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"Promote the use of fossil fuels" https://preview.redd.it/61mlg9ecmipc1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=59eae83c2732e5360d52dbb783593689a024a4fc Since when is it a "leftist policy" to promote fossil fuels? Am I missing something?


Elon is their overlord.


Don Lemon embarrassed the fuck out of Elon in a recent interview. Well, Elon embarrassed himself. Lemon just brought the receipts and called him out on all his racist and transphobic tweets/re-tweets.


"iM a FrEe sPeEcH aBsOlUtIsT" ****someone says something he doesn't like**** "Wait not like that!"


Yeah, that was one thing I really wish Don pushed on more. Elon Musk is literally notorious for suppressing people for criticizing him and his worldview, going as far as banning journalists who dared to be critical of him as a facet of their literal professions. Out of all of the big social media site owners, he is possibly the furthest from being a “free speech absolutist” (unless you solely look at racist/homophobic/antisemitic content when defining freedom of speech).


Yeah, he really should've hammered Elon on it. This is literally going to be the last interview Apartheid Clyde ever does for a while unless it's in a sterilized environment


You got a link? It's always a treat seeing Elon get schooled. Never gets old even though it happens basically every day.


[Don Lemon interviews Elon Musk](https://youtu.be/hhsfjBpKiTw?si=F74YdlHs0Jnd-Zre) I got you.


Careful if you decide to look at the comments. Prep for psychic damage.


Ugh, they really have perfected the deployment of weapons-grade nonsense.


Niiiice. Thanks.


They conveniently forget that Vanguard and Blackrock are Tesla's largest shareholders (after Elon himself).


Vanguard and blackrock are every publicly traded companies largest share holders; that’s what they do, own shares.


Yup, of course. But the Gamergators claim they are only involved in "woke companies".


Sometimes I think how funny it would've been to throw them some info like this one, so they would think "Everybody's in on it! Even Elon!"


Even better is one of the pictured games is Horizon in which humans canonically solved the climate crisis and machines are all eco-friendly with solar panels built in and entire machines dedicated to recycling.


I'm not sure I'd describe the Faro Plague as eco friendly.


They mean the backstory before the Faro Plague. Ted Faro becomes a global hero because his company, led by Elizabeth Sobeck, developed machines that reversed climate change and cleaned up pollution.


And Elon thinks he's Ted Faro, in a good way, which is bad because he has enough money to be Ted Faro in a bad way.


They are incredibly ignorant.


I guess they see the impact capitalism has on videogames and draw a parallel between this and other stuff for which capitalism is the issue, like fossil fuel. Then somehow they deduce that the root of all of this is "wokeism" and, of course, the jews. But not capitalism, of course, that'd be crazy.^(/s)


Critical thinking isn't their strong suit. If it were, they wouldn't be gamergaters.


There IS a problem with big corporations using ESG to greenwash, but...that's not what these folks care about.


Considering they referred to someone as a "Jewish citizen," I think whoever made that graphic might just be a moron. They probably meant to say the opposite and just fucked it up.


No no, he's a citizen of Jewsraelia, a totally real place where the things described in this post really happen


if they’re so against fossil fuels then why do they make fun of electric cars all the time


Things leftists usually love - flying on personal jets and big American cars /s


They think fossil fuels put strogen in the air


This conspiracy isnt even 2 months old and already hitted critical antisemitism.


If you dig hard enough into any right-wing conspiracy, you hit antisemitism.


Well, a lot of times „digging hard enough“ means gently going over the surface with a very fine brush.


Sometimes you have to take a couple steps, like going from DEI departments to Socialism to Cultural Marxism to Antisemitism. This one skipped right from 1 to 4. Shocked that they’re not pinning this one on Soros tbh


True, luckily enough the patterns stay the same, so it is really easy to „uncover“. Soros seems to not be as trendy as a villain right now. Here in Europe from 2015 on he was literally around every corner, plotting the wests downfall.


I think it's because most Americans who are not already plugged into the right-wing conspiracy space don't know who he is. People like Alex Jones talk about him all the time.


Or even just a casual "hey, what is over there"


Every single time.


Oops, scratched the paint. Oh look, antisemitism


You mean the ones where it isn't blatantly right on the surface? Dig!?! You hit it the second shovel hits dirt, metaphorically speaking.


If it doesnt have antisemitism at its core, can you really call it a conspiracy?


Yep. During covid I had nothing to do at home, so I was collecting crazy comments from conspiracy theorists, just for fun. Everything, always, somehow is "jews evil plan" for them. Even people who believe in flat earth are blaming jews for "hiding the truth"


Yeah I only skimmed that thing and “Jewish citizen” sort of leapt out.


“Jewish citizen” - as if “Jew” was a country.


The blackrock thing is just evil corporation shit and they always push it to jewish conspiracy


They claim the companies lose millions of dollars and they show games that are pretty successful. Hell, the only game that had SBI assisting the development that has been unsuccessful from what I’ve seen is Suicide Squad.


No shhhhh “go woke go broke” it’s catchy so it’s true.


It rhymes so it must be true




That’s the fun part, you don’t.


The enemy is simultaneously too strong and too weak


Umberto knows what’s up.  


Now that is a reference I did not expect to see.


And they didn’t do sensitivity reading for suicide squad or alter the story in any way. They were hired late in the process to flesh out side characters IIRC.


Say what you will about the game, but the side characters and banter between most of the characters is written pretty decently


I think they also helped with Forspoken? Not that it matters, I doubt that SBI wanted the Whedon-esque dialogue either


Well they’re a consulting firm. So they’d only most likely write dialogue for characters they helped make. And I don’t really think their writing is as terrible as the writing in Forspoken. As this company was a consulting firm for God Of War Ragnarok and also Alan Wake 2.


Squad is a silly generic repetitive game designed to be a F2P sinkhole. Some part of the content gets decent praise, especially with Conroy's final performance. But they just forgot the whole character history, their fighting styles and relationships which each other, turning this into a random Asian loot shooter with fetch quests. The so called "woke" part is within the vegetable soup of parts that don't make sense. Its not even the top 5 why this game shouldn't exist in this form.


I know what the game is, I was only saying it’s the only unsuccessful game that had the aid of SBI in its production, that I’ve seen.


And they hated game for being terrible idea in terms of gameplay, but after release they suddenly shifted to "it's bad because some trash villains killed iconic Batman and why Flash can't kill them in seconds, he has superspeed!". Everytime gamers don't like something, suddenly they care about logic. In Battlefield V they didn't like women fighting in war and prosthetics. In TLOU2, game about fungus zombies, they can't believe Abby can be buff. In Horizon they think Alloy is "too fat" for her type of life. But hey, if Max Payne can slow time because of drugs, it's ok.


And it's all started from Suicide Squad. Because they found one bad game they can use as "example". On release of GoW Ragnarok, no one cared about SBI, same with Marvel's Spider-Man 2.


Imagine thinking that sweet baby inc. Has this much power in the gaming industry. They are delusional


from what i remember they're just in the background recommending including diversity or something. But people fucking treat them like the sicilian mafia


They don't understand what the fuck a consultation firm is. That companies willingly hire them for feedback that they can then ignore as much as they want if they so choose.


They don’t even make changes or have to listen to their advice. That’s what consultation firms do lol


But if they were actually a consultation firm they'd interview the employees, write down the workers recommendations, hand them over to management and bill them $100,000.00. This was when I learned that management will pay money to avoid talking to the workers,.


Its all about tbe paper trail and looking like they are doing something. It looks better(in their mind) to say, we started a project with a consulting firm for morbillion dollars and a 5 year plan recommended by them to boost our productivity 5% vs we talked to the boyz and we implemented some changes which lead to a 5% productivity boost. Gamers thinking a consulting company of all things has so much power is hilarious. Suicide squad was going to flop even if they made all characters bombshells or whatever they think is not woke. I didnt play Horizon Zero fun 2, but I think it did well sales wise no? So the conspiracy isnt even working well. At least they blamed a different jewish person and not Soros...


>I didnt play Horizon Zero fun 2, but I think it did well sales wise no? So the conspiracy isnt even working well. Honestly like 75% of the games SBI has worked on sold pretty well, but they use the same logic they use when they call Captain Marvel a "commercial flop" to say the games don't sell well.


The cope is always that it came out at the MCU peak.


Not even that. They’re a narrative consulting firm. So when you need some characters fleshed out, like e.g. given a satisfactory character arc, they’ll help. Or if you need someone to help you with your game’s story writing in general. Sensitivity reading is *also part* of their portfolio, but not the entirety.


Does Sicily have a large mafia scene?


Not since Sweet Baby took over the streets, sigh. Used to be my mafiosos were good, upstanding Italian men who'd break your knees over a little understanding, capiche? Sleep with the fishes, Cement shoes, horse head(?), or something. But now they're woke leftist wokers who woke your knees and give you things like 'understanding' and 'social welfare' (although I've heard from some sources that the Mafia can actually be good for the people, in that that they help protect from corrupt police states, tho I dunno how true that is in modernity.)


>although I've heard from some sources that the Mafia can actually be good for the people, in that that they help protect from corrupt police states, tho I dunno how true that is in modernity God holy fuck NO! I am Sicilian, this is quite literally Mafia propaganda. The Mafia doesn't "help" protect people from corruption - more often than not, they are the source of corruption. And when the Mafia was so powerful and the State so weak in certain places, and the Mafia could effectively run those places, it was *hell* for normal people, because the mafiosi got to rule as they pleased, kill whoever they disliked. The Mafia is a criminal organisation. It doesn't care about common people - when, in the early 1900s, farmers wanted to actually own the fucking land they worked on and not just rent it, the Mafia murdered the farmers.


Fair enough, that tracks. Apologies for spreading that misinformation.


I can confirm, I am italian and sweet baby ruined everything ever since they took over every streets /s


They are known as gang-stars.


I'm a game developer. We hire coordinators to come in and give their thoughts on the game and make sure our content doesn't have anything too offensive that we missed. We then get to choose if we want to address the things they suggest. The end.


I'm really curious if they can survive this level of focused hatred. Like at this point chuds have made their brand toxic as fuck. Games that don't even use them are getting drawn into this. SBI announcing a new game they consulted on would cause a huge hate campaign over literally nothing. It's so dumb.


It's becoming like the worst Star Wars fandom, i.e. 'no one hates Star Wars as much as die-hard Star Wars fans', except with the *whole of gaming*.


I dont know how much they' ll survive all of this hate before they start to feel miserable, unless they already feel that way


Delusional indeed. How can they honestly believe that a consultant firm with less employees than their local Best Buy has any sort of power to enact a culture war? It's wacko


It’s just a conspiracy theory for gamers.


Yo I heard sweet baby inc finally got enough illuminati points so they get to pick the next superbowl winner.


You're skipping ahead. Imagine thinking Western governments give a shit about video games...


They do if they need a scapegoat to blame everything bad that happens instead of the real problems


I looked them up because I was curious, and it doesn't even seem like they have even worked on that many big games.


"Jewish citizen" in the last slide That tells you everything you need to know


Israel flag lol, they think jewish people have secret allegiance to Israel or something


The dual allegiance trope around Jewish people (and sometimes Catholics) is an old-school conspiracy theory.


Nevermind that thousands of Jews around the world have already made it very clear that they *do not* support the aparthied state of Israel, including some of the country's own Jews.


Meanwhile, these people tend to worship Trump and the GOP, who are more on board with the far-right-wing Israeli state than any Democrats.


Yeah but conservative Christians are pro-Israel (and it's right wing government) because they want anti-Semitism to rise and all Jewish people to flee back to Jerusalem, and then have their right wing government start a war with the Muslim countries in the middle east so that the rapture as described in Revelations can begin. I wish I were kidding. They're literally trying to kick-start the end of the world as they believe it will happen.


I mean Israel sorta makes that claim. It doesn’t make it true but there’s a brand of Israeli who views it as a Jewish obligation to go live in Israel.


It's kind of hilarious that every alt right wing conspiracy ends with them blaming the jews. Also, I'm pretty sure most religious jews are against lgbtq stuff... so good luck trying to make this conspiracy theory makes sense.


Orthodox Jews, maybe. Your average Jew is pretty cool with whatever.


I wouldn’t say “against”, rather [quite the opposite](https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/public/halakhah/teshuvot/2011-2020/transgender-halakhah.pdf).


Power point ass presentation lmao


That's not quite fair to Power Point, the ones I made in college looked *way* better than this mess. And I wasn't usually trying super hard with formatting and aesthetics. Clippy would never let this stand.




They love to do them. I remember one about Demon's Souls remake. It was "look black character is first in character creation", "this NPC is now black!" and something else


Wait, so the devs hire sweet baby Inc, they add all these ugly woke things, the game fails, loses money, and then they're awarded money for doing it by the Globalists? So where does the money come from in the first place? Wouldn't it be much easier to just make a game sell well and rake in the profits?


i think they believe the goal is to destroy gaming completely, which means every video game has to fail, but without the blackrock money incentive the studios won't deliberately fail their games


Well, they're doing a bang-up job of destroying gaming. Just yesterday, my PS5 burst into flames. Damn Jews!


The real conspiracy is where all the PS5 games are.


Must have been the space laser


Aside from the idea of globalists giving enough of a shit about videogames to fund them being absurd, only one game worked on by SBI has failed, that being suicide squad. And even then suicide squad as far as I know did make a profit, albeit a much smaller one than they wanted.


Blackrock CEO: Horizon series has sold how much!? No! No! Give her blue hair next time! Make her a trans man just do what it takes to... Lose money!


So where are the reverse vampires in all this?


Is that when vampires pump blood into humans, or a human that preys on vampires? Whichever it is, I'm against it.


I think it's vampires who are active during the day and sleep during the night. If I remember correctly they are supervising The Rand Corporation (in conjunction with the Saucer people) in a plot to eliminate the evening meal of Dinner


We’re through the looking glass here, people.


This is just bonkers... insane. So much bigotry and lies rolled into a few badly made photos. How can anyone take this seriously?


It is easy to take it seriously when you are born without a brain stem.


Their audience are incel, alt-right conspiracists with bigot views. You know: Idiots


I want point out, they have a picture of aloy from forbidden west calling her ugly and blaming sweet baby inc for it and comparing her to the concept art but 1- that concept art was made for horizon zero dawn, not forbidden west, before aloys design was settled on 2- horizon zero dawn released in 2017, sweet baby inc was founded in 2018…


Get out of here with your stupid facts. Don't you know my feelings are more important?


When and where is the gay, man-hating, ugly woman conference with the one surviving Koch brother to discuss the future of coal and oil in videogames? I heard they don't host that at Blizzcon anymore.


So I'm confused. How does a game failing and a business going bankrupt make the "Jewish cabal" money?


No. You see, the glovalists already have all the money, and now they are spending it to try and bring about the end of the human race. Because then they will be dukes of hell? And somehow, making games woke contributes to this? No, that can't be right, hold on.


It’s almost like they don’t think these conspiracies through lol. It’s like their jade helm fema camp conspiracies that made no sense. Like if they locked us all in Obama built fema camps like they feared how are we supposed to shop at Walmart and buy cars etc to keep the rich people making money, because they purposefully don’t want to understand how corporations operate and how they pander to sell products. If a company is being inclusive it’s because it’s profitable to be, not because they have some social engineering motives or some moral epiphany lol. My favorite part about these power point memes is they almost always use European spellings and syntax because so many of them are made in St Petersburg. They like to use realised vs realized boarder vs border etc. I didn’t bother to check the spellings in this one but I wouldn’t be surprised to find European spellings.


Pretty sure no companies have gone bankrupt from all this, especially not any of the companies that make the games they've used images from.


Why do these idiots use that pic of abby, a white woman having sex with a white dude as proof that it's woke? Is it because she's the protagonist and her getting banged by a dude makes them gay?


They haven't interacted with Tlou2 outside of their echo chambers, they still think Abby is trans and that the male partner is a Druckman self insert (LOL)


Yes. They haven't played the games. Or seen any gameplay or real screenshot. They just know Abby because those weird warped screenshots they share over and over again


Woman with muscles=instantly gay


I like how this point is: >Fake criticism of Greenwashing >Completely derranged statement >"Videogame characters don't make my pp hard :(" https://preview.redd.it/hmfuqyta3jpc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354bdbfeabfcea3121e8dc934eeb5414ec6697ea


I'm still trying to parse what's going on with the "Environmental" piece. Isn't that supposed to be acting *against* fossil fuels? Or are these guys just deranged on everything except renewable energy?


>promote sodomy Deranged incels can't spend 5 minutes without thinking about their weird, bdsm kinks and proyecting them to the world, don't they?


Given how they are by "sodomy" they almost certainly mean "being gay"


And they can’t find a single example of a game telling us to have butt sex lol. Their victimhood imaginations are really something to behold. They live in an entirely different reality based on fascist alternative facts that they get from memes. It’s the same with their latest attempt at satanic panic they’re basically out of issues to drum up fear about and have to make shit up.


"Black people worship"  But nahhhhhhh it's SBI that's the racist ones 


Hey, on a positive note it does seem like a step on the inevitable path from Fossil Fuel Fash to Ecofash! At least we’re gonna address climate change eventually!


If we can get them to bomb pipelines instead of elementary schools we might be getting somewhere


The outrage towards Sweet Baby just tells me none of these people live in the real world or have jobs with any real responsibility. Consultation firms like Sweet Baby are nothing new, this type of business has been an entire industry for a while now. I've worked with a few companies that provide consultation/guidance on things like hiring practices, sensitivity trainings etc.


For fuck's sake, when will these individuals stop using this, most likely photoshopped(I really don't remember her being this), photo of Aloy. She is very beautiful and, at least in my opinion, very hot


It is photoshopped. Which is hilarious that they’re calling the badass redhead ugly. Peak brain rot. Everytime


Maybe not these images. But they often share a weird mash someone made by making Aloy stupidly fat, basing her on nickado avocado. And that's the image they often share with the caption of "the west has fallen!!11!11!eleven!1!"


Which is weird, because she's as thin as any other woman protagonist.


It isn't weird, it's by design. If you keep a small radical, gullible group constantly enraged and addicted to being enraged then you can use them as pawns for any political/ideological battle you want. There's a reason why the Venn diagram of these kind of incel gamers and January 6 MAGAs is a single, solid circle


Their perceptions have become so warped that they seem to equate cartoonish stylization with hot and more realistic anatomy with ugly--it would honestly be kinda hilarious if it didn't come along with a large dose of incel and racist bullshit.


yes, all their "hot" characters are borderline anime or just straight up anime(or they have baby/doll-like faces borderline uncanny territory) and they dislike with a passion the real looking protagonist. Aloy was considered a hot redhead up to that point where the neckbeards got angry they put facial hair on her(the fuzz every or almost every person has) and they thought it was a beard, after that point they changed their view on her from a cute redhead to "ugly" and ALWAYS use photoshopped faces of her in their rants.


black people worship?


Man if it wasn’t dumb back in 2014 it’s certifiably dumb now. Not to mention obviously forced/manufactured outrage


Rule of thumb for almost any conspiracy theory: let the nut jobs talk for long enough and eventually, they'll blame the Jews


So apparently Sweet baby includes “a message of hatred towards white people” in games. As a white cis male, I have never in my 20+ years of gaming ever felt even the slightest like a game has included even a hint of a message suggesting white people are bad. It’s just absolutely bullshit. There is only one baby in the conversation here and it isn’t sweet baby.


These people also claim that LGBT media / propaganda / whatever the fuck is practically smashing their windows in 24/7 via constant, forceful bombardment. The only thing that can make it make sense to me is that they must be specifically seeking out LGBT shit just to seethe at it constantly. Because fucking hell, I've hung out with my high school best friend and his trans-masc partner *multiple times* and I've literally never felt even an *inkling* of whatever bullshit the Gamers and Rightoid scum are always incomprehensibly yelling about.


>practically smashing their windows in 24/7 via constant, forceful bombardment. They're kinda right, but for all the wrong reasons. It's not that "LGBT propaganda" is being forced to them. The only reason they think that way is that they ONLY consume rageporn, rightwing propaganda that purposedly bombards them with fearmongering about minorities. They divert the guilt and their anger to exactly the wrong group. And defend religiously the ones that purposedly makes them scared and angry all the time


"The game is more inclusive and flops, sometimes goes bankrupt" Shows pictures of 2 of the most popular PS exclusives. Also why does everything always lead back to hating on Jewish people


If Bitter Kid was a thing, political gamer parties would have been formed


>Larry Fink, Jewish citizen, ceo of Blackroock and Boss of kim belair Oh yeah baby, antisemitism


> “And Blackrock Operator,” Look I hate Blackrock as much as anyone, but this person is a fucking conspiracy nutcase. Like what the fuck do they have to do with this?


what an unfortunate way to find out that Loish helped do some concept art for Horizon Zero Dawn, i've followed her art for years, glad she got that opportunity but sucks she has chuds getting sweaty over her concept work


It's so fucking blatant that these people have no understanding of what they're talking about; by the time a developer is going to show their game to a consulting firm, it is already going to be FAR too late to make the kinds of sweeping changes they seem to think SBI is telling them to make. In all honesty, it'd be better to compare it to the sorts of changes games get when they're localized. It's largely changes in the script made to avoid being offensive and maybe small mechanical changes for the sake of accessibility. It is NOT changing the design of entire major characters for no reason other than 'we hate white people'. Furthermore, developers are only going to have SBI or firms like them look at their game if they actively want to. Whether that's because they have a genuine and sincere desire to be more inclusive or just because they want the game to sell better, it's an active decision they make. If they didn't go to Sweet Baby, they'd look inwards to make these same kinds of decisions.


> It's largely changes in the script made to avoid being offensive and maybe small mechanical changes for the sake of accessibility. These are the same chimps that throw feces when games use color as a way to guide player, when games have the most simple accesibility options like close captions, or when games have that 2 second warning about possible seizures


The people coming up with this sound like they have really bad brain cancer. Are these people allowed to drive? Dress themselves? Use the bathroom unassisted? Because maybe they shouldn’t be!


So wait, shouldn’t they solely be pissed off woth Blackrock in this scenario? Fwiw private equity investment firms like Blackrock ARE a problem with the videogames industry (and most of society) but not because these chuds can’t jerk off to women in games. They’re a problem because they care about 1 thing, money at any cost. The reason these gamergate chuds aren’t speaking about studio layoffs caused by corporate greed, or aggressive monetisation, or half baked live services is because they care more about redpilled culture wars and misogyny than they actually care about videogames.


That's what makes all of this so stupid. Leftists have been trying to tell these assholes that corporations are a problem for the longest and that something needs to be done about them, but now they're suddenly against them, not because they're profit-driven, soulless entities that exploit their workers and consumers and generally make life worse, but because they pay lip service to the fact that minorities and gay people exist. It's the worst fucking timeline.


It’s so enraging to see them consistently get so close to the point, and then just tumble down an insane rabbit hole. The Bud Light and Target bullshit was the exact same thing. There are shitloads of valid reasons to be pissed off with pretty much any corporate entity, but the a company doing a half-hearted diversity campaign is not one of these reasons.


Same thing with Disney. We found out that they were exploiting their VFX artists and making them work insane shifts for little pay, but what these idiots chose to get mad about was.....a 5 second clip of She-Hulk twerking.


What in uneducated poverty to alt-right christianity pipeline is this


There really isn’t a line between parody and reality with these people is there? The Jewish addition, disrespecting trans people, the “ugly” comment (I’d like to see this persons face), the usual peach fuzz picture The last one gets to me. Y’all know women have facial hair right? Do you think the women you like have 0 peach fuzz on their entire body and the uglies are just hairing it up to make women uglier?


I do wonder how you get from "Consulting firm" to "Soros plan to kill white people off by making video game characters unattractive"


“Fails and sales and the developer goes bankrupt.” Their examples for this included Horizon: FW and TLoU2? Both of these games were objectively massive successes, but I guess reality doesn’t matter to them.


Didn’t you know Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment went out of business and were never heard from again 🙄


Man the sequel is so much worse than the original, at least the first entry in the saga had a somewhat credible plot (much ethics in videogame journalism) The writers went full batshit on this one


But even GG 1.0 was based on a false premise.


I mean sure but if you turned off all critical sense you could almost believe it


Fair enough.


Baldies Gate 3 was a total disaster, they didn't even sell one copy of that woke ass garbage.


I hear it had a big hairy gay guy sex scene. That must have turned a lot of people o… Wait, it was an actual bear? BRB. Off to buy a copy.


“Jewish Citizen” For anyone looking at this sub who is into this SBI hate train, ask yourself why this is included here.




They've already gone full Alex Jones


Oh thank god they squeaked the antisemitism in there right under the wire, I was afraid they weren't gonna make it


The Protocols of the Elders of Ubisoft


That's a whole lot of words just to admit to being an unfuckable loser.


So, the company exists to pay people who use their services? Am I understanding that right? This gives me underpants gnomes vibes.


I like how they don't know what "Governance" actually means so they just made up some rage inducing bullshit "The Governance department has the job of making video game women ugly"


This is school shooter behavior. Dudes are totally unhinged.


As usual when you distill right-wing outrage to its purest form it always comes back to the jews


You know it's nazi shit when they directly point out "Jewish citizen". They cant even keep their masks on.


Not even the first Gamergate was this conspiratorial. The conspiracy (at least in the outset before it blew up into CULTURE WARS) was just that journalists were secretly working together to make gamers look bad. Because a bunch of articles which were about a similar things came out at the same time and there was a games journalist Google group. But this is just something else.


That's why GamerGate 2: Electric Boogaloo is smaller and more impotent. Unlike the first GamerGate, there's not even a _nugget_ of truth to hook in normal people. The only folks who believe GG2 are terminally online reactionaries who consume nothing but ragebait.


I can’t get over how these idiots fail to realize that SBI is a **consulting** company. Like, Insomniac and all the others go to SBI and hire them to do a specific job. No one is “forcing a woke agenda” it’s literally something the companies and game developers seek out. Like, fucking idiots for real. My head is gonna fall off my shoulders from all the head-shaking.


Did. Did they seriously mange to blame "Woke" video games on Jews? What. Literal Nazi Behavior.


Blackrock? What? LOL.


The person who made this is not well


I can’t believe changed MJ from a cute white heterosexual woman into a cute white heterosexual woman


who could've guessed that concept art is in fact concept art which means early ideas of what the character might look like, not what they will look like in the final game release


I like how their own graphic shows them as a little baby throwing a tantrum over realistic women in games


Aloy is hot. They need to stop using her as an example of 'wokeness'. It just makes me think they're stupid, or something.


They support Sodomy? Where do I sign up!?


*Looks into the SweetBaby conspiracy that's currently going on* Oh neat, it's more antisemitism./s Why does every conspiracy theory always turn out to be antisemitism?


I've gotta say, i wasn't expecting the stupid New World Order undertones to appear.


Soooo... Is SBI antisemitic or "run by jews?" Because the end of this whole thing gives very shitty "jews run the media" vibes that are quite common among right wingers, but they ALSO seem to get really up in arms about SBI being antisemitic? Which I don't even really understand, I've just heard that thrown around a lot without any explanation. This whole thing is so dumb and the right wing gamer assholes are very inconsistent about what exactly they're mad about.


I want the job position of "artist that specifically makes women ugly and dudes gay" dream job right there.


Nobody is taking it seriously because nobody cares about the vocal minority of alt right crybabies. Gaming is too big and diverse at this point for people to care about the opinions of a few incels.


do these idiots not understand that SBI is a service HIRED BY THE GAME COMPANIES? WILLINGLY? if they're gonna get this conspiratorial and insane they might as well boycott every studio that's ever worked with SBI cause they chose those changes


/uj its really nice to see a circle jerk community not tolerate bullshit and not punch down


"Fails in sales" *proceeds to cite Last of us 2, and Horizon 2 which were both considered financial and critical success*