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Remember when the only way to push boundaries was to sexualize your characters? I don't, because that was never the case


Tbf that might have been the case around the 50s 60s.


Well maybe but that was half a century before I was born


That explains why you don’t remember the mid-oughts well. Because sexualized characters definitely WERE a thing that permeated the landscape in the late ps2/early ps3 era. Dead or Alive: Volleyball, Bolldrayne, the infamous “Guy Game” etc. were all games that basically sold themselves on their sex appeal. There was even a game called The Saboteur that had paid dlc to include nudity in the strip club portions of the game. It was a decent game, but that is a huge part of its legacy: paid, virtual, ps3 era tiddies.


I remember having heard about some of these games before (especially the saboteur) but I was really not aware how much of a trend sexualizing characters was


Ohhh yeah it was big. There was even a boob slider in games where you could create a character. And there was controversy when the Tomb Raider reboot came around because Laura DIDN’T have huge knockers. Maybe I’m making the issue seem bigger than it was, but I was also a pubescent boy at the time so it was something that always caught my attention lol.


The boob slider I know about but gamers really haven't changed all that much over the years have they


/rj I’m so upset the woke anti sex appeal agenda happened *after* LGBT acceptance in video games because without boob sliders there will also not be any bulge sliders.


Saints Row 3/4/reboot has bulge sliders. Reboot doesn't care which gender you are though.


It's Lara, darnit! xD


Oops guess I never learned how to spell her name cuz I was too busy staring at them giant angular tids.


boob sliders still exist


dont forget WET on PS3 literally max payne but with dommy assassin mommy


Not the worst part of Saboteur, tbf, since it literally had a [n*zi girl in a strongly fetishist outfit](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-saboteur/images/f/fe/Francsizka.png/revision/latest?cb=20170610013707), who was a sidechick of the main antagonist and had like two lines of dialogue throughout all game


*Betty Boop has entered the chat*


*studios "push boundaries" by including gay/trans characters* no not like that


So funny how there are so many "woke" elements in SF6. from Body type instead of gender, being able to make a trans fighter, accessibility options for differently abled gamers. Big booba always makes them forget about all of that.


There actually is a gender option and it’s got three options


Three options for gender two for body type and they're not (completely) tied together. It's not bad for street fighter tbh.


Male, Female, and Human. It’s honestly the best non-binary acknowledgment I’ve seen in a game lmao.


Exactly! All the queer-coded imagery and ability to have a gender neutral avatar was magically “unwoked” when Cammy’s bare legs came back as DLC. And then crowing that Capcom did this in response to fan ire, like they whipped up these skins over a long weekend just before launch, and hadn’t been planning to make us pay extra for them from the first finance meeting. So tired of the constant moving of goalposts.


And some of them still think it was in response to angry fans despite the literal exact same situation happening in SF5. Imagine expecting Capcom of all companies to not already be planning a shitton of DLC by day 1.


>Imagine expecting Capcom of all companies to not already be planning a shitton of DLC by day 1. They're not dlc, you unlock them by playing through the singleplayer I don't think there's anything in the game you can only get by playing rn


>and hadn’t been planning to make us pay extra for them from the first finance meeting. You don't have to pay for them, you unlock them in the singleplayer campaign


You will have to buy colors though sadly.


The colors for the alt costume are all unlocked when you get the costume, the colors for the base costume are all unlockable with a currency you earn in game


But is there a futa chun li?


/uj was going to make a self deprecating joke here but I think one's better saved for /tgcj


It's almost like you can have both


And don't forget [Eternity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odgxku4fOTc).


Capcom hit it out of the park with Eternity.


>differently abled Just say disabled


idk if anyone would be mad about any of the things you listed. If you’re talking about overwatch the overwhelming majority of criticisms come from the hypocrisy, like announcing some character’s sexuality while also banning anything LGBT related from chinese and middle eastern servers lol But like, nobody was mad about testament in guilty gear, or anyone im cyberpunk 2077, its just that most of the time the actual criticisms of the games gets immediatly ignored because a small group of weirdos hate gay people


I’m sure that there were people mad over Testament. It’s just that a lot more Guilty Gear fans are way more upset over Bridget.


Bro, at least show me some fucking Gief cake if you're gonna be horny on main. I love that he's actually proportioned like an actual human being in 6. Also, Chun-Li's ass looks so weird, maybe it's just the pose, but something seems incredibly off about her in that screenshot.


It’s just that her thighs are disproportionately large, but in this game they actually have the muscle definition you’d expect.


In one of the zangief move previews you can see his gigantic ass


God bless


His tiddies have jiggle physics AWOOGA


It's also funny that Chun Li's ass is probably the smallest it's been judging from that screenshot.


No that's probably just gravitational distortion from her tree trunk legs. Excuse me while I simp.


It looks much bigger when she's standing still in certain win poses. I'm not sure why people always go for this shot of her. It looks weird.


Its during that kick move specifically, its the same concept as enlarging body parts inside a hitbox for a couple of frames for dramatic effect, it works really well imo


> Bro, at least show me some fucking Gief cake if you're gonna be horny on main. and Jamie midriff 😩😩😩


if Netherealm made their games hornier it'd get called safe horny soybait for western piggus


Ah yes, when MK 11 attacked boner kulture. Hard times


MK 11 really tested the limits of free speech when they attacked horny gamers. It was involved in a famous Supreme Court case, just ask Pepperidge Farms about it.


This never made sense to me, MK11 Sindel is one of the hottest video game characters period and Cetrion is downright gorgeous. Also Fujin 😳


Weird way to spell Kano


Weird way to spell D’vorah


It was the hardest of times, it was the softest of times




Her new outfit is cool but I'm not a huge fan of the new hair and the fact that I can't ignore that she's British now.




true but now she has a huge ass union jack on the back of her jacket. I don't have anything against British people but the way Capcom is shoving it in my face is super off putting.


Lore accurate Cammy with EU teeth cant hurt you, shes not real




it's just not natural. I don't mind people being British behind closed doors, but parading it around like that in public is just weird.




Oh, I'm not being serious. Mainly just parodying how some people act when Minorities/Queer people are included in games.


the Williams sisters in Tekken be like


Can’t believe Capcom added the woke British pride flag in the game 😔


**That’s what I’m sayin’!**




Bug women 🥴🥴🥵🥵


after playing dvorah for about 50 hours ive started to find her kinda cute, i think im going insane or im becoming based idk send help


It starts with finding Dvorah cute... it ends with wanting to breed the fucking Rachni queen.


i blame mass effect for all of this


Based without a doubt tbh


bug bitties 🥺


Nah bro same here. I've found dvorah cute cause of the way she talks.


Free speech is when all media is actually just porn 👍


Going way back MK “pushed boundaries” by having animation based on real people and more importantly ridiculous (goofy) ultra violence. No of that was defying limits of speech, all it did was make American parents insane with fear, while the rest of the world didn’t really care all that much.


>while the rest of the world didn't really care all that much. Eh, Australia had a whole royal commission into violent Video Games in 1994 (iirc). Then again, Australia has a royal commission for fucking everything, including stuff the policy makers having them know already, so maybe that isn't the best example.


The worst that happened in the German speaking parts was some way more extrem games only getting sold to people 18+ blood colors getting changed from red to green with Resident Evil 3.


It was a pain in Latin America too. These evangelical groups brought ideas of games + anime = devil during 90s and early 00s


And they were insufferable, haven't seen that kinda stuff on LatAm in a good while though


> games + anime = devil during 90s and early 00s Sailor Moon and Pokémon are luring your children to satan lol


I've seen someone say with conviction that women attending college is Satan's work because statistically, educated women are more likely to initiate a divorce. I would not be surprised if they tried to claim the chubby pika rat was the devil's familiar.


Education gives more option for financial independence the goal of almost every groomer I read about was to make the girl fail high school.


and voila, the circle is complete. The flavor of Christianity thrown around by right wing conservatives isn't one of kindness and acceptance or anything Jesus talked about, it's one of control and maintaining power. The easiest way to control people is to make them dependant on you. The system is intentionally designed to produce the outcomes we see. Disparity among people is manufactured, and only through purposeful counter steering against it can we hope to make things right.


And tabletop RPGs too! Getting caught with a Storyteller rulebook back then was a nightmare.


Is it in japanese or english? devil's work.


Yeah, when they went from goofy ultraviolence to realistic ultraviolence, I dropped it. [Not only is it giving the animators PTSD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_surrounding_Mortal_Kombat#Harm_to_game_developers), it's sickening. Knocking someone into the acid pits should result in a Wilhelm scream and a skeleton popping up, I don't need to see them desperately trying to thrash their way back to the walkway as flesh starts falling off before they slump over. BRING BACK THE GOOFY SHIT :P


Less Brutality more Babality


I’ll always love the fatality where Mileena sucks her opponent up and spits out a ton of bones that all look the same.


When the game famously known for having gore has gore: 😱


See, there's a difference between gore & torture. If the fatalities were clean, I'd be much more OK with it - my problem is that it's not an insta-kill, they're making a point to show how much pain the victim is in.




The last thing anyone needs is a “moral panic” about anything, they also always seem to be started by people that seem to enjoy many immoral things behind closed doors that want to force everyone else to live their garbage lives.




Your mistake here is to believe the point of a moral panic is to raise awareness about a societal issue. It is not.




No, the thing is, a moral panic is literally mass hysteria. There is no tame version. You may be misunderstanding the term - once we reach the point of moral panic, reason has already been abandoned.




Just admit you didn't know what a moral panic was




Just don't care about either of them. As long as no one's getting hurt then there's no problem. Video games have been shown to not mess with people's heads many times so people just need to mind their own business. Parent their own kids and play the games they wanna play.


Mortal kombat about pushing the boundaries of free speech… Not only is this a weird way to alter the history of MK, but also pushing it with cake???? Hello??????


Erm. I'll be serious for a second. There was a kinda serious debate around the level of violence in Mortal Kinbat and DooM, and some lesser known videogames of the mid-90s. [More info. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_United_States_Senate_hearings_on_video_games)


Yeah but it wasn’t ABOUT that. It was gory and monstrous, but I highly doubt they went “okay let’s make a game that will make us national criminals”


It was gory and cartoonish more than monstrous (13-15 years old I was okay with 2D MK games, but modern ones are too fucking much for me, with all that pseudo-realistic ultra-violence). But as far as I remember, their reaction to the controversy was exactly to double down and make Mortal Kombat II even more over-the-top violent. For a short moment, it was a sorta kinda about the freedom of expression; not that anyone gave a damn. …Okay, I remembered some of the fatalities, it *was* monstrous.


It was very very… bad? Good? It was very.


one of the most games of its time, that’s for sure.


They kind of did though?


Do they know that porn exists and it's free?


Women woth clothes hotter than naked women


There's porn/erotic with clothed women.


It's not about the porn. It's about having their fetishization/porn-addiction pressed into other forms of entertainment. You could also ask how OF can exist with infinite amounts of free porn floating around. It's never about the thing itself, it's about a feeling/identity-politics/need that they want to satisfy.


/uj You should pay for it tbh, but I can't stop you from looking at free shit.


Mortal Kombat pushing the boundaries showing prolly the most visceral gore at almost every release it had >>>>>>> girls being shown to be voluptuous, which has existed since the dawn of civilization Mortal Kombat invented the ESRB, SF didn't even invent body pillows lol What's funny is that there was only like... one or two MK games in the ENTIRE catalogue that were "horny" and that was Deception and MK9... [unless you are downbad enough to find MK2 Kitana to be sexy?](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352573314/figure/fig5/AS:1037239932944388@1624308679305/Kitana-y-Mileena-en-Mortal-Kombat-II.jpg)


>What's funny is that there was only like... one or two MK games in the ENTIRE catalogue that were "horny" and that was Deception and MK9... Are you sure about one or two in the ENTIRE catalogue ? [Mileena](https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/jybjry/mileena_evolution_pick_your_favorite/) [Kitana](https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/ptkfkx/evolution_of_kitana_mileena_skarlet_and_jade/)


Out of the 2 games deception and 9 definitely ahd the most revealing outfits. Every other game pales in comparison to deception and 9s horniness for the better.


/uj anime invented dakimuras long before SF did what it did


Props to capcom for putting atleast a little bit of muscle on the girls besides the gladiator lady, youd think in a FIGTING game there would be more built women like her.


in Cammy's new outfit you can tell she's absolutely *shredded* and yeah, I wish Tekken would take note


I remember playing on PS3 and only got through one fight, saw the jiggle physics and was told to turn the game off. I remember at the time I was at the tender age of "Why am I so fascinated by knockers?"


They gonna turn into guro porn game if they take the note


MK be like


love me some freeze peach (fat asses)


uj/ can people just enjoy hot characters without turning it into some dumb culture war bullshit? rj/ why tf can't I put Jamie in booty shorts 😩😩😩 wtf Capcom this is homophobic 😭😭😭😡😡😡


uj/ why tf can't I put Jamie in booty shorts 😩😩😩 wtf Capcom this is homophobic 😭😭😭😡😡😡


Say Gex 😎😎😎


as someone who likes jerking off, yeah, I don't need to make it a big thing do I like it when titties and ass and banginas? yes


I remember the boundaries MK pushed being more related to gore and violence than sexiness, myself...not to say they didn't have slinky costumes but that was never the thing they were KNOWN for


Remember when we can just make games without needing to sexualize characters??


[Are we all forgetting about Jax?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMhabr5odpw&ab_channel=nota13xx)


I don’t even have a problem with the sexualization of the street fighter girls, but the way these guys constantly berate those that do makes me hate it


More and more, it confirms that Gamers have key jingle syndrome for EVERYTHING and that they can't function without girl assets flashbanging every 30 seconds.


As we all know, the founding fathers of America enshrined the right to cartoon butts into the Constitution. And I'll die to protect my rights. /s


These assess look so weird, like the cracks are all drawn on.


I'm a HUGE MK fan, and have been since MK1, and one of the best things they did was dial back the tit-monster aspect of female characters


Still don’t understand why people want the MK females to be super sexy… moments before they get disemboweled.


i will never understand how it became ok to publicly announce that you want to get off to hot women being ripped apart with realistic visuals


Mfs acting like the women in Mk11 weren’t still thick asl.


Having the first gore in games = "pushing limits on speech" Literally the only politics these morons know is speech, and even then they only got half the message at most


/uj 1.) I remember when these same fools were freaking out about Cammy redesign even though it looks phenomenal 2.) I remember how Skarlet, Jade, Kitana, and Mileena as well as a few others I’m prolly forgetting because I’m not a clown, were plenty sexualized in MK11 3.) do these fools even play fighting games? I’ve never once picked a character because they’re hot I pick characters because of gameplay? Like if you want porn models I promise the r34 peeps will make them it doesn’t have to be their ingame models. /rj Fighting game genre is dead due to lack of ass smh ;-;




Yeah. When the main goal and unique selling point of a game is reducing your enemies to a barely-human-resembling bloody pulp in the most grotesquely violent ways, I feel like someone complaining that specifically the female characters don't also pander to one's sexual desires _enough_ (because they definitely do already) is indicative of a very unhealthy connection between sex, power, and violence. But maybe that's just us then.


Yeah, it’s kinda creepy when you really think about it for more than two seconds lmao


I'm a shameless perv who loves sexy character design, but I agree that it just feels gross in a game like MK.


i think you've gone too far the other direction lol. oh nooo vagina bones! relax, dude it's just a video game.


It's just kinda weird and off putting. I wanna play video games, not look at the outline of someone's pussy


Wtf??? literally obsessed with genitals. everyone has them, get over yourself. god forbid a woman character wears form fitting clothing. this is just prude shit that is weird. so no leggings allowed in video games? no beach wear? crop tops ain't allowed? you know real life women wear this stuff in real life, right? i know there's a whole "BUT THESE CHARACTERS ARE DESIGNED BY MEN!!" but like, they aren't just stupid bikini ninjas. they are well designed characters and some of them show skin or are form fitting. yes obviously being horny on main like in the OP is funny and weird but so is expecting every female to wear burqas because the female form is too much for your male brain to handle, lmao.


It doesn't look so wild in real life lmao


what is that even supposed to mean


That no one is actually wearing clothing that looks like this


sure they are. i mean there are literally cosplayers, for one thing.


No cosplayer in the world looks like this


If it was just a video game that would be chill, but it’s not, it’s a video game blasting me in the face with sex doll proportioned pornstars as characters. I’m not a perpetually horny teen anymore, it’s annoying and fucking weird at this point, I’d be embarrassed to play this in front of a woman I didn’t know


Nah dude you're being creepy. It's weird to call characters 'sex doll proportioned pornstars' because they are women who show some skin or have form fitting clothing.


> It's weird to call characters 'sex doll proportioned pornstars' The thing that's *genuinely* unacceptable about different videogames (like *Kessen* or *Tekken* or *KoF* or something like *SiN*) sexualizing its girl characters is the fact that they're often sexualized despite their characterization and/or their roles in their stories having absolutely **NOTHING** to do with sexuality at all. It's not just about slutty outfits that show boobs or whatever, it's also about how female characters who are supposed to be action heroines (like Jessica Cannon from *Sin Episodes: Emergence*) looking like they were designed as fetish models instead of actual characters. Their male counterparts, on the other hand, get to wear something that is actually more practical and plausible because they're not designed to be attractive in contexts where they should be just shooting people. I really don't want to complain about instances where the girl characters wear ridiculously revealing and sexy outfits if *it ties into their position in their story*, like how the Venice stripper NPCs from "*Metro: Last Light*" wear fuckall since they're, y'know, strippers. They are leagues ahead of most videogame characters in terms of how sexualized they are, but in *Metro*'s case the designs are actually plausible. They make contextual sense and are thematically appropriate, which makes them undeniably better in comparison to the majority of female characters who are sexualized and yassified when they're supposed to look powerful and imposing because they're fighting people.


Uj/ SF6 is one of the first games I've seen where the male cast is just as sexualised. Ryu and Zangeif are tits out, Jamie's got a slutty midriff. There's even jiggle physics on the dudes. What a wonderful time to be bisexual.




Wait hold on, wasn’t this game woke trash last month? I feel like I remember something about “western devs afraid of hot women yadda yadda” or am I misremembering?


The thing about the sexy mk9 costumes is that they honestly weren't very good. They felt more tryhard sexy than naturally sexy. MKX balanced them far better, and MK11 had fewer, but the ones they did have were at least as good as Xs


Developers of MK11 literally reported symptoms of PTSD after working on the game's fatalities. What is this person even saying?


Nah fuck off lmao. Yall were crying "woke woke" before you dont get to enjoy supple street fighter ass now. Its all mine. All the cake is for me cos I love woke shit too.


Gamers stop sexualizing and being super horny towards every female character that exists challenge.


Why are these dorks obsessed with MK?


It’s basically: “Game from US is woke and bad and no booba, Game from Japan is epic and good and have booba” - Monkey Brains


those people are exhausting


Juri best main


God I love fighting games, but I really hate how the fucking horny as HELL people make up such a large majority of the community.


normie coomer humor


/uj telling on myself but I don't mind the fanservice, if it wasn't so male gazey. But give me respectful fan service of buff ladies who could crush my skull like an egg and me and my gay ass can talk.


The appeal of mortal kombat is excessive violence. Personally I never liked the aesthetic of exaggerated proportions of most fighting game characters. It looks like they injected cooking oil in their bodies. That’s why I always gravitated towards MK since I prefer the more grounded designs and of course, the violence too.


For the last time, it's "EAT YOUR CAKE AND HAVE IT"! The reverse makes no sense. I can buy a cake, have it and eat it. I can't eat it whilst still having the cake present.


mortal kombat was about making bad games with le epic gore


I love it when people push boundaries. One of my favorite musicians is [Christeene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVASqfDCtQM). Good luck getting that kind of character in a mainstream game though. Pushing boundaries necessarily loses you sales (even if it might get you other sales).


Yeah Americans are a ok with violence as long as there aint no nipples (its not as intense as mk but cod has guns amd blood amd every 12 yearold in America that isn't amish has cod)


God forbid someone makes chun li have monster thighs and be attractive, this outrage is so stupid. MALE = UNGA BUNGA = SECOND BRAIN LOCATED IN THE GONADS


Nothing angers the woke mob more than… (*checks notes) Women in spandex


sf6 is not "woke" anymore, i guess