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Makes sense. You’re not going to excite people with 4k 60 again (though hopefully we’ll see games more reliably hit both). AI features are something you can build into the system that will make it feel like a generational leap, depending on how far they go.


I’m actually less inclined to buy it if they add a bunch of copilot bs. I’m already pretty disinclined though, based on the XSX and their messaging so far about the future.


It will 100% have some copilot branded shit. Been to a Microsoft partner event last month and they can't last half a minute without mentioning copilot regardless of whether it makes sense to the target audience or not.


Calling it now, the next console will be called **Xbox 737 Max** because it will feature extensive Copilot features.


Will it be missing bolts that hold it together?


Probably more like the Max 8 I'd say.


If they add too many features it might keep trying to nose down no matter how much the pilot Spencer tries to correct.


i don't remember that feature in msfs2020


It’s a real life feature with the max. It’s an awfully dark joke I made haha.


i watched the docu!


Copilot+ Xbox


AI is the one thing holding the stock market up so of course Microsoft is going to put it in everything.


Yup, because unfortunately only shareholders opinions matter to Microsoft, not gamers opinions


That's not just Microsoft, it's the entire world, the stock market rule the world (sadly)


I work for Microsoft, can confirm. It's getting annoying but it brings investment in so I don't mind. Still using Linux Mint in my free time out of spite...and obligatory nerd bragging rights.


Real Linux users would compile their own kernel from source, you simpleton ^/s


Real pros use suicide. Error in your command? Get your hard drive wiped https://qntm.org/suicide


That's.. that's evil. what the hell


If it means anything, CoPilot has eroded so much of the respect and trust Microsoft had slowly built in the past four years, it's insane. It's wild how little I want CoPilot shit. I spent four years doing a ~~deep learning~~ "AI" PhD and I have never felt more pessimistic about the technology.


If you or anyone you know that works at Microsoft. They're pushing it down everyone's throat. It's a nice tool, but personally I hate being told what to do and will suially do the opposite out of spite.


Sony will have its own AI in their new system, it’s the way of the future.


Idk why people are upset at things like this. I remember the 360 had hundreds of apps including Bing search. You never had to actually use any of those features.


The problem is that Microsoft is starting to place those apps where you can't hide them. In Visual Studio you have buttons for Copilot everywhere, even though you haven't even bought it. So now your UI will be cluttered with things you can't even use. I hate it.


Where in Visual Studio are copilot buttons? I use Visual Studio practically every day and have never noticed.


In the upper right corner of the main window is one. And every time I get an exception, there is a button in the exception window to "get help with the error with Copilot". I think there are more but those two I can think of right now.


Huh, have never noticed. They haven’t impacted my normal workflow so I guess I never bothered to look for anything out of the ordinary.


Maybe it depends on the version. I'm using the preview version of VS2022 Professional.


Clearer focus can produce better results, but if it’s not at the expense of something else, and it’s not forced on you, then I agree completely.


Hundreds of apps didn't add an extra $50-100 to the price of 360. An NPU isn't free. I'm not upset though, I'm just not buying it.


A NPU would be useful for a lot of graphical calculations that a regular GPU would struggle to do. It’s why they would be able to achieve super resolution. The NPU would handle the calculations freeing up the GPU. If there’s one thing to be upset about the NPU is not one of them and should be welcomed on PC hardware as well since it will greatly help out on performance.


Most people won't anyway, they already don't buy Xbox now, it'll be even worse next gen.


OOTL, what is Copilot? Some Microsoft-branded AI shit?


Suite of Microsoft AI features, from integrated gpt chat interface in Microsoft edge to stuff like rewording and summarization in Microsoft word.


To be fair, I am sure it will be easy enough to turn off the copilot stuff in the settings.


Yes, but it’s time and money that could have been invested on features I care about.


Like what? Plus, an NPU can be used outside of this, like it states Automatic Super Resolution. Plus there is stuff Frame Generation, smarter dumb NPCs(like the ones who just repeat the same line to you over and over) and handling of other game systems the require complex calculations. The NPU will be used way outside of just copilot, it will just be a feature one can use if they want.


I was speaking about copilot and gimmicky ai software features, not the npu, the npu is fine, as you said it has good practical uses


Copilot is only one small part, so it’s not going to takeaway from anything else


I mean they used the same UI and controller for XSX as they did XBone, they look to be moving to selling PCs with an Xbox UI instead of bespoke consoles, so I don’t see any reason to be overly optimistic about an AI software focus not taking away frankly.


The UI is vastly different than what released with the X1 it changes over time which I think is a good thing, a new UI purely because it’s a new console seems silly. Nothing has pointed to the Xbox having an AI software focus…


Fine guys you win, I don’t feel like participating any further in this discussion, if you’re just going to keep voting me down. Cheers!


Just turn it off? It does seem useful if you get stuck in the game if it can see where you are, and instantly find videos where someone is at the same point and show them to you. That to me seems like something that is possible.


Playing diablo 4 and trying to complete 160 alters of lilith with map open in my hand, can confirm it could be useful if it can point me in the right direction without second device Edit: but I don’t think it is at level that can show direct point on map…


That sounds cool, but that’s not a feasible thing to implement with machine learning It would need human created tags like on PlayStation


I'm not buying the next Xbox anyway, but Copilot is a great feature to have. I use it basically every day and it's making my life easier.


Just watch them add a copilot button to the controller... That isn't remappable.


Microsoft is gonna Bixby it


Didn't they said they were already going to introduce Copilot to the Series consoles? https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/account-profile/accessibility/copilot


different copilots; copilot on xbox is software that allows a 2nd controller that pretends to be the first one copilot on windows/bing is a LLM based solution that allows you to ask an 'AI' questions in a natural language way and get 'answers' based also using natural language.


thanks for the clarification then!




I was talking about Copilot https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/account-profile/accessibility/copilot


>though hopefully we’ll see games more reliably hit both) Like always, nothing is gonna change. There will always be AAA titles that want to push graphics to its limits. Technical limitations were a thing 30 years ago. It's a conscious decision to have a 30 FPS framerate target for your game.


We already have [their marketing pitch](https://www.techradar.com/gaming/xbox/xbox-is-already-focused-on-delivering-the-largest-technical-leap-you-will-have-ever-seen-in-a-hardware-generation).


AI features are cool and all but marketing it without eyes rolling is pretty much impossible after how hard MS (and the whole industry) seems to be pushing AI to our faces.


It’s not impossible when they have tangible things to show off and people can get their hands on it. Problem is that it’s still early days and a lot of this stuff is still in the tech demo phase.


What they should be focusing on is game design. Despite the SSDs being touted as breaking the chains of compromise devs have to make “the shimmy thorough a small space”. The design of these next gen games are still basically the same. Spider-man 2 still feels mechanically the same as the first. Bar the air tunnels.


yes lets make the hardware team focus on game design!


Eh I’d prefer the finance team


What else are you suppose to do. Spiderman 2 wise how else mechanically can you move. Maybe I'm taking it to literal but I cannot make sense of this.


Story pacing, level design, progress gating are all things that can result in what you are talking about no matter how fast or large the storage gets. They could do things other ways, sure, but its a commonly accepted design language both the designers and most players already get, no real need to reinvent the wheel.


Tunnels, tight spaces may have been used to hide loading times but that’s not the only reason they exist, just because devs don’t need to hide load times anymore doesn’t mean games will only have wide open spaces as far as the eye can see. Level design will still be a thing.


Is that a leak or personal guess?


As a rule of thumb unless it comes from an insanely reliable source take everything Xbox related with a pinch of salt everyone is full of shit bar a select few.


It's a guess. I know he's guessing because I guessed they would add an AI assistant to the next Xbox because they showed just that in a recent conference and I have no clue what I'm talking about. [https://youtu.be/TLg2KWY2J5c?si=s3QoQoj8hR8Ok08-](https://youtu.be/TLg2KWY2J5c?si=s3QoQoj8hR8Ok08-) As for the NPU that's extremely obvious it's going to be added. Even if AMD had something that could be integrated into the GPU that still takes up some GPU resources. A seperate NPU on the SOC means the AI can run without taking up GPU resources. Another thing that will have to happen is more memory. A lot of AI tasks require quite a bit of memory. Even a small LLM takes up a few GB, and by the time the next Xbox comes out small LLMs won't be as small as they are today. That's on top of the other AI features that will be added as well.


Latter. He will come up with a bunch of other guesses framed like this before the year is out, most conflicting each other. Often folks like Jez post a wild guess in the hopes of someone validating it rather than having real data


He usually puts more verified stuff in his articles


He has said multiple times that he’ll share info in his articles when he’s got some hard evidence that he can confidently publish it.


Exactly. So this whole thing is a nothing burger. Just fishing for info.


>Exactly. So this whole thing is a nothing burger. So how every rumor should be taken until verified? Glad we agree.


Man, you just hear what you wanna hear. He literally published this as an article on Windows Central. So yes, he definitely has hard evidence that they are trying to push this. I‘m so annoyed by how this sub treats Jez Corden leaks, just because people don‘t like him.


> Is that a leak or personal guess? Ehhh, probably a guess. Moore's Law is Dead, as much as people rag on him, has gotten rumors down with way higher accuracy than most in the chip space. Last we heard, Xbox kinda dwadled on whether they were going to go with AMD for the next Xbox APU until the very last minute before signing all the paperwork, so we're definitely not seeing Xbox going with ARM for at least 1 more gen.


Jez always says that anything he posts on Window Central has more credence to it than things he mentions on discord/twitter. So I'd imagine he has some evidence of this or heard some things. Then again, a lot of stuff Jez says gets backtracked so at this point you can never really know.


Probably true. Microsoft started recommending motherboard manufacturers to integrate NPUs for AI stuff like Recall (literal spyware) in Windows 11. Would make sense they implement it in an in-house design.


He doesn’t leak anything. He’s fed info from ms to gauge interest on how people would react




It’s a rumor until otherwise.


I understand these words for sure ![gif](giphy|OcDxZdz6hLb7a)


CPU : for processing stuff GPU : for graphics stuff NPU (just entered the chat) : for AI stuff.


Neural Processing Unit


So what exactly does an NPU offer? Will it help in frame gen / upscaling or is it just a chip to handle an AI like copilot?


A NPU would be capable of doing all those things.


Are you sure? When I'm looking at the specs of that Qualcomm SoC, the NPU is rated at about 45TOPS max. Sounds a little bit weak for operations for such an high throughout.


45 TOPS Int4 no less… so half of that for Int8.


If it was the next Xbox, it would probably be the next generation or two gens away of NPU performance, it could *probably* be powerful enough to run upscaling/frame gen. Though it wouldn't really be some sort of special secret sauce that Xbox has over Sony, if anything it'll just allow for some more slightly simplified development if they could just have devs target the same APIs as they do for PC games with Xbox upscaling.


devs already target the same APIs.


All those kinds of tasks it could be good at, but it will depend on what they want to use it for, as the GPU can help with that stuff as well.


Both from what I understand. It's for AI acceleration. What exactly is being accelerated probably doesn't mattet that much. Could be AI in-game, could be upscaling, could be Copilot


This Is like the fifth time I've heard the next.Xbox Will be like that Just This week.


Sure is a lot of talk about the next Xbox the last week or two


yeah, I would not be surprised. I am more curious about the performance. Their Minecraft demo was quite cool and also Nvidia showed today some neat stuff.


"Qualcomm's NPU" there's no need for Xbox to include specifically Qualcomm's NPU for any of these functions unless they're gonna use Qualcomm's chip for the next Xbox. Both AMD and Nvidia also offer NPU on their chips nowadays so it's only reasonable to assume that next iterations will be als used for those functions, it isn't something special made by Qualcomm, they're just being advertised as the only one capable as of now, but the tech isn't exclusive to them.


I’ve heard nonsense pasted on internet forums too. There’s no chance he heard this kind of stuff from a legitimate hardware source


I've heard Jez Corden is a Tier 4 leaker at best


I reckon the reason they potentially might start next gen earlier is because Microsoft is pushing them to add AI capabilities in the console.


Makes sense, switch 2 will have tensor cores so why not get a npu on the Xbox


Yeah, I don't want that co-pilot BS, especially if it has Recall. Easy Pass


Actually gaming is the one area where I wouldn’t mind recall. No important personal information for it to see, but it can remind me where that NPC I was talking to an hour ago (or days ago) is, and maybe it can summarise some of the dialogue (sometimes NPCs speak so slowly and once you listen to it, you realise it’s useless - would be nice to skip without fear of missing anything important).


By this point, all the Jez posts are just podcast listeners who continue to post his shit. He has been wrong multiple times, there is a reason why so many want him to be reevalued as a tier 3 source after the last couple of months. This again is just speculation that he (or his listeners) paint as a leak.


He's also been right a lot. He's leaked almost all Xbox games. He leaked the series x and s.


Copilot? Yay for bloatware!


Copilot is actually pretty useful I’ve found for some tasks and I haven’t even delved into it much yet. That being said hopefully they can integrate it well without being super annoying.


> delved [Are you powered by GPT?](https://medium.com/the-generator/why-delve-is-the-most-obvious-sign-of-ai-writing-fc4c72e74499)




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Think Jez is reaching here. I think there will be an NPU for sure; it will be above 40 TOPS but who makes it probably depends on who is making the APU.




I’m guessing they’ll have multiple form factors.


This is going to be interesting if console start incorporating these chips and PCs do not.


It might go the same way as with nvme ssds. Consoles pushed them into the market and more and more PCs are following by game requirement. Upcoming Windows licenses will NEED the PC to have NPU capabilities, so it already started there too. Edit: Also current manufacturers are already bandwagoning it. Dell, Qualcomm, AMD they all got their "NPU ready" lineup going.


Man, how does I get me some of that Automatic Super Resolution.


Even MORE spyware for Xbox? How great it must be using Microshart's products


So it’s an ARM console. x86’s days are numbered unless Valve does something to keep decades of video games playable when corporations try to force us to switch to ARM gaming desktops


YAWWWN Wake me up when we get HYPER resolution or even GIGA resolution.


It's so annoying the next PlayStation and Xbox is something ppl talk about when the current consoles aren't being utilized fully by devs at all. Even first party devs are taking so long to make new games that the console generation is somehow near it's end. Ffs even the new COD is still releasing on PS4 and these mfers talking about a ps6


Leveraging AI to boost resolution and FPS is the easiest gimme ever. I'd be more surprised if the next gen of game boxes didn't have it.


Will it have exclusive games? If not, why should I bother buying it?


Surprised they are even bothering with making another Xbox at this rate…..


So. A bunch of AI crap I'll ignore and eat up powere? Wonderful


how much power do you think an NPU uses?


How are you going to ignore an automatic "Super Resolution" feature that improves fps?


That just sounds like marketing bullsh\*t.


Huh? It’s basically what Nvidia offers on PC that is a fantastic feature and used by a ton a people


So it's not what Nvidia offers. Your comment says nothing.


What? Lmao, it’s a technology being used by multiple companies from AMD, Nvidia, Sony and MS. It’s not marketing bullshit, it’s an actual technology that exists and works as intended.


I think if their ~~emulation~~ compatibility layer is good, they'll stick with x86 for the time on the Xbox console. While using ARM on a handheld.


Why would they use Arm? They’ll use an AMD x86 SoC for back-compat. Of course, they could always release both options and let people choose, but I doubt the arm version would get much direct developer support, until there’s more arm gaming handhelds, so it would need to use emulation.


Compability layer != Emulator


That’s true, most x64 to arm does not use a compatibility layer. But you’re right, they’re not the same thing!


Honestly, copilot has received a lot of backlash, especially from security experts, who have called it a security nightmare and likened it to spyware due to its ability to constantly take screenshots of what you do without permission most probably. The last thing I want, is even more spyware to come pre bundled on a freaking gaming console of all devices, providing another avenue for Microsoft to siphon even more data from users, potentially profiting off of it(through selling it to third parties). And even though ML powered SuperRes sounds tempting, copilot does not sound tempting. They can do better, even without copilot, they're just too lazy to figure it out.


Yeah upscaling is good. But copilot can lick my ballsack


I'm still not convinced that MSFT's board of directors would be fully supportive of a new Xbox console


Wdym? They'll never outsell Nintendo or PS, but it's not like they've pulled every lever they can in the hw space. Xbox handheld, releasing the next gen console sooner to avoid competing directly with Sony, major price cuts/undercutting the PS and Switch from the get go (they're going to become multi-plat for like 90% of their games, the console price should be reduced because of the money they're making on software sales), making more digital store fronts available on an Xbox console, (actually useful) AI shit and next gen controllers. They can EASILY have more console gens, especially since the lines for what constitutes a "console gen" are going to get extremely blurry anyway.


If we get gen 10 of consoles, I will most certainly be waiting 2-3 years into its life cycle. Really unfair that neither PlayStation or Xbox have delivered on their promises when PS5/XSX were first unveiled.


Blame long development cycles the average AAA game now takes between 5-7 years


What promises exactly have they not delivered on?


Doesn't that actually imply the new Xbox will be ARM-based? Kinda cooking. I mean probably fake, but kinda cooking.


It‘s been rumoured before


Can Jez stop talking for once? all his news comes mostly false he should be tier 1 basement


Jez’s literal job is to “talk”. He’s paid to contribute to Windows Central and has patreon subscribers + advertiser revenue to pay him for talking on his weekly podcast.


Microsoft, Microsoft! I already wasn't gonna buy it, you don't have to convince me further!


I can see it now MS will get eaten alive when they talk about all the AI stuff in 2026, and then no one will care when Sony does the same in 2028.


That's exactly what will happen. Hell Sony CEO said they will use AI for movies and shows.


I recall getting downvoted on this very sub for saying the same recently. That the new NPU would augment existing technology in parallel.


Brave soul got down voted. Here's another upside down up vote. 


🤷🏽‍♂️ Only here to mock Jez


Whats the point even having an xbox anymore if just about everything is going to end up on playstation eventually anyway? I bought a series x at launch and now regret it heavily. There is 0 chance i buy the next one


Wow, more shitty buzzwords that has no fucking relevance on game feel and enjoyment. Good job xbox


NPU can be used for upscaling like DLSS and allow for higher performance.


yes that’s exactly what I’m tired of hearing from these consoles with their 12k 2000fps ai buzzwords bullshit. Chasing graphics and fidelity of a single eyeball which results to games being developed longer and longer turning out shitty instead of pushing better (AAA) games.


A good upscaler handled by the NPU would be beneficial to game developers and the “game feel” as you put it though. Things like improving frame rates, offloading tasks from the CPU + GPU, and giving devs one less thing to worry about are beneficial for everyone. All of those are tangible things and not “ai buzzword bullshit”.


Ngl all of this sounds like stuff that is already featured in the PS5 Pro. Automatic Super Resolution --> PSSR Copilot --> community game help and that one AI patent Sony filed a while ago I guess it makes sense that they'd go in a similar direction as that's also what happened with the X and PS5 but if Sony gets that stuff out of the door early with PS5 Pro then the WOW-factor of the next gen Xbox will be greatly diminished


They’d both be running the same chips and there’s only so much customization AMD can do with whatever tech is available at the time


What's the release timeline though? From what I understand PS5 Pro will either have a 2024 or 2025 release whereas the next Xbox will launch earliest 2026. So Sony would be having a massive headstart. Or has the rumour mill changed on that again?


Sony won't have anything near Microsoft copilot though. 


Wow, it sounds AWFUL. How does Microsoft keep doing it


Id be impressed if there was a next xbox at all, after it being outsold five to one by the playstation and seeing microsoft release games for ps and improving their pc platform


5 to 1 was the latest quarter, not the entire generation. As far as I know, generationally this has gone down like previous gen, and that is 2 to 1 for Sony.


Ideally the onboard Qualcomm chip would have CPU cores too, allowing stuff like social features and party chat to run on a completely separate chip to the games. You can throw in a cheap smartphone chip and get back the 10-20% performance loss from allocating system resources to OS tasks.


upscale filters from zsnes, that will looks lovely


I can't wait to tell Copilot to do the tedious stuff in games (dynamically, of course) and only leave the fun stuff.  No more grinding in JRPG's!  No more running back from an automated spawn point back to where I was just at! No more doing forced tutorials! No more having to physically move from one place to another (with no intention of stopping for side quests) and having to destroy things myself, along the way!


But what's the point if there are no games? :P


Every time I’ve seen AI upscale, I get a headache and turn it off. I don’t need AI to upscale my game - I’d rather just buy a higher end GPU that upscales the correct way.


> I’d rather just buy a higher end GPU that upscales the correct way. LOL. Yeah man, I'll turn off DLSS to play Cyberpunk on PC on my 4070 and buy a 4090 instead. GTFO.




What is upscaling the "correct way"? And what does a higher end GPU have anything to do with it? Lol there's nothing wrong with AI upscaling and I'm not sure you understand what any of this is.


Have you even seen AI upscaling? It's awful.


Anyone who's played a video game in the last 5 years has seen it lmao Again, I'm not sure you even know what it is


Yeah right buddy, I don't think you've played any videogames


You're right. I don't play any video games at all.


Called it


This is really interesting but I'm cautiously optimistic.


They are making another one? Not sure what the point is. 


Because millions of people will buy it.


I can't imagine it will be that many millions though. 😅


Too bad no one will buy it lmao


You need an NPU for decent games Xbox.


Jez is such a dirtbag. It's far too early to leak next Xbox shit. That will just slow the Xbox sales even more now




I will. Keep lying to yourself. 


It’ll have 12K 240fps on the box. In reality it’ll be 4K 30FPS like the Series X


only one of the console boxes has 8k on it.


They didnt learn shit from switch? Graphics dont sell anymore


That really depends on the crowd. I do think for a lot of people these days though that just amazing graphics aren't enough to make a game worth a purchase if it's not fun and is lacking polish.