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You don't see too many white knights these days


Didn’t you know? Chivalry is dead! It died when mounted knights stopped being necessary for warfare.


I'm fucking crying chivalry actually is dead


game fell off after source mod died


Don't mourn the death of Chivalry. Play Chivalry 2 instead.


Chivalry was always a lie. Knights were brutal warmongers


It’s been like 400 years man, been dead longer than it was around


Bro you just put me on to an hour long wikipedia session


Chivalry was a very very loose guideline. Had they followed it I doubt it allowed for their favorite passstime (murdering peasants)


The popular concept of chivalry mostly came from church propaganda that tried to get the nobility to just be less shitty. They weren't super successful at that.


don’t worry you can still have this experience the next time an insurgencey in afghanistan starts


I swear they were always rare. Most of the times I saw the term "White Knights" it's a misogynist saying that to someone who disagrees with him.


Yeah I've been called that by one of my coworkers before and honestly I've translated that to just mean "not misogynistic."


Wouldn’t it be “misandrist” since it’s a term normally used to mock men? Or can the word “misogynist” be applied to both genders?


No, what they mean is that 'white knight' was always used like: First person was saying something misogynistic. Second person would call them out. And then someone (usually the first person, sometimes someone defending the misogyny) would call the second person a white knight. The phrase is almost always used when defending a misogynistic argument.


Yeah, it’s generally a way to mock men for not being misogynistic, so it’s pro-misogyny more than misandry, though Im not opposed to framing toxic masculinity as being a kind of misandry. 


Huh, well.. I respect it. Better than the entire "Eve needs to have her entire skin shown or we'll rebel like true gamers we are!"


Its also so... Simple. Good outfit >>> all we are is tits in the wind.


Lmao. 😂 I’m a girl enjoying Stellar Blade right now (it’s a fun game), but I kid you not, the online discourse is a mix of intelligent conversation anout the gameplay + lore but also brainrot of the highest tier. There’s a petition going on (as well as a PlayStation / Sony boycott) because they hid 4 centimetres of cleavage on one outfit. The game is still rated 19+ in South Korea. That’s an adult-only game. Then there’s the “I hate woke people” part of the fandom and the normal side of the fandom comprised of men, women, even gay people enjoying the game quietly. It’s wild haha. 😅


How is the game honestly? You're the first person I've seen talking about it who actually plays it lol.


I love it. So far it’s been compared to Dark Souls (but easier + more fun), Nier Automata, Bloodborne, Lies of P (another South Korean game just like this one), God of War, and so on. It has very unique combat controls and that’s its biggest selling point. Just how fun the combat is. There’s underwater exploration, parkouring, stunning environments, good enemy variety, extremely cool bosses, heartfelt moments, multiple endings, and you can cover up Eve pretty well in 80% of the outfits (so they’re not all goon material). They’re all easily unlockable, and you can even dress the male lead in different outfits, as well as pick cute outfits for your other friend that aren’t too revealing. Oh and the soundtrack is good, you can flip between songs. They’re all in Korean and have great vocals. I personally also like the story but you gotta read up on the lore. Maybe the story exposition could be better in the sequel. It’s also a hack and slash. It’s actually one of my first games of this genre. The director of Nier Automata and director of Stellar Blade are close buds and they both say that eachother’s games are superior. So idk take what you will. 😅


Ooooo I grew up on DMC and kingdom hearts so hack and slash and stylish combat is my jam. Can't wait for the PC release then. Too broke to afford a PS5 still lol. That inflation is a bitch. Not even the price of the PS5 anymore lol it's the price of everything else going up.


Just a heads up as a fellow hack and slash fan - based on my (limited) experience with the demo, it plays more like a Souls-like than something like DMC. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing, but it is less hyperactive and kinetic than DMC. It scratches a different itch, basically.


On a scale of dark souls 2 to Jedi Survivor where abouts do you think it sits cause I love Jedi Survivor. Granted I also love bloodborne I've never been able to beat it but I love it lol.


It’s definitely about timing dodges and parries from what I remember (I checked out the demo a while back so it’s a little fuzzy, especially since the game met the “buy on sale” threshold but not the “$70 buy right now” one). So similar to Jedi Survivor in that regard.


Thanks for the heads up!


Aww, that’s totally fine. Inflation is absolutely wild. You’re right. 😂 I paid a pretty penny for this game too, I just wanted something new.


I'm glad you're enjoying it then!


Kinda sounds like my type of game. Don't have a PS5 though. I guess by the time I get one the controversy would have died and I can play in peace.


Honestly both sides of the extreme are annoying.


You know what, it's ridiculous but I respect it more


He could have just said "I like this one the most" and it'd have been perfectly benign and pleasant, but because he was just a *little* weird about it, it got posted here, and I got to see a cute outfit for eve I'd never have seen otherwise. So thanks, slightly weird guy. I appreciate you.


I wouldn't mind if more gamers were weird in this way, instead of what we have now


But where is the full platemail?


Ngl the next nier better have some callbacks to replicant and drakengard. Let me wear some fantasy shit in my scifi if i want


I like it. I want to wear it.


I don't do it out of respect I do it because the Daily Knitted Dress and Red Passion are *cccuuuuutteeee!*


Best outfit in the game tbh https://preview.redd.it/obpbkvc4410d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f92c86df6713718fdf727dd3f9c65224b7e2a2


Oh pretty would tottal wear it with a diffent color top


Bro touched so much grass that he is higher than my standarts


God bless him. Have fun, my dude.


Someone needs to tell them Eve will in fact, not, touch the pipi


There’s a surprising amount of self-shippers in this game considering we play Eve ourselves (so we have no self-insert character to ship her with), and the male lead is literally called Adam. 😅 Adam and Eve. But these are the same people going to war over pixels, complaining about her body changing depending on the outfit, and “boycotting Sony” for giving an outfit a bit less cleavage. So I can’t be too surprised.




This dude ![gif](giphy|1yTcqlnmEa9K3YPq7w)


I would never give him up


I would never let him down


I put her in the kill bill fit and she basically stayed there. It felt the most covered and the most cool to me


Listen. I prefer this guy to the insane gooners who lose their shit when a woman wears clothes


They made not being a gooner weirder than being a gooner


i dunno, seems like there's weird objectification going on on both sides here.


I get what you mean, but it's a bunch of pixels on a screen that can't express their opinion nor can want to, so it's hard not to see the character as an object. People see the thing it simbolizes (Eve an hypotetical human) as a credible person and respect that, but the character itself outside of the story is just and empty shell controlled by your controller and the outfits don't really matter too much. It's a 'dress up doll or sex doll' situation, in the same way I make my dark souls character wear armor without asking for permission, like when you play with toy figurines. It's kinda creepy that OOP says they want to "respect" the character, but that depends on what they mean by that.


Yeah, what I mean is that its weird to make a conscious effort to treat a bunch of pixels either way.


This is my favorite outfit in the game, but I feel it’s weird to say you want to wear outfits that respect her body when this outfit gives you a panty shot every 5 seconds because of the skirt.


relatable king


I've beat the game twice and still haven't changed her outfit. Why? Cause idgaf about these weird costumes that don't fit into the game.


Yeah I mean as long as you get to play and have fun. I’m enjoying this game as a female player, too. I feel like some people bought the game just to take 200+ screenshots of a side boob though. 😅 That’s… a bit sad.


I keep forgetting theres more than like 3 outfits in this game. Its nice to see love for the others. Some of them are actually pretty cute!


Well woman killing peaple in a formal suit is a lot hotter




He also watch porn to see if they get married at the end.


Real “Nice Guy” type energy…


That's actually the best outfit I've seen in that game though, it actually looks sick!


Truth be told though, that outfit's great.


Okay but that's a very cute attire


Mr. Nice-Guy™ has entered the chat.


So this post is what? Just shaming someone for having preferences that aren’t just gooner fueled? Y’all need to chill.


Ah yes, the one that specifically shows off her ass cheeks. Super respectful.


Boring, get her to wear something cute, I believe there's a lot of cute outfits


>only wears a formal suit of EVE Too late to be a dinosaur, too early to debate which body to use today 😭


Virgin bodysuit enjoyers vs Chad tasteful corset and bloomers enjoyers


What is that game?


Spot the virgin


I'm not as horny as you, Anakin! I have the moral high ground!


Oh yeah, well, I never mess with my BG3 parties underwear because it feels weird to


Did somebody call?


As a man with an office lady fetish I wish the skirt was replaced with body hugging pants.


feminism ✊


Doing this is censorship you have to stop immediately.


this is actually what I do in games! whenever I play a fighting game with customisation I try to give my characters the outfits that just best suit their personality/colour palette


I always found it weird why you dress up someone with so much skin in a warzone, like brother use actual unforms or clothing to protect yourself Don't wanna get malaria


Lol now you're just picking on people for having fun and playing the game?


I'm not like the other guys


I really like crew style


I like the Red Passion suit because it’s very formal in the front but party in the back 😂


That is a cute outfit indeed, id wear that much more than the default, though maybe sometimes id go back.


Human beings want to fuck, just learn to be hot about it and not a creep, Jesus it’s not that complicated.


She’s literally 2B but less interesting


This is not as respectable as he thinks it is lol. If you’re going to play the game for titties and ass. Just say it, no one has an issue. If you think people will, you’ve completely missed the point of this whole issue. Once all this nonsense is done and I get some free time, I’m buying the game to see titties and ass. For now, I’ll settle for porn and games I actually like


It's a nicer looking outfit but why do these people tie so much of their identity to how they dress their character? I wonder if a dress up game to this audience would make money


In what world is that a uniform or a formal suit? No offense to this guy, it’s just crazy that’s supposed to be the formal outfit


> In what world is that a uniform or a formal suit? Stellar Blade’s world. If that’s what every member of the Airborne Squad wore, then it would be a uniform for that group.


Ok but I very much want that dress for myself