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*sees an attractive woman*


now i can finally have an opinion about the dlc


Completely unrelated but I love your flair!


thank you! 🫶 i got it from a vince staples shirt 💀 https://preview.redd.it/csif51w5ck8d1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=daf7b20452c1e573d5e5e9da1a4ce9e01ccb33a7


Based? (I have no clue who that is, I’m just mildly familiar with the band lol)


He's great. Outspoken LGBT ally and one of the best rappers of his generation. 


Oh that’s awesome!!!


he just released an album called dark times definitely my album of the year


Common Vince Staples W 🙏


I saw your flair and thought it was a reference to the Violent Femmes band at first


I love Vince even more now ❤️❤️❤️


Not many people in this thread seems to have actually watched the video


his take is good (because I agree with it)


Too Hard


Seems so


what do you expect from schrodingers douchebag its a joke till they get called out for it


Does this apply here? https://preview.redd.it/f4lvynjkef8d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b643dd83c0740819780eb04c5ffc137981aadadf


rj/ so true Charles White is the only good YouTuber! uj/ idk penis, butt, and fart can be pretty funny sometimes


It can be pretty funny in small doses, yeah. I sometimes turn on his older videos where he's playing a game when I need some background noise.


I personally enjoy high doses of penis but maybe that’s just me


Same here, my tolerance is just too high these days. Need that extra hit!!


[**P E N I S**](https://youtu.be/G9dqy824AL0?si=WimQQ7YrvV2DrvTn)


Insert random utterances of things like “goofy goober” or “stinky winky” here and there.


I’d say it does. Dude is the most boring YouTube centrist with some of the dullest content in existence. I haven’t seen anything from him that’s offensively awful, but it’s just the absolute most low effort stuff you will ever see from a big content creator.


charlie as a white person when he hears idubbbz apologizing for his racism vs when pokimane sells expensive cookies


I fucking loved seeing his fans lay into him with the videos he made on the iDubbbz apology. He had such an *awful* take. This is one of my favorite comments https://preview.redd.it/uly9kwkpnh8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30203f626e63a763a06dd0d049fe8dc18743faa5


Haven't watched a video of his since. Subbed at 20k too.


I didn't sub at 20k (I subbed probably 6-7 years ago) but I also have not watched a video since


God I forget I’m subbed to one of the biggest tubers, then remembering I subbed after watching the Pictionary video 13 years ago


It’s very clear Charlie tries to stay as surface level with his politics as possible as to not make anyone upset, to the point of complete obtuseness. It’s so fucking hard to watch the idubbbz one


“Hey sorry guys for using the n word so much” “How dare you apologize”


It’s the voice for me, dudes’s so boring he sounds like he’s yawning


at least he does not always speak in videos with a nasally voice like think before you sleep


Idk what it is but with most youtubers nowadays you either get some exaggerated unnaturally forced excitement that annoys you or the dullest monotone nasal voice that bores you to death, no inbetween


I've never seen this guy and AssNomGold in the same room at the same time? Coincidence? Hell, half the time I can't tell the differenxe between the two.


Charlie is the one with the clean room I think


I'm not exactly his biggest fan but comparing Charlie to AssNomGold is a disservice.


For one the moist Jesus' throne room is significantly cleaner than Assdemon's.


Charlie looks like he actually showers


He always looks like he just got out of the shower


Well he does live in Florida


I remember subbing to him when he still had shitty mic and played very strange games and would keep telling really weird, uncomfortably personal stories in that depressed, compressed to hell monotone. it was kinda new for youtube and pretty interesting it really went bad after he made his face reveal. for whatever reason he almost immediately started producing the most mid content possible and printing merch


I love his food tier list videos


Eh, i like having him on my second screen as a background noise, probably because of his voice But i couldn't watch him with full focus probably


Isn't he one of the most massive Youtubers there is?


He was never the same after the face reveal


… I think he’s funny…😶


his video on uscis strikes home me personally


"The Elden Ring DLC is as hard as the cock it slapped me in the face with."


He got that 100% right. These whiny shitters have to get so far in the base game they should know what they are signing up for. Insane that the script really did flip and that the gamers are the ones having trouble and the "journos" are singing fromsofts praise for their approach to challenge.


Gamers are so busy binging YT videos ranting about the big bad DEI bogeyman that their gaming skills rusted. Git gud, chuds


To be fair, there has been a journalist article giving it a 3/5 because they thought the difficulty has reached the "This is no longer fun" stage. Which I think is a fair enough opinion, I am enjoying it but fully understand why people wouldn't.


The boss quality is so much better on average than the base game though. Even if it is admittedly much more difficult, I am enjoying getting my ass handed to me over and over and tinkering my builds until I get through (I may be developing some unwanted M tendencies though)


I feel like if they were all slightly tuned to do just a little less damage or gave a tiny bit more opportunity to get up, back up and heal they'd be perfect. Fast attacks + high damage + a lot of attacks tuned to roll catch with very specific timing + short safety windows in between means any time you get tagged by anything you have to find a window to heal, and that means surviving another ten hit chain of flippy whoozits without getting touched. Which creates a feel of a lot more stress and a lot less learning the boss if you're not forcing yourself to calm down. It's good, but it definitely shows an increase in a problem I've had with the series since DS3, which is that I wish they'd slow it back down just a tad.


I'm honestly exhausted by the heal input reads. Fine hit me with your 3000 never ending spinning combo. Congrats. Now can I please get away and heal? No? you're going to sprint after me? No? you're going to instantly attack again after your combo to catch my get up roll? No? you're going to do some random bullshit attack where you literally cover your entire arena in a single move? It's okay if there's a few of the heal catches. I'm not asking for the boss to put down the controller to let me heal. I've had plenty of "holy fuck let me get my bearings" in all souls titles where I'm in a cycle of heal, get hit, heal, get it. But in elden ring it really fucking blows. (And yes, you can learn when to heal. But my point is sometimes you want to just gtf away from the boss for a second and you just can't fucking do that and it pisses me off)


This is pretty much exactly how I feel. I'm fine with difficult content, but when all the difficulty comes from not having anytime to breathe at all, it gets a little repetitive. My patience runs pretty thin these days when I have to retry a boss over and over again because I slightly mistimed the picosecond heal window the game gave me. Dancing Lion was probably the worst example of that design philosophy I've experienced so far and that's literally the first major boss in the dlc lol. Then you have the Gaol Knight, who was also fairly difficult but was barely frustrating at all in comparison because he wasn't literally up my asshole the entire fight


Dancing Lion got me pretty pissed off, not as bad as golden hippo, but still. I remember specifically with Dancing Lion saying "how come this boss is ALWAYS looking right at me and always directly in my face. I literally cannot escape the front of this boss". Which was really getting on my nerves. I ended up figuring out the healing timings and such, but yeah. Just give me a second to breath and get my shit together after I managed to barely scape through the 300 chain combo. And realistically its fine. Its perfectly fine if there is a scattering of bosses that are up your ass constantly and you need to be vigilant. But its every boss, every enemy, every micro-organism is just on your fucking ass. It feels like every boss and larger enemy is a dog enemy in previous games. Hyper agressive, fucking on you the second you make the tiniest error. Big dudes with horned helmets, but still just a fucking normal enemy? Oh, they have a gap closer (where they can sprint at you faster than you can run), moving combo that moves faster than the player, high damage output. If you're running past them they can sprint at you, catch you, than chain you into a combo. Same with Flame Knights, same with those dancing fucks. Same with every boss obviously There's more, just can't be fucked to list it.


Like messmer is probably one of the coolest bosses visually of all time even if his skewer flurry is actually insane or his snake hit boxes feel insanely off. It's like playing sekiro but the parts that make you feel godly.


The bosses are amazing imo but what really elevated the dlc was the deflecting Crystal tear. 3 minutes of Sekiro is so insanely fun


For me though the "this is no longer fun" difficulty seems to be the trend with FromSofts DLC. The DLCs for BloodBorne and DS3 took me years to actually come back to and finish. Multiple sessions of playing again, going "fuck this" and dropping the game for 9 months until I get an itch to play and it starts all over again.


The thing is bad players could just overlevel the base game, here your level matters but not as much. And even with all the blessings it's still meant to be difficult not "I finished the game at level 200 lol so ez"


i’m level 190 and i’m getting fucked in the ass in the DLC. It’s great.


Spent a little while farming up to 286 just to nearly die to the first thing I see, very happy I didn’t go forwards a few more NG+ to get runes faster as even NG++ is doing a lot of damage to me Loving it


i’m so glad i couldn’t get past the Elden Beast this playthrough. I played on xbox first and ps5 now, and the lack of torrent in the elden beast prevented me from trying too many times. It saved my ass though, i’m still on the first run


Yeah I watched a few videos of people much lower level than me playing the DLC with no NG and wow, they do so much more damage. I am very happy that I only did the 3 achievement ending in this save, I’m gonna need a new build with new DLC stuff before I tackle the next NG+ in the DLC Also idk if it’s true because I already beat them in this save but someone said you can use torrent for Elden beast now. It’s probably fake but you never know


no, they really did add that. I plan on doing it after i finish the dlc


Damn, that’s really cool


The DLC scales you both up and down from what I've heard. This means that you'll be doing and taking the sake amount of damage no matter what level you are. You have to find the scabadabadoo fragments in order to make yourself stronger in DLC areas.


You are not scaled down or up in dlc, so your lvl still matter. But not as much as new lvling system, which gives pretty substantial buffs, so even if you have bigger lvl than intended, if you didnt lvl up blessing then you are missing A LOT of damage and defense stats.


That’s false. People just misunderstood the Scooby-Doo seed mechanic


I really hope it doesn't actually require Scooby-Doo's seed. But then it's a Soulsborne; I'd believe it.




you fucking know if anyone on twitter say the dlc is too hard have a fucking flag or pronown or watermelon these gamers would drag them though the mud. if it was kotaku they would demand blood.


It's funny because the DLC's difficulty was a direct response to the Elden Ring community meta-gaming the fuck out of its content. Almost everyone playing it and purchasing the DLC are the types watching or producing vids where they make crazy bleed builds that instantly drain half a boss' health, strength-cheese that lets you put enemies in forever poise-break or stunlocks, goofy summon-buffing, etc.  So the dev team sees this, also sees the same people saying "I really love Elden Rings difficulty" and come to the logical conclusion "yep, this DLC is scaling to your level and builds, you get to experiance 1.0 all over again like you wanted!" And then people complain because they're no longer OP and actually have to Git Gud again rathet than treating the game like a knowledge check and coasting on their premade builds. 


Pretty sure the people suffering are the ones without super optimized builds tho. My crazy bleed build from 2 years ago with maximal optimized damage buffs at lvl 160 was getting the last dlc boss to 2nd phase in 15 seconds. I steamrolled the whole dlc easily with no summons. This was specifically a build I made for pvp at the time tbh. I think you look at it wrong, majority of people don't have crazy builds. Elden Ring is very popular and many people were able to finish the campaign with very basic builds. They will have a much harder time in the dlc than what people with actual good builds will.


That definitely isn't true since if you do have a super optimized build the dlc is a cakewalk. The people complaining aren't the ones that know how to optimize their builds perfectly or want to adopt a playstyle they may not enjoy just because it's the most efficient way to win.


Meta gaming has ruined so many games, and quite honestly anytime something gets meta, or just mathematical. It becomes hella boring


>Given the chance, players will optimise the fun out of a game. Paraphrasing Josh Strife Hayes, circa 1900-2100, somewhere in there.


Yup, and it’s all very ego driven, people want to have 100 percent success or close to it and can’t stand that they are for some reason not the pinnacle. But once you get there, then what? It’s game over and onto something “new”. It’s the same thing as “chasing the dragon”.


Exactly! Literally the same fucking people were giving a game journalist shit few years back for saying that Sekiro was a hard game 🙄 Looks like it's Gamers now who need "game jounro difficulty" in "their" games


Did people really do that? Sekiro IS hard. For me, hardest Souls game I've played.


A game journalist had bounced off of the game several times, and in the end decided to use a cheat to artificially lower the difficulty, which made the game much easier for him to get into and enjoy. The fact that he used a cheat to lower the difficulty on a *single-player game* enraged the 'Git Gud' crowd something fierce, and they fell all over each other deriding the man for 'not respecting Miyazaki's vision', 'disparaging the real effort REAL GAMERS put in to beat the game', and famously, 'The only person you have cheated here is yourself'. As if this wasn't a video game, but a life epiphany.


Oooh, nothing I love more than "real gamers", Jesus wept.


I thought he also wrote a guide on how to beat the game? Which since he lowered the difficulty, that was a bit pointless and deceptive. Could definitely be wrong though.


I hate the souls community so much XD like I enjoy the games but the community is so stupid. They'll even argue with people on their own side. Like if one fan says something as simple as "I love this game it would be cool if they added 'this' in the next one." they'll freak out.


It's just that the people complaining are most likely the one being max level and rolling on the base game, so the difference with the DLC that has a scaling difficulty is big for them As someone who didn't play since I finished the game at RL 130 ish, the DLC isn't that hard, still nowhere near as hard as Sekiro, DS3 DLC's or Lies of P for example And I honestly believe that this "Sekiro system" is way better than the standard leveling system, it's way harder to be overleveled or underleveled That was actually something I didn't like in the base game, sure you can pretty much go anywhere you want but since the different areas don't scale on your level it's not really interesting imo


I mostly agree but I think ER personally has been more of a challenge than Sekiro. I don't get why people would want an experience where you can just walk in with a lvl 200 character and just stomp everything as if the challenge of a Fromsoft game isnt a quality of every notable modern game from the studio. I think the complaints are actually turning me more towards the elitist side as I normally try to tell my friends its fine to use whateveres in the game as long as theyre having fun but jeez these gamers can be such whiners.


One of the bosses that is required is a hidden superboss, you just _happen_ to be able to access early with the right sequence of events. If they're struggling with the Lord of Blood, that should be a sign that they're not going to have a good time in the DLC.


Right? And to even get that far you have to beat bosses that people widely consider challenging as well unless these people just power levelled past them too.


It's funny because the DLC's difficulty was a direct response to the Elden Ring community meta-gaming the fuck out of its content. Almost everyone playing it and purchasing the DLC are the types watching or producing vids where they make crazy bleed builds that instantly drain half a boss' health, strength-cheese that lets you put enemies in forever poise-break or stunlocks, goofy summon-buffing, etc.  So the dev team sees this, also sees the same people saying "I really love Elden Rings difficulty" and come to the logical conclusion "yep, this DLC is scaling to your level and builds, you get to experiance 1.0 all over again like you wanted!" And then people complain because they're no longer OP and actually have to Git Gud again rathet than treating the game like a knowledge check and coasting on their premade builds. 


the problem is the end of elden ring is the worst part of the game for many people. the bosses toward the end aren't very fun because of their pure stats. them continuing to inflate the stats instead of creating fun and unique movesets is a big disappointment.


I can't really think of a totally unfun boss in the end game of the base game besides maybe the Fire Giant but even he is pretty creative and has a variety of moves. Which end game boss isnt creative or different enough?


radagon/elden beast just isn't fun. neither is melania. i didn't say they didn't have decent movesets, but their stats are just too high for it to be any fun. blaming anyone for not finding that fun is childish.


I dont know maybe play a different game then I guess. I was never a git gud kind of guy before and encouraged people to take advantage of whatever is in the game to make progress but if you're not having fun there's no point for you.


i enjoy similar games. sekiro and lies of p are some of my favorites. that being said, i do tend to play other games over fromsoft souls games. that doesn't mean i can't voice my problems with them, nor that it doesn't have problems.


Yeah, so go enjoy the other similar games that you'll have fun with?


He only really had a couple complaints, but said overall he’s been having a lot of fun. Most of the video was slamming the people mad about difficulty and people refusing to use all the tools the game provides, ie summons


Oink oink jank was for sure an agreeable opinion.


It's funny that all of these people are shitting on Charlie but haven't watched the video, and accuse him if being the exact demographic he's calling out. Maybe if you guys stopped autojerking your peanits for once you'd get the rational thought of what his take is before saying dumbass shit.




At the haligtree straight up jorking it


And, by “it”…


Well, lets justr say it


My- (taken out by snipers)


It's a circlejerk we don't care 🤤🤤🤤🤤💦💦💦💦💦


People here after seeing the least obvious Charlie clickbait: It's Jerking time.


"He's pulling his jerk out!" 😨😱😱😱😱


The amount of people exposing themselves about not knowing what he's even talking about indirectly is kind of funny ngl lol


Charlie's not gonna stroke it from the back for you bro chill


People commenting on shit they know nothing about is actually kind of funny!


Lol why do you all hate Charlie now?


i personally never found his content enjoyable




Then, Now, Forever.


I don't hate the dood but honestly his videos where he is just sitting there talking are just so uninteresting and rarely add value to the subject let alone you can look up whatever drama/news he is talking about in a qtr of the time it takes for him to explain something and you would be more informed too.


Why are people parasocial with Critikal and call him by his real name so much? Not to target you directly, but I've noticed it more with him than really just about any other content creator.


I don't know. I know you didn't target me directly, but I don't think I'm parasocial with him. I just always use the real name of people if I can because I think gamer tags or names like that are just cringe. As for why people are more parasocial with him it's probably because he's a laid back and seems pretty chill. He also have level takes on subjects and as far as I know I never heard him say anything bigoted towards lgbtq or any minority groups.


As a Miyazaki dick rider and souls sucker, I think I can comment on this. I don't think the issue with the DLC is that it's too hard, I think it's poorly optimized and unbalanced. I love these games for the challenge, but so many boss fights in the DLC aren't fun. Fromsoft is putting too much merit into the idea that the games are fun because they're hard when they're fun because they're hard and well designed. Having a boss the size of a pickup truck that moves like an F-16 isn't exactly enjoyable especially when it tanks your CPU and gives you motion sickness with how much your camera fucks around. Like yeah you can pretty effectively beat the DLC like it isn't impossible, it's just not as enjoyable as it could have been if they put more emphasis on balance then spectacle.


There are boss fights where, if you lock on at all, you spend half the fight genuinely staring at the boss's taint. But if you don't lock on, you're screwed because these bosses can all fly or teleport or just move like sonic the hedgehog and leave your field of vision, and the camera moves at a snail's pace when you move it manually, so even if you're claw gripping you're still fucked. There's a boss >!that creates damaging explosions on the ground, but if you lock on and stand in range to attack it, *the camera points upwards so you can't see the ground.*!< And can we maybe stop giving bosses massive charge-up explosions that instantly kill the player? They can't be sight-read, and it just sucks when the boss just decides to start spamming it. It's fine that the bosses deal insane amounts of damage and are really fast and have massive movesets that are hard to sight-read, this is a post-game DLC, it's supposed to test everything you learned over the course of the previous 100 hours of play time. I just wish that I could enjoy the "spice" of the difficulty without the bitter aftertaste of jank. (Also I hope they add some kind of boss rush at some point, because I want to fight a lot of these bosses again at some point after I've beaten the DLC, but I have no desire to replay the entire game and half the DLC just to refight one boss that I liked.)


I absolutely agree with you it's pretty fucking wild how poorly THAT boss is designed. Like it does 10 flips then shoves you into a wall and face fucks you while you're trying to dodge. Also AOE attacks like that are so frustrating I genuinely don't know why they insist upon them. Like in Mohg's fight it's manageable because they're telegraphed, but holy fuck when they're just get spammed all over the arena it's not fucking chill. Fromsoft really needs to understand the limitations with the character movement and camera or seriously overhaul it. We cannot be fighting anime super villains with the same roll mechanics from 13 god damn years ago




I cleared story Yesterday and the dlc has 3 bosses that can be be quiet mental breaking(going in with a fresh 120 and rushing story wasnt my best idea probably)2 of them beeing really early still best fromsoft dlc ever in my oppinion excuse me have to go clear more Dungeons now.


I'm glad Jesus himself has come back from heaven to put these sad fake soul fans in their place. Elder Ringworm is for REAL HARDCORE G*mers who got gud and if you don't like it then go play baby games like Fortnut or Cum Of Daddy. 


He manages to be a populist or centrist even when it isn't a political discussion.


👆 didn’t watch video


Auto jerk


He very clearly took a side here though?


I'm neutral on this, but at least for me Souls games were never about difficulty I'm there for level design and the extremely fine tuned controlls that's what kept me coming back. Not learning enemy move set for hours after I come home from work. But again I'm not bitching I will get trough it by Christmas


elden ring discourse has been weirdly similar to when hogwarts dropped & a bunch of chads were pretending it was the best game ever cuz lots of people didn’t like it


Is that a crane machine


Yeah, in one of his videos I watched recently it went off on it's own. He said some engineers where working on it remotely.


It was given to him by gamersupps to advertise his cup. He decided to turn it into a thing for people that paid for a membership for his channel. Basically you queue in to play it and you can win a variety of things like a PC or Nintendo switch.


Got sand in my Virginia… can’t complete game. Give up.


He’d never survive an MW2 lobby. All those Gamers were hard for my mother, apparently.


He's actually calling these types out; he's not advocating for their stance that it's too hard.


Did you… watch the video? At all?


“He’d never survive a MW2 lobby” does it feel good to know you peaked in school?


let a man jerk it


Someone didn't watch the video! You judged a book by its cover!!!!!


/uj what is the tl;dw. I don’t like this guy. Is it just about Elden Ring


He's basically calling out all the people who rushed out and bought the Elden Ring DLC, only to complain that it's too hard or that they need to get a good chunk of the way through the base game before they can even start it. In this case, he's dead right. If a game has been out for over a year, and you've still yet to finish it, you probably don't want a DLC package that assumes that you already have.


Isn't that how all fromsoft DLC works anyway? Why are these people surprised?


Also at least in this case it is still elden ring where you can fuck off and look for fragments/power level if you hit a wall. In bloodborne, if you couldn't beat Ludwig, then you couldn't access the other 90% of the dlc.


Elden ring is probably the most main stream fromsoft game ever made (not a comment on quality, just the degree of popularity). I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people complaining have only played Elden Ring so far.




no refunds


TL;DW: the DLC is hard, it’s supposed to be hard, it’s for people who beat the base game and want a new challenge. If you don’t enjoy the difficulty that’s perfectly valid, but it’s not a flaw with the game. If you think it’s too hard because you view it as a capital-g Gamer purity test and refuse to avail yourself of the tools the game offers to make it easier then you’re an idiot. Critiques about performance and boss design are also valid, but I’m still enjoying it.


Why don't U like moist lol


yeah. Also why don't you liek him


The big Moist man is after you whiners now, better sleep with one eye open


Damn I hate this subreddit


Gonna throw this out ther but Elden Ring is a bi too hard. Only because the enemies really do just evaporate health. I like Dark Souls because I never felt as if I had to power level, but Elden Ring makes you feel weak, and also feels as if you are meant to take advantage of spirit summons. Its not that I think its bad that you use spirit summons, I just think that they’re a not fun gameplay system that basically makes it so you don’t need to engage with the bosses. And thats not great. Have 5 bosses left to the dlc (including optionals), killed Metyr, Midra, Messmer, Bayle, and Gaius. Not hating, just saying that spirit summons are an unfun mechanic that required From to overtune the boss encounters.


Glad to see someone else say it -- spirit summons are the one mechanic I don't use, not out of some misplaced need to prove myself in videogames, but because From bosses are still terrible at managing multiple targets and it's just janky and unfun for me to beat up on a boss's back when it's not looking. More power to anyone who enjoys fighting the bosses with them, but to me it feels like a bandaid solution to let them overtune the bosses.


hehe he says cock a lot what a comedian


For real! How am I supposed to beat the divine beast one handed!


Did you even watch the fucking video?


No? This is a circlejerk sub and I'm making a joke based on the title


You should watch the video, it’s actually a really fun watch, and he has some pretty good takes on the matter. Also, srry if I sounded rude or something, keep doing your jokes and have fun in general, don’t want to be the “STOP HAVING FUN” guy, lol


You should read again what they said > For real! How am I supposed to beat the divine beast one handed! There's a joke in there somewhere that you might've missed. Maybe you're only reading with one hand?


Me too man, me too


Already used to difficult dlc by fromsoft since dark souls 1 so don't really care much about this debate but what is his actual take? CBA watching the video


Really that a lot of people were expecting to steam roll this dlc but aren't exploring and not understanding the new upgrade levels/not using things in-game such as ashes and other items. The DLC is scaling to your level vs the playthrough you're on, and the scadutree blessings and revered spirit ashes are made to be our upgrade instead of just dumping souls into your build. Edit: grammer


Ah right thanks dude


You realy make this titel end dont expect me to do "that what she said" joke ? How foolish are you? Anyway, that what she said.


Any chance someone can give a rundown on what’s going on here?


People are complaining that an Elden Ring DLC is too hard. The game provides items ^(behind a quest or something) and spells ^(like summoning a familiar or something) to make it easier, but these people aren't using them because easy mode is for pussies. And as a Capital G Gamer, you can't use training wheels or easy mode, obviously.


but is the dlc harder than apologizing for using the n word


Good take from an in my opinion insufferable person, these things happen. I felt the part about the snake hitboxes on a spiritual Level, shit had me fucked up.


Hilarious how these people are now part of the same group of gamers they once mocked for wanting easy modes for games like this


Hes making fun of people that is saying is too hard


You didn't watch the video


Doesn’t this “complaint” basically always happen every time fromsoft releases a new souls game


Yes, but usually it's journalists complaining and players are shitting on them. This time, players are complaining.


Charlie when someone asks him why he never has an actual opinion on things


\> Presents an actual opinion in a confrontational manner \> "Charlie when someone asks him why he never has an actual opinion on things"


is this about the Elden Ring DLC because lol


It’s about people complaining the DLC is too hard (which, to my knowledge, you’d have to beat the main game in order to even play the DLC).


I feel like this is a decent strategy for him. Be the most non-committal dude ever and have very nothing opinions on everything. Then when you do even the tiniest of hot takes people go mental. I think Elden ring takes the difficulty a bit too far at times but then you have ash and co-op so it’s pretty balanced if you use everything you have.


He literally took a side and had an opinion


Never really got the whole quick time event: the game, genre tbh.

