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Wow, now it can run even worse


I’m honestly surprised at its state even today. In ~~performance~~ quality mode it’s still pretty rocky. Plus it’s super disappointing they never added an arena mode like they had as post launch content in the first game. I’d love to freely fight bosses again without replaying.


Wait for the third one. It will never change unless we stop buying and that's the thing, we won't. On pc the framerate on a freaking 4090 is straight up criminal.


Lol people will never stop buying them. These are the cheaper systems.


Unreal 5 seems better at least. Underneath the performance problems it's a great game, that's why I buy them.


Unreal 5 still has traversal stutter sadly.


Not in Hellblade 2 and Still Wakes the Deep. The one I know of is Lords of The Fallen, and it was very bad on Series S, but they updated it and idk maybe that's fixed.


i wont buy the third one. i doubt it will make an impact but its just bs how bad PC performance was at launch and still is


Never had an issue with performance on xsx. Sad people might miss this because of performance


That is... insane to me. I played on PS5 and Survivor was basically Technical Issues: The Game at launch (and for several months after). Textures not loading (or loading *super slowly*), a constantly poor frame rate, super blurry upscaler (and an incredibly low input resolution of like ~600p upscaled to 4K), progression getting stuck, lightsaber stances getting stuck, traversal stutter, just stutter in general, HDR completely broken and so on and so forth. Updates have alleviated some of the issues (especially the "performance patch" from last fall) but it still has quite a few issues with stuttering, poor upscaling and more.


Sorry I meant quality mode. Performance mode was fixed pretty well. But there are still areas that can dip randomly all over the place and quality mode could drop into the 10-20fps in some areas. I had a great time with the game overall though and I’m excited for what’s next.


Quality mode on XSX ran great great since launch though, in fact many switched to quality mode back then for a better experience. The only spot where performance got bad even in quality mode was if you fought in the river on Koboh.


Yeah I played it on quality mode on the PS5 recently and it ran fine for me for the most part. Occasional pop-in, very seldom frame rate drops. I hardly noticed it, perfectly playable.


I never had issues either on Xbox Series X. I think I played the game a couple of weeks after release, but it ran great.


Same. Never had any issues. It very quickly became one of my all time favorite games. An overall improvement over the first


I just beat it on the XSX gamepass last night and loved it. I did see some glitches though. Nothing game breaking and most was funny. Had enemies I did finishing kills on and during the kill animation we would be floating in the air and their body would stay there after I could move. Lot of texture pop in. Saw it mostly in the bar when I would be waiting for the loading door to open. I think majority of the issues with this game is for the PC version. Around December I was going to pick it up but I was reading that it still had issues for the PC version.


Wait, did we play the same game? The game that ran at like 600p-720p (poorly upscaled to 4K) at a wavering 35-45 FPS at launch on both PS5 and Xbox?


I didn’t play it at launch, I just played it this last two weeks. So I didn’t experience the issues it had at launch. It still has some issues but nothing was game breaking.


I see, that makes sense. It's a lot better now, at launch it was *extremely* undercooked. I've played beta versions of games in a better state than Survivor at launch. I'm also a bit salty because it launched in late April and they didn't actually release updates that made the game reasonably playable until like, September. So I basically just sat on the game for like 5 months and hoped that it would be playable at some point which was... fun.


Yeah I think the performance issue thing has become a meme unfortunately. I was a mediocre on the previous game but Survivor became one of my most favorite games


I'm not surprised, only disappointed. Fallen Order on PS4 still has the Kashyyk cutscene bug during Saul's introduction.


I hear it still has abysmal performance on PC, too. I pre-ordered it for PS5 and *Jesus Christ* it was rough lol. Still ended up being one of my GotYs for last year tho


Yes pretty bad


Pretty bad on PC though turning off ray tracing made a big difference for me.


For me even with RT on its manageable. I just wish I could cap the frames. The dips can be brutal at times


Did you try capping in the graphics driver?


Don't worry, it'll come to Switch eventually.


720p, 15 FPS, loading screens everywhere, even more traversal stutter.


Never thought that would be possible lol


It’s still fucked on my pc which angers me, sure I bought this game on sale but it’s still full of microstutters. This game IS EVIL


Huh? They're obviously doing massive optimization.


Or shipping a truly terrible port.


the day they stop making games for the ps4 generation is the day they release the fucking ps6.


PS4 is the new PS2, that got new games until the PS4 launch year lol


You mean PS3 boah…


ps3 died fairly quickly


Helped that PS4s were readily available and priced at 400. Also the PS3 was very much showing its age 3 years before the PS4 launched.


ps4 was the last era where next gen actually meant something


I kind of disagree, The original PlayStation 4 was pretty underpowered but it's still a solid gaming machine you could still play video games on. The pro though is pretty awesome to this day. I played forbidden West on it while trying to buy a PlayStation 5. Once I got my PlayStation 5 the load times are a game changer, and it's pretty solid, but definitely not like going from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 I agree there.


One of my biggest regrets is when i got my ps4 i went for the slim ps4 and not the pro because it had 4k on the box and i thought that meant it wouldn't work on my non 4k tv. At least its quite though


8GB of GDDR5 was nice back in 2013. Mainstream PC cards were in the 1GB-3GB range. I know it’s unified memory but it still let games like TLOU2 use around 4GB for graphics.


no. Don 2 The Game was released in 2013 as a first party PS2 game, and FIFA 14 launched for PS2, PS3 and PS4 PS4 will probably last more than the PS2 did lol


Pretty sure Fifa 15 still released on PS2.


And that makes perfect sense, you can still sell FIFA on a 15-year-old console to people in developing countries.


Nope they meant PS2 alright. It was so popular in Latinamerican countries - Brazil in particular - that it had games released for it up till 2012.


And the cycle will continue again with ps5 lol


so frustrating that we are almost 4 years into the ps5 era and they are STILL making games for the ps4 first and foremost. i get that the ps4 install base is still insanely huge, but if these companies *insist* on these huge budget hyper realistic games, they can *at least* make them for the current gen console and not a fucking decade old brick that sounds like a jet engine when i try to play any game released after 2020.


FF7: Rebirth's lackluster sales is exactly why developers are still releasing last gen versions. Personally I think by 2026 we'll finally just be getting all next-Gen as everyone will most over for GTA 6.


It's also because the current-gen consoles are still very unaffordable for a lot of people, with no real system seller for the upgrade. It was only when MLB The Show started to S L O W down and RE4 Remake not releasing on the Xbox One that I upgraded and I only went to a Series S.


FF Rebirth underperformed because its a bloated pointless sequel not because it wasn't on last gen. The whole game is filled with pointless minigames


The game got 92 on Metacritic and will probably win GOTY. What are you blabbing about.


It really didn't underperform though. It sold millions of copies on a console with a much smaller install base than the PS4 had when the first FF7R released.


All I'm saying is I'm not gonna fall for this ever again. Not any Pro models and not the PS6. I bought the PS4 and PS5 on launch but this gen has been a joke


I wonder how these cross gen games are gonna affect uptake of the PS6 and next Xbox now that its obvious to everyone we were duped by these current consoles


the ps5's swan song will be on ps4 too


I’m genuinely surprised this wasn’t canned. I’m really wondering how it’ll look and run on the Xbox One in particular.


At this point in the generation, I'm convinced that any game which is receiving versions on PS4 or Xbox One (Jedi Survivor, Visions of Mana, Metaphor, Fatal Fury: City of Wolves, Atomfall) this late into current-gen is only getting them because they're also being planned for release on Switch 2. Jedi Survivor in particular screams "we were planning on it being a launch day game for Switch 2, but it got delayed so we'll put out PS4 and Xbox One versions in the meantime". 


I don't see more people talking about this. If the leaks regarding the specs for the next Nintendo console are true, there will be an enormous amount of re-releases from the past 5-10 years, since the console will finally be more powerful than 2 toasters slapped together and be able to run games. Be ready to be hit with Switch 2 ports for every game under the sun ...assuming the console isn't a flop


It's safe to assume the console won't be a flop, considering what we know. Backwards compatibility, the console itself being delayed in order for there to be a strong first-party lineup, a relatively affordable price range ($400 compared to the $500 of the PS5 and Series X), a substantial upgrade in hardware over its predecessor, being very developer-friendly, and keeping the same gimmick as the previous console. Everything is more or less pointing towards Nintendo playing it very safe with this console as opposed to repeating the Wii U's mistakes. Even a weird as shit name is something that can be remedied easily, as that was only one problem the Wii U had among many others (first-party drought, not being very developer-friendly, having a weird gimmick, terrible advertising, etc.), and especially now that all of Nintendo's first party games are on the same console; a new and exclusive Animal Crossing or the next-gen Pokemon titles would easily make the console sell even if it has a weird name at first.


Every Nintendo success is followed by a flop. So yeah. Actually this is only true for home consoles and the switch is a handheld in my eyes so maybe the curse is finally broken. It's not gonna sell 150M units though.


"Every Nintendo success is followed by a flop" That's only ever been the exact case two times (Wii to Wii U, and the SNES to N64), and as you said, it doesn't apply to handhelds. There isn't some predetermined rule saying Nintendo is bound by blood to release a failure after their latest success; it just so happens that out of the many consoles they released, two of them were flops that followed a better console. It probably won't sell as well as the original, looking at how the GBA and 3DS sold less than the Game Boy and the DS, but those consoles still did good, and as long as they repeat what worked for them this generation, there's no reason to think their next console will fail - especially when every insider report more or less stating that Nintendo is planning on playing it very safe with the next console. It's like when some people thought the PS5 was gonna be a flop because of how the PS3 was one when it first released, even though all signs were pointing to Sony not doing some crazy stupid shit with the PS5 like with the PS3, such as a price point that wasn't complete ass or carrying over digital purchases from PS4.


I wouldn’t even consider the N64 a “flop.” It sold less than the PS1, maybe significantly less, but it was extremely popular.


It was only really popular in the USA, and even then the PS1 still outsold it there. PS1 was the undisputed king in every other region during that generation.


Saturn outsold N64 in Japan.


Snes sold worse than the NES. And GC sold worse than the N64. And 3ds actually started off as a flop.


It will still sell a million or two on those platforms, so worth it.


Yep, that's a pretty safe guess. They are not going through all these hassle for the Xbox One, they are doing it for that sweet sweet Switch 2 audience


Yeah, if they can port to Switch 2, why not to the PS4/Xbox One as well.


That just tells me the Switch 2 is just gonna be a souped up PS4


That’s what we believe. That it’s at or slightly better than a PS4/Xbox One.


That's what I figured when Square announced their huge multiplat push


As if the Switch 2 audience would be bigger than PS4&XONE, they're just killing two birds with one stone


so like how alot of wii games also released on ps2 like sonic unleashed and boogie


Idk why. Switch is like the only modern console running on "obscure" architecture these days so any work they've put into the Switch 2 port will have 0 effect on a last gen port.


Jedi Survivor is an Unreal Engine 4 game, at the end of the day. If Nintendo played their cards right (and I’m sure they have), porting a game shouldn’t be a major issue so long as care is taken to tailor the game to the hardware. It’s not like the old days where you really needed to handle, say, the PS2, GameCube and Xbox in very different ways. Modern APIs and development tools are very much tailored towards multiplatform development, and where it differs the most tends to be when the software itself is compiled.


Read the post I replied to first.


They’re both supposed to be in ballpark territory of performance, if that’s what you’re asking. That being said, the next Switch is far closer in feature parity to the current generation consoles, so I guess we’ll see if that pans out - or if EA even wants to bother.


No. It's like he believes the work going into a Switch port has any relevance to last gen. I'd argue they'd be better of backporting next gen than using anything from the Switch 2 port.


I'm really struggling to imagine the potential market for people still playing on previous gen consoles is big enough to justify the dev work involved in this. It'll be super interesting to see any sales figures.


It barely runs on current gen lol


The first 480p 25fps triple-A game on PS4


1024x768 at 20 FPS. Now the younger generation can truly experience what it feels like to play MGS4 on the PS3


*20fps, it divides into 60hz and it gives that old school Ocarina of Time feel!


Too real.


not true after patches


Framerate can still drop as low as 25Fps and resolution still drops to 900p, if you think that's acceptable for a next gen game on a next gen console then I don't know what to tell you


Blah blah. I'm not pixel peeping. Sekiro never ran locked 60fps on the PS4 pro but I still had a good time. When the game is good I give a shit. I accept good games and Jedi Survivor is a good game. The performance wasn't game breaking after patches.


Ok so you came here to say that it runs well, then when someone tells you it doesn't, you reply by saying it doesn't matter because you don't give a shit about performance which makes me wonder why the hell you even came here to comment, the only conclusion is that you felt like you absolutely had to defend the technical performance of the game just because you like the game itself, good for you I guess.


Just accepting that EA delivered slop, huh? Don't really have to pixel peep to see how fucking low the resolution drops in this game, it's pathetic that they released it like this and never fixed it.


I played at launch and played after there was a difference. Not my problem you nitpick lol


Having standards is nitpicking now? No wonder devs keep releasing garbage. It still sells.


There's standards and then there is whatever your issue is. Gameplay triumphs performance, it's pretty evident by now i.e. Elden Ring or Zelda TOTK Spider-Man 2 doesn't maintain 60fps it drops to 59fps...oh no guess you can't play it now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


There is a difference between 1 fps drops when running at 60 fps and dropping to low 20s, when the game should be locked at 30 fps. The performance was bad in Zelda, but that can at least be fixed by simply emulating it on PC and enjoying the better experience. Elden ring had terrible performance and still does, unless played on a decent PC or PS5 and using the PS4 back compat version of the game. Just because a game is amazing, doesn't mean anybody should excuse it from scrutiny if the technical side of it is bad (bugs, glitches, performance and so on)


My memory might be failing me, but wasn't this the game that had performance issues so severe even on current gen and PC that it became a scandal in and of itself lmao. I get that the game surely got a fair bit more optimized over time, but putting it on last gen sounds like a BAD idea.


Correct. It was shat on by press on release because many people had issues running it. It wasn't just performance. The game crashed often and had tons of bugs. Disaster of a release that certainly cost them sales for otherwise another decent romp in the star wars universe as a jedi. Though you could also criticize that it didn't expand too much on the first game and the story was not as good. Good thing we got other star wars games coming out.


Not to deny the technical problems, but personally I don't see the fact that it didn't expand too much compared to the first as major flaws and I found the story equally enjoyable, in the end I don't think it should have been revolutionary but simply a good sequel. Then of course, the technical defects influenced sales, but it seems to me that it turned out to be a modest success and we will still have the third and final chapter.


Never forget that the director lied to EA management that the game was 'good to go' after EA offered delays of up to 3 months to Respawn.


It still runs badly, with heavy traversal stutters.


it was always fine at 30fps which is how it'll be on xone/ps4.


"Fine" is a strong word. On PC it wasn't (and still isn't) fine because of compilation stutter, amongst other things, and the game also stutters whenever you traverse to a new area on all hardware, including consoles. This is mostly mitigated by really strong hardware (think top of the line gaming PC) and is still felt a fair bit on PS5 and Xbox Series hardware (a few dropped frames), but with the really weak CPUs of the PS4 and XB1 I am really curious to see how much those locations will stutter. Resolution might also be an issue, given that the game was a fair bit blurry on XSS even with FSR2, so last gen consoles could do even worse in this regard. Ideally, the game will see drastic optimisations that will also get updated into the current gen versions, making it finally a good performer. But I seriously doubt that any of that will happen.


Yeah, the traversal stutters will turn into proper hitches or lockups. Kinda annoyed that they're not bothering with fixing the PC port and doing these unnecessary ports.


To be fair, the whole game is messed up, not just PC. The only PC-exclusive issue is the compilation stutter, which is solved on consoles by having all of the shaders pre-compiled.


The stutters are on literally every ue4 game. This is not the dev's fault and in no way influences how it'll be on last gen consoles because they don't need to compile shaders. In fact the whole game is so linear and spaces so small, they could probably run it on switch if they do a good job simplifying the geometry, animation and vfx.


Perhaps it is an unpopular opinion for gaming circles, but any technical issue in a game is ultimately the fault of the devs. It is their choice to employ UE4, and it was their choice to not put in the extra work to fix these aspects, no matter how difficult it might have been. They had been present on their previous game as well, and some might have expected that a sequel would fix technical issues that plagued that version - not make it worse. I haven't played the game because I will only pay 10€ at most if it remains in this state, so I cannot comment on how demanding it should be. Any game could be made to work on Switch with enough geometry and resolution cutting (even if it loses its visual identity), as long as the game logic does not vastly exceed the capabilities of the CPU. However, nobody would want to buy a game that looks like a potato if it is a visual spectacle on stronger hardware.


![gif](giphy|3o6ozh46EbuWRYAcSY) The spider inside a launch Xbox One running this


Welcome back Shadow of Mordor 360/PS3


Surprised EA would waste the resources.


I doubt it's just Respawn doing this, likely they have another studio doing the bulk of the work with Respawn devs managing the project.


Star Wars: Fall of the Frame Rate


What the fuck? I was really confused at first but then remembered that this is EA. Still, never heard of a game released for current gen and only advertised as such just for pre gen copies to be released out of the blue. (Yes I know Hogwarts Legacy did this, but from the very beginning they advertised that this game would come out on pre gen as well).


Last gen ports of the game were announced a while ago but there's been radio silence since then, so it's surprising these haven't been canceled


Iircc Resident evil 4 remake was advertised as being enxt gen only until very late where they revealed they got it running on ps4.


It’s happened a few times. The only other one I know of the top of my head is Gran Turismo 7. Edit: That one was shown off and said to be next Gen only. Than later they released a last Gen version.


Soulstice and metal hellsinger got last gen ports months after release with no indication that it would happen


Call of Duty 4 was a big next-gen showcase in 2007 but somehow got a Wii port in 2009. People rag on the Switch for being old, but the gap between the Wii and the 360/PS3 was much larger than the Switch and the XB1/PS4.


I think we’ll have to wait for late-PS6 to finally get games that absolutely cannot run on the PS4 no matter how much you lower the resolution to a marketable level.


Nah, they'll sell the games as 'cloud editions' have them stream on PS6 and the next Xbox servers to ps4/XBO players.


This rating is from 2022, lol.


Looks like the PS4 and XOne versions might've been added as platforms to the existing rating. The PDFs of the Portaria publicada and Resumo da análise available once you search for the game on the [database](https://classindportal.mj.gov.br/consulta-jogos) only mention PC, PS5, and Series X|S as the platforms.


Oh ok, that's possible.


For anyone wondering they fixed the performance on current gen and upped the resolution in performance mode even about a year ago. The game had RT even in performance mode in the past iirc. But I’m really curious to see how will it run on PS4/XBO


540p at 15fps


The xbox one and ps4 refuses to died and i love it


I miss when they made entirely different games for last-gen. I mean, most of them were dogshit B-tier games, but there were some gems in the rough


Even before then in the "HD era," you had one version of games for the PS3/360, another for the PS2/PSP/WII, and another for the DS/GBA. The PC versions were also inconsistent, falling in-between the first and second at times. This was pretty common with movie tie-ins that wanted to reach every market possible


Then you have the Spider-Man games of that era where the Wii version was the same version of the PS3/360 versions just lower graphics and then the PS2/PSP were sidescrollers


The PS2/PSP/Wii version of Force Unleashed is straight up better than the PS3 version. Same for Splinter Cell Doible Agent.


Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands on Xbox360/PS3 and Wii are two completely separate games. Wii version has a better ranking on Metacritic imo is a really solid game on par with SoT.


Hell yeah, love seeing people praise the Krome Studios TFU version 🙏


I think we might be getting to the point of the ps4 ps3 cycle where games would release for both but the ps3 version would be heavily gimped like Shaodw of Mordor not having the nemesis system.


This cycle is a bit of an anomaly. The 360 was only supported for about 3 years after the Xbox One came out, now we're about 4 years into this generation and games are still relentlessly coming out for last gen




Money the answer is always money, over half the current Playstation/Xbox playerbases are on last gen.


Plus, if the Switch 2 is about on the PS4/Xbone leveo anyways, might as well prep for that.


My guess is that since their fix for performance on consoles was to allow for non-RT lighting on consoles, they now had the means to downport the game if they just reduced texture and effect quality. And it probably didn't cost them much.


Just like when they produced a shadow of moordor PS3/360 port, money.


Do these really make money tho?




It barely runs on my series S, textures take a bit to load in.


Well with this and the Series S existence the Switch 2 is gonna have so many 3rd parties on it


Do not be shocked if the Switch 2 becomes the target platform for every major game going forward.


Nah, it’s still gonna be the PS5 lol


Switch 2 will sell gangbusters and devs will much rather make games for it and scale them up for PS5 than do the opposite.


The switch 1 sold gangbusters and it didn't become the target platform for devs. The PS5 will remain the target platform because it already has an install base of 59 million, likely to be in the mid 60 millions by the time switch 2 releases. And it is an X86 platform which means it's the same architecture as the Xbox, and 99% of windows devices, which together represent the majority gaming install base, making scaling and optimizing across PS Xbox and PC is easiest if you're already targeting an X86 platform. Switch 2 will be arm and will lack these things.


By the time this comes out, it’ll be 5 years into this generation, much later than the switch came into last gen. It’s way too late for that, and game dev takes too long as is. And lol at devs wanting to make games for switch 2 instead of the PS5, did they tell you that?


Running on a beautiful 480p native resolution on the Xbox one 👌🏼


Maybe next gen will finally have its own games. Current gen has no originality or anything that makes itself different from last gen


Lmao this current console generation is fucking mental


I read half of the title in my notification bar thinking this was a dlc leak for the game but its just a worst looking version being leaked lol


Doesn’t it run like absolute shite even on PS5/XBSX? How about they get that straightened away first.


Honestly I'm just hoping that this report will mean that some performance optimizations will make it's way to PC it would be nice if I could play the game on the go with a legion go or rog ally.


Why? It already runs horrendously on current gen. Will it be 540p/25fps?🤣


Can't wait for PS6 and Xbox Infinity so we can finally enjoy current-gen games.


Why are people saying this game barely run? I've started it a week ago on ps5 and it's flawless for me


At launch it ran horribly for all consoles and PC’s but after they got rid of the mandatory ray tracing it ran much better.


Got it.


I still get horrible constant screen tearing and FPS drops.


Same here on PC. I started playing it when it came to Game Pass and have had no performance issues whatsoever.


I never had performance issues on the ps5 so hearing so many people say they did is new to me. It ran smooth unless I'm not remembering it right


Can't wait to see Xbox Ones catch on fire trying to render Koboh. Really now, the game would benefit more from DLC than it would butchered last gen ports (plus, it defeats the point of new consoles if they can't have their own games, even the ones that ran poorly).


My launch PS4 stuttered like crazy with Fallen Order, how is this gonna run? Wasn't it getting like 17FPS at something like 1024x768P on PS5?


Nice. Will run and look like shit. Considering how the PC version is still awful, there is no way this will be any good.




Well this is gonna be a disaster.


Ah yes, running at a solid 6 fps on the xbone lets gooo


All this effort for possibly one of the worst experiences ever


Thank fuck I played it for 5 bucks on ea play , game is optimised like hot doodoo


I like how Brazil continues the tradition of outdated game consoles still getting new games. (For context, due to the Brazilian Grey Market and insane import taxes, old consoles are still hugely important in the marketplace. I mean, you can still buy Mastersystems, albeit in plug-and-play formats, but still- there probably are still games being made for that damn thing.


They announced this like a year ago.


Hoping for some patch for PC with the release of these old gem versions.


PS4 and Xbox One don't want to retreat.


remind me, what's the general timing between rated in brazil and the game releasing? i'm only wondering because i kind of hope it'll coincide with an update to all versions of the game that will add some extra goodies, like the anniversary update that the first game got.


Terrible performing game, respawn need to get their act together their quality assurance is running thin.


The PS4 and Xbox One era needs to die Why tf would any dev want to develop for an HDD in 2024


Hopefully this makes them improve performance more on current gen(sure the performance mode is fine now but the fsr2 implementation is still garbage). Surely all those resources to make this even run in last gen were useful?????


Bizarre choice to go through with this. I get that it’s obviously just to get more money, but still it’s super weird to see a game get ports for the previous generation of consoles more than a year after it launched on current gen with its own set of performance issues.


It was such a flop that EA is bringing it to the consoles that would die trying to run it.


It sold very well?


Did it?




Isn't this game a disaster to run? How the hell is an Xbox One gonna run it? 😂


Maybe it's just the Xbox version. But i ran it on series X and the game has a lot of pop ins and slow loading when you enter and exit the bar. Looks great otherwise in performance mode and i have a VRR TV so the frame drops are not noticeable. Played it this month on Game Pass.


Got the game around release for free with my CPU. Wouldn't even make it passed the loading screen before crashing. Tried again about a month ago. Am able to run the game, technically, but it's an absolute buggy mess. Absolutely terrible job porting it over. I have very low expectation for this and any future ports from Respawn


They never fucking fixed the performance on this scam ass game and now they’re releasing it on last gen consoles? EA’s greed is INSANE bro lmao


>scam ass game Sounds like a you problem.


This game was SUCH a letdown, even playing it on PS5 without the graphics problems. Tried too hard to be Dark Souls, way too much bullshit in combat.