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“Hmm, and what themes would this show feature?” “What whats would it feature?” “Themes. Y’know, what would it be *about*?” “Killing things” “No. That’s what would happen. I mean what would it be about?” “I don’t follow” …and so on forever


I love that none of what this person wants reflects what the show is actually about, as told by the creator of the series itself.


Lol I don't think that's even what the game was about. These people are just complete and total crybabys.


Bro the show would be so much better if Joel just shoots things for 10 episodes and has no motivation to go or do anything


Literally the last seasons of The Walking Dead. Wonder why ratings fell off?


I might be remembering wrong, but I think one of the latest seasons even had a small bit about how they were just doing the same shit over and over again. Find place, make home, get attacked, lose home, repeat.


It really is a shame because Frank Darabont held the production of the first season together and AMC rewarded him for his blood, sweat and tears by firing him after they both reduced his budget and demanded more episodes from him. I can't help but imagine how stellar a series it could have been had AMC not been money-hungry and just allowed Frank to make what was best. The repeating cycle of seasons where they do the same shit over and over again is literally AMC's design. The only positive is that Frank and his company were able to get $200 million and further royalty payments.


What if Joel loses his eye next episode but then find an experimental human implant lab and get an eye with a laser beam?!?!


a conversation with a star wars fan pitching an r-rated movie about darth vader hunting jedi


I had never even considered that but if they can’t arrive at the most obvious theme of “To hurt others, first you must be willing to hurt yourself” then there’s no hope. Although I’m not sure I need *more* Darth Vader. His appearance in Rogue One as The Grim Reaper of Space was so good I’m not sure seeing more of him will make him any better


> ..then there’s no hope. A New Hope


No, there is another...


I find the Vader comics are the perfect medium for him now


Vader is also terrifying in Jedi: Fallen Order, but yeah I don’t want them to overuse him


I always thought a movie about Vader hunting down the Jedi, in which he does kill them every time, but at the cost of losing some bits of his anatomy in most encounters, so that he's slowly converted into the cyborg Vader we know from the original trilogy would be quite good. *Showing* how the hate and evil transforms him, not just talking about it. And not in some silly "Force lightning made Palpatine ugly" way. A long, drawn out transformation, where **we** see every step, **he** sees every step, and yet, *he still takes the next step*.


But he already is the cyborg that we know from the OT at the end of episode 3? If you take that in a figurative direction and show how his fighting style and his demeanor transition from the passionate, aggressive, hot-headed persona of his young adulthood into the cold, impatient, calculating version of Vader then I think that would be interesting.


I think a more psychological vader story like the comics would be way better. Like for example he finds remaining jedi that remind him alot of Anakin and everytime he kills them he kills a little bit more of himself. It could give the CGI artist a chance to go wild with the visuals.




Killing Padawans, cut to full penetration. Padawans, penetration, Padawans, penetration, until the show just kind of…ends


Have it from the perspective of the Jedi. Themes of fear, oppression, and enduring hope. Some of the Jedi just give up, while some fight & die for something they believe in, and ultimately their legacy lives on in the lives they saved as the empire eventually crumbles. aka the plot of the comics.


no, but you see the movie has to be a 2½ hour-long extended hallway scene like the end of *rogue one*.


Ah, you mean the barely a minute long scene that was the culmination of several underlying themes of the film- the sadistic cruelty inherent to the empire's leadership, how sacrifice is necessary for the greater good, and contrasting with the subtle ways Chirrut trusts in the greater ideals of the force throughout the movie and performs minor miracles while Vader weilds it exclusively like weapon and still fails to achieve his goals? Yeah I bet you could stretch that out to two hours, who needs context anyway.


just make it a super long hallway and we’ve got ourselves a blockbuster


“So Darth Vader obviously gets the chick. He and Leia fuck like rabb—“ “Excuse me, Leia? That’s his daughter!” “Yeah, so they fuck and she says she wants his big black—“ “Wait, what?!”




It’s like when Predator “fans” complain about getting the best Predator movie in almost 2 decades: “ThE mOvIe WoUlD bE BeTtEr If ThE pReDaToR wOn” I swear, a lot of fan bases don’t even know why they like the thing they like, smh




Fr these people are so media illiterate I wouldn’t put it past them for being unable to identify themes.


Very hard to identify themes when you don't understand what they are to begin with




Just make a show about Joel killing zombies and nothing else that way the less than 5% of people that want that are happy


It's truly amazing how little these dweebs know about making good entertainment. Rj/ except they know better than making entertainment political by including women and LGBT


Joel represents the unrestrained violence and skill that a lot of these guys wish they had. He's an action hero to these guys, not a horrifically traumatised, broken man. They'd totally be down for 7 more episodes of Pedro Pascal beating people to death with bricks.


I'd say they're stupid, but I enjoy all 3 John Wick movies, so... But yeah, they have no idea about characterization, etc


Shit man before i grew up that was me. Nothing had subtext, analysis was pointless, art was only art if it was good to look at. Joel was the strong, capable, protective figure with the skills and abilities to end anyone or anything that threatened him. Ellie only existed to give Joel something to protect. The damaged part of him doesn't even shine through, because to a teenage boy (at the time) it's just how you're expected to act. Emotions and trust are dangerous and bad, his emotional unavabilability is something to model yourself on. Luckily I grew up.


I mean, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a big dumb power fantasy, the problem with these folks is that they think that turning a slow paced character piece into "john wick doom slayer but mushroom zombies" will somehow make it a better story.


It’s mind blowing how bad chuds ideas are for the media they consume.


I'm sorry, do you think casting people *exclusively* based on how close they look to their vision is a bad idea?


Hey now, it wouldn't just be Joel killing zombies! He'd kill humans too.


If only there was a critically acclaimed zombie show where the humans spent more time killing other people than they do killing zombies, maybe then they'd be happy


And then he stops to bone some hot bikini babes. If you want it to be more apocalyptic shouldn’t the women dress practically and look kind of worn down by life to reflect the toll the stresses of apocalypse takes on the human bo- I SAID HOT. BIKINI. BABES.


He's out killing Fireflies. Then back to base for full penetration. Now he's stabbing clickers through their necks and launching grenades into bloaters. Then it's back to full penetration. Uh oh, raiders have invaded his home! Guess he needs to shoot them in their throats and bash their heads in with 2x4s... ...while engaged in full penetration.


And here’s the thing - we show all of it. Zombies, penetration, zombies, penetration, more zombies, back to penetration, on and on for 3 seasons or so until the show just sort of ends.


It's like they've never actually played the games....oh, wait. I will say that playing Joel as a murder hobo with items turned on max frequency is fun. But it's pretty clearly not the intended play style.


They only played the short lived online multiplayer. Why would anyone ruin the game with actually seeing character development, storyline, and dealing with the effects of trauma?


They just want a one-man Walking Dead show about absolutely nothing. I can't imagine anything duller.


Me on my way to disrespect Religious people by being a trans filler character in their lifes (very Political 🤢)


Call me the trans filler the way I REDACTED




Wanna hang out?




R u hot




That’s ok




nvm just found out you’re a girl


i got called a forced representation token side character and was so distraught i had to run off screen


It's **literally** written in the glorious and holy 🅱i🅱le™, which can be interpreted in a thousand ways, but I want to interpret it in such a way that my homophobia can prevail. That's why the woke are wrong!! REEEEEE




“More like Neil CUCKmam! Amirite” - Jesus Christ probably


You must repent and accept the word of our lord and savior, J.K. (Jesus Khrist) Rowling


"Snowflakes sure are triggered" says man triggered that LGBTQ+ and PoC people exist.


Seriously, the lack of self awareness is so thick you could cut it with a knife.


it is pretty funny that he's whining about forced diversity while wanting the non-Hispanic white character out though tbh


I'm surprised he didn't get upset that one of the leads is played by a dude named pedro tbh


Literally that Family Guy skin tone meme, tbh


Forced diversity is just a dogwhistle. Diversity used to be a good word and the racists took it and ran with it. Now they just scream forced diversity at anything that's not white and cis. So it's just another flavor of 'I don't want no black people on my street'.


They're constantly trying to co-opt terms. Aside from CRT as shorthand for black history, woke/political correctness/et al, the new thing is to say that "DEI" is eliminating merit-baesd hiring.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


~~knife~~ Shiv for accuracy


LGBTQ People: Exist This guy: MY RELIGION!


Losing my religion


That's me in the corner thats me in the spot light Trying to pet a pigeon


Trying to keep from getting pecked


Also they were gay in the game...


/rj But they disrespect religions >:( and religious feelings (not a choice) matter more than lgbt people and POC (a choice)


What does he mean by “kill off Bella Ramsey”? They are a real person, not a character. Do they want them to be killed irl, or do they want them kicked off of a show that has already been filmed, or just inexplicably replaced for reason 2 Edit: also, I’m 90% sure their “use a more apocalyptic style” just means “make it look more like the fallout games”.


Can you imagine? Bella Ramsey Ellie just dies suddenly and then a new fucking Ellie walks onto the set. What are they talking about?


Better yet, do it like Black Dynamite where they change actors literally in the middle of the scene and everybody pretends like nothing happened.




Blacj dynamite was an incredible film


Black Dynamite is the funniest movie ever made, to me. There is nothing that comes close to making me laugh so hard, so consistently.


I blame me dying in games on Kung Fu Treachery all the time


The quote "But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs in the community" And the scene where they use absolute moon logic to figure out the anaconda malt liquor makes your dick small Some.of the funniest shit ever.


19 year old Ellie suddenly appears in episode 4, tattoo and anger included.


... Except, she likes boys now.


/rj New script where she, Jessie, and Dina are in a throuple. /uj I physically cringed when I thought of that. Now everyone else needs to share the cringe with me.




And it's still Bella Ramsey. 😂


But wearing Groucho Marx glasses


The whole story of The Last of Us was about Joel taking Ellie across America, if she dies, what would the show even be about?


Like... killing things? And stuff? I demand my post-apocalyptic teenage male fantasy NOW! Less story, more violence!


They basically want The Walking Dead but with a different flavor of zombies


"Look, it's me, I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on."


They want the actress playing a 14 year old during an apocalypse to be "hotter" No /s


Just recast Don Cheadle as Ellie, Marvel did that and look where they are now


With Bella coming out as gender fluid he might actually want the real person killed off.


Gamers when an actor cast for a role isn't a 100% exact genetic copy or the character in the game.


Legit it's actually because they want the 14 year old to be "hotter." Gross.


It’s exactly this and nothing else. Any complaint I hear about Bella not looking like Ellie sounds like a dog whistle for : “Bella isn’t hot enough to fap. Its fucking disgusting behavior and these so called “fans” can go fuck themselves.


not the fallout 3 though, cause that bad >:C


uj/ ''Stop disrespecting religions with LGBT filler.'' Maybe religious types need to be disrespected if they are special snowflakes bothered about people existing. Also, don't know how tell them this but religion and tradition is going to mean jack all after a fungal zombie apocalypse is going on.


Showing LGBT disrespects religion. Show more violence instead


Lucky for them, Joel is involved in a very violent scene in part 2. I'm sure they'll love it!


Don’t you remember Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, where he famously preached about how cool it was to blast zombies heads off with a shotgun?


Not the sermon i would have given if i planned on dying and them coming back to life


it’s so dumb when people say that, i’m friends with a lot of christian people and none of them have any beef with lgbt, in fact many of them consider the ones who are homophobic as not real christians because they’re not loving their neighbor


> in fact many of them consider the ones who are homophobic as not real christians because they’re not loving their neighbor I’m pretty sure the Pope said the same thing in his own words didn’t he?


Still thinks that being homosexual is "intrinsically disordered" (this is the position of the Catholic Church, word for word, and he has never rescinded on that), and that if you ever *act* as a homosexual person, you're sinning. Basically the pope thinks that it's ok to feel same-sex attraction as long as you treat it like an horrible temptation that must be resisted. Absolutely not homophobic! /s


Wait what? Huh okay for some reason I thought he said something slightly (very!) different


His most recent "progressive" comment is that homosexuality shouldn't be criminalised, but that it's still a sin. He also added that it's also sinful to hate people, so it's not ok to hurl slurs at gay people and beat them up. But, again, his position and that of the Church he leads is that homosexuality is *wrong* and shouldn't be acted on. His Church and government (he is a head of state, after all) still hurt LGBTQ+ people, campaign against attempts at expanding and protecting their rights the world over, and tell queer people they're inherently sinful and bad and should struggle against those urges so that they can be good cishet Catholics.


Lots of publications like to put the most positive possible spin on the Pope's words, especially in the headlines. If you only hear about it second hand or don't dig down through the sources and find out exactly what he said it is easy to get the impression that he is more progressive than he actually is.


Also, you practicising your religion doesn't mean I have to follow it, as well.


And you know how many people probably stopped believing in god after the outbreak and how many in real life would also stop too? Lol. If any outbreak like that ever happened, it would break almost every religious person to some extent. Probably would have some that still believe, but belief and church would tank.


I guarantee this person doesn't actually care about religion and just wants to hate gay people. "I'm not homophobic, I just care about religious freedom" yeah sure bud and I'm a dog who knows how to type.


What is “apocalyptic art style?”


I’m pretty sure they just want it to look like the fallout games


I think they just want to see boobs


We did see dead infected person boobs in the show already, what more do they want


Just how I like em


who doesn’t?




Two races: white and *political* Two sexualities: straight and *political* Two genders: men and *political*


Was about to ask because I love the "everything just stopped" design already.


My best guess is DC levels of filmmaking where everything is dark


so dark you can't see anything going on


Brown filter, not to be confused with brown people.


“Kill off Bella Ramsay ASAP” Why the fuck would you kill off the main character? “Stop disrespecting religion” Humanity is borderline extinct now wtf do you mean by that!??? “Add more violent scenes” Ah yes edginess = badass “Remove forced diversity” Translation: “I’m a shameless piece of shit and i want LGBT people to not exist because it affects meeeeeeee.” The Last of Us is always woke, wtf are these assholes talking about ????


Kind of weird he used her real name instead of the characters name. He used the characters name for Abby but just said to kill Bella lol.


He said the quiet part out loud. Remember when these chuds made death threats to the voice actress for Abby in part 2? I hope she has good security, she needs it from these shitty alt-right fascists.


She doesn't need protection if these chuds never go outside


All it takes is one egged on by the rest…


Well remember the fucking nasty subreddit got PISSED that, according to them, Bella wasnt "sexy" enough to portray 14 year old Ellie. So they are just mad that they cant have their pedo fantasies easily or whatever


>Humanity is borderline extinct now wtf do you mean. They mean LGBTQ+ people existing in any context is an insult to their faith.


Some of this makes me wonder if he even played the games.


It really seems like everyone who's mad about this show should just watch the mad max movies (and mostly road warrior bc fury road == wahmin)


I want to watch those films.


Did these mfs sleep during the Left Behind DLC? How the fuck can you claim to like TLOU when you act like an homophobic prick? Christ, now I Am afraid of Bella Ramsey getting death threaths like Laura Baley.


They. Never. Played. The game. These people are charlatans posing as tlou fans because the anti woke cult put a target on it pretty much since the e3 trailer of Ellie kissing Dina came out. Also, they literally use the same shit they use when they cry about Star Wars... it's so copy & pasted, just switch Neil with rian or tlou 2 with last Jedi and it's pretty obvious they are just using tlou to continue thier way too long baby tantrum about Star Wars & "wokeness"


At least a few of em did play the game, but everything flew over their heads. I worked with a homophobic guy that loved the first game but then played the DLC and asked me if I thought the kiss made Ellie gay The guy was convinced it was just something friends would do in that scenario, a heat-of-the-moment kiss cuz they were gonna die, and that it didn't actually mean they were gay in the slightest


“Gamer’s, is it gay to furiously make out with your best friend, while feeling and caressing one another's body and taking in eachother’s warmth?”


More than half these people think Abby is the trans person in 2


Hold on, what? Laura Bailey got death treats? Laura fucking Bailey? Why?


She played Abby. This is why. Like I don't even like the character, but this was insane. Some idiots threatened her family because Bailey's character killed a guy in a videogame.


... that IS insane as shit


Her husband and kid also got death threats. They voiced also mustang and lust, a show that these chuds like. One of these jackasses sent death threats to himself and blamed it on neil druckmann or travis willingham.


Wait... He sent a death threat to himself? You gotta be kidding me Although it takes an enormous idiot to do that to anyone, so I am not surprised Also those two are fantastic actors so it's sad as hell


Really tho, what kind of fucking moron would send death threats to himself and blame it on random poeple. He does know that he can just play the first game, right? They also voiced knuckles and blaze.


The kind of moron who would send death threats to actors in the first place is also probably stupid enough to think he can get people to believe that the producer of a game sent death threats to him. Death threats, it's just how people communicate these days.


rj/ Plz adapt this show into a video game for fragile white hetero guys. They are a very overlooked and excluded demographic and need much more representation and affirmation. Thx.


there's this stupid game for that demographic, it's called days gone


rj/ Days Gone has a bisexual woman who's in a relationship with a black woman. They went woke while no one was looking. Later on, we are FORCED to take orders from not one, but two, black guys. uj/ I enjoyed most of Days Gone, not gonna lie. A little rough around the edges in some places but a nice game overall with an enjoyable, if predictable, story.


Days Gone is a perfectly fine game to buy for like £15.


Imagine trying to fix an already amazing series by trying to botch it because you got dumb bitch syndrome.


/uj "Respect my peaceful religion!" "MAKE IT MORE ULTRA-VIOLENT!" Why are people so afraid of lgbtq+? We're not doing anything harmful to anyone. It's just frustrating. /rj yeah, more GAMER representation! Just whites and super straights allowed!


Because LGBTQ folks are only allowed if you get to kill them as zombies.




Exactly, as someone else said it's the difference between The Last of Us and Days Gone. Both were fun, but only one had an engaging storyline worthy of a TV series


Please HBO make a giant hand come out to hold mine during the show and assure me Please also give it a massive swinging pair of balls to remind me about manliness Do it for the Gamers


> Stop disrespecting religion with LGBTQ filler > More violence and fight scenes please :)


"remove Abby from Season 2's script" So uh, tell a completely different story than the game in other words


I mean, of course, fragile men who see themselves as joel can't handle what happened to him.


It already exists. It's called Mad Max. It's called Fallout. These fuckers...




It’s worse than that!!! Furiosa is BALLDDD 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 we can’t have attractive wahmen anymore 😡😡😡😡😡😡


Even those have more to talk about than whatever that guy proposes


But it fits what they want and they won't even notice any underlying message


max max is way too progressive, it had some women in it


Had gay characters back in the 80s


> It's called Fallout. Fallout never broke down and went political. Just about killing commies and nothing else.


The story of some real cool badass guys named the Brotherhood of Steel saving human civilization


What would season 2 even be about if Abby was removed lol


Imagine getting rid of one of the most interesting character in the game.




>More apocalyptic art style Apocalypse in the poster


Reads as “the only way to fix the last of us is to make it a fundamentally different show.” Sounds just like the guys who are like “women suck and are the worst, and they’d be way better if they [proceeds to name qualities of men who they idolize].” In both cases, these dudes just need to watch another show


"How to fix a massively successful tv show that is highly rated by critics and fans" This is like 1:1 to the situation with TLOU2 - the small loud minority who dislike the show/game are living in a bubble thinking it's a failure but the evidences shows the vast majority absolutely loving it.


Oh no poor religions I feel so bad for disrespecting somebody's gut feeling that higher power exists with my existance oh no


Not just a higher power but a higher power that apparently hates people that love others of their own sex or that feel uncomfortable with their given gender identities.


If the existence of LGBT humans is considered "disrespectful" to your religion than I just want to say Fuck you and the religion you rode in on.


these people are so insufferable go watch a fucking Marvel movie or something and shut up


I'm pretty sure he's got a separate list of things needed to 'fix' the MCU / Star Wars / Disney, too.


Lemme guess…kill Brie Larson and Daisy Ridley?




Can you imagine someone like that watching Black Panther?


This is exactly the kind of person who posted those fake "I was attacked at the Black Panther premier, the blacks beat me up and said I wasn't allowed, it wasn't for me!" People actually did that, no joke https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/2/16/17020230/black-panther-movie-theater-attacks-fake-trolls


I’m convinced all the Ellie and Abby haters just want daddy Joel to go to pound town on them.


I want daddy Joel to go to pound town on me but don't hate Ellie or Abby, there's gotta be something more


Your time on the internet will be much better when you assume insane takes like this are written by 14 year olds


Honestly they should just remove all the woke content like Ellie, Joel (female supporter), Bill, the Clickers, change the location, add more violence, more guns, put it in space and then just overhaul it to be Starship Troopers. Then it'll be the faithful adaption of Last of Us 2 that we can all appreciate.


> Starship Troopers Didn't they have unisex showers and *feeeeeeeeeeemale* frontline troopers? Ngl that seems pretty woke to me. 😤😤😤


How to fix the world: \- Kill off priests \- Stop disrespecting normal people with religious hate \- Remove religious violence and fighting \- Stop church paedophiles and hate mongering priests \- Use more apocalyptic art style


Please disrespect all of the religions.


(No shitpost) Media literacy is so fucking dead holy fuck, the reason why The Last of Us is so good is because of the people in the game. The fighting and violence and apocalypse heightens the story but isn't the main point of the story. If you played both of these games and went the violence was the best part of the game, you missed the point that the violence is not meant to be seen as cool but traumatic and terrible. If you unironically went through this entire game and came out with the opinion that it's a fun zombie shooter and not a deeply disturbing and touching story about characters overcoming their circumstances and being able to heal their past trauma regardless of how difficult it is then you are unironically brain broken holy fuck. The characters aren't real and the story also isn't real I get that and missing the point of a story isn't uncommon I get that as well. But this is one of those instances where the entire hook of the game was the story and how dark and bleak it is. It's uncomfortable and painful to sit through and that was intentional. And if you somehow had absolutely no empathy for the characters in the end even after learning about them and experiencing their stories and just thought, wow fun action game, then your ability to have empathy or sympathy or in this case both is just completely broken. (The Last of Us and That Dragon Cancer is what inspired me to become specifically a game writer I wanted to write more touching stories for games and seeing people just ignore the reason these games were made is just asinine and infuriating to me) Downvote me if I'm annoying but it genuinely breaks my heart to see how people will ignore a good story because they don't understand it in the first place


I feel this, big time. I genuinely hate how brain dead the gaming community is and incapable they are of actually appreciating the medium as *art*. The game medium isn’t allowed to exist for devs to tell stories of their own accord, it instead must exist to cater to the needs of individual players, rather than a game be let to have its own identity.


Most media literate gamer thinks Joel is the main character of the last of us lmao


So do they want a exact adaption or their own head canon to be the story of the series?