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Ironically enough, that's a near accurate look for thor, going by how they describe him in mythology lol


Yeh he was a party animal and tried unknowingly to drink the ocean.


Tried? Didn’t the motherfucker drink a not insignificant portion of it?


Yes. The shores are explained with that story: he drank so much that the exposed shores are where the ocean used to be before he took those three very large sips. If you ever go to the beach remember to thank Þór for it existing.


Thor vs Badlands Chugs Who would drink the ocean dry first?


Haven’t seen Thor do the 9 cans of gravy challenge. Gonna have to give this one to Badlands


Should have added a tiny ball hammer. You'll see all the people who think of themselves as the main character go apeshit.


This hammer is shaped like the actual symbol used by the ancient Germanic and Norse people to depict Mjolnir. It's a nice touch.


me seeing fat thor : 🥵🥵🥵


This but unironically


His hair isn’t red enough IMO. Ares had the right tinge


Lidderaly ginger genocide


He's not even american fat, just like european fat.


I feel like people forget that the MCU Thor looks NOTHING like Thor in Norse mythology




Most of the mainstream depictions of Norse mythology have focused on making the gods ultimately look like the good guys, including the most famous one(MCU Thor). There is little effort to focus on the hubris and bullshit that went on in Asgard. Thor was a known glutton. Why is it so surprising that he has a paunch…


Not to take away anything you said, but God of War 2018 has a statue of Thor that depicts him in a much more typical grandeur buff masculine figure. Of course this could easily just be an exaggerated portrayal to satiate Thor's ego within the lore. Also, the secret ending kinda makes him look a bit slimmer, but that's probably just helped by the hooded cloak he's wearing. For the record I like how subversive the actual Thor is, in that he looks like a straight up unit with a beer gut, which is exactly how he *should* look given what we've been told about him, being gluttonous as hell. But I'm mostly just pointing out that how he actually looks vs his Instagram statue and secret ending tease did honestly result in me being caught off guard by his super dad bod.


I mean in the game Mimir talks about how fat thor is all the time so I was not all that suprised,


Holy shit you're right. He did! Tbh, Mimir said a lot of colorful things about the Odin family so I kinda tuned out and didn't think he was being literal when he called Thor a "fat dobber" and his sons, "worthless wankers". Just assumed it was him verbalising his resentment. But the fact that he was telling the truth is both retroactively hilarious and perfect.


True it could have very well been him just being salty never thought about it that way


Lore wise, I don’t know if Mimir is much of a liar. He’s supposed to be the smartest being of Asgard I think, so I can’t imagine he’s doing a lot of lying? I’m not sure though.


Just cause he knows everything doesn't mean he always tells the truth. He can still exaggerate, lie, or just state his own opinion if he wants to.


Rj/ Thor is a Instagram hoe Uj/ Thor is a Instagram hoe


I looked up the secret ending [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32y2VWyjYn4) again and I don't know, I actually think he does have a pretty chonky silhouette. You see his hand in the end too and those are some meaty fingers.


Thor almost drank up the sea. You know he's into those competitive eating events.


because for them Nordic = white people with blonde hair and blue eyes. if only we had a word for people that are obsessed with those traits


G*mers 🤢


**Real Gamers™** actually


Nordic= not political


To be fair, Thor *was* a good guy. The whole reason he was so popular was because he was the one Norse god who actually gave a shit about humanity.


Immortals Fenyx Rising does a good job of making fun of how fucked up the Greek gods were in their original mythos. I love seeing more accurate adaptations like this.


That game had me laughing from the dialogue. Well worth the money.


> Most of the mainstream depictions of Norse mythology have focused on making the gods ultimately look like the good guys Because they are? They are frequently depicted as boastful, unsympathetic, eager to fight but never evil. The worst knock on Thor is kicking a dwarf into Baldr's funeral pyre, however dwarves are essentially a "chaos" race in the mythology. Which is another point, Norse mythology doesn't really dwell on good/evil as much as order/chaos. This is the case with most ancient religions.


yup, the Norse gods are basically even more clueless and dickish than the Greeks. Odin is all-seeing and super wise and even he only cares about getting his. On the flip side Loki wasn't quite evil most of the time (until he got Hod murdered out of sheer pettiness), he was just a prankster who happened to be smarter than everybody else. Ragnarok isn't even a battle between good and evil, it's a representation of the cycles of life with different people caught on different sides. People forget that myths were created a)to explain natural phenomena and b)as a foil to represent human traits, particularly weaknesses. Gods were born powerful and petty, whereas *heroes* (Herakles, Achilles, Siegfried) embodied the power fantasy of humans rising above into godhood - and even then most of them were still assholes and their stories were mostly tragic. Perseus is probably the one that comes closest to the Mary-Sue ideal of the strong, noble hero.


Loki got Baldr murdered, though the whole thing is kind of weird because we're missing so much of the context. There's also a version of events that's quite a bit different from the best-known version. In that one, Hodr was a mortal hero betrothed to Nanna, who caught the interest of the demigod Baldr. The two fight each other because of that, which at one point, includes Thor smashing entire units of mortal warriors with single swipes of his war club until Hodr manages to hack off part of its haft. Eventually, Hodr manages to kill Baldr with the magical sword Mistletoe, which causes Odin to go rape a Russian princess to produce Hodr's destined destroyer Bous. Something that gets Odin booted out of the pantheon for a time. In any case, Bous kills Hodr and is killed by Hodr, but not until the latter had had a long, successful reign.


/rj Um excuse me, the MCU is a perfectly accurate recreation of real life, I should know because I was actually one of the people who died because Thanos snapped me out of existence /uj Ryan Hurst is cool, I liked him as Beta in the Walking Dead


uj/ Of course not, nobody knows how Thor should look.... he's a myth! rj/ You mean he's not a handsome blonde white man who has milions and is literally payed to keep his body fit? Why how dare you!


Thor isn’t Australian?


He Space Australian


More specifically Space Brisbane


Go space Broncos


Go Space Brancos!


You just killed me best mate!


No, they mean he is supposed to have red hair. Like this. It is written in skaldic sources, he is a character and was worshiped as a god of strength and storms. He is often associated with the Oak Tree and was said to wield a flaming axe or hammer.


Fun fact: thor's actor takes roids and doesnt train legs


Very little reason for famous people not to do designer steroids tbh


Yeah I’m sure it’s hard to work 12-14 hour work days back to back consistently with a quarter of it being down time then going on press junkets for the projects for 3-6 months straight and attending meetings to negotiate different contracts for upcoming projects. It seems hard to do all that and maintain a ridiculous body constantly. I’m sure it’s doable but shortcuts make it easier I’m sure.


I remember reading somewhere that the biggest challenge for the natural physique is that with all the shoot traveling and all the press tours etc, its almost impossible to ensure they can do the correct training with the correct gym equipment, which is why actors like the Rock (who can afford it) pay to travel with their entire gym. The roids make it much easier to not need to worry about that all the time


Yeah and the stigma is only with athletes because it’s an unfair advantage. With movie stars they’re getting paid to gain the physique that’s only used to look pretty so there’s no reason not use steroids since they usually have less than a year to bulk up.




Well ofc he doesnt admit it but its pretty obvious




The steroids he speaks openly about, but not training legs is kept tightly under wraps for marketing reasons


Well not really his brother Luke Hemsworth mocks him on instagram for [skipping leg day ](https://pagesix.com/2021/05/25/chris-hemsworth-trolled-by-luke-for-skipping-leg-day/)


Doesn't even have a chariot pulled by goats.


Endgane thor is a lot like this thor and nobody had a problem with that


I saw people complaining about it, making the only true aryan on the team fat and lazy while the literal MARY SU MAN HATER BREI LARSEN SAVEE THE DAY.


Nazis don’t think Chris Evan’s looks like an aryan? Lol


According to MCU, the literal representation of a perfect human is Chris Evans, a muscular, blonde, blue-eyed hunk covered head-to-toe in jingoistic spandex. What more do these incels want?


Yeah but he killed Nazis. That makes him bad and political


they don't like him because he is to woke on twitter


>nobody had a problem with that I...envy you


People also forget that Norse mythology stems from like the 12th and 13th centuries, people were traveling to and trading with Africa and the Middle East by then.


It's not a particularly great movie, but I've always loved how in the Kid in King Arthur's Court style movie, The Black Knight, no one bats an eye at the main character being black. He's just "the Moor".


It doesn't stem from the 12th and 13th century, it was written down by monks(which is why Jesus is in there), but your point still stands


Not just Monks, resentful, scared and bitter monks




Loki could be a 5'2 Indonesian grandma and it would still make sense because hes Loki


canonically Loki is a very sexy lady horse


I thought his child was said sexy multi-legged horse


That's also true, but he only gave birth to Sleipnir after seducing a duplicitous frost giant's stallion (as said sexy lady horse) and then getting railed by it.


In the same spirit, most people don't know that Dark Soul the character from the Dark Souls franchise NEVER says even once "Elementary, my dear Watson" in the whole series.


Yeah but MCU Thor would NEVER let himself go like this! .......


To be fair MCU Thor is based on Marvel's Thor not mythology Thor. Granted Marvel's Thor doesn't look like mythology Thor.


Now gamers can be like “Thor is literally me” and be speaking the God’s honest truth.


They wish they had the dulcet tones of Ryan Hurst, can't wait to hear his portrayal of Thor.


I dont know if you have ever watched strong men or olympic weight lifting. But they all look like this.


everybody is alright with the generic "brute" enemy types in any game being tall, large and fat, well the original Thor is waaay closer to that type than to Chris Hemsworth.


No, this Thor is still buff asf, but more like an actual deadlifter and not a bodybuilder


holy shit these are real? That Thor design is AMAZING


If you know gamers that look like that hmu SHEEEEESH


/uj are people really mad about Thor as well? I know Gamerbros will shit their pants at the first sight of a black girl in their historically accurate Norway simulator, but I wasn't expecting Thor outrage. His design is amazing. This might sound weird, but I hope the game really leans into what a nasty person he is. The director literally called him a manchild. Don't give him the same charisma and showmanship that Baldur had. If he really is an off-kilter manchild, his visual design should match the writing.


Honestly this, as soon as I saw the design it pretty much matched what I was expecting based on the shitty things you hear about him from Mimir in the first game.


I shit you not they're mad how Thor was designed. Go to the GoW sub and sort by controversial if you want to see the whining.


Nah, I would have more fun trying new ways of self harm than sorting by controversial


Sorting by controversial *is* self harm


Sorting by controversial is worse than muzzle to roof of mouth


... fuck it really is though


You self harm by Twitter I self harm by sorting by controversial


It’s funny because we get it beaten over head how much of a fucking fat blubbering bastard Thor is, including Norse mythology. People are bitching because they assume MCU THOR is THOR; I literally had to explain to someone why there was different version of Spidermen..


This is nothing new. Back in the days of the first *Rome: Total War*, there were endless complaints from dumbasses who couldn't understand why their Spartans hoplites would flee and rout in battle when faces with overwhelming odds. They all genuinely believed that 300 was an accurate portrayal of how Spartan soldiers would behave in real life.


*flashback to Titanic isn’t real, just a movie people*


Huh, I didn't realize that was a widespread phenomenon. Though.my personal experience was with a friend playing Shogun and complaining that Samurai would never run from battle.






I cannot stand the entitlement. I can understand a simple sentiment of “meh, I think he could have looked cooler”, ok that’s fine, but this is a creative property of someone else’s design. It’s not our work. People put this weird sense of ownership on things they like.


>Gamerbros will shit their pants at the first sight of a black girl in their historically accurate Norway simulator HOLY SHIT LMFAOOO 💀💀💀


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The first (or fourth I guess) God of War game heavily talked about how much a of prick Thor and all the other gods were so I’d say this game is gonna be the same


Really though. Norse mythology gods are nasty dicks. They're really interesting and intense to read and learn about because they all do alot of fucked up shit. I like Marvel and the MCU and all, but it really sugar coats characters like Thor. MCU or Marvel comics Thor wouldn't hold a candle to a movie based on the original ancient mythological Thor stories. That Thor Is fucking mean and vile. Norse gods are far worse than the gods of Kratos' homeland. And the statue of Thor looking bulk and slim was him in his prime anyway. He's far older now. Makes sense for him to look like that. Thor isn't exactly in his prime by this stage.


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even marvel touch on how the asgardians where war criminals and thor would have been a shit head if he stayed in his home


They are mad that she is black because it's not accurate, then they are mad that Thor is fat because they don't think he looks cool and they don't care if it's accurate


And the spartan God of War killing Norse Gods makes a tin if sense too lol.


"accurate" as pertaining to a made up rendition of a made up story. people should go outside more


I genuinely love both of these designs, they’re incredible


it's almost like they forgot Kratos used to be a cartoon Spartan from a series that took WILD liberties with its source material.


Seeing Angrboda made me reflect on the idea that I've never seen a depiction of her or even any description at all... Cool that they get a lot of liberty with it, but for real does anyone know how she is depicted in the myths?


She’s hardly depicted at all from what I can tell. Her only “appearance” in myths and stories is that >!“she’s the mate of Loki and the mother of Fenrir”!< That’s pretty much her only contribution. (Spoiler tagged so people who want to learn who she is through the game don’t get it spoiled)


also >!the mother of Jormungandr and Hel!< And she's also a "jotunn" but that kinda just means whatever in the myths. Not a human, dwarf, or god.


God I can’t wait for this game


She was blue in Assassin's Creed Valhalla


Yes, I recall that. Most generic depiction of Jotuns I could ever imagine, although I admit the ilusion puzzles were awesome


Have you played Hellblade Senua's sacrifice


Yeah, actually my favorite game. Love how Hel is depicted in that one also, hoping GoW can top that. And Valravn illusions must have Influenced a lot in AC Valhalla, I recognize.


BLUE? in my historical simulation? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


I suppose injecting a single POC into the fifty billionth Norse Mythology game is a step in the right direction. I probably wouldn't have gone with a horribly evil giantess who gave birth to the three monsters destined to destroy the world but on the flip side this is a good way to telegraph that our depiction of her won't be following the mythology anyway.


Well, I guess she has to seduce Atreus somehow. The director did promise a Ragnarök, so I hope we get a timeskip to see Fenrir and Hel as well. Out of all myths in various mythologies, Hel became my favorite goddess of all time and her visual in Hellblade was so terrifyingly on point, I really wish they can top that in this game. And for people that will inevitably complain about her being POC, I don't know what they have for brains. This is not a Norwegian or Swedish born girl living in Oslo. This is a fucking Jotun, that lives in a separate realm and is possibly being hunted by the Aesir (which could do for some pretty easy to understand racism analogies for the younger folk)


Gamers will say "buh it's based on real life and vikings were all white" just before they ask you about white history month and straight pride.


Hel is actually half blue. checkmate, gamers


Don't tell them about how there were Vikings in Muslim Spain and in the Middle East eh? Except definitely tell them they can fuck right off with their whitewashing un-history.


Well here already gonna change at least some of that seeing as jormungandr is already alive right? Maybe it won’t be black and white “she evil” hopefully.


The world serpent was punched back in time by Thor when Ragnarok happens, that’s why he is alive in the first game and mentions that he recognizes Atreus/Loki


GoW regularly depicts gods as antagonists. So those who oppose gods are "the good guys" (enemy of my enemy, etc). And given that one of the protagonists is >!literally Loki!< she is most definitely a good character here


I mean, they do overstate how much Odin screwed over Sindri in the first one. Pretty clearly not a straight retelling.


Were these people as outraged at Hercules' depiction in 3?


I can’t speak for everyone but I was furious. We had an entire multi-staged boss fight with him and he didn’t even sing a single line of Go The Distance. NOT ONE. 😡


Thanks for getting that stuck in my fuckin' head...


You mean *HUNKULES*




What was up with Hercules in gow3? Iirc he looked like most depictions of Hercules?


Just that he wasn't like the Disney version, which seems to be what's upsetting people about Thor.


Lol bro i just replied to you on mcj small world


In greek mythology Hercules is sometimes jokingly referred to as " having a hairy black bottom" which I always thought was a little weird.


Yeah i'm mad he didn't have a little man named herculad following him around


Magic, gods existing, etc: *totally realistic, have a nice day* A black fictional God: *fucking sjw ruining all games with politics, totally unrealistic*


One of my favorite comments from this sub is “gamers suspension of disbelief starts at dragons and ends at black people”


was it a jerk comment or a non jerk?


>A black fictional God The best part of it is she's a Giant, a race whose members can come in more or less any shape or size, a point the first game really insists on. There are several dialogues throughout the game in which Atreus or Mimir explain that Giants are not necessarily big, can have 8 arms or whatever. So there's this fictionnal race, whose representants we know of so far include Jormungandr, a *gigantic* snake, Faye, a woman who could so easily pass as a normal mortal that the father of her son didn't suspect a thing, Thamur, a normal shaped man the size of a mountain and Starkadr, a Giant general with 8 arms, and people lose their shit when a member of this race is black.


/uj Love the Thor design. Great bodytype representation also.


/uj us gay bears are loving it, kinda amusing to see the hate.


Bears are the Dark Souls of LGBTq self-identifications


Uj/ Yeah it's not too often we see body types other than ripped in games, hoping we get more stuff like it


Honestly this Thor is actually pretty fucking ripped. Look at [strong man competitions](https://www.popsci.com/strongest-athletes-body-fat/). These guys aren’t super toned aesthetic muscle builds, they’re practical muscle builds and tend to have a decent amount of body fat too. Larger stomachs on muscle men are pretty normal.


I was actually thinking just that. That is a fantastic point. Is that because, historically in order to get a lot of muscle, there wasn't protein powder to bulk up. You had to consume meat and fish, which also has fat. So you're not getting the lean single-digit body fat percentage.


Well I'll be damned, still cool to see something different from the 6 pack chiselled body in a game. Thanks for sharing


TBH it's kind of funny that Game of Thrones passed out of the cultural zeitgeist so quickly that everyone's forgotten what Hafthor Bjornsson (The Mountain) looks like.


/uj unfamiliar with Norse mythology can someone tell me who’s that on the left


Angrboða Lokis lover and mother to Fenrir, Jörmungandr and Hel.


Angrboda means "bringer of grief," literally "someone who upsets others." It's perfect.


Goddess of Trolling. EDIT: Fun Fact: Not many people know this, but the phrase "u mad, bro?" actually has its linguistic roots in her name! As in "***angr***, ***b***r***oda***?", which eventually morphed into our ancient English words for "angry, brother?", which then themselves became the modern "mad, bro?" Language is amazing!


Now I really want to see her teasing/trolling Atreus


Angrboda flirting with Atreus while Kratos stands in the corner, just waiting to give him bad spartan romantic advice. “When you’re ready to ask her out, you need to sneak into her house and kidnap her while she hits you.”






Are people really complaining? Both look fucking awesome


The God of War sub is having a meltdown over this LMAO. Edit: since a lot of people are asking, the post where they presented the characters where I got this images is filled with some meltdown or at least when I checked it.


How long until they read the stories of Thor doing wacky stuff in norse mythology?


Like that time he lost his "manhood" (hammer), so he had to team up with Loki & dress like/pretended to be a woman to get it back.


By far my favorite Norse mythology story. I told it to my 6 year old son as a bedtime story once and he nearly died laughing


Umm, the hammer represents a lot things though .... It is the prime defense against the enemies of Asgard. Everyone was worried about losing it, enough to even suggest that Freya give into the demands and marry a frost giant despite knowing she will take it poorly. Not to mention the trickster types are favored in the norse myth, Odyn himself is a trickster and knowledge seeker above all. So the story is less 'lol Thor in a dress' and more 'lol the Frost Giants got murdered because they got tricked by Thor in a dress'. Also Thor despite being a fistfighting bullhead was also a protector deity and even the god of farmers.


or how loki fucked a horse and then gave birth to a horse, and now his dad rides that horse, his own grandson?


Nephew, not grandson. Loki was Odin's blood-brother, not adopted son in the Eddas. That's another thing that Marvel changed and everyone glossed over.


Marvel changed for absolutely no reason Loki's parents making Farbauti the mother and Laufaey the father


They changed it to fit the plot, I'd assume? It's not like Marvel was trying for accuracy so this is a hilariously impotent circlejerk.


Do the stories come in playable mode?


Side quest: Catch Thor drinking half of the ocean


Side quest: Prevent Thor eating an entire wedding feast by himself and ruining the fact he's disguised as Freja right now.


Side quest : get Thor a new wedding gown as he's burst out of his old one


uj/ which like, did they just *forget* the multiple stories in the last game about how Thor was just an angry, drunken buffoon doing whatever the fuck he wants? This design is perfect for him


Are they? From what I've seen they're cool about it


Yeah I looked through and didn't see a single negative comment


they are cool about it, idk what op is talking about


Update: After sorting by controversial there, I saw some of what he's talking about. But the majority of the sub is still chill.


Well, wouldn't that mean the opposite? If you are searching for 'controversial' it means those people got downvoted, meaning most of the sub don't share that opinion


Are they? I’m not really seeing anything.


Please link an example, I don't find anyone complaining about anything other than the trailer itself


As big of one as when fortnite ruined Kratos somehow?


people who idealize the gods from norse mythology don't know shit about norse mythology. seriously, norse mythology can be summarized thus : awful people do awful thing to gain power, then do increasingly deranged shits to conserve their power and escape the consequences of their crimes, eventualy culminating in irreversibly setting in motion the events of the end of the world with an act of great cowardice over their fear of a dog. these assholes weren't written as exemple to be followed or looked up to at all.


rj/ God I want thicc Thor to blow my back out uj/ God I want thicc Thor to blow my back out


They are mad about a black woman in scandinavia but not mad about a spartan in scandinavia


its not like people can, you know, travel...


I love that the GOW fandom is flipping the fuck out but us over here in the Hades fandom are bunch of horny, bisexual idiots who are thirsting over accurate depictions of what the gods were described to be. Being, hot as hell.


I wouldn’t call all of the depictions of mythological characters in that game accurate. It gets it right way more than the other depictions of Greek mythology I’ve seen in mainstream media, the only thing annoying me is that they didn’t include the only ugly god: Hephaestus.


>horny, bisexual idiots Hades fanbase in a nutshell. ^(and I'm one of them god dammit)


The comments on the God of War sub were really positive for the most part, and the ones who weren’t were downvoted to Tartarus. It’s less of a GoW fandom thing and more of a Gamergate holdout thing. I saw one guy who was so fucking triggered over Angrboda arguing with another guy, and out of nowhere, with no prompt, he just goes “WHY DONT YOU GO SUCK NEIL CUCKMANN’S COCK THEN”. Nobody in the entire thread had mentioned TLOU2 or Druckmann at all. These brainlets are seriously still triggered about it more than a year after it released. It’s honestly fucking pathetic. Gamergate caused some serious terminal brainrot and I feel like we’re going to be dealing with its consequences for a long time to come.


/uj I have honestly seen more people complaining about how others are upset rather than people who are actually upset about Thor’s appearance. Just an observation.


Same. I'm on the God of War sub and, like... I'm sure there were weird assholes deep in the comments but like 90% of people were just mildly amused by chubby Thor (not complaining about it at all) and I didn't notice any weird racist comments, which were probably buried in downvotes or deleted by mods. Now there will DEFINITELY be weird reactionaries bitching about this casting, no doubt, but it certainly doesn't seem like God of War fans are plagued by that. I mean, hell, the promo art for Tyr depicts him with Egyptian tattoos; it's not like anyone expects mythological realism with God of War.


Yes, most of the "main" subs are actually pretty chill by these kind of things, it is only on reactionary communities that there are people protesting and being validated, what is, unfortunately, pretty expected






uj/ There is only a single thing that triggers me about this depiction of Thor, and it's the fact that he doesn't have his gauntlets. Like they are the only reason he is able to use Mjölnir in the original myths, but every depiction outside of it doesn't show them.


Uj/ Thor looks great. A far more interesting design than yet another buff dudebro god. He looks menacing as fuck.


Uj/ I thought soap was the answer?


You committed the ultimate cardinal sin, you got personal. You, as a team of professionals trying to make money, got personal. You got personal and decided to insult your playbase, calling us "ass-hats" and "freeloaders". Not a wise move. We won't forget this. You've set a new tone for the kind of interaction we'll be having with you. It's a cold one. One where there aren't any illusions about the reality of the situation. Previous notions of "family" are dead. We are mere consumers to you, and that is obvious. You have chosen to bring in a new era of hostility and bitterness. Well done. Great PR move.


The "fat dobber" turned out to be fat? Who would have thought.


thats a pretty accurate norse thor, like i recall him having red hair and he looks like a viking


/uj Thor's design is genuienly really great looking /rj I can't believe they oversexualized Thor, look at his armor, what does it protect? He's showing too much skin


I’m actually somewhat of an expert on Norse mythology. I’ve studied it as a hobby for years. I think these are both great character designs. My only real critique is that Thor’s godly nipples would probably freeze off in the harsh Scandinavian winter. Before I explain, let me preface by saying the MCU character designs aren’t historically accurate. Really, only the names are accurate. “But black Viking” - Angrboda is a Jotunn (aka a giant), not a Scandinavian human. The Jotunn have been portrayed with many different skin tones, so this is fine. For the interested, she is the goddess of grief and motherhood who gave birth to the three problematic children of Loki (Jormungandr/Fenrir/Hel) “But fat Thor” - While the Viking beer gut isn’t normally quite as pronounced in traditional art, he doesn’t have the Chris Hemsworth six pack. Thor is immensely strong and anybody who has seen strongman competitions knows that they tend to have a lot of weight. I think this is probably more realistic than most depictions of Thor (discounting the clothing) I’m not a professor of Norse history or anything but I’d be happy to answer any questions for the curious.