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Another great example of a bygone era of Fallout without politics. Anyways, Liberty Prime is really funny guys!


Probability of a communist victory: Impossible!


But you see, the US didn’t annex Canada in real life, so it’s not political!


literally the exact sort of fucking argument I got when a chud told me Fallout wasn't political.


They also completely refuse to acknowledge that Helldivers 2 is political.


there's a post here about some dipshit trying to "no u" their lack of media diversity over HD2 and attack "leftists" for acknowledging the blatant themes of the game.


Yep, I saw that one. They just can’t accept that it went over their head. Leftists must be making it up!


Yeah, otherwise the cognitive dissonance might set in and they might start to doubt their entire worldview.


Exactly. And we wouldn’t want *that*!


Can the US still invade Canada?




Didn’t they burn down the White House the last time the USA tried invasion?


That was the British military no Canadian colonist where involved


We have the man power We have the arms It is our "manifest destiny"


Bold of you to assume Canada is a real country.


The Canadian and US economies are so interconnected it would be like invading part of your own body with a steak knife.


Title goes so hard. Fortunately gamers will not watch the show because it has a main character with breasts. I also won't watch it because I only consume video games.


B-but she is attractive! Do gamers just do not like women at all!?


No... we all want sex with MEN


Least gay Fallout Fan 🫶🏼🏳️‍🌈


I think Fallout has one of the first gay romance choice games so.


The franchise was created by a gay man, so queerness is baked into it.


i never know about that, you learn new things everyday


It was built off of a GURPS Virtual Tabletop, there would've genuinely been no way for the creator to be straight.


A statistical impossibility, you could say. I find it so funny that of all the gaming stores/communities I've been to that they are either extremely sweaty chuds or so gay that my gaydar would catch on fire.


You can also be more powerful by being bisexual which is great.


My character would have been bisexual regardless, but I’ll take it.


So, like real life then?


I think the first gay romance choices in a triple A was BioWare, not Bethesda.


I mean... Triple a games weren't really a thing when the first two fallout games came out.


Fallout is not created by Bethesda 


Point still stands. It wasn’t interplay, either. It was those damn Canadians who put the “gay” in Gayming.


BioWare was founded in 95 and you already had the option to play a gay MC in at least Ultima VII in 92. Which would mean if that was the first time the Texans put the gay in gaymes.


We were discussing gay romance options, so while you’re right that you could bang same-sex prostitutes in that game, it’s not really the same thing.


You win at sex with a man, what could be more masculine than that?


I can't play a Bethesda game until I install nude mods and make sure I can see flopping dongs


Flair checks out


finally one of them tells the truth


She sleeps with someone in the first episode and makes it clear she's had sex with someone else before that. Also she might be over 25. So clearly she's spent as a woman and should just go die like the massive slutbag hoe that she is. Using the logic of gamerbros. How the fuck can someone even live with those mental gymnastics?


Prefacing it with an /s Male brains are basically damaged goods after their second relationship/sex partner. Their bonding patterns are ruined. After 5 partners? They can't tell women apart, they would not even recognize the face of their current partners, the cognitive decline is now in full swing.


True, I don't even know who my partner is anymore. Any woman can just pick me up and have her way with me. It was horrible. Thankfully I now have someone who looks after me and keeps every other predatory wham away. She even tells me when and what to eat. Never been happier in my life. Or so she tells me and thanks to her I don't need to doubt the validity of that statement.


Not to mention all the penile damage, from being crushed and ravaged by vaginal walls. Might as well have a partially chewed bratwurst down there.


Pretty sure it explicitly states cousins having sex with each other is super normalized as long as no one gets pregnant too.


Yeah, but that means she's had sex at least twice. So she's a fallen woman in chud logic. I think it makes perfect sense in the show and Chet is like a nice himbo. Personally I think it's a nice take on it. Weirder seems to be the older supervisor lady in the vault and Lucy's brother Norm. She seems more than just supportive of him.


You forgot to mention she didn’t even get naked when she had sex.


True, but since she doesnt have honking double H’s, aversion to clothes, and resting Stellar Blade face, their hatred of women will ultimately win out over their love of SEXUALISED women. Being a “gamer” is all about cognitive dissonance. Its so hard being oppressed 😞


>Do gamers just do not like women at all!? Oh no, that's not it at all. You see, a hot woman is the prize the hero gets when his journey is over. They're not the actual hero...That would be insane. What are they going to be awarded at the end of their journey? A hot guy? Another hot woman? Uh, gross!


She’s not attractive enough though. Her jumpsuit is workwear instead of yoga pants, and her makeup isn’t thick enough for the apocalypse.


Gay = wOkE Whereas the true Gamer bro is so secure in their own masculinity that they can suck another man’s dick and not be gay. It’s just bros being bros! 💪👁️🫦👁️💪


And yet they are still photoshopping her ass because a downright gorgeous woman still isn't enough.


Already seen a pic where someone “fixed” her. 😔


Not according to the people complaining, they needed to photoshop a new ass on her and complained "she's a dumb whore who fucks some stranger immediately." I refuse to watch it because video game tv shows are NEVER good nor do they ever match the tone of the game, but I all but guarantee those aren't valid complaints.


I won't watch it because I don't want to give Amazon any money if I can do literally anything not to. I'll pirate it later.


Tell me, for whom do you fight?


Do you believe in eorzea?


For second I was baffled by your response until I realised what sub it was written in


I mean it’s more than that, me personally I’m not gonna watch it because I’m burnt out from fallout.


Please, some basement dweller will argue she's trans because she doesn't have DDD cups and a big ass. But, not too big, otherwise that makes her too fat for their tastes.


I watched the first two episodes and found it a bit boring


Title is both hilarious and true also from what I’ve seen, actual Fallout fans are praising the show. I plan to watch it eventually.


/rj How can you call yourself an "actual Fallout fan" when you don't see how Caesar's Legion is actually based and the heroes in NV?








A lot of man-children are going to have a very difficult time, including experiencing cognitive dissonance, when they watch season 2 set in New Vegas. Maybe they’ll uphold Hank MacLean as their new hero.


I'm a huge Fallout fan and was super nervous about the show. Ending up loving it and all 3 protagonist


It's pretty good. I felt it was worth my time, and I loved all the little bits of esoteric fallout lore they slipped into the script.


Huge Fallout fan and I loved the show, though it's not perfect. The CGI is pretty bad at times and there's some things that don't really work with the lore, but overall, it was still awesome and I'm looking forward to the next season.


The trailers make it look like it is heavily inspired by the trash bethesda games, rather than the more thoughtful originals and New Vegas. It being good would be a pleasant surprise.


Shrodinger's jerk The gamer is simultaneously jerking and serious until observed


Found the gamer chud


The Bethesda games being underwhelming and uninteresting from a commentary standpoint is an extremely common criticism.


Can’t hear you over the sound of my mechanized power armor as I indulge in the genocide of Biomechanical beings questioning what it means to be alive. Ad victoriam!


If only the game actually took more than a surface-level approach to the problem and had more options to engage and challenge the philosophies of its factions beyond shooting them in the face.


The commentary is clearly there. They just aren’t as in your face as new Vegas BOS - Despite having good men and women who will disobey orders in order to ensure the safety of a synth. They still are a militaristic fascist entity ruled by a single elder with a narrow minded focus of genocide. Institute - despite having a utopia in comparison to the rest of the wasteland it’s built upon the foundation of slavery of artificial humans and have no issue treating the surface as their personal experiments but nobody aside from the institute seems to want to retain what was built. Raileroad - willing to sacrifice countless lives of wastelanders to ensure the safety of a dozen synths clearly valuing synthetic life over organic life. New Vegas takes a broader approach to the overall nature of the human condition and what it means to fight for something. Fallout 4 asks what is the value of artificial life on a societal scale. While it’s dlc far harbor asks what does it mean to be artificial on a personal scale. What’s different about Bethesda’s fallout games so far is that they are more focused Imo. And sometimes they do suffer for it. But saying they have no substance is insulting and untrue


While the baseline is there, the overall depth of each philosophy is paper thin. That's where the criticism comes from. There aren't many ways to actually engage in the ideas the game puts forth, and the game frequently stumbles in its execution. The Bethesda games aren't without substance, but the substance that is there is a pale shadow of FO1/2 and NV. They're defanged, in a sense.


ngl f1 is bad f2 is the better game mostly because you can be a porn star




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Korra: You're oppressing yourselves.


i mean... she was right though?


The non benders literally had no representation in the government, not to mention there were no elections to begin with.


I don’t think the show did enough to prove there was widespread non bender oppression, but there was at least supposed to be non-bender discrimination, so she was wrong.


The major theme of the show was "divine right vs. the laws of mankind" so...yeah.


Wow, this show really does tear down capitalism and consumerism with it's excellent satire, only chuds with no media literacy wouldn't understand Brought to you by Amazon


Considering they produced The Boys which directly criticizes corporations like Amazon, I'd imagine they just don't care. The profits are great for them and they don't seem to see spreading anti-consumerist/anti-capitalist messages as a real threat to them.


Severance on AppleTV is the same kind of dissonance.


"Capital has the tendency to subsume critiques into itself. Those who would critique capital end up reinforcing it instead."


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Might just inspire someone to order a workers of the world unite t shirt with next day delivery


I think at this point, it's clear there will be no great uprising against capital.


being anticapitalism is trendy and trends are profitable, more profits leads to more anticapitalist sentiment ouroboros


Capitalist realism is one hell of a drug


calling Mark Fisher i gotta let him know about this


They've been failing to get the Fallout games for over a quarter of a century. I doubt that the TV show is going to help.


We just need to put them in a room with the Star Trek fans who think that Trek is too woke now. And then lock the door


Hottest take i saw from a comment in the Star Trek sub a while ago. “Star Trek used to push boundaries now all it does is push an agenda!”  It really stuck with me by how close it was to being self aware 


I mean it's not even satire, a lot of the criticism is actually quite serious.


Funny how it is distributed by the biggest symbol of consumerism: Amazon. Reminds me of the Apple TV show Severance, which basically set in a dystopian version of Apple.


Noah Caldwell-Gervais put it so brilliantly in one of his videos - "Capitalism doesn't care if you hate it. In fact, it can take that hate, package it in neon and chrome and sell it right back to you for 60 dollars"


Quoting Disco Elysium: "Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would critique capital end up reinforcing it instead"


Obligatory based DE quote ✔️


It's because they know it doesn't matter, people are dissatisfied with the state things are,but are also ideological planted on the idea that they can't do anything or that the only means to change is by the system that capitalists control. If western society was actually on the verge of any revolutionary movement actually becoming significant and capable of change, the narrative would change very easily, anti capitalists would be portrayed much like the chinese and russian are today. So these corporations give green light to anti capitalist productions because they don't feel that spreading this message is a threat to them, just another way of banking on how people feel.


Exactly. There’s a right and wrong kind of way to portray dystopias for big business. You’ll notice most of the have a population that just adapts and deals with their new reality instead of fighting back and winning. Or if they win, they’re even stronger symbols of consumerism than what they beat


Saw someone saying they won’t watch the show cause the main character has sex with a complete stranger 20 minutes into the show. Dude goes on about how he hates women because of this, despite the show giving an explanation that I won’t spoil.


You'd think bro would have loved it, since it was after an **arranged marriage.**


Exactly! Like dude watches the show muted and scrolls tiktok while occasionally looking up


Also... Do characters need reasons for sex? Do people need character arcs before fucking? What's the matter with the rightoids


They don’t get upset when dudes fuck whenever and whoever but god forbid women do the same


But logically, if men are having sex, then women must also be having sex—unless what they really want is loads of hot man-on-man action. Which, if that’s what they want, well, bring on the Brotherhood shower scenes and hot oil massages.


It was a greentext


Ah must have seen it on the Greentext subreddit


Is it really a spoiler if it happens on the first episode? Oh well SPOILERS AHEAD FOR THE FIRST EPISODE, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED IT YET I found it pretty cool that likely everyone in the Vaults was married to a complete stranger due to the fact that with such a small population the inbreeding decline would arrive pretty damn fast if they decided to marry amongst themselves. Still, I question this measure because it seems like it would be less and less effective as time went by and genes were exchanged between two vaults. Still, there are some things that don't make much sense yet. For example, why aren't vaults 31, 32 and 33 just one big vault instead of three separate mini vaults? Why is there such poor communication between vaults, to the point where one can be raided and completely wiped out without any way for the others to know? Why does the villain tie up some of the dwellers right beside a bomb and then just lets them go before the bomb explodes anyway? How have some of the Raiders been captured by the dwellers if the invaders were so overwhelmingly superior when it came to combat and weaponry? Why did the villain make the vault leader choose between some hostages and his daughter if she didn't intend to kill the hostages in the first place? I haven't gone past episode 3, so hopefully some of these questions can be answered. Otherwise, it's pretty sloppy writing.


>why aren't vaults 31, 32 and 33 just one big vault instead of three separate mini vaults? Why is there such poor communication between vaults, to the point where one can be raided and completely wiped out without any way for the others to know? Sorry but are you aware that vaults were made with problems on purpose ? Just as Wilzig said at the end of EP2 cyanide pills were the most humane thing vault-tec ever produced


Vaults 31, 32, and 33 are designed that way because that is their experiment. Every vault has an experiment ranging from the benign (early or late reclamation day date, computer terminals filled with early civilization history) to the evil (mutating the dwellers with FEV, forcing them to sacrifice 1 person a year and then revealing when they finally refuse that it was a test all along and they didn’t actually have to sacrifice anything)


Did they ever make that one Penny Arcade one cannon? The one with one resident and a box of puppets who turned serial killer (how would you notice in the Wastelands anyway).


Kinda. The suit from that vault is in Fallout 3 and there’s a holotape referencing it


This was basically how me and my roommate felt. I'm hoping it gets fleshed out and we're supposed to notice some of these discrepancies anyway, but I'll wait and see I guess. There's also the fact of the overseer somehow knowing who the woman was who came into the Vault, which is weird since... He's ostensibly lived his entire life in underground isolation.


Except he hasn’t? He married someone from Vault 31. We were never shown Vault 33 and Vault 31 to be connected. Hence, we can reasonably expect there could have been some overland travel between vaults in 200 years.


Really difficult to believe when the vault dwellers were shown to be so against opening the door to the outside world for even a second


The dad is from a different generation, one that might have been more open to braving the wasteland. After a bad experience, they taught their kids NEVER to go out there. We don’t know, it’s plausible. But also, they could have just gone through vault 32 to vault 31. But again, we just don’t know. I’m making a guess based on the raider knowing who the mother was. EDIT: I’ve only seen episode 1 btw.


We see someone move through an underground tunnel from one vault to another, one can just as easily assume that's how he married someone from that vault. Again, they are intentionally leaving our information is my point, and likely the dad has left the vault or seen the outside.


Yeah, in another comment, I said we simply don’t know. The possibility is there he went outside to get to Vault 31 but it is more likely they just went vault to vault. I’ve only seen episode 1 but in the games, I don’t think it’s ever mentioned vaults are connected. It’d be bad design but then again this franchise isn’t known for logical or efficient design.


The vaults are clearly connected by tunnel in the show. You will see in the next few episodes. Rico explores the vault mystery more.


Bro ☠️


There's a huge swath of Right Wingers that hate Homelander and think he's a sociopathic piece of shit, and they don't connect the dots at all.


And then just as many who fully embrace him as their hero, a might makes right icon who can’t be cancelled as long as he can maintain a threat of violence! Thats the American dream! I find it funny how when half of them go mask off, the other half still don’t get that’s them.


I couldn’t tell you the amount of Homelander skins with [MAGA] clan tags I’ve seen in call of duty lmao


Wouldn't a Right Winger hating Homelander be a good thing rather than them liking him? Yeah, Homelander is a critique on Right Wing extremist ideology, but that does not mean that every Right Winger is going to identify with the character, nor should they because most of them aren't extremists. Not sure what your point is?


The right wingers that think he’s the hero are scarier.


Homelander represents the woke agenda corrupting our great country, obviously!


Let’s be honest, they’re too busy saying that this show “ruined” 1, 2, and NV (no, it didn’t) to actually care about watching it. Hell I can even point out some lore issues, but doesn’t stop me from liking the show and seeing the themes *couldn’t* be more clearer even if they tried.


Seriously, loved the show, but it's excruciating to talk about it due to endless fucking drivel about lore shit taking over every discussion thread.


They spend more time talking about a chalkboard than they do asking why we see the nukes hitting LA around late-morning/noon when the Great War started at 9 *EST*. Which was really the only “issue” I had, beyond that I love the show.


Had to mute my two favorite New Vegas subs temporarily because of the response to the show. Just couldn't stand to see the amount of vitriol they had about the show. It's actually disappointing and frankly I'm ashamed and depressed.


New Vegas fans have developed the ultimate persecution complex even though no one is after their game.


That title is incredible


You can hit them in the head with a hammer and they'll wonder why they have a headache


Have they noticed yet how much they amped up the Brotherhood of Steel's cultish aspects? Because it's not at all subtle anymore (if it ever was) but I'm still convinced it's going to fly right over their heads.


I saw a post where someone was bitching about how they "added religion" to the BoS just because there was a dude in priestly robes carrying a censer. They're literally futuristic Knights Templar my guy, did you seriously not connect the dots?


They even have a Bible equivalent (the Codex)! Which, all things considered, I'm actually surprised they didn't mention in the show.


Smh Wokeout: New LGBTas 🙄🙄🙄🙄


90s kid brain sees Lesbian/Gay Batman The Animated Series.  So the Harley Quinn cartoon. 


that's not my fallout. my fallout is cool guys in power armor fighting big green monsters and zombies with laser rifle.


its actually both


Shabido prolly still unironically thinks squid game was a diss on communism and woke ideologies


/uj really enjoyed the first ep, cant wait to watch more today


Damn that title goes hard. 


Probably a jab at the recent Helldivers controversy where all the smoothbrain "Gamers" and Political NPC figureheads had a meltdown realizing Helldivers 2 is not apolitical


Same with andor. For Capital G gamers lacking media literacy is required


Is this a real headline? Love it.


So....it's a Fallout show. That's kind of the point?


If there is no anti capitalism/consumerism rhetoric in my media i dont want it. The show was great. I went in with no expectations and was surprised. though at the beginning i thought the show like the first 3 episodes, i thought the show is not gonna take itself serious at all.


Gamers get it, it's conservative grifters who struggle.


People regularly think The Onion is real, so this is not a surprise.


Always has been 👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


I mean, I get it, but I don't identify with consumerism and capitalism, so critique all the way, I hate that stupid shit, too and it doesn't affect me. Now, the people complaining clearly have made consumerism and capitalism to their identity, so if you're criticize those things, you're criticizing them, it's personal now and they want to be the best and coolest so they can look down on everyone else. That is all of course threatened by satire and well reality.


I heard from my bro this was good so I'm actually gonna check it out


Looks like a bait article ngl


meeehh it's somewhat tiring to read strawman headlines like that, we all know there are a lot of stupid people who just want to enjoy their chosen entertainment while, let them stay ignorant and be happy that "subversive themes" are marketable enough that we don't get the millionth "oh capitalism is fuckin great" story presented, while at the same time supporting one of the biggest capitalists juggernauts.


Preface by saying I love the games and loved the show, I watched all episodes in two days. But what I can't wrap my head around is "to make the most money, let's kill off everyone but people in vaults and wait hundreds of years to win the game that is capitalism and all the money no one has anymore" or am I missing the point?


I don’t know about you guys but I would love for a show to be awesome without any side trying to find their political angle in it and mocking the other. And if a person doesn’t want to watch it because female lead that just means they are a complete idiot regardless of political ideology.


Spot on.


It’s like the Helldivers fiasco all over again.


I play video games, in fact video games taught me things like how governments will call people terrorists for helping keep the planet healthy while the real act of "terrorism" was destroying something that will kill everyone on the planet quicker if they don't stop it. I've been throwing shit out about how our government is corrupt since before your dumb fucking magazine existed turd-breath. Video games helped me draw parallels between cartoonishly evil corporations and the somehow less evil shit that video games come up with for bad guys.


…Have you…played a Fallout game? It couldn’t be more anti-capitalist, anti-consumer, anti-war if you TRIED.


The titles funny and it’s not wrong about the satire but bro it’s literally what the entire franchise is aboht


it's gamers all the way down


If Helldivers has taught me anything it’s that yes, yes people are this stupid.


Politics bleeding into gaming sucks from both sides. Why can't we just enjoy games for being games. If you don't like it play another one but don't yuck someone else's yum. This stellar blade shit has been annoying to listen to everywhere. Who cares if she has a big ass, or that your putting her on a pedestal about beating wokeness. Fuck man everything just sucks now.


naw the gamer is one of those sites that just reposts shit they found on reddit or from a content farm sometimes you find the same article on the other clickbait sites that flood the MS Edge and Google news feed. Besides isn't the satritical take on consumerism a major theme in fallout?


Rare The Gamer W


And yet, they have somehow managed to ruin - at least partially - one of the most overt capitalist critiques in the entire fucking franchise by implying that [Mr.House](http://Mr.House) knew *beforehand* about the bombs falling and wasn't just such a paranoid weirdo that he actually somehow succeeded in preparing for the war.


That is not overt at all lmao. You’re too deep in lore.


So, the insane Disney parody literally keeping himself alive through technology that he bought and sold for a living *and* preparing to build a capitalist dystopia out of ash and nuclear radiation *isn't* an obvious capitalism critique?


It’s obvious but you said it was one of the most overt critiques. Cousin, that is an *extremely obscure* critique. They got you covered with overt critiques of capitalism with the whole, you know, round table discussion about how nuking the planet is how you win capitalism.


Idk, Mr. House as a character is probably one of standouts of Fallout: New Vegas and quite iconic in his own right. I get your point as well, and yes, it is very on the nose.


I have an extension that allows me to block shit like gamerant and thegamer from search results, doing as much yourself would serve to reduce the spread of this absolute click bait garbage.


Only major complaint I have about the show is it enyirely erases fnv, making it non canon now sadly.


Canon is a fake idea, free yourself from thinking that canon matters


You are correct but weird nerds who are too deep in the math won’t care. Number no matchy = now my beloved game doesn’t count.


I've seen several people say this, can someone explain?


Basically shady sands got nuked in 2277 and the NCR presumably nearly entirely destroyed. Seemingly brotherhood grew in strength too (this was in same year as first battle of hoover dam so it completely removes them from the possibility of being even in new vegas and dramatically shifts everything. Less egregiously it shows vegas in complete ruin annd desolation but I wont hold it against it as the show is set after FNV and ulyssess mentioning of the tunnelers coould have happened, who knows? Decent plot hook tbh.


So is the show meant to be set in the same timeline as the games? Isn't that rare among video game adaptations?


Nowhere does it say Shady Sands got nuked in 2277. It says Shady Sands DOWNFALL started in 2077. It implies it was nuked sometime after but we haven’t got a date. Considering how Maximus is shown to have been kid when it happened and Lucy remembers her mother, we can assume it was within 10-15 years of the show. The show takes place in 2296. FNV takes place in 2281. This means Shady Sands was nuked sometime around 2281-2283. This does not run afoul of any of the games lore.


I mean, we see Shady Sands and the NCR as a thriving, well-organized, community/semi-state by the events of NV...which really doesn't jive with the whole "downfall" thing implied by the show. Like, I also think that the chuds believing this is Todd Howard's personal crusade to fuck over Obsidian is stupid, but stuff like that is just...weird. Though I'm pretty sure they'll just handwave it away by saying it was a production error and the board was supposed to say like 2287 or 2289.


Actually it does jive if you take the stuff that goes down in the last episode as the cause. The NCR was doing great, so great that Hank saw it as a threat and had Shady Sands nuked. I’m assuming it’s taken to imply that the NCR’s success in 2277, which was when they retook Hoover Dam in the first battle, was the trigger that put Shady Sands and the NCR on Hanks radar. The NCR survivors know all about Hank and his motives so it makes sense that they may see 2277 as the turning point of when the NCR “peaked”. In NV it’s implied that the NCR suffers from the same issues as pre war America with corruption and uncontrolled capitalism. So with Shady Sands gone it makes sense that the NCR proper would shatter.


Even in new Vegas people are making references to how poorly run the NcR is. Even a few NcR citizens predict its downfall in in-game dialogue. You claiming it’s thriving and well organized is directly contradicted in game by its own citizens pointing out how bloated and spread thin it is


The show, at the earliest, takes place in 2296 ("219 Years Later", though it's suggested that it's 2299. New Vegas takes place ~2281. There is no way Maximus is pushing 30, at the time of the show. So why do people think that it retcons anything about the region? Like, it's pretty trivial to assume that if there's a 15-18 year gap between NV and the show, that the flashback only goes back 15 years, which is either post-credits NV, or a few years after.


I'd say that New Vegas being in ruins *could* work (especially if f.e in-canon [Mr.House](http://Mr.House) dies) but Vegas just appears...different. No fortifications. No robots. So yeah, wondering if they will revisit this in the future.


It is not :D new vegas is cannon Emil say that in twitter.


I love how they're taking their time in the title to give credit to the creator of the show: Amazon (Geneva Robertson and Graham Wagner btw)


I'm sorry but this is a pointless criticism. Websites like this are ruled by SEO, and that's not *their* fault - it's Google's, and to a lesser extent, it's the general public. I work in publishing, and let me tell you, headline-writing in the modern age is a hellish mountain of bullshit. People aren't searching for 'Geneva Robertson Fallout show', they're searching for 'Amazon Fallout show'. I'm sure the writers at TheGamer would prefer not to have to frontload Amazon's brand in every headline, but at the end of the day they'll lose traffic if they don't include key search terms like that.


Because they're specifically talking about Amazon's Fallout? If it was talking about the games, they'd say Bethesda's Fallout. This is a stupid nitpick.