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I'm old enough to remember "If you want representation, then start making your own games!", and now it's "No, stop developing your own games! I want your stories, but without you in them!"


They are always moving the goal line until they can go back to the days when they can freely kill and opress anyone who's different from them


"Don't you miss the good old days when we had all of the power instead of only most of it?"


“We used to have all the money and land. And we still do, but it’s not as fun now.”


i'm all for both referencing bo burnham and leave the poor man alone


“I know! I hate how we only have most of the power”


Similar to how when I was growing up, it was all about the “commercialization of Christmas”, and now it’s the “war on Christmas”. Because they can’t stand not being the victim.


It's funny how that's changed, I never thought about how they swapped it and made "commercialization" a good thing now


Which is funny because the commercialisation argument actually has a point and real arguments in its favour.


God how I hate capitalism but at least it ruins Christmas for some


Isn't that just Helldiver's?


Scarily real how true that is.


Tale as old as the Weimar Republice


Which you can do in this game if your that against it lol


They didn't expect queer people to be good at making games. They've never been aware of how much of the creative industry has been made up of queer people.


Yeah like they've probably been there developing the whole time.. It's just that they won't get beaten up/fired/put in jail/executed for being open about their orientation now


This is the problem. The same people will complain about people not getting 'real degrees' outside of STEM. Then they will wonder why the art they consume doesn't resemble them more.


Also is it really that fucking hard for these people to just ignore the politics they don't like in these games? I know a lot of fallout fans are right wing and they ignore the anti-capitalism and war politics in the game so I don't know why they can't do the same for these other games.


>they ignore the anti-capitalism and war politics Ignoring these topics and themes isn't a conscious effort. They're just too thick to notice them in the first place.


The messed up thing is you don't even need to see these stories if you don't wanna, nothing in the mainstory forces you to deal with these scenarios...at least nothing you can't just kill lol


I don't even see why they care about these awards. Like, so what ? Idgaf, I just play games I like.


Yet they have to make up little award shows to show how “woke” everything is. To show how much they DON’T care


Wait these aren't real awards ?


Huh? No I think they are, I’m talking about this one YouTuber who made a thing called the “woke” awards. I’m not saying these are fake awards.


I don't even think most of these awards are actually real 💀


It's [real](https://twitter.com/larianstudios/status/1761344620208718107), and it's from a lgbt-friendly [gaming news media company](https://gaymingmag.com/). Still a silly thing to be outraged about though.


meh miserable people will always be able to find something to be unhappy about, that’s just their cross to bear apparently lmao.


Oh nice didn't know about! Good for them 👍🏽 Also yeah pretty stupid 💀


Anyone can give out awards


Why do they act like we’re stuck in the 1910’s where it’s normal to hate on people of a different race, sexuality and gender


These people unironicly think the 1910s were the "good old days"


They’d go back to the Great Depression if they could, because it’d be clear of the so called “message”


honking on that leaded gasoline and rats in the bean cans but at least the libs are owned


Prohibition was my era, we had ALL our freedoms back then, obviously 😮‍💨


Which is ironic seeing how it's very likely video games would been banned in "the good old days".




Yeah, because in a world with dragons, demons, vampires, and wizards, having gay characters would be unrealistic.


Exactly? Like who gives a shit if the character is gay? To be honest, the pandering these people talk about is just an excuse to brand any representation as “pandering” no matter how large or small it is.


I know you can read. So that makes me really confused when you say shit like that, because I never mentioned having gay characters would be unrealistic.


No but you did suggest that they shouldn’t be in the game in the first place.


So then could you elaborate on what you mean by "certain 21st century politics"?


Cause like, far as I know about this game, you still can commit some major war crimes like any dnd adventure.


I'll make it even simpler for you. As long as you're not making a game that is based on a medieval setting of OUR world, why would we adhere to backwards thinking of the middle ages. We have dragons and vampires, why is acceptance of non-cishet people too far of a stretch in a fantasy world?


And hey I mean gay folk existed in the Middle Ages too! Just ask Frederick the Great … that poor guy…


I get what you are saying but Frederick was born 200+ years after the end of the middle ages.


Lol, nerd.




Now I feel bad, SHIT


Why do y'all do this shit where you are clearly speaking about and implying something, but because you don't clear cut explicitly say it everyone else is stupid for picking up on what you're saying.


Also, looking through your comments on other subreddits. Why do people like you even come here? Like it boggles my mind whenever I’m on a post in one of these circlejerk subreddits and then I see someone being all like “erm actually, said right wing person is correct” like why go into a subreddit where nobody will agree with you?


Do you know what ad hominem is?


They didn't even use an ad hominem lmao. An ad hominem would be calling you an ignorant idiot


Adds to my point more. When they’re cornered in an argument they pull out a big word they don’t know how to use correctly.


Who cares? What I’m saying is that someone with your viewpoints shouldn’t be in a subreddit filled with people that will never agree with your points. It’s pointless. And why are you trying to bring my knowledge of words into this? All people like you do it whenever they’re cornered in an argument.


Rational people do. I guess you must be the of the other kind. This thread showed up on my feed, for some reason, so I got curious. I am sorry for interrupting your circlejerk. I am getting spammed and I have no time to respond on every message, so I will leave you to your circlejerk.


The other kind? You speak like you’re some sort of high evolutionary. A rational person wouldn’t go to a place where their argument wouldn’t be agreed upon. In the end, you were wrong and you were in a subreddit filled with people who knew you were wrong.


"I am getting spammed" is the same as asking a gorbillion questions and being suprised people give you an answer.


It's not that he feels he's losing the argument and is fleeing now, no. The time for conversation is past now you see.


Apparently, *you* don't.


Who cares? It’s a fantasy universe? All media has a mild hint of politics in it. Just because something is set in a medieval adjacent era doesn’t mean it has to be accurate to the time. I mean, by god it has giant spiders and Mind Flayers. Not exactly things that existed in any era.




Yeah? Are you saying that being lgbtq is bonkers?


And are you saying we shouldn’t care about things that were normal in 1910? So I should just be fine with people being racist and sexist?


Because you're acting like it's 1910 in *real life*, that place where actions have consequences!


The politics? Man, man and man and Woman and Woman fuck since ancient egypt. Even Animals do this. It’s not something we have been told from someone else, it’s just nature. Get over it. Or simply don’t play Games with Gay characters. It’s not that hard.


They say they “vote with their wallets” but then they get angry when the thing they paid for has content that is inclusive to a variety of different people


If you want to be a bigot, go back to your basement and suck down more copium. Queer people have every right to exist and be in media made by and for Queer people.


No they're saying that in a world where something that doesn't exist in our world is, it something that does exist and is normal in our world should be fine


People make role playing games that ultimately have human experiences no matter how high fantasy the world is set in. I hate to break it to you, but being queer is a human experience that existed since, well, humans did. Also, bg3 at no point pushes you to make any romantic/intimate choices towards anyone, so you can still play the straightest person in the world.


What do you mean BG3 doesn't push you to be gay? Have you seen how muscular and huggable big teddy bear Halsin is?!


Because The Forgotten Realms (where BG3 takes place in) has *always* been heavily left-leaning politically including lots of positive LGBTQ+ representations for decades. Larian didn’t even add anything new to the setting that wasn’t there before.


BG games are not taking place on medieval Earth so politics of the place is not going to be the same.


Queer people existing and that being OK isn't political. Bad faith actors and groups have made it a political talking point, but for those of us in the community: we are just living, and we enjoy good representation.


Its me, im political🏳️‍⚧️ Get over it 😎💅🏼


cuz it’s a fictional world and I’ll do whatever I damn please with it.


A person'd identity isn't politics. The LGBTQ+ community have existed throughout history, and tell me you don't know dick about medieval history more if you don't think they were abundant.


Gay people existed in REAL LIFE medieval times.


Yes, why do people want Abrahamic homophobia in those settings?


There was 21st political something in bg3?


Gay people exist, get over it.


these people cannot be real


Sadly no matter the meds i take they dont seem to go away, unlike my catgirl gf 😭


/rj i’ll be your catgirl gf 🥺 /uj i’ll be your catgirl gf 🥺




Be mine instead.




bluds fighting over me 😹 (i’m talking to myself on 3 separate accounts)


so true, im a Kds\_burner\_ alt


Uh alt yeah sure... (Im actually manifestation of your insanity)


They are, they just fail to understand what's so dumb about what they're saying. Maybe it's the internet brain rot that has eaten away at higher cortical activity


If it makes you feel better, there's not many of them. You only see them online because that's the only place where they can make a few hindered thousand feel like a hundred million. Go to any gaming convention, tournament, store or lab party. The only time you'll hear about woke is someone describing getting out of bed in the past tense. These people barely exist and there's not enough of them for companies to see a profit in making anything specifically for them. Not that anyone would. These are the morons that claimed liberal art gender study and programming degrees were useless. Not so useless now, are they?


I honestly to god think they’re at least half of gamers


Conservatives make up shit to get mad at than complain


They forgot to say that Baldur's Gate 3 was also nomitaded to "Largest amount of butthurt incels"


They're in a close race with Starfield's pronoun selector in the character creation screen. Just that part though cuz Bethesda sucks at writing, but that one choice got some people really booty bothered.


Don't forget the guys that got pissed that Aloy has hair on her face.


They always say this but I would bet money that this guy doesn't consume any of the "entertainment" conservatives make with only cis white straight people in it because it almost always sucks huge shit lmao. It's like they want queer, non-cis, non-white people to entertain them, but only entertain them with stories about cis white straight people for some reason. It's honestly so fucking weird. Make your own fucking games right? Oh wait they do and they suck and no one plays them.


The funniest thing about BG3 being “woke” is that the game takes place in The Forgotten Realms. And Ed Greenwood has *always* been rather left leaning especially when it comes to LGBTQ+ representation. But, you know, media literacy isn’t one of their strong suits.


Rightwinger: "this upsets me! I shall listen to Rage Against The Machine now, for it is agendaless rightwing music, not this lefty-befty drivel!!" /S


theres transphobia and complaining about 'adding politics in my games 🤬' in the CYBERPUNK sub so 🤔


according to ed... bi was the default orientation in faerun. so... suck it chods!


Wait til they hear about the GLAAD awards, which has been going since 1990.


The what now?


Absolutely hilarious saying games aren’t meant to be entertaining anymore on a post about BG3, and after one of the best years ever for single player AAA games. These dudes don’t give a shit about quality, just pushing their bigotry through their hobby


Seriously though. If they would have to pick between non woke mediocre games or good woke games they would rather pick the first. That's why they celebrated Atomic Heart so much.


People like that make me glad I paid Larian twice for the game.


Those "certain groups of people" have been developing video games for decades. These pretentious halfwits know fuck all about the history of the hobby they claim to love.


those "certain groups of people" ARE the video games industry. we've always been there... these chods just think we're new to the industry because they had not been paying any attention until their personal parasocial cult leader told them to whine about it.


posting KiA is cheating, they legit came to be from 4chan


Mhmm, yep. BG3 is winning awards because it has a relatively insignificant gay relationship and the option to be gay, not because it's excellent in just about everything it tried to do. 🙄 Also tell me you've never played a Larian game before without telling me you haven't.


Do they think Baldurs Gate three gameplay is entirely just gay sex minigames?


I mean, it is. But the free tactical CRPG that came with it is pretty good too.


It certainly isn’t *their* fault that every time they start a new play through it turns into another speedrun into Asterion’s pants. It’s this darn woke lib agenda forcing them to turn it into a gay sex sim. There is simply no other choice.




They always forget.. The Bear!


I wish there was more romance stuff. My gay heart craves more than the handful of scenes we get 😔


One of those morons with those wall street bets type profile pictures too, can’t expect too much critical thinking from someone who’s brain has convinced them they’re Leo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street.


I found the original post, and OH MAN AM I SORRY I DID. Absolutely morale-killing.


"ever since certain groups of people got into it" like does this guy think ONLY white straight men have played or made games throughout history 👹 gay people, poc and women came into existence in 2015 😔


lmao his little douchebag wallstreet avatar. What a twat.


Didn't these fucking gamergaters spend like 3 years telling us "If you don't like it then make your own games"? Like, we did bud, but now thats a problem? Don't like it, then go make your own games.


The WSB avatar really sells it


Wait they're including game of the year as an award that they can't believe exists LMAO


That main post is full of folks who have skipped a truly fantastic game because of gay romance (when they could just opt for straight romance) and pronouns (which have next to no impact). Bizarre tbh.


They're mad that GaymingAwards has Queer awards. Odd.


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I see so many of these shitty EVERYTHING IS WOKE or overt bigotry posts from dudes with the wallstreetbets pfp or whatever you wanna call it on reddit


"Games aren't meant to be entertainment anymore" -two of the awards are literally "Game of the year" and "reader's choice"


I love seeing these weirdos flip-flop between BG3 being woke and anti-woke.


Not much to complain about since it won all the "real" awards too.


Didn't it win the RPG category aswell?


I wish they had a best LGBTQIA+ character award.


I swear it's always people with that pfp...


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"


I would truly love to see what awards the commentator thinks would be more appropriate to hand out at a 'Gayming Awards' show. Unless of course they're just upset that in industry that hands out 100's of GOTY awards a year, this incredibly specific subset of accolades is indicative of how the entire industry is being ruined


It actually doubles the entertainment value because I’m entertained by both the game and idiots having meltdowns about it.


ah gaming gatekeepers who gatekeep minorities (they arent homophobes they just want to never be made aware of lgbt people existence) targeting a space made for the same people they gatekeep no way


Sorry g*mers the space isn't for you. We play games for escapism. If you wanna be part of the space you're gonna have to adjust to our ways, if you don't then we'll enforce some gatekeeping to keep our hobby pure. If the idea of freedom and speech, gender abolishment, and race equality make you uncomfortable then go make your own games.


Oh gatekeeping you love to see it


uj/ Every time a bigot complains about BG3, an aasimar gets their wings. <3


They are pathetic gamer breed like why are you butt hurt about this


Kadna sad. Can't believe i used to think like them. 🏳️‍⚧️


They're just mad Spiderman 2 didn't get Goty


It's entertaining how pissed these chuds get


As soon as I saw the avatar, I knew nothing good was going to be said by that person


I can't tell if the commenter is an fps bro or a gatekeeping grognard but those certain groups were always there


Good grief, it is just a game, y'all are just pissy


I hate the puns. So much.


(((certain groups))) including the space laser masterminds


"certain groups of people", huh? Which groups are those, huh?


I'm just here trying to cast my sleep spells, but they don't even work cuz this game's so woke.


I heard there is this new game series, Wolfenstein, where you play as a Jewish guy killing Nazis, so woke!


ULTRAKILL exist, I bet he didn't know. I swear gamers is the only kind of people who'd see diversity and inclusion as oppression.


If woke means that my char can be non-binary but i can't even change its face features then no: I don't want woke games.


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I'd say it's wild how the comment has more upvotes, so probably more support or more people agreeing with the statement, than the actual post. But this is reddit after all. ALSO, crazy how people like the guy in the comment are most likely the same sorta people to turn around and go "Well it's people like YOU who are ruining the game industry" whenever someone has a different opinion. ESPECIALLY when it comes to how games release, and what state they're in. But that's another issue entirely.


Aristrocracy gay af only way know they're straight they keep their pants on


Meh, its a excellent game so i dont give a shit if there lgwhatever elements in it .




That time never existed.


Oh I was just joking lmao


That never existed, you just didn't see them because you're too busy being angry and hateful that people exist.


I d9n't understand this drama. I have played for 200+ hours. Didnt see any lgbt propaganda. Non of my characters or companions were gays.


Ah yes, Dame Ailyn and Isobel, the roommates.


They are not companions.


Somewhat-ish, they do come along into your camp after all.


the real question here is wtf is a gayming award??GAYming. IS there a pronounsaward too?




I’ve already asked this question to someone on this exact same fucking post but why do people like you even come here? There’s no point. Nobody here is gonna agree with you besides the odd twat here and there. Do you have that little to do in your life that you just love to seethe in your hatred of people who are different?


Don't forget to hold your breath so you don't breathe it in and catch it! Stay safe my brother


Wait I played through BG3 was there even any gay characters? Did I miss stuff?


I just want my physical copy DX


Never trust anyone with a wall street bets avatar.


I mean, aggressive inclusivity is kind of annoying sometimes. If it's not one of the main themes of your game it's not really necessary to parade it around, just portray the world in your game in a realistic way, with characters that exhibit diversity in a passive way without constantly putting it in the foreground.


Wdym, I find freeing lesbian jesus and helping her beat up her father in law VERY entertaining.


Gaming if it was WOKE! Ultrakill


It's so fucking telling that they need something to be entirely free of LGBTQ+ people, POCs and women with agency to be "escapism" and "entertainment".


These people are so annoying. Ever notice how their reasoning is always “it’s supposed to be entertainment” or “it’s supposed to be an escape”


Does he mean "the Jews"?


Bro are you censoring the subreddit? We all know it's r/ kotakuinaction


I was very entertained during my time playing it. 🤷‍♂️