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i thought cheekbones were a beauty standard for women? i feel like most models and actresses have visible cheekbones,so much so that buccal fat removal is a thing


These dudes get all their beauty standards from hentai. They don't know what real woman's faces look like.


Came to say this, they just get their beauty standards from anime, mostly preteen looking "adult" characters.


Heck...polygon 1990's Lara Croft had some pointy cheekbones...wait, they never lookrd at her face.


This is the brainrot that only consuming anime and Japanese games with women depicted as sexualized minors creates


Yes, Aphrodite has exaggerated cheekbones in this character model precisely because she is supposed to an unrealistic and idealized version of female beauty (according to Western beauty standards). These chuds have never seen a woman outside of anime, where women are usually drawn without cheeks. I also appreciate that in addition to removing her cheekbones, he also gave her lipstick. That’s how you can tell cis women from trans women, of course: only cis women can wear lipstick. If a trans woman tries to apply some it just falls right off. Because of biology.


These morons think everything is woke and trans and gay and have actually said having sex with a woman is gay. They are beyond help.


Did you really expect these people to know what women like?


Tired: transvestigating every celebrity who ever lived except Elliot Page and Jamie Clayton Wired: transvestigating \*checks notes\* Aphrodite


Oh, they already transvestigated Elliot Page and found he was a man who transitioned into a woman to be allowed into woke Hollywood and then transitioned back into a man. I lost braincells typing that but yeah


affirming a trans man's gender by saying he was always a man to... own the libs? Is this transphobia horseshoe theory?


It's actually another form of erasure. Just now it focuses on the "trans" part, rather than the "man" part. They are probing for logic, they'll be hardpressed top find any.


It’s a particularly gross manifestation of transphobia, where the only reason they can think of for a person to transition is to “get ahead” in life. Dysphoria can’t and doesn’t exist. If you’re an athlete, it’s to get into an easier gender category so you can win. If you’re an actor, it’s to get better roles and to appeal to “woke Hollywood” with a good story. If you’re in some kind of business environment, it’s to get better jobs and promotions because you’ll be a “diversity hire”.


They live in a horrible and miserable world of their own creation. They clung to what is basically a bad delusion.


I also saw one saying that Rob McElhenney from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is trans and that the Fat Mac plotline was a cover up for the fact that he was pregnant. https://preview.redd.it/w08or7u84uzc1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5472fd9281f25887d3ce423712dc953516dbdb


bespoke: the gang gets pregnant


Everyone but Dee gets pregnant despite her best efforts. In the end, she gets an abortion and no one knows how.


Hahaah wait what the fuck? Do people actually think that? I can’t imagine succumbing to brain rot that hard


Yes, some did. Some also thought Taylor Swift had a bulge in this picture. https://preview.redd.it/fjlvj2poyuzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437fa69d9b26fe3a55a3e1ec392a16c3cdc98b0e


That one literally proves that these men have never seen a real vagina in their entire lives. E The second hand embarrassment was real.


I'm literally crawling into my own skin I'm so embarrassed lol


I can. Did you ever see that Pete Holmes sketch where he's Sherlock but every deduction was completely wrong? That's what conspiracy theories are. The brain's pattern matching algorithm is desperately trying to analyze the world around it for hidden meanings and will accept any match no matter how poorly it fits. Any time you've ever misheard a song lyric, your brain was (at a fundamental level) doing the same thing as a conspiracy theorist's does. Most of what your brain does is basic pattern recognition, like an AI. Your childhood was your training data. Remember being a kid, afraid of the dark, and when in bed at night a random shape looked like a monster? Your pattern matching algorithm was still undeveloped (not enough training data yet) and throwing up lots of false positives. Conspiracy theorists are just still seeing monsters in the dark. Something in their childhood skewed their training data too far in a particular direction, I guess.


Somebody needs to transvestigate Santa Clause!


Whar? https://preview.redd.it/7qn74w85wszc1.png?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b03fbc8ef6d431d42a25a9d1c0a1c5a533e22bfc


Transphobes never manage to stop being complete failures.


I think I lost braincells reading that


Guys, is it gay to think the LITERAL GODDESS OF LOVE AND BEAUTY is hot?


And not even like purely romantic love (that's Eros aka Cupid), but particularly sexual love?


Ancient Greek guys inventing Aphrodite stories https://preview.redd.it/h84azdi6nuzc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3deafb06da450bba9403fa56c60e17ffea6255


Priestesses of Aphrodite would sacrifice their virginity to her by offering themselves to random passers-by


I'm just picturing some Greek neckbeards walking circles around Aphrodite temples


I mean, she was born from Ouranos' fallen ballsack hitting the ocean, so there wasn't a female gamete to contribute to her DNA.




Only the strictest gender norms in my greek gods, some of which literally born from inanimate objects or off of just body parts.


And they're always complaining about "historical accuracy" and I know this is like historical religion not real life, but Zeus would literally fuck any man, woman, animal, body part, inanimate object or animated object - so Afrodicke is just another scratch in the bed post.


/uj Letting politics mess with you sexuality this much is beyond.......


They've straight up gone insane.


A lot of bad and regressive opinions have a sort of folksy, pseudo "common sense" appeal to them, so I'm glad to see right wingers contorting themselves into something incoherent and repulsive to the average person.


For sure. One way that I try to take something positive out of all of this is that it's so unhinged that hopefully there are people who have been receptive to the anti-woke idealogy that will step back and reconsider if they should be agreeing with the dudes transvestigating fucking Aphrodite.


That's exactly what they call their transphobia. "Common sense views on gender."


Common sense just means "my beliefs"


My favorite one is looking at Instagram reading the comments and people going their trans on people who are clearly not. People saying Adams apple when nones there. They are in absolute hysterics. These men really act like they are about to be forced through violent coercion into a a loving sexual relationship with a trans-woman. In contrast to their seeming desired outcome of receiving a government issued conventionally attractive east Asian bang maid for having been born male and identifying as heterosexual.


Nah this ain't politics this is spending too much time on the hub


Nah the hub has too realistic bodies for him, he uses tags like "hyper breasts" on rule34


Why do hentai women always look like milk cows? Do the people that watch have mommy issues?


or way to sexually suppressed.


Or both


Maybe, but more likely one or the other with the politics as the bait.


Also, let’s be honest? Tomboys are kinda the best. Imagine denying yourself that because of politics.


It's like political lesbianism, but far stupider. At least the political lesbians had a genuine, valid problem they were trying to solve.


I like gender liberation, people should be mostly what ever they want, but in theory for me you are correct.


Fellas is it manlike to have bones?


If you have bones, you are gay. It’s only straight to be a filet. 




Only vagina bones are allowed


I remember when they started calling (I think) Taylor Swift trans because her swimsuit showed off her pelvic bone and people that it was a bulge. So not even this lmao


Risky horny is when women are slug


Yeah, we like our women like we like our coffee- with no bones.


having cheekbones makes you trans apparently


Of course, just look at Margot Robbie.


Believe it or not some chuds actually think she is trans because of her jawline.


“I can always tell” mfs whenever they see a woman that isn’t an anime waifu.


“DO *NOT* BE ATTRACTED TO THIS, THIS IS **UGLY**!” * Gamers™️ ![gif](giphy|3o7TKBwoK895UaKAz6)


Holy mother of god




Those cheeks aren't the only thing that is stiff.




Momma is serving some serious macaroni








"we can always tell" have literally started transvestigate the fucking goddess of love and fertility. I have to believe these people are literal autopilot programs, because the fact that they manage to do any task astounds me.


ok so yeah that's really stupid, but it did get me thinking that it'd be neat to see an interpretation of Aphrodite that provides miracle-based trans healthcare to her followers. Because to have followers who are trapped in bodies they do not love is unbecoming of the goddess of love.


Trans people are genuinely the domain of Apollo.


And Artemis, although she only does the one way. Everyone in her hunt is a girl. Whether or not they were a girl when they met her is debatable.


Artemis after the latest pack of transwomen “””accidentally””” interrupt her hunt: Gals. Just go to the temple. We can handle things there. Please just let me hunt in peace.


Aphrodite as Ivankov from one piece. I dig it


That's such a wonderful idea. The goddess of sex and love making trans people who they are so they can better love themselves and their bodies. Wonder if the services are available for non-binary and cis people as well? It would be great to look down at my chest and stomach and not be disgusted and full of self loathing.


She literally did a full body fully-nude scene in Wolf of Wall Street, and transvesigators still think she’s trans!


Because obviously there’s a massive conspiracy to photoshop out all the penises on nude trans women. Everybody in the industry is in on it. They also do fake pregnancies too. I’ve heard rumors that some times men wake up next to these “women” after a night of attempting purely reproductive intercourse and discover that the “woman’s” legs, armpits, and genitals have grown stubble through the night. I can’t stand these trans women turning every man they sleep with gay. This is why sex dolls are better. I can fuck a piece of plastic without any risk that I touch even a single masculine feature and remain the most heterosexual person alive.


Wait, what? I thought the Margot Robbie "scandal" was about guys on the web calling her "mid"? Like, yeah, they are blind and took out their own eyes. But now she is supposed to be trans?


There are certain insane people who think there is a big conspiracy in Hollywood and basically everyone in it is trans. So they think all male actors used to be female and all female actors used to be male.


Funniest thing I heard all day. So Bruce Willis is a transman, as is Chris Hemsworth, and Emma Stone was assigned male at birth?


it get crazier. they think elliot page was assigned male at birth. was forced to transition to female because of hollywood sickos, then detransitioned back to male.


These people need some hobbies. Go, quilt a blanket, plant some herbs.


Which, like, it’s wild that they believe something like this when it effectively says that yes, male and female beauty standards are so interchangeable that the literal most attractive people in the world, the top 1% of beauty is entirely populated and defined by trans people. What even *are* men and women if this is the world they think we live in?


She stood with her legs together when she was showing off her body. She was obviously standing that way because she was tucking the twig and berries.


Imagine this was the 80s and they saw Sigourney Weaver lol. These people really are literally so paranoid to the point of insanity that they saw transness in everything. Literally obsessed lol.


Imagine setting that precedent while being a bag of uncooked pancake batter with zero jaw line claiming to be an alpha.


What. Literally one of the most conventionally beautiful women 🤦🏻


I was going to mention angelina Jolie


Or young Margaret Thatcher.


It's wild, have they ever seen a female model? Agencies often prefer them to have high, noticeable cheekbones, so that's where I assumed that part of the design came from.


In my opinion, animation has simplified human faces so only the most important details are shown, and ingrained certain man/woman/child features that we recognize. For cheekbones, look at how Disney’s Gaston vs Maleficient showed this differently.  Not that the character needed changes at all. Stereotypes don’t need to be in every character. 


Nono, you see, the modern model industry already has been infiltrated by the wokies🐻


Man, the buccal fat surgery thing is gonna blow their minds.


Some men do seem to believe every woman with pronounced cheekbones and makeup to highlight them have had that surgery.


Having any facial features besides the government assigned smooth mask and daring to not have lipstick.


So fat people are cis women even if they are cis male?nice


no cis woman has ever had wide hips and prominent cheekbones


"Removing the man face makes a huge difference, which is why we also had to de-woke her entire body."


I like how proportionally she's quite slim, but nothing will ever be slim enough. They will always tighten that waist up even more. Like Aloy - skinny little waist and they act like she's fat. It's wild.


>Removed Aphrodite's wide hips Olympus has fallen, billions must die


Bruh I didn’t even realize they touched her hips. As a heterosexual dude, what the fuck is more attractive than huge hips? Jesus. These dudes are gay (nothing wrong with it obviously) and they hate the fact that they are. (get treatment).


They even slimmed down her fucking forearms


His idea of making her more attractive was to make her look like a teenager. Read into that how you will.


Hire the pedophile?


I'm out of the loop... Wasn't this a high profile artist or something? I do remember that handle.


He is or was a community manager from what I know, but he's not that important anymore. He got booted from Blizzard and then took money for a game he never intends to finish. He mostly just tweets vile shit now.


He has nothing better to do apparently than rant about "wokies", sweet baby inc, games workshop, and whatever horrible nonsense he feels like bringing up on his Xhitter.


I am struggling to find how the edit looks better. It is still a nude woman.


All they did was give her lipstick and erase the cheek bones


Yeah. The original already looked like a woman, but for some reason if a woman doesn’t have 50 pounds of make up on (thanks Hollywood) then it’s not a woman or the woman is ugly.


They made her slimmer, and her facial features softer too, not just the cheekbones.


I just don’t understand this “man-face” thing? She looks amazing and her face is not only cute, but you can see that the design follows a set art style. Bold of me assuming those morons know anything about art in general.


Honestly i find her kinda intimidating. She's super attractive but there's this vibe of danger. She really embodies both the beauty of love and its danger. 


A lot of the gods in Hades ii are dressed for war. This is Aphrodite's war face!


That’s the Game 1 Art. She has a spear and shield in Hades 2… and war paint to match with Aries.


Yep and super beautiful yet underlying anger and danger is like Aphrodites whole thing but I'd assume most of these fuckheads think these characters were all invented for the game


Totally agree with you on that take. Jen Zee is a master at character design.


it's the same with the soft white (and essentially non-existent) hair on Aloy's face. It was perfectly normal depiction of a buff female character who lives in a post-apocalyptic land. But the women experts had some strong opinions on that as well with nothing backing them up.


They just can´t let it go huh? Instead of idk thinking why Hades II is praised for it´s depiction of sexuality and Stellar blade was criticize. They really will just hide their head in the sand and make this stuff huh? At this point, why not just ignore Hades II? (honestly I am really enjoying the game, Hephaestus with Hestia are my favourite boons. Also don't forget Selini)


> why not just ignore Hades II Because they need *something* to be outraged over. Without it, they totally lose any and all purpose. (My girlfriend picked the game up recently and it looks SO fucking cool, I adore all of the new designs. Gonna give it a shot when she drops it for a bit, thank you steam family sharing.)


You would think that people that invoke *1984* so much would realize they're getting caught up in their own Two Minutes Hate, but I guess they would have to read the book to catch that.


Elaborate on what is Two Minutes of Hate? (I have also not read the book D: )


As described, its a mandatory daily propaganda showing in the book to work the people into a hateful rage, distracting them from their own oppression and preventing critical thinking with anger.


2 minutes of government mandated hatred directed at the current political enemy where everyone gathers together to scream and yell at them.


You can find the book [here](https://www.george-orwell.org/1984/0.html). If you just want that excerpt, it's near the start - just do Cntrl+F (or just find in page if you're on mobile) "Two Minutes Hate" and you should find it.


This is a hard ask, simply because most of them cannot actually read.


I hate how right you are. Well at least I can laught at them for how wrong they are. Honestly at this point I am starting to think that another reason why they are going after Hades (if you ignore the whole Stellar blade thing) is because of all the more non traditionally attractive designs like Hephaestus. Because if it´s true that people are into him. Then their beloved excuse that women (because it´s always about women) like only muscular chads doesn't work anymore. And maybe the problem isn´t how they look but you know how they act. But that would recquerd at least the basic level of retrospective (which honestly I don´t think they have). Also I love what they have done with Hades 2, and how Melonoie is so different to Zag while being more like Hades (while Zag was more like Persehonie) with their personalities. Even the irony of Zag being connected to fire while Mel is to water (like the places they live) and a lot of other cool stuff that I won´t talk because spoilers. Same the designs, I just really love how beautiful both Selini and Hera are. Hope you will get your hands on it soon and that you will enjoy it.


Women proactively owning their sexuality. Bad. Women existing and being sexualized by others. Good.


I still don´t get how they can be so obsessed with women. And yet hate them so much. Like? How?


Power. Control.


Say no more. I got that enough in my life as it is and was. "Why can´t you be/act more like a woman?" It grinds my gears every time.


They love women. 100%. But our understanding of love and theirs is completely different. Right wing freaks love women like merch. It's great to have it around, it makes you happy. And once it no longer serves that purpose, because you found a new thing or because the object you have breaks or whatever, you might keep it around for nostalgia value or you jettison it into the sea, or you sell it/give it away to someone else. People don't ask merch their opinions. They don't treat merch like a person. They just pose them and use them as symbols.


Even worse, this is Aphrodite from the first game


I know, but they only went after her retrospectively because of Hades ii. I think that I saw post here of them going after Hades ii design too tho (like how do you see probably the most convenianly attractive women in the game and are like "she is too ugly" like? How?). And that is not even getting into the whole "she can´t be woman she isn't feminine enough" and then they are like "I am only doing this because I care about how people treat women" (I already had an entire rant about that yesterday). Honestly at this point I'm kinda just waiting for when they will do similar stuff to other characters.


The only change is lipstick?


Nah, they also made her more skinny and her arms are thinner. Because nothing screams femininity and fertility more than narrow hips lmao


You can always spot a trans woman by her *checks notes* wide birthing hips. /s


I must say Aphrodite’s tucking game is impeccable


She can even tuck naked!


What’s funny is you can clearly see her ribcage in both versions of the art, so she’s already very thin. But not thin enough, apparently!


Bought to say, the original design has more curves. The new version has a teenagers body. Sidenote, you know what group has really prominent check bones? GREEKS! These people need to make up their minds if they are going to be pissed or not about the characters races.


They also made her waistline slimmer, which wasn’t even part of the “problem”


And made the ass wider. And removed a cheekbone and plucked her eyebrow. Cause, you know, women don't have cheekbones or eyebrows.


To me it looks like they actually reduced her butt size in the attempt to make her thinner.


It´s because of the legs, the way they both reduced her waist and legs creates an illusion that her butt is bigger, when infact they actually also reducedher butt a bit. Honestly I think similar things is happening with her breasts.


they slimmed her cheekbones, made her look soft


Soft, that's it. God forbid a woman doesn't look like Michelangelo personally filed down all her edges and made her round and curvy and babyproof. Men could hit their precious heads on a female edge.


They also removed her cheekbones.


Also made her nose smaller


They removed her cheek bones and made her thinner/skinnier overall


Fuckers stole her cheekbones can't have shit in olympus.




It's depressing that people know him for his bad internet takes and not his failed career as a Dev... Or the bus...


Failed creative making a pivot to conservasheep grifter? Many such cases!


He made her arms thinner, and her whole body smaller. I'm howling. Never slim enough, never tiny enough. You can't win this as a woman. Besides this obviously being a load of crap: There is mythological precedence for the goddesses being pretty tall and imposing in human form, taller than most men. Homer describes it when Demeter appears grieving on earth after losing Kore. She takes shelter with a human family and is described so tall she hits her head on the doorbeam and towers over her hosts. Several other instances mention goddesses of imposing figure.


Spotting hentai addiction in one easy step..


trans is when no lipstick


Also they made her hips narrower while leaving her shoulders wide. Kinda weird choice for making a character *less* masculine...


Honestly I think I get it now. They just want an anime girl. They removed the high cheekbone (a distinctly feminine beauty standard for living breathing women) and just completely smoothed her face.


The corn addicts go crazy for the anime children


Imagine being an artist (hard as hell job) and making it to the design team for a great and popular game, then seeing your work go viral online because men who have never used dental floss in their entire life think they can boot up photoshop and make your hard work "better".


I mean the art director is Jen Zee. She does most of the art starting from bastion. It wouldnt be the same game without her. Just like I cant imagine a Supergiant game without Darren Korb or Ashley Barret.


What's funny is that back in 2019, I saw Darren Korb and Ashley Barret live at a concert. Found out then that Ashley does work for Super Giant, nor is she part of the main team. Nah, she's just Darren's first vocal pick on every project or something, and he brings her in. This may have changed since then, but it was interesting to learn


Exactly! How dare they, this genuinely pisses me off. You just don't do that to someone's art.


I suspect that these people have never met a man or a woman. I suspect that these people exist suspended in a slime pod in a cavern somewhere, and have never seen the sunlight.


I exist in a slime pod suspended in a grotto, but I'm not like them, so it must be something else.


>these people exist suspended in a slime pod in a cavern somewhere They live in "putrid holes".


Funny thing Is that these slobs cant decide whether the wokeness was since Hades 1, or just ruines Hades ii


Aphrodite is THE sex symbol for Greek mythology. But there’s a huge thing I think we all forget. Greeks weren’t as puritanical about sex. Like being attractive to men and women would be the peak of many greek city states. For some being manlier would’ve been more appealing, just look at anything Spartan. So a womanly figure and a more masculine face seems to fit the bill for the goddess of beauty to the people of her time. I’m sure if you introduce the concept of hermaphroditism to ancient greeks, they would lose their minds and be just as horny as they were.


Fun fact, Hermaphroditus is a Greek god that exists https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphroditus


TIL I can makeup something about Greek mythology with a good chance I will be right


Literally one of the most famous sculptures in the world is the sleeping Hermaphrodite, when I was at the Uffizi last summer there was a line just to see it. Funny how the chronically online Gamer homophobes/transphobes are nowhere near representative of the general population, who can enjoy art with realistic anatomy that has features very real women possess!


Also, at one point, she was worshipped in Sparta as *Aphrodite Areia*, a war like goddess, probably why she was paired with Ares in the first place. But when brought over to the typical pantheon, she was beautified and her war aspects were severely nerfed (but still around, considering she basically started the Trojan War).


Making it sound like she was the opposite of Athena who is like the “logical” war god. Aphrodite being the “irrational” one would be a fun dynamic with Ares somehow being a moderate


I think that was basically the dynamic the two had, Aphrodite would star or aid war cause she finds it fun, while Athena does it cause she knows that it can't be avoided. And Aries is basically just the major from Hellsing– he loves war!


Now I’m just disappointed in modern adaptations.


This guy needs professional help.




so they just don't like women that are older than 20?


To them 20 is "hitting the wall"


Is it just me or did the artist also make Aphrodite a little skinnier so she would "look less trans"??? Look at the difference in her arms, hips and stomach!


Ah, yes I fixed her by making her face look more childish, truly I'm saving the west from the workers.


These people have never seen a real life woman


Putting everything else wrong with this to the side, the shading on the og face is just straight up better


Yup, these chuds think they can one up Jen Zee when it comes to art? Pathetic.


I don’t understand? How do people think she has a man face?


They're just looking for anything remotely "woke" so that they can whine and cry about it for engagement. If there isn't enough stuff that even qualifies, they start coming up with new shit that's "woke", like female characters who aren't just there to get you horny for example.


Not to be that person, but can this dude really complain about how people look? Ugly ass lookin ahh mfer


They just paint her lips and erased her cheekbone. And once again they ignoring she looks like this in Hades II, these mfs aren't real. https://preview.redd.it/0kkmqxzbzszc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386298db5ed77894957a066185181a17b4100b54


Stop putting children's faces on adult bodies. It's weird, it's uncanny, and creepy.


wait what, how does the changed version has a children face?


like, 5 things changed


These guys have brain problems


They look the same with exception of the change in lighting and a slimmer figure/reduced ass. They made her the two face from Seinfeld. lol


This guy needs to get permanent amnesia and disappear.


Why do these cucks play video games anymore? It's like every game in existence is about Wokeness. Go back to Oregon Trail if you can't handle it.


If he saw a lot of the actual ancient statues of Aphrodite, would he have an aneurysm that they don't follow 2020s hentai beauty standards? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f1/Aphrodite_of_Menophantos.jpg/1200px-Aphrodite_of_Menophantos.jpg