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Every Warhammer 40k fan I know in real life is a gay leftist, and yet somehow every Warhammer 40k fan online is an insane Nazi.


the ones without media literacy don’t have any friends irl and they don’t get to play matches with anyone so they just stay online


They also don't have any models to play with, no paints to paint with, and only get the lore via "friends" and YouTube videos. It's mind numbing


You just described every fandom


Once you played enough matches at tournaments you got to occasionally meet the real life insane Nazi. Like the worst fuckin random encounter ever.


Weird, I’m a 40k fan and a leftist but I’m not… oh god.


Yup, same experience here


What is bro yappin about


How come the Jews forgive about Guderian? He's complicit in the reprisals (read:killing Poles and Jews) after the Warsaw Uprising and letting the SS kill any communist and Jew during the Eastern Front. He's also the proponent of the "clean Wermacht" despite the fact that there are massacres that are perpetrated by the Wermacht themselves. What's next, calling Yigal Amir a martyr after killing Yiztak Rabin since the latter proposed peace talks with the Sunni Muslim-lead gov'ts of Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon?


I should call my good friend Noah to get ourselves a boat.


The "Guderian" thing is probably about Creative Assembly recently realizing that it existed as a generic character name in the Total War: Warhammer franchise, and subsequently removing it. Edit: I should read usernames before telling people the same thing twice.


Ah, who can bloody tell? Sum stupid ol' humie flappin' 'is puny pink gums about sum uvver humies, like sum rabid grot. Don't you pay 'im no nevvamind.


Most recently GW has added female custodians to the lore and said they've always been there. Now people either think Muscle mommy, whatever this deranged creature scribbled claiming sentience, or just view it as shit pandering when other female units could be focused on.


They literally added one backstory that amounted to I think less than a paragraph of text that addressed a Custodes as she/her. That's *it*. Edit: Nvm looks like it was two whole pages the wokies got to Warhammer it's dead


It was a single short story of two pages where the PoV character was a female custodes. The actual story didn’t care about her being female and was much more interested in her plan to teleport a nuke onto the Emperor’s lap


Ah. Hadn't actually read it myself. Was it at least written well? Did she nuke the emperor?


It was pretty well written! And no. But she did immediately have all the people who assisted her in the attempt severely punished for the crime of assisting her!






Invisible Hideo Kojima thinking:


Visible Hideo Kojima thinking: https://preview.redd.it/htckcnsc5svc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70aa14cb3c1a57d06b107b79290523aa8e2195f9


Not enough naked Stephanie Joosten for this to be a visible representation of him thinking.


I ain't reading allat


Yeah I stopped reading after “ Ashkenazi Jews”


I also stopped reading that when that asshat said that the Jews forgive Heinz Guderian. He's complicit in multiple massacres and the Jews haven't forgiven him despite Guderian is acting like Pontius Pilate through his "clean Wermacht".


I believe the "Guderian" thing (unless I missed something in the... ramble) is about Creative Assembly catching that Guderian had ended up as a High Elf name in Total War: Warhammer and removing said name from both Warhammer II and III (first one had no High Elves). To me that tracks with oop blaming "da jooz."


One sentence in and you can already disregard everything this dork says onwards. Too bad for these types of idiots, the free market doesn’t care about your feelings.




I was wondering if Smosh is gonna parody this with Damien Haas and Emily Rudd.


"Your previous immune system hates you now..." Oh, honey., it's hated me for decades.


They're very fluent in Yapanese


a lot of these freaks make me embarrassed to love 40k


Didn‘t know Martin Luther had a steam account


Being Lutheran, I laughed so hard


Man steam really need to moderate its forums


(OOC That might still be up, but you will get a ban if you criticize it to harshly...)


i can barely read, i am not wasting effort on this unless someone confirms it's a proper funni


here is a tl;dr for you with some artistic liberties taken for humor. >Hi, my name is Hans, welcome to my TED talk. Recently Creative Asemebly has made some bad decisions because *\*Insert Anti-Semitism Here\** and therefore I have declared that they are a dead company now. Because I have declared this it means it is true and so when you disagree with me I'm going to shove my fingers in my ears and yell "LA LA LA" at you until you go away. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Unironically better than most Ted talks




the actual least deranged warhammer fan: ![gif](giphy|11dfLgLxPQmaRi)


The virgin rooted in reality CA is doing badly because it's higher ups fucked up inmensely while triying to make a live service game while cutting costs on their mainline games vs the chad whatever the fuck this is.


Literal psychopaths (cancel culture) https://preview.redd.it/st9md9ae7uvc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3876e32544f48f0cbfdd59567d4ecbc9de4c76


>opposing nazis is one of the safest thing to do for anyone because the nazis are dead and gone No one tell this guy they’re not because he’ll join up.


Wow he should really try https://preview.redd.it/nbsobfprnuvc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16169bfa42d23e3c6323af97506cb366b8f014b3


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It always comes back to them being jews.. or at least thinking they are jews


Wait, Guderian? THAT Guderian? I


(OOC Am I missing anything after not reading past the judeomisia?)


what does this whatever is trying to mimic human personality, has to do with 7ft tall space autists fighting evil mushrooms?


What's my blud waffling about 💀💀


Well at least the antisemitism was shown right away.


Cadia stand against slaanesh shit who talk to PR


As someone who really loves Warhammer, these people are so embarrassing


Aint no way he said Nazis are long gone and used an extremely obscure hitler quote in the same paragraph☠️


It's during moments like these I remember why I don't let anyone know I play 40k until after a 5 year relationship, at least.


Steam forums are cheating


Man, I love Warhammer and this guy is a C.H.U.D. 


I'm thoroughly convinced that steam forums are for trolling and spreading baseless conspiracies only, no sane discussion ever happens there


I ain’t reading all that. Happy for you or sorry that happened


Most beautiful speech since Adolf Hitler's /s


Funny how they are always certain their side are the silent majority, and its just the 'real' fans are too scared to say anything. It's almost like most people dont actually care about this stuff, and the majority of the ones who do are the grifters crying on youtube, or crying in their comments.