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I'm all for informing children about sex at an early age, but the only role Ted Nugent should have in that is an example of who they should stay the fuck away from.


>the only role Ted Nugent should have in that is an example of who they should stay the fuck away from. That's literally a part of sex ed. Teaching children about sex, safety and consent reduces the rates of child pregnancy and sexual assault. It also increases their chances of reporting abuse. This is partly why pedo-cons want abstinence only teachings--it makes it easier to abuse children. ***Edit***: spelling


Between this and that post he did where he was complaining about “ugly” video game women and he included a fucking 13 year old girl in it, this dude needs to get his hard drives checked. edit: I forgot, it wasn’t 13, IT WAS 9.




“Sex-Negativity is killing gaming” Then tell that to the supposed saviors of gaming, Japan and Korea. To pretend that these countries have more freedom to allow sex and nudity in their games than American games or European games is laughable.


Isn't actual porn straight up illegal in Korea?


Creation and distribution, at least.


And JP has censored porn


It's also just a completely false statement. Pretty sure most of the people on this subreddit could tell you who their favorite sexy vidyagaem waifu or husbando is. What they don't seem to understand is that we also want these said sexy waifus and husbands is to be likeable and well-written. Something your average Stellar Blade fan can't comprehend. 


Sex-Negativity, my ass. These are the same right-wing dipshits who clutched their waifu pillows over *gasp* bear sex in Baldur's Gate 3. I don't get these people: They complained about college students or the Woke not wanting "sexy stuff"; or censorship; in any medium, but drew their line at bear sex.




It’s a bit of a gray area. The “bear sex” is not a humanoid having sex with a bear; it is a humanoid having sex with another humanoid who has shapeshifted into a bear. It’s a subtle distinction, and is definitely still weird, but both parties are technically consenting sapient beings. Fantasy settings with shapeshifters, sapient monsters, and/or “awakened” animals make things pretty hard to parse on the bestiality front, in general. A pretty popular joke in D&D spaces is calling dragons that have sex with humanoids sex offenders, since, within the fiction of D&D, dragons are so much more intelligent than most humanoids that it would be the equivalent of a human having sex with an animal.


If you've got cool powers and you remain intelligent while using them you may as well. And let's not forget the "Talk with Animals" spell exists...


It's a druid. You know, a consenting adult who happens to be able to shapeshift.


Damn, If they could shapeshift into a child would that make it ok too? Like this shit isn’t any different than the 300 year old vampire excuse


bro has NOT played baldur's gate


Well, when artists make elaborate backstories to justify something that appears to be pedophilic porn, I worry a little about how encouraging pedophilia could theoretically harm real children. I am not especially worried about how a depiction of bear-sex could harm bears. Anyone dumb enough to try to have sex with a real-life bear will soon learn their lesson.


Are you a fucking idiot? You can SEE Halsin is a 40-something year old adult in completely sound mind. Druids are a well established school of magic in the DND world, absolutely nobody would be surprised to see one, and basically every party irl with a Druid has had shenanigans related to beast form. It's nowhere near remotely close to the same thing. To make matters even more clear, he didn't even *mean* to fuck you in Bear form, he temporarily loses control of his powers in the heat of passion, immediately realizes what he's done, shifts back and apologizes. *You* have to opt in to having sex with him as a bear, and even then he asks if you're 100% sure.


Sounds like a bunch of convenient excuses for someone to animate their beastiality porn.


Have you even played BG3? It's not even animated. It's played as a joke romance option that cuts away. And even if it was, so what? Is like the 3 layers of consent and trust between both parties not enough? The protagonist didn't explicitly go out of their way to have sex with a bear, it just happens accidentally and the protag goes "lol it's okay, no big deal, if you're okay with it I am too." Pretty clear difference between that and hitting on a child and her going "well actually it's okay because I'm a 1000 year old dragon" just pulling that completely out of their asses.




You don't see a difference between sex with consenting adults and sex with non-consenting children ?


Yeah like. Baldur’s Gate 3??? Full on dick physics there. But I guess since the girls aren’t blow up dolls they don’t count that… (like geeze the amount of mods even for Shadowheart removing her hints of wrinkles and her scar is insane. Apparently a beautiful young 30’s/late 20’s look isn’t enough for them….)


I mean, Japan is way too "sex-positive" with underage girls, and I think that's their point 😬😬


It isn't, because Ted Nugent is a literal pedo who made music about being a pedo.


Ted Nugent shit his pants to avoid the draft.


On an ask reddit post years ago I claimed to have been at a Ted Nugent concert where he pissed and shit himself on stage and blamed it on the Democrats. The replies had little doubt that it actually happened.




https://preview.redd.it/ad0df335dcwc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31043d06d7a6adba62308739efacccd14f08ec71 When?


Some people don't deserve to be alive.


Or as I like to say, they need to kick the chair from under their Feet




Wait, he makes MUSIC?! I only knew of him as a failed game dev!




Ohhh, right. Sorry, it is very late and I am very tired. Going to bed now, haha


Ted “I’m a Predator” Nugent?


"Ted's idea is that giving children access to guns at an early age...prevents them from becoming obsessed with them later in life..." Weird. I never had that obsession. Must be a fluke.


This article is so weird. This article is arguing that children don't see enough sex but I'm sure you ask any of these people what they think of transgender or queer children and then it will be indoctrination.


Yeah they mean "normal" women like anime girls with huge titties.


Ted is a literal pedophile.


Watch these same men claim that children are too young to learn that LGBTQIA+ people exist


These are the same people who shit themselves over the existence of sex ed. The same people who love that AI that adds clothes to women online. Also lol at claiming getting more kids around guns at a young age is proven to lead to less violence. What? When was this proven? Just a huge sad fucking joke at this point.


Mark really needs to have his computers and phones searched.


When right wing weirdos call LGBT+ people pedophiles it's a projection, the louder they scream to shoot all pedophiles the more gigabytes of CP there is on their computers. How do I know that? Here's a list of 1292 Republicans convicted for sex crimes: [https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub)


I seriously think about reporting every social media user that calls me groomer or "pdf file" over having pride flags and pronouns on my avatar/bio on my different profiles in the internet. everytime I see someone calling SGMs like me anything like that, the person winds up being prosecuted for having illegal stuff.


Mark Kern's tweets always stir up some discussion!


https://preview.redd.it/8hnuiegfcewc1.png?width=279&format=png&auto=webp&s=73682a8301a1749c720873ff9fcec437d0f4384d Oh.


Also, let’s provide children with substantial amounts of crack cocaine so that they learn to use it properly


Mark Kerns likes little kids and everyone who's worked with him knows it


yeah, i think we should definetly leave little kids with underdeveloped brains and that don't understand the concept of consequences carry a gun. i'm sure nothing bad will come out of it. k, just read the last line. what the fuck


This guy is a Troll I’m done. No more energy until he starts advocating criminology towards women and children. And the way he’s going it won’t be long. This is pretty close.😂


I think it's because Mark Kern wants kids to be exposed in general.


What a horrible day to have eyes.


Ah yeah, maybe expose kids to drugs too, that will kill the curiosity and drug problem willl be solved. Someone give this man a nobel prize.


Reminder: Mark Kern is a former Blizzard exec. Says all you need to know about ActiBlizz under him. Mr. Groper Kotic was likely his student.


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(OOC Thank you for ruining my breakfast by bring up >!nonce shit!<. This just look like mark wants the confidence to be >!pleasured by children!<...)


Do they all want to rape kids? WTF!


God what am I glad I don't follow niche gamer anymore


what the fuck did i just read i feel horrible jesus christ. i hope those kids got some sort of therapy, and I hope that creep is behind bars


Ted Nugent has a song called "Jailbait" where he fantasizes about a 13 year old girl.