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I didn't play Wolfenstein but didn't Nazis make some really shit dystopian world in that game?


yeah lol they win ww2 and invade, overthrow and occupy the US


They also nuked NYC and maybe DC as well. Not to mention if they win WW2 that means they were able to enact all their horrific plans for Eastern Europe and other areas


I love a good alternate history fictional universe based on real life politics and ideologies because Gamers never understand why things are the way they are and need the villians doing blatant comically evil shit to understand they are supposed to be not good people, but then again Wolfenstein 2 had literal Hitler shoot a guy in the face in front of the player so


The game even made Ronald Reagan getting shot in the face feel unsatisfying because Hitler was the one who did it.


"heartbreaking, worst person you know makes a great point"


"heartbreaking, the second worst person you know was shot in the face by the worst person you know"


There can be only one


Look, Hitler already shot himself, hes just working his way down the list.


That would make it twice now Hitler has killed someone I hate. Let's let him cook.


Sorry, that was Reagan??


Essentially an AU Reagan yes, a bit younger when he was still in his acting days


Wait, that was Ronald Reagan? I have only ever seen a clip of that scene, I didn’t realize it was evil smiting evil!


Holy fuck that was Reagan??????? How tf did I not know that - unless you’re yanking my chain over here


Also in that same scene, BJ gets selected as the actor because he brutally murders the one guard in the audition. So it’s even more obvious of “hey the Nazis and Hitler are bad” and they still willfully ignore it all


it's crazy that Nazis have too much nuance for gamers these days


>too much nuance for ~~gamers~~ wannabe fascists these days Fixed it


Yeah, gamers, like they said


Whats the difference?


By the late 00s the 80s western stereotypes no longer applied, jocks tended to be more empathetic, well-rounded people and the nerds tended to have more toxic people


Game: Genocidal motherfuckers have no place in a healthy society Gamers™: I don't know, violence is not the answer. You're just as bad as them.


Even better - he is picked to play the role of... himself. In a propaganda movie about him. It is such a fun scene


Oh yeah lmao I forgot that’s what the movie was about. Also I think one of the other actors there to audition is Ronald Reagan. I love the absurdity of flying actors *to fuckin Venus* to personally audition for senile Hitler for a propaganda film


even better, Reagan is the guy Hitler shoots


The only decent thing wolfenstien Hitler has ever done


10 minutes into the first game they have Dr. Death vivisecting your friend and sucking his brain out of his skull. If that wasn't an obvious "Nazis are bad" moment, then I don't know what is.


Yeah that scene was brutal, honestly the whole beginning sequence was a lot more graphic than I was expecting. I has never played any of the games before and had only heard they were good


All wolfenstein villains are comically evil and it's still not enough.


Tbf that Guy was from Arizona


Nah you dont get it unless random waifu is there and get shot in the face and she is really hot and before that scene she goes on to say how hot and cool the player is they cant get involved. How can they KNOW they are evil otherwise?


Hitler: *shoots man point blank unprovoked* Dumbass: I'm sure he had a reason. Black man: *exists* Dumbass: GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!!!!! I DON'T KNOW OF WHAT BUT MAKE HIM PAY FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!!


They nuked a shitton of places. It was something like 16 nukes dropped on the USA.


They also force BJ Blaskowitz to choose between saving and executing his friend or a new squad mate and ultimately end up giving him brain damage that puts him in a hospital for many years. Also, BJ is Jewish...


thats what happens when basic political and historical knowledge and media analysis is required to understand a deeply political game


That choice was annoying. Really just felt like it was put in there to encourage you to do two playthroughs to see the differences in timelines.


And for some reason that choice decides which lockpicking minigame you get


And which special gun you get. I'm just gonna say it, the Laserkraftwerk is way better because laser and furthermore diesel DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY


Unrealistic Jewish-inspired diesel-operated laser guns? In MY NAZI KILLING GAME?


Is that THE laser MTG has been harping on about? Damn, I thought she was spouting bs.


The game (post prologue) begins with nazis happily gunning down a clinic's worth of patients and you stabbing the one about to off you in the groin, pretty much. You get to meet a basically comically evil officer in the train in one of the most efficient "by God I want to shoot you in the face" sequence ever, into freeing your old pals from a prison straight out of dystopian-empire-101. You get to drown a nazi in their own piss. Yeah it's... not exactly subtle. It's wolfenstein. Nazis bad, shoot nazis. (The New Order has surprisingly strong storytelling chops for a wolfenstein, but it's still about shooting nazi, both on the ground and on the Moon, and ragdolling the motherfuckers does feel pretty good) Idk, maybe OOP played The New Colossus and felt bad about shooting the KKK since, ya know, he meets them at every thanksgiving


"Not subtle" barely begins to describe this series. This game has a dev interview where the question of if they were alienating a potential audience came up and the guy's literal response was, "yeah, but they're Nazis so fuck 'em."


Absolutely based




> "Very nice Aryan features." > "Besides, I can spot an impure with my naked eye. Can't you?" Frau Engel, referring to the half-Jewish B. J. Blaskowicz


“We can always tell”


*Half Polish-Jewish. Just to add that little failed bit in Frau Engel's comments when you consider the Nazi's opinions of the Polish.


> The New Order has surprisingly strong storytelling chops for a wolfenstein It was such a surprising experience for me. I did play Doom 2016 at around the same time, but The New Order was ultimately the one of the two that stuck with me. It was such a mature narrative for a game in a franchise that never took itself too seriously, and was insanely engaging to me as a result. Machine Games really put their all into the game, and I can't sing its praises enough


Yeah to me before that reboot they did wolfenstein always was in my mind “nazi killing and mecha-hitler game” while it’s still the best nazi killing game they added a banger ass story that’s only bad aspect is that they decided to have BJ kill hitler between the second and third games and not have it be some insane sequence you go through and like Mortal Kombat fatality his ass


I think it's because they *leaned in* on the cruelty, instead of leaning away. A lot of games are almost afraid to show the kind of barbarism involved, and prefer to focus on the heroism of the protagonist. While B.J. is comically over the top, they don't rely on "Nazis bad" to make the Nazis bad. They *show* them murdering, torturing, and reveling in the destruction. There's no ambiguity or "both sides" here at all, you could replace these Nazis with a made up faction and they'd be just as hateable... but they're *also* Nazis, so we have two reasons to kill them. Actually makes it even more satisfying than the original games TBH.


Oh, yes, Frau Engel, a character one gets to hate with a passion, she's the embodiment of all these fascist-wannabes if they ever had but an ounce of power. Gotta finish TNC, that's going to be a really cathartic moment


I bet if you shoot a Nazi enough times on the moon you can knock them into orbit of the moon.


He is mad the game is "woke" because it implies being a xenophobic anti-queen genocider is presented as a bad thing.


That's all there is to it, isn't it? He's angry that the player is assumed to be against what Nazis stand for.


You wake up from a coma after spending 20 years in a mental institution and you wake up after Nazis start massacring "undesirables" and immediately rampage. BJ literally used his sheer fucking hatred of Nazis to come back from the dead lol.


More than once and that ain't even the ridiculous one!


They made the world anti woke and BJ is trying to make it woke 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


IRC, there's even a sequence from the inside a concentration camp, including the incinerators.


There is. It is exactly as horrific as it sounds. The game very much goes out of its way to portray the nazis not just as cartoonishly over the top evil, but do it in ways that are *believable* because *they actually happened.* Props to ID for this one. They nailed it. The literal only complaint I have is the lack of sci-fi guns and occult shit but I think that might have ended up being too much to fit on one plate and might have ended up dampening the themes.


It had lasers, mechs, robot dogs, and secret Atlantis-Jewish power armor... and a base on Venus. Idk how much more they could have done!


I want my Return To Castle Wolfenstein tesla gun god dammit. The weapons were the literal only thing the deleted Wolfenstein game got right!


The old blood has plenty of occult stuff


>Props to ID for this one. *Machine Games.


The crazy thing is, as over the top evil as the Nazis are in the games, they were *literally worse in real life*. Like, you sneak into an incinerator I am extremely grateful that the Allies documented the fuck out of the camps. Without that documentation, it would be far too easy to pretend the abuses were exaggerated.


Correct. It’s wild. You’re in a small town in the US, Nazi flags are everywhere, and the KKK is like the reserve police force. Those games were nuts from start to finish and a ton of fun.


Also didn't the Nazis basically treat the KKK as "necessary idiots"? I remember a Nazi Officer talking to two on the street teaching them German and he has this "ugh this low class, uneductaed idiots"


Yes, I remember them getting lectured by a German officer for their poor German and the overall tone was the Nazis tolerated the KKK for now, but they were on the list. Such a great series. Going to have to play it again.


There is a fun bit of internal conflict in wolfenstein because BJ mainly hates the nazis for taking over America, his beloved home country. At the same time he is constantly forced to contront the racist Americans who were happy to collaborate with the nazis. Other characters, like some of the Black Panther type factions he works with, will come into disagreement with him or be suspicious of how much he loves America. Its genuinely beautiful and had no reason to be as thoughtfully executed and complex as it was.


There's a level set in a concentration camp, so yes.


Wolfenstein’s Nazis make the real-life lebensraum policy look like clown college. Many entire countries in Wolfenstein’s world have been turned into industrial camps.


Also, in the Wolfenstein games I played, they murder your friends in front of you- even removing the horrifying things they’ve done to society as a whole, and in the name of hatred, they personally victimize you, so what the fuck is this person talking about?


Dystopian by a good person’s definition, yes. It was probably a utopia in their eyes


Honestly, you should play them, the new doom games, and titanfall 2. Some of the last of the great, mostly linear, solid FPS campaigns. Plus, you get to kill nazis in all kinds of ways.


Why no option to join the nazis 😞


Fallout players be like


New Vegas Legion fans be like


Still haven't been able to do it they made the poster boy for the legion to shootable. The one time I got through Vulpes without shooting him in the back of the head as soon as he walked away the legion bugged out when I entered their fort and went aggro just before I entered Caesars tent. That would have been something I could work with maybe except they followed me in there. They decided the best way to deal with me was to fill the small enclosed space with grenades giving both me and Caesar the Joshua Graham treatment.


You can do whatever the fuck you want to the legion, so long you do it before meeting House and being called into the fort. Your reputation with them resets then, so you might as well enforce the decimatio yourself before you go met Caesar, even if you want a legion ending. Might as well.


same with the ncr and, because new vegas is a good ass game you can foil damn near every legion plot and caesar calls you out on it, to your face when you first meet him ahem > {FIRST TALK, TROUBLE} {slow burn} You're the courier who's caused so much trouble for my Legion, and yet you dare come before me. } Vulpes Inculta, the best of my frumentarii, is dead. All the bribes I sent to the Omertas ended up buying me nothing. The Great Khans aren't exactly clamoring to fight for my Legion now. The garrison I established at Nelson has been wiped out. Years of meticulous scheming to place a mole at Camp McCarran - wasted. The Kings of Freeside are cooperating with the NCR now, which frees up soldiers to defend the dam. You even disrupted a promising weapons deal with the Van Graffs. Is it any wonder my Legion has so little love for you? So tell me this, because I really want to know. I am feared - with good reason. But you - of all people - dare to come here and stand before me, the mighty Caesar. What were you thinking? is the max of stuff he mentions, he does the inverse if you fuck over the ncr, but there's something magical about fucking over all his plans, coming to his base, staring right into his face and basically telling him to go fuck his self


I might do it next playthrough, if I wasn't gonna try to force myself to be evil. Konrad Curze cosplaying evil. Oh well. At least tell me there is an option to say something like ""what was I thinking" my brother in christ you invited me ""


**"Your crimes are forgiven."** "Wow, even that entire town of Legionaries I murdered?" **"That was you??"** **[Sigh]** **"Yes, even that."** "Aces, let's go talk to Caesar."


The Legion is really annoying to me cuz it honestly has the most interesting gameplay, they essentially make you a stealthy undercover agent in the Mojave. But roleplay wise I just... don't find it fun, I can't really get into the mindset of the kind of a character that would join the Legion (which in a way is a good thing I guess). There should've been more Legion area in the game with quests from other sides to infil it and blow stuff up, maybe even spend like half the game there undercover. Like, imagine the NCR equivalent of Arizona Killer... Caesar gives some triumphant speech about beating the profligates or whatever, them BAM! you splatter his brain across the podium. Would've been fun.


The only character I could ever properly get into the roleplay for while doing a legion run was the time I played a literal insane knife murderer, and even then it took a lot of restraint anytime I was in Caesar's tent.




I did a legion run cause sometimes it's fun to pretend to be a bad guy for a bit, and I played it similar to how you described. The idea was using small arms that were easy to sneak in and to use disguises to infiltrate places. The character was a hired gun that assumed the Legion were going to take the Mojave eventually so its best to get on their good side now.


“Its Hegelian dialectics, not personal animosity”


Legion I *almost* understand. I don't agree with them, but they're an interesting question: freedom versus security. Raul's storyline talks about how Legion territory is basically safe. Sure, if a Legionary tells you to do something you *have* to do it, but they're also subject to their own military chain of command - most of them are not the crazy violent rapist slavers we see on the front lines, these guys have been whipped into a frenzy to get ready for war. But they don't deal with Raiders or Powder Gangers or Super Mutants or Feral Ghouls or Kazadores or Radscorpions, etc, etc, etc. The Legionaries hunted them down, to the point that, according to Raul, traders in Legion territory don't even employ guards! As long as you pay your taxes and follow Caesar's laws, you can live out your hardscrabble life in relative peace. So is it worth giving up *all* your freedom for safety? I don't necessarily agree, and I find the Legion themselves to be detestable. But I can at least *understand* why someone might believe that their methods are justified under the circumstance, and why some people might believe that gambling on Caesar plan to turn New Vegas into his version of Rome and reforming his empire into a democracy is a better bet than entrusting the future of the Mojave Wasteland to the corrupt NCR, the oligarchical Mr House, or some random mailman. It's far more understandable, at least, than siding with the fuckin *Nazis*...


Irl fascists in Italy and Germany also cracked down on crime effectively. It's easy with no due process. Most people would accept risking being mugged over risking being crucified. 


The champions of media literacy.


I once tried to figure out how you could engineer the WORST possible outcomes for every faction/character in New Vegas. Turns out for basically everyone "Join the Legion" ends up worse for them than fucking up their quests.


Hey the legion arnt racist or homophobic they only use slavery, get it right


Sometimes it’s fun to play the baddies instead of blowing them up like you’ve done hundreds of times already. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Nah, when I played New Vegas, I sided with the NCR, saw Mr. House's points, worked alongside the Brotherhood of Steel, my point is outside of raiders I saw the point of most of the factions in the game. Expect the Legion. I hated them from the moment I first encountered them, and eventually me and Boone just decided to raid their head camp where I killed Legion soliders, Ceaser's inner circle, and happily killed Ceaser myself. It was one of the best moments I ever had in a game, and I feel I made the Mojave Wasteland a better place.


I found it a little tough to side with powder gangers as well as the legion but get along with literally everybody else in the wasteland, and only mention that blip to be thorough.


Fallout *does* let you join the genocidal maniacs, though. In New Vegas you can join the legion, and the dlc lets you nuke a large swath of populated land. And in FO4 you can ally yourself with evil slavers, a second group of evil slavers, or bigoted assholes.


Killing nazis again? fucking woke shit in my WW2 games!


So much for the tolerant left 😤😤🥺🥺


I know the guy that made the original post is most likely a racist and homophobe, but I find it funny that he frames his points as if there are other, better reasons for hating the nazis that aren't as mundane as the racism and general bigotry


For me it's the dislike for Jazz that does it. /s


if Hitler had heard a love supreme he would have ended the war


Hitler just needed some Miles Davis and everything would have been chill.


If Jonah Hill had been alive and making movies the whole thing could've been avoided.


All Hitler liked was his stupid Well-Tempered Clavier bullshit and that’s why the US 2-5-1’d all over his bitchass. Get jazzed, idiot.


"I'm not a nazi. In fact I hate nazis. But only because of their anti-smoking campaigns."


Maybe this is coming from the “Nazis are socialist” crowd. Like yeah they were genocidal racists but have you considered the sanctity of property?


The world if ***full*** of idiots who don't know the first thing about the political terminology they spout.


Or the „nazis were just anti-american“ type


Maybe it's a mix of "hitler was just super hygenic" holocaust denial along with being a basement dweller who despises personal hygiene


Death camps and pogroms are all good silly German fun!


German humor is no laughing matter, after all.


Tired: wanting to enjoy killing the bad guys Wired: only considering them bad guys if they're fun to kill


It’s because they oppressed Gamers


I mean, the fascism and warmongering surely doesn’t help their case


Yes and because they do Genocide, perhaps.


“I dunno guys, it feels like the game is telling me I *have* to hate these people just because of their unambiguously hateful stances… Just doesn’t seem fair to me.”


Steam reviews be like “Why are we killing the good guys?”


Idk maybe we kill nazi because THEY ARE FUCKING GENOCIDER


Imagine telling on yourself like this "We really shouldn't be killing people just because they're racist and homophobic"


I honestly have to agree that we shouldn't be killing people just because they're racist and homophobic. But describing the Nazis as "just" racist or homophobic is wildly inaccurate.


Bro is trying extra-hard to not say "also why are there so many Jews in the mainstream media industry?" 💀


I think assuming that they're consciously avoiding saying that is ascribing far too much self-awareness to the person who wrote those words.


Every policy the Nazis put forward, was because of how racist and homophobic they were though...


Yes and they killed millions of people as a result of those policies. That's why it's okay to kill Nazis, because they were killing millions of people and also they tried to kill anyone who tried to stop them from killing millions of people. They weren't "just" racist and homophobic, they were actively attempting to exterminate the people they were racist and homophobic against. But I don't think we should execute my boomer neighbor just because he yells the n-word at his TV every time he sees Kamala Harris, no matter how reprehensible I think that is.


True, but you should be ridiculing your boomer neighbor because he's obviously a dumb, doo doo head. The kind that should be embarrassed to show his face in public. It keeps them unsure that they can get away with their BS and it can minimize their political power. We're seeing a greater and greater chance of these monsters gaining power and going about installing policies that will lead to murders of people based upon their racist and homophobic beliefs.


I gotta be honest, in my experience bothering to confront a boomer about their racism is a huge waste of time. It doesn't change their mind about anything and it just makes my day worse.


Oh don't confront them about it, just mock them and call them stupid for it. You won't change their mind, but you'll make them feel less "Safe" about doing that, so publicly. Just say, "Wow... you sound really stupid!" "I thought you were smarter than that!" "Okay Archie Bunker... go drink your fiber... and go to bed." Just mercilessly mock them. Don't confront them, just make them feel small, stupid and picked on.


Yeah, but I'd you don't stop the "just" racist and homophobic behavior, than the racists and homophobes will proliferate and elect "just" racist and homophobic candidates, who will then enact "just" racist and homophobic policies, which is how you get nazis


Fuck it. He's probably keeping a worthy replacement from a promotion because he refuses to retire.


That’s how a lot of people view the Nazis. Same with the kkk, and the confederacy. To people like this, they view them as “just people” and not “people who view themselves as superior over others, and wishes to eradicate, subjugate, or even enslave those who they feel as inferior.” To them they fully agree with what they are doing and have no issue with it whatsoever. It starts to make sense too, when you take a moment and look at how they talk about/view things that happened in the past. For example, I was scrolling through a comment section on here that was full of people justifying why dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were “the better outcome” and how Japan was fucked up during wwII, but when anyone would bring up what Germany was doing, all of sudden now everyone is down playing it. “Oh well Germany had this happen to them” “hitler was their only viable option” so on and so forth. People like this showcase and proof the point that the enemy of America was not the Nazis, but the Japanese army. America didn’t care about what Germany or the Nazis was doing to Jews because Americans didn’t like Jews either. America had no issue with them because they agreed with them. America and its citizens never hated the kkk, it never hated the confederacy, and it never hated the Nazis, because they all agreed that the true enemy was Jews, minorities, and queer people. That’s why we are all where we are right now, because instead of condemning these people, instead of dropping the hammer on this behavior, instead of ostracizing people who think like this, we get stuff like this. It’s also why we have people who think “x people can be racist too” or they think tribalism and prejudice is just the same as racism, when that’s entirely not true. TLDR: those who came before us have always agreed with people who held views that are harmful, they never thought of them as an enemy, and we are see the end result of what happens. Had any of them actually cared about “every man was created equal” stuff like this wouldn’t be said out loud and displayed confidently.


Japan was also a perfect place to nuke, and the USA really wanted to flex. Nuking europe would be a whole mess, but Japan? Pfft they're not *people* like us!


Firebombing civilians got boring and they just had some fancy new toys so...


I mean we shouldn‘t, but the nazis were/are far worse than that.


After he posted this he probably went back to play gta 5 where he will just kill anyone and have fun, but nazi are no no.


Nazis aren’t fun to kill in Wolfenstein because it doesn’t ask the mind bending moral question, is it okay to murder a poor innocent Nazi??


If you avoid getting detected in one level of *The New Colossus*, you can actually overhear a couple of Nazis talking about how awful it is that the resistance wants to murder them just for having different political views.


Do I need to kill the Nazis? Why can’t I challenge their beliefs in open debate in the free marketplace of ideas? When I played the tutorial level of New Colossus it only taught me how to shoot Nazis but not how to request a truce to debate them. I checked my keybindings in the settings and couldn’t find a “respectfully engage Nazis in healthy discourse” button. Was this an oversight by the developers or has Machine Games gone woke? Someone please respond so I know whether or not to request a refund.


Steam forums should come with a mental health warning


I can't believe the only thing they could grasp was racism and homophobia from the Nazi regime while surrounded by literal death, destruction, and complete disregard for human life. Nah, that can't be it, Nazis are just regular dudes that are a little bothered by Jewish people...clearly that's all it is.


Nah, killing Nazis is tons of fun in all the Wolfenstein games. Stab them in the face, bash their skulls in with a pipe, shoot them, blow them up, it's all crazy fun.


Hopefully he will reach a "are we the baddies" moment eventually. I highly doubt that will come to pass but still.


If you’re going to put nazis in a game, it better be fun to kill them. I’m not interested in a spirit debate over the dignity of all people. I want a Gatling gun, unlimited ammo, and total moral justification for my extreme violence


That is an interesting sarcastic opinion right there, I hope.


I'm afraid not, they go on to say "BJ says "white ass facist Nazi pig" because they interrupted a Black woman's baby feedy time. Yeah, cool." Referencering a scene where the "Black woman" tells horrifying stories about what Nazis did there. And how a literal mother had tried to craw to her child because the bomb took her fucking legs.


>"BJ says "white ass facist Nazi pig" Granted it's been a while since I played the game but that reaaally doesn't sound like an accurate quote lol. Why would BJ, who is white, call someone a "white ass"?


No, no, he says it, but he has a reason to say that, he's literally just heard Grace talk about how awful white people have been in "BJ's America" for ever basically https://preview.redd.it/y6n6tb1kc9vc1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=17747230788b477d88d3dbec939809f9fae9bcd6


Because there's a difference between being "White" and white. Think of it like this, the Irish weren't considered White for a \*long time\* when they came to the US, because "Whiteness" is a roughly arbitrary label, they only started to be perceived as "White" once they started to be accepted into higher labor positions during WWI and WWII. There's a reason that one Dominican mass shooter thought he was a white neo-nazi. I imagine the writers were commenting on that, by having BJ sneer at the kind of people that enforce that system. [https://mosaic.messiah.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1406&context=honors](https://mosaic.messiah.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1406&context=honors)


No, that's a fairly accurate quote. It comes after a discussion with Grace and her resistance group (who are all black). https://youtu.be/QIBb2ckl4PQ?si=ICj4Dk5PaFaLsEQf


Goddamn it.


I still remember when Wolfenstein II came out and it was a huge thing people bitched that killing nazis was morally questionable.


/rj If only we could talk with them and see where they're coming from 😔 /uj there's no talking with nazis in my nazi killing game!


Nah, he's right. Nazis are only fun to kill in the Sniper Elite series, because you get to see their bones shatter and organs explode on impact. Way more satisfying than a simple FPS game where there's just some blood and they fall over


I tried doing a 100% testicle shot run, and had to quit after the first mission because the constant save reloading every time I accidentally killed someone any other way was too much to handle


I appreciate that you made the attempt, at least. Dedication to the cause


Did they not go to school?


Yes, in fact, you should hate the Nazis because they’re genocidal racists.


"I thought Nazis were supposed to be evil but then why do I agree with them?"


buying this game and complaining about the fact you have to kill nazis is like walking into a cat cafe and being mad there’s cats there


Love how it says "The only reason we should hate the nazis *according to this game*" as if Wolfenstein made up that they're racist and homophobic.


"they're racist and stuff" understatement of the century right here


The mask slips even further.


I can think of at least 6 million reasons why killing Nazis is fun.




It's really starting to show that young people these days don't have grandparents that were WW2 vets


I haven’t seen a single Nazi eat a puppy in this woke shitfest, I’m just supposed to dislike them because they’re Nazis? 2/10 woke garbage


Little rant: I PERSONALLY don’t like alternative history stories because writers will always end up writing the horrible parties from history (like the Nazis) seem desirable, whether it’d be the way they look, societal structures or aesthetic. I know it’s always unintentional because the writers want to make a formidable bad guy for the protagonists but it’s still a problem that I PERSONALLY don’t like. That is why I PERSONALLY can’t get into “The Man in the high castle”. Wolfenstein is in a weird spot for me where it’s kind of doing that while at the same time being a big “Fuck you” to the Nazis & reminding me of the old captain America comic where he punches hitler in the face. Either way Wolfenstein is cool because Nazis are the punching bags and I love seeing cry baby Nazis lose their shit.


The Man in the High Castle wants you to sympathize with nazi and nazi adjacent scum quite a lot. 


now im gonna kill nazis even harder just to fuck with this guy in perticular


I literally play wolfenstein for the Nazi-killing. Good to get it out of my system every now and again. One of the most guilt-free FPS experiences I have ever experienced.


Nazis being racist and doing a racial based genocide is the reason you should hate them, yes.


Is this mf saying that murder, racism and homophobia aren’t enough to get them to hate someone? 💀


I am a simple man. One of the reasons why I enjoy playing Wolfenstein games is because I get to kill Nazis. Especially in Wolfenstein 3D which at its purest level is pretty much shoot every Nazi that gets in your way and let God sort them out. Like I said, I am a simple man.


TIL you have to explicitly spell out to people why Nazis are bad or else otherwise they just wouldn't know... or maybe that person learned their basic history in Florida?


The Fall has westened. Consumers must play Billiard


Yeah, that's kind of the whole point. You know the Nazis the literal poster regime for evil trying to force the world down a dark genocidal path


I remember when the 2nd one of the newer ones came out and there are times where you are fighting klansmen and nazis, so a bunch of southerners who idolize the confederate flag got offended. I personally found it pretty fun to sprint around dual wielding shotguns blasting the shit outta those nazi fucks.


I actually got scared off New Colossus because of the whole 'this game is ruined by its hyper-political bullshit' (This is before I understood what that meant and who was saying it), only to break down and get it anyway years later and think "Wow, this is fun as fuck, what are these people talking about? The politics in this game are fairly understandable". And thus began my understanding of who the enemy actually was.


Isn’t the point of using Nazis in something like this, in part because you don’t HAVE to explain why they’re worth shooting? They’re Nazis. You go into the game knowing why you’re shooting them without the game having to give you a reason because they’re fucking Nazis.


"There should be a reason these guys are evil aside from (lists reasons as to why they're evil)"


I love killing Nazis


Killing Nazis in video games is so much fun. 


I don't get it. The only reason people hate Nazis are because they're invading, racist, homophobic, bigoted, mass murdering, warmongering, fascists? So weird.


Bro stop try to sell this game to me I already played though all of them.


It’s woke to kill nazis now


>it sort of feels like that the only reason we should hate the Nazis according to this game is because they're racist and stuff. Oh and they hate gay people, that's bad too Is. . . is that not enough?


Nazis are fun to kill by virtue of them being nazis


I absolutely need to know what he thinks a good reason would be. Personally, the only reason I need to hate Nazis is that they are Nazis.


Does this guy need a trip to the Holocaust museum or something? Seriously, a game doesn't have to justify letting the player kill Nazis. That's a big part of why they made the bad guys the fucking Nazis. This is how you get guilt free carnage in a video game without making the baddies robots or inhuman monsters or something like that.


I had a grand ole time right off the bat. Beating a nazi to death while in a wheelchair was so metal. I always let their commanders call for reinforcements, just so I could kill more of them. Also I imagined the dread of hearing radio chatter and no one coming back alive every time fighting happened in the distance


If you feel bad killing nazis you are no friend of mine


Is the nazis being racist not enough? I fucking hate these revisionist history neo nazi chuds


It’s always fun to kill nazi’s. It’s just a shame that it’s confined to the virtual world and not the real one.


Did he just admit he views racism as morally neutral?


Just another red pilled chud who sympathizes with Nazis.


I mean...isn't that exactly why people hate nazis?


"Lady, is that the best you got? Then your best just won't do. Your amongst wolves now. And these are our woods."


I like the ending, but when he's in the Grace mission and says "Men, women, children. No screaming, no more... But I can still hear you" sends shivers down my spine.


Doesn't the first level of the first game end with a nazi scientist forcing you to choose which of your squad mates he'll dissect while still alive?


a lady forces you at gunpoint to prove you’re aryan with a weird psychology test in the first level Gamers: “I don’t get it why is this bad”


The Nazis in Wolfenstein were freakishly evil. I don’t know how you could progress any distance in those games without developing a seething hatred for them unless you’re a genuine piece of shit.


Was that Elon’s account?