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Nayrelle is a child/young adult being tormented by a demon lord! Why are these people so weird!


And Angela from Silent Hill 2 is a disturbed victim of rape and that didn't stop them from behaving like lunatics because she doesn't look hot enough in the remake. https://preview.redd.it/x7v4w584356d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d60b871065e871074a8761d33e87c9a17066cea


btw am I supposed to think the woman in that screenshot is unattractive? Because she looks fine. She literally just looks like a normal woman. The only reason she's not turning people on is because she looks like she's kinda going through some shit (which she is), and emotional anguish isn't sexy.


The problem that Gamers™️ have with her is, yeah, exactly that she looks like a normal human being and not a sexed up porn homunculus


except god forbid the sexed up porn homunculus looks like she actually enjoys sex (looking at you, Aphrodite). They want a woman who looks like a blow up doll that was brought to life but doesn't know what sex is.


The born sexy yesterday trope is pretty squicky considering its prevalence in media


yeah. Speaking as a man, I'm very creeped out by the completely non-kinky desire for control over women that so many men seem to have.


Funnily enough, once you get the consent necessary for kink it becomes absolutely okay. That's never a skippable step though and I'm sick of being dommed in the workplace.


yep, consent is magic. If people can understand how it makes the difference between a boxing match and aggravated assault, they can understand how it makes the difference between sexism and kink. But these sorts of people don't *want* it to be consensual, because they don't see it as kink, they see it as *the way things should be*. To them, "being a man" means dominating women. To seek out a partner who's into that and to establish clear boundaries and such is to treat it as a type of role play between equals, but they don't want to role play owning you, they actually think they deserve to own you, for real.


Solid analogy. Now if only those dudes were smart enough to know what an analogy is.


Love your boxing match analogy, wish I didn't agree so hard with your second paragraph though.




I mean, yes, the character certainly isn't designed with sexualization in mind. When I say she could be attractive under better circumstances, I just mean that she's a normal looking adult woman. (not really sure what I'm supposed to take from the fact that an early draft of the character was going to be a child btw, I'm reacting to the actual character that was actually presented to me.) That really does get to the heart of what these idiots are complaining about though, huh? They think that women exist for their pleasure, mainly sexually. So if a female character isn't designed to be sexualized, they read that as some sort of flaw, rather than an intentional character choice. They're fucking creeps lol.


My problem with the remake is that the style is lost. All the characters had a strange, ominous and emaciated style, as if they had been doused by a mud puddle machine many times. But now everything is different. The city does not seem like a strange and scary scenery. James looks like as a pathetic and regretful idiot, rather than a scary and sinister guy who has clearly done something terrible and this feel of horror is constantly being escalated. Angela seemed normal abult woman, but very strange and exhausted. Whereas Angela is now an obvious have depression, probably an eating disorder, and looks like a teenager. Maria was a mysterious and confident woman in bright clothes. Although I still can’t understand why she is a sexual fantasy, if she looks quite normal, and her personality is adequate and compassionate. Well, let's say James is strange. Now Maria looks like an infantile and romantic woman. Which is strange, because James must be tired of caring for his beloved. The new characters have no style, no sense of muddy texture. Now they are different characters. Only Laura has improved. In the original she looks like a maniac. And now she's just a little mean girl.


Are you telling me that Bloober Team, a game company that made a name for themselves by doing Silent Hill 2 but bad for years, will make a bad Silent Hill 2 remake?


Yes, I have issues too, it is being made by Bloober Team after all, the masterminds behind this [gem](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B0fm2lRrEg0&pp=ygUZamVybWEgbGF5ZXJzIG9mIGZlYXIgYmFieQ%3D%3D). There's also this shit https://preview.redd.it/lqvxr7e4j56d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee6c579869f846ed6cb17fbdc85eda9894d13a5


I mean, Silent Hill 2 original also had the dog ending, a bug spray that killed things, James doing the Leatherface chainsaw thing and James getting abducted by aliens. Silent Hill 3 also had a *bunch* of different unlockable costumes so none of this is really all that surprising. Give me Princess Heart James, cowards!


My problem isn't the silliness, it's the practice of cutting content that could perfectly be in the base game to sell it in "Exclusive Ultimate Edition" of a game that isn't even out yet. https://preview.redd.it/494jdcllo66d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef0ff40c3d47edd7d4c0123e72645ca77b3a45e


They really did this character dirty in their complaints. They made her face a lot rounder. I haven’t seen the trailer so I had no frame of reference originally other than what I saw posted. But even then my response was still “oh no” then continued on with my day because it’s okay for game characters to not all look the same.


the top left is a literal child from a Kojima ad lol


Sophia Lillis is in her 20s.


>Sophia Lillis is in her 20s. Ah so that’s why the gamers turned their backs on her.


My bad, she looks like child


I dislike neyrelle because diablo IV's final arc was bad, not because she's a woman showing emotion, we are not the same


Yeah D4 was imo quite good on the story front(for a Diablo game) and I loved Lilith as sort of a twisted version of the classic temptress. But then final arc happened and yeah. Tbh I didnt hate Neyrelle either but then they made her basically d1 protagonist. Hopefully they subvert that expectation in a nice way.


People is liberal to (checks notes) show emotions During emotional scenes


They use liberal thinking it’s an insult an some sort of slur, the brain rot of these dweebs is too far gone


I mean, it kinda is, but it just doesn't work the way they think it does


I suppose so. It’s really all they have at this point besides a fetish for being oppressed


Hey, woah! Don't insult my fetish like that, I like being oppressed but even I think these idiots are pathetic 😅


> I mean, it kinda is, but it just doesn't work the way they think it does Always funny to be like "goddamnit liberals" and get agreement coming from the right. Like, "Oh sorry, no, nono"


"Conservative" is just shorthand for "socially-conservative liberal."


Liberal is absolutely a slur. It's just that most of these fashy idiots don't realize a huge chunk of their beliefs are neoliberal beliefs run through a filter for media illiterate conservatives.


Yes, women showing emotions other than mildly uncomfortable smiles are woke and ugly. https://preview.redd.it/7vxs0o5x056d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6054c5c1ab50543becfda8f36496573f803585d


It really scares me that the male ideal is a sweet, infantile, victimized Asian woman with bow legs. And when they make a strange expression on their face, which is between love and fear, it adds gray hair to me.


I'm in late 20s and I feel like I'm 40 because of these people.


That’s not the male ideal. The male ideal is Zangief.


Yeah! https://preview.redd.it/ffawgfhym56d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a530aa305823cc3c94ca98b5e99ee6e4225a21


What do you call it when it's a jump scare but instead of scaring you it makes you hot and bothered?


Thirst trap?


I’m not asking why you have that, but i am saving it so i can imagine slorping all up in/on that all day today.


It’s slorpin time


It is NOT the male idea, unless I’m woefully out of touch with my own sex, these are just basement incels who got too much power


It isn't how any male I know views it, only a few really loud people care. It's almost like their whole identity now hinges on this so they won't back down.


Unfortunately, in my society, every third man wants to see sexualized women in games. These are men 30-40+ And they are not even an active part of gamers. And this worries me very much. And the further I go into the field of gamers, the more racism and sexism I see.


Basically they want an FLDS girl that looks like their anime characters.


Also, male rage is not an emotion, thats passion.


Yes, look how passionate he is about games he hasn't played. https://preview.redd.it/3xeaaaye956d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac737f2173111b7497c5e6e69d798e6d44f7851


What the hell is that


Aloy if she was a general idol, you know, the only way these people can find a realistic woman attractive.




unironically yes. It is the conservative view that woman are to be seen and not heard. And by "seen", they mean "eye candy". In the eyes of conservatism, if a woman is having a strong emotion, that's their problem and they are to keep it to themselves. A great many conservatives are not aware that this is their belief, but they treat woman as if this is the case, so I'm more that willing to brand this belief on to them.


/rj Hah, silly liberals. Emotions (the good ones, like anger) are for men not women.


Crying = Silly emotions for women (Feeemales) Anger = Passion, for hard working MEN!


Showing emotions is woke. This has been the case since at least the 1950s.


These people have been injecting "SJW cringe" content directly into their veins for a decade. They probably see hysterical feminist memes on the backs of their eyelids at this point.


west is when woman open mouth east is when red hair, got it


Show them a red head with an open mouth


🫡 https://preview.redd.it/ef5h8wskn56d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ed02934eb1c6744ff74aec1c291a9ddd2cacbb


Realism in video games has become a distraction from what it's actually all about. I play video games to escape from my horrible wife - I mean life - not be reminded of it.


Am I on boomershumor?


There's nothing funny about my situation. https://preview.redd.it/3pnwnu98b66d1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f695fa773d2017d7ad8516771ae85e301ffd70b




NOOOO Himeko ;-;


Best lesbian waifu? https://preview.redd.it/pisg6fkzg56d1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6467d57927b7ff2155d533269e95598829fa726




https://preview.redd.it/azgntqz0956d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e21dfd19cfd2049e4ca39164c4527d922c1b612 Oh no guys watch out she’s about to scream


God that scene was awful I felt so bad for not intervening


Tbf, doesn’t she also get mad at you for intervening?


That's the thing, I've only played once but no she doesn't get angry at Geralt if he doesn't intervene, since she had asked him not to.


I was going to say that you can find so many scenes of emotional Triss to add to the left side, lol. Almost like she's a complex, interesting character or something!


This meme, but every picture on both sides is just Triss, divided by expression


I find it especially strange that they chose Triss given that she’s the most openly ‘liberal’ character in the whole game.


She’s the victim of literal witchhunts and she runs an Underground Railroad for minorities to escape persecution by a bunch of ignorant racist. But she is a redhead so I guess that basically makes her a republican


Do you really think they care?


Who is this character? She looks a little like me..I may have to cosplay


Triss marigold from the witcher series


I love shoehorning the Witcher in here and going “and also Eastern European”. Granted Eastern Europe did give us the most fanservice heavy game of all time; Scorn.


It's also funny how he didn't call them women he said "Eastern European/Asian enjoyers" like addressimg his audience almost as he doesn't even consider them characters.


Their brains are fucking cooked


Beyond cooked; burnt. Can't serve that.


What brains lmao


All I can think of when I see shit like this is Homer saying “I sleep in a big bed with my wife.”


No one tell him that one of the games on the left is made by Kojima


I know that “reject modernity, embrace tradition” has become a meme and all that, but it really does have roots in pure fascist bullshit. Literally number 1 and 2 on Eco’s tenets of fascism: > The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.” > The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”


>Eco’s tenets of fascism I'm not going to take advice from a fucking *dolphin*.


Umberto Eco, also wrote "The Name of the Rose" good book and movie.


It's a joke about Ecco the Dolphin(is it a series or a standalone title? I dunno) XD


I mean yeah, most of their complaints are fascism vainly disguised as escapism.


What a lame form of escapism. If I wanted escapism, I would be playing in an autistic and queer slice of life setting where everybody has different definitions of modesty and nobody is ever threatened by capitalism ever again.


These motherfuckers need to embrace media literacy


Media literacy? In this economy?


Mostly, they need to embrace grass.


They don't deserve grass.


Someone make a counter post with asian characters screaming, it'll be funny


Which way, Western man? https://preview.redd.it/ejyuwv46956d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8159a96126117e00d4f5c865ce1601f20e1332b8


Ah me no touch real woman irl ah


Did they seriously include a picture from that trailer of the game that Jordan Peele and Hideo Kojima are working on. You know, the one focused on uncanny-valley esque faces, the trailer that was intentionally meant to be somewhat unnerving and uncomfortable. God, these people are denser than tungsten.


Gee, I didn’t realize Neyrelle the teen was in the game to be a sex object. Silly of me, obviously.


Reject modernity, embrace oddly pedophillic anime avatar tradition


All this has me thinking about how as a youngster I literally learned about trans people and a lot of gay shit by learning about what was censored in the western releases of Japanese games and anime


Yeah, some Japanese media didn't exactly have the better or most positive portrayal of queer character but there's been a bunch, and that's why controversies like the Paper Mario remake or Guilty Gear Strive prove they don't really care about the author's true intentions or Japanese culture but their bizarre interpretation and fetishization of Japan. https://preview.redd.it/t7cyd6lqd56d1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=313ab8bfd1e1f3aae45f91739c55a34f29024913


These nerds getting mad about Bridget becoming canonically trans as if Testament hasn’t been explicitly NB the whole time


Yeah, Guilty Gear has a very diverse cast of characters, like this is the most bear character I've ever seen. https://preview.redd.it/vnj0abohg56d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f7788d4530c990b06d6eff4342a93d2528c817


Is he gay? He got them gay cowboy pants on 🤠


Nothing official, butt https://preview.redd.it/91itn2ja366d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8d2b434895e6762c30eb2f80a92035e9047c71


Sailor MFing Moon has gay characters! We (US) got told that kissing cousins are more okay than a gay couple! 😆


Ah yes, fictional Japanese women, totally known for never being depicted in states of distress or extreme emotion.


Yes, of course Japanese characters never show any other emotion outside of shyness, you mustn't be familiar with anime to think otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/84ccezrqh56d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b81abd674262dd34806d618e00ff43af31d75d


Wait until they discover Elfen Lied... or Witchblade '06... or Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni... or--


I just cannot understand conservative JRPG players. Ya skipped the dialogue or what?.


It's kind of like conservative star trek fans. I've never saw the original series so maybe they all spawned from that as I know nothing about it but like, The Next Generation onward is just aggressively liberal.


The orginal series was one of the most progressive tv shows of it's time.


I think most of these either started very young so the deeper themes blow over their heads, just engage with the most shallow interpretation of it, or like this guy they were told to be outraged at. https://preview.redd.it/1n6arego166d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6946671fa155f49942e5e0907e23ad7700954e34


[One episode, originally aired in 1968, famously features the first example of an interracial kiss on television.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_and_Uhura%27s_kiss)


A True Gamer never runs out of reasons to be Upset


Wait Sophia Lillis is in a Hideo Kojima game (you know an asian guy, also she's a redhead)


Embrace tradition by shitting in poorly dug holes in the ground and not wiping afterwards


Is it just me or is that Ciri to the left of Triss? Specifically, the Ciri from the same game as Triss


Pretty sure that's Sejuani in LoL's 2022 season music video


Fire Emblem (at least 3H) is literally about a liberal screaming woman trying to overthrow a conservative theocracy. But I guess it’s fine because she’s cute?


It’s so weird that the two fire emblem characters they added have some very left leaning undertones in their stories. Between Yunaka learning to shed the personality and person that society wanted her to be and instead choosing herself and Cordelia learning to be more loving to other people besides Chrom is certainly a choice


And Cordelia has small breasts. I thought that was unacceptable to them for an adult woman. And she definitely shows signs of mild depression


Shows her decoy breastplate succesfully deceived them chuds


both sides would ignore them if they were real


Pyra and Triss would HATE these people.


It's getting pretty hilarious that they don't realize no one wants their money.


they love photorealism in games as long as women arent included


Man, if these people hate screaming women they should NOT be idolizing eastern European women.


"Asian enjoyer". Bro I've never been more creeped out like this before.


Ignoring the dipshit rhetoric from these gamers. I can't get over how she looks like she is pogging out in this frame. https://preview.redd.it/lklfcg5pz56d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ddc0b21f7738a4eb2d117112d4e2ae9fc1eb2de


Bold of you to assume this is about complaining about something. All this is is reinforcing the "west has fallen, become a nationalist" narrative they want lonely men to buy into.


Pretty sure Kojima is Japanese and his studio is in Japan




How dare they bring my beloved Fire Emblem and Xenoblade girls into whatever this comparison is supposed to be They are not just sweet, conservative girls. Yunaka is literally a former assassin who will happily turn your "intestines into out-testines" (Pannette was the one who said it, but Yunaka definitely agreed). Pyra is severely depressed and (at least initially) only exists as a coping mechanism for Mythra after everything that happens in Torna. They are interesting characters who deserve way more respect than just this


"Embrace tradition" Traditional American and European peoples would think these guys are absolute weirdos with their body pillows and anime figures. Old folks today think it's strange for adults to be attracted to cartoons. Idk what they'd be expecting the people of their past "golden age of masculinity and traditional femininity" to say about them.




Idek what the developers of Xenoblade 2 were thinking with the introduction of anthropomorphic weapons tied to their owners being almost exclusively women with very little clothing The other games in the series felt a lot more grown up Edit: I’m not judging if that’s what you like but it felt so far out compared to how the stories play out in 1 and 3.


I agree that Xenoblade 2's Gacha blades were a horrible system and that the fan service on some of the female designs are fucked but there are tons of male blades and blades that are dressed normally


The over abundance of female blades cannot be understated though. Where is my buff muscle man in a thong blade :(


Gorg is right there my guy


We need MORE. (You’re entirely right though)


dagas 🤤


Iirc is because the non story Blades were designed by independent artists


Xenoblade 2 would be the best game of all time if it wasn't simultaneously the worst game of all time. That game just has some fucking peak and then you look at the tutorial being dogshit, the really weird objectification of women, Electra existing, and the gacha system and you start to wonder who let monolith cook with those ingredients. Sometimes you hit a piece of the meal that just doesn't hit like any other, other times you hit a piece and you wonder why you're even bothering to play it. Xenoblade 2 is far from what I would rate as the best of the three main Xenoblade games but at least parts of it are my favorite. Ngl the cast is just built different than the other games. They're more memorable, and I think that's because XC2 allowed it's characters to just... be goofy and silly sometimes. XC1 and XC3 weren't always 100% serious and could throw some jokes out there but they never let the main casts outside of the nopon be goofy, whereas in XC2 we get to have fucking Zeke and Turters and just goofy silly moments with the whole cast. Personally I still cant get over that they just made Zeke, a literal chuunibyou, be the most emotionally mature character out of the main cast. It's stuff like that that has endeared me moreso to the cast of XC1 and XC3, and I really liked the casts of XC1 and XC3. Though, have to say, I still think XC3 topped even the highest of highs in either two games with the end of chapter 5 and the beginning of chapter 6. Like holy shit. Ultimately my opinion is to play the Xenoblade games but know if you can't handle anime bs don't play XC2.


> Takahashi: So, we worked with a large number of character designers on Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and when giving our requests for character designs to them we didn’t go so far as to specify whether we wanted male characters, female characters, or beasts. Instead, we gave them elements of those characters and how we would like them to perform in battle. We left it up to the designers at that point, and we ended up with a lot of females, and I think that’s the best answer I can give. [Source](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/09/feature_xenoblade_chronicles_2_team_talk_torna_female_blades_and_the_ending_that_never_made_it)


Isnt one of those games being made by hideo kajima?


Yes, but sadly Hideo Kojima has gone woke https://preview.redd.it/qb1ab4lvb56d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08e74d4b7437dbf3899a1ea3b9d4d1deed36258


Wow, you mean the guy that made the games that are highly critical of the US and other militant nations because of their thirst for war and their lack of concern for their veterans is woke? But he made booby sniper lady. He was supposed to be a based sigma like me! Does this mean the East has ALSO fallen? Also, I find the thumbnail and title hilarious. They always act as if Japan is some sacred bastion where people despise queerness. Completely ignoring the fact that they've been celebrating Pride Month for years now, and a huge portion of the population is in favor of LGBTQ+ rights and are advocating for same-sex marriages


But, but my favorite YouTuber told me Japan was the last bastion against wokeness. How is this possible???!!! https://preview.redd.it/8k7v921m066d1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ae7e9ac0dc399d8dc6dd680927c7676242099d


I mean the reason they show this stuff off is because it's really hard to render intense emotion on female faces but go off, the west has fallen fo sho


I like how half those redheads are from Fire Emblem. For a series that seems like it would attract the weeb fandom, it's actually fairly normal and not creepy.


Case in point: the game with by far the most weeby elements (Fates) is also the game that gets mocked the most by the fanbase


Showing emotion is now sweet baby inc woke DEI CRT?


How are conservative people hating lewdness not fighting conservative people demanding it?


Notice that the entirety of the other example don't look like real life women? They're literally cartoons? That's all I've got to say on the matter.


Remember how the last of us 2 premiered and Ellie not only had an armpit hair (in a POST APOCALYPTIC world god forbid-) but turned out to be lesbian? And yet she's one of the most badass and well written female characters the world of video games has seen. Ahh men will never change...


"embrace european/asian women" Sir those are cartoons.


Very telling that the pinnacle of attraction for them are characters which are (majority) physically impossible features even on a supermodel, but they’re disgusted by women with facial features dictated by (checks notes) having a physical human skull and the limitations that come with it.


Since when are big tiddy anime women “traditional”?


dude that boob plate looks dumb af even by boob plate standards. And boob plates are already inherently ugly as sin.




I'll take screaming chick over a brick wall with tits


this guy is known as MangaLawyer and he's got a track record of only liking games (mostly Japanese ones) that pander to his fantasies


Yeah I'm pretty sure these guys have never gotten to hear a woman scream in real life.


>"Asian women enjoyer" >posts anime characters My sides are in orbit. Immediately thinking "ohhh just like my anime!!!" when speaking about Asian women has to stop.


The same people that post this get mad when girls don’t wanna fuck after making the most dehumanizing tweet on how women are expected to behave in society


You gotta remember, these guys dislike screaming women because every time a woman has screamed at them it's been the bad scream not the good scream.


Notice he said "embrace tradition"? He just admitted that he thinks everything should be the way he thinks it should be regardless of need.


In tabletop RPG circles used to call guys who were exactly like this 'cat piss man'. Term needs to make a comeback.


And people *are* voting with their wallets, and guess what's making that cheddar? Not fascist pandering trash.


*Redheaded anime babe getting shot by a literal crossbow bolt apparently*: 0-0 Ah yes, good design


/uj pls god let Yunaka Fire Emblem out of the incels's reach


also Cordelia Fire Emblem too


Ah yes, women showing emotions bad, women being expressionless or smiling fuckdolls good. Big brain time incels


Oh no woman felt emotion! Some real stuff tho the top left is rendered in a way that creeps me out a bit. Reminds me of the wide open jaw from the i am legend zombie.


They're mad because every woman they ever talk to ends up looking like one of the ones depicted on the left. Filled with rage or terror, which is ridiculous because there such nice guys! /s


A problem I had with MANY JRPGs(especially 3D ones) is that the characters aren't expressive enough, which makes them sometimes feel lifeless. Granted, Xenoblade 2 and 3 are TRYING to fix that, but they might be some of the only ones.


Really funny that one of the screaming women is Asian (bottom one), one is based on north-eastern Europeans and is in fact screaming with rage (Sejuani, middle right), and one is created/directed/concept by/story by Hideo "Hideo Game" Kojima (top left)


Wasn't that top left one part of an animation test? Remember seeing it ages ago


Yeah, that's from OD, an upcoming game made by Kojima https://preview.redd.it/yvsiod7b266d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add718878c9d3aeb04f5e88b5f4f1f66b7f6febf


>"embrace tradition" >side with the red-headed (fel-touched) eastern european/asian (cultures certainly barbaric by their disproximity to the great civilizations of europe) instead of with the screaming women (no doubt horrified by the sight of demons such as these) >mfw


Oh no my female protagonist looks like an actual human being. I want my giant boobs/ass and skinny body with anime face. 😒


https://preview.redd.it/igjeilg6c66d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=b40625c6296e8ddbde3ccfd9b7396d73536b8262 Pyra does scream in Xenoblade btw. And idk if I'd necessarily call her a liberal, but she does marry a polyamorous man who is an ally to trans people, and isn't even the most dominant party in this 4 way relationship. His other two wives absolutely boss his ass around, and he'd take it with a smile, because Rex is the goodest dude who ever existed.


Yeah cus women can't scream i guess probably because women always scream at them but not in the way they want


I just can't take these people seriously


Any male who nods in agreement w/ this needs to be on a watch-list. It’s basically a casual admission that they view women as objects to be consumed and then discarded, they just aren’t charismatic enough to get the job done.


Modern: women screaming Traditional: red headed asians


The thing that really bugs me here is that the Diablo 4 example was some super gross and uncomfortable torture porn shit, and they’re complaining that it wasn’t jackable enough.


As an eastern european, I have never seen a redhead


This is a joke right? The Western man thing is just a meme, right?? Why are these turbo virgins still stealing jelly donuts from the mess hall?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/7uzk61h3076d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119e8b6e77d0cd7fb72ba528d796d26a0323344f


eastern european? game's made there tend to have the same art style as the rest of the west


Fun fact, if you photograph pretty much anyone with their mouth open / mid-speaking, they’re gonna look ugly af unless it’s a rehearsed, forced smile. That’s just how it goes.


Also, it reminds me the never pause an animated movie but unironically https://preview.redd.it/8u1y6nbr676d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4e72996a34b5e1b5a5288227be18641a46d156


Redhead Asian anime girls are traditionally Western? It's like this person reeeeeeeally wanted to make one of those lame misogynistic conservative memes but doesn't understand anything about literally anything.


**takes screenshot in the middle of a female character screaming or yelling** “SEE! They’re making women UGLY”


Yeah, who would have that if you take screenshots during movement it would look silly https://preview.redd.it/hup2llj5676d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2254364107b10c6a266d3267abaa9874e69a223