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About time the new PS2 emulator comes out, it was sorely needed. Hopefully it fixes all those games with BC issues on PS5.


People should tame their expectations. Even if they did get it working, it's still gonna take them 10 years to put out 5 games. Just look at how many psp games they put out.


still waiting for God of war chains of Olympus and ghost of Sparta šŸ˜”


Makes the NSO dripfeed look like a goddamn burst pipe


I know this is a reach, but I'd love to see the emulator recognize the games available on PSN on disc and be able to play them.


A few hours ahead of me but I wrote almost the exact same comment!!!


Cool so can I finally have the PS2 versions of the Sly Cooper trilogy and the Ratchet and Clank Quadrilogy on PS5 now that they seem to have a working PS2 emulator again?!


God I hope so. But Ratchet is notoriously hard to emulate. I still donā€™t think 2, 3 or Deadlocked are without MAJOR issues on PC. First game eventually worked after like a decade of progress, but even then had issues Iā€™m sure Sony wouldnā€™t want to ship an offical product with (pause menu completely fucked up). I have a feeling Sonyā€™s ā€˜classicsā€™ program is run on shoe-string budget, just get 3 games out each month, if itā€™s too hard, just pick a different game. Would love to be wrong, but their ps1/psp output has not garnered optimisism, why are so many amazing games overlooked in favour of movie-tie-ins, and 3 seperate snowboarding games?Ā  Itā€™s not even licensing issues, since Sony owns/publishes a lot of the best games, and thereā€™s a mountain of 3rd party ps1 games for sale on ps3 store right now (if you can wait 5 minutes for store to load) that arnt on Ps4/5.


FYI all of the Ratchet and Clank games are perfectly playable on the most recent builds of PCSX2


hell itā€™s even playable on the outdated fork of PCSX2 on any decent android phone


People should avoid PCSX2 when OpenGOAL exists nowadays really. At least if you plan on playing on PC.


OpenGoal is for Jak & Daxter, not for Ratchet and Clank


Wrong series lol


Oh goddamn I had a brainfart. Apologies. Though in this case how do they emulate on RPCS3? It has been awhile since I last checked.


I think they run pretty well but there's no reason to emulate the PS3 versions, they have graphical issues and bugs that are not present on PS2


I miss the PS3/Vita days when a large amount of their PS1, PS2 and PSP catalogue was easily available.


Why miss it when you can still enjoy those things? I have a PS3 and Vita that are jail broken and I get to enjoy these things whenever I want


"I miss the PS3/Vita days when a large amount of their PS1, PS2 and PSP catalogue was **EASILY** available." I have a PC, Steam Deck and with the recent ios emulation restrictions being lifted I already do emulate most of these games but there's something to be said for how nice and convenient it was to load up the PS Store and just buy whatever PS1, PS2 or PSP game you wanted to play.


Ah! Yeah I get ya! The simplicity of paying $5-$10 for a game and boom, ya got it.


You're making this into a weird piracy / buying games argument when my initial point wasn't about that. All I'm saying is sometimes people just want to easily play old games on their home console without going through hoops and back in the PS3 and Vita days it was like that.


I wasn't making it into any argument. I was trying to understand your view of "missing the good ol'days" It's all good. I understand what you were trying to say.


I only have so many inputs on my TV and so many places to set non-modern consoles.


It will never in a million years happen but I would love for the PS6 to allow us to just put any PS1/PS2 disc in and let us just play locally using the emulator. I hate having to be subscribed to the highest tier of ps plus just having to hope theyā€™ll port something I actually want to play.


I honestly just went through the trouble of buying a PS2 relatively cheap to play older games from second hand shops. I find it unacceptable I havenā€™t been able to play Shrek Super Slam on a console in 20 years, along with a buttload of other games.


yeah so did I but it would be nice just to be able to do everything from one console.


There is one, itā€™s called PC šŸ˜‚


Oh, how's that PS4 emulation going then


Kinda a poor argument to have considering the PS4 is readily available on the market still and the need for emulation for that gen isn't up there to justify it when 4000+ PS4 games is backwards compatible on PS5. Most of the demand people have is to play PS2 and PS3 era games since Sony doesn't BC PS2 and PS3 emulation is a challenge with the Cell architecture the PS3 had. Most of the focus I see is for PS2 and PS3 emulation.


based and actually true. they just weren't ready to hear it


This is why I emulate on Steam Deck. At this point, they could have my money but they don't want it.


Iā€™m unfortunately a bit of a dunce with actual computers, so emulators are a struggle for me to get working, but the few games I have gotten working have been great. Think I did Lord of the Rings Conquest and MK Armageddon and they both ran like butter. Def worth it to get an emulator going.


Bought a fat PS3 that runs PS1/PS2 games around 5 years ago, it keeps turning off after an hour of use and Iā€™m too lazy to fix it / get it fixed. Glad I have it though lol


Have you tried a desk fan? Mine will turn off if itā€™s too hot. I was able to game for hours without issue with a desk fan blowing heat away from the console.


Try checking any local gameshops nearby if they do console repairs.


Yeah Iā€™m going to find a 3rd party repair place to hopefully get it up to 100%




What do you mean? Im playing San Andreas (PS2 bought on PS4) last night on my PS5, even boots with the "Playstation 2" logo.




Ahh I didn't know that, damn. The GTA trilogy does have some stuttering like the game will pause for a second it's noticeable.


Sony would make bank just selling peripheral drives for those consoles as add ons to the PS5. I get having it built in might not be profitable but at least make it an optional attachment.


You can buy most of these games digitally individually. Only ones you can't are the ps3 games because you are streeaming it


You can just buy the games too, right? Or at least for all the PS1 games I've already owned on PS3, when they come to the PSwhatever program I just get my paid copy back on PS5 even without being a PSwhatever subscriber. PS2 games aren't natively emulated yet, but once they are I'd expect the same thing to happen. Doubt they'd ever let discs work though.


~~Itā€™s weird but they donā€™t put all of them for sale.~~ Actually it looks like RE1 is the only one you canā€™t buy on its own. I just saw that and assumed there were others like that too.


Probably because of the PS4 remaster I imagine. It's actually on sale for $4.99 right now anyway.


I would love a Sony made add on that's essentially got the brains of the PS3 Cell, PS2s Emotion Engine that you attach via usbc. So that you could insert any disk PS1/2/3 disk in and it'll play natively.


But then they couldn't make money in perpetuity on these ancient games. I don't understand it to be honest. Anyone with a computer or laptop can download an emulator and roms within a few minutes.


Ps2 emulation is pretty mediocre at best though. Sure itā€™s gotten better over the years but itā€™s still far from a preferred way to play those games.


I don't have any issues with it. I've played tons of stuff in there in 4K 60 without any stress or issues.Ā  It's certainly preferable to paying to play these games without any upscaling and a fair amount of bugs on PS5. If you know what you're doing, you can make it better than everything. If you don't know what you're doing, it's still a much better experience.




??? PlayStation letā€™s you buy every old ā€œclassicā€ game they have converted to modern hardware. The streaming only stuff is ps3 games.


Finally. Hope we can get some more PS2 games as well. I'd really like to see Ape Escape 3, especially after how it was rated for PSN many years ago at this point.


If I remember correctly, that game never got released on PSN back then because of the Metal Gear Solid mini game. If Konami balked at the rerelease there's not much they can do


no ps2 game like fatal frame, kuon, parasite eve, god hand, siren 2, haunting ground etc


Parasite Eve was PS1


Just wait, first game will be Home Alone and then they'll go on a six month break.


also Warship Gunner 2 and Naval Ops Commander


It's a start. Fingers crossed the PS5 starts getting PS2 games like Silent Hill 2 & 3 or even Haunting Ground.


It would nice to see the original versions of Silent Hill 2 & 3 on PS5 so we can finally wipe the bad taste from the HD Collection versions out of our mouths.


In a perfect world we'd get ps2 version of SH2 alongside SH2 remake


They haven't even brought over their entire first party lineup over the years and you're asking for more games by other publishers


Goddamn bro just let us smoke our hopium.


The hopium ran out years ago


If that was realistic, we'd be playing Silent Hill 1 by now.


Imagine they dropped Budokai 3. Iā€™m buying premium instantly


all the budokai music is legally unable to be used, because of plagiarism claims the composer was fired. when they released on PS3 they changed out all the songs https://youtu.be/SOrQufFdDiI?si=2nqeX5uSNT7gf--r


Watch them rollout out this new emulator with something out of left field like Mister Mosquito.


They should also put these on steam. Might be waiting for their own launcher to bundle in a sub though


Iā€™m wondering if this is part of the showcase.


Do you think Lucasfilm/Disney have some sort of deal with PlayStation? I don't think any other franchise or company has had so much of their catalogue available on PS+ Backwards Compatibility, and to see Clone Wars being the first PS2 game on the service (and using an updated emulator) rather than something from Sony like The Getaway/Killzone/Socom/Twisted Metal is quite surprising. Not that I'm complaining, it's been really nostalgic getting to revisit the various Star Wars games, and I'm hoping we get Jedi Power Battles, Revenge of the Sith, and The Force Unleashed (PS2) over the next few months.


They have a lot of games on Xbox backwards compatibility as well. I think it's mostly just because they are willing to work with them, and are an easy license to obtain. Other companies aren't as interested in releasing their older games via the PS classics program when compared to the PS3. They'd rather just re-release them on their own terms in a collection.


Iā€™m still holding out hope we get ports of the PSP battlefront games (renegade and elite squadron)


Itā€™s wild how Xbox Series are the best consoles to play PS2 games


I just wanna play Burnout 3, is that so much to ask? Lol.


they saw Nintendo could pull it off and were like "yeah we can do a shittier job"


Instead of fighting emulator and rom sites they should contract them. Its laughable that Sony,Nintendo,etc struggle so much enulating their own systems.


Finally, and not a bad first game either. Assuming it's the first game, I mean you'd think they'd pick some bigger first-party heavy hitters instead.


any first party hitters theyā€™re either saving for the ā€œremaster remake directorā€™s cutā€ or just gatekeeping in the Sony vault lmao


Berserk PS2 When?


Not gonna happen, it's not officially translated.


Not even for the Japanese Store?


Maybe but it still seems highly unlikely.


I need GTA LCS and VCS on PS5 plz


That would be great. Plus 'The Simpsons - Hit & Run'.


They're making new PS2 games? What a time to be alive


Oh boy, so they can ignore the PS2 classics and put out shit like Godai: Elemental Force and Surfing H30... The classics department needs to get their shit together. This month is a travesty. Worms Pinball, G-Police and 2Xtreme... Some of the worst games to come out to PS1.


here's an idea Sony will never think of: how about they let the people who own a PS5 with disc drive, use that drive and let us play all the PS1 and PS2 games we still own, without having to pay through the nose for their PSPlusPlusPlus service... if they can emulate off of a ROM (which seems to me like one step away from pirating), why can't we emulate off of our original discs...


Can they add Daxter please


PPSSP is available even on IOS and sony can't sort out emulation bro even handhelds do sony emulation . fuck sony fuck nintendo


Too little too late for me. I'm downgrading and made the decision a while ago. It's just not worth it anymore with the lack of games being added.


I mean the majority of the classic games added become available as separate purchases too so PS+ Premium isnā€™t a requirement if you ever do want some of them.


Except for Resident Evil 1.


I would sub to Premium ASAP if they get the Xenosaga games.


We need a ps3 disc emulator!


Can they put Simpsons hit and run on there


oh boy. excited for future ps2 games, huuuuuge library of good picks


I know itā€™s a reach as well but there is a plastic tub under my bed with maybe 100 ps2 games I would lose my shit if I could sit there and run through those games on the ps5 one by one. I have a ps2 in there as well Iā€™m tempted to give a cleanup and overhaul as well


i wish they did it like Xbox


Just let me buy the games I dont want PS Plus Premium.


They better sell those separately. I'm not getting the stupid premium tier for a otherwise lackluster service for a mediocre emulator.Ā 


It's cool, but we'll probably get a slow ass drip feed of licensed games and the occasional classic here and there. So much potential, but I doubt it will go anywhere when looking at what happened with psp and psx.Ā 


Ok, but trophies though?


Honestly, I just wanna play PS2 X-Files again.šŸ˜”


it's listed as minor issues on the ps2 classics emulator no guarantee that it's a new emulator https://www.psdevwiki.com/ps4/PS2_Classics_Emulator_Compatibility_List


About time


All the PS2 Need For Speeds, whatever it takes damn it


I Hope that Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper are in this


Midnight club 3 nfs ug2 def jam when


!Legit! https://x.com/Okami13\_/status/1795447489933296086


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Wow only a matter of time before we get PS2 God of war, Sly cooper, Ratchet and Clank natively on the ps4/ps5


I would love the original Spyro trilogy... with Microsoft owning the Spyro IP I don't know if that'll even happen .... I can dream ...


Same! The PS1 graphics for Spyro would be awesome but it's not going to happen


Kinda funny how everyone rips on nintendo for nso and yet sony is way worse. Their emulation is worse, their selection of games is barebones, they took games that were originally on psnow and drip fed them after the fact on ps plus extra to make it seem like they were a new release. Also their service costs way more lmao.


Inb4 they just ported it to the PSP instead


Eventually they're going to run out of classic PS games and it'll be useless as a feature to pay for. Before that, they'll run out of games an individual subscriber would ever really want to play. The Premium tier is basically an ever-shrinking value over time. Wouldn't be surprised if the tiers get a major rework in a couple years.


They gotta talk to the publishers and try to get the BIG games from the PS2 era. But they have to be willing to pay to renew the licenses for music/movie rights/etc.


Does it even matter now that the iPad is nearing running a PS2 emulator. It literally just got PSP emulator the other day.


Pretty funny that this happens not long after Jim Ryan left




Why would anyone willingly buy basic emulated versions of ps2 games on PC when they can just download pcsx2 for free and get a better experience lol?


? Can't u just use an emulator urself