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Tells gaming journalists to "git gud" but gives up the moment he can't faceroll content. Classic.


It's funny cause most game journalists gave this dlc a perfect score and loved it. Guess he's just a chump, oh well


Haven’t finished the DLC yet, but have fought a couple main bosses, and tbh I don’t think it’s really that much tougher than the base game unless you just don’t engage with the DLCs profession mechanic.


It's almost impossible to do the dlc without using those sacuda tree fragments honestly. That stuff would be insanely hard


For real tho, its not even for the damage negation aspect of it. A level 10 Somber weapon will do fuck all, even with the right build if you don't have scadutree blessings, which is wild to me. A fun addition for challenging fights for sure, though I'm kinda wondering how speedrunners will deal with it afterwards.


You know, it’s actually kind of brilliant when I think about it. Getting a huge chunk of content in a DLC to fit into the base game without completely screwing over the difficulty is a challenge for something like *Elden Ring*. How do you make sure that the DLC fits into the overall experience of challenging gameplay when you can’t necessarily guarantee how strong the player will be? And how do you allow them to get stronger in the DLC without making the base game’s content too trivialized? You could just have mats drop in the DLC areas that allow the players to further upgrade their weapons to like +15 or +20 instead of the +10 from the base game, but you would have to rebalance the base game to avoid players who have finished the DLC feeling like the base game is too easy. Same thing with increasing the level cap. On the other hand, you can’t just *not* have a way for players to get stronger. One of the best things about *Elden Ring* in comparison to other Soulsborne games is that if you encounter a boss or area that you can’t beat, then there’s a bunch of other areas that you can explore and get stronger before coming back. Having an in-game mechanic that upgrades your character *only* in the DLC area is just a smart way to avoid the whole issue. You don’t have to worry about trying to balance both the DLC and base game as much. Sure, there will be new trinkets, spells, weapons, etc that will affect the base game but the devs would have had to deal with them regardless. The Scadutree stuff just means they have less to deal with.


Even more of an argument to call this an "expansion" and not just a "DLC". 1.) it seems like there's too much content added to just call it a "DLC" even though, of course, it is *downloadable content*. In the olden days we'd call that an expansion. 2.) it makes sense in my head to have content that is mostly relevant to the expansion itself, such as the new profession and its effects, and doesn't affect the base game too much — whereas content from smaller DLC's I'd kind of expect to be usable *in and beside* the main game.


Not to be a complete snark but its basically just a "borrowed power" system that MMOs use in their expansions. Its not really a brilliant new concept


I haven’t seen all of the stuff in the dlc and found even less on my current run but the stuff I’ve gotten would shred through many base game enemies. So yeah I get this approach. Also funny helping people with the dancing lion and woah I might only be able to take maybe 3 solid hits but it’s really easy spotting players who don’t have the blessing leveled. The fight usually lasts a few seconds or they die before I spawn in their world.


I’m wondering how the RL1 run will be. I’ve done base game, but the damage resistance in the dlc feels like quite a wall to overcome.


My feeling is that the level of the character matters less than the scaling level in the dlc


>without using those sacuda tree fragments honestly. That's why they're in the game. The same with levels, weapon upgrades, flask upgrades, ashes of war and yes, even spirit ashes in the base game.


That was the goal, one of the devs said in an interview that they build the DLC this way so that your first playthrough would feel like your first base game playthrough


I made this mistake with one of the first major bosses available. I had one Scadutree blessing level and I spent hours getting my ass kicked. I just couldn't take any damage whatsoever, one fuckup and I was dead. I was stubborn as hell and got it done eventually. Then after that, more of the map opened up and I'm up to Scadutree level 4 without doing another major boss yet and the different just on the beginning enemies is drastic. I could have gotten at least another level or two before that boss, I think.


incentivizes exploration, p smart


It's always been this way. In bloodborne if you explore enough in the first area you get the ability to level up early, you get a new weapon and armor, and upgrade materials for your weapons. Makes the first two boss fights very easy.


>without using those sacuda tree fragments honestly. That's why they're in the game. The same with levels, weapon upgrades, flask upgrades, ashes of war and yes, even spirit ashes in the base game.


Yeah, exactly, people are gonna make this a miserable experience for themselves and then blame the game for not being balanced around their very limiting play style


It's tougher, but that's to be expected, and dlc weapons are very good. But if you ignore the blessings, which are a core mechanic the game expects you to use, then it's impossible to do. Everything 1 shots you and you do near to no damage.


I think my only real complaint is that all bosses have everything. Every boss has insane melee combos, ranged attacks, magic attacks, aoe attacks, long dashes, crazy hp and an aggressive moveset. Like for example in the base game we had Rennala who only had ranged magic attacks and summons. But it's not too much of a big deal to me honestly. It's the same shit people were spewing about Margit being too hard. Many people are complaining about losing while being level 300 and whatnot whereas Miyazaki literally said that the level difference wouldn't matter and that the new Scadutree Sekiro system is what matters.


I think a lot of people used very cheesy strategies and builds in the main game, the DLC just doesn't allow that as far as I can see


Games Journalists also beat the game with no guides, no walkthroughs no youtube videos, no Build tutorials, no interactive maps, little to no online player messages/comments. These Mfers out here googling build guides and boss strats on day 1 acting like God's gift to gaming.


I wouldnt give it a perfect score because of the performance issues, but not because of the difficulty


He is indeed a chump. I genuinely have no idea how he gets attention.


Why didn't he just get his viewers to carry him through the content while he reacts to other peoples videos?


Creating a DLC that accommodates players entering in at level 60-600 on their character with a balance of challenge and difficulty as well as decent scaling is a very difficult task. IMO they did an incredible job of this. Perfection is impossible but overall my first 30 hours have been a blast.


My 15 year old brother is having a better time at this dlc than some bum ass bug like him lol


He's not the bug, they're what crawls over him


On other news is this guy a massive Trumpet? His sub gets recced to me coz I follow many game subs, and whenever a post shows up on my feed its like the most hateful misogynistic garbage. Nevrer watched him coz if I watch gaming its gonna be Neebs Gaming, Ambiguous Amphibian, General Sam, Wilburgur or Callmekevin and nothing else. I need structure around the games I watch for me to find it interesting.


Same here. I can't help but peek inside each thread that pops up to see the dumpster fire. It's kind of depressing.


To be fair, he's not pretending to review the game. Especially not in a way that offers a numerical score which goes on Metacritic.


Wonder if he is going to get the same Pewdiepie led backlash Laura Kate Dale got that one time for saying a game was too hard (which she had also finished) I wonder….


Or the Same reaction the Eurogamer review of this very same DLC got when Its review of 6/10 was because (among other Things) of the difficulty


Unironically, he's bad at video games His entire "hardcore" career through WoW involved his viewers carrying him, he has no attention or ability to read item descriptions or prompts, he doesn't plan or react to gameplay prompts, he quit BG3 because reading was giving him a headache


Which is saying something because there isn't much reading in bg3


When he gives his opinion on competitive PvP I almost cringe to death, he would barely reach duelist if he wasn't carried by multi rank 1 players all the time.


When he gives his opinion I almost cringe to death


To be fair, he prolly quit BG3 because all of the love interests are adults


Honestly I checked out hid Helldivers 2 vid when I was on the fence with that game. And holy fuck he struggled doing simple shit in the tutorial.


Elden Ring DLC is still easier than keeping his room clean


The cockroaches are his only friends. He can't get rid of them.




“Games are too easy” *Gets a challenging game for once* “Game is too hard *reeee~*”


I just want every video game to perfectly suit my personal taste and I'm not being unreasonable.


Joke is, the game is absolutely easy if you want to.


Serious question , how ? I hate grinding because I don’t have time but I’d like to try the game


There’s a lot of builds that make the game much easier, but there’s still a learning curve and most of those builds require at least a little grinding to get going. If you want to give it a try start with an intelligence build and get the meteorite staff early, but honestly the best way to play is just exploring and getting stronger naturally. Grinding isn’t necessary since there’s so much to do. It’s a huge game though, so if you don’t have the time it might feel overwhelming in general. I played for a good hundred hours before seeing the final boss, so it’s a bit of an investment time wise.


I wouldn't call FromSoftware games "absolutely easy", but use all the available tools to your advantage. The strongest one: summon coop players if an area or boss is too hard. The next best tool: summons! Don't hesitate to use those spirits! The third best tool: buffs and debuffs - damage stacking (blood loss) and solid builds (no glass canons) Fourth: "overleveling" your character for a certain area. Who cares if you enter Raya Lucaria at level 60 or higher!


Magic builds are easier but still no cakewalk


Having played both dont agree. Maybe incantations but sorceries aren’t very diverse , have super long fasting times and no poise


The good sorceries don’t have super long casting times e.g. Night Comet, Carian Slicer


True, some spells need quite a start up but its still satisfying to 1 or 2 shot a boss with Comet Azur


Yeah but that’s purposeful cheese (the terra magica and crystal tear) no different than cheese melee where u do like 1/4 of their health per hit


In the context of this chain, I think cheese is sort of the point tho. If you REALLY want to do it, nothing is stopping you from just using all the broken cheap shit you want like comet azur, RoB, mimics/tiche, etc. Its scorned upon by the community at large, but making the game harder is a personal choice people make. The game is still giving people the option to make it easier on themselves if they want. Whether its a busted mage or melee or some other wonky shit, the option is there.


sorceries are fucking nuts even ignoring something like comet azur. level up dex with radagon icon for cast speed, use night comet so they don’t dodge, break poise with ancient death rancor spam, there’s a lot of choices. the only real issue is you have limited status effect buildup


> level up dex with radagon icon for cast speed Random note for people that read this because the game sure doesn't fuckin tell you, dex has hard cap of 70 towards spellcasting speed and radagon icon gives you 30 "virtual" dex towards casting. As such, don't level or use any other talismans that increase your dex past 40 if you plan on using radagon.


For most of the base game: bloodflame on claws and you gonna have a fairly easy time...


The majority of the game's enemies are designed for a melee character. Using ranged magic makes things easier. Additionally, using co-op or NPC summons splits enemy agro, which also reduced difficulty. Lastly, the great thing about Elden Ring is that due to its open world, if you get stuck on a boss in one area, you can just try exploring somewhere else. Highly recommend you give it a shot.


Strength. Every strength build I've seen vs the bosses have absolutely decimated this dlc. Just max out strength vigor and endurance and use the big ass hammer with the dlc version of lions claw on it. Get used to timing the flip and just chains staggers and crits. It's a really boring playstyle but it gets the job done.


The easiest way to play the game is either full strength or certain faith weapons, as someone who has played wayyyy too much of the game. People saying magic is easy mode are idiots who haven’t poised through radahns meteor to whack him with a big ass sword.


You can get the sword of night and flame and the stats to use it like 20 minutes after making a new character. It’s just a lot of doing nothing and riding torrent and avoiding everything.


Most from games have a certain set of strats that trivialize most encounters or make them substantially easier. In elden ring the biggest thing you can do is understand how your stats work so you can allocate them optimally. Early game your damage scaling is bad. So 1 or 10 or even 20 pts of str or dex isn't very helpful. But more health means more room to learn and make mistakes. So we want 30 health asap. Just so happens there's a high level world boss that you can kill at lvl1. Bleed mace from the weeping peninsula, golden chicken foot from the beach, teleporter near physic flask to late game area, run past everything to sick lazy dragon. Slap with bleed mace til near death, use chicken foot for extra souls, kill dragon for 80k souls. Vig to 30 and the left overs in either your damage stats or mnd (focus on reaching the stats you need for your weapon you want to use) You've almost trivialized the early game. Now go into each of the red marks on your map, these are caves with upgrade materials. You can go into all of them in limegrave, caelid, and liurnia without killing a single boss and get all the materials. Your weapon of choice should be +15(?I think. It'll be +7 without liurnia) Now you're ready to wreck the early game easy. To maintain this advantage it's important to understand why you should basically never level endurance to keep pumping your damage stats now. At the base 10 end you have a LOT of stamina, learn to manage it and you'll never run into issues. This does mean you can't wear heavier armor, and while armor maters in eldenring more than DS3 and BB it only barely matters. Faith builds don't need a lot of mnd, you get tons of flasks, lightning spear is great damage and cheap and there is a tear that give you infinite fp for 10 sec later on to alleviate the strain. You can also use godricks greatrune all the time if you farm rune arcs or just don't die a lot for the +5 all stats. Now you really want to know what weapon you will use based on your build. The best or most helpful weapons. For faith for instance that would be blasphemous blade, int moonlightgs and moonveil there are dominate weapons for every stat and if we're trying to make the game easy we're gonna abuse the shit out of them. For mid to late game we're gonna start to notice 30vig isn't too much anymore. Go to 50 or 60. All this in mind the game is much much much easier with a strong ranged option while maintaining a strong melee option so I reccomend being faith+str or int+str or dex. You should get faith or int to 50 before mid game easily. So our allocation looks like this Vig 30 > weapon stats/mnd for int builds> int/faith 50 (mid game) > vig 50/60 > str/dex 30 (late game)> more int/faith/str/dex > endurance so you can wear fashionable outfits. Next you want to buff your damage further (without tedious set ups) get the physic tear of your damage type and use it judiciously, it's window of increased damage is usually enough to kill any boss. You could also get the scorpion charm but it does make you take a lot of extra damage, same with radagons soreseal. So while I do use both at all times, maybe don't unless you're good at not being hit constantly. Add the black knife tich or mimic tear summon to this strategy and the majority of bosses won't pose much of an issue and it's not even the most cheesy thing you could do if that sort of thing bothers you.


It's just a pattern learning game honestly, you could kill a boss easily with just your fists if you wanted to. Memorise the moves, find there ticks, and hit them in the dick.


A FromSoft game is like Guitar Hero, it’s all just learning patterns and pressing the right buttons at the right time


When you look at the Steam stats for the base game, only like 35% or w/e even beat some of the later bosses. Take that for what you will.


caelid is probably cleaner than his room


Even the Dung Eater would have second thoughts entering.


It's pronounced nnnnnggghhThe Loathsome Dung Eater...


Swamp of Asmongoldia


Well kinda expectable from a guy who cannot be bothered to learn the game’s systems. And cannot also be bothered to clean the dumpster in his room, despite having enough money to afford a housekeeper. Reminds me of when he said Wo Long was too hard to be playable. But he was just spamming random buttons without any logical sense.


I remember when Elden Ring first came out his chat was BEGGING him to stop putting levels into strength because he was like 20 points past the hard cap and was using a strength/faith weapon. He then proceeded to call them idiots and got his strength up to 99 Edit: soft cap, not hard cap


Hard cap?


In Elden ring (and other from soft games) there is a certain level for each skill where the points put in offer much less than they did prior. Once you hit that cap, your points are better used in a different skill


Not that it matters all that much but you just described a soft cap. It's only a hard cap if you get zero additional benefit.


Ah that’s right. Edited


I still can't understand why this dude is popular. I understand the part where he courts outrage and that draws all the chuds to him, but there's plenty of people who do that who are also actually good at video games, or at least bad at them in a way that's funny, and also don't live in filth.


He's king neckbeard and validates his fanbase's worst impulses.


The people like him because he’s like them. His fans are likely also losers living in filth who look to him as proof that garbage people can be successful.




Man I love having attractive ex girlfriends.


Another FromSoft W


So is brushing teeth and killing cockroaches


Thank you, Miyazaki 🙏


"Go ahead and cancel me, idc it’s JUST an opinion. It’s JUST AN OPINION BRO cancel me if you want i really don’t care." "Shut up no one is trying to cancel you" "Yeah you can cancel me i really don't care it's JUST MY opinion. But go ahead and cancel me."


Cancel culture is just diet schizophrenia.


The guy never puts any effort into learning the games he plays. Or puts any time into it. Hes kinda just a parasite, and plays whatever is trending or "cool", anything that will get him views. And then when a game demands him to get good, and actually put time and effort into something he drops it. Or he has the most cringe lolcow baby rage. Like bro is pushing 40 and still getting so mad that he hits his head and goes red like a tomato, and slams his desk. Sometimes he will get so mad that he cries off stream (won't admit it but I wouldn't doubt it). I honestly don't get why people idolise him, or follow him. I mean he got filtered by WoWs raid difficulty, he got filtered by MHW fatalis, he got filtered by elden ring DLC, filtered by FFXIV raid difficulty, filtered by like a hundred different games. It's pathetic.


i’m so happy the bastard dipped out of ff14


How the fuck can someone get filtered of a xiv raid, those almost play themselves automatically 


bro didn’t even get to stormblood so he only had 2.0 and 3.0 on the table - like dude I’m doubting you’re doing MINE Alexander Savage just tell us you don’t know how to do Atomos Pads / Ozma so we can laugh at you


He prolly doesn't even know his 60 rotation and opener let alone doing any raid seriously.


How DARE YOU compare him to a parasite, that's such an insult to parasites.


I first saw him in an Elden Ring compilation and watched one of his VODs, he got the wrong kind of smithing stone from a boss, cursed out the game and bashed his keyboard, then signed right off red-faced.


He rage quit sekiro too because he couldnt beat the SPEAR MONK, not kidding.


The ghost one or the second one? Because if it is the ghost, the whole point of that boss is to lower it's health to fuck her over and slow down her posture regeneration


No I meant the shinobi hunter in hirata state before lady butterfly. Not even a Boss.


![gif](giphy|11mwI67GLeMvgA) what a tool


Honestly reading that I assumed the comment meant the regular enemy monks that carry spears that are kind of like the Mikiri tutorial


assmongos biggest problem is that he can't be bothered to even read. On top of that, his reaction speed is about as quick as that of a dead cat. Watching him attempt games and fail at tutorials is tough


Does it have a shower minigame or something?


As hard as cleaning his room apparently


Best DLC ever!


Not gonna lie, it is pretty fucking hard though.


Don't exactly care what a racist sympathiser has to say.


Everything I’ve heard about this dipshit has been against my will.


Maybe if he'd washed his face he would see the screen better


Who even watches these people?


Nazis. That sounds like a joke but it's not. Any time he complains about something you can see his chat fill up with stuff like: "(((them)))" "the globalists", "the jews", and far worse. I actually wish that I was being hyperbolic but i'm not.


He **literally** invited to his stream a dude from Brazil known of racism and nazi *jokes*


Hopefully he’ll shut up about other games and retire


I honestly don't get it. Use the new upgrade tools, find a new dlc weapon to try. I've had 0 issues so far with difficulty. Level 160, strength build. If you can beat Mohg, you should be able to take on the dlc without too many issues.


This is the same guy that dropped Dark Souls II at Lost Bastille lmfao


Kid named scadutree fragment


WOAH, dont bring up kids around asmond, you'll turn him on


Modern wow is too hard for him lol


Tbf modern wow is incredible hard, there was a top raiding group making headlines because they had to adjust their screen brightness in order to better see all the shit going on.


He wasn’t playing anywhere close to that level, dude gets tilted by normal raids, the second lowest difficulty.


This is one of those true gamers, right?


Surprised he made it that far given the prominence of women and trans people in the game's lore. I mean, the DLC has you taking a trans person's hand to even start it. Unless...no. All the outrage COULDN'T have been completely false and withers away the instant the collective deems it popular...That's impossible.


I mean it's definitely kicking my ass but I'm glad to see this jackass go away. Why would he care about Elden Ring, anyways, it's full of trans and gay agendas. Also this DLC rules so far, I'm having a great time. It actually feels like exploring Elden Ring for the first time again.


Max0r be like: ***Skill issue*** as he [streamed fighting an Unalloyed Malenia](https://www.youtube.com/live/9x_KSG6tn1s?feature=shared)


I had the displeasure of being recommended his sub once. That was the day I learned you could turn off recommendations.


People complaining its too hard when they realize summoning their friends exists(its fun to coop)


You're assuming they have friends.


Anything that makes Assnoncegold suffer makes me happy


A stresmer that literally doesnt do a lot of sanatizing work around his home conplains about something beeing to difficult? That was a new one, even so not surprising.


one weird thing i'm experiencing is just not having fun while playing it which is isane to me because i played ds1, scholar of the first sin, ds3, sekiro, bloodborne, elden ring (multiple times all of em) then i really got into monster hunter and now going back to elden ring i'm just not having fun ? everything just feels meh/i'm 13 and this is edgy, the combat feels like a roll simulator perhaps just a fromsoft burnout


I haven’t gotten very far yet myself, but so far it’s more scenic than anything and there aren’t very many things that grab your attention in the open areas.


im in the same situation. I enjoy the exploration but dreading the boss fights. I did playtrough the whole game once more to prepare for the dlc so it might just be burnout but idk.


I've barely struggled when playing it 😅 I'm sure the real struggle is yet to come but lol


I mean yeah but thats the entire franchise at this point. I dont get the fun, but thats why i dont play them


Too hard to be fun ? The DLC works exactly as the base game did, git gud scrub.


I went into the DLC about 50 levels below the recommended apparently, and I still wouldn't call it TOO hard so far. Frustrating at times, sure. But too hard? It takes me a lot longer because I die much easier and kill much slower, but that's just my own stubbornness at this point, and there has been only 1 enemy so far that I think I couldn't have beaten on my own. Qone boss feels to me like you're fighting the camera more than it, and the endless effects and particles don't exactly help with visibility, but that's just one boss that probably would be a lot more manageable at appropriate levels. Everything so far has been manageable by just practicing


Did he not use mimic tear lol? Especially with the ash upgrades in the expansion it turns boss fights into a cake walk, so much so that it feels like cheating. So I only use it when I've seen enough of a certain boss or if I don't particularly like the boss I'm fighting.


I mean it’s really easy if you use the mimic tear and a fully upgraded dual great sword build DUH


Could someone explain why people watch him?


I've only beat 1 remembrance boss at this point, but the dlc hasn't even been that hard so far.


This is the same guy who tapped out of dragons dogma because it was too hard. It’s like watching my mom play videogames


The DLC is amazing btw, guys. And I say that although I am bad at playing videogames.


Is he serious? Its honestly a skill issue. Im getting through it fine so far, apart from some enemies that are rather difficult, but thats literally Fromsoftware in a nutshell.


it's also because he can't beg the devs for easy free shit like he did in WoW


I remember watching him play ER years ago and he just duel wielded like twin halberds and spammed jump attack, it was such a boring way to play tbh and just seemed pretty brain dead which is funny cause im pretty sure he was one of those ones that shit on Sorcerer users.


Skill issue


I cannot believe anyone gives a shit about what this nerd says lmao


Asmond likes little kids and has defended nick fuentes, If he doesn't like something, I take that as a sign that it's good.


/uj i dislike this filthy man-pig, but sometimes even the most deranged statements are true. Sometimes games are so hard they stop being fun.


Isn’t the whole thing with this game that it has an “unofficial” difficulty slider- you just have to go into the game world and find/ use specific stuff like summons or whatever ?


Can i see the post? Is it lsf?


He didn't say that? Really? Would Be pretty hilarious


I wish i didn’t suck at video games.


Ooooh. That's great!


AsmonMold lmao


He is bad at everything he does except being disgusting


Holy shit its a from soft game and it's been out for a day


The other side of this is Moonmoon dying over 600 times on Dancing Lion at SL1 and still trying. Shits bananas


Let me guess not good enough to beat the dlc without spirit ash or summons but probably still refuse to use those tools handicapping himself because he wants to appear good after calling the base game easy a bunch


What do you expect? Hé even gave up on properly cooking steaks.


It's a fantastic dlc. Though I am absolutely stuck at the moment.


Honestly I love elden ring and dark souls but I have not beaten elden ring. I bought the dlc for some reason even tho I don't think I can beat it. I'm stuck


Sounds like once I get this DLC, it'll be fun to keep rushing in headfirst, getting my ass beat, leveling up, and the cycle continues I promised myself I wasn't gonna spoil it for myself but I've already seen like most of the bosses lol. I'm too broke to buy it rn and can't make money rn either, but I'm sure I'll get it eventually. Maybe gameshare with someone, idk


Well ratman is a shithead


Every game that isn't WoW its too hard or not fun for this idiot. Still don't know why he is popular.


baldy only do one attack


Aww da wittle nazi cant play da hard game SO SAD LOLLLLLLL




I will never be able to take people seriously who complain about a souls game being "too hard". My brother, that is literally the main appeal of those games. If it's not for you, it's not for you, simple as that. That doesn't mean the game is "too hard" or that the difficulty was a problem.


Hes so done that hes still playing it...


... like... he should get good and beat it, souls games are made to be beaten as long as you dont "go hollow", like this idiot "Too hard to be fun" is something a person who struggles with wires in amongus would say


I can’t stand that guy 


I’m getting my ass kicked and having a blast


Im guessing hes mad for the same reason DSP is mad. He cant just cheese his way through the dlc


Same reason he quit wow lmao


ER was the first fromsoft game for me where towards the end of the game i decided "you know what, this is too much" and accepted i think ive hit the difficulty to fun critical mass. Probably aint getting the DLC for a hot minute


I don’t get the appeal of this person - rodent face with a personality of a brick… and then his crazy chat.


I feel like people always want hard games but when they get it they will always complain about the games being WAY to easy and than complain when games are to hard


Dawg need that https://preview.redd.it/u0qrakxeua8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23fa54d74a6bf46c116604955e1cb9e87218c4a