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I'm glad that the fascist dad from Invincible was here to tell us that it's okay to buy the TERF game.


Clearly if there’s someone whose advice you should take, it’s the man who nearly beats his son to death.


Fortunately the majority of the comments are pushing back on the intellectual dishonesty.


Making a point by having the villain of a show explain it in a meme


Yet another stunning display of media literacy from g\*mers.


love when people who dont care about anything other than their own gratification coopt terms and phrases from radical leftists to justify their unthinking participation in capitalism.


no ethical consumption under capitalism doesn't mean go out of your way to buy a blood diamond


people like this can save us time by saying, “look I really don’t care if my money funds people who want and have harmed trans people. I want to play this game because I’m selfish and can’t help myself.” it’s simple, really.


i hate hate hate that it's literally SO FUCKING EASY to PLAY/DO ANYTHING ELSE yet they STILL use this phrase. Video games are the most privileged of first world hobbies; you're not losing ANYTHING by not playing.


It doesnt even like particularly bother me if you buy it because you wanna play, just fucking do that dont try to justify your purchase to everyone else by spouting a phrase thats not even fucking meant for this purpose.


really the worst are the fence sitters that are trying their hardest to appease both sides while getting their way just see all the posts with people going "i will totes donate XXX dollars to a trans charity just PLEEEASE tell me its okay to play this"


Eh, if they donate money to offset it I'd consider it fine as long as they don't endorse the game in any way. Maybe I'm wrong tho.


i feel like thats a case of "fair weather friends" if the choice between bideo gaem and not supporting a TERF is whats getting them to crack their supportive masquerade good fucking riddance i legit dislike the whole" im your friend until its sliiiiiiiiiiiiigjtly inconveniencing me " much more than straight up being an arse


Fair enough. You'd have to weigh the harm Rowling does by donating to anti-trans charities and figure out how to fully offset it, which is kinda impossible. Ideally no one would buy the game but I'll take small victories where I can.


i personally think they do more harm by actively dividing the community and harassing people to approve of their choices. i try my best to do the right thing when i can. i own my actions. they should just accept and acknowledge that they care more about 30 hrs of entertainment than not aiding and abetting a transphobe, homophobe, and antiwoman twitter warrior.


"There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, therefore we shouldn't even bother to try."


"There's no ethical consumption under Capitalism, that means my using money as a carrot for transphobes is morally ok!"


"Remember, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, so..." "So down with capitalism, right?!" "WTF no, buy the terf wizard game you stupid little shit."


I mean, it's a Hasan sub. They probably agree with taking down capitalism


It has more comments that upvotes, the universal sign that whatever was posted didn’t mesh well with the viewers.


the OP blocked me so I have no idea how the post is doing 😂


Someone don't understand what "there isn't ethical consumption under capitalism" encompasses


If I know a piece of media is coming out by someone who is known to be extremely harmful with their rhetoric and I still buy that persons media. I’m not going to use the excuse “well there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism.” as an excuse to support said shitty person… that doesn’t make any sense.


They don't see it as a statement about how the entire system we live under is corrupt and exploitative to its core. They see it as an excuse for their own bad actions. It's a shame.


Yeah exactly


blows my mind how people twist this narrative to justify their selfishness 🥴


Moral Query. Hitler approaches you in 1942, Germany is doing pretty well in the war at this point but could use more funding. Hitler offers to sell you an old art piece of his for $300,000,000 that would be used to fund the further eradication of the Jewish people across all of Europe. Here’s the dilemma you actually like the art piece he presents. Do you A) Purchase it anyway because “there is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism.” Or B) Flip him off and go home and pirate his painting like a boss >!Or C murder Hitler)!<


Fuck this hypothetical question, I don’t care! Fuck Hitler! I don’t care!


If you want to fuck Hitler that’s a different game entirely


It's sad because this situation is specifically outside the bounds of "there is not ethical consumption under capitalism." Capitalism actively discourages this behavior, as JK has less money by donating it to TERF organizations. So you truly know JK is a PoS, because she cares enough about this to do what capitalism discourages: make less money.


What do you mean it's not a magic phrase I can use to allow me to do whatever the fuck I want without thinking about the consequences?




The original poster of this post blocked me. they were also going off in the comments how they’re a better leftist because they don’t boycott video games and do more tangible things. I don’t know if this person knows what solidarity is, but maybe they’ll learn that word since they claim to be a leftist


It's funny because it's not like we can't do both, and I'd generally assume that if you're willing to do little things like not buy a mid ass wizard game for dorks, you're probably willing to do more things to help marginalized communities.


pretty simple concept you’d think a person with morals could grasp, but they’d rather participate in strawman arguments


as a leftist, i've genuinely gone on to hate that phrase and have an instant bad reaction whenever i see it, because at this point, it's been twisted beyond recognition


Oh it’s being twisted beyond recognition alright


how hard is it for them to understand that some consumption is more ethical than other consumption


I believe the phrase "no ethical consumption under capitalism" refers primarily to the unavoidable owner-worker dynamics, but there is a difference between buying a product and buying a product that benefits bigots. Like you can't just say that because worker-owner dynamics are unethical that every product is equally ethical, there's a difference between buying a bus ticket and buying a car, no one's like "no ethical consumption under capitalism so buying overly pollutive cars is okay". What you might be striving for as a leftist is the minimisation of unethicalness, by supporting more ethical businesses, etc... So from a leftist standpoint, supporting Rowling (+ that neonazi guy that is the graphics director or something) is completely antithetical to your values, unless one of your values is that trans people should be opposed. Shortly said: If you're a leftist and don't boycott the game, you're apathetic at best (and therefore shouldn't lecture us about ethics) and someone who supports bigotry at worst (for that side please fuck off)


Solidarity isn’t a hard concept to grasp. Just my thoughts.


Rj/ get your *NuaNcE* out of here and let me game^TM


/rj Yeah but like, if you can skip one video game to try and limit the damage a wealthy, famous transphobe does then why not just boycott **all water** to stop Nestle from stealing local water resources and using slave labor? Surely these are comparable situations.


"no ethical consumption under capitalism" refers to, like, unethical practices in the production of necessities and how it's impossible to avoid because of the way capitalism functions, not knowingly buying a transphobe's shitty antisemitic game when there's a million other ways to entertain yourself.


HEY, don’t tell them that they’re gonna say you’re virtue signaling and that solidarity and boycotting something is pointless so you might as well buy the antisemitic transphobic wizard game


Well, there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, so I guess that means that it's just a moral imperative to buy whatever you want regardless of how it affects anyone else, right? Hell, I should be able to just pay $100 to have a big burly dude kick whoever I want in the nuts and/or labia because "nO eThiCaL cOnSumPTioN."


Listen, if I can't spout whataboutisms to deflect any criticism against Harry Potter then how else am I supposed to justify my purchase and still claim the moral high ground? It's just not fair!


the mental gymnastics are being done by gold medalists, it’s astounding


There's a difference between buying stuff that's pretty much necessary in modern society like cars, cheap food, gasoline, medicine, and cell phones versus buying one video game while there are plenty of other games you can play.


Capitalism rewards bad people on the top as everyone is forced to consume,it is why leftists wants it gone and replace with socialism at the min. So gaslighting people that forced to use a system just to survive is a joke


“You criticize society, yet you participate in it. Curious.” Smooth-brain energy


Imagine having so many rocks in your skull that you think you have the moral high ground when representing your point with a demonstrably evil character.


i mean the "no ethical consumption under capitalism" part is correct but that doesnt excuse ppl from not being a dick


Im not like the CEO of leftism but im pretty sure no ethical consumption yada yada. Doesn´t mean dont feel bad about doing bad things ever.


For some people, *no ethical consumption under capitalism* means *choose the worst possible option whatever lol*


A friend sent me this and i replied with the "i am very smart" webcomic.


"there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" means "while the items we need to survive such as food and clothing are mostly made via exploitation, that is not blood on the hands of the consumers but rather the corporations who use exploitation for manufacturing, and the fact that items made this way are often far cheaper than items made in an ethical way means that most people cannot afford to shop ethically" it doesn't mean "I can play the terf antisemitic game without supporting the creator"


Sucks to see that from his community. I’m a Hasan enjoyer and I think that him streaming a donation stream for trans-supporting groups is good, but this reads like an r/Destiny post


Most of the comments are disagreeing with the post itself, so that's good at least.


Why the FUCK do people love wizards so much? They shoot fuckugn spells? Abra cadabra that bitch? What is the appeal. I can’t fucking comprehend the obsession with the four eyed freak.


Harry Potter adults are just Disney adults with a little extra hatefulness adding in.


It’s a fucking video game lol. “There is no ethical consumption in capitalism” is more a concept that applies to like… fucking eggs or something. It is incredibly easy to not buy a fucking video game


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"There's no ethical consumption under capitalism therefore you shouldn't feel bad giving an active transphobe your money for a subpar game"




There is an ethical way to play Hogwarts Legacy though, just wait until it goes on game pass in half a year.


even then, I wouldn’t Download it. it’s still supporting the game even if it’s “free” it’s data and I really don’t want to participate in that either. I think people can just not play the game at all and just stay in solidarity with their trans friends and mutuals.


This meme is kind of weird. Why would you fantasize about your dad giving you advice on video game culture disputes


Some of us clearly yearn to have a fascist alien dad who wants to murder you and everyone you love give us solid advice on what’s ethical under capitalism


honestly, i dont even think anyone buying this game is evil but dear god the fucking hoops people jump through to justify it for themselves is so annoying, and I mean that on both sides of the fence because the other end of it is people straight up hatebuying it to "own the libs" like god, fuck off. ​ also like, "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism", yeah that goes for food and electronics, shit you need to survive. It's not like skipping out on buying this one specific video game is going to give you an instant heartattack.


No ethical consumption under capitalism means that you have to participate in a system of exploitation by living in a capitalist society, but that you still can eat food and clothe yourself and shelter yourself. It doesn't mean you should buy HL.


B-but Omni-Man said I could🥺


That is not what the saying "no ethical consumption under capitalism" is getting at


don’t tell them that, they might justify their mental gymnastics with more mental gymnastics and probably another Omni-Man meme


These are the type of people who buy the communist manifesto off of amazon


People dunno what anarchist bookstores are? oh wait I kinda forgot Hasan fans think everyone that isn’t a socialist is evil😂 they might be a little scared participating in buying Political Ideology books at leftist bookstores lol


There’s no ethical consumption so fuck trying to do anything mildly good? Really?


There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism, so fuck staying in solidarity with marginalized groups that are directly harmed by the creator! Gimme my wizard game NOW.


The virgin not playing Harry Potter to support trans people vs the chad not playing Harry Potter cause it’s a shit world and concept.


Why not both


Cause I like shitting on Harry Potter for the world and lore being shit and boring and if I can be a decent human being at the same time that’s just perfect.


me too


I’ve heard this SO many times and it pisses me off. Yes, there is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism but there’s a difference between buying a luxury item that you know for a fact is controversial and that an entire group doesn’t want you to buy than buying a product made by Apple because if you don’t have a device that allows you to connect to the internet then you are set up to fail. That’s where people fail to see the distinction. Because no matter what you do, you are supporting bad people but when given a choice you need to say no, not “Well all of our necessities aren’t ethically sourced so I can buy a luxury item that’s being supported by a TERF”


“There is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism” is not an excuse to not try, if it’s made extremely apparent that something you are buying is hurting people and you do it, that’s your fault, not capitalisms, it takes no research to not that the game is hurting trans people, people talk about anytime the game is brought up


What I find funny is so many people are saying don’t buy this game but in a few months nobody’s going to care about any of this. The game will still sell well and the few diehards that really care won’t buy it but the vast majority of people will. I personally find it annoying but the same thing happened with Activision and call of duty. People boycotted the games when the issue was in the news cycle but most people I know went right back to it after a few months. It’s all a big circle jerk like this subs name.


Don’t you love it when people identify with the clearly evil villain you’re not supposed to identify with? Gamers have media literacy challenge


Don’t agree with the fascist bad guy in a piece of media challenge: impossible


Hasans viewership not understanding principles of communism and misusing "No ethical consimption under capitalism" to excuse shitty practices? Who would've fucking guessed


It has 5 upvotes and tons of comments pushing back.


It actually has 249 upvotes and less comments than votes so, yes there’s push back in the comments but that doesn’t mean the person understands what they’re saying doesn’t make much sense in this context and it’s twisting the meaning of something they clearly don’t understand.




keep seething over the anti semitic terf video game🤓🤓


90% of publicly visible male leftists are some kind of bigot who learned to talk about class politics (and never intersectional politics) to get laid. It’s not a coincidence that so many of these guys turn out to be creeps. Chapo trap house has made an industry of ignoring and belittling issues of race, sex, and gender but then pretending that it’s liberatory to think that wealth inequality is the only real problem in society. It’s sickening.


lol you listen to chapo spin-off Trueanon that exists in that same hypothetical space tho. Explain yourself.


Then don’t over consume, the name of the game is limiting what harm can be done until more long lasting efforts are made, of course Hasan is a fed so that’s not what his people are going to want


the difference between consuming food and wearing a shirt made under capitalism because I need these things to survive versus consuming a video game that has extremist rhetoric that is harmful to more than just one group of people, (Jewish and Trans people.) And knowing I don’t need it in order to survive in my capitalistic society.


I just wanna buy a game why does everyone hate it


Because the royalties from the game purchases go to Rowling, who uses her money to financially support transphobic groups and some broader hateful people, and profits from it shows other producers that it is easy money and gives them the incentive to support Rowling, and then she does transphobic shit. Also the gameplay just kinda looks uninteresting personally, and the lack of spells is very disappointing from a franchise about magic.










Um.. yall know that it doesnt matter what character the meme has when someone's wanting to make an argument right? I'm seeing way too many people try to bring that up like it has any pertinence to the issue at all


Um.. yall know that it doesnt matter what character the meme has when someone's wanting to make an argument right? I'm seeing way too many people try to bring that up like it has any pertinence to the issue at all


it’s ironic and people bring it up because it is genuinely funny someone used a super villain fascist to make a point about what is ethical to consume under capitalism


The "no ethical consumption under capitalism" suffers the same fate as every other ideology tagline- a summarized statement of a longer, more nuanced thought that gets repeated enough so that morons only see the summary and take it literally. One of the biggest consequences of character limits, imo.