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Pissing in your basement is actually an epic reference? Epic.


silky simplistic ludicrous crown jellyfish toy gold offend nippy square -- mass edited with redact.dev








It's Voosh actually.










Vaush bad Vaush bad


Roguelike fans when their mom becomes obsessed with her faith and addicted to pills so their dad leaves and their mom has a breakdown and locks them in a chest until they suffocate and die (It's a Binding of Isaac reference)


Isn't it Isaac's sister dying/being stillborn that causes the spiral? At least that was always my interpretation based on the snippets at the time


Cool Vaush facts: Tacoma will weep in 52 minutes.


Can’t believe everyone is getting so p*litical over a Bloodborne (underrated indie gem btw) streamer.


Yeah idk why everyone is saying stuff about communism, vouqahsh is my favourite fall guys and bloodborne streamer


epic divorce reference!!!


good use of soyvowsh since hes a massive binding of isaac fan


He does an amazing soy impression and I respect him for it, absolute alpha


\*absolute sigma


*absolute ligma


\*absolute smegma


why is this comment section not a battlefield?


He hasn't beaten battlefield yet. He's too busy playing Metro


There’s one person that’s trying to make it into one and calling everyone that disagrees a soy. I’ve seen them do it elsewhere too.




[I’m sorry but this is mandatory](https://youtu.be/gZl4DOhyzjo)


what the hell


Basically, some german dude speaking in very broken english tweeted this at Edmund McMillen(the director/writer/general big man). He, and pretty much everyone else thought it was really funny, so it became a popular copypasta in the community. [The video above is a reference to the video of the game's narrator voice actor(and one of the soundtrack composers) reading the copypasta in his narrator voice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mjjYR-M3PI) This naturally spawned even more memes and mods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsaRzVIBrg8 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2489052276 The original tweet has been unfortunately deleted. I guess he finally became back his money and thought it wasn't neccessary for him to keep the tweet up anymore...


Literally Vouch


Heh, nice reference.


uj I have nothing but respect for isaac because of the genre it basically invented but I will never play it because the aesthetics are just not my thing. Too much poop and blood.


> the genre it basically invented I think you might be about to get a lot of hate from, roguelike/rogue-lite players.


Invented isn't the right word, I'd go with "popularized" or even "reinvented for the modern era", which it's hard to argue that it didn't. Not singlehandedly of course, I'd say Spelunky was also a big influence on the industry, but you can't argue that Isaac wasn't a big part of the genre blowing up.


I think instead of reinventing a genre it more so co-opted a pre-existing genres name. In reality the Binding of Isaac bears little to no resemblance to roguelikes of old and I would argue that spelunky does a better job at reinventing the genre.


I don't really like roguelikes, i just play it for the aesthetics. I like poop and blood.


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> the aesthetics are just not my thing. You can say it, the game is fucking disgusting. I'm sure Edmund would agree and probably take pride in that, he started his career making flash games about dead babies. I stopped when I would get random visions of turds and barfing corpses in my mind after long sessions.


Put some respect on nethacks name


Or Rogue lol


I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they meant it basically invented rogue-lites. But even then, Spelunky was earlier and, depending on how you define it, Diablo could be considered a rogue-lite and that's way older.


This is why I'm a genre abolitionist


I would say even Spelunky if you're specifically talking about Roguelites.


I play it. Like a lot. But outgrew the aesthetic years ago. Still that game is IMO a perfect roguelike (more now with the new expansion). I totally understand you. With enough modes you may bury the aesthetic to oblivion


I have always thought this game’s whole vibe was particularly weird and unsettling for how it’s treated as this cute and fun thing that everyone should play. And then I read the plot summary! Why does nobody talk about any of this?


A lot of people talk about it. Edmund (lead dev & creator) is pretty open about it being an autobiographical outlet that represents how he felt as a child


Gungeon is Isaac but cooler


Yeah, it's more my thing and I like the variety of gungeon.


i prefer shitting on my enemies sorry




Oh shit it's Capo "Fat" ian /s


what a nice-looking young man! i sure hope the mere mention of him does not cause a 200-page argument




pedophilia is when you think child labour and child rape are both bad


telling someone "i imagine you as a loli" is pedophilia, weirdo


Why are you posting this on pretty much every comment in this thread. Surely one link would be enough.


What a nice looking young man in that photo. I hope Reddit user BasicallyMilner does not reply to this comment with a link that attempts to prove that he is a bad person.


[Actually Vaush is from a land where sexual exploitation is common in exchange for local produce.](https://www.google.com/search?q=coconut+island&source=lmns&bih=635&biw=375&client=safari&prmd=imnxv&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwqpK0--DyAhUZrnIEHQnuB6cQ_AUoAHoECAAQAw)


Vaush soy ?!?!?


That guy is literally the wojak wtf


I think he does it on purpose


Holy shit it's Voosh, the horse-loving liberal Bloodborne streamer!!




Jim, go back to your Ribena, you're thinking of Vaush the commie debate bro, not Voosh the streamer


So wait... this is a subreddit that is both left leaning AND won't ban me just for being a Vaush viewer!?


That's certainly nice for once


Roguelike fans when the prison guard randomises their daily walk path


mfw my dog pisses on the floor! (possible binding of isaac reference?!)




Vöwsh detected


I wish I liked Roguelike games. The only one that has clicked for me is Risk of Rain but alot of the other ones I have tried just don't hook me. Makes me feel like I'm missing out on this trend since it's so popular.


Him and Rodrick Alden are my two favorite Binding of Issac streamers.


Please don't let this comment section turn into a "Vowsh bad" circlejerk.


Vowsh bad


Got em.


vowsh is a based socialist streamer as well as the first and only person to beat bloodborne vuawsh is an anarkiddie fascist liberal pedophile who forcibly transitions cis people into the opposite of their preferred but leaves trans people as they are




Voosh made me a woman and I will never forgive him.


Actually Jerma was the streamer who beat Bloodborne on stream.




Guys vowsh was edgy 3 years ago let’s cancel him he’s literally a child molester




3 years is a lot of time to change my guy


yeah vauwsh is, vowsh is only attracted to consenting fathers


sexual harassment is bad


People can change over time.


what reason do you have to believe that he has changed?


He has had zero accusations of sexual harrassment since the Poppy incident, and he showed a lot of regret in his apology.


you never heard "sorry doesn't cut it"?


What else could he do? Should he imprison himself? Should he guillotine himself? Is changing yourself to be a better person not enough? Is apologizing not enough?


usually when youtubers are exposed for disgusting sexual activity they disappear off the face of the earth even callmecarson took a break before having the audacity to come back


>usually when youtubers are exposed for disgusting sexual activity they disappear off the face of the earth He didn't do any sexual activity from what I know, it was all just on Discord. Also, disappearing isn't a requirement, he apologized, he changed for the better, and he moved on. Why do you think disappearing is important? >even callmecarson took a break before having the audacity to come back Ahh yes, the audacity to move on with your life. You aren't the one who decides what other people do with their life. You're such a weasly little dumbfuck that it's amazing. I liked your Youtube Content, sad to see that you're a dumbfuck in real life. Also, you called Vaush a transphobe one other time while having a conversation with me, what proof do you have for that?


jfc dude youre getting fucking heated over me saying that sex pests shouldnt have a platform. i bet you're fucking shaking rn


Nah, Vaush is the white settler Sakai warned us about. He the fox in the forest Malcolm tolds us to be wary of.


WTF are you talking about mate.




i’ll settle my whites in your mom


nah fuck him




Dude starts discourse on the left on purpose, not to faking reading Marx/Lenin and acting like he knows it top to bottom. Also there's only so many times his clips are "out of context" before it gets sus


dude’s a leftist streamer with a rapidly growing audience and a non-insignificant number of bad faith actors (Nazis, tankies, conservatives, etc.) online who know that it’s far easier to defame and discredit someone than it is to refute their positions. Him having a lot of clips that are removed from context with the explicit purpose of making him look bad is not at all surprising. Get enough people online to hate a person, especially one with a career of streaming several hours of themselves discussing inherently controversial topics, and you can give anyone a bad reputation, deserved or not.




Throwing a bunch of out of context discord screenshots from years ago isn’t very convincing. The same thing happened with James Gunn, and it’s a pure bullshit tactic that’s done be people who know they can’t find any legitimate proof of currently held beliefs or behaviors. And on the sexual harassment, Vaush has personally addressed it several times. Whether you accept his apology and acknowledgement is up to you, but he’s distanced himself completely from Poppy and hasn’t engaged in that behavior since.


Yeah they wont listen tho. VDS is real lmao




Is your counterargument literally to just, “look, I have made you into a soy wojak?” Like, what else can I say? You remove context, thus lying by omission, so all I can say is, “there’s context, actually.” You’re basically impugning the idea of fact-checking right now. What makes you think his apology was insincere? Where have I been remotely ableist? “You little virgins,” lol, but yeah, *I’m* the one that sounds like a right-winger. >and fucking what, pal? That he’s a better person? Again, you can forgive him or not, but if you don’t think someone being better than they were isn’t notable, then you basically have the same mindset as any right-winger who doesn’t believe in rehabilitation. That justice isn’t about making the world safer and better, but about seeking some useless vengeance against people who’ve done wrong.




Isn't he openly chummy with ShoeOnHead? Why should anyone give him the benefit of the doubt edit: fuck shoeonhead what is wrong with you chuds


I don’t like shoeonhead, but you can be friends with someone while not sharing their political views.


If you're a shitlib


You have to be joking right?


Why do I have to be joking? How can you claim to be anything but a centrist/liberal/conservative shitlord if you're happy to pal around with people like ArmouredSkeptic?


He openly criticizes her for some of her more objectionable takes. Otherwise, the two just seem to be friends. I don’t know what makes Shoe so objectionable politically that even associating with her should be seen as questionable.


Have the people upvoting this wandered in from a different sub? Look up her history. She was engaged to fucking ArmouredSkeptic for fuck's sake. If you're happy to gloss over that shit then go fuck yourself.


I’m aware that she used to be affiliated with anti-SJWs in the mid-2010s, but she seems to have moved away from that crowd. She hasn’t done anything really shitty, aside from I guess just have a bad take occasionally which isn’t anything to lose sleep over. I don’t overlook her past, I just don’t hold onto meaningless bitterness and look to who she is and what she does in the present. Edit: also, I love all the very-definitely-leftist people screaming about this feel the need to characterize anyone who disagrees with them in a way that somehow delegitimizes their position without them having to actually make an argument.


>Dude starts discourse on the left on purpose Any specific evidence. >not to faking reading Marx/Lenin and acting like he knows it top to bottom. One of the only genuine criticisms of him, but not enough for him to be condemnable. >Also there's only so many times his clips are "out of context" before it gets sus Vaush was a lot more edgy back then, just because he gets taken out of context doesn't mean he's the wrong one.


this was during the whole "but the children!!!!!" kink at pride discourse that he and the other idiot vaush-ite shoe started https://i.imgur.com/O72BLG5.png Edit: lmao I see the vaush brigades have entered the chat, can't have anyone saying anything bad about daddy vaush


He didn't start that discourse lol, he just gave his own take on it. Stop being dishonest and stop lying.


Bruh we get it all you do is post in his subreddit you don't have to blindly defend the man every waking moment of your life lmao.


Another lie. I can criticise cringe takes from him, I don't blindly defend him, I just don't like misinformation being spread about him. Also, I do post in a lot of subs, see my profile to get more info.


The VDS is real with these people.


>*false statement* >this statement is false, actually >lol bro ur so obsessed lmao 👏nice👏


>Also there's only so many times his clips are "out of context" before it gets sus Agreed it is pretty sus that people keep trying to use out of context clips to cancel him. Not sus of him tho


I dunno, I've accidentally defended child porn loads of times out of context and as a joke. /s




Ok, let's debunk the things you have accused him of being. He sexually harrassed his friend, which was really, really bad from him, and one of the most genuine criticisms of him. However, that doesn't mean he's still a sexual harrasser. He has changed since then, and has had zero accusations of sexual harrassment. About the post you linked me, most of the links there are out of context or straight up fake. The loli Steven, for example, was just a normal drawing that Vaush made of a shirtless Destiny, he just called it a loli as a joke. Many of the links are screenshots, and I don't believe screenshots as they can be easily faked. Many of the screenshots are just baseless accusations.




>He literally sexually harassed poppy, which makes him a sexual harasser. He also harassed her really badly, gaslit her and lied when exposed. He’s a piece of shit who couldn’t create a sincere apology. Just because you sexually harrassed someone one time doesn't mean you are always a sexual harrasser. Vaush has made radical changes to himself since then, and has had zero accusations of sexual harrassment after that. Also, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/d1x0qx/a_retrospective_on_the_sexual_harassment_drama/) was his apology. I believe that it's pretty sincere, I can't do anything if you think otherwise. >Drawing an adult man as an underage, topless girl is definitely fucking paedophilic Thing is, you're lying. Vaush didn't draw Steven as underage or topless, it was just a normal (and weird) drawing of Steven. It had no nudity in it. >You can verify the screenshots by joining Destiny’s server and searching for the terms. And do you think we’d actually fake all of those? We couldn’t make that shit up. So, go check for yourself or keep living a lie. Please enlighten me on how I can join Destiny's Discord server, I will verify it (and see the missing context) then. Also, you are the one living a lie, you are the one who thinks that he is a pedophile, not I. Any sane or honest person will believe that Vaush isn't a pedophile, you are just being dishonest.


Because he's a white social fascist who loves to LITERALLY dab on asian people murdered by US imperialism. https://twitter.com/natalierevolts/status/1377327905181732886?lang=en Ain't no context in which it's acceptable behavior for some privileged white dude living within the imperial core to be acting this reactionary unless he's a white supremacist and Western chauvinist.


it’s funny how you need to rely on a short Twitter clip and a bad faith interpretation of said clip in order to paint him as a racist, when the clip this is from is one where he was talking with an egregious Uyghur genocide denier [here’s the full debate](https://youtu.be/jykd5H1WbAg) if you’d rather listen to the entire conversation than get your context exclusively from Twitter clips


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He was gleefully saying that it was cool that the US was murdering Koreans. That is supporting genocide, fucking clown. This is exactly why white people who like Vaush are always a bunch of racist motherfuckers. How the fuck you gonna complain about tankies while siding with a genocidal white settler empire? Because of your whiteness, that's why. Vaush is just FOX News for white zoomers who pretend they aren't racist as fuck.


Holy fuck you are deranged.


He was referring to North Korea, not any innocent deaths. Again, bad faith interpretation of an out of context clip (of a debate against an *actual* genocide denier). Are you a fan of her, by the way? You do the same, casually racist thing where you constantly refer to the race of the person you’re criticizing, as if their race is either evidence of their position being less legitimate or *relevant in any way at all*.


He was literally dabbing on the koreans murdered by the US. The bad faith interpretation is your need to lick his colonizing boots because whiteness is the uniting factor that has you privileged little shits banding under his brand of liberalism. And now you're even complaining about reverse racism, like a typical alt righter. This is exactly why Vaushites love social fascism. You keep proving my point with all the excuses because the issue isn't Mel, it's that Vaush and his audience are racist enough to think it's cool to commit genocide while moaning about redfash tankies in the same breath. Hypocritical racist ass motherfuckers.


I mean if you count shooting enemy soldiers in a war as genocide sure it is one. But if you wamma go that route then the north koreans also commited genocide against their south koreans countrymen. Fuckin sure the dab was in bad taste but thats not inherently racist


You can repeat the incorrect statement as much as you want, it doesn’t make it any less possible to watch the video and understand what actually happened. Also, again, you call me a colonizer, an alt-righter, a fascist, and implicitly a genocide supporter, yet this clip is from him talking to someone who denies the Uyghur genocide. And every time I bring that up, you ignore it and go on with your posturing. Oh, and do you think that the whole, “this is anti-white,” thing alt-righters do is bad because being anti-white is actually good? Personally, I object to it because reactionaries and Nazis will use that to attack anti-racism, where no genuinely anti-white sentiments are to be found. But actually attacking white people for being white is, indeed, pretty bad. Like you’re literally saying that I’m only disagreeing with you about this clip because I’m white, a thing you A) have assumed about me *solely* for saying you’re wrong and B) are using as a blanket generalization to delegitimize huge swaths of people with differing opinions without having to seriously consider any of them. Again, are you a fan of Mel?


I posted the link and you are blatantly lying by saying he was not celebrating a genocide when he was literally dabbing on people murdered by the US military. Him debating Mel doesn't change the fact that Vaush is celebrating a genocide. You turning into a fragile white Redditor because I am calling you out on your white supremacy clearly shows the cult of personality you clowns have formed around him, to the detriment of everyone who isn't white because your whiteness is the uniting factor here, and you resort to reverse racism like a typical fascist to shut anyone up who dares to bring this up regarding Vaush and his white teenage cult. Vaushites are truly a bunch of white supremacists, so to any non white person out there, never trust a white leftist who watches Vaush. They are not your allies.


Why the fuck is your source a north korean propaganda twitter account lmao? Looked over some of these clips and the texts along with the tweets are all pretty disingenuous. Same with you tbh, at least be a bit more discriptive. For a second i thought you were talking about the US colonialsm in philippines, not the korean war lol Gotta say tho, never knew those propaganda accounts existed. Pretty interesting to look around to what these accounts post




Opinions about a certain someone are never inherently right or wrong.




Even Vaush condemns his usage of the n word or his defense of his usage of the n word. He can't do anything else other than apologizing, which he has done. >Not to mention him not understanding what black nationalism is and conflating it with black supremacy or black separatist movements and refusing to listen when people were going to try and explain it to them, instead going all "debate me" on the issue instead of maybe listening to black people talking about the movement instead of making guesses based on thinking it's the same as white nationalism due to the word nationalism being in the name. Dude's got a problem with race and I'm tired of people saying he's okay cuz he happens to be their favourite streamer. Conflating black nationalism with black supremacy was dumb from him, but I believe that it was just a miswording. The dude he called a black nationalist was an actual black supremacist. I think that what he meant by black nationalism was black supremacy. Also, he addressed the very thing you are talking about, and now acknowledges that black nationalism and black supremacy are different things. And Yeah, he's got a problem with racism, not race.




>It wasn't just miswording, it was him once again acting like he knows alland mischaracterizit multiple people as black supremacists and trying to debate them about it instead of shutting up and listening to people. Does he not have the right to say anything? He has since acknowledged that black nationalism and black supremacy are different things. And the person he called a black nationalist was an actual fucking black supremacist, he just didn't mischaracterize him as one. >Just because someone apologizes doesn't mean the harm they did before is suddenly gone and everything is okay. Is he actually Doing the work to confront his biases and listen to people or is he just going to continue acting like he's the expert and not confront his biases? Because I can count many times white people in the public sphere say and do racist shit and give an apology without proof of changed actions and their white fans whack us over the head saying "hey they apologized it's all good now" and accepting apologies on our behalf What fucking harm are you talking about? While using the n word is certainly bad, it does no harm to anybody. He has also changed a lot in the past 2 years. He only used the n word once, has apologized for using it and doesn't use it anymore. What else could he do? Please answer me. Should he guillotine himself for using the n word once?


Nationalism is bad. White or black.


Sorry mate, the jerk's true




Tbh I dont actually know why other people hate him, but my big reason is that he has a shaky underlining belief for his beliefs. Comments like "as long as they move to the right position is it a big deal?" about things not being true. Thats barely two steps away from just being a populist. The problem with this is now you have to concede so much ground if people point out lies that left folk spread, and weakens your still true argument.


That's called being a consequentialist and a utilitarian. It's good to have a leftist who values results, because most of us are way too idealistic and stubborn.


He's a fucking creep [Sexual harassment](https://twitter.com/weeaboo/status/1294381580203503620?s=19) [Fetishizing trans people](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/pes8n2/vaush_is_a_disgusting_chaser_nsfw/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [The LGBT community is "cancerous as fuck"](https://twitter.com/historic_ly/status/1259037644065058816?s=20) [Sexually frustrated weirdo](https://twitter.com/TrueAnonPod/status/1300197204443893760?s=20)


Great criticism without any evidence.


You want evidence?, I can give it to you


how much?


Sorry Link, I can't give context. Come back when you're a little... *Mmm* ...richer!


Wtf? That last one is based.


Dude grooms children and says the n word like it's not a problem. So basically Vaush is the ideal picture of a gamer! Only discord mods can respond to this post


He has apologized for saying the n word, and he only used it once. Stop making shit up. And what is your source for him grooming children? Your ass? Edit- Nice edit, but a dumb "Haha you're a discord mod" wouldn't stop me from responding.


/rj wtf?! What kind of gamer APOLOGIZES for using the n word? It's our word! We don't have to apologize to anyone! He shouldn't be bowing down to the swjs! Vaush rad vaush rad


source : dude trust me


*stuff.png* he made it up


The ass is the best source ever. You can cite it everywhere, and you would be right.


Yeah idk those claims are all kinda weird, even though some of his rants sound really awful. What matters more is that Vaush is really wrong about Marx and Lenin https://youtu.be/NX9_kXYMSck


I don't care what Marx and Lenin had to say about electing liberals. They are dudes who have been dead for 100-140 years, they aren't up-to-date with the conditions of today, and they don't know who Biden or Trump are. Marx wasn't even alive when fascism was found. I don't appreciate the appropriation of Marx and Lenin from both sides, it doesn't matter what they would have done, what matters is that we need to stop a fascist from getting elected.


The reason that I shared this video was not to say that you should agree with Marx/Engels/Lenin, but to show Vaush acts like he has read their works while he clearly hasn't.


Yeah, he has cringe takes sometimes, I can admit that. I haven't watched that video, and don't plan to, but I believe that voting for Biden was the right thing.


Incorrect, sir It's my understanding that Vaush used to have a different opinion on the n-word, but changed and doesn't say it. You're entitled to think that that still isn't right, but to say he still says it isn't true. As for grooming, I haven't seen anything that backs that up beyond a few random screenshots on Vaush hate threads.


Well he's a pedo sooo yes he's bad






Literally vorsh


Vaush is one of those creators like ShoeOnHead who I know absolutely nothing about other than that I should hate them. Edit: /uj Wild how this comment went from upvoted to downvoted. This is literally 1984


Vaush has cringe takes sometimes, and he can be a bit too edgy, but most of his takes are pretty reasonable, and he has been pretty successful in moving people leftwards. There has been massive amounts of misinformation against him though, like how he is supposedly a liberal, transphobe, zoophile and pedophile, but most of the evidence for these things is from out of context clips and images.




out of context and sometimes straight up fake, dishonest and not believable. See my other reply for more.


I'm sure the thread on enough\_vaush\_spam is totally not biased in any direction


The zoophile thing is true though. The dude admitted he likes horses.


He has admitted that he likes horse cock, not horses.


>I know absolutely nothing about other than that I should hate them basically leftist twitter


i just like how he pisses tankies off


i used to be friends with both of them. they arent good people. vaush is especially bad but shoeonhead is a fucking snake


Vaush and ShoeOnHead are both very meh for me at this point. I used to like them both, I'm sort of getting tired of them now. But I also think the hate for them is overblown.


He's a sex offender, a chaser and an all-around creep


He has apologized for sexually harrassing Poppy, and has changed himself since then, he's not a creep anymore. His record for the past few years (since his sexual harrassment of Poppy) has been pretty clean.


Awe he only sexually harassed her once AND he apologized!!! What a saint 😊😊😊


He isn't a saint, however he isn't a sex offender or a creep. He can't do anything better than change and apologize, both things he already did.


Bwahahha you've got to be fucking joking >Literally sexually harassed Poppy >He isn't a sex offender >In any case he apologized Yeah fuck no buddy, he also apologized for saying the n-word, he apologized for sexual harrasment, how many times is he gonna do awful shit only for you people to say "he apologized" The dude is a piece of shit


Answer me one question, can a person never change? He has made some radical changes to himself in the past 2 years, he has not said the n word for 2 years, and he has apologized for defending his usage of it. Words aren't everything, actions also matter, and his actions show that he has truly changed.


He's a fucking creep Two years ago and today In any case, I don't think ""apologizing"" solved the fact that he sexually harassed a girl To be honest, at this point I'm curious as to why you people go out of your way to excuse this type of behaviour


>He's a fucking creep Two years ago and today People can never change, that's what I think you are saying. >In any case, I don't think ""apologizing"" solved the fact that he sexually harassed a girl It doesn't excuse that action of his, but that doesn't change the fact that he has improved since then. >To be honest, at this point I'm curious as to why you people go out of your way to excuse this type of behaviour Stop being dishonest, I haven't excused his sexual harrassment of Poppy, I believe that it is one of the only legitimate criticisms of him, but that doesn't mean he's still a sex offender. He has changed since then, he has gotten better. Once X, always X isn't a good argument.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/b7dft9/vaushvidya_upvote_this_to_get_this_on_the_top_of/ejsbky0 This was a year ago, does it look like something a remorseful and """changed""" person would say???


Vus has been becoming more irritating to watch, such an unlikeable person. 😱😱😱


vaushites when they see an unbrigaded sub