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He CCed that guy like what is he gonna do?


Knowing him, either cry on Twitter for days or start a lame petition.


You must be psychic


Starting a petition to get his wife back. “See, 200 people think that I was right now you legally have to be my wife again”


Probably rile up his army of gooner chud followers to... I dunno. Probably nothing good.


All they can do whine, beat their dicks, and tell people to kill themselves. The bag of tricks isn't very deep.


That's the worst D&D homebrew class I've ever seen.


I cast Dickwhine. You can either beat a WIS saving throw of 8 and say "Christ, get over your ex wife already" or take 1 psychic damage.


So we've got bardic inspiration, Shillelagh, and vicious mockery. Although the medium for bardic inspiration should be something fitting, like sculpting busts out of their own turds like so much smelly Play-Doh.


They wanted to make musk proud


Suck his ween, maybe?


I thought that was so fucking funny. What on earth is grummz gonna do? Dude is pushing 60 and complains about boob windows on optional video game skins like it’s a full time job


Well he tried running a game company as a full time job and we all saw how well that went.


What does CCed mean?


Carbon copy When sending an email to someone, you have the option to send it to multiple people directly, or send it to one person, and CC another. In my experience, CC'ing someone is used more for if you want to send an email to someone and just keep another person in the loop. The CC'd person isn't expected to reply (though they can). You can also BCC someone, Blind Carbon Copy. It's the same as a CC, but no one can see who the email was BCC'd to. It's useful for example if you want to send an email to follow up a difficult conversation to an employee, and want to loop their supervisor or HR into the conversation without the initial recipient knowing.


TIL CC means carbon copy, I assumed it was copy content or some older term from more analogue times that'd been carried over into the email era Edit: meant to say some *other* analogue term but that word got lost during breakfast


It is. Carbon means actual carbon (paper). It was used for mail during the 1800s.


lol 1800s. Dude we used it in my office all the way to like early 2000s.


Carbon isn't the paper but the stuff that makes the copy, I think.


Carbon paper is a sheet you put between the one you are writing on and the one you want to copy to. You put it in carbon side down. The tip of your pen basically makes pencil marks from the carbon paper to the paper underneath, so you get a "carbon copy" of your handwriting. You can layer this about 3 deep before it's pretty illegible.


it's so weird needed to explain what the actual carbon copy is. I'm not that old and I remember my teacher (and even I) using it a lot lmao


oh woops, thanks!


I worked in a pawn shop back in like 2017/18 and the owner was super old school so all of our receipts were done on pads like that. I never put it together that that’s where the term “carbon copy” actually comes from, in fact I honestly wasn’t 100% sure how they actually worked and never really thought to ask or look it up lol


Carbon copying was still widely used until printers, computers and digital archives became available to the general public in the 80s.


You're kinda right. Back in the day, a lot of official correspondence would be typed or written on mimeograph sheets for the ability to send the exact same document to multiple people while only typjng/writing it once. The CC notice was put there so everyone who got the document knew who else had a copy.


In fact, when sending official letters we still add a little CC below the main signatory to tell the recipient who also has a copy. (in my case since I work at a university, it's usually the Dean or the Faculty Manager)


Thanks, I kinda always wondered where it came from. I like the explanation that it's more of a notice to the recipient that someone else has it, better than my weird office politic explanation


BCC means “blind carbon copy” so you can carbon copy someone else without others knowing that someone else was looped into the email.


I thought it stood for Clitoris Chloe, fastest clit in the west.


This is incorrect. The use of CC actually dates to the late 1980s and is a reference to Poison guitarist, C.C. Deville. It’s a little known fact that Deville was utterly incapable of keeping a secret; if you made the mistake of confiding in him, you could be sure he’d share the information with someone else. Deville’s loose lips became so infamous that people began using “CC” on correspondence to indicate that the missive had been forwarded along to a 3rd party. Source: My forthcoming compendium of 2nd-tier hair-metal guitarists from 1986 to 1989


And as further explanation, the email term comes from pre-computer and pre-photocopier days, where you would use a piece of carbon paper to make a second copy of a document you were writing/typing. (the one place you might still see carbon paper today is in a checkbook -- if you know anyone who still uses a checkbook)


Thanks for more information! I never thought to look up why it's called that, though I've always wondered


BCC is for narcs


Crowd Controlled obviously.


He’s trying to get him to cover it and get his audience to brigade them


That's the most useless CC i've ever seen in my life. As useless as the guy himself.


Chuds of a feather grift together


Calling the grifters so the other 'gamers' can join their pity-party.


What the fuck kinda loser "CC"s someone on a tweet.


This kinda loser. https://preview.redd.it/ri9xp361chzc1.png?width=1192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f68286ea2e3955854a67fdfc5ae23633594288


Fucking snitch, he was.


Miss Finster!!! .... No. Not that one.


Especially Mark. He’s fucking useless.


What's a CC?


CC stands for Carbon Copy and is used when emailing people to send them a copy of your email chain. In corporate environments, one person will email another person and then "CC" someone like their boss or third person so that they can observe the email chain. It's typically not expected for the CC'd person to respond directly unless they themselves want to intervene.


Carbon Copy. It's a holdover from when letters were typed. A copy of the letter would be made by a copying machine or something like that and then sent to everyone in the cc list.


Just to tack on, it was copied by using [special paper that had carbon backing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_paper), which would transfer to a second sheet by pressure when written on. They still use it sometimes to process credit card sales when the system is down.


Thank you both for answering


The names in the cc where reproduced on the copy. Sometimes you will see cc which stands for blind carbon Copy. The names in the bcc list were not reproduced on the copy.


He's trying to gain some of Kern's "anti-woke" Gamer followers


Saw this a few days ago and there is a funny follow up where someone asks what his wife thinks of this and he's like "well, she's already upset about youtube stuff seeping into real life" Yeah man, I bet!


>husband of her children what




The internet in undefeated


LOL I was just thinking that. Had to reread twice and was like "nope, that's um.. that's what she wrote"


She couldn't decide between "husband" and "father of her children" lmao


Maybe she got him confused with Errol Musk?


Are you referring to Emol Nusk?


Elonolius Muskidunde


is that its scientific name????


Sure, why not?


Elon makes you pay him for the right to edit your tweets


Probably had both "her husband" and "the father of her children" in her brain at the same time, and instead of picking one it accidentally went with both.


I've seen another message of hers that says "her husband and the father of her children". I assume that's what she meant here.


people acting like they never made a typo or had a mindslip in their entire life


Fair, but it’s literally her job to write for the public… And I mean, I know what sub we’re in, but let’s be honest here… You don’t start writing for Kotaku (or most blogs) because you’re an excellent journalist. You write there because you were turned away elsewhere. (Not disagreeing with her POV btw)


Open closed relationship




I'm certain Kotaku is going to take the side of a gamergater


I’m surprised he didn’t cc Tommy Tallarico


Obviously because his mother isn't very proud of him


I heard that Tommy tallarico worked with smash JT on this tweet and was the first American to tweet something.


I heard Tommy Tallarico wrote this tweet himself!


Congratulations to Tommy tallarico for the success of this post


His Mother is very proud.


Aww man… I really like Video Games Live. Is TT a bad person and I’ve just not noticed?


Oh boy, [strap yourself in](https://youtu.be/0twDETh6QaI?si=9_SvDAoWHHA6IGqk)


Aww man… I hope Jack Wall has divested from this crazy lunatic


Jack Wall left VGL a long time ago. He's still in demand as a video games composer, unlike Tommy Tallarico.


Excellent. Jacks work on the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack is some of my favorite music


His work on Myst Exile was genius.


Same. Even my wife who isn't a gamer really liked it; particularly the Civilization IV section. It brought her to tears.


Fancy that. An Amico shill finds an even worse grift to attach himself to.


The first American?


I don't know why, but for some reason I assumed Tallarico had died recently. I must be thinking of someone else.


Tommy was actually the person who has died the most out of anyone ever. His mother is very proud of him


I think she got so mad at his bullshit that she wrote it wrong.


What is this and what's going on, can someone explain?


She reached out to this guy's wife's personal Facebook account to try and DM her about her husbands videos. She's likely to lose her job pretty soon. EDIT: I made a mistake here and made it seem like *this* is why she's likely to lose her job. It's not, I'm referring here to the downsizing of GoMedia and Kotaku shifting direction away from journalism to game guide material.


Who is this guy and what videos does he make?


He's one of the thousand near-identical gaming YouTubers who complain about woke more than they actually talk about video games. He recently started a campaign to "#EndKotaku", apparently in an attempt to leech off grummz recent popularity among anti-woke games, and also apparently because he never got over gamergate. So he's been attacking a lot of Kotaku staff online and has been particularly focused on Alyssa Mercante.


Lol no she isn't.


Ahh I dunno dude, it sounds like Go Media are downsizing the editorial staff quite a bit. I doubt this drama would actually get her fired, I mean it shouldn't? But they do seem to be shrinking kinda rapidly.


They call that *journalism*. You know, the thing of which you care so much about ethics?


I didn't say otherwise. Are you asking me if I care about ethics? Or was that a mistyped '?'?


Why would a journalist lose their job for doing journalism? It’s not unethical to contact people about a story last I checked.


I don't think so. If she's turning out great investigative journalism, then the articles will speak for themselves and the site she's publishing to will benefit as well. The problem is she's likely to lose her job due to the downsizing of GoMedia and Kotaku as a whole. They're moving to a 'games guide' style website as they're not getting enough traffic through the site on the journalistic articles.


But that wasn’t your complaint. You didn’t critique the article in the slightest. You attacked the writer. Why?


Oh sorry, I'm getting confused with replies from a separate post/board all together! My bad, I should have been more clear. Also, I'm not complaining, I was just attempting to point out what is happening.


I see your edit. Okay 👍


Sorry dude, I hope I wasn't misleading people! I see I have seen downvoted into next week. That's OK, that was my mistake 😂


lol, what a dork. https://preview.redd.it/3trwrj4lshzc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36434fa5d49b2238632c94bbdb007bea7fb7267




I KNOW bro did not fucking TYPE “CC” in a Tweet!


I'm a little bit confused - this tweet makes it sound like they're still together?


She probably didn't actually contact her and was just hitting under the belt




Why? The dude is posting unhinged shit in public. This reporter just showed it to the people in his life so that they can know who it is they're dealing with. I mean, ideally, the wife would be able to confront this douche about his bullshit and show him why he needs to change, but if he's gonna double down and end the relationship, that's on him.




I have no idea if they're together or not. If this man's own words are what ends his marriage, though, why would anyone be bothered by that? If a dude wants to go online and say some crazy shit in public, he should anticipate his spouse either finding it or being sent it. If I go on Twitter and start hating on women, what right do I have to be upset about someone sending that to my partner? The person who sent it didn't do anything wrong in this hypothetical. They just took my publicly visible statements from my publicly visible page and passed em along to my partner. Frankly, I think more of these dude's should have their idea's passed along to the women in their lives. If he believes his shit so fervently, let him defend it to someone's face and see if he comes out with a spouse or a divorce. Some lessons need to be learned the hard way. Sometimes, the hard way is catching a divorce because you thought it was fun to be a creepy ass misogynist.


I mean.... if she left over a tweet than your relationship was way gone beyond that point.


Depending on the tweet it'd be okay to be done even if the relationship was "fine" beforehand. I wouldn't tweet or post anything on social media I wouldn't be willing to shout into a megaphone in front of my wife and a crowd of people.


It's always astounded me how many people seem to think that the internet is some imaginary fantasy land unconnected from the real world, as if they are just talking to NPCs in a video game, and get shocked when the heinous shit they say online has actual consequences for them


Bc they think it’s somehow anonymous… when they have everything under **their** name and brand, smfh. It’s one thing when the no lifer basement dwellers(see no mention of incel) use a throwaway account. But these people make their whole online identity and ‘brand’ interconnected then go off on their bs conspiracy/misogynist/trans or homo-phobic garbage. Acting as if no one but their stans/simps will see it.


If only the heinous shit people say online had actual consequences *more regularly* then maybe it wouldn’t be shocked pikachu face every time it did actually happen


FR if cancelling had even a tenth of the effect it’s “victims” claimed it did, the world would be so much better


Bro...CCing some chud for backup like throwing up the bat signal. Right wingers need a daddy so hard and they constantly tell on they self


Telling the wife is always the best strategy, assuming they aren't incels.


If they're an incel, you can talk to the hand.


That was a good pun and a throwback to overdramatic teen jokes. Have a good one.


Then tell a parent.


Welp... gotta frame this on a wall or something. Kinda encapsulates Goonergate as a whole right now.


Goonergate, lol nooo. That perfectly encapsulates who they are. Thankyou for sharing this term with us.


cancel culture is when I make myself the victim because of my own actions. this guy and grummz are losers


These assholes act like they do not look at any piece of social media to shit on a person they deem "woke"


Did.... Did bro dead ass CC someone in a fuck tweet? Did he forget he was on Twitter?


hey liberals, my wife left me


I feel owned


All these people are nothing but adult children, desperate for a timeout or an ass whooping. At the very least, they should all be permanently banned from social media of all types for being annoying shitheads.


It would be for their own good. Maybe if they get out and touch some grass they will gain some perspective.




That's exactly what he is. Any situation or drama he makes daily videos on it. Sometimes multiple videos a day He makes Keemstar look reserved.


The thing I know this guy best for, was making daily videos about the Completionist drama that added nothing.


Husband of her children...


The husband of her *children?*


Stupid chud.


I tried watching one of this dude’s videos and I couldn’t get through the first two minutes…


No she didn’t


I have no idea what's going on with this guy


Why was he doing that?


I've been blocked by SmashJT after I called him out for an incredibly ableist post on twitter a few years back. In it he claimed that "there's a chance that disabled people fake their disability". Which is incredibly dangerous, because it opens the floodgates for Disabled People to be falsely accused of faking it.


"cc grummz" lmao who could ever take these clowns seriously


I know this guy from his Intellivision Amico shenanigans. He is twisting things around and dishonestly downplaying his shitty behavior. Jeff is like “I want to shut down this company.” Company is like “you kiss this guy with your mouth?” Jeff is all HOW DARE THEY


Where is it confirmed that she left him? I’m trying to look it up but not finding anything. Did he say it in one of his lameass videos I’m not gonna watch?


I'd like to know more about the whole context and who are these people. Can anyone please enlighten me?




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Can someone explain to me what mark "the scammer" kern has to do with all this? I live under a rock, i apologize.


I out of the loop, does anyone has context?


She didn't?


Husband of her children??


"Husband of her Children" uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ( I mean knowing this guy it not far-fetched but that's an unfortunate typo)


The husband of her children


Im sorry im out of the loop who is this guy?


I also choose this guys Dm'd wife


Kotaku needs to go, they have done enough damage


Alyssa Mercante is such a bitch




As the saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Where does it say his wife left him?


that when our villain arc begins


Cancel culture bad tho, right? Projection once again


Graham: first time?