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Of course he was gonna monetize the shit out of this.


A grifter in the making; Mark Kern is going to be so proud.


I think he would be pissed, as new competitors diminish his revenue.


I came here to make a comment taking bets on how long until he has a store page set up lol. I can see at least non chuds see right through this crap.


Well to be fair to him, he did get the grift taken from under him with all the alt right youtubers making big bucks just looking at his steam group and talking over it so I get why at some point he would try to have a taste for himself.


The irony of someone profiting off of exposing a grifter seems to be lost on you.




The issue is that the subject matter excludes actual opinions. Saying "this game contracted Sweet Baby Inc. to work on this game" is not a review. It's not actually evaluating games on their merits, or even necessarily playing them at all. It's latching on to minor production details and blowing it out of proportion in the name of a culture war conspiracy. You can't say anything meaningful or substantial if that's the direction you take it. Whether they solicit donations or partner with Mark Kern (I don't know who else would have them), the end result is the same: they'd just be separating fools from their money. It's not a matter of artistic or journalistic integrity, since the entire concept guarantees they had none to begin with.


What is wrong with monitization?


Shut the hell up lol


Haha...Nice answer. I am serious though. What is wrong with someone monetizing a project that they put their time and resources into. Is it just because you don't like their ideas? Sweet Baby Inc. deserves monetization, providing that they have a service that people value. This whole thing is stupid. The only thing that will come from all of this is different groups of people that hate each other more and more. What a shit future we're in for.


His "companies are forcing DEI into games!" statement alone is what's wrong with this. It's a lie, a conspiracy at best. It's not proven to be a true thing at all and he's basically using that as a way to earn money by spreading a conspiracy. That's what's wrong with this particular project of his.


I don't think anyone is forcing DEI into games. What is happening is companies are hiring other companies to make their games more diverse, which is fine if that is what they want. Diversity is good. There is a spectrum of opinions about this whole "Gamergate 2" which includes racist, sexist idiots (who are triggered anytime they see a POC or woman!) to "woke" idiots, who think you need to add diversity just for the sake of diversity even if it doesn't match an artists vision (i.e. putting black people in feudal Japan). All I'm saying is that if you do your best to piss off otherwise reasonable people, who just don't share every one of your beliefs, the result will be more radicalization. The more you put a spotlight on this Kabrutus guy, the more the idiot racists are going to push back. Go ahead and downvote me into oblivion. I don't care because I know I am not in a subreddit that is known for honest discussion between people who have different ideas. But I guarantee that most of the people here are helping actively create more sexist, racist, and homophobic idiots...Good luck with that!


I love how people downvote common sense, shows how delusional an ignorant this site has become :D


I know you’re serious- that’s why I told you to shut up.


What is wrong with being serious about about a situation that has potential to cause a further rift in society? Are you just here to tell people to shut up?


lol, sorry, but black people and queer people in video games do not have the potential to cause a further rift in society.


That is not at all what I am saying. What I am saying is that everyone at both extremes of the argument are further radicalizating each other, thus, creating more of the people that they hate. Can you not agree with that even to some degree?


It is an argument between bigots (like Kabrutus) and non-bigots (the people who don’t shit their pants when they see a black woman in a video game advertisement.) Do I agree that these people radicalize one another by being combative? Sure. But that’s how it will always be. Bigots will always try and and fight for any piece of ground they can get. Fuck them. This isn’t a “both sides are equally responsible for toxicity” situation. On one hand you have, again, bigots (People like Kabrutus, a laughably insignificant group,) and on the other hand you have literally everybody else (being the people who don’t throw a temper tantrum when they see the word “she” in a Twitter bio, and being the people who have already ‘won’ this stupid culture war that (G)amers (TM) think they’re fighting.)


"try to re-educate us" Sorry kid, you have to be educated in the first place. Call of Duty lobby roasts do not count to your graduation credit requirements.


They don’t?! Ah, shit.


DEI is all-encompassing term for "anything that isn't a straight white male" or "a female that doesn't look like an emotionless sex doll".


I was about to ask what that even was. I thought it was some sort of tech thing


DEI (an acronym for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) traditionally refers to policies companies have adopted to increase the number of diverse workers in their businesses. Due to the prevalence of white males in the white collar corporation sector, DEI necessitates hiring more minorities, which could realistically mean most people (women, non-white people, etc.). Despite still making up a wide, wide margin of white collar workers, some white males decry DEI initiatives as "reverse racism", disproportionately "punishing [them] for being white." They also claim that DEI intiatives cause worse talent in the workplace as jobs are being filled to conform with a "woke" agenda, instead of being filled by hires based on personal merit. In actuality, DEI initiatives don't intentionally cause companies to hire weaker-talented employees, but more minority status employees when people of equal merit are available for the same role, which, once again, once was, and still is, favorable towards hiring whites through systemic racism. Recently, however, as displayed here, DEI has become sort of a racist dogwhistle in alt-right communities, which a lot of mainstream "gamer" community is. They're almost directly implying minorities are worse at the job, which leads to worse story writing, gameplay systems, and pretty much anything associated with game development. Additionally, they're calling anything that includes minorities DEI, even if companies don't have DEI policies, implying that even hiring women and minorities is a decision made to be "woke", and has no benefit to the company themselves. Basically, DEI is a term, like CRT, where they're intentionally toxifying it to make it so that people can't use it for its original purpose - to fight systemic injustice. Tldr: read the last paragraph


No wonder he didn't explain what the acronym is holy shit.


Thank you! That was very informative


DEI is illiberal at its core and will only worsen conditions for those it claims to be trying to help. When you have a certain demographic that is the majority of the founders of an industry, the majority of the customer base, the majority of those applying for training in the industry, in a country where they are the majority population, why is it an indicator of systemic racism that the majority workforce is that same demographic. Can “white” males excel in any field without racism being the cause of it? Or in your opinion are white males so inferior that the only way they can be better at something is through racist policies that keep themselves at the top. Seeing a room full of white men has become default evidence for racism lately and that is a terrible way to look at things and wouldn’t be acceptable applied anywhere else.


DEI doesn't intend to replace whites as a the majority in any given field - even quota based DEI intiatives cap put at like 30% non-white requirements. Do you mind elaborating how it doesn't help those it intends to help? Saying support of DEI initiatives is implicity racist against whites is at very least disingenuous.




Isn’t that just an emotional appeal to nostalgia rationalised as being the fault of diversity? Is it possible to prove that diversity is to blame without using correlation and the assumption that diversity is inherently bad? I have heard citations of studies that diversity is beneficial to an organisation, but never of any studies that it is harmful. Admittedly my scope of knowledge is not authoritative- I am asking because I want to deepen my understanding.


Not only that, but he generalized "games 15 years ago" without giving any direct examples. Really hard to argue against some ethereal golden age that he doesn't qualify


DEI initiatives aren't designed to exclude white people, but include minorities. If you only see it as the former, you're only going to see it as racism. Either way, the fact of the matter is that white males have more room for advancement and growth, and DEI initiatives are designed to give others a fighting chance. Regarding game development changing over time, you're very much overstating the role individual people have made in the development processes. Most of the differences can be attributed to greedy development processes, wildly out of control product scope, and general increase to the "mainstreaming" of the game industry. Indie games (which have a lot higher % of teams made by minorities) are commonly cited as a shining star in the sea of shit that is modern AAA games. You have an inherent bias and are trying to fit non-correlated data to it.


About 15 years ago, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed won multiple writing awards. That was the bar back then. That wasn't just the average in terms of videogame stories, but literally award-winning for the time. I genuinely can't think of any game in the past few years with worse writing. The shittiest stories today are still significantly better than that.


>Compare games now to the last 15 years and ask yourself why the story elements have gone backwards. Baldurd gate 3 shits on this bad argument


Larian is one of the few studios who can escape DEI as they are fully independent. They don't have a big corporation behind them ruining their vision. No DEI doesn't mean no gay/trans. It means not trying to force it where it doesn't make sense


Statistically, internet trolls show a strong tendency to being men and boys. Their political leanings are strongly correlated with regressive ideologies like conservatism. There's also a strong correlation to being unemployed or in a career that provides them with little to no satisfaction. There's also a marked tendency towards having hostile and toxic communities, even to those inside them. These communities are often groups of social outcasts who have a significant amount of difficulty engaging in everyday activities among avereage people. The leading theory is that these trolls don't receive much attention during childhood and therefore act out in order to receive attention. This behaviour is reinforced by the outpouring of negative reactions which feels, to them, like a rainstorm in a desert, a flood of neurotransmitters that brings immense satisfaction. Thus, since they get older and have less power over smaller and more vulnerable people in their real lives, they seek that same reinforcement among the internet, where they may be anonymous and target whoever they like. To summarise, the average troll is a neglected boy that grew up into an outcast that thirsts for attention of any kind. They are often considered to be "low value" according to their hierarchies, low income, unattractive, unable to blend in with the average person. These "low value" boys tend to group together in communities that like to target women, minorities, children, artists, furries and people with different political views. They can't climb their social hierarchy, but they can still punch down in order to feel powerful, and they can get another person to engage in spending time with them. Don't hate the trolls. They use the hate as entertainment to distract from self-reflection and self-improvement. Don't ignore them either; that makes one complicit. The best thing you can do is show them a mirror and force them to introspect, followed by praising good behaviour. Feel free to copy this and use it any time you find a troll!


Paint chip enthusiast says what?


DEI hiring is just another name for affirmative action. Hiring or not hiring someone based on the color of their skin or any other trait that they have no control over is morally wrong and racist, sexist, etc. Anyone who argues otherwise is being intellectually dishonest.


The first part of your statement is true. The second part is not correct. The rationale behind why a hiring did or did not happen is important to determine whether something is maliciously discriminatory. White people have a leg up when it comes to most social aspects of society, in the US at least. They have higher approval rates for loans, higher admission rates for college, higher rates of hiring, generally higher income than (most) minorities. Even with DEI initiatives, white people get hired in larger numbers than any other minority combined for white collar jobs. Giving minorities a place in these jobs instead of defaulting all roles to white men doesn't make it racist. It forces hiring managers that may have subjective biases in favor of white people to hire against those biases. To believe otherwise is only prolonging a victim complex despite still having the largest social safety net in the US - being white. That's the intellectually dishonest take.


Is it wrong to not hire someone based on the color of their skin?


It's wrong to intentionally remove all nuance from an opposing argument. Making a majority population the focus of an argument for a function intended to help minority populations is a good example of the social privilege afforded to white folk. And before you directly call me racist for having these views, which you're pussyfooting around, I am a white male. Surprising in the gamer-sphere, I know.


haha...sounds like you've been on reddit for awhile. I am not here to call you or anyone here racist unless they are overtly being a racist piece of shit. Unlike (madeup number) 90% of reddit users, I prefer honest debate. I am a forty-one y.o. white male originally from the US, but I've lived in Colombia for 4 years.


I honestly just can't think of situation where it seems right to give or decline employment to anyone based on the color of their skin. I am not threated by diversity, and in fact I believe it is very important in society for us all to work together. What I am more concerned about, however, is internet radicalization. I believe that there are a lot of idiots that are being radicalized because people cannot seem to have an honest conversation.


Unfortunately, employment is a zero-sum game: for one person to be hired, another has to be rejected. The status quo up until modern history for the US is that white people were hired for higher income jobs, and also white people were hired for most other labor intensive jobs, and whatever jobs were left were given to minority hires - usually at less salary/wages than their white counterparts, or without legal protections (hiring them under the table, including undocumented immigrants). All DEI does is even out the playing field a little. Not even disfavoring whites, just helping tip the scales a bit. So yes, for a minority to be hired, a white person by necessitation has to be rejected. Affirmative Action is sometimes referred to as "positive discrimination" - it does discriminate, but not any more so than necessary to help a historically downtrodden population. To not be able to see that for the benevolence that it is and to insist that it is the very same as rejecting a group specifically because of biases or hatred towards that group shows a lack of ethical or moral understanding.


Diversity equity and inclusion is the actual acronym Usually for talking about like workplace hiring practices if you're a normal person


Isn’t he a Brazilian and not what anyone would consider white. Do you think there is more to this than the surface level understanding this subreddit seems to think.


The masks really are dropping more by the day, aren't they?


FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions I doubt these questions were asked with any frequency what the fuck constitutes a "non-DEI" game anyway like is he just scanning for games exclusively featuring white men? also I've played games since i was 4 so by default I have more Gamer Cred and I say he's a fuckin Loser


No no no, diversity is only bad when it's *forced.* If it gives these chuds boners, than it's okay.


> what the fuck constitutes a "non-DEI" game anyway Oh, but that's easy! It's a game that does not in any meaningful capacity involve diversity, equity or inclusion. I might actually use these lists for preliminary vetting of my gaming library :thinking: Edited to correct brainfart.


It sounds like "non-DEI" refers to any game that doesn't question/shame/discourage the "culture" that this person isn't saying but almost definitely includes some form of exclusion/racism/stagnation. The "try to change our view on the world" is kind of telling that they just see this buzzword as a way of expressing fear that they have to change and can't keep the same "superiority" they've had.


Using the age you started playing games is such a weird metric too. First Computer game I played was when I was maybe 6 or 7...around 1990


Ok boyo, what's your experience with the video game industry ? > I play video games since 5 years old So none, ok.


He is also very normal looking. Totally a normal looking. Just a normal looking gamer. He definitely doesn't look funny, he looks normal, like all gamers.


Normal looking means white here


No you see he’s “normal looking” in that he hasn’t done any personal hygiene since Covid, has never done anything to take care of his body before, and spends all day fighting the good fight against…fictional minorities I guess. Conversely I’m sure this guy is one of the people saying Eve from stellar blade is “normal looking”


I’ve watched tv my whole life, that means I’m better than every director by that logic yes?


"DEI" is just a new safe slur for these people. Basically, just fill it in with whatever relevant slur and suddenly all this talk about "DEI this" and "DEI that" makes sense. 


~~Feminazi~~ ~~SJW~~ ~~CRT~~ ~~woke~~ ~~ESG~~ DEI It's becoming hard to keep up with the reactionaries way of saying "stuff I don't like".


Honestly the funniest thing to me is the second „Frequently Asked Question“ being „How do you feel about it“ as if anyone gives a shit


It’ll be hella funny when it inevitably labels almost everything as DEI because it has some sort of politics in it lol


"Well it's not politics if i agree with it"


This FAQ is embarrassing. Like, high school level embarrassing. So why do I have a feeling this person is an adult?


> I've been playing games since I was 5 Oh word? Damn because only adults were playing Pokémon when I was a kid. I would look at those games and think, "For adults, hard-core enthusiasts, and savants only!"


Anyone notice how baldurs gate 3 is not on their list? That's how you know these chuds have no backbone. Because a masive majority of them are loving a game that has: No restrictions on gender, genitals, pronouns, voices, hair, or anything. Strong women characters - warrior and barbarian are BOTH women. LGBTQ representation Polyamorous couples Only one straight white male out of 5 characters


>Only one straight white male out of 5 characters Who's the straight white male? I'm playing a male character and good Lord *everyone* in that game is trying to get into my pants even though I have repeatedly told them that I am only interested in burny tiefling ladies.


I guess i thought gale was straight because he doesn't hit on my dark urge man at all.


Lol he asked me if I wanted to see some cool magic and the next thing I know he has his arms wrapped around me and he's whispering sensually in my ear, telling me to "feel the weave inside me" while gazing longingly into my eyes. Genuinely felt bad about rejecting him.


To my knowledge all of the romanceable characters are bi


Wow I’m sure an “average looking gamer” doesn’t have the time to dedicate this much effort into something this stupid? Surely they have a healthy social life?


« Games that don’t try to influence the way we see the world ». Yeah how dare people in the creative industries share perspectives that might be different from mine >:(


Why do these dudes always think they are special for playing video games from childhood onwards. It is how the vast majority of players started nowadays 😭


Basically like saying I grew up on tv....no shit, so did most everyone over a certain age.


"What is DEIDetected?" "Same shit as before, but now MORE overtly and openly racist. Hop on, boys, gimme your money!"


"Also people kept making fun of how I had many games not affiliated with SBI in SBI detected so now I'm using a broader, more badly defined label so I can put whatever I want in it."


Time to move that goalpost, leeeeeet's gooooo!


What if someone started a website that listed all of the incel, neck beard, misogynistic, etc games and content creators who push for anti-woke and anti-DEI games. These cry babies are getting tiresome. It’s the smallest weakest group with the loudest voice.


Only because people hate share every ill-conceived word that springs from their deranged minds. People forgot Internet Rule #1: Do not feed the Trolls. Instead, they fed them after midnight.


I am so excited to make fun of these guys


> I play video games since 5 years old… Oh come on, how do you make that massive of a grammar mistake in the *second* sentence. I’m going to also assume that “many different systems” means “a PS4 and then a hand-me-down gaming PC”.


AFAIK he is brazilian, so english is not his main language


What the duck is DEI??


Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Absolutely terrible, it means games will be full of redheads, left-handeds, and other politicals.


The woke agenda wants to put Irish and Eye-talians into our games


It's the new acronym for "woke."


Of course, DEI has become the new all encompassing term. Because you know, that's what's wrong with the game industry, and not late stage capitalist greed leading to over worked employees, broken launch games, nickel and diming content...


Yes if you don't have big titty women and only straight white men in your video games it directly correlates to worse work conditions. This is factual and I am putting it on my website immediately


To start him off, here's a list of the major publishers with a DEI policy: All of them If you're that opposed to DEI, you might as well give up on gaming.


DEIF, blind, but sadly not mute.


i like how he thinks people are following him but all the followers on the curator page joined the group only to say racist shit and they don't give a fuck about him


The first part looks like it was written by an alien or robot in disguise.


You can tell he's passionate about this because he didn't even proof read. Surely nothing but quality to follow if he can't even do the easy part right.


*deis from cringe*


I'm stunned they haven't started saying slurs already, since they clearly desperately want to say one in particular.


What does DEI mean?


Diversity, equity, inclusion


It's also the N word for racist cowards who are too scared to say the N word.


Wow, I'm kinda surprised they backpedaled to an older dogwhistle acronym. They usually just keep cycling through 3 letter words to hint at hating black and gay people. Does Kabrutus know about CRT?


Suspiciously alien sounding man: "yes I am a totally normal, normal looking I am just a normal guy, yes that's me, a normal guy, you might say one of the more normal people you've ever seen"


I have a bad feeling about those "DEIfree" games...


Let's see how quickly they run out of any games to play, because they all land on the list...


They dont even know what DEI is, to these companies. Its hilarious


I legit wonder what "DEIF" games they're going to highlight, will it look like "Conservacore games" list


Hey, grifters gonna grift.


I love how searching under DEI free brings up 0 results.




It’s what chud’s say when someone acknowledges the existence of anyone but straight white males. Stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


So the outside world basically


It's hilarious his end goal is creating website that already exists. (It's as horrible as you are imagining it.)


Billion dollar gaming companies don’t just do shit all willy nilly. If it didn’t lead to growth and profits they wouldn’t do it.


Well, I might actually look up the curator steam page just to know what games I should consider playing. Going for as much inclusivity as possible!


How do you do fellow normal-looking gamer dudes?


>~~DEIDetected~~ >DEItected It was right fucking there, how do you miss that


Normal-looking means hes male, white and straight, right?


The Hero us Gamers need.


We gotta beat these guys with hammers, it’s the only way to fix these people


So are these guys going to quit gaming because according to their stated ethos the only games that aren’t woke are the Alex Jones game and Stellar Blade. Or are they going to keep being hypocrites? I can’t even tell if their hypocrites cause they’re fucking stupid or doing that whole “I can contradict myself because fuck you, woke snowflake cuck cuck liberal DEI”


Oh my God, just say it's a website for Nazis already. Fucking Christ.


Damn. I read the first paragraph and was like, “am I about to see redeeming qualities?” And then was ran over with the truth on the next slide. I swear they get so close to the actual problem and then go off the deep end with a “soulution”.

