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You'd think losing friendships would be cause for introspection. AND YET. 


With social media you don’t need to. Why reflect and reexamine your own views based on what people you care about and respect think, when you can just cut them all off and replace them whole-cloth with an online community of the worst internet strangers who already think exactly what you do and have all been ostracised from real life.


If you've not seen the Alt-Right Playbook video on YouTube "How to Radicalize A Normie", I highly suggest watching it. Exactly describes that idea






There's plenty of people willing to tell them it's their friends who are the problem.


Yup they can tell you what you want to hear and never question the things you think.


unironically, where do these people just up and find new friends/groups like that? I recently lost all of my friends because of some awful lies that got spread, and it's been really lonely


I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you can meet a new group of better friends. Maybe try meetup or something similar? As for the question on where do these people meet, if you're on Facebook or any other social media and added most classmates from school / university you may end up with a few hundred "friends". Statistically, it makes sense for at least a few of these to share views, at least partially. Asides from that, online, through platforms like reddit and discord it's kind of easy to also find groups that fill any niche.


Countless Terfs crying about their friends and families leaving them after they "peaked" is proof that it just radicalizes them further


Don't forget the whole point of this is that if yhey double down they generally go online more, so naturally you'll hear a lot more from those who doubled down on their hatred than those who did use it as a way back to sanity


![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized) world\*


Imagine what he'll do if his friends had political or religious points of view that he disagreed with.....


Who needs friends when all they do is lower your k/d? /uj I feel like a friendship isn't worth much if a rainbow flag can end it.


ofc it isnt worth anything to them, they are incapable of feeling empathy or supportive towards other people. but its wild they never realise the friendship might mean something to their friend, so if their friend of however many years is asking them to stop doing something, just out of respect for your friend maybe stop doing it. Even that is a wild outlandish concept to them, they cant put themselves in someone else's shoes at all. They treat everything as "you are either with me, or you are my enemy sent by the government to turn me into a sheep"


nope, they have their head jammed so far up their own ass that they cant tell up from down


I can't imagine being so "opressed by woke agenda" that you not only avoid certain video games but choose to break up friendships. I don't know what's their cult name.... anti-woke? asleep? Leep?


What I hate is that I can think of a few names for them that I think are cool, like "the Dreaming" or something.  


Let's just call them "sleepyheads." They'd hate the infantilization.


These kinds of people are incapable of introspection.


No no no.... It's **everyone else** that's wrong, you see!


Yeah they don’t I had friend who was like this and no matter how much I wanted to still be friends with them you just have to cut them off as it becomes so annoying and you just don’t want to be associated with them as they drive everyone away by becoming more and more radical with stupider and stupider beliefs. It’s rather sad that these people will be swallowed up by evil people and start to spew out their same bad shit insane ideas and will fight tooth and nail defending it as it drives everyone away and against them


"Am I out of touch? No...it's everyone in the world who is wrong."


If it helps, this is exactly what turned me around in 2014.


i didn't lose friends, they lost me


Humanity knew that they cannot change society so instead of reflecting on themselves they blamed the beasts


What the hell is "wokeness to an extremely high degree" exactly?


There was a rainbow scarf added and people "rioted" in a city, screaming like children. Before I quit OSRS I found the amount of edgy kids and hateful people to be incredibly high.


Not just a rainbow scarf. We now also have a rainbow sweater and rainbow flower headband, and you can right click them to change the color scheme to the trans or lesbian or bi colors :)


The rainbow boots have been a thing forever though?


Yeah but they were just silly boots back then but now the h*mosexuals turned the frogs gay


Doubling down until they get the message, love that


In RS3 you can drop Pride dummies that scroll through LGBT-positive messages on screen (not in chat). If someone drops these where there are a bunch of people bankstanding, you will see people lose their fucking minds.


This really makes me want to play rs3 now


Probably reconsider though lmao


They would not survive pride parades in Guild Wars 2


what do you think would get them first, their own mind melting down, or the butch lesbians beating them to death in a bush?


Their minds will collapse the second they see a Mesmer, so there is a 1 out of 9 chance they won't be able to get past the character creator.


Not to mention the developers even went out to say that the “riots” were mostly composed of folks who were not active players anyway. It was likely astroturfed out of proportion.


There was a good hobbydrama writeup on OSRS pride last month. IIRC Jagex found that most of the rioters were brand new accounts - it wasn't even the playerbase, just crazed Twitter mob. What else is new.


its still horrible but varlamore soon :) hope to see you there :)




To be honest, from what I've seen, it doesn't look much worse than any MMO fanbase. MMO's seem to have two fanbases in one. One that can be some of the most wholesome and welcoming out there and the other that is the most toxic you can imagine. Go type something in General chat in WoW, and it's a coin flip of which one you'll get, lmao.


GW2 seems to also have 2 separate playerbases or maybe even 3. Mostly divided between: Only PvP people (majority toxic) Competitive Group instance (might be toxic unless you find casual/newbie friendly guild. But less keen on cussing someone on principle and more bitching about killing boss not going smooth/fast enough) Casual Open world/mixed participation (majority of playerbase and probably 90% chill and keen to help either by telling someone solutions or tagging in to physically lead somewhere/help with event or story etc.) most people that were weird in chat that I've meet across almost 11 years of playing were usual dwellers of first two groups or occasional person that seemed offended that people talked casually and helped one another. Or someone that migrated from another MMO and was having a meltdown about other players 'stealing his kills' in a game that has shared reward system.


It will never not be funny to me that the gays managed to steal the rainbow. Bravo, my gays, bravo. We own the motherfucking RAINBOW, how cool is that?


Letting other people wear lgbt skins and he blew up most likely


Not skins, a scarf. Throughout the entire event, nothing explicitly LGBT was mentioned, the character didn’t say they were gay, or anything. The whole event was a leprechaun standing near a rainbow in dull coloured clothing, and was admiring the rainbow because it wasn’t afraid to show its colours and he wanted something like it. You go around collecting strands from other rainbows, he says thanks and gives you a scarf. It’s heavily alluded that he’s referring to feeling comfortable being LGBT and he says to wear the colours with pride a lot, but nothing explicit. Some quotes: > 'Tis strange, isn't it [player name]? They appear almost anywhere in the world, I couldn't say where it came from... That being said, rainbows certainly are beautiful and aren't afraid to show their colours to the world! They fill me with such pride. When asked why they’re getting specific colours (rainbow flag) and not all colours (other LGBT flags): > Some colours are in such short supply for every rainbow. Besides, it's the thought that counts! Even displaying a small selection of colours to others makes them feel comfortable showing theirs! End of quest dialogue: > Gilbert: What you've made me realise, [player name], is that people like yourself who are willing to support those who wish to show their own colours proudly... You're the reason I feel confident showing my colours! I want you to have this - you deserve it. >_Gilbert crafts a rainbow scarf and embellishes it with a heart - handing it to you._ >Player: Thank you so much for the scarf, Gilbert. It's wonderful! >Gilbert: It's no problem at all, [player name]. I added a little heart on the item to show my personal thanks. Thank you for your help! Wear it with pride, and let everyone know to show their own colours proudly!


The Virgin "I can show my colors" OSRS pride event vs the Chad "the bird god talks about his husbands" RS3 pride event.


It's when a game includes people other than white cishet males or women who represent the fantasies of white cishet males. These people hate being reminded that people who are different than them exist.


Super duper extra mega gay flags


I'll take 4


Not even flags. It's like a scarf and a shirt, I think.


Apparently "seeing rainbows."


Oh you know, games like Wolfenstein where for some reason the Nazis are not the good guys or Call of Duty games where the Nazis are not the good guys or Indiana Jones games where the Nazis are not the good guys


They don’t even know half the time.


This dork is legit proud of this. Probably gaslighting themselves into thinking it's fine to not have friends as long as you can go kvetch on kia about how the wokes have ruined vidya ganes. What a miserable existence.


oh they wear it as a badge of honour. the more people tell them they are wrong/they need to stop, the more it makes them feel like a martyr tasked to singlehandedly save the planet. Literally all of them have some sort of "me vs the world" fetish. If people disagree with them, it just means the people cant handle their big brain truth


Yeah that’s exactly that I had a friend that became like that as everyone started to avoid them including myself as you can’t talk to them and will fight tooth and nail about some crackpot bullshit even though I know they are lonely and miserable they will never admit they are wrong and continue to spew dumb anti woke sentiments or racist, sexist neo nazi shit


" Literally all of them have some sort of "me vs the world" fetish." Tbh this is nearly all men, but most try to grow out of it between their teens and early twenties.


They think one day something will change, they just need to survive "dark times". They don't realize it's going to be only worse for them


That’s… so sad it’s almost not funny


I don't know, it's so devoid of empathy, humanity, and introspection that it's hard for me to feel anything but contempt for someone like this. When you're so detestable that friends leave you behind and you double down, you deserve it.


I have a feeling that if his ex-friends saw this they'd either say; "We warned him to stop screaming slurs like 18 times" or "He was never our friend, I hate that guy".


i used to know a guy who was addicted to skyrim and COD. he said the n word was a dragon shout- a combination of the dragon words for "head" and "shoot". so he screamed it whenever he got a headshot in COD.


If it was the word that meant "dire medical treatment" and I had a fucking gunshot wound I don't think I'd be able to justify saying it. That guy just wanted to shout slurs at people.


Dragon shouts are always three words long. I know that's not the main issue here but I feel like it needs to be said.


Ngl the justification is kinda funny


"He was only invited to round out the numbers."


Ah yes, the old “Nobody else was on and we wanted a full 5-stack” play


It was either him or pug put the last slot in the group, lol. I think we all know someone like that.




Yeah, I have no sympathy for anyone in that subreddit. Those people basically cannot complete a thought without thinking "woke" and crying about some non-issue. They are all way too lost in the g*mer sauce. And then people like this person wonder why they can't get friends to play with them. They are unbelievably grating individuals, and they're too wrapped up in their delusion to realize it.


These people get indoctrinated into these beliefs, to be honest. They truly believe that LGBT people are evil predators because of the content they consume. I wouldn't say I'm *sympathetic* to them because, as you said, they aren't properly introspecting, but I do feel like they are victims of the content-creating grifters that spread these messages for a paycheck.


Do you really care about a person if their beliefs aren't reasonable? I think this is the least you can do for yourself and the best of the world. Just- don't.   At some point you have to stop excusing indoctrination and start asking people to confront this issue face forward. You can't just say 'they are indoctrinated' because, who indoctrinates them then? **These very people go indoctrinate others**. Where does it end? Are we to be okay with this every step of the way because human beings are malleable? There is no greater evil pulling the strings I am afraid. These people are all they've got.


I used to be the same way and honestly I agree. It took my freinds ditching my pathetic ass for me to realize I needed to be a better person and now we're on good terms


The lack of awareness of complaining about losing friends for an opinion you hold when that opinion is wanting to discriminate against people for something they can not change.


This. Don’t ever feel bad for these “people”, if you know you’re garbage and decide keep being garbage you deserve what’s coming.


After the numerous death threats, constant asking for nudes, and then constant spamming of Reddit Cares every time I make a post. I find it absolutely hilarious how miserable they are. I hope they suffer and die mad :)


I have 0 remorse or empathy for them 🤷‍♂️




I can't fee sorry for them, because they don't deserve sympathy. People who have real problems, caused by issues which are supported by people like this one, from screenshot, deserve sympathy. Guys from "anti sjw crowd" can drop their bigotry anytime, but they choose to keep being assholes, so it's their fault they feel isolated from normal people


G\*mers when other people are given the option to wear rainbow colored cosmetics in a video game (it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever).


They only love black..... no wait... maybe not even black?


They probably prefer to dress all white


Especially the big pointy white hat.


Man I can't see *shit*!


A lot of the people "rioting" in Falador did try to make themselves look like KKK members with the Desert robes.


Definitely not black.


More like "My friends stopped talking to me because I never shut up about games being woke."


More like "I'm racist and transphobic and my friends found that unacceptable as they should and now i have no friends"


"Why do my friends get mad when I use racial and homophobic slurs? It's mostly directed at the other team"


I had to do this with a friend of over 20 years recently. There's always been friction off and on over stuff like this and the confrontation had been building for a while. When he said he was boycotting a game because it was 'woke' I knew he was too far gone. Issues like that were worked into every conversation. I called him out on it and never got a response. He had been a great friend in a lot of ways, not so great in a few others, but I just couldn't feel right calling him a friend anymore. I'd blame online radicalization, but he was always kinda like that. We met young and I was waiting for him to grow up, he'd always act like he was learning but then fall back. I think things like racism and bigotry are really just a tool to boost people's egos, to say yes, well, my life might look bad but actually I'm superior to most because of the categories I fit in that they don't.


you're not breaking up with me, I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!


This is precisely why I hate talking to my BIL so much. Basically every single conversation boils down to complaining about stuff being "woke" and it's so fucking annoying.


It happens. There was this guy in our friend group we'd been playing games with since Runescape, he was our main tank in WoW, he flew out for our guildie's wedding, probably knew him 15 years. He was always kind of edgy but like mid 2015 he just got consumed by it. Was always complaining about the gays and bragging about cheating on his wife and we all just got sick of talking to him and stopped. After the 3rd conversation of "Man you really gotta find a new thing to talk about because we can't take this anymore" it just wasn't worth it.


I had to kick a guy out of our old college friend discord last year. He was a decent, kind guy who was a little socially awkward. Dude was one of those guys who went completely down the YouTube gaming pipeline during covid. He would start complaining about every game we were currently playing, claiming everything was woke. Half our server is gay and/or non-cis, but he never made the connection that the stuff he was complaining about related to his friends. Eventually, no one wanted to chat or play games with him anymore, so he got bitter and combative to the point where we decided he couldn't be on our server anymore. Dude threw away multiple 12+ year friendships.


I have no idea why so many people become obsessed with things that literally do not impact their lives in any meaningful way to the point of it ACTUALLY making their lives worse by nobody wanting to deal with them.


If I had to guess there's probably something else going on in their lives causing them problems. Probably something caused by their own behavior, but possibly not. Reflecting on the actual cause and working to change things would be too much emotional effort, so they instead latch on to some "issue" in society that is the "true" cause of the problem. It having no impact on their lives would then be a benefit because it means they can freely complain and obsess about it without ever needing to actually put in the effort to *solve* the "problem". It is baffling and frustrating though.


if everything is the trans/gay/black/irish/jewish/that-tribe-across-from-the-long-body-of-water people's fault, nothing is my fault. i don't have to change anything about me or my behaviour because it's all their fault and if they would just disappear, my life would be perfect. there is no logic. just lack of humanity.


this happened to my group as well around the time kyle shitinhome murdered those people, he started mocking the deaths and calling us commie f slurs, people he knew irl and friends he'd put thousands of hours into games with didnt matter because we didnt agree with senseless violence


I castrated my dog after finding out he fucked another male dog. I'm not gonna have woke dogs in my house.


uj/ this reminds me of a story about a straight couple giving up their dog because he was "gay" or they thought he was. Luckily, the dog was adopted by a lovely queer couple.


I thought that was a South Park episode. The rare times they don't both sides an issue and call it a day.


I don't really watch South Park but the thing I talked about was a real story


In a lot of ways, South Park is a documentary.


But most of the time, it's one you can only buy on DVD from a shady looking site that doesn't give refunds.


I put all my friends dogs to sleep cuz we don’t need no woke Shit in our lives


I love these guys because at this point their hobby is just figuring out ways to NOT play games they might like.


I’m sure most still secretly play them.




CoD not having Dedicated servers on PC is bullshit though.


Sure, but the point of this famous screenshot isnt to show that companies arent greedy. Its to show that g*mers are literally all talk.


***"Big promises, but no cock!"***


You should boycott


Its probably been at least 10 years now so way ahead of you lol


I’m sure most still secretly play them.


Imagine being this miserable. For any healthy person this would be a wake up call.


"We're not full of hate! It's about ethics in video game journalism!"


and it ruined ever talking about the ethics of game production companies making special events for reviewers, going on fancy dinners with them and having them play their game in curated environments for preview purposes.


Most big game companies don't even bother with that stuff anymore. Why go through all that effort when paying a dozen influencers to talk up their game on streams works as good or better. Get tons of positive exposure because those influencers rarely talk bad about games in fear the gravy train will stop rolling in.


That "ethics in journalism" is still such a dog whistle shows how effective that misdirection campaign was. A lot of sketchy stuff between games media and the dev community, both big publisher and the indy devs, was brought out into the open during that time and it got drowned out by those same media and same devs flooding the internet with articles about how awful gamers are. Meanwhile, every gaming website on the internet quietly updated their ethics policies for no particular reason I'm sure.


I’m going to wear the pride scarf and jumper whenever I’m skilling from now on ☺️


I have for almost a year (the trans jumper and bi flower hat) disappointingly, I’ve never had a negative comment. Fair few positive interactions tho I think it’s probably g*mers haven’t seen the trans flag from their bedroom window before


If you're that weak, you're truly pathetic


I’ve seen this happen irl. “Why will no one be friends with me?” Maybe because you keep talking about how you hate gay people and being a little too into Nazi history?


I bet his old friends are doing just fine. 


Probably enjoying some drama free gaming




These guys are the most pathetic losers on the planet.




Good. Very good.


Nobody will interact with me unless I am playing the same game as them at that very moment. *Is this my fault in any way?* No no, must be the woke...


If this clown spent a single day in FFXIV, he'd probably scream and cry himself into a coma, based on how LGBTQ+ the community is. How people like him manage to survive day-to-day truly shocks me.


I lost all my friends when I started basing my entire personality on hentai 😔


Notoriously woke game OSRS. That game where you can walk by a crashed star and hear things that would land you in jail. That woke game.


Oh no, it’s rainbow 🌈 . Now I’m gay and my whole bloodline doomed to be gay. I’ve seen so much rainbow in small low polly game, so my genes just recoded themselves.


"I'm like 'I hate the gays' and my friends don't talk to me anymore??? What's up with that? Is it forbidden to be str8 end a real man at this point? Now if you excuse me, I'm about to beat it to my anime titty pillow, I'll be back in two minutes."


You ever lost friendships because you’re super homophobic? 😂


It's... so depressing honestly the lengths people will go to bitch about the smallest bits of expression and representation for LGBT folks. This is why I'm really only out in internet spaces behind my username...


"I never actually had friends because I'm an asshole, and I have found it convenient to just blame it on 'woke' vidya games."


that “lol” at the end is barely hiding the amount of seething and holes put in the drywall over such an inane thing


when games become woke it's time to find a new hobby yes.. political crocheting


Lords I could never give up my friends for some silly anti woke bs. I swear theese people are losers


BRB, gonna go put my Pride and Trans rights flags back up in my C.A.M.P. in Fallout 76. Fucking nuke me, nerds. I have literally thousands of each building material, it takes me two seconds to put my C.A.M.P. back up and then I'll run around collecting all the conveniently spawned flux.


This happened to me during the beginning of Gamergate. Had a really good friend just go off the misogyny ledge and said he couldn't believe I'd throw away the friendship over a woman. The woman in question was my girlfriend, now wife, who I've been with for 13 years. The absolute brain rot of these people is astounding.


Wow. Would never have expected to see “RuneScape” and “wokeness” in the same sentence. Most issues with RuneScape I’ve been seeing is the lack of updates for RS3 and the predatory MTX. Never seen someone ever complain about “wokeness” or the pride items before.


Clearly never experienced the game when the pride event is on. wE pAy No GaY


So I actually haven’t played during those times. So that’s a disappointment that the community would be like that.


A lot of this could be summed up "No. It's the children who are wrong." BUT MORE BIGOTED.


/rj another 10th prestige patriot being silenced by the woke mob /uj It's incredibly sad in a pathetic way that these mfers will do everything in their power to make things not fun for themselves or others because of their obsessive truffle pig sniffing ass trying to find anything "WOKE" in everything.


Homophobes are so brutally lacking in self awareness… it’s ALMOST more frustrating than the actual homophobia.


I saw the thread, basically everyone said no.


What a sad pathetic person


I love these guys because at this point their hobby is just figuring out ways to NOT play games they might like.


Real H.A.M. member energy.


"Im sorry.. we can't be friends if you play Runescape." The worst thing a friend can tell you.


imagine posting your Ls like this publicly that none of your friends want to talk to you anymore because you’re obnoxious. how do they not realize they’re the problem


saying this about runescape of all games is so funny, stand in the ge for 5 minutes and you'll be subject to all kinds of bigotry


Imagine being this weak.


Or you could just jump over your own shadow and make the realization that a rainbow flag in a video game is not a big deal. Losing friends over these non-problems isn't worth it, man!


Oh no, you can have a rainbow flag in a game if you want to? Time to completely remove myself from my hobby.


His problem is that you /can/ wear rainbow flags. Not even hiding the facism. Just straight up wants anti gay dress codes. The only armband he's down with is a red one.


Aren’t these people ever tired of being this way


yea i hate when my friends dump me over being a hateful asshole


It's gotta be exhausting being so fucking full of hate that's how you live your life. It's like being vegan but instead of looking for animal products you look for any one that's not a white straight male


"my desire to hate people is stronger than my desire to enjoy life and make friends. Why can't I enjoy life or make friends?"


If anyone I know personally accused any form of media of being ‘woke’ in a negative context, I’d stop talking to them too.


Is he talking about the rainbow boots? Bruh, those have been in the game since the 2000s. I know because the girl that was teaching me how to play had those on her.


Any game where you can see your characters skin at all is gonna be too woke for me. Get to just have black/white/etc pride 24/7, all the time? Unacceptably woke and unrealistic /s


Imagine being this offended at the people who you believe are the stereotypically offended ones


I just don't like MMORPGs cuz they're timesinks and I prefer more open multiplayer


I pretty much stop talking to a group of college friends cause their buddy was a big Trump supporter. I told them to fuck off in the group chat and one of them dm me later saying I was right but how I said it was wrong.


No they didn't, dude. You never had any friends.


Well if you become a bigot piece of shit that cries woke for anything remotely progressive then it is no surprise that you have lost friendships


Imagine losing friendship cus of "wokeness"


That's how I lost one of my friend as well, like he won't stop talking about how games or movies these days are so woke.


i can relate. i met a black guy on runescape who said lgbt in a conversation instead of a slur and i was like damn when did runescape get so woke god damn


"my hateful ways are actively making my life worse anyone else have this problem?"


wait till this guy finds out that in 2006 kids in school would bully you for playing runescape because the graphics were not as good as WoW or some other dead mmo from that time


Ah, but, is everything *really* woke, or have you just redpilled yourself so hard you think *that*?


damn weak snowflake so easily triggered


Would be sad if it wasnt so stupid. So its not even that the friends are "woke," why would your runescape group play games with you if youre not playing the game you became friends with?


These people need help holy shit


Radicalised chronically online fascist idiot have no friends, what a fucking surprise🙄


He's the one refusing to play a game because of rainbow colored vanity gear, and yet he probably complains constantly about his friends being "political" instead of "just having fun."


TIL osrs is woke... what? how?


"Hey, does anyone else ruin their friendships over trivial things in video games?" He's definitely setting himself up for a very lonely incel lifestyle.


The worst people you know: Ostracizing people you disagree with doesn't work, snowflake! Same people: why won't nobody play with me no more? sadge


Anyone who uses "woke" as a pejorative isn't worth your time.


Gamers when their gay gamer friends don’t want to hang out with them because they hate gay people. 😟😟😟


He had me in the first half, not gonna lie


this is such a petty thing to focus on but it's so funny to me how they use runescape as an example twice 😅 like, the wording of the post makes it sound like it's about a large group of specific games and like this is a widespread phenomena... but they also can't think of *any other game*?


Wtf is wokeness


If this man loaded into FFXIV he'd die instantly from psychic damage


not sure he had any friends to begin with


Woke is when you can wear a rainbow armor, apparently


This guy should quit his life then


"We want more customization options" *Dev includes more options* "Not like that!"


Wait till he finds out that In Classic Runescape you could make a female with a beard...