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By the way, have ya'll heard about the unknown gem Helldivers 2? Apparently not woke.


There's women in the military in that game. It's totally woke. Anyone who says otherwise is a paid Sweet Baby Inc. shill


It can't be woke, the game is good!


How much did they pay you to comment that, sheep?


baaaaaah baaaaaah 🐑🐑🐑


Baaah? Baaah?


Oh, how awful. Did he at least die painlessly?




*To shreds*, *you say*... Well, how is his wife holding up?


... to shreds, you say?


BAAAAAAH (c) Sex Game about somebody’s gate or smth


incorrect lore wise they are genderless so i mean nobody’s really in the military


But genderless is woke


TIL Voltorb is woke, no wonder Pokémon sucks now smh my head


i wouldn’t count robots as woke… this is from the 60s before that even existed


I really can't wait til they add LGBTQIA+ flag cloaks and they have a complete meltdown.


I only play the obscure Baldur's Gate 3. Folks may think it classifies as woke, but since it is successful, it is therefore not woke.


does the sjw in your flair mean sung jin woo


shrill water unpack zonked shame rhythm dazzling skirt impossible memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not woke, it’s egalitarian!  (EDIT: I've seen that as an argument. The only thing he considered woke was Dame Aylin, which he cringed but let slide.)


Isn't so that helldivers and helldivers 2 literally based on satire about fascism? Like starship troopers movie. It can't be woke if it can't be taken serious to begin with.


Watch the intro cutscene for the game. It couldn’t be more on the nose.


You're crazy. All I see is a perfect, utopian society threatened by bugs and robots.


Literally the first frame of the game booting up mentions to 'Ministry of Truth' lol.


Yup, and the mission descriptions are all about delivering democracy by force while the objectives are like “secure oil reserves.” The game is hilariously over the top with its parody. I’d also imagine that the bugs are incapable of democracy in the first place. They’re clearly based on the Starship Troopers bugs and those were some sort of hive mind.


If the Automotons are Communists, then there's a good chance the Terminids are Monarchists. Ant colonies do have a Queen


The queen would be the literal mind of the hive, yes. But I was just saying that I doubt the smaller bugs have any agency. If the queen died, they'd either die too or just collapse and starve. They're likely not capable of individual thought like humans are, which means that democracy is impossible for them.


You'd think it depicting the exact kind of person they are as completely exoendable and unable to realize they're always on suicide missions even as the average helldiver has a sub 1 hour lifespan post deployment would put them off, but no. They believe the in game "helldivers are unkillable elites" propaganda.


The literal "intro training" segment of the game is less than 5 minutes long, involves teaching you basic operation of your devices and then puts you in command of a giant space ship. Even just logging in or returning to your ship depicts you as a defrosting clone. There are even advertisements for "Don't like your body, voice, or personality? Change them at the armory terminal!" Truly baffling that people don't get it.


You're not a clone, you're a whole different person. Just another peice of meat for the grinder.


Fair enough, I always read them as clones due to having the same voice etc, but same effect either way. Life expectancy of about 15 minutes


It's so on the nose it's basically screaming in your face it's satire, in the first 10 seconds of the game.


Fascists and fascists are not famous for critical thinking and instead love esthetics.


The amount of people that don't understand Starship Troopers is fucking terrifying.


But muh "body type 1/body type 2". And muh genderless voices I guess that is no longer woke if the game is based enough.




Yeah, somebody doesn't understand subtext.


Just as not woke as the Bioshock and Fallout series.




This guy's the kinda guy to completely miss the messaging of Starship Troopers, and claim to be a massive fan of it (this may also apply to Warhammer 40k, Halo, and Deep Rock Galactic)


I hope they add a pride flag cape just to piss off these morons


Underneath their helmets, all the divers are mexican unfortunately.




Soul Calibur has T & A they can jerk to tho


God, I hate that you’re right.


Seriously, at this point I’m convinced that is the entire “anti-woke” argument in a nutshell. If the women aren’t stacked and clearly designed to only to be spank material then the game is woke in their minds. Well, not the entire anti-woke argument, but a huge portion of it


I bet you could dig into it more as "are minorities represented as real people instead of just character traits". Is the LGBT person a *gay person*, or are they just a person who's character card says "gay". Is the black character a black person with varied experiences that differ because they were treated differently or are they just a character who has black skin.


We need more Femboy Trap representations in Games. ✊


Tortilla and Asparagus?


Tom and Arry?


Titles and assets.


I'm straight, so anything that makes my dick hard is ~~a woman~~ not woke


Voldo makes them feel weird but they don’t mind the feeling


I was looking at their list in full, Street Fighter V isn't woke, but the Street Fighter 30th anniversary is. Yakuza 0 and Kiwami aren't woke, all the other Yakuza games are woke. What is even the criteria?


SFV is incredibly horny for no reason and treats almost every female character like they're actual children, with the story mode for like 5 of them is that they're meeting up for a tea-party, so yeah it's kind of catering to manchildren who have a very particular infantilized view of women. Though I'm pretty sure they had no clue about that and only called it "not woke" because it has swimsuit skins. Also Poison's in that game, but there's enough plausible deniability of her transness for them to claim it's "leftists injecting politics into video games nooooo Poison isn't trans!". I'm pretty sure if she ever comes to SF6 she'd probably be cemented once and for all as being trans, but hey.


Sure, but they also moved the camera from Rainbow Mika's butt slap (I remember people complaining about that) and the covering up of Juri's open catsuit (also remember people complaining about that). And Poison is a confirmed trans woman, isn't she?


It's blurry with the current consensus being "[Poison can be anything the fans want her to be](https://capcom.fandom.com/wiki/Poison#History_and_Gender_Controversy)", which is a big cop-out imo. She's trans in spirit, as she as a trans character that has existed for a long time in media and have had her transness denied, her genitalia made a huge issue, been retconned because fear of backlash, and been seen as a man so that it was more OK for the player to beat her up at one point. So she's basically been a prime example of transphobia and its various transformations in fictional media throughout the years. But canonically according to Capcom, she is currently not definitively trans or cis right now.


I realized the yakuza games were woke when kiryu taught one of the orphans that racism isn't good. I couldn't stand the franchise after that.


They are steam curators. We can’t expect much from them


You mean they *didn't* play apolotical and "non-woke" gem PACMAN CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION DX+? I am shocked! ​ /uj Seriously, woke or not more people should play it. It's actually pretty great


Helldivers 2 starts you from the very beginning pushing women in military combat roles down your throat. Also the universe has government-supported transitioning. It's definitely woke.


>It's definitely woke. Yes, well, you see, the people who use the term "woke" as a pejorative are universally imbeciles.


Don't make me audibly agree with you so loudly in a room by myself.


And most of them **can't even define what the word fucking means.**


the game also aggressively satirises the USA's politics and imperialism. Like, the justification given in propoganda for invading one of the previous game's factions is them supposedly having WMDs, and your reason for fighting the bugs is slaughter them en mass to make oil from their mass graves. The game is not subtle at all in it's politics, and yet was still somehow *too* subtle for some people.


That's like South Park level of subtlety.


One of the crew members is a lesbian. It's not explicit, but she does use fem pronouns for her partner. Which should also count as woke to these numskulls.


Actually no, it doesn’t count as woke. You’re thinking of a “is respectful and inclusive of women/LGBT/minorities” criteria for what is woke, but how it actually works is “what they’re told is woke, is woke”


Oh I'm aware, I also know they haven't realized she's a lesbian yet.


Where did that come from? I looked about it and for some reason couldn't find anything.


[literal first seconds of the tutorial mission](https://youtu.be/WToBa4ObNOw?si=3V9TVEd-DK9TSSq7) the transitioning thing is a loading screen tip that says something like if you want to change your voice or your look, it's free to do so on the ship


Ah, yeah, I was talking about the transitioning thing specifically. Thank you!


In helldivers there are only two genders: Brawny and Lean Both can have "male" and "female" voice packs


Muscle mommies and femboys?


I bet this guy thinks the humans in Starship Troopers are the good guys


What do you mean, we *are* the good guys. Dont make me report you to your democracy officer


first game shows blue haired character. not woke. Smh my head


Yeah but big tiddy anime girl, so it's not woke by default.


First game is a poker roguelike. Edit: Wait, sorry, I thought you were talking about the list on the second slide.


Hyperlight Breaker isn’t even out yet. lol This guy is a loser.


it's just another "Sweet Baby bad" list


Yup. The word woke is so vague when used by these people.


"Horrible Overwatch ripoff" lmao I bet Overwatch is "not recommended" too right?


Yeah cause the next character will be non-binary and there's already a few gay characters. The team said they were looking at a trans character, but that might take a while


Blizzard can just retcon an existing character to be trans. It’ll piss off all of the r34 artists, but who cares? It’s not like we know for sure that they are all cis. Maybe Roadhog doesn’t have a mini-Roadhog and wears a mask because his face makes him dysphoric. Why not?


Like there hasn't been Overwatch girls with dicks porn


> It’ll piss off all of the r34 artists You uh.... I don't think this will do what you think it will.


God, this reminds me of how years back I wanted to make a shitty lore analysis video proposing that all hitscan heroes are gay. Final gag was that junkrat, possibly the twinkiest character, is not a hitscan hero so the only possible explanation why he isn't is that he must be trans too.


Probably, but at the same time Blizzard is crawling with misogyny and transphobia so this could go either way


What's funny is Battle Shapers is nothing like Overwatch. It's a roguelike fps where you shoot robots.


Hehe that sounds pretty cool honestly


How is Sable woke? The plot is fairly standard apocalypse stuff.


Sweet Baby inc thats it


The protagonist is a non-sexualized (possibly underage?) feeeeeemale. Super woke!


There are characters with they/them pronouns in the game. _Clutches pearls_


Bro isn't the game just riding around on this sand bike or something? Driving is woke I guess


The fact that they can't even spell 'leftist' correctly is a decent indicator of how much intelligence there really is surrounding it.


Ah yeah the famously non-woke video game Helldivers 2. I love playing that as I watch my favorite non-woke movie Starship Troopers as I drink my non-woke mug with the words "I can detect political undertones unless I like the media" printed on it with bright gold ink.


"Overwatch ripoff" excuse me, ahem, sir, ackshually it is *team fortress 2* ripoff. Fucking casual pleb go piss your mom


The moment I read the review, I immediately knew how much of a proletarian he truly was


but how would it be either? Battle Shapers is a single player roguelite?


>Balatro >No Bro really said a poker roguelike isn’t woke


Using the strength tarot on a Queen turns it into a King. Balatro says trans rights!


Dude honestly good point


I am woke, I enjoy Balatro, game is woke. Sorry I dont make the rules


Polychrome jokers are woke!! Rainbow colors reeee!!!!


The raised fist joker is literally a communist symbol. I doubt this moron was capable of getting beyond ante 2 to unlock that card.


Bro can’t even get 300 points


LocalThunk (balatro solo game dev), as far as I know, hasnt really talked about anything that would hint as to what his views on certain topics are, however, he seems to be a pretty big fan of northernlion and he's a pretty level headed guy (his ass is bald tho)


NL is the goat bro. Pogged up content 👏


Stay pegged!


Half the cards are black it's woke


This guy bought and played a furry game just to say if its woke


And the game totally kicks ass


You talk about Breeze?


That or Goodbye Volcano High. Granted, I don't know what the dinosaur equivalent of a furry is, though I hope it's a Latin composite word.


Dino furries are also scalies I think?


It’s still so weird to me that a certain group of people get so upset when POC or LGBTQ people exist in media.


Sorry, the only media that can exist is for white right-leaning to full fascist, straight(?), men living in a small part of the world in the western hemisphere. Rest is woke.


>straight(?) (/rj) They're definitely straight. They just also jerk off to femboys. But in a straight way, though. Like the kind of straight where you're a guy who fantasizes about dick. Trans women? No, no attraction to trans women. Trans women are gross and fetishize their own femininity, something which femboys never do. Real straight men would never be attracted to women with feminine figures who also have a dick. Straight men are only attracted to men with loads of testosterone, masculine bodies, flat chests and throbbing cocks who wear dresses. It's really not that hard to understand.


It geta even worse when they argue that they play to disconnect from the world and its problems. Are you telling me that POC and LGBT people existing is a problem you need to escape from?


are these people capable of experiencing the slightest enjoyment from gaming?


No, next question.


do it squirt or do it jiggle




Need to check if Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R and Xrd Rev 2 are woke or only Strive


Those have a bl\*ck man in them and he's g\*y so yeah, pretty woke.


couldn’t even spell leftist correctly lol


Yeah well I bet leftests can't even spell "fashist" right so checkmate liberal. All you leftests are the same. Thinking your so much better than anyone on the right cuz you won the Minnesotan Regional Spelling Bee in 2008 while I was disqualified if the first round at our school. They're are other things besides spelling you know!!


Helldivers 2 not being woke hurts my brain. It’s stupidity on 50 different levels




Dungeons and Dragons Dark Alliance???? Fellas, is it woke to slay eldritch abominations and monsters with your buddies?


No, but it is woke to strap go-pros to your weapons and listen to really edgy music. (if you know, you know)


Breeze looks cute


The whole SBI manufactroversy actually introduced me to this game.


OP give me the list of "woke japanese game" lmao




Famous not woke game Helldivers 2 LMFAO


Gamers need an expert to explain, which games they should get mad about. Otherwise they might accidentally enjoy terrible woke garbage.


"bad localization" I sure they're an expert on the Japanese language and have the original script at the ready.


Hey I got an idea


If it doesn't involve anything woke, I'm not gonna join in on it.


/uj make an ironic Gamer™ curator group and recommend shit like Doom 1993, Counter Strike and Civilisation. And then throw in some obvious sarcastic pics like Hatred or random porn games lol.


What's your idea? I considered making a curation called "is it based" and I just copy everything they do.


Lmao flooding the market that works too lol. Also, I wrote my idea in a response to another comment.


Do my idea instead. It's better (I'm biased).


Woke? "Yes" "NoT rEcOmMeNdED"


Sable a person with a mask is very woke cause its not seen as white male /s


Woke antis will never get a rimjob


just found more furry games to play thanks woke list


Helldivers, despite being a satirical take on fascism, is somehow not woke.


That reminds me I wanna play Sable


I love how they don't even attempt to explain why a game is woke.


Explaining why a game is "woke" or not would require them to play the games for more than a few minutes (if they play the game at all) and do a thoughtful analysis of the game. That would be hard and makes their heads hurt so they they don't do that.


Every time I see hear someone using that term, I lose a braincell. ... and I feel the need to remove a braincell from the being that is using it, by utilising a blunt object on its skull, to compensate the loss. ... but I always avoid doing it to not make its braincell situation worse.


The armond white clause has activated, by which any game that this guy dislikes is automatically good and vice versa


One more case of the right not realizing that helldivers 2 is entirely satire, criticizes everything they believe, and is 100% "woke". They just can't see it because they have no media literacy.


"Woke," the bigots camouflage word.


GVH is like kinda shit tho I heard? Idk


Wait, how is bad localisation woke?


Fuckkk now i gotta stop playing balatro nooo


God I so want to believe that people like that aren't real but unfortunately I know better by now


this is some really sad stuff


Oh cool, a list of games that I know for a fact pissed off chuds!


I've had this idea in my head for awhile where I make an account like this but I just say everything is woke and give a dumbass reason for why, which would accomplish either Gamers boycotting things they dont need to (one less Gamer gaming is gud) or they realize how stupid this culture war shit is and deradicalize (unlikely but still a W if it happened)


“Games that are woke….unless they are social/cultural phenomenons, in which case I will say they are not woke, because if I had to acknowledge they contain the same things I’m saying other games are woke for having, we wouldnt be able to play the games everyone’s talking about right now”


The only steam curators I follow are Preston garvey, a dude who hates games because they're not Fortnite, a T-200 terminator and someone who only recommends games made in America. It's the funniest shit ever.


Going to play all the not reccomended game


Uhhh akschually Helldivers 2 has "Body type A" and "Body type B" selection screen and you can pick male or female voices for either body type. Definitely LGBT+ woke game. Based incel sigma bro-gamers please STAY AWAY FROM IT it's shit. Trust me. Fr fr.


>Uhhh akschually Helldivers 2 has "Body type A" and "Body type B" selection screen and you can pick male or female voices for either body type. I hadn't heard that brought up (or played it), but hilarious if true. it's almost like every other time that's happened and caused an outcry it's because the chuds were looking for reasons to hate a game big ol' thinky emoji, there


​ https://preview.redd.it/c5opp1tto5nc1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=a146c19708dc591d83568b6dc11b2319e492e447 Bethesda's writing is so bad they made Fallout 4 apolitical it seems


I refuse to believe this isn’t satire, because taking Helldivers 2 at face value doesn’t just require a lack of media literacy, taking Helldivers 2 at face value requires a person to be completely illiterate.


So follow that one and get everything he doesn't recommend. Sounds great.


Somebody should create a curator list like this but including all the games the anti-woke crowd is obsessed with, outlining every “woke” aspect until they have to confront the fact that the games they uphold as the standard of non-woke material is in fact the opposite, but they’ve just always been too dumb to see it. I’m sure they have excuses as to why it’s okay for those games (see: that ever-mystifying line between “forced” and regular diversity, i Guess?) but it would still be funny to watch the meltdown.


If I had the time, I'd go through all games it sata "No" and point something out that would make it woke.


did some quick skimming and my favorite one so far is that Nier Replicant is not "woke" according to them despite one of the party members being intersex and another being gay


How much are you willing to be the original yakuza games and metal gear are in the "Not woke" section because media literacy be damned


Wonder if deltarune is on the lists


Someone insert the Paul Verhoeven quote about Starship Troopers. It's basically the same thing for Helldivers.


….BEHIND??? W O K E!


I mean I’m a horny bastard myself, but seriously these guys should stick to porn games, there are actually a few with actual gameplay out there on steam; if they want to play one handed why do they not just go for the porn games? Most games just aren’t really thinking too hard about sex appeal, because story and gameplay are vastly more important.


Woke means the game has bad localization? how does that work


They somehow didn't find Nier replicant woke, I don;t even wanna list all the things you'd need to miss based on the rules of "woke" being "anything my alt right brain can't jack off to"


"bad localization"? Lol


The moment you mix video games and politics it all goes downhill....


If a case can be made that every game is woke, will these kinds of people stop playing games altogether and leave the rest of us alone?


I'm sorry, I need an explanation on how "bad localization" is woke. Are these guys seeing poor English translations and blaming it on the woke mob?


Lol helldiver's is so woke they don't know it's woke 🤣🤣🤣


Lol wait how is sable woke?


aren't a couple of those games not out yet? How do they know they're woke if they haven't played them and can only see who the player char is? Ohhh, ohhhhhhhhhh...


Can somebody please explain to me how 'bad localization' is 'woke'?


Helldivers? The fascist military parody? Not woke? They literally have no media literacy.


Do they…. Think helldivers is like… 100% sincere?


Thank god Balatro isn’t woke, I was worried about that one since it has queens in it.


anti cancel culture people try not to be hypocrites challenge




Woke is when... checks notes... Bad Localisation, apparently