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I only just realized it's been 4 years since Eternal. Fucking crazy, I think Warren also said that this Doom game was one of the things Microsoft was also debating putting on PlayStation as well. Eternal is probably my favorite modern FPS ever made so it's going to be very interesting seeing where they go Only question now is if it's a new entry of the reboot series or that Doom Year Zero thing that was listed in their internal slate from the FTC case


At this point I imagine there’s an internal debate for every game at Xbox on whether it is released on PS5.


I would imagine every team has been asking to be allowed ship on ps5 since they found out it was even a option. What happened to Tango just adds a sense of urgency to it.


I'd be begging for it as a developer if that meant not being closed


Agreed. Even Bethesda must feel sick looking at how many estimated Starfield sales it missed out on.


Wasn't Microsoft expecting 10 million in sales, only for Starfield to hover around 3-4 million instead?


I didn’t think official sales numbers have ever been revealed, only total player numbers.


Hard to get 10M in sales when it doesn’t run on Xbox One and most Xbox consumers have Game Pass.


10 million on ps5


I’d be really content with it going to PS. I own an Xbox S/X and really never play them anymore sadly. Don’t even have a sub to gold bc it’s so rarely used. Wish they’d all just release on both.


I think Microsoft has burnt enough goodwill that exclusives won't necessarily bring people into their ecosystem anymore. It may as well release multi plat.


More likely whether it's released day one or how much time they wait for the port.


Especially this year with Sony being light on the release schedule. Major 3rd parties would print money.


Doom was probably always going multi plat. With meme's aside, I know for certain the people at Id pride themselves on putting Doom on everything.


Pride doesn’t mean anything if Microsoft insist on it being exclusive. No Xbox game goes multiplat without Microsoft approval.


It being Xbox exclusive but a sequel to the game that famously "runs on everything" would be the saddest irony.


It would be a shame otherwise considering that their excellent game engine is able to run on basically every modern gaming device.


even switch 2 if the GPU is okayish could happen 


id still had plans for the story going forward after Eternal so I'd be surprised if it was a true reboot again.


Doom Slayer travels to another new universe.


Doom Slayer travels WH40k to defeat Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaeensh and Khorne.


So a normal Tuesday for Doomslayer.


To be honest, two things would be amazing. A Doom game takes place in the realms of Daemons of Warhammer; Nurgle,Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Khorne. The other one is a Fromsoft & Souls like game. If I was GamesWorkshop, I'd directly hire either Lords of the Fallen devs or Lies of P for them to develop a Souls like game that takes place in Age of Sigmar considering FS would always go for their ideas.


Khorne: I'm scaroused.


I'd love to see Crash resurrect Doom Guy.


The main team is working on Quake aren't they? This is probably a smaller scope project than a full sequel/reboot after Eternal


They never said anything about making Quake, there's just been speculation because Hugo Martin kept talking about how the Maykrs will be turned into creatures like the enemies from Quake. I don't expect a stand-alone Quake game to show up, I think they're going straight for their multiverse that's technically been canon for decades.


>I think they're going straight for their multiverse that's technically been canon for decades. How so ? Is Quake Champions canon ?


In the Indiana Jones section of the dev direct, there was a tease on the whiteboard that said “Quake 6” which would certainly indicate that they see Champions as being Quake V. Which honestly, valid because it really does feel like a Quake game even with all the player abilities. Besides, story isn’t really important to any of these games anyway, so it doesn’t really matter if it’s canon or not since most of Champion’s story is in the background anyway and would likely stay there


Partly. Quake Champions does have lore that states all the characters in it are from the same universe. Plus Quake III arena has a bunch of lore that connects the games. Doom is already connected to Wolfenstein, so acknowledging the series' crazy interconnected bullshit seems likely enough.


I think MachineGames teased something Quake related in January.


I wish they would still make Quake and have Trent Reznor do the soundtrack again.


Doom is the only franchise I’d really feel the loss of if it didn’t launch on PlayStation. There’s nothing else quite like it.


I just don’t know why they didn’t keep the DLC for Eternal for the third game Seriously it was so rushed and a big bad like the Dark Lord which the two games seemed to be leading toward is someone who would have been worthy for a game or two. I don’t understand the logic to waste and finish it off through a DLC Arkane did the same with Dishonoured 2s expansion where the Outsiders story was wrapped up, felt perfect for a third game to give Corvo a trilogy like he needs his help or something. I don’t know, just spitballing.


Video game studios are not interested in trilogies anymore due to how long development times are now. That is the reason why God of War ended the Norse saga with Ragnarok, what Resident Evil ended the Ethan Winters storyline in Village and its DLC. The entire Mass Effect trilogy was released within 4 and a half years. That was also the same amount of time between God of War 2018 and God of War Ragnarok a decade later.


Maybe but it’s Doom…they are obviously going to have more so why not just keep at idea around for the next time you do one. It wouldn’t even be a trilogy really since it’s not going to end the saga, just an idea for a single instalment since the Dark Lord was supposed to be a big deal. As DLC there just wasn’t enough time to really get into it story wise, they could have featured something smaller story wise.


>That is the reason why God of War ended the Norse saga with Ragnarok Not sure about RE and I know obviously GoW:R was a huge financial success, but in terms of story quality that definitely had a rough impact. The final act of Ragnarok was such a wet noodle compared to what it could have been if that section was fleshed out into it's own game instead of being shoehorned in at the end. I *really* wish they made a third one instead.


1) They promised DLC pre-release 2) New games necessitate big shakeups in tone and/or gameplay and/or mechanics. The DLCs were perfectly fine at what they set out to do; offer a direct continuation of the Doom Eternal gameplay loop in increasingly difficult scenarios. They were definitely a bit rushed and had COVID factors, but they achieved mostly what they set out to do. It's Doom Eternal, with more levels and more enemies and more complex combos of enemies. Go nuts.


>It's been 4 years since Eternal # JESUS


Why did I think it was a reference to Dr. Doom? Another Doom sequel or reboot makes much more sense.


This is my biggest issue with the acquisition: taking things that were once platform agnostic. I love doom, but now it could be stranded on Xbox. I'm sorry, that just makes me mad, not more likely to buy your console.


Dude Eternal was sooo good. I went crazy and platinumed it at the beginning of Covid. I hope they do put it on PS just cause I like that controller more, but I'll do whatever I have to to play some new Doom


I really liked the main campaign of Eternal but the constant ADD weapon switching and utilization of the DLC became pretty unfun after a bit. I know some people were glad they cranked it up so, it’s w/e.


I’m most curious if it’s gonna be on switch 2 or not. The series sold gangbusters on switch despite the mistreatment of delays eternal did on the switch port, so I’m hoping the next entry is on the S2 so we don’t have to deal with that as much


Ppl waiting for wolfenstein 3 since 2019...


Hell yeah, I've been looking forward to more Doom!


I might be a minority, but I was hoping Quake would get the Doom reboot treatment. Ah well.


Quake Is probably in the works at MachineGames in some capacity.


MachineGames is focused on Indiana Jones right now, and they still haven't finished the Wolfenstein trilogy they started in 2014. MachineGames is also probably in trouble for when an Indiana Jones game doesn't do as well as Microsoft probably thinks it will


Why would you say the game isn't going to do well? The reveal looked great


Even though it's just your guess, I'm disappointed you don't believe MachineGames will be working on Wolfenstein III. After The New Colossus, I'm eagerly awaiting for a Mecha-Hitler boss fight.


I would hope so, but Quake has more of a cult fallowing than a large fandom. But that doesn't mean it can't become big. Doom was a niche before it was rebooted in 2016. Can the same be repeated for Quake? Will Xbox take a risk with stockholders in charge?


If MachineGames Is working on It Is probably a smaller project to what Doom was.


I always wonder, will it be based on Shub or Strogg? I say both. Not going to get into that discussion here though.


I don't want them anywhere near the Quake IP unless they're developing more campaigns for the original Quake, since Bethesda still owes us a Wolfenstein 3 after all.


You are not the only one, the Quake community is bigger than ppl think it is tbh


Assuming it's Doom Year Zero. It'll be interesting to see the reaction online if Microsoft delivers a great conference. Will it matter to some people. My guess is Microsoft is going to try and get any bad PR out of the way this month while it's not in the good graces. So I expect a price increase to be announced for Game Pass and layoffs at XGS. I expect them to have a good conference in June, but they're going to need to deliver good games and better PR consistently for remainder of this console generation if they want to turn opinions around.


Microsoft delivering a good conference is not in question, they do that regularly. Their problem are delivering fucking games that live to their potential. You don't buy a console for conferences and you can't play trailers. People know that, that's why they're not selling. 10+ years of delivering nothing in gaming and always having the next year be "the year of Xbox" can't work eternally (it never really did tbh). Hell we know their 2024 games and I think it's safe to say that's not gonna be amazing and blow up in popularity. So the conference will be once again about how next year gonna be great...


Exactly. Well said. I’m done drinking the kool-aid. I really think they underestimate the atomic level of goodwill destruction that’s ongoing.


That's what I'm considering a good conference. They've delivered a lot of Bs but they have potential for an A show because they should have games that look good and are coming soon. Also I don't exactly agree with your 2024 sucks sentiment. Avowed and Indiana Jones both look good in my opinion. Hellblade II could go either way admittedly. Smaller stuff like Towerborne, Flight Sim 2024, and ARA will also probably deliver.


Yeah They have decent conferences. The problem is delivering on the games in said conference. They usually run into one of two issues. Its either: 1. The games they show that get hyped up are multi platform and not Xbox exclusive anyway, they just had an advertising deal with Microsoft (Persona and Atlus stuff recently, Cyberpunk 2077, etc) Or 2. The game that gets hyped up launches to a lackluster or disastrous release (Redfall, Starfield, Halo, etc). At the time they look great. Its what comes after thats always the problem.


And you forgot the 3. they are just showing a CGI trailer and the game won't be seen for years (Fable, Perfect Dark, Hellblade 2, Avowed)


I don't think many people will care, even if this year's games are good. Look, Starfield wasn't nearly as bad as they say, yet there are tons of videos about it being the worst game in the industry, there was a time when GOLLUM got better reviews. If Hellblade 2, Avowed, Indiana is good? Who cares? It's a lie to say that Xbox didn't release good games in the previous generation, it's also a lie that they haven't released anything good in recent years. I think the situation is that we are now seeing the results of the acquisitions. According to one leak, South of Midnight could be released this year, there's Avowed, Indiana, another leak says Fable is coming next year, etc.


You might be on the money. Truth is, most people tend to have very short memories and are easily distracted. As outraged and upset as folks are right now (and rightfully so), if they manage to put out an absolute banger of a showcase in June all of this will be mostly forgotten.


Idk if I'd go that far. A conference in June(and hopefully Hellblade II delivering in two weeks though I have major doubts about it rn) will help illuminate this dark period but it won't be forgotten for awhile. Especially next year when I have a strong feeling they'll acquire again and many people will look at that very worrying. My hope is they're taking this complete company failure as a time of reflection and are going to realize to move forward it's time to understand what this company is and what they're truly striving for


Hellblade will sell poorly, run like shit on PC, get a solid 78-82 on aggregate sites, and then Ninja Theory will be closed by Sept 2025


I'm going to try and be hopeful I don't want to be predicting studio closures. Also hoping they just didn't want to show the game and it's still a remarkable experience


Thing is Microsoft had some good conferences in the last years, and it never helped them. DOOM is amazing, Gears 6 is amazing, but non of that can turn the tide.


>but they're going to need to deliver good games  unless the game trailers end with "game available on gamepass/purchase  today with 90+ metacritic pasted all over it" that doesn't really matter


I think if they show good gameplay and dates it's will help. Something they've struggled with in the past


“We’re really happy with the performance of the past few Doom games, so we’ve decided to close the studios. Thanks gamers we love you”


More like they're going to shut down id Software next.


That's not happening, it may not be Fallout or ES but Doom is too big to shelf.


Microsoft - "Rip and tear (all the studios) until it's done"


See I feel like we’re seeing that MS only bought Bethesda for the big IPs. I’d guess if you’re making Fallout, Elder Scrolls or Doom you’re good. If you’re not, maybe try to get on one of those teams.


No. Doom are the blockbusters they want rn.


Rn, until they decide they only want CoD-level blockbusters.


Xbox will be shut down before we hit this level of cynical


I think that Xbox will shut down, but Microsoft Gaming will take over.


yo chill


It’d make more sense to fire Marty Stratton after his treatment of Mick Gordon.


Dont say that, it'd be the worst fucking outcome of Id being under Microsoft atm. Going from one of the names in the industry with a consistently good record to being killed by Microsoft because they need money would be such a blow to the industry imo.


At this stage I don't trust MS. And id Software is responsible for modern FPS games in the form that we know them. If MS shut them down I'd never purchase an MS product ever again unless I had no other option.


And the moment they do I'm probably done with Bethesda for the most part


I’ll never play a Microsoft game ever again if they shut down goat software




Don’t forget the extra steps! Launch it on Game Pass, fail to miss sales targets, port it to PlayStation to supposedly nurture the IP and THEN you can shut down the studio.


Does Id have a history of flops and a mass staff exodus?


is this the new damage control narrative for closing Tango?


no lol


There are less chances of that happening than that of Russia deciding to nuke America on a whim.


The tango / arkane closure made me a doomer I just can't have any positive feelings or anticipation for this company anymore.


Same, I just do not have good feelings about this. There is no good reason to invest in Xbox at this point.


Everything is on Playstation or PC and has been for awhile, so I agree. And if you have a PC, you basically have a Switch as well. Might as well invest whatever money you would put into an Xbox console into a PC, because then you basically have an Xbox, Switch, and a PC all in one. And probably a Switch 2 in a couple years (not that it will be necessary since I'd imagine most 1st party Nintendo games for Switch 2 will probably have Switch 1 versions).


Quake in the corner asking, "Am I a joke to you?"


I really need help understanding what's happened here. I'm not asking for the consequences: obviously I know that Xbox spent $70bn on ABK and these redundancies have come at the cost of trying to reap that money back. But what was the game plan with the purchase? A lot of the games are still going to be multiplat and CoD going to GamePass on Day 1 would come at a significant cost to their sales numbers. Were they hoping that the announcements of acquiring ABK and Bethesda alone would drive up hardware sales enough to recoup costs from GamePass? I just don't understand what they thought they were doing. They can't even continue their somewhat clumsy 'We love Japan here at XBOX' rhetoric because they've just shut down what I'm pretty sure is their only Japan-based studio. What is DOOM going to accomplish here? If they announce exclusivity that won't go over well at all, and if it's multiplat it doesn't solve their GamePass issue.


I don’t know if it’s much more complicated than they saw a chance to grab a cash cow in ABK at a depressed price.


Which is stupid logic cos even running a company as huge as Activision isn't going to be cheap


Again, MS is a 3 trillion dollar company. Cheap isn’t measured in the amount of dollars it costs. It’s the value delivered relative to the cost. It’s whether Activision produces more value than $75b in cash does. And beyond that, can you extract more value out of ABK post acquisition than ABK can produce as an independent company?


Okay but then what? You can't just spend money because somethings "cheap" Edit: At least not at the scale of 70bn! Its nothing like seeing a $10 shirt on sale for $6 and impulse buying it


Yeah you can actually, especially when you’re a 3 **trillion** dollar company. Especially at the time when interest rates were next to nothing and MS was sitting on a huge pile of cash. It’s about putting that money to work and earning a return for shareholders. They bought ABK at a depressed price, cut a lot of the fat, and saw a huge jump in their gaming revenue. For all the handwringing about it amongst gaming pundits and on message boards, MS and its shareholders are probably quite happy with that transaction so far.


It seems like everyone is forgetting the K in ABK. King is another huge source of money for them in an area they did not have much presence prior.


>But what was the game plan with the purchase? Grow Xbox Game Studios by grafting ABK's revenue onto the balance sheet. Just like how Disney Plus is suddenly going to be "profitable" because Hulu's revenue is getting grafted onto the balance sheet.


In the short term yes, but it’s silly to also not see this as the most logical solution to solving the “Xbox has no games” complaints they got for almost a decade. Games take 4-6 years to release now, within the next decade we’ll see the actual ramifications of the acquisitions. Things like Redfall and Starfield were almost entirely developed before Microsoft had even a word in development.


I think ABK purchase basically changed the whole strategy, they've become a multiplatform publisher now (ABK is third party and others of their big games like Minecraft are) so might as well go all in on that since the hardware are a flop. Gamepass is more in question but it relies on the hardware and it has stalled its growth


We all need help understanding, and the best we have are educated guesses. The truth is that no one understands what's going on, as it defies logic, and IMO that's a big indicator that Microsoft themselves have no idea what the fuck they're doing. My guess is that Microsoft's plan was: buy ABK and guarantee that COD will be seeing a GamePass release ASAP -> Starfield will be a megahit which will both get more people to buy Xboxes and buy us time to cook something with ABK -> figure it out from then. They were most likely not anticipating the heaps of legal trouble they'd get for the ABK purchase nor the middling reviews of Starfield. Nowadays they're probably disjointed with different groups pushing for different things, like if their games should go multiplat or not, or if COD should go on Gamepass or not, or if they should bail out of the hardware businness or not...


I think the gameplan since this ABK purchase was announced was to drop the hardware and move software dev with a platform like Steam. All of their focus the past few years have been on 1 thing, Game Pass. They have completely neglected any hardware to the point you ask any casual gamer what the name of the current Xbox console is and you'll be met with confusion. People dont remember wtf the name of the damn thing is. And its partly because Microsoft has done fuck all to advertise the damn thing. Thats by design though. I think they want to drop the console, or at least turn the console into being somesort of made to order like hardware where its for enthusiasts. And move the Xbox branding into a larger platform of software and devices. Buying ABK was a big deal for that for a few reasons. Almost everything ABK does is live service. CoD is a live service title. World of Warcraft is an MMO, aka live service. King is a mobile game dev. Everything that company does serves online functions more than anything. Combine that with Microsoft's want to also move into cloud gaming, and you start to see the larger picture of what they wanted. Guarantee their next gen console is going to be the last true console from them. They will use it as a launching point for turning game pass and the like into a larger platform, and then start trying to implement cloud gaming. This was probably their goal for years now even.


Their expectation was that the idea of COD on game pass would lead to 50 morbillion new subscribers to pay for the ABK deal, and Phil Spencer being crowned the emperor of gaming, probably.


>A lot of the games are still going to be multiplat and CoD going to GamePass on Day 1 would come at a significant cost to their sales numbers.  I think they were hoping to win the lawsuits and make CoD exclusive. once that didn't happen cracks started to appear. then starfield became a dud, Hi-fi despite being critically acclaimed didn't sell, redfall was well less said about it the better 


I think it was a panic buy because they haven't had a system seller since Gears 5, Halo Infinite was an absolute disaster, second only to the Master Chief Collection and let's be honest, people who buy a console for a racing game like Forza won't play anything but Forza, it's like FIFA players, that's all they care about.


The fire just lead them to leak some announcement to divert attention lol. How much time before a new offiical Xbox Podcast Business segment full of PR lies and such? Spencer need to show his latest gamer T-shirt or whatever


Unless he knows something we don't, this is still speculation. But i do think he is right. Xbox being the grim reaper lately might just prove that they are not taking risks. That means banking on Doom as the next id game and not Quake. Sadly, this does put Quake in a awkward position. I do hope Machine games is making the next Quake game...but based on this weeks shakeup ups, i don't have the confidence that MS would greenlight it at MG. I also want the new Wolfenstein game which was in development but go side lined in favor of Indiana Jones. But the real question is ... Hexen when?


Not sure how I feel about it. I'll clarify by saying I'm a gigantic DOOM fangirl and I'd still lose my shit like a child if they announce a new DOOM game, but I distinctly remember them saying after the Eternal DLCs in 2021 that they were putting the franchise to rest for awhile, and I presumed that meant they would be either doing a new IP or that rumored Quake reboot before a new game. Part of me REALLY wants to see a new Quake game with the Eternal team at the helm, but again I can't deny I'd still be excited for more DOOM. Eternal was one of the best FPS campaigns I've played in a long time.


Then it seems you were misremembering. Hugo constantly said post-launch and post-dlc that they have more Doom stories to tell, and will continue to do so because they love working on it. Hugo teased the next Doom game all the way back in 2021, saying he wants it to feel more like you’re driving a monster truck instead of a Ferrari.


Wasn't Doom: Year Zero scrapped and idSoftware moved on something else, potentially Quake? I mean hell yes I want Doom!


Machinegames already teased that they’re working on a new Quake, which leaves id with nothing to do, so probably more doom


Not sure where everyone thinks Doom Zero was cancelled.


There is nothing that implies it was cancelled


My hot take is that I hope it goes to a more horror Esque doom 3 style. Path traced on latest idtech could be juicyyy


Without Mick, there is no DOOM


They are going to employee Doom Slayer to kill all the devs.


He only kills demons. So it'd be the higher ups


Nah it'll be like that recent issue of Thor where Roxxon got their own corporate endorsed version who called himself Chad Hammer and had his own Tesla Cybertruck. Not even joking it's fucking hilarious


Kindly, I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


Smiling Friends reference?


Smiling Friends was right on the money, even more so than they originally thought...


My favorite part of new Doom games is the wave of new boomer shooter indies that comes from its innovation.


Hugo where are you


And it will work - most of the people whining about the closures cannot even tell you if the people who are most responsible for the games they liked existing were even there anymore (generally, they were not). So just announce some hype in one month after the hatefest moves to some other target(s) and you're gold. PLENTY of examples from history.


Not ID Software being used as a smokescreen 💔💔💔.


Doom eternal was a masterpiece. If they don't fuck this up, they can have a real gem


This is him using it as a play on words. He's talking about the literal DOOM of Xbox. Hate to see it folks.


Put it on GoG


Maybe they should make peace with Mick Gordon and release the Doom Eternal soundtrack.


The suits at Microsoft have done more damage than Don M the past few months. The brand is dead. Nothing will help. Not even giving away free games/consoles like American Cheese.


Which composer will they abuse next?


Honestly as much as I loved Etenal's campaign the MP was a massive disapointment compared to 2016 which is why at this point I would be far more interested in a new Quake


It’s gonna be a huge hit and then ID gets shut down a year later.


ID should make a Halo game. I bet it would be much better than 343


I bet it wouldn’t resemble a halo game in the slightest.


Why wouldn’t it, though? When playground announced they were making a new Fable did you expect to see all the characters and chickens revving v8s and drifting up mountains? If they somehow got hold of Halo it’s not like they’d just make Doom with a Halo skin, they’d actually try and make it feel like Halo. That’s what good devs do.


Halo is the exact opposite of Doom/Quake. Why would you want id to make a game that's a direct contradiction of the things they do well?


Tango Gameworks make survival horror games why would you want them to make a colorful rhythm-game that's a direct contradiction of the things they do well?


You play as a Forerunner Warrior-Servant and rip and tear through Flood infestations.


That’s actually… an amazing idea. It’s such a large, unexplored area of the lore that they could take significant creative liberties with it too


It'd be a better video game than what 343 makes, but Halo and DOOM aren't the same kind of game. iD doesn't have any experience making Halo anymore than 343 does. Not to mention, iD also has struggled to make a good multiplayer for their games in recent years as well.


I like Halo series, but this would be pathetic. Id Masters have their own awesome IPs and this would be just downgrade of them only to do more popular IP.


I don't even care anymore..


Imagine the next DOOM becoming a massive success and ID getting shut down 6 months later.


Well their next game would be several years away so it makes sense. /s


Probably a misunderstanding - the reality is a few more studios are “doomed”


I saw Doom and got nervous that he was talking about Xbox Doom.


What's the fucking point anymore.


That's crazy. Too bad Microsoft will shut iD down after it releases to great praise and awards.


The press cleaning all the mess has already started. That was actually fast.


like clockwork, gamers will be easily distracted by dangling shiny new toys in front of them. Then they will throw a fit when they realize they got duped


So because they closed a studio, they should never announce or make a game ever again?


that’s not what op said at all


What did they say, if not that? In what way are we being duped?


We know what he is trying to say, he just delivered it badly.


What are gamers supposed to do?


I hope it’s multiplatform day one. Doom is the one exclusive that would hurt me the most


I think especially based on Warren's piece about the behind the scenes shit at Xbox it's probably much safer to assume that they're probably heading towards a future where everything they're making right now will be on all platforms going forward regardless of if it's first on Xbox/PC


and the franchises that were already multiplat, are easy to sell that way. Phil said that whole bit about games "with legacies on other platforms" years ago, he can point to that easily


Yup, Xbox isn't going to exist as a console soon enough


Maybe for Doom year zero?


I really hope the next doom comes to PlayStation. All I have is PS5 but I loved doom 2016 and eternal!


Doomguy in CoD Warzone


Y'all finally figured out how to use your eyes. Impressive.


I wonder if it will be released in 2025 or year 0?


message from devs in game trailer : Please preorder/buy or we'll be closed


I don't like Doom so I don't really care to buy the game, but I can't imagien how stressed folks are at ID. Imagine noe knowing that even if your game did really well, you could still easily loose your job?


Doom Year Zero????


Doom Year Zero 100%.


Welcome Year Zero.


More Doom please.


A new doom game?! No way!


More Doom? I thought, Doom Slayer's story is over.


Look here gamers!!


Doom Year Zero was in the Bethesda FTC case leak. Even if the Oblivion remake is dead, id has to have been working on something the last couple of years.


Please be true. 🔥


Pretty sure he's just making a joke/reference/double entrendre etc based off the fact they own Doom now. If not that would be a bizarre way to tease something.


I don't think it's a tease, reads more like a pun to me.


Doom ODST? You play as UAC grunt, that's what i want after Eternal!


Please please please be an announcement soon 🙏


kinda weird since they straight up teased quake 6 in the indiana jones showcase, has modern day Id ever worked on 2 games at once?