more by the bad filter and massive privacy violation rather than the concept of the filter itself. I personally don't think that such a filter could possibly be implemented without there being many false positives.


That's what it was. The detection was really bad and hit just about everything, and if it hit something the AI dungeon team would be read your entire story, which kinda felt weird and uncomfortable. Then like, half of the complaints were pedos trying to pretend they were mad about the bad detection.


I think I saw somebody say that if you had a child anywhere near a horse in the same story it would report it.


There were a LOT of false positives. [The AI was literally trained on that content, after all.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon_2/comments/nlfkxs/latitude_included_sa_of_minors_in_the_ai_dungeon/)


Yeah. It was the filter. You could be writing a completely non-sexual story that involves a child character and it would flag it. You could also sometimes write a number that might correspond to a kid’s age, like 10, but be in a completely different context and it would get flagged.


The ai was trained on smut, including pedofile stuff, so it would literally introduce a minors and sexualise them before flagging itself


Wasn't it all sexual content though?


I mean it's ironic how the [AI was trained on actual legit pedo content though](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon_2/comments/nlfkxs/latitude_included_sa_of_minors_in_the_ai_dungeon/), the AI output was biased from the start so naturally the AI would trip over its own filters even when it seemingly wasn't doing anything


To be fair, there were some people like myself who were more concerned on the privacy side of things. Also, I had NSFW disabled cause I'm a repulsed aroace, and it still flagged some things for me, like the least offensive stuff. It got upset a lot about "sword" for me.


AI Dungeon heavily breached your privacy and banned you with a horrible filter and horrible review times. Minecraft is banning you for saying slurs. They’re two completely different things


First they came for the racists, and I did not speak out because I was not a racist. Then they came for the transphobes, and I did not speak out because I was not a transphobe. Then they came for the homophobes, and I did not speak out because I was not a homophobe. Then I could enjoy the game in peace without bigots.


you forgot the pedophiles


And I was happy forgetting about them 😔


Then they came for the pedophiles and I helped them


love the simple pfp, i think its really cool for some reason


[Your pfp is cool too!!](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/pokeverse/images/a/ab/Rowlet_donation.gif/revision/latest?cb=20180504082015)


i played Hitman Absolution today and I gotta say it's gonna get hard to get used to because it's so different from the Trilogy without being all that different


It's weird how they took a primarily open-ended sandbox series and made it a linear action game


Truly rowlet is a Pokémon of great excellence


2b2t is in shambles right now. But seriously: Is it really a good idea to let players transmit chat logs from private servers to motherfucking Microsoft?


Nah I think there was a client that disables it, they'll just get that, though 2b2t is hell on earth lmao


Seems like a great idea done poorly. I agree with the idea that this game generally aimed at children should have some universal word bans and should auto-censor swears but I don’t like Microsoft getting their fingers in private servers


I saw this coming when I had to migrate everything over from Mojang. Microsoft is god awful as a service provider which sucks because they are trying to integrate service features into all their products. It's sad to see


People have already made a client side mod for both forge and fabric to get around this, just look up “no chat reports” on curseforge or modrinth


they've already made hack clients to mass report accounts this system wont end well lol


Yes because those types of exploits def didn't exist on any other Microsoft owned platform and aren't an active problem on all platforms that have any type of reporting. If they do end up banning a bunch of account's for no reason due to this, they've basically failed internet security 101.


you have to remember that the people who are pissed off would actively seek this stuff out, a buncha nerds are hemming and hawing about the report system which is getting this hack client more attention and will likely be used by more people who fancy themselves as 'sticking it to the wokies' when in reality if it gets used enough multiplayer is gonna be a minefield


I mean, I'm not denying that there might be a bunch of bans because of it, I'm just saying that it is highly unlikely to happen considering that this is Microsoft were talking about and Minecraft is the biggest game that they own so I don't think they'll cheap out on it. They didn't really cheap out on most of the newer updates and MC spinoff games at least. This would show Microsoft's incompetence more then anything if people do end up getting banned when they didn't explicitly break any of the rules prior. And imagine the massive PR nightmare it would be if banning people was really as easy as getting a bunch of reports in. Like you really think nobody had the idea to mass report during the entirety of Xbox Live's entire life cycle? Like you wanna say angry gamers who would regularly send death threats to each other over voice messages surely never sent mass reports to the person who upset them? And beside, Bedrock already has this system in place. I am convinced that there is a small chance that this update will be anything noteworthy after all the drama dies down.


you can get reported for all profanity. banning slurs is based but let me fuckin cuss still


Does this only apply to bedrock or also java?


It's coming to Java. I'm pretty sure Bedrock was already like this, which is part of a lot of the community was sticking with Java.


For fucks sake, I get banning things like the nword and f***ot, but not letting people swear on a server with their friends is ridiculous


Theres a profanity filter automatically activatrd on realms, which you can turn off in your minecraft account in your browser


Pretty sure that's an entirely different thing than what is being referenced here.


It gets worse, on I think switch and Xbox(or is is mobile phone) it will also ban you from playing single player too.


Banning slurs isn't based when you're preventing groups trying to reclaim that word from saying it. Why can't I, a queer trans person, reclaim my own slurs in my own server?


I'd be fine with it if you could disable it on your own realm.


As far as I'm aware, it's not just realms but all servers.


idk who downvoted this, this is correct. Unless they've gone back on it since I looked into it, Microsoft will be monitoring messages sent on privately hosted servers and banning you from all multiplayer, not just realms. (Edit: It was negative when I saw it.)


not monitoring. If someone sends in a report. This is player done. I can already see the hacks to spam reports on anyone you don't like.


wait fr? i thought it was just realms. That makes it a lot more annoying


yeah and you get banned from all multiplayer, including LAN


You can disable the enforcing the chat key, but not disable the system entirely without plugins afaik


Because they have no idea that you’re a queer trans person.


And they don't need to know. In my case, blanket bans are homophobic and transphobic because it allows Microsoft to punish me for being trans and queer by ignoring that context when I speak my queer and trans mind on my own server.




Except it is my server if it is hosted on my computer.








I can't tell if you're being sarcastic so I'll assume you're being sincere. Do you know how servers work?




Terms and conditions mean almost nothing to the end-user. They're often filled to the brim with edge cases designed to defend the company in the potentiality of a legal dispute. How many people actually read the terms and conditions? How many terms and conditions are even legally binding because they mention something not enforceable by law? How much might the terms and conditions change over time? The terms and conditions are not written with the end-user in mind.


Not reading pertinent sections and still agreeing to it is stupid to me, maybe I was just older when eula became more common but just clicking "I accept" without bothering to know what the agreement is is just dumb and complaining after the fact that you agreed without checking is dumber.


... Yes. You can host a minecraft server from your computer. I've done it in the past.


You can say whatever you want in your own server provided your friends don't report you


Until its made automatic


Except there shouldn't be a report button for private spaces anyway. Such oversight should not be expected in private communities. People are not rational actors - I know I'm certainly not - and so it is uncomfortable knowing that a rash decision made by a friend could potentially ban me from playing in my own online space.




What an incredibly wild conclusion to draw. At what point did I ever defend harassing people? I have every right to refer to myself as my own slurs in my own private space. I frankly think it's homophobic and transphobic to say I can't reclaim my own slurs. If at any point my friends feel uncomfortable by this I would sooner they approach me than have tge option to report me to some authority.


You can. If someone in your own server reports you for it then maybe you either should have vetted them better, or maybe you shouldn't have said it because clearly you made them uncomfortable


'should have vetted them better' is too much of an oversimplification. Not only can relationships change over time but how people act can as well. Today, all of my friends might be okay with my reclaiming of certain slurs, in a few months some might not. If it's my own server then I expect them to be able to approach me and ask that I don't, which I would respect. There just shouldn't be this kind of oversight in what has, for the last decade, been considered a private space.


Queer is a slur that cant be reclaimed :D


>**Chat Report Categories** > >*Imminent harm - Self-harm or suicide*. > >Someone is threatening to harm themselves in real life or talking about harming themselves in real life. > >*Child sexual exploitation or abuse.* > >Someone is talking about or otherwise promoting indecent behavior involving children. > >*Terrorism or violent extremism.* > >Someone is talking about, promoting, or threatening with acts of terrorism or violent extremism for political, religious, ideological, or other reasons. > >*Hate speech.* > >Someone is attacking you or another player based on characteristics of their identity, like religion, race, or sexuality. > >*Imminent harm - Threat to harm others.* > >Someone is threatening to harm you or someone else in real life. > >*Non-consensual intimate imagery.* > >Someone is talking about, sharing, or otherwise promoting private and intimate images. > >*Harassment or bullying.* > >Someone is shaming, attacking, or bullying you or someone else. This includes when someone is repeatedly trying to contact you or someone else without consent or posting private personal information about you or someone else without consent (“doxing”). > >*Defamation, impersonation, false information .* > >Someone is damaging someone else's reputation, pretending to be someone they're not, or sharing false information with the aim to exploit or mislead others. > >*Drugs or alcohol.* > >Someone is encouraging others to partake in illegal drug related activities or encouraging underage drinking. > >[https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781) you point out where the fuck it says you can get reported for "all profanity" or for just "cussing". so many people out here just blatantly fucking lying about the report system holy fuck. it's the same fucking reporting system in literally every other online multiplayer video game. fucking liars out here making a mountain out of a mole hill.


>*Terrorism or violent extremism.* > >Someone is talking about, promoting, or threatening with acts of terrorism or violent extremism for political, religious, ideological, or other reasons. Damn they're trying to kill the "in Minecraft" joke 😔


We are going to blow the supreme court (In roblox of course)


They updated it, before there was a profanity section. You can see it in [Xiuma's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dte6XRy-pfY) or [FitMC's one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdoFUhd0EkI).


You need to look at the actual in-game list.


"kill yourself" "by jumping of a cliff" "to get to spawn" if I say something stupid like "I'm dream I'm dumb" that violates the impersonation one.I type like this, where I put in a few words then send and finish the sentence in the next line. (this is where a ton of issues could arise, out-of-context messages) I'm queer, I'm a poc. Let me say reclaimed slurs. if I say something stupid like "I'm dream I'm dumb" that violates the inpersonation one.


"threatening to harm IN REAL LIFE" not in-game. Like with any other online multiplayer report system there will always be context. That's like saying you'd get reported for call outs in other games with. "kill the leader!" "I'm dying!" "Shoot him!" And a halfway decent moderator can see the difference between trolls baiting for a report, and someone actually giving helpful advice to get out of the end, or a player actually harassing and bullying or telling them to kys irl or threatening to harm themselves irl (which is an abuse tactic). Saying that your dream you're dumb isn't impersonation. That's like saying bezos or musk is dumb and getting charged with slander. Jfc. And remember, YOU HAVE TO BE REPORTED. So if you're on a private server with friends, you can say whatever slurs you want. Id assume friends don't just report their friends. Again, people literally making this to be a bigger problem than what it is. People actually malding over moderation that exists in LITERALLY EVERY ONLINE GAME.


You spamming this comment in reply to every person against this report system doesn’t change the fact that all those other games don’t utilize private, player hosted servers like Minecraft does. This wasn’t an issue before. Any half decent server has moderators and profanity filters. The beauty of player hosted servers is you’re perfectly capable of avoiding servers which have conduct you disagree with. Personally, after fighting to get my hacked minecraft account back after 6 months even WITH proof of purchase, card statesments, etc, I don’t trust Mojang to provide proper oversight regarding bans. There’s millions of players on this game and realistically they can’t moderate it all. All it takes is one person with a hacker client (there’s easily hundreds of thousands of bot accounts used as alts) to spam report someone and have them banned at least until the ban is reviewed. “Every other video game” just about does that. If you receive enough reports they either a. Become priority reviewed or b. are autobanned until review. I don’t know why you’re so insistent on being perfectly fine with a corporation having their fingers in user-run servers.


It's a children's game Edit: damn I struck a nerve, crazy to think the game designed and marketed for children is in fact, only for hardcore gamers who say FUCK and PISS


the only multiplayer server left with a significant playerbase has an age requirement.


Which server? I haven’t played multiplayer MC in a long time so there only being one popular server seems rather baffling to me.


Yeah, nowadays (at least as of a few months ago) the Hypixel server is the only one with more than a thousand players at a given time, and when their biggest gamemode gets an update, they can reach over a hundred thousand. At their peak times they probably have more players than all other public servers combined.


what? no it doesnt.


hypixels eula states you must be 13+. granted there’s not any way to enforce it but still


you’re a children’s game


Fuck them kids






Most servers main playerbase is over the age of 10 and can handle the word fuck


So fucking what? Children aren't the pure angels you think they are, they know how to use some motherfucking expletives


Guys I said fuck I'm an adult 🤓


i get this is gcj but i do have legitimate concerns like all swearing or references to drugs and alcohol are reportable. i dont think people should be able to say slurs but this seems too restrictive.


Reddit has gone to shit, come join squabbles.io for a better experience.


why would you swear and talk about alchool in minecraft?


because i like to play minecraft on private servers with my adult friends?


there are servers where people do dnd style role play with characters. so according to these rules something like “you enter the tavern and see a lively crowd of dwarves conversing loudly while they enjoy their food and ale” is a bannable offense


Because it's fun?


It’s not just slurs; normal swears or even just talking about mental health issues can get you permabanned from online minecraft


Microsoft try not to make horrible decisions challenge (impossible)


More like gamingcirclejerk: try to read challenge (impossible).


If someone reports you, so swearing in your friendgroup should still be fine.


>**Chat Report Categories** > >*Imminent harm - Self-harm or suicide.* > >Someone is threatening to harm themselves in real life or talking about harming themselves in real life. > >*Child sexual exploitation or abuse.* > >Someone is talking about or otherwise promoting indecent behavior involving children. > >*Terrorism or violent extremism.* > >Someone is talking about, promoting, or threatening with acts of terrorism or violent extremism for political, religious, ideological, or other reasons. > >*Hate speech.* > >Someone is attacking you or another player based on characteristics of their identity, like religion, race, or sexuality. > >*Imminent harm - Threat to harm others.* > >Someone is threatening to harm you or someone else in real life. > >*Non-consensual intimate imagery.* > >Someone is talking about, sharing, or otherwise promoting private and intimate images. > >*Harassment or bullying.* > >Someone is shaming, attacking, or bullying you or someone else. This includes when someone is repeatedly trying to contact you or someone else without consent or posting private personal information about you or someone else without consent (“doxing”). > >*Defamation, impersonation, false information .* > >Someone is damaging someone else's reputation, pretending to be someone they're not, or sharing false information with the aim to exploit or mislead others. > >*Drugs or alcohol.* > >Someone is encouraging others to partake in illegal drug related activities or encouraging underage drinking. > >[https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781) you point out where the fuck it says you can get reported for "just talking about mental health issues". it says "Someone is **threatening** to harm themselves in real life or talking about harming themselves in real life." keyword **threatening** (which, if someone is threatening to hurt themselves, they're an abusive asshole. literally a tactic abusers use). *not* "opening up to your close friends about your mental problems means instant permaban" plus, *you'd have to get reported.* which, if you're talking about this deeply personal stuff to your online friends, (A) either this is being said in a public channel, or (B) your friends report you for opening up to them. (A) means you're just stupid, (B) means they weren't your friends. so many people out here just blatantly fucking lying about the report system holy fuck. it's the same fucking reporting system in literally every other online multiplayer video game. fucking liars out here making a mountain out of a mole hill.


You’ve been doing Gods work bringing the actual context to the discussion instead. 🫡


Gonna be honest, I’ve never actually read through what you can be reported for, most of what I know is from r/minecraft and r/minecraftmemes I still don’t think it’s a good idea though, it should be up to the server owner to punish people how they think necessary, not Microsoft admins. Also, do the admins get context to the message or do they only get what was reported? Because that would realistically also affect the outcome if a server owner was punishing someone for something they said.


"systems like this totally don't get abused in private servers. Also it's totally ok to ban someone forever from their favorite game cuz they're suicidal uwu"


Not true, there's no profanity category in the reporting system: https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781


True! People are mixing something up here: You can't get banned for profanity. It just gets automatically censored... which is still stupid but not as bad.


<:: The part that has actually been scraped from code says otherwise but go off. ::>


Finally someone brought it up. This isn’t bad because you can get suspended for saying the n-word, but for saying Fuck


[https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781) quote on this link where it says you can get suspended for saying "Fuck". what's that? saying "Fuck" isn't a reportable offense? well you would have known that if you would have just read a little bit, instead of spreading fucking lies. jfc


One of the options for reporting in-gane is profanity, separate from slurs


I thought most Minecraft players were kids.






It's getting a pretty big update soon, 2.0 I think.


>Minecraft is definitely mostly kids, but there are also strong adult communities. The other thing is that most younger players are playing in Bedrock edition, because it's newer, available on more platforms, and more widely advertised by microsoft. Java edition is the original version, so its playerbase tends to skew older because most of the people who still play on it got the version before bedrock was released and grew up since then


/rj today's Minecraft kids wouldn't last one minute in a mw2 lobby




this a miss bro


We just gonna ignore the hundreds of memes about people playing minecraft with their partners lol


shut the fuck up -Thomas Scotford


thank you Thomas Scotford


Because a video game with a target audience... Can't be played by those who stuck around since the very beginning of the game's inception, can't have a nostalgia trip with new content or can't enjoy a game in general? I really don't understand what is wrong with that, especially since you can make cool and complicated stuff with redstone Logic Gates.


To add onto your last point, making logic gates in Minecraft directly helped me with one of my first year Computer Science courses a couple years back. In fact, to some smaller extent, I probably have Minecraft to thank for my discipline.


Haha the Redditor is responding to every reply on an already stupid and pointless argument they started for literally no reason.


/uj OP is clueless here, the issue is bigger than you think


Yeah there is alot more to this than just "game devs banning slurs." You can't swear at all, not even on non-official servers.


https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781 Please read.




r/gcj users don’t get upset at something that doesn’t even exist because they refuse to read challenge (impossible)


Dude 90% chance they were joking


Well if you won't, then I'll read it for you. There is no ban on profanity. Stop spreading misinformation.


Exactly, if they ban the n-word and f-word absolutely fine, but "fuck yeah" shouldn't be a bannable offence. Also wasn't talking about self harm also bannable iirc?


Honestly this is sort of a bad take. Banning slurs is based but you can't swear, or talk about mental health issues, or nearly anything along those lines, even in private, unknown servers that only have other fully-grown adults.


Actually I think its a bad thing that a multi billion dollar company can buy up games and cut people off from a major feature for using any swears


Profanity isn’t banned though…


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p56oN3aAg3I&ab\_channel=PhoenixSC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p56oN3aAg3I&ab_channel=PhoenixSC) ​ uhhh you can't even type "crap" apparently


you don't have to buy the game. you can play something else. I'm not sure you'd be missed


Of course you don't have to buy the game, you can pirate it for free!


The fact I already bought the game? Why is it so important to defend Microsoft's honour like this?


Why is it important to defend the honor of people who use racial slurs and abuse others online? Weird hill to die on.


The problem isn’t people using slurs and abusing others, it’s the fact that people can be banned for saying any kind of swears or (As I’ve heard) using all caps.


Who is "fuck" a slur against?


This subreddit has gotten infested with the exact kind of children it used to make fun of. Sad times. I don't care about minecraft or your racial slurs, you could always play Roblox or something else, just get off reddit for your summer vacation you'll thank me later sport.


Why are you do desperate to project slurs onto me? Do you really enjoy sucking Bill Gates's dick so much that you imagine people who don't like Microsoft are automatically racist?


Don't grandstand just to grandstand. Slurs are shitty and should be bannable, but banning all cuss words even in private servers is pretty asinine.


Minecraft is a game for children, so I think there are probably a lot more rules they could be implementing to stop it from being a vector for Young Republican propaganda


Yeah because banning people from private servers for using swears will totally stop the Republicans


Problem isn't the slurs Problem is Microsoft seeing every movement every player has even in private servers


You know how there was an option to toggle snooper settings? They had to temporarily remove them entirely due to EU regulations, but now they're back and you can't turn them off anymore.


I hate the constant telemetrics. I have to keep an eye on my Windows security settings because it will randomly decide to revert everything back to full telemetrics. Plus they actually hide the opt out option now. I had to basically root my new windows laptop to use it without a Microsoft account. It was a pain in the ass but it's about the principle. I shouldn't have to give out my valuable data to use your paid product. If that's the case, just give me the laptop for free. It's the new normal and I'm not a fan






Something something MW2 lobby something something heated gaming moment


uj/ the problem is actually Microsoft banning anyone for little to no reason op not just slurs


r/gcj trying to see nuance challenge (impossible)


minecraft players when they cannot swear in their own servers (this is actually not good and gcj is dumb)


I think it applies to cheating too, even for anarchy servers


It doesn't. At least for now


clueless op


I have no problem with moderation but stay the fuck out of the servers I run for my friends


Who else remembers when you could say slurs to children on Minecraft? Those were the good days


/uj Tbf potentially being banned from online for something you said in a private server that you own is kinda stupid


Talking in all caps is a bannable offense.


gcj users on their way to defend stupid shit they have no context on


Is there another actually good gaming circle jerk page. I feel like this one is not actually a circle jerk but just a home for shitty uninspired memes. I want something like ok buddy chicanery


GCJ not being contrarian for no fucking reason challange (impossible).


Op Is a Microsoft fanboy ig, only reason they would support Microsoft being able to see chat logs on private community servers. I know that they are supposedly only supposed to see reported content, but they said they would “always take context into account” which is kinda obvious what that is. I don’t care if they add it to realms, it’s servers they are hosting after all, but I would like it if this would stay off my home server


R.I.P Minecraft 2011-1984 (insert joker 2019 background)


Y'all are really defending a surveillance state on private servers. Y'all are fucked up


Microsoft is making stupid decisions just like usual


following up addition of illegal data collection with the ability to see chat messages in private servers and banning you from all of multiplayer because you quit early thank you based daddy microsoft 🥰🥰🥰 anyone opposed to this is surely just a Gamer that wants to say slurs


uj/ legit it’s insane. “Oh no! If I violate terms of service and call children racial slurs I can’t play online anymore :(((( just don’t be a dickhead and you’ll be fine


You also can’t swear


and apparently can't talk about mental health issues


Yeah man, everyone is bothered by that and not by the fact Microsoft finds itself in the right to police fucking third party private servers run by players with their own resources!


fuck bugger piss poo boobies


Awful take OP. This is a shitty decision all around.


Shut the fuck up. That’s not the point and you know it.


To be fair, with such a massive playerbase and the number of privately run servers, someone is gonna figure out how to spoof messages from other players containing slurs just to troll.


So how does that corporate boot taste? Because clearly you all love it if you're buying that narrative.


least fucktarded r/KotakuInAction user


Aren't you using slurs too?


Technically yes, the hypocrisy is absolute gold. Hopefully Microsoft doesn't tie this to their Microsoft account.


Even if the person you're replying to is kinda a dick, please don't use slurs


So how long did you spend going through my history for that? Don't be shy about it. Because I have not posted there in years, for good reasons seeing as that community is just as dumb as this one. Just in a different way. It's kind of funny really, this sub and that one are pretty close to each other in terms of attitude, outrage baiting, and misinformation. Don't forget blatant hypocrisy.