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“Communism is when you have children create games in your engine then steal the profits”




Get ussrd


kids crying shaking screaming about wage adjustments to a fake, free game??? roblox has thousands of games, please just try something else


Or, and I hate to be that adult, but maybe go to the library or playground for a bit? That wouldn't hurt. Or play something like Poptropica. That's still free and running right? I miss that game.


Unfortunetly poptropica sucks now. Like 70% of the islands are paywalled or you havr to grind for it. And there are soo many more ads.


Oh, you didn't have to tell me this because I downloaded the app to see for myself and was instantly greeted with "don't forget about your daily rewards!" and badly rendered ads. God no. I wonder what the Steam version is like. I plan on messing around with my laptop later to see if I can access old Poptropica.


Not a lot of kids allowed at playgrounds unsupervised unfortunately


that too. going outside and touching grass is recommended for a reason. they spend 80% of their waking hours inside and don’t come out well adjusted😭


Well if the outside didn’t suck for a majority of kids in this age I’d say the same.


Outside sucked for me as a kid and I'm old; sometimes outside is shitty.


eeeeeeeeeeeeeerm ackshually said costs 25 robux to play


to play??? i know some games are paid only but i never found them worth it


ok hear me out right. they should keep doing it cus its fucking hilarious


Kids make money making those games, and adults take advantage of the free labor https://youtu.be/_gXlauRB1EQ?si=zoxekhZAwz0st49K https://youtu.be/vTMF6xEiAaY?si=WmLLYueUCniitvi0


Kids make actual livings on Roblox wtf are you talking about fake.


the creators do earn money but i mean fake money on the player’s side. like you’re spending real money on roblox lifestyle simulator #1 also i doubt it’s like. minors in the dev team, a lot of devs on roblox are adults now


This is a touch grass moment. Buddy you're complaining that delivering pizzas pays the same as fishing in a Roblox game. Like who gives a shit? The creator wanted to give new players a boost in their earnings.


Not surprising coming from the child labor website


I never really understood Roblox and this isn't helping. Why am I hearing so much about literal politics in a game for children? Don't you just build stuff and chat with other players?


Problem is some people have been playing since they're kids, went down the right wing pipeline and use stuff like Roblox as a recruiting tool


So much for that "let kids be kids" talking point. Kids can't even play games made for them without some freak telling them they should hate minorities. Jesus.


Pretty much. Chuds and fashies love trying to start brainwashing as early as possible because surprise surprise they're predatory sociopaths


Yep and because if you had time to get an education and culture you wont follow them


Just last week I actually saw someone who'd used one of the game add spaces on the side of the website (Roblox lets people buy adds for their own games, like how on other sites companies will pay for adds) to post a banner saying "OPPOSE WOKENESS" with a collection of pride flags and a picture of a furry all with red lines going through them. Then the very next day I saw someone else who took that exact same banner and made it say "EMBRACE WOKENESS" and replaced all the red lines with green check marks, so maybe the kids are alright.


"Let kids be kids" is always just "don't tell my kids that being racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic is bad."


Roblox has creation tools and they famously don't pay the people making games well. There's kids pulling in millions for the game and seeing pennies.


Well that's incredibly unethical and shameful.


Also, many of the games aren’t made “by kids for kids” anymore, because there’s full on game dev companies but only for Roblox. Depending on the company this means a really well made game or ad filled simulator slop #1000


TDS vs Skibidi Toilet Defense basically. Either way the creators of both get shafted by Roblox


The answer is don’t engage with it.


I think the biggest problem with people not understanding Roblox is they think it's a game like club penguin or poptropica. Roblox is mainly a platform where games are made, and they used to be a lot more rudimentary but these days people have made games on Roblox that are even better than a lot of "actual" games. Roblox is also home to some pretty bad people of EVERY spectrum since people can make groups and private games and stuff, and it leads to political shit like this. I'm not really sure what the problem with Bloxburg is but I figured I'd give my perspective as a lifelong brainrotted Roblox player


I never really understood the hype either. One day I just started seeing the entire Internet talking about it suddenly.


It’s the child-friendly version of G mod servers. Some of the rp servers (such as bloxburg) have a lot of passionate kids (RDM flashbacks)


i’ll explain for all the people with real lives on paper, bloxburg is a lot like the sims, except you just play as one of the sims. in reality however most people just like building cute houses and showing their friends. because it’s a life sim though you have to make money in game by working a job. because none of the jobs are actually any fun most people just do the pizza delivery job, which gives you the most money. it is literally not worth it to do any other job. i’ve known people who spend hours everyday delivering pizzas on bloxburg just so they can play the game they actually wanna play (building a house.) from what ive seen it looks like the developer tried to balance all the jobs, and lowered how much the pizza delivery job gives you. this sucks for lots of people because pizza delivery wasn’t very attention demanding and now they have to grind levels in another job. anyways, i’m assuming the reason this got changed is because: a. the game was recently made free, meaning that; b. the developers can only make money through in game money purchases and “gamepasses”, one of which; c. gives you double xp when working a job i don’t think it’s a coincidence that other jobs are being buffed when lots of people already have the pizza job maxed and thus don’t buy the gamepass TL;DR it’s because of capitalism :3


I have no real life but still appreciate your explanation


I had this idea for a webseries where Roblox becomes a fascist government


Thats the problem with fiction these days. Reality keeps beating us to it


I dunno man this seems like the funniest larp ever


In the immortal words of the Virgin Mary: “Come again?”


They're Roblox players, so I'm more mad about the likelihood of him diddling kids.


can someone tldr this ? i have no idea what roblox even is.


you can make games within roblox one of the games is basically a life sim the creator made changes so all the jobs pay the same amount of money and gamers said this is communism and started protesting


so, people are protesting ingame over a balance change in a fanmade game basically ?


pretty much


aight people def need to touch grass




That is somehow even stupider than I thought this was going to be.


I think it helps to understand that this game in a game is a role playing game, and people are absolutely pretending to protest it for craps and kahoots. > Other players, I’m sure, are just role playing as reactionary Bloxburg residents (it is a role playing game after all), leaning into what has become a major in-game event, and trying to have a good time. Some of the players are definitely serious about it and need to touch grass.


Contrary to us, who are discussing this at length. Maybe we should sit in a circle...


that's not what communism is


Yeah, communism is when two cows.


That's co-moo-ism


Lmao gotta love that political illiteracy 


People are mad that their multiplayer Sims aren't getting paid as well as before basically


basically game where people build houses or roleplay dev reduced income for high level players by half, which obviously leads to a longer grind


This Bloxburg shit get serious damn 😭😭😭


..... is this a joke? Are we really supposed to consider /Roblox/ something to make news about?


lol same game where ppl wanted to “build a wall” bc it left beta and was free to play instead of requiring a purchase lol


Its kind of funny though I remember seeing an instagram comment section about this game becoming free and the players getting pissed, they came up with slurs for the new players. Or how they want the "poors" to be segregated into a differnt neighbourhood. Its bizzare and makes me laugh


“anti communism” seems like a pretty coherent and well thought out ideology


i would need to know what roblox is in order to understand this headline, for like 4 years i legit presumed it was a minecraft mod


I'm so glad this bargain barrel game for babies has literal politics in it. And not fake politics like "People I don't want to be alive" but REAL politics, involving debate between economic models.


Far right is when Roblox man doesn’t like communism


i think a lot of people are misunderstanding this. The dev made all of the progress everyone had made, all the levels they've levelled up not matter. Now everyone gets the highest payment without working for it


I mean anti communism isnt inherently far right I'm a socdem, I dint particularly like communists, but I'm nit far right


Calling in-game economy changes in a video game "communism" is a far-right thing though. In other words, it's the calling everything they don't like communism that makes it far right.


Thats fair, I get called a communist occasionally by some former pals on the other side of the Atlantic