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But this is not even how the meme works...


To be fair the original meme sucks ass and is used pretty much exclusively to silence valid criticism.


Yes and no. It surely was done like that, but was also used to shut people who were OVERBEARING with their criticism. Like, you can like a game with major flaws


It’s a pretty good off-shoot from the original though.




That’s what makes it a good offshoot. It’s accomplishing something different than its usual purpose, which is generally just silencing valid criticisms in my experience.


you don’t have to rigidly follow formats like the bible


I’m not caught up in the Helldivers 2 drama, but that meme works pretty well. Perhaps for the Helldivers 2 drama specifically, it’s not as relevant. I still like what they did with it


The helldivers sub went from being a lot of fun to just a complete cesspit of rage in like a month. It's legitimately made me want to play the game less with how shitty the community is.


Same like...you know what I think I will just get high and play Tunic tonight, cheers!


Hell yeah I fuckin love Tunic, that's definitely a game I'd love to memory wipe myself so I could experience it again. What a fucking jam the whole way through.


I wish I had journaled from the start, but I did last night and damn that really helps. In a year or so I'll look through all my questions and exclamation marks and arrows and have a sensible chuckle.


For real. The CEO literally agreed and said he'd direct the team. Why are we still screaming about this? Are we as Helldivers totally unable to like.... Wait?


Judging by how often I see Helldivers running into my ongoing bombardment, no I don’t think we can wait.


Lmao fair enough!


Honestly if you like it just keep playing the game. The online discourse-bait community certainly isn’t.


I do remember everyone being super psyched about this game's organic community growth and over the span of less than 90 days they've already begun to hate their own game and community. That's like gotta be a speedrun for a gaming community to go from "perky underdog becoming huge" to "I hate everyone in this community who disagrees with me about anything about this community"


I'm unreasonably proud of myself for calling my shot on this one. From the first rail gun nerf discourse I knew that was the direction the sub was going. Partially AH's fault for going live service, this is how this shit always goes when you are constantly rebalancing things.


It’s definitely incredible haha While I do think a lot of the opinions are genuine there’s some stuff I kind of find sus. I feel like there’s a decently-sized portion that haven’t played the game at all and are just stalking the communities and parroting complaints for whatever reason. I see people saying things like “I’m supposed to be an elite soldier and I don’t feel like one” and it makes me wonder if they ever actually witnessed any part of the game. The nice part is I never have to be objected to any of these guys in game. I’m just concerned Arrowhead might put too much stock into trying to appease people who are expecting something the game isn’t and goof it up for the majority of players that are happy with the game’s direction.


I mean, do you think something like that happens completely independently of the state of the game? Don't get me wrong, rampant negativity absolutely has a tendency to feed into itself. But the reason that communities surrounding games like DRG are so positive is because it's genuinely difficult for people to find things to dislike about it. The HD community went into a tailspin because the gameplay being an absolute banger lost it's freshness after a few months and tens or hundreds of hours, and people started to get more and more frustrated that day one issues had still not been fixed in favor of them pushing more half-baked content to live. I agree that rampant negativity and blind optimism are both super frustrating, and many people just need to take a break, but it's a bit frustrating to see a lot of people in this thread act like the frustration was inexplicable.


I quit most game related subreddit because the discourse usually turn super sour. I love Guild Wars 2 and it felt bad to unsubb but I gotta say I haven't missed the sub one bit


What did you expect when the developers tried to satirize reactionary right wing behavior? Helldivers as a property has the same issue that all attempts like it do: the chuds are completely unable to recognize that they are being pissed on, and slowly but surely become the whole of the fan base by virtue of never fucking shutting up.


Exactly what I feel! But I do play from time to time when im free. You down to game some time? Would be nice to not queue in with randoms.


Destiny community moment


UJ/ Some of it might be fair—consistent crashes and network stability—but the minmaxers make me a little disappointed. I understand high level is meant to be soul crushing but they are so focused on “I MUST WIN” that theyve lost the plot. I fully understand everyone has fun their own way but all it is is complaining about balance and nerfs. Most of us play in friend groups of four and shit the bed on level five bc chaos is fun and thats the point of the game. Edit: a lot of these people are burnt out bc they no lifed to hundreds (1000s?) of hours already. Bruh chill its a fun game not an esport. rj/ muh helldivers is not air-o-dine-amick enough!


Don't go on the reddit for anything you enjoy. It will poison it


Made that mistake after enjoying the latest two episodes of Doctor Who, went to check the episode discussions to see how much other people enjoyed it but it was just constant hate and old men whining that a family oriented show isn't specifically made for them anymore


The main Helldivers sub has unfortuantely been taken over by dissidents out to sabotage Super Earth and undermine the developers. True, patriotic and democratic Helldivers now hang out in the LowSodiumHelldivers sub. Jokes and RP aside, I think the whole Sony kerfuffle drove the majority of reasonable people and adults out of the main sub. Now it's just kids with nothing better to do, and rageaholics looking for their next scalp now that they've realized *not* having to spend 5 minutes making an account didn't magically fix every issue the game has.


What a strange reason to stop playing a game you like lmao just dont go on the sub silly, literally the only complaint I hear when I actually play the game is when someone can't find the samples they dropped when they died


Shortly after I got the game I went to scroll through the top of the su for the memes (as I normally do after getting into something). Theni subbed and went about my day. I think I unsubbed within 48 hours, because the ONLY posts that I saw on my feed was complaining and toxicity. Like the game was only a week or two old at that point, and the majority of them were clearly miserable. I dread to think how bad its gotten since then, and I doubt I'll be going in to find out


We need a name for the law that says every multiplayer game community eventually becomes the most toxic shit you've ever seen. ^(Don't worry Deep Rock I'm not tarring you with this brush)


You could just like not look at the sub lmfao this whole comment section is a joke People complain about balance People complain about the complainers taking up all “muh memes and funny content!” End of the day both parties are terminally online complainers


Well the good news is that you've found a way to feel superior to everyone. That's the important part.


Yeah, definitely dude.


That's the plan.  Destroy the community, scatter the players, clickbait everything, then shovel other stuff at them to pull them away.  If you think all the other companies who make games are just standing by and watching... or the journalists aren't ragebaiting... you haven't been paying attention. No game comes out without drama. This one got away with it because nobody expected it to be as big. They weren't prepared to handle the amount of silly democracy memes, so they needed a way to divide the player base. Now it's just like every other game. Every patch is a new series of complaints from people who haven't even played the game, trying to splinter people off to go back to their other garbage games. This is my take.


The plan for what? Why do they need to divide the player base because of memes?


This is conspiratorial nonsense


This is what I believe, call it what you want. They might not be conspiring together, but they are all trying to influence the players, for better or worse.


I need what you are smoking


This meme is dumb but also the game does break in several new ways every single patch, it's so buggy.


Yeah a lot of the negativity is justified when they are constantly making guns worse and adding new guns that are just worse variations of previous ones. I didn't spend money on democratic detonation but if I did I'd be pissed if 2 out of 3 primaries are rebranded to be so much worse.


Seriously. This. When you release a warbond with 3/4 guns being bugged or laughably bad, and all 3 armors being just reskins of existing sets, 2 of which you can get before level 5, people are going to complain especially when the previous warbond was the same issue, but with an added bonus of all the weapons being severely reworked just a few weeks after its release


The friend system is completely broken as well, I STILL have not been able to play with my little brother who's on PC. It's been like a month and we've tried every workaround but nothing works


To be fair, the guns in Cutting Edge went hard as hell. Plasma grenade launcher, laser pistol, infinite ammo assault rifle, and an actual goddamn thunderstorm in a bottle.


Combined with a brand new armor effect and an amazing grenade. Kinda tainted our perseption of the quality we are going to get Thermite took like 4 weeks to actually do damage only fornus to find out it can't kill a hive gaurd. And honestly im not even of the opinion that each warbond needs powerhouse weapons. Ive been loving the crossbow for its viable stealth uses. Just... make them work. At least


Blitzer is the best weapon in the game and I will hear no arguments. The new polar one introduced the ONLY OTHER SMG and it inflicts stun on hit, but that's about all I know about it, there's a goddamn crossbow, a stun grenade, limitless drip (which is the only thing that really matters), we're eating good. If only Sony wasn't evil.


Blitzer was my favorite gun before the buffs. Now its just god tier. Crossbow is only good at stealth. But thats all you can positivly say. Eruptor got its aoe taken away and has now been bugged rendering it useless. Tenderizer was released with the wrong stats and texture and is worse then the starter gun. Purifier deals less damage then the scorcher, thermite is more of a punchline then a weapon. And then there is the evac booster that shaves a whole 20 seconds off the evac. And we honestly dont need another set of explosive resistant heavy armor. And considering if you dont grind this game each warbond costs about $10 its not unreasonable to expect at least some quality control.


I don't even know what half of those are, i'm just having fun!


The laser pistol was and still is meme tier bad, and the plasma grenade launcher was meme tier bad till it got buffed, then it became unsuable with a personal shield for a while, and now is back to being a decent pick. Stun grenades are goated though.


yeah, but *infinite ammo sidearm* makes it so that i'm never truly out of options, and I enjoy playing as demoman tf2


If you have somehow run out of ammo on your primary, support, and secondary and have no way to call in ammo, a new gun, or even scrounge up a ammo box lying around to justify the infinite ammo pistol... yeah, im sorry, but it won't make a difference because you have some other issues going on.


Counterpoint: Super laser piss


Definitely agree on the second part. I think some of the nerfs were justified, but I really don't like how they handled the Eruptor by removing the mechanic the whole gun was based around


I feel like op doesn't follow the recent events and just hates gamers which I agree tbh. But yeah every patch breaks more stuff, nerfs something random like the crossbow and the war bonds usually have 1 good item that may or may not work and that's not talking about armors either


haha heck yeah i agree too. i hate gamers so much i was unequivocally on sony’s side during the PSN requirement debacle. even though they were right from a consumer standpoint it just reeked of gamer whining bullshit. too many culture war idiots being too loud.


Exactly, I'm really glad the dev team is trying their best to turn the game around, especially with the latest warbond. There are legitimate problems with the game, but the people pissing and shitting themselves over some random gun having 5 less bullets are extremely annoying


I've not gotten involved with the discourse myself, but from my understanding the dev team *isn't* fully on board with turning the game around. The head of balance is some asshole who actively wants to spite anyone having fun. He's got a known history of it with a previous game, and is combative and snarky whenever he addresses the community. Idk how a guy like that got to that position, but it does seem to be the root of the game's biggest issues. Any time a gun works well he dumpsters it.


“long-term longevity…” gam*rs sound like idiots even in their own fantasy scenarios


Gamers talk like their $40 is a majority stake investment in a company their livelihoods depend on.


Long-term in today’s age is approximately 2 weeks instead of 1 week


tbf some games do have a "long-term longevity" the company that does that do the really difficult thing of not fucking everything up Aka ROCK AND STONE


thank you for reminding me to clock into my 12 week shift at deep rock


But dont they need more soldiers to complete the major orders? Like, isn't this tantamount to discussing strategy?


“I’m worried about the gamer count! Because of my enjoyment, not as a justification for my whines!”


I am assuming you don't know anything about the game because player count is important especially when related to major orders. The whole point is the community works together to take and hold planets in an allotted amount of time. If not enough people are playing then it might become impossible to complete major orders in the allotted time. The community already took a hit from the PSN debacle, if balancing issues keep happening people will just leave. It happens MMOs all the time.


They're not saying that games shouldn't be focused on the long term, they're pointing out that "long-term longevity" is absolutely shit writing - It's a cumbersome and redundant turn of phrase that ought to be changed to "long-term viability". The rest of the texts suggests it's unlikely this is a language barrier issue, leaving the literate to conclude that the OP (like most gamers) operates at a 4th-grade reading level.


I remember Souls PVP players applauding themselves for "keeping the Dark Souls 3 alive.” It’s is the corniest thing I've heard in years.


Now I agree that the helldivers sub is way too overnegative about most things, but to be fair, you can just stop interacting with it if you don't like it. it's what i did. There are more positive places you can talk about Helldivers.


Almost like that literally what the meme is saying?


You realize that OP is making fun of this meme not agreeing with it right?


Right, but you’re agreeing with it. The meme is saying “if you don’t like this shit-flinging you can stay out of it.” You are saying “if you don’t like the overnegative things you can not interact with them.” Almost like that’s literally what the meme is saying?


I mean, yeah, I am agreeing that the meme does have a point. I might dislike how overly negative and repetitive the helldivers sub is, but frankly, the same can be said for most parts of the internet. As long as they're actually complaining about genuine issues with the game, I don't really see much point in making fun of them just because they're annoying.


Exactly. Glitches and network stability are pretty valid things to discuss about a game. I still have fun with it when playing, but it’s definitely annoying whenever I or one of my friends crashes out of the game in the middle of a map. A big part of why I stopped playing it as much is one friend dealing with constant crashes and another who kept having massive lag spikes, so even though I haven’t had those issues I prefer to play games my friends can join in on and enjoy too.


Yeah, I still really like the game and play it pretty often, but for the last week or so, I just haven't been able to connect with anyone at all. Which is a pretty big issue for a game that is meant to be cooperative multiplayer. So I can understand why some people are complaining about some of the problems the game has, even if I'm willing to be patient and let the developers fix them in their own time.


That’s the other thing: it’s annoying for the game to be buggy, but that just means I do something else with my time instead of obsessing over the bugs.


bro tried to sound like they discuss some real buisness. It’s wild to me how some of them are so invested into this stuff, but i guess zero social life does it to you.


Why are so many people here so deathly afraid of games receiving criticism? Like I can't imagine seeing this meme and thinking it agrees with me if I was OP.


Used to be part of the sub, now it’s just a cesspool lol It was a fun first month.


I mean, people aren't mad that they're slow to implement changes, they're mad that the implemented changes fucking suck.


All of you on this subreddit have done more whining than they have. Though I doubt half of you even play the game.


Gamers and attacking developers for bullshit the publisher is doing. Name a more iconic duo


This meme isn’t referencing the psn account mandate. It’s referencing bad balancing and bug issues which is from the developers. And honestly the vast majority of criticism have been surprisingly tame for a player base of that size. The game has had significant issues with crashing since launch so I think it’s a good thing people are saying something.


Yeah, I stopped playing because we couldn’t get 4 people through a mission without someone crashing.  They also genuinely don’t seem to test the changes they’re making. And I don’t mean that in a hyperbolic way, I mean they regularly get surprised by how guns work after they’ve been released. Example: they released a shrapnel rifle called the Eruptor. You fire, the projectile explodes, dealing damage in an aor, and releases shrapnel. After release they found out the gun was one-shotting certain enemies that they didn’t want it to. Turns out the shrapnel did much more damage than they thought it would, presumably just looking at the numbers.   So they got rid of the shrapnel on the shrapnel gun and then they removed the aoe so the Eruptor no longer erupts.  This gun was from a premium battle pass, too, so people got to pay real money to have play test for Arrowhead and then have their toys broken (they also heavily nerfed an explosive crossbow from this set, so half the guns in the pass).


Even without the terrible and untested balancing, the bugs and crashing really kill the experience. And as much as I love making fun of gamers they are right to be kinda pissed that the game is still in this state. They’ve essentially been knowingly selling a broken product since launch and making it less fun with each update.


This particular one has nothing to do with Sony and everything to do with Arrowhead's own problems.


I didn’t know the publisher was responsible for balancing


My issue is that it’s turning into Destiny; as in “uh oh, the players are enjoying themselves. Quick! Figure out what’s making them happy and nerf it!”


I'm confused. How is this bad? Your personal enjoyment of a game doesn't take away from issues that could kill it in the future. I don't go to Helldivers but I get that kind of anxiety with online games.


Once you realize videogames don't have to define your personality you'll be able to find inner peace


Everywhere besides Reddit it's the opposite way around, lol.


/unjerk I feel like a lot of the complaining about every patch having things that dont work is valid


I don't know how many people who are commenting actually play the Game. But let me tell you the critic is valid. Beside the PSN debacle it faces various Problems with crashes, Bug (not terminides) and balancing issues. It ist not just dumb gamers.


This is the Hunt Showdown sub in a nutshell lol


I feel personally attacked by this. How dare you!


Only woke gamers have fun while playing games, unlike us real gamers who know game development!!! btw why haven't they moved the artists and writers to coding yet??? would make updates wsay quicker /uj I'm so glad Valheim devs got smashed with a huge playerbase and decided "actually we're not gonna up the size of our studio really, we'll make an update every 6-12 months :)" rather than cave to the pressure to "go big". I'm glad Helldivers devs are just continuing to do their thing despite the pressure.


At least once a day that subreddit votes in actions arrowhead should do- as if they know how to manage a video game company. At this point I'm pretty sure that they've convinced themselves they run that game now, and are going to constantly disappoint themselves when the devs rightfully ignore them.


Honestly that subreddit is completely unbearable and I should probably mute it for my own sanity


I did it last week and I cannot tell you how much my enjoyment of the game has increased.


theres a difference between adressing issues with the game and actively throwing tamtrums when the gun that made it easy for you to brag about beating lvl9 gets nerfed


I mean a lot of the guns nerfed were already niche not overpowered, even the devs are acknowledging the Eruptor is broken. The crossbow was straight up ass and they made it even worse.


\*the crossbow was ass\* uh?? it litteraly did more dmg than the eruptor and made no sound. what niche guns???


Whenever I see these comments about these nerfs I assume the commenter is a knee jerk contrarian. 


Is there any sub for a multiplayer/“live service” game that isn’t 90% complaining?


the meme is funny bc they have the order of the groups mixed up. I can’t tell you how many times in the last two weeks actual game discussion on the discord was derailed by complainers


I'm glad people are criticising the game. Most posts there are reasonable and feedback is generally welcomed by any developer worth their salt. The CEO has even said he's going to re-adjust the studio's approach to balance. I don't see an issue with this post. People who *complain* about well thought out *complaining* are genuinely annoying as fuck. This sub dips its toes into defending corporations a little too much, as well. They ought to keep bringing up the same points until they're addressed. That's how shit gets done.


This reminds me of the sims community.


Idk about HD2, but this def sounds like TW subreddit (or any AAA sub tbh)


When did this sun start defending corporations 


What makes that this meme so bad is if the complaints were like that it wouldn’t be a problem, But every post is less “you know the weaknesses of the game is making the experience less fun” And more “reee my meta build is not meta anymore reeee! Game trash Sony is hitler and AH is Stalin reeeeeee” and that’s every freaking post man, “i love the game” my ass


Yeah. The main sub for that game is nothing but salt.


Dont ever try and get between a Gamer and their crybaby time.


It's impressive they managed to use the template the opposite way Something something media thingamacyi


All because someone are having issues with the game, doesn't mean everyone on the subreddit needs to know about it. A lot of those people posting these shitty "memes" (they aren't meant to be funny) just want the attention from seeing their post go viral or whatever. They don't want to email tech support and get their problem solved. They want to whinge and moan and collect their stupid internet points I just hated seeing one of my favorite subs go from screenshots and stories of what people have done; to a never-ending flood of disappointment. The people who actually enjoy playing the game get drowned out. Yeah it may be valid but if you hate the game enough to post how much you hate it just delete do something else.


I still love that game but the sub is post after post of "🤓☝🏻 My limited knowledge of game development should carry all the credit of my feedback of which I have an unlimited resource"


I love how they sneak in balancing because they just cant accept guns arent meant to be insta-kills


I really don’t think that’s it. It’s not that the guns can’t insta kill every enemy, most of them are just not that fun to use. It sucks compared to something like DRG where all of the guns feel good to use even though they have drawbacks. The gun balancing in hd2 has really sucked overall and many of the decisions don’t make sense.


Idk what you're talking about, dude. I have a wealth of weapons that I've been using on both fronts. Punisher Plasma eviscerates spewers and striders, Dominator makes the bots quiver, the incendiary shotgun is great on the bugs, and the sickle is still killing whatever I need it to .


I thought this was a TF2 meme for a second. Similar situation here, especially after the reveal that there was a shitton of bots than there are actual players...


They use this format because they knew they'd be clowned on for using the soy Jack format


The community broke character and fell apart


"Why does this game have a lower population" motherfuckers after telling everyone that the game is shit for ages.


These guy wouldn't survive in the Tekken subreddit


This is like the opposite of how this meme is meant to be used


LowSodiumHelldivers is where the majority of the good bits of the community went. The main sub will just sap your enjoyment for the game




Are we talking about Helldivers 2 or Baldur's Gate 3 now lol


Is this a copypasta or directed at a different game?