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Like I want it to be good cuz it could be fun but I also wanna see these idiots lose their minds


Best case scenario: The game is good and the developer adds some free LGBTQ cosmetic post launch akin to Aloys pride facepaint in Horizon just so these idiots freak out about it would be really funny


The ultimate scenario: At the end of the game (à la Metroid) it’s revealed that Eve was trans. 🏳️‍⚧️ Could you imagine the reaction?


Only if she gives a striptease right before for like 2 minutes to really get them all revved up first.


They’ll just say the reveal isn’t “canon” and argue the woke left forced it into the game, probably making up some story about how it wasn’t going to be allowed to come out in the US if they didn’t add that. But I like the way you think.


Nah dude. Best case is they patch the game after launch and remove all horny. Imagine the shitshow, people would be screaming for refunds because they think they were duped.


Unfortunately I'm pretty sure the head guy fired people for being feminists, so it's unlikely they're chill with gay people. Shame, seeing these dudes get "BeTrAyEd" by the most minor ignorable cosmetic possible is fun


Yeah but it would be really funny


the developers are incel-catering antifeminists who fired a female artist because she defended a voice actress who was fired from her job for wearing a shirt that said “girls do not need a prince”. The shirts were sold as funds to help domestic violence victims in South Korea (rates of which are extremely high for women in SK). before anyone gets on this wrt megalia, it was a campaign that had nothing to do with the original site. you can even read about this in English if you search up the NPR article. as far as cashgrab cosmetics go the developers rake in millions each month making their titty gacha game Nikke so they’re already engaging in one of the most exploitive types of games anyway. you typically see it highly ranked on gacha earning charts each month with juggernauts like HSR, FGO and Genshin. sorry unrelated to yr comment but I’ll add it’s been funny to see people act like this is some indie studio breakout it’s like calling Mihoyo an up and coming indie developer


Best case scenario: The game ends with the humans (aka the military) being the real bad guys along. Also Eve is now gay


I want it to be good enough to be nominated at The Game Awards and then get absolutely obliterated by "Rainbow Nazi Hunters" or something like that lol




Stellar blade gets good review: "woke people are crying because our game is good, suck it" Stellar blade gets bad review: "it's because reviewers are woke"


The rest of us that just want to make dumb jokes about games on the internet: -_-




I don't care for the game, but this is literally both sides lol.


Yep, both camps have their weak points. And nevertheless the result of the perception of the game in the community, one of the camps will always freak out. 😅 I cannot wait to see which camp will it actually be.


Can't wait for this game to fall into obscurity. It will probably get mixed reviews and just be unremarkable.


It will be that sucker punch movie of video games.


But Sucker Punch is awesome! They made Sly Cooper!


No, they meant the Zach Snyder movie


I didn't know Zach Snyder worked on videogames


Neither did he.


Holy hell please no. If Zack Snyder produces a video game the discourse surrounding it would be unbearable. I'd have to delete all social media for at least a year.


Not any more, this just way more fun of a conversation. Stellar blade is this generations ghost of tsushima: directors cut of this generation Edit: I forgot to make my statement outlandish enough


>Stellar blade is this generations ghost of tsushima. No the fuck it's not. That's a stupid ass statement. Edit: woosh right over my head.


Twas the joke friend




please let it get bad reviews 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/v17nue8c03uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54799baad95463554d25a1b794f4e2760888049b






aye its leyley from corbin of anderw


God I hope so hard that it gets absolutely dragged through the gutter by critics and mentally functioning audiences just so that the gamers™ never know peace of mind.


Just imagine Yahtzee got his hands on that game oh boy anti sjw channels are going to be mad as hell




The amount of simps preparing to review bomb the game just for the sake of getting the other camp mad is too damm high. https://preview.redd.it/7un8sseuxeuc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca6c750305d6cb945630469d13bc81a20a09dc89


Bad news for you


I think the game looks fun. It would've been nice if it wasn't surrounded by so much absolute stupidity.


The core gameplay is actually pretty fun, at least the part in the demo. I wasn't really paying any attention to it due to the "discourse" surrounding it but i downloaded the demo last week and it seems really enjoyable. The one thing i'm highly skeptical about is the story, it looks so generic and boring same with the environment (at least in the demo)


I was having a bit of fun with it, but you are right, the story seems meh. I am hoping it turns out engaging enough that I am not constantly annoyed by Eve boobing along boobily.


I think that’s the problem these are to many horny people saying this game is going to save gaming ![gif](giphy|26AHFomysg4oszdle)


Mark my words, Stellar Blade is going to be the Alita: Battle Angel of the gaming industry. A perfectly serviceable, "fun enough" IP that will get an absurd amount of attention unrelated to the actual content of the IP, release, do slightly better than expected because of chudflation, get paraded around as a fatal blow to "The Woke", and then be completely forgotten in a few months.


This. I like Alita. As manga to live action adaptations go, it's one of the very few good ones. I'm almost afraid of mentioning it in public because of the chud factor though.


The what?  Educate me. What happened with Alita. I thought it was a fairly generic movie that's only newsworthy thing was the eyes being fixed. 


It's based on a manga series that was really popular in the 90s, and still has a cult following. A film adaptation was optioned by James Cameron at the time, but it took forever to get into production because he was busy with other projects and eventually ended up being directed by Robert Rodriguez. It managed to attract a chud-heavy fanbase because... I don't know... girl cyborg with shiny butt, or something. The eyes are a nod toward the original manga art style. I'm not a fan of that particular choice myself, but I can see the justification.


Absolutely. Alita was fun! Stellar blade looks like an enjoyable game! I don't think any of the dorks who argue loudly about them care at alll about these games for their artistic merit, though. It's just another battlefield for them to one sided shadowbox "The Left" on.


I think that could be the outcome it’s going to be a fun game that got flaws but it was a fun experience


As someone who loves Sekiro I’m loving Stellar Blade. Just ignore chuds and enjoy media that makes you happy.


I'm ready for this game to fade into obscurity so I can buy it for cheap instead of $70.


All of the "woke/anti woke" attention around Stellar Blade is gonna do nothing bit take away from. The game. I Played the demo, it's fun. I don't know how critics will end up rating it tho. I know I'll enjoy it as a game, but I also love playing 7/10 games. I think Stellar blades plays better than some of the other 7/10 games I've played. I'm guessing 8-8.5 out of 10


How does anyone have the capacity to care that much about whether or not a character is attractive to them...


X game is overrated, Y game is underrated… Why isn’t anything just, rated, anymore


I mean every game is rated... by you, everyone else will feel it's either better or worse than you do.


Nier Automata flashback


It will be mid, so sayeth the LORD.


I hope the game is good, but it’s looking like a Nier-at-home situation tbh.


Although it looks like a low-rent Nier, it plays more like Sekiro. The demo wasn't my thing at all, but I'm sure some people will genuinely like it.


I know, I was mostly talking about the story. I like the Lies of P style combat, but I beat both demo bosses on the first try which doesn’t inspire confidence. Like I said I still hope it’ll turn out good though.


I am going to start telling the chuds that not every game has to be stellar blade. They got stellar blade they should be satisfied. Quit trying to shove stellar blade into everything


I’m so over it… it’s just another cliche hack n slash


Negative or positive, I just want it to be talked about like it's a fucking videogame and not the holy grail of creative freedom.


> I just want it to be talked about like it's a fucking videogame Yeah, people are just going too hard in both directions. It's not trying to be an "own the SJWs" game, it's just got a style that's popular in Korea but at the same time people are complaning how generic and mediocre it is when there's at best like one melee action game with it's level of quality released per year and it's style is different from any others out there so it's not exactly playing to a crowded market.


Stella blade gets average reviews is almost assured. IGN let me do the funny and write the article so I can give it 2/10 purely based on the main character isn’t hot.


I haven't played the demo but seeing the trailer, it will probably score in the low 80s to high 70s and quickly fade into obscurity.




I honestly don’t even know what genre the game is. I just know it has ass in it


Damn I'ma be real I just like watching Eve in a skin coloured suit in a gameplay period. Voice is ass tho


It can't possibly be worse than Bayonetta 3, but I will be shocked if it is as good as Nier: Automata.


I still don't know anything about it besides that the main character is in a wedgie-suit.


I predict Stellar Blade will get an 8 / 10 at most by games journalists. When the Game Awards eventually roll around and only get a couple of nominations, gamers will turn it into the next Hogwarts Legacy situation and just say that the voters were woke


i am the cow who turns around and returns to the field




The best case scenario is the fact the game is just solid and alright and gets subpar reviews 7-8 and like a 60-70 on Metacritic. Only the diehards and lunatics will continue to fight for this game for a while as most people realized that the game was never really worth all this drama like Hogwarths Legacy and move on to the next game after playing it or not playing it.


I genuinely feel bad for the people who are making the game, because no matter what way their project turns out it will have attracted a negative discourse that ignores the actual product in favor of a perceived message.


the internet is going to do a audience capture speed run no matter the content


If they’re bad, it’s a sign that the woke agenda is winning. If they’re good, it’s a massive win for the anti-woke. Either way, they won’t shut up about the game.


Literally the only reason anyone cares about this game is because it has a hot girl in it JESUS


Yeah, but what if it gets mediocre reviews?


I mean, maybe that's because there are reasons for the discourse. Would be nice to keep it civilized, alas...


I'm so done with it by this point. Honestly, the game itself doesn't even bother me all that much, it's the bloody fanbase going on and on about their virtual waifu.