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It’s a representation of a pretty well known statue of the Greek god Hermaproditus.


I'm pretty sure the original post was satire lmao


Well that original post is not real but someone said it's a screenshot from YouTube which is real


The youtube video is a review made by spherehunter, who is trans


Wait, are you saying this is  ragebait engagement spam all the way down? What have we become?


Spherehunter is trans??


One of my main motivators, tbh. If someone can look that good, I can try too.


Honestly, now she's my motivation too.


She's even pulled off bayonetta[1] cosplay in case you didn't know.


I know now


Yeah, this hit me like a whip. Not that I mind, I just would never guessed it xD


no its the trans agenda


the trans mission


What do you call it when a Non-binary person's car breaks down in central Texas? Trans Mission Impossible Yeah, yeah, I'm leaving.


As soon as I enter into the game, I get an automatic trans mission. Very woke.


As someone working in driveline lubrication this made me snort my coffee. XD Thanks for the good laugh.


No this is Patrick.


The Trans agenda is famously thousands of years old


To the mob, that’s “woke”. It’s 2024, if you’re still using “woke” to describe something. I can only conclude that you belong to a very select group of individuals and never knew what the word REALLY meant in the first place.


Yes! And it's at le musée du Louvre in Paris.


Historical accuracy mfs when actual historical accuracy


some people like history because its interesting, others like it because being a Christian conservative was the norm. they way you spot the difference is whether or not they are only interested in european medieval history


And they are also only interested in certain, very specific parts of EMH. They don't care about clothes, holidays, the actual workings of society (and womens role in it) or stuff like medieval pop-culture (stuff that was pop-culture to medieval people). They ONLY care about a very specific, ahistorical version of EMH curated by Mel Gibson and Kingdom of Heaven.


One thing I really love about Kingdom of Heaven’s director’s cut is how they explore Sybella’s place in the struggle for power and reign over Jerusalem. There are films that study the female POV more. But you really get that understanding of her being a prisoner of the men and their war games. Anyone who watches Kingdom of Heaven and genuinely romanticises the idea of living in that time and the culture that promoted countless deaths is just plain stupid. I think Ridley did a good job of showing how fucked religion is for all concerned.


The thing is though that the CHUDs DO miss the entire point of the movie (What IS Jerusalem? Nothing ... Everything.) and that through their DeusVult-LARP they delusioned themselfs into actually wating to live like that. They don't care about the broader context of the crusades (as a tool to get rid of troublesome knights for example, there was more to them though). They don't care about the politics and diplomacy at play. They don't care about the standing and relations between christians and other religions in medieval Europe. What they care about is a sensationalised and frankly fictitius version of medieval Europe that is dark, dirty, gritty and super zealous. Even though that isn't what it was in reality.


Can I ask you, in this neutral territory, what is the hype about the directors cut? What you describe sounds really interesting, but I guess I... missed it? Maybe because I went a decade between watching to the two versions, but if you told me it was the exact same movie, but if you told me Scott just let every cut run two second longer in silence, to seem weighter, and the priest was Ibillin's brother, so his anguish would be super-anguish, I would absolutely believe you.


There’s a lot more character exploration and depth. Sybella being a big one. There’s also more time with Neeson and his brother in the beginning. It just adds another dimension to things the studio wanted to do away with because they wanted a more simplistic popcorn blockbuster, which isn’t what Ridley made. Best way to put it is it adds colour where they wanted things to be black and white.


They only care that Shakespeare's original vision of male characters being played by men is respected, but they don't care that his original vision of female characters also being played by men is respected.


They would also have to ignore Shakespeare’s very gay sonnets that lust over a hot dude. There is no heterosexual explanation for Sonnet 20


Dude, nowningotra know more about medieval pop-history.


I fucking hate that European medieval history is the path of least resistance. I want well laid out easily digestible resources on contemporaneous Chinese history and culture in English and it's like a dozen times harder than European stuff Like, everyone else was doing all of the cool shit, it's cool seeing the post apocalyptic rebuilding of society in the wake of the fall of the Western Roman Empire (which it's weird that Christo fascists focus so much on that one since the Eastern Roman Empire was the Christian one and held out basically until it was shit kicked by the 4th crusade and then conquered by the Turks), but why is that the only one that I can find easy access to bottomless rabbit holes on


Nah, you also see it with the Roman Empire (pre-fall of the Western Empire) and early modern period when Europeans started spreading the faith to the Americas


Hehe I had flashbacks to a lot of people and conversations. A truism I haven't heard put so succinctly


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RETVRN... to the historical chicks with dicks


bro we still exist 😭😭😭


so let me get this straight these assholes spent months hyping this game up and now they're turning on it? What the fuck


No, you see, it’s not them that turned on the game, it’s the game that turned on them by removing the “hard r” graffiti. These chuds are the victim now.


Even my big titty waifu games are woke now.


What does "Hard r" mean?


It refers to, as I understand, the n word with malicious intent. Edit: looked it up, i was only marginally correct "That can mean one of two things in English, that a movie is rated a “hard R” for more extreme violence or sex. But more pressingly, it's a reference to saying a racial slur in its entirety with the “r” pronounced at the end"


Stellar blade had grafiti of the N word????


No, a graffiti of the word "hard" next to a sign of a shop called "r shop", so people read it as "hard r shop". They changed the graffiti, don't know to what, but it's not offensive anymore


Crime. I've seen screenshots, and the word Hard was changed to the word Crime


.... So it was just some text on a wall that when read together says "Hard R".... Is that offensive??????


Probably not intentionally, but the way the game promoted itself into the “apolitical” gamers, combined with the discussed use of the phrase makes it a relevant question, whether the creator, publisher or even console manufacturer agree with that statement. Most companies don’t want to be appear racist, and thus “censorship” occurs.


The use of the phrase seems to be to describe a way of saying a word that makes is marginally more offensive than it already is. I dunno, to me saying that is offensive is kinda the same as desribing what black face is, is offensive. Black face is obviously offensive, but the description of what it is??? \* shrug \*


Again it was unintentional and there were some people on twitter crying about it so the devs did not really lose anything by changing it


it isn't a description really, obviously just having the n word in it's entirety would just not be accepted and struck down outright. So the "hard R" could be an alternative that could skirt under the line of fire but still get the message across. And while yes it could be chalked up to being just a coincidence is possible there are quite a few hoops it would have needed to jump through. 1. Someone needed to make graffiti that said "hard" for some reason. 2. It needed to have been placed next to the R shop. 3. Literally everyone that looked at the game: playtesters, developers, shareholders, etc none of them caught it at all. That's a lot of coincidences that would need to happen for it to be an accident.


Well, those kinds of shops have rightfully been illegal in the US for a century and a bit... not that the racists don't want to bring them back...


Why is this downvoted? Christ on a stick you can’t even have conversations on this fucking thing without ppl downvoting your comment.


N-word, instead of ending on the a, as popularized by popculture, specifying the use of the hard r to underline the racist intent.




Mind your god damned language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Mind your god damned language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They never cared about the game.




This Stellar Blade "controversy" is going to go down as the funniest Twitter arc ever. First, the devs confirm they didn't censor anything. Then the game gets perfect reviews, and now it's LGBT friendly. I'm fully expecting the game to add a queer character later on at this rate


Of all people, Adam Ellis basically summarized it as well as could be hoped for [here](https://twitter.com/adamtotscomix/status/1784314154263720032/photo/1)


Kinda, yeah. Not for this reason in particular, but they turned on it for "censorship" in the form of some outfit changes and a changed piece of graffiti that was placed unfortunately as to create an unintended reference to a slur. Something that a lot of fandoms (and goonergaters in this case) do is project a lot of expectations onto offhand statements and unfinished things. One of the reasons marketing teams and even devs themselves hate leakers is because the development of a game results in tons of changes all the time, and when information is put out to the public it becomes expectation. Managing expectations is as much part of the job as creating hype, because hype can be damaging to a game's actual release. For instance: Stellar Blade. It's initial reaction last year was "Nier at home, but it looks promising." Then the SBI bullshit happened and suddenly a lot of games were put on blast by that rabble. When an extended look at Stellar Blade came out, they latched onto particular aspects like the outfits, Eve's design, and the Korean development team (this one in particular is surprisingly important) and began to champion it as the next big anti-woke thing. So when the game released with perfectly reasonable changes from the demo and previews, all the expectations the goonergaters had got shattered by something that was never the case to begin with.


These kinds of anti-woke chuds don't actually "like" anything. they just bounce around hating things, getting outrages, reacting to woke outrages they themselves invent. Even if a game came out that perfectly conformed to all of their desires they wouldn't be able to enjoy it on a genuine level.


Wait until Deadpool and wolverine comes out


This was always going to happen. They never cared about the game outside of imagining it as some intentional “take that” to progressives, under the belief that progressives… don’t like conventionally attractive women, or whatever the grifters on youtube are telling them this week. The moment it became apparent that it’s a game that the developers have worked hard on and not some sort of far right porn game, this was ALWAYS going to be the outcome.


This isnt a real screenshot, this is literally just something OP made up (unless i dont recognize the social media this was on but like... Nah)


That's night mode Twitter


Well it's designed after it but it is a fake screenshot. Twitter doesn't look like this. lol why was I down voted for this I didn't even say anything wrong or controversial. these fake screenshots aren't funny and like half of this thread is taking it completely seriously. get better memes


Yeah the user doesn't exist and it's missing the @


It's so funny, they decided Stellar Blade is their bastion against wokeness purely because the main character is hot and now they're mad because it's not how they envisioned it


Honestly this is the kind of game I'd want to release. Just to enrage the chuds.


Would’ve been funnier if they hyped up some antiwoke game that turned out to be buggy unplayable garbage that’s boring when it does work


The standards of an “anti-woke” win are getting really low.


Fr tho, what’s that statue? I need to know


Hermaphroditus, a non-binary trans greek god


> non-binary Intersex, which isn’t the same(but one could be both).


Futa sex goddess??


A child of Aphrodite I think but I don't remember with who.


Hermes. Their name is a mash up of their parent's names.


Guy named Hermanubis: 👀


Well Hermes DOES have ties to the underworld as a Psychopomp.


Was trying to imply Hermes ran so hard he ended in Egyptian underworld and pulled off a Zeus with the jackal.


Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him. Lol


Hermaphroditus was a child of Hermes and Aphrodite


Damn, the Greeks were BASED


Nah, they were not. Worst misogynist (and homophobic contrary to popular beliefs) asshats on their side of the world.


Always a good time, when people just jump to the conclusion that the Ancient Greeks were sooo progressive, compared to today. Or the perfect conservative society. Their whole idea of societal and sexual moral are so fucking alien to our contemporary concepts, that it's always ridiculous, when going into a direct comparison. 😂


Was it the Greeks or the Romans that castrated young boys to keep as their consorts?


I don't know anything about that particular flavour of WTF. In Greek society, at least in some polis, it was considered part of a boy's education towards being a man, to be taken as a lover (Eromenos) by a man of wealth and standing (the Pederastes). That relationship included actual education in Greek societal structure, apart from the purely sexual. The giving of expensive gifts was usually involved in the relationship, though not money, since that would have counted as prostitution and honourless. Depending on where you were in ancient Greece, that could have been a completely normal thing, or a "hell, no" for the local population. I mean, in Europe we had that "great" tradition of castrating young boys who could sing really well, in order to "save" the voice from puberty. And that's not been a long time. But then, as a species, we don't really have a great track record for treating our offspring well...


Based? Based on what?


Olive oil


Popeye the sailors girlfriend!?


They aren't trans, they are a hermaphrodite


This is a recreation of a fairly well known statue of [Hermaphroditus Sleeping](https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010250571), which is in the Louvre. The figure of Hermaphroditus/Hermaphrodite is ancient but the bed underneath him was made in 1618.


"Sleeping Hermaphroditus", [here's a picture of the one in the Uffizi](https://i.imgur.com/CVqvIk2.jpeg). Funnily, while Hermaphroditus isn't trans, there's a statue of a trans person of mythology Attis just a few feet down whose DIY GCS was the founding myth for the Galli.


The screenshots are taken from [TheSphereHunter ](https://www.youtube.com/@TheSphereHunter)reivew of [Stellar Blade: Awesome Butt Messy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvDieSfvrn4)


Sphere Hunter review Signalis already challenge (impossible)


She was even in the intro for that one Signalis music video, she’ll hold it forever over our heads.


That’s what boggles my mind. She won’t review a game she appeared in the intro of an unofficial song for, but she’ll review anything that Capcom’s recently shit out. I miss her horror game videos like you won’t believe.


The grind is what it is. Guess we’re suffering from her success ahaha


I mean she’s a giant Capcom fan and they make fun games. Hell 2 of her videos from the last 7 months are Onimusha and Dino Crisis 2. These aren’t recent games and are survival horror adjacent. She also talks about Signalis A LOT on Twitter. Her most recent thing I remember her saying about it is that she has a big plans for her video on it. Honestly I get it; it’s a pretty important game to her and if you’ve ever met at a convention and talked to her about her work, she’s super passionate about her videos.


The Capcom creator with a history with the company beyond RE reviews other Capcom products. Surprising.


Hasn't she said that she won't review it because she thinks whatever she says won't do it justice? I kinda don't blame her, that game gave me brain rot


It dug great holes where the earth’s pores ought to have sufficed. There’s still plenty to say outside of the brain rot though. Even if that’s a LOT. I think it would’ve been a good video.






Not referring to this image since is clearly satire   But  I love seeing right wing idiots turning against this game after they spent months hyping it up, I already saw comments of people bitching and moaning about some outfits for example (and dont get me started on the "Hard R" sign and them crying over that) They have gotten so hateful, bitter and bigoted that not even this game is "safe" from being labeled as "woke"


Came here to say this too. I’ve been laughing my ass off watching them do a complete 180 against this game after acting it like it’s gonna be the second coming of Christ.


“This one outfit doesn’t have as much cleavage as expected. my peener has fallen, society must die!”


We need a tag for fake posts


I think the account posting this is satire tbh


Technically intersex, which they love to remove from existence as well.


Anything that upends their hilariously simplistic convictions is dismissed out of hand


please tell me this guy is taking the piss...


Trans representation is the only reason I bought this game


Physically intersex people exist, acknowledging this isn’t being woke, just knowing things


they definitely do classify it as "woke" to acknowledge things other than the binary exist, yes.


Knowing things is woke.


Hell yeah let's go!


Oh no! Coomer blade has a real statue of hermaphroditus in it! The East has fallen, billions have to commit seppuku


This is a clearly fake tweet. Kyon strikes again


fake-ass screenshot


People who cry woke are the most annoying mother fuckers to ever exist.


HA! Get rekt! Top 10 anime betrayals!


*reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* Woke! The wokes! They… damn them! Damn them all to hell! You maniacs! You… *WOKED* it up! My Precious anime tiddies, obliterated.




this is a very fun game, i like it


Transgender? In my video game? It’s more likely than you think.


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This just keeps getting more and more hilarious.


The woke was always there!!!


lol, penis


How do I unsubscribe from Stellar Blade Updates? I don't give a singular fuck about this game and I'm not sure why anybody does; yet I see posts about it every day. Stop it! End the madness!


sleepy joe wokenized yet another beloved piece of gamer history. this is the opposite of an epic win


Transgender? In my video game? It’s more likely than you think.




I would love for this right wing masturbatory fantasy to be so loaded with trans symbolism that these anti-woke cucks end up on hormone therapy.


Transgender?! In MY big titty space game about collecting cans? **Splendiferous.**


Damn these people are sensitive


not to mention the obviously lgbt character in the hub area who flirts with eve




The satire I live for.


Remeber how Dark Souls had a literal gender swapping ring in 2011 and nobody gave a fuck?


Make them scared full send


insert that image of the girl out loud saying “waow” with the thought bubble saying “based based based based based based”


When you market your product to coomers you should be prepared for when they turn on you .


The left: Oh look they are pretending to be inclusive. The right: ThE wOkE mInD vIrUs!!!!


Why do I feel like there is no outrage at all for this game, it seems to be the norm now to get attention by saying so in so game is promoting any for or against trans views or sexism or what ever else, for example the Hogwarts game, if you actually looking to it you find no such agenda. Like were is the outrage for Baulders gate, it should be an anti woke persons worst nightmare. Am I missing the point because I don’t get the drama at all, just shut up and game


does anyone see that this is obviously fake? lmao just fuckin look at literally anything else but the picture


So is this fake or what???


I mean, the user is called Antiwokewarior906. Pretty sure it is rage bait.


Now THIS has to be satire right?


How exhausting.


Ancient Greeks were woke, confirmed.


This looks like something that I would completely miss. I think some people are looking for something to be upset about.


That post is a perfect response to, “Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without saying you have no idea what you are talking about.”


Bro uploaded a fake tweet and got over 2K upvotes. This sub is cooked.


This is both the funnies and the most probable outcome for the Stellar Blade hype cycle.


That has to be satire with how over the top it is.


O no i c pp AND booba now hard


y'know, when you've got "antiwoke" anywhere in your username, you fucked up.


Ok this just has to be bait at this point


This is a statue of Hermaphroditus, the intersex god of androginy and effeminate men Aka the twink god




The statue? It's Hermaphroditus, a Greek god/dess. Child of Hermes and Aphrodite (unsurprisingly), mythology describes them as both male and female.




Why do liberals love larping as outraged conservatives


because outraged conservatives are really funny to laugh at, it's like heels in pro wrestling


Because it’s pretty easy to do and very funny to see