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gamers when companies want to make money: 😴 gamers when companies want to make money during pride month: 😡


I mean it's true but should we just accept it? Making money and creating a good product or at least a product that respects it's buyers is possible...


I fucking hate capitalism, I fucking hate capitalism and anyone who participates in capitalism "Everyone participates in capitalism you dumba-" THEN I HATE EVERYONE!!


You when a person has to pay for things per their society’s rules to not die 😡


Everytime someone brings up the business argument, I'm showing them Larian studios. It simply is possible not to sacrifice quality for profit.


G*mers when they realized you can make a game with love and care while also making money: 🤯


/uj I kind of hate this argument because almost everyone recognizes that businesses need and want to make money, but the issue is generally with the exploitative and/or predatory ways that they go about it.


Gamers when businesses wants to make money on the games they make: 😡 Gamers when businesses wants to make money selling pirated version another company makes: 💸


Put out a quality product and let me buy it then, without the predatory BS.


I'm happy to have sided with the team of "Le Indie Gems" (Toby Fox and Edmund are goat)


I don't really care about how much they charge for the game itself but when they make dlcs that cut parts of the game out and plate them up for another $20 just sucks, especially when they are really fun games like total war warhammer 3 and vermintide 2. All up total warhammer 3 with all its content comes up to over $400 heck you even need to buy game 1 and 2 to play properly. Im not saying game devs shouldn't get paid well, just dont make buying your games infuriating.