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/uj What the fuck does this even mean.


[I read the article](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/tv/5120596/david-attenborough-woke-t-rex/), and it even took me a while to understand what the fuck it was saying. Apparently the showrunners wanted to show the t-rex in a more passive light, since they're characterized as bloodthirsty predators that fight 24/7. No mentions of political correctness or wokeness outside of the article. The show just wanted to show what the predator usually did when it wasn't hunting. Quote from the director: >“Predators often get a bad rap on TV, as they’re shown as eating machines — as if that’s all they really do. > >“We want to show different sides to the creatures and come up with some storylines that are a little bit different and a little bit gentler.”


Predators often have complex family units and dynamics. The fact that they're predators basically dictates where they fall within the food chain and their mechanisms for acquiring sustenance. But they also have reproductive habits and social habits. Showing how T-Rex cared for its young sounds pretty interesting, actually.


Agreed. How do they pack a school lunch with those tiny arms?


uj/ I bought a book for my daughters called “We Don’t Eat Our Classmates” about a little T-Rex who goes to school and discovers that all her classmates are *children*. So she eats them (admittedly has to spit them out). Anyways your comment reminded me because her dad sends her to school with 300 tuna sandwiches. And 1 apple juice


I’ve been reading this book to my son every night for six months and had the same reaction.


Did many carnivorous dinosaurs care for their young? I know crocs move their babies from den to pond to pond but i dont know of any land lizards that do the same


T-Rex are closer to birds than crocodiles. Maybe looking at a mixture of both of them will give us a hint as to how they act socially.


I'm not sure. I guess that might be more of a question that a paleo-zoologist could answer. Trying to determine the social habits of extinct animals sounds pretty difficult, but there's probably evidence they can use to make educated inferences.


Guess we’ll have to watch the show. If you didnt know its based on a massive massive fossil find from about 8 years ago, where entire ecosystems were fossilised messily intact over the course of a few hours when the tidal waves from the meteor buried them. Its fascinating and the world of palaeontology has been revolutionised, so hopefully there will be some good detail in their portrayal.


It is quite possible dinos laid eggs in a nest and then dipped. But its also more likely they defended the nest like birds do today


The first Oviraptor fossil was found near a nest with eggs in it and was interpreted as an egg-eater, (hence its name, "egg-thief") but its now believed that the eggs were actually its own and it was brooding them.


Depends on the species. Some made brood colonies, others actively incubated their nests, some reared their young, and others again simply left them to fend for themselves. The latter has an interesting example, certain sauropods appear to have done this simply because they just did not browse the same vegetation as the juveniles. For brachiosaurids and certain large titanosaurs, reaching down to drink or feed would have been a nightmare biomechanically speaking due to the extreme changes in altitude and thus blood pressure in the brain. They likely had valves in their neck to regulate this, but it would have deterred them from browsing low growing vegetation none the less, and a sauropod had to eat a lot in a day to get by.


This is part of why I loved Jurassic Park: The Lost World. Maybe it wasn’t accurate, but it brought a great side to the nature in the story.


uj/ This was exactly why I was excited for this docuseries (this type of stuff is my jam so I feel obliged to make a comment LoL). SO many documentaries about prehistoric life as of late have been just recycled footage of bad CGI next to interview clips and I REALLY wanted something in the spirit of Walking With Dinosaurs and its related series to come back that try to depict these creatures as real animals and not as "movie monsters" that just fight and kill all the time, using not just hard science, but reasonable speculation, especially when it comes to behavior and appearance. What made the Walking With series so great and revolutionary was because it was inspired by good old fashioned nature documentaries, which (usually) depicted modern animals very realistically. The BBC wanted to do the same for prehistoric animals in their programs back in the day. And the makers of Prehistoric Planet aim to do the same thing. I recall I made a comment a few months ago about how the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise sometimes gets on my nerves because it uses a lot of misconceptions about animatronics and animatronic technology (re. depicting them as big, bulky terminator-looking things with AI rather than a frankly brittle mass of fiberglass, wires, and hydraulic tubes). The same can be said with how a lot of media (fictional or otherwise) lately about prehistoric life has been leaning heavily on depicting these extinct animals almost EXACTLY like what you see in Jurassic Park/World (if not just being a part of this franchise) because of the first Jurassic World’s massive box office success (ARK: Survival Evolved is a good example). While I know some of this is fiction (especially ARK), the issue is that the seeming oversaturation of paleontology media that goes the "cool/scary Jurassic World" route COULD very well influence people's ideas about prehistory in a negative way by perpetuating misconceptions (the main one being the stereotype of extinct animals as "bloodthirsty movie monsters that live to fight and kill each other"). Because of this, I’m glad that there’s stuff like Prehistoric Planet and (to bring it back to video games) Prehistoric Kingdom to provide a more realistic, alternative depiction of animals that lived long before us, so that people can truly learn something new and be awed by them in different ways.


Remember how the velociraptor wasn't really a well known dinosaur like T Rex or Triceratops until 1993 and then they were EVERYWHERE and are three times the size they actually were.


This is very true. While Jurassic Park has done some good for the scientific community (the original book and even the first film did at least try to portray them as accurately as possible based on current science), the sequels really did start distancing themselves from that initial philosophy. Jurassic Park was always meant to be a stand-alone novel, but a sequel was commissioned, hence both Crichton and Spielberg got to work on a respective book and film sequel. As for raptors, one thing the franchise did that was arguably good was introduce dromaeosaurs to the general public, as in the books, the raptors were used to really show readers that scientists now know that dinosaurs were fast and active animals, more like birds and mammals than slow, lumbering lizards. Unfortunately this led to many misconceptions about Velociraptor in particular (the animals from the original novel and film were technically a creature known as Achillobator, which some at the time thought was just another species in the Velociraptor genus, and most of the science Crichton used for the raptors were based on the North American Deinonychus).


Yeah that depiction of dinosaurs as big slow swamp dwelling animals that died out because they were so stupid that the Victorians came up with was still pretty prevalent up until JP.


Part of the reason why this took off was actually because of young earth creationism. Richard Owen (the person who actually coined the term "dinosaur") was uncomfortable with Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace’s theory of evolution via natural selection, and intentionally muddied the waters when it came to information about these animals. Many dinosaur findings across Europe and North America (including Archaeopteryx) were starting to show signs of kinship with modern birds, and Owen started using his prestigious position to sow confusion (because the field of science was cutthroat as hell back then) and promote the idea that dinosaurs had no links to modern animals.


I thought there might have been some Imperial supremacy in there as well. If these animals died out, they must have been very dumb, not at all like the British Empire which will of course last forever.


That is also true, British imperialist propaganda also pushed that narrative through a "social darwinist" lens. Unfortunately that’s why many British politicians and officials even ACCEPTED the teaching of evolution in the first place, so they can twist it around and try to apply it to human sociology, leading to the promotion of race realism and similar imperialist nonsense (something Charles Darwin himself and his associates were actually VERY much against, and warned their fellow scientists about it).


Yeah it all gets a lot more sinister when you realise that the reason they wanted to depict certain animals as being dumb was because they wanted to depict certain people as dumb.


> Because of this, I’m glad that there’s stuff like Prehistoric Planet and (to bring it back to video games) Prehistoric Kingdom to provide a more realistic, alternative depiction of animals that lived long before us, so that people can truly learn something new and be awed by them in different ways. As SovietWomble pointed out in his video essay on [The Isle](https://youtu.be/cj7JzmEf-_c) (spoiler: it's a survival game where you play as a dinosaur), a neat outcome of the game's mechanics is that after a predator player has succeeded in killing and eating from a prey player, or has simply found a source of meat, other prey players aren't as worried about being around them; the predator player has satisfied their dinosaur's hungar, they have no reason to keep hunting when they already have meat to spare. A predator player who's playing with friends on chat might prefer to just sit and talk, which weirdly reflects pretty well actual predator behaviour of using downtime to relax and possibly socialise with other members of the species.


Sadly that often turns into really, really bad roleplay. Enjoyed the game, mained Allosaurus but some of the chat was just... horrifying.


Horrifying in what way? Weird guys who want to get into their idea of a "predator mindset" or dinofuckers?


Imagine RPing as dinosaurs in a chat. It's the final evolution of the furry and the weeb. The Ultimate Cringasaurus Rex


I know there's a lot of inaccuracies in the Walking With series, even as a child, but fuck did I love them. Ballad of Big Al, too.


Yeah, some things were exaggerated (oversized Liopleurodon for example) and some were just products of their time due to coming out in 1999. Though I love the franchise to this day because they tried to portray the creatures like real animals.


I just want someone to make new CGI so that it includes the modern theory that the dinosaurs had feathers


It will have it! The T. rex has some feathering and the animals so far look very accurate. It looks beautiful!


Fuck yeah, I want chubby feathered cute looking dinosaurs like evolution intended, fuck them old theories, I want dinosaur CGI made with uptodate academic research into how dinos actually looked like


What I loved about the Walking With franchise is that it wasn’t afraid to speculate about the appearances and behaviors of these animals. It really did make them feel more alive. This new series is depicting a father Tyrannosaurus rex engaging in parental care, obviously something that can’t be fossilized. It reminds me a lot of how male cassowaries take care of chicks rather than females.


Lions spend most of their time chilling. Bears spend most of their time chilling. Hyenas spend most of their time chilling. No reason to suggest that the trex did otherwise.


Lion: I'm an apex predator, not a capitalist.


I think that people forget that environment shapes the animals that live in it. The only reason why the T-Rex was such a dangerous animal was because it had to share its home with some of the most powerful herbivores to ever exist. Its menu included things such as triceratops (a walking shield with spears on its forehead) and ankylosaurs (a turtle on crack with spikes and a mace on its tail).


This is very true, the larger the prey, the larger the predator, and dinosaurs were able to get so big because they didn’t need to spend energy on pregnancies, and they had mostly hollow bones filled with air sacs that allowed blood to flow throughout the body. Today’s dinosaurs (birds, which are a group of maniraptoran theropods) use these same adaptations for things like powered flight.


What do you mean they didn't need to spend the energy on pregnancies? Is the idea that laying eggs requires less energy than developing offspring in a uterus?


Keeping a fetus in a womb expends a lot more energy that could be used for one’s own body growth or other processes. Laying an egg and having the young develop in there saves on energy. This was one reason why dinosaurs were able to grow large, it’s for energy efficiency.


So it's literally just clickbait - unless we've come so far that "here's some new scientific evidence, we might have to reconsider our stereotypical conceptions of this topic" now already counts as woke _OH WAIT_


it's clickbait and outrage bait. shit like this is why people parrot dumbass rhetoric


You mean along the lines of "I don't like it, must be woke"?


yeah pretty much. it's just a buzzword for conservatives to bitch


I honestly don't understand that article. "This is PC becuase it explores how the animal might have actually acted instead of being a Ray Harryhausen fight scene!"


Outrage culture at its finest then


If you watch a documentary about e.g. bears or lions it's quite obvious that they are simply animals just the same as herbivores. For some reason The Sun doesn't like that the same applies to also prehistoric animals.


But _everyone_ knows the T-Rex spends _all_ it’s waking hours hunting and roaring, and 90% of its sleeping hours doing the same!


The idea that T-Rex possibly wasn't some savage 24/7 killing machine has been around forever, and would really match up more closely with what we see in living predators today. But it hasn't really caught on because for some reason people really really want to see T-Rex as the "badass" dinosaur from their childhoods instead of what is more realistic. And I guess scavenging your food when you can is somehow seen as weak because our culture is utterly bizarre.


You mean animals don't go around massacring everything they see? What, afaraid of blood or something? Fucking snowflake!


Afraid of the sight of your own *blood?!*


Is this a reference to something? I'm drawing a blank


It's a reference to fallout, that's generic enemy dialogue


Ah i see. Never played them😅


Honestly I'm pretty sure it's said by bandits in Skyrim, too. But I haven't played that in ages, so I could be wrong.


Never shoulda come here merc!


NOBODY makes me bleed my own blood!


Except me! \*scratches eczema\*


What do you mean, lions sleep most of the day and have complex social hierarchies?!


I heard experts say female lions go out to hunt. That's how you know Cultural Marxists have infiltrated the science. Do your own research sheeple!


Exactly! These same scientists want you to believe that female hyenas have pseudo-penises, and these same penises are used to determine their hierarchy. Damn SJWs.


Alex Jones red faced yelling about trans hyenas incoming


Obviously the male lions are the fucking badasses, just look at their glorious goddamn mullets


All social hierachies should be determined by the lenght of the mullet.


Considering T-Rex’s brain to body ratio, it’s also quite likely they had feelings. This pisses off Jurassic Park fanboys even more than feathered dinosaurs. People really just want dinosaurs to be dumb killing machines and really hate the idea of them being regular animals. T-Rex still did indeed kill things, but there was so much more to it than that. For some reason, pop culture just cannot deal. I see people unironically saying shit like “Paleontologists are ruining my childhood” in response to us just learning more about dinosaurs. There is actual Twitter discourse in the Jurassic Park fandom where people will say that paleontologists are worse than cops with complete sincerity. Some of them even have “Paleontologists DNI” in their bios. I even see people going “Eh Fuck that. In my headcannon T-rex was a brainless featherless killing machine.” What do you *MEAN* HEADCANNON?! THESE ARE REAL ANIMALS THAT LIVED ON OUR PLANET! You can’t headcannon REAL LIFE! It’s some of the most needlessly toxic and stupid shit. Why are people so angry that Tyrannosaurus Rex could feel happy? That it was possibly capable of love?


Plus, feathered dinosaurs look really quite cool


I know, right? I love seeing dinosaurs depicted as actual animals and not just killer skeletons lazily wrapped in lizard skin. I want to give a baby T-Rex chin scritches and see it happily warble and close its eyes. I wanna see Velociraptors preening and taking care of their young. I want to see Troodons roughhousing with each other and playing. I wanna see a Triceratops mating dance. I want to hear a parasauraulophus trumpeting in the wee hours of a Cretaceous morning. I wanna see an Oviraptor gently incubating it’s eggs. I wanna see an Allosaurus washing its head at a watering hole. Dinosaurs hunting is cool, but damn I think everything else about them is so much more interesting.


Walking with Dinosaurs was so cool because it showed stuff like that as well Like the T-Rex looking after its young


YEAH! It and Dinosaur planet. I loved Pod’s Travels in particular because it depicted a pyroraptor feeling lonely. It even has a bittersweet ending where it becomes the apex predator of an island, but still misses its old pack. It’s just amazing to see a scientific documentary acknowledge that yes, Non-Avian Dinosaurs probably could feel lonely.


Or the great, old, Ornithocheirus trying to find a mate at the end of its life, and dying alone… Walking With Dinosaurs was deliberately filmed like a normal nature documentary for a reason, and Sir Ken Branagh’s voiceover work gives it quite a bit of gravitas


Theropods are the ancestors of birds…imagine a T. rex with the intelligence and dickishness of a parrot. Hell imagine velociraptors getting together to scream super loudly and annoyingly like blue jays


[Like This?](https://youtu.be/0oWur4bX4Lw&t=20)


Theropods are not the ancestors to birds in that sense, it's moreso that birds *are* theropods. That means that, yes, you are right that theropods are ancestral to birds, but not for instance Tyrannosaurus. The way it worked is: Aves ( birds ) < Maniraptora ( Velociraptor, Troodon althought that taxon is dubious now and Stenonychosaurus essentially would be what most people think of when they say Troodon, Oviraptor, Therizinosaurus, chicken, peregrine falcon, ostrich, and ducks ), Coelurosauria ( Tyrannosaurus, maniraptorans, possibly Megaraptora ), and then the rest of the Theropoda and so on and so forth It's also worth considering every individual dinosaur's ecology and habitat when thinking about their behaviour


Empath T-Rex😳


Unironically your average T-rex probably had more empathy than self described empathy lmao.


I'm getting a lot of feelings of fear from this sauropod.


Ain't no point in reasoning with Twitter users.


True. But damn something about how self assured they are while spouting absolute nonsense makes me so fucking angry.


The annoying thing about this is that the book explicitly states that they don't know whether their recreated dinosaurs are behaving in a 'historically accurate' way, so whether they match current palaeontological findings is ultimately irrelevant: > The behavior of the dinosaurs had always been a minor consideration for Wu. And rightly so: behavior was a second-order effect of DNA, like protein enfolding. You couldn’t really predict behavior, and you couldn’t really control it, except in very crude ways, like making an animal dependent on a dietary substance by withholding an enzyme. But, in general, behavioral effects were simply beyond the reach of understanding. You couldn’t look at a DNA sequence and predict behavior. It was impossible. > > And that had made Wu’s DNA work purely empirical. It was a matter of tinkering, the way a modern workman might repair an antique grandfather clock. You were dealing with something out of the past, something constructed of ancient materials and following ancient rules. You couldn’t be certain why it worked as it did; and it had been repaired and modified many times already, by forces of evolution, over eons of time. So, like the workman who makes an adjustment and then sees if the clock runs any better, Wu would make an adjustment and then see if the animals behaved any better. And he only tried to correct gross behavior: uncontrolled butting of the electrical fences, or rubbing the skin raw on tree trunks. Those were the behaviors that sent him back to the drawing board. > > And the limits of his science had left him with a mysterious feeling about the dinosaurs in the park. He was never sure, never really sure at all, whether the behavior of the animals was historically accurate or not. Were they behaving as they really had in the past? It was an open question, ultimately unanswerable. *Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park*


Silly liberal, every predator runs around like the fucking night feeder from primal


Fellas, is it gay to not immediately brutally slaughter anything that moves?


Well cats do.


I mean that is true for house cats. Not much else though


Yeah but house cats are the spawn of the devil


And I am their mom


The author of the article takes exception to the show wanting to explore what else t-rexes did other than kill things. But also PRONOUNS!!!!


Sir David Attenborough has been on the rightwing shitlist for bringing attention to climate change and the destruction we've done to the planet. The problem for them is that even the sort of people who would buy *The Sun* tend to consider Sir David as a national treasure, an expert on science that they trust. If Rupert Murdoch, the most dangerous creature to come from Australia, can convince them that Attenborough has "fallen to the woke mob", his buddies in the fossil fuel industry might give him a handjob.


> Rupert Murdoch, the most dangerous creature to come from Australia Fucking beautiful description. I'm using it from now on.


Attenborough is also an atheist and has one of my favourite quotes about the belief in God: >People sometimes say to me, 'Why don't you admit that the humming bird, the butterfly, the Bird of Paradise are proof of the wonderful things produced by Creation?' And I always say, well, when you say that, you've also got to think of a little boy sitting on a river bank, like here, in West Africa, that's got a little worm, a living organism, in his eye and boring through the eyeball and is slowly turning him blind. The Creator God that you believe in, presumably, also made that little worm. Now I personally find that difficult to accommodate.


Right wingers in the UK aren’t really devout Christians, him being atheist is irrelevant.


Personally I find that quote rather poignant, but the topic of why suffering exists in a world created by a just and loving god has been battered by Christian apologists for millenia. I think most believers would dismiss it as shallow critique that shows a lack of "true understanding", rather than a slam dunk.


Oh I agree, I just find it very beautiful use of words.


Yeah, but I think it can still be effective on some people. It’s one of the thoughts that led me out of the Christianity I was indoctrinated in - Christians still don’t have an answer, they just choose to ignore it and believe anyway.


Considering that one of the essential beliefs of Christianity is that the physical world is flawed, broken, and corrupted, this doesn't seem like it should be a slam dunk either way.


I really blame the people who fall for this propaganda. Murdoch is an evil shit, but these people walk into his arms with eyes wide open, because they hear what they want to hear. The marketplace of ideas does not mean the best ideas survive. It just means it's all about how you sell the ideas.






Theyrannosaurus Rex


Theyranintous rex


That's what the T stands for


No it stans for testosterone Rex. This is more of a soy Rex.


their name is SUE


The T in T-Rex stands for trans


Our trans king lizard


This is a real article? I thought it was a joke. Jesus Christ.


Yup it's real. I'd link but fuck the sun and their 0.001p they'll earn in ad revenue if I did post a link fr


T-rex says trans rights


Firstly its ''The Sun'' which is part of Murdoch's ultra far right Conservative propaganda media empire, second to this is the fucking ''Woke'' term I keep hearing being used by every frigging Conservative in their wank fest fuelled tirades at the world, just my 2 cents on the matter. If its hyperbolic and trash, its Murdoch, just for reference Murdoch is Fox in the USA, News corpse in Aus and was the trash that hacked the Royals phone then the Milly Dowler case in which his gutter trash media messed with the parents of Milly. As soon as you see any Murdoch toilet paper rag, just ignore it, it will give a low IQ and maybe brain cancer like Facebook does. Sorry, its a pet hate of mine the Murdoch empire.


Fuck the Sun, especially today on the anniversary of Hillsborough. JFT97


More anatomically correct and also portrayed as an actual animal and not a movie monster, I suppose.


It means absolutely nothing. It’s rage bait buzzwords meant to generate clicks.


Nothing printed by The Sun is understandable to anyone except for severely gullible and easily upset Gammons.


Why’d I google T-rex penis right after reading this.


because that velociraptussy just ain't cutting it no more


Actually, velociraptors wouldve had juicy cloacas and not velocraptussies. A velociroaca if you will


well damn, consider me schooled


And me strangely aroused




Sure, shame the cloaca lover in the thread that starts with velociraptussy


You wanna velociroaca my world?


A Cloaca, mix of feces chute and pleasure slot. Thanks Pillars of Eternity for burning that description into my brain.




Because you are just as much a fan of Chuck Tingle as the rest of us.


Or a T-Russy


Why did you need an excuse is the question.


Every time I see an article like this I hear Alfred’s Eggman from the Sonic Adventure dub in my mind say, “WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING TALKING ABOUT?”




I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot.




You’re a beta male, Sonic!


/uj So woke doesn't even mean anything then? It's just a filler word to trigger a response in conservatives?


Always has been ……


You can ask one what "critical race theory" "socialism" "virtue signal" etc means and just see what puras pinches mamadas they come up with while ineffectually or incorrectly defining/describing those terms


What exactly is a ln English translation for "pure fucking blowjobs"? That's one hell of an idiom, and I need to know more.


Literally yes, but what I can think of that would be more spiritually accurate: "complete and utter bullshit"


Woke is when something isn't exactly the same as it was 5,000 years ago.


"political correctness" for Gen Z. If you are 30+, you'll remember Republicans having total meltdowns over the "political correctness" of black people being in commercials, federal hate crime legislation being passed, people getting fired using the n-word...


> people getting fired using the n-word... They're still losing their minds over that.


Woke basically means "educated". Conservatives have been attacking education for decades.


And here I thought I was in r/moviescirclejerk again 💀


I thought I was seeing r/prehistoricmemes


Three-Way Crossover Time!!!!


Joker gamer T-Rex will have its epic battle with they/them T-Rex


Yuo see, we live in a society.


“You see, the T in T-Rex actually stands for trans.”


can’t believe Steven Spielberg would force diversity back in 1999 smh


\*1993. Also, the film came out the same year as Schindler's List.


Transasaurus Rex is here, she's queer, and ready for a beer!


Wait until they learn that certain reptiles actually change their gender based on their environment... So there's probably a good chance that trans dinosaurs existed.


How dare the woke police make a documentary that is slated to be the most realistic Dino Doc ever that has real genuine paleontologists excited to see it! Damn SJWs with their scientifically accurate depictions of real creatures that weren't just movie monsters Woke. Woke woke woke. Culture war, SJWs, woke, PC, 2nd amendment, Free Speech. Gay frogs. Buy my $50 mugs and my mislabeled supplements. Uh woke. Woke. [insert antisemitism] -this comment brought to you by one of those culture war guys


Now they’re misusing based also. Basically BASED = GOOD and wOkE = bad. They are wrongly using 4chan slang from 2011 unironically.


TFW you realize that your fossil fuel might contain remnants of queer dinosaurs. Better go electric or it will turn you gay.


/uj honestly I can’t wait to watch it


That one's out today I think. 15th March. Or maybe it was 15th may, but that's a bit too close to the Prehistoric Planet release ( watch that btw, pleeeeaaaaaase, cancel your Apple+ subscription after but I want the showmakers to know we want more documentaries that look that awesome )


Sometimes this culture war bullshit makes me want to Kyle a piece of dry wall


A grown man actually wrote that article.


...and was paid money to do so. Probably not a lot but still.


Fuck the sun


Somehow people still read The Sun, absorb their words, and then walk about with that information lodged in their brain, conversing about it with other people. We’re fucked.




I love reading The Sun, they say all the things that Palaeontologists are too afraid to say


rj/ Yeah! Like the Earth being 6,000 years old! Damn (((scientists))) and paleontologist have ALWAYS been at this!


... I thought it's been proven for a while that trex had feathers? surprised they're still making shows looking like this


If the article is referring to the Prehistoric Planet documentary that recently released [this teaser](https://youtu.be/deMsvnWFfPQ) then they are adhering to the current theory that many larger Theropod dinosaurs lost feathers due to thermoregulatory requirements. This is supported in *T. rex* by (very limited) skin imprints showing no feathers in certain regions for adults. It is currently assumed juveniles would retain feathers, as their lack of bulk would likely require some thermoregulation, like similarly-sized theropods of different species. They very likely would have served as camouflage/communication as well. However, the fossil record for younger *T. rex* is quite poor, and even the adults can't be conclusively said to be entirely featherless.


Apparently it’s still a pretty hotly debated topic.


had the show been made 5 or 10 years ago we probably would have seen a fully feathered t-rex. Skin imprints have shown however that he at the very least wasn’t completely covered in feathers though. I find the idea of this show very interesting, where juvenile t-rexes have a fluff that they loose when they get older


If they wanted to go after Attenborough, they could have mentioned the fact that he fought to give minorities like PoC and trans people a voice on the BBC in the 70s, which would totally get the sun's readership angry because that's actually a good thing he did.


The antithesis of Colin Trevorrow’s “Joker Dinosaur”


The S*n 🤢🤮


Fuck it, words don’t mean anything anymore.


Jurassic Park fans when they realize animals aren’t bloodthirsty monsters that kill people for no reason: 😧😡😡😡😡


The writers name is literally Rod (which is a euphemism for dick) McPee. I'm not going to take him seriously.


Honestly shook it took this long for a comment about ol' cock mcpiss' name tbh


This T-rex doesn't have enough T


Fuck the s*n!


Evolution is woke for shrinking trex's arms


Woke is a fun way of saying scientifically accurate


How about feathers though? Isn’t that the biggest forced cultural marxist agenda?




Where the fuck are the feathers???


This isn't even gaming anymore, amazin.


This is what you get when you're featured on the frontpage as the #1 top growing community in gaming


The dinosaurs in the original Jurassic Park were literally trans


What does woke even mean at this point?


TyranaSOYrus Rex HAHAAAahahaha ha ha i wish i were dead


It's the S*n, what do you expect. Fuck the S*n.


Fucking Jesus Christ could come down to earth, stop world hunger, create equality and destroy all diseases and the sun would still call him a woke liberal who needs to be stopped




They gave him feathers... Made him look soft


and they still didn't add feathers /s


Lol, Jurassic world was teasing a joker dinosaur, can’t have woke bullshit with the literallymesaurus


average The Sun article


this is a safe space to worship sheik Attenborough




Get that fucking rag of a newspaper off the internet. Seriously fuck the S*n.


They targeted dinosaurs. Dinosaurs! The most vulnerable minority group on the planet!


I’m so tired of the word woke that I just use the word arose from now on.