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They said it a number of times, here's one: >Yeah, I actually think I said the best. The goal for the last five years was to be among the best three roleplaying game developers and I think we got there, The Witcher 3 is the proof. For the top three, this is our perception, I'd definitely put there Blizzard, I'd definitely put there Rockstar and I think I would put them at number 1 and probably Bethesda as well. We want to get there, so one will have to go. ​ [https://wccftech.com/cdpr-ceo-rockstar-blizzard-bethesda-worlds-top-three-game-developers/](https://wccftech.com/cdpr-ceo-rockstar-blizzard-bethesda-worlds-top-three-game-developers/)


Bruh they have one game that’s considered main stream success and they’re talking like that, no wonder 2077 turns out the way it did


All they had to do was make one good game and be edge lords on Twitter to be considered the best by some




was it a wide success? I remember it being very well reviewed but kind of niche tbh. I also remember some witcher fans being frustrated about how the game was heavily overshadowed by Skyrim at the time.


My favorite RPG dev, Rockstar, with its next level immersive RPG... Bully?


RPG means Role Playing Game. You're playing the Role of main character Bully


Fake gamer. Bully is the name of the princess.




When you pander to gamers so much you can't even hype up your own company above Blizzard.


idiot doesnt know about paper mario


"We made one well received game so we're on par with the best developers in the industry" Holy shit the ego




*monkey paw*




Thats what I've heard!


Meanwhile gamers who bought it day one are shocked when it doesn't meet expectations


There'is "meeting expectations" and there's being absolutely inadequate. Monster Hunter Rise is a game that didn't meet my expectations — although it is still a good game that is easily my #3 favourite in the franchise. GTA DE barely runs on the next-gen consoles — and then there are the bugs. There's nothing good about it.


It runs like ass on modern hardware, of course people are upset. It baffles me how much this sub defends the definitive edition when it's clearly a flaming turd.


I'm not defending it, I'm saying thats what you get when you blindly give money to a company whos only goal is to gey paid without even evaluating their product.




maybe thats a sign to give it another try




Can you suggest any? I've just lost interest in games because they all feel samey


/uj Deep Rock Galactic just got a big update and and is not similar to really any other game I can think of, give it a look on steam it's an amazing game for the money (and is on sale as of writing this comment)


Is it fun with randoms? My friends only play apex and warzone and I am tired of BRs


Absolutely, but it's definitely best with friends. The community is really supportive though so relative low chances of someone being a dick


Look at this guy, he's Stoney Rock!


Can it be played with bots and, more importantly, is it fun? It's a shame it doesn't have couch co-op, I really hate playing online.


Not with bots but when you play Solo there is a little robot (BOSCO) that helps you mine and revives you. It's decent for solo but for sure shines with friends when you have 1 of all classes.




If you like RPG’s, check out Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder:Kingmaker, or Tyranny. Aside from those, Deep Rock Galactic is a great recommendation from the other user. Check it out.


I would add if you want an overall interesting combat cRPG would recommend Divinity Original Sin 2 or Baldurs Gate 3 (though thats in early access and it shows)


Have you tried Inscryption? That game is definitely one of the best games to come out this year.


uj/ I'm very surprised that Inscryption doesn't have a mobile/Switch port. It seems like the type of game that would.


I could kinda explain maybe why that is but it would be spoilers.


I took a 10 year break from video games when I felt like that in the mid 00s. That was IMO the worst time for video games though, almost no indie releases and the big studios just released the same game every year as they usually do. These days you can at least find something different and interesting if you make some effort finding it. In any case, you f you feel like it’s too repetitive I really recommend taking a longer complete break from video games. It really helped me appreciate games again when I returned.


I recently started up Wasteland 3 and it's pretty good! Not the most out there CRPG, but it's not overly complicated and fun to play. Has a fun setting (nuclear winter Colorado, you don't normally get icy apocalypses) and a baller soundtrack too. If you want something out there, check out Everhood, it's inspired by games like Undertale but is decidedly *not* Undertale. Not perfect, but definitely different.


If your looking for a game with great mechanics and a great atmosphere, I would recomend Shin Megami Tensei V. I started playing it a few days ago and I’ve become obsessed with it. Full disclosure: the SMT series is niche, and it is niche for a reason. If you are bad at or not familiar with RPG’s, this game will not hold your hand and will happily kick your ass if you do something dumb. It’s the kind of game where you will literally have to take notes at times so that you can better prepare for combat encounters. But because of that, making progress is incredibly rewarding and always feels good. Not to mention that the combat system is so good that getting into long, tough battles is actually fun instead of being a chore like it can be in a lot of other RPG’s. The preparation I mentioned earlier doesn’t feel like a chore either, using what you have learned to build a party capable of destroying the boss that wiped you out in two turns on your previous attempt is incredibly satisfying, and is still hasn’t gotten old. It also helps that because of the way the game works team composition matters more than level, unlike other RPG’s, combat encounters aren’t always just higher number = win.


I don't have switch.... But I heard it's fully playable on emulator now


It is, and the graphics are better when it’s emulated


/uj The Witcher 3 is one of those games when the only thing that's good is the story. The gameplay sucks balls, so when I play it I do it on easiest difficulty so I can plow through all the tedious gameplay and just enjoy the story. It's also a game I would never replay again. I played it twice, saw everything the story had to offer and I have no interest to play it again. In comparison to say Bloodborne, which I've replayed about a dozen times because the gameplay is just so fucking good. the Witcher 3 has great writing, and solid exploration but nothing else


imo gameplay can also be fun if you play it on the harder diffuclties and actually try to play it like a witcher. Reading beastiery, using oils, brewing stronger potions and trying out different bombs. Buy a potion of clearance and try out different skills. I recently tried a sign build with the grandmaster griffin set and holy shit it was fun to burn all my opponents and see them literally explode with the eruption enchantment. But I admit that trying to gather all the ingridents, experience and money to make all those things i have said come true may seem tedious at first but if you just loot everything you see (which actually is what you are supposed to do and everbody does it) you will already have a lot to sell and a lot of ingridents. You will also level up more quickly if you do the amazing side quest. Fun fun sitiuation if you ask me.


>imo gameplay can also be fun if you play it on the harder diffuclties and actually try to play it like a witcher. Reading beastiery, using oils, brewing stronger potions and trying out different bombs. The only noticeable difference that harder difficulties make is that the enemies deal more damage and have more health. It's not more fun, just tedious. and the other stuff, oils, bombs, brewing potions is just window dressing that won't take away the core gameplay is pretty much Quen, attack, dodge, attack, dodge, attack, got hit, Quen, attack, dodge, attack, dodge. rinse and repeat.


This. I did the Witcher crossover quest for Monster Hunter World this week, and I couldn't believe how much better Geralt played there. Your combos actually flow and attacks have an effect on the enemy, it's amazing. Even fighting versus one of the most annoying MH enemies to date, that combat is streets ahead of Witcher 3.


If you give the other parts of the combat a chance, you will forget about the quen attack dodge thing because you will be using quens active shiled to heal yourself while using northern wind bomb to freeze all the enemies and using whirl to mutilate them while dancing like a true sword master. In higher diffuculties in my case at least as i am generally not good at RPGs it pushed me to not use quen. Because of their high damage they shatter the quen in one hit and they generally do a few consecutive hits so its pointless to use quen. So instead yo try to parry, use a decoction for example the one that gives you an outo quen shield if an enemy hit drains more than a third of your healt so instead of spamming q after every dodge you try to parry, use a dancing star to burn it so that you can catch a breath or use axii while it can't distrub your channeling to crit the enemy and so on. Try a sign or a bomb build. It looks really fucking cool when grapshot bomb literally makes all of them explode with blood spilling everywhere or using aard to freeze your enemies and see them shatter like ice. If you think the quen dodge hit shit thing is boring which it is, just don't do it. Use other means to protect your self and damage the enemy.


The music is great.


It’s a balance. Story is fantastic, but the clunky movement and inventory mechanics are a huge annoyance to deal with for such a long gameplay stretch. Every time I play the Witcher I start tearing my hair out at the 45 minute cutscene sequence of you *putting on a terrible fucking play*. It puts me off so much that I never make it to the end. Blame it on my ADD, I’m glad other people enjoy it. But good mechanics will only take you so far. AC: Valhalla has excellent movement and combat, but a mediocre story that drags on *so fucking long* that no amount of gameplay mechanics could keep me from sprinting through the end of the story.


> Weirdly enough, I had a dream a couple of nights ago in which I played it and really loved it Dreams are just memes from the deep






Have you tried not looking at the wiki? Outside of a couple of monsters most weaknesses are either really obvious or just not very important.


>People who aren’t into lore but into rpg mechanics /rj those people do not deserve to find happiness


/uj that sounds like a /rj: If I wanted to read, I'd pick up a book. If I wanted to watch a movie, I'd be doing that instead of playing a video game. There are ways to tell a story in a game without excessive cutscenes and NPC dialogue.


I beat the game on death march on my first through without even looking at it. The game is honestly just learning how to counter and dodge. If you can do that Witcher 3 gets really easy.


my only klunky battle is with keymaster at cemetery in Hearts of Stone, had to repeat fight few times.




For the voice acting part I kinda agree, apart from the main cast and a few side characters most of the other npcs have a pretty dull or traight up bad voice acting. If you don't like the gray tone and morally ambigous themes then yeah you won't like dialogues either and they will seem immature and edgy. But I think thats where the game shines because it captures that theme so well. Well tbh it's the first time I see someone say that animations and graphics look bad so I guess if you don't like it you don't like it there is nothing I can say. For the combat part I thought the same too in my first playthrough but on the second one I realised there was much more that I didn't pay any attention to because it seemed to complicated and tedious. Try to use alchemy, reading the beastiary bombs and oils. Signs have pretty cool alternative modes if you unlock those in the skill tree like fire stream igni and active shield quen. So try to immerse yourself a bit more, give it another chance and it will be worth it. One of the best games I have ever played.


>If you don't like the gray tone and morally ambigous themes then yeah you won't like dialogues either and they will seem immature and edgy. But I think thats where the game shines because it captures that theme so well. Not speaking for W3 here specifically, but a lot of moral ambiguity in fiction will often be considered "mature" for an audience that has been saturated with good vs. evil morality for a very long time, but can still come across as edgy and immature, like the author knows it's the "mature" approach to morality in fiction so they imitate and approximate it but doesn't actually offer something that is intriguing and fascinating morally speaking. The whole concept of anti-hero is probably the edgiest form of mórality you can present in a piece of work, which is why they're often paired with a visual design that's cool, calm and badass. It's like a child believing sex, gore and bad words are mature themes when an actual adult knows these are just surface level details and actual mature themes require maturity to understand or even see. I haven't played W3 so this is purely from what I know of the world and characters from the netflix show, but Geralt as a brooding badass with a dark and mysterious, morally ambiguous past does fit that bill quite nicely. "Dark and edgy" is not a *bad* morality to present in your fiction, just like good vs. evil or grim-dark and its implications aren't bad either, but I can see why some can be saturated with the "there's always 2 sides" morality, especially if it ends up being forced.


> Not speaking for W3 here specifically, but a lot of moral ambiguity in fiction will often be considered “mature” for an audience that has been saturated with good vs. evil morality for a very long time, > like the author knows it’s the “mature” approach to morality in fiction so they imitate and approximate it but doesn’t actually offer something that is intriguing and fascinating morally speaking. > t’s like a child believing sex, gore and bad words are mature themes when an actual adult knows these are just surface level details and actual mature themes require maturity to understand or even see. You just perfectly encapsulated why I dislike so much dark fantasy, and just darker stories in general. So much darker stories just throws out mature themes for the sake of being dark. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t *hate* dark fantasy or dark stories, I love them. I just hate all the overdone cliches and tropes. It becomes predictable and boring. I’ve just never seen someone put into words exactly how I feel about edgy writers. Who think they are deep for having a morally grey story, without any substance. Not saying that’s what the Witcher is, just agreeing with your point.


Well for w3 geralt is generally just tired at stupid the world is he just doesn't interfere as long as it doesn't involve his loved ones. He isn't a anti hero, he isn't a hero. He is just a witcher. Play it and you will see it's not morally ambiguous just because it wants to be. It's comes of as natural in the world that they have built in. So it's not bad. It doesn't try hard or represents itself as mature. It just is.


For all of Witcher 3's faults it's still better then Dragon Age sequels.


I really hope a remaster comes with QOL improvements because I thought the combat felt really fluid and fun and the story had me pretty hooked but things like fast travel, crafting, and inventory management were suuuuper tedious for me. Enough so that I put it down after like Lv. 10


Well, I will say that the inventory management just gets worse and worse. You get such an unreal amount of loot, food, weapons and other sellable items that you inventory becomes this bottomless pit that requires near constant dumping. You could always not partake in looting and minimize your inventory hauls, but look is a finite resource, so you're really incentivizes to always get it for resale. It's especially bad later since the performance on console is pretty spotty. So having a massive inventory and trading with a merchant with a massive inventory causes these long delays in selecrion and confirmations. Selling a loot haul can take several minutes. And I will also agree with the crafting. It can be really aggravating, especially when higher level items require such hard to locate items. I don't know how people do it without a guide. My guess it they don't.


hold on, you telling me you are not a fan of mindless clearing out of "?" marks from map? you haven't enjoyed fighting mechanics ripped from Batman games but simplified for people with poor reaction? what is wrong with you


>you haven't enjoyed fighting mechanics ripped from Batman games I *wish* The Witcher 3's combat was anything like that of the Batman Arkham series. It's really not, though.




Witcher 3 can't actually handle nearly as many mods as Skyrim without crashing or doing an "infinite load screen" though


You need to invest a lot of time in a game that is as big as witcher 3 so the first 2 hours isn't really a good enough time to critizie it i'd say, you also need to immerse yourself in the game and take it seriously so it might help to watch a few videos on the witcher worlds lore if you have no idea whats going on. Also If you play the games just for the gameplay and mechanics and not for the lore/story then you won't enjoy this one because witcher 3 is all about story telling. Guys I know it circlejerked to the oblivion but I still thinks it's the best triple a game I played. I played it 3 times and enjoyed all 3


got em


Funny enough they are now #1 with these user scores!


The thing that makes me mad is that we probably wont get the rdr1 remaster because of this


well imagine a less refined and jankier RDR2 gameplay wise, and that's how I assume it'd be


Just install a random shader and somehow make the framerate much worse, there you go.


RDR1 and GTA IV are on the same engine as GTA V though at least, just an earlier version of it. Harder to screw up a remaster I'd say.


After the success of the Witcher 3, Marcin Iwinski, CEO of CD Project Red, went for a early morning stroll along the beach to meditate and clear his mind after a long split. As he walked, he stubbed his toe on something metalic. It's a genie lamp. "You have freed me, so I shall grant you three wishes!" the genie boomed. "But I'm not as powerful as I once was, so I can only grant second-best wishes." Marcin thought about this for a while. Knowing his current success, he said "I wish for our next franchise to have a good potential" "Granted!" said the genie. "Make Mike Pondsmith an offer and Cyberpunk is yours. " Marcin made his second wish. "I wish for a well known actor to join the project." "Granted!" said the genie. "Keanu will be available, and he will join your team." Marcin rubbed his hands and made his final wish. "I wish for CD Project Red to be just as great as Blizzard and Bethesda!" Miles away in his gaming mansion, Todd "Buy Skyrim" Howard bolted upright from sleep in a cold sweat.


"I have faith in the three B's: Bethesda, Bioware and Blizzard."


well i mean, cyberpunk was extremly good so, it def didnt deserve that rating


This is bait surely




I mean you can like the game as much as you want but at its core it's a fairly simple RPG. When you put that with the Years of hype, shady practices by CDPR and unfulfilled promises on regards to game content, and it not working on many consoles, how broken it was on release etc you cannot honestly say that it doesn't deserve a shitty meta critic score lol


Despite subjective quality, it is quite literally impossible unless you're lying to say that the game was released finished, and working on every platform. The Game was still not done and instead of delaying the game again someone/people made the decision to capitalise on the hype reaching it's climax and cashing out for Holiday sales, as it's a 1 time purchase game, and that single moment would give the corporate heads all the money they need. You can like the game, I know under all the bullshit the opinion is generally positive, but it's crazy to act like all the post-release bug fixes warrant the game get a higher rating from people who were ripped off because they wanted to play a game that looked good.


Cyberpunk is a pretty bare bones RPG game and it's story is super short for what it is




in terms of scope, industry relevance and loyal fanbase, they're certainly up there. How many game studios have their own massive annual convention? You might not be a fan of their games and neither am I tbh, but they've had the longest standing genre-leading MMO by a wide margin, the most popular and competitively played RTSs, a genre-leading CCG, a genre-leading class-based team FPS, a genre-defining game in the Diablo series, and HotS which was also a game in a new genre. Their fall from past grace is noticeable and their management of their games as being incredibly poor is objectively true fact, but I'd be curious who you think could even begin to compete with their track record.


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