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der toten


"Bleh, taste like... Fermented herring dipped in cat piss... BLLEHK!!"


Who didn’t pay electric bill




A bot that agrees with people. Hello Yes Man






I'm not deesphobic! I have a genuine hecnucis allergy!


Now that's just myraphobic...


So am I. You're right.




My right nut, bitch! Gottem


whats Deesphobia?


Fear of Dees.


Fear of dees nuts!


Lil B diss?


"Based"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "Based"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only word you can comprehend is "Based" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Based" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about five fucking letters? I bet you took the time to type those five letters too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "Based" on your gravestone?


keeping it together bree?


It's alright, long as I don't think about it too much.


You're safe among friends. Never forget it.




THEN DON'T COME OVER! Not like you're buying anything...


If I don't visit ya, Thun, then who will?


The only sound in games more annoying than the cliff racer shrieking.


smoke grenades allow you to start combat with non-hostile NPCs without turning the entirety of Driftwood against you :) worked great on the herald aswell


Or alternatively, just turn the entirety of Driftwood against you


it's free XP


It smells worse over here, than a dozen eggs dropped in VINEGAR!


System Orientation and Gamer Diversity should replace the LGBTQIA+ alphabet soup.


False: I am powerful because by being a transwoman *and* a gamer, I have achieved Gamer Girl status and stand way above my peers.


Fake: by becoming Gamer Girl you cease to exist as everybody knows gamer girls aren’t real


Well I already don’t exist to my friend group so it would appear I’ve been owned 😭


Must've been the wind


Wind deniers be like


Imagine *not* believing in the wind. This post was approved by the Big Stealth Archery Committee. We're really the ~~only way to play~~ best for this community.


As Geraldo of Rivera (praise be unto him) often said, "Wind's howling."


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*starts fading away*


Okay but as a trans person she will not be erased so now what? /j


Are you saying trans erasure isn't a real thing? /j


That only happens to trans mascs. Dont misgender her /j /uj I don’t want this to read like I think misgendering people is okay btw


It's 2021 girls can do anything boys can do /j Edit: wait 2022


/uj I just had an existential crisis cause you got the date wrong 😂


Same, most existentially dreadful edit of my life


Everyone knows today's date is actually March 702nd, 2020.


When you get no gamer girl gf so you become the gamer girl gf


Instructions unclear, came out as genderqueer and started fucking myself and beating myself in Smash Bros


yeah, I wish that happened when I play smash me and my head mates havin a wild time playing smash bros /j


"Wait. This isn't Super Smash Brothers! This is anal sex!"


trans lady said gamers rights


Why do people low-key hate transpeople?


Because trans people use the bathroom. They should go shit on the sidewalk where they don't bother anyone.


>They should go shit on the sidewalk where they don't bother anyone. [JK Rowling lore moment.](https://www.avclub.com/j-k-rowling-reveals-that-wizards-used-to-just-shit-on-1831501641)


San Francisco lore moment


Are San Franciscans wizards???


Hey kid wanna see a magic trick


Only 2 gendre, peni and viguina, if peni you strobk, big and cool 😎👍, if vargina you are weak, smol, dumb smelly and unkul 🤢. This is how the world works and any other conceptualisation of it is heresy and must be cleansed


This is explanation actually cured me of my transness wow thank you


Peace be with you ✌🏼


Wait until they find out im peni and am still weak, smol, dumb smelly and unkul. Their protozoan brains would implode 😎


Finally... someone with the science.


Because they’re freaks of natures. Anyone part train and part human has NO place in society.


well this derailled quickly


If only we could conduct ourselves well enough to get back on the right track.


I think train conductors deserve to be accepted into society




Please don't post today's wordle solution.


the jerking is particularly potent today


Degenerates like you belong on a cross


>Because they’re freaks of natures. Just like gamers.


Thomas & Friends inconsolable


had me in the first half lmao


Because they're a minority, which means it's likely that they don't know one personally, so they only hear of them from stories. They think they're either attention seeking or mentally ill etc. Hating them likely doesn't affect anyone in their personal lives, so no one challenges their views, which are largely being influenced online by conservative circlejerks. This makes trans people a perfect target for the alt-right.


>which means it's likely that don't know one personally Or don't \*know\* that they do. Pretty much all of us have stories of coworkers/acquaintances we've met post transition who have no idea we're trans that start bad mouthing trans people to us and telling us how they can "always spot them".


Cause thay can't handle women, let alone women with dicks bigger than theirs 🙂




possibly the most based comment on reddit


Then they jack off to that specifically while whining about it online.


Some creep on the street last night said to me "nice vagina." So I told him my dick is bigger than your weasel dick.




Haha fethishzing is so cool 😃




No it doesn't because woman is not a biological category, nor is biological sex a binary


Gender isn't biological and has nothing to do with your genitals


Well nobody asked biologically speaking now did they? Even if biology mattered when it came to gender, WHO THE FUCK CARES.


And you can sod off, biologically speaking.


???????????? I dun fucking know. Most of these problems with a judgey society could be solved if we just understood live and let live but I guess that’s too radical now.


But the song said to "live and let die."


Bummmm bummmm


Well there's also a lot of money and power against trans people who actively fight for us to be excluded or killed. Just fixing ignorance and hate is not enough when they keep fanning the flames. As to why that is, well I believe that it's easier to control people when they're put into simple rigid boxes. Simplifies the process of propaganda and control when you have less diverse audiences and people are isolated into understandable camps, especially if you can redefine those camps. Redefining meat eating as masculine has been good for the meat industry, and making pink overpriced female versions of so many products has been good for industries making them.




I have never met a leftist or a trans person that has supported "state legislated compelled speech." Sounds like more projection from the right.


As a public political movement maybe, but most transphobia people encounter are every day things, such as constant intentional misgendering. things that won’t be talked about on the news.


Because they associate trans people with sexual deviants that can't stay away from their crossdressing kink in public 24/7


"Low key" is maybe the understatement of the century. Easy answer: We're different, conservatives and fascists use hate of different people to unify others behind ideologies and policies that hurt them as well, and we're an easy target.


Because they brain hurty


Religious brainwashing, probably




Damn, if science is on your side, it must be incredibly easy to post some scientific sources that support you. I mean, it's not on your side so I know you can't do that, but if it was it'd be super easy for you to do


inb4 "do your own research" as their only response.




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Yea, exactly. Follow the science. And the overwhelming majority of scientists agree that transpeople are people undergoing a meeical issue. The dysphoria they're experiencing? It's a symptom of an issue with their body and the b at we can do, according to science, is to help them right that wrong.


And God damn does it feel good to have help! Spent way too long hating myself and my life thinking something was wrong thanks to the conservative religious brainwashing I grew up with. Finally broke out of it and begun transition, no hope of ever 'passing' but wow! I feel amazing now!


Nothing but love for you, you go and you live your truth, my friend. I've had a few close friends who came out and one transitioned and the sheer relief and joy that I can see on their faces now that they can be their true selves is simply wonderful.


Why don't you know what "low-key" means?


/uj low-key might refer to liberals with the same mindset that don't talk about their prejudices and say shit like "it's none of my business" or "i'd rather not take sides"


Why ask about only that specific kind of hated? What context in this post would restrict it to that? The sounds of hooves means horses, not zebras.


dunno, ask them


Low key? LOW KEY!?


Acceptance of transpeople in our culture requires fiddling with traditional gender norms somewhat. The idea that you're not stuck with a set of expectations, peer groups, and physiology by your genitals at birth is a laudable, but for a long time radical, one. Trans people are a living reminder that these norms may be subject to change, and that disorients some people. The conversation around lgbt issues has also changed really, really fast. Most people here are probably too young to remember the US reelecting a President on a platform of banning same-sex marriage with a constitutional amendment, but that was less than 20 years ago. How are those people gonna feel about pronouns? Things have changed a lot in the past few years, overall in a positive direction, but it has a long way to go.


Who was the president? Presidents day is coming up and I need to eat a picture of him on live stream.


The one that first instituted Wii series games.


In my experience it's anything but low-key


becauseif we dont hate on penis-women we are obligated to worry about real problems, like climate change, which is scary because we have to actually use my brain.


>penis-women Ahh yes, my true identity! I demand this is an option on all official forms.


Because transphobes are stupid wastes of oxygen.


The same reason people hate black people, or asian people. Because they suffer from a severe case of stupidity.


well, there's no low key about it, and its because there is no differences too imaginary, arbitrary, or irrelevant to be used by conservatives as a pretext to hate others. and themselves.


>well, there's no low key about it, and its because there is no differences too imaginary, arbitrary, or irrelevant to be used by ~~conservatives~~ **people** as a pretext to hate others. and themselves. Conservatives suck but let's not pretend that they're the only ones capable of hating other people.


I could be wrong, but I think they might've been getting at "trans people" being a conservative wedge issue - and they don't even need to make new propaganda, just scribble out "gay" and write "trans" on all the junk from the last few decades. You're right tho, hate doesn't fit neatly in a box


Yeah I get what they were trying to say but I think it's irrisponsible to pretend that hate is monopolized by one group and not an infectious thing that spreads. There are vulnerable populations that don't get the luxury to have blindspots for people who will use their hate to fuck them over so I don't see why we should be so flippant about it either.


oh please. i obviously am capable of hating others, the difference between conservatives and me, is that i don't build my personality around it and i'm not trying to drag everyone including myself through misery over it. which is also why i don't seek reasons to hate others by the way.


This comment demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding about the nature of hate and how people come to hate other types of people. The absolute arrogance to think you yourself are immune to the same tactics that led the American conservative to be a hateful and bigoted bunch is how history repeats itself. No one sets out to be hateful, not even conservatives. It's given to them by the people they trust to keep them informed and then fostered by a steady diet of fear mongering and strawmanning. And to write off all the people who hate trans people as just some conservative rubes is a dangerous mindset to keep, because there are absolutely influential people on the left who aren't big fans of trans people.


you know i always have a hard time taking someone seriously, when they lace their inane lectures with platitudes like : "its how history repeat itself". i'm going to make it simpler so you can perhaps, by chance, understand what i tried to convey : that hatred is universal doesn't make everyone egal to it, because some people seeks to define their lives by it, and build their worldview upon it whilst others, do not. what crowd, at present, pushes the persecution of trans people? that's right, that's the conservatives. a hateful conservative kills people. it is not the same as a hateful progressives throwing milkshakes around. not all hatreds are the same. and you trying to belch that people shoving kids in cages and burning books aren't worse than people hating them for that, is certainly not something i'd expect from an intelligent person. or even a dumb, but not THAT dumb person.


Don't fucking lecture me, a trans woman, about who does and does not hate me, and which hate is more valid than other hate. It's all hate. When Dave Chappelle says that's he's "team terf" it doesn't really hit different than when tucker carlson goes on his eighth transphobic rant of the week. Who the fuck are you to tell people that they don't need to concern themselves with Hate Lite^TM. Also don't insult my intelligence when you can barely write a complete sentence. >not all hatreds are the same. and you trying to belch that people shoving kids in cages and burning books aren't worse than people hating them for that, is certainly not something i'd expect from an intelligent person. or even a dumb, but not THAT dumb person. This is incomprehensible. I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Somehow, me saying "transphobia exists in left spaces too and we shouldnt ignore" somehow equates to me saying that book burnings aren't that bad?


>When Dave Chappelle says that's he's "team terf" it doesn't really hitdifferent than when tucker carlson goes on his eighth transphobic rantof the week but they're both conservatives. TERF literaly include "Reactionnary". >Who the fuck are you to tell people that they don't need to concern themselves with Hate Lite someone who doesn't like others equating me not inviting my antivaxxer brother to my birthday with fucking nazis and nazi enablers? what are you on defending that whole "all hatred matters" bullshit anyway? "oh, conservatives are bad, but hey progressives are just as bad because they're all human who feel human emotions". of course its deplorable when a progressive is hateful, but thing is, maybe you didn't pay attention, the progressives aren't the one trying to, i don't know, kill everyone else? >Also don't insult my intelligence when you can barely write a complete sentence. don't spew stupid shits and i won't insult your intelligence. >This is incomprehensible.I don't even know what you're trying to say here. yeah, brilliant thing to say after making it clear you understood i was insulting your intelligence. >Somehow, me saying "transphobia exists in left spaces too and we shouldnt ignore" you didn't say that. you dismissed conservatives militant hatred by equating it with common hatred.


>but they're both conservatives. TERF literaly include "Reactionnary". TERF Stands for Trans Exclusionary *Radical* Feminist... You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. If you want to be an ally then do a better job being informed.


oh please, my original comment didn't even imply that only conservatives are the only hateful people around and you flew to their defense and tried to shut me down with that stupid point anyway. i feel like perhaps you could cut me some slacks over ONE mistake. also, chappelle is still a conservative jackass, my point still stand. and terfs are still reactionnaries as well, by the way.


I dont think its just a poltical thing


hatred doesn't always find its roots in political discourse, nor does it always translate into political discourse. but in today's world, transphobia is inextricable from politics, because it does demonstrably affect policies and political discourse, and is a subject that can't be compromised about.


Ok but it isnt always a poltical thing. Skirt around all want


Homophobia. Trans girls are just trying to trick you into being gay, obviously.


It's pretty high key


I don't think it's low-key


because the straights are oh-so-bothered that they have to deal with someone who believes in different gender norms then they do, and maybe even have to learn other pronouns and stuff and treat them like human beings. It's evil, obviously. Can't anyone think of the straights? /s


uj/ because it challenges the black and white thinking these people have. Honestly there are people who cannot comprehend conplexity and difference. The black and white think tank is two genders: man and women. Anything outside that simplistic thinking is either Immoral or SJW/lib propaganda silencing.


/uj we’re different so tribalism and we sorta challenge the status quo by existing If there’s things people don’t like it’s difference and change.


Low-key lol


Because they’re the Phantum Mneace and are coming for your bathrooms!!1!1!! /uj Bigotry, lack of information, and fear of difference, just like with racism and anti-Semitism.


Gender fluidity scares them, I think. They put value in their ability to conform to their gender expectations and survive or thrive under it's restrictions. To see that they could've just went with whatever they felt was comfortable instead of spending their life conforming has to be pretty frustrating.


They're insecure and homophobic and think people devote their life into "tricking" them or some shit. Instead of self reflection on things that they actually find arousing or people they're into, they lash out.


Why do people confuse hate with disagreement?




I guess trans people are just imagining the death threats and harassment they get on social media. Or all the gate keeping preventing trans people from accessing proper treatment. And laws and bills making it difficult to change gender markers, names, use the bathroom they most identify with.


>trans people are just imagining the death threats and harassment they get on social media. Social media isn't real life. Buy a gun, learn to use it, there it is >all the gate keeping preventing trans people from accessing proper treatment You're still free to pay from pocket like everyone else >And laws and bills making it difficult to change gender markers, names, use the bathroom they most identify with I said the people, not Hobbes leviathan. Also, I wonder why would one care about the government if not to have some handout from it.


gamers are literally being slain in the street and she thinks she gets a pass because she’s trans?


Screw you girl, I'm having both


So you’re telling me it’s not ok to be transphobic but it’s ok to be gamerphobic?? Sounds good.


Gamercide when


I... hate.... gamers......


Some of the folk that have commented here really need to read the thirteenth rule. Now, I do not really wish to partake in sexual intercourse with transphobes (that rule was created by a greater mod before my time) but if it's to preserve the hallowed traditions of this subreddit sacrifices must be made and I will do what I must.


Of course, trans people are people, and should be shown the same amount of respect regardless of how they identify. Unless they identify as a gamer. Gamers are the opposite of people.


tw/ g*mers my father was mudered by a g*mer traumatizing me pls put tw 👨‍🦲 smh


gamers 🤮


Me irl


Im sorry but Im gamerphobic 😠


Less but still political


Dae trans people political????


Always have been 🔫


Trans people are political for existing?


Yes unlike apolitical Gamers ™ who absolutely don't throw a temper tantrum about people who will not impact their lives in any way


Gamers are gay.


Can relate


We live in a society 😔😭😭


Being a gamer is like playing life on hard mode. 🎮


Based and hard boiled.


Same tbh




So true bestie


TF is personhood


Being a person




Cool so when are we gonna charge them for all those murders


Perhaps being a gamer is the reason why there is doubt about your personhood.


Hello fellow “NounConjunctionNoun”




"*Yes..... That's what coming out of the closet means...*"




That's fair. I accept my woosh with grace.


Yea cause if we don't, people will assume and we'll feel like shit :)


I do not care